jaklina michael - rdns - partnering with consumers to improve dementia- related health literacy

Partnering with Consumers to improve Dementia – Related Health Literacy Jaklina Michael, Dianne Goeman, Jordan King, Huy Luu, Claire Emmanuel, Susan Koch Jaklina Michael Manager, Diversity National Dementia Conference 21 st & 22 nd March 2016 Brisbane, Queensland

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Partnering with Consumers to improve Dementia – Related Health Literacy

Jaklina Michael, Dianne Goeman, Jordan King, Huy Luu, Claire Emmanuel, Susan Koch

Jaklina MichaelManager, DiversityNational Dementia Conference21st & 22nd March 2016Brisbane, Queensland

Diversity at RDNSAbout the Talking Book

Practical demonstration

Diversity at RDNS

• More than 2 million to more than 45,000 clients

• 81% age 56 + & 63% age 70+• High % women & lone-person household

• High % disability

• High % pension income source

• 0.7% Aboriginal

• 60% born overseas

• 159 countries & 117 languages

© RDNS Ltd. 20134

Diversity Conceptual Model - Article

Michael J. Diversity Conceptual Model for aged care:

Person-centred, difference-oriented and connective

with a focus on benefit, disadvantage and equity.

Australasian Journal on Ageing 2016 (In press).

Diversity at RDNSAbout the Talking BookPractical demonstration


To develop a Vietnamese Dementia talking-book to

address low health literacy in older people of

Vietnamese background living with dementia


This qualitative study utilised co-design and

participatory action research to develop and refine the

talking book in consultation with expert stakeholders.

Data collection

There were two main phases in the development of the

talking book:

• Phase 1 - Selection and assessment of the English

content and grade reading level

• Phase 2 - Evaluation of the finished product

Participants: Design of bookParticipated in the co-design and refinement of the talking


• Phase 1 - Fifty-nine members of the Vietnamese

community, 11 stakeholders from community health

services and ethnic agencies and consumer advocacy


• Phase 2 – Twenty-two members of the Vietnamese



Vietnamese community planned activity groups in the

western, northern and southern suburbs of Melbourne,


Phase 1 Results:Co-design study

• Process : Partnering with consumers and expert

stakeholders to identify consumer need

• Selection of content and appropriate language level

• Construction of the book

• Measuring acceptability of the talking book

• Modification based on feedback

• Production and dissemination

Phase 1 Results….

‘The terminology you have used is the best way to explain Dementia’.

(Focus group participant 1)

‘I am so happy it is in Vietnamese and English, it means l can share the information with my family who do not understand Vietnamese’.

(Focus group participant 20)

Phase 2 Results:Evaluation study of product

Evaluation of the final talking book product

revealed widespread consensus that the book

enhanced the knowledge of members of the

Vietnamese community in regard to understanding

dementia and navigation and accessing of available


Phase 2 Results……

‘... this is a very good one. People who don't

understand in writing, they can understand in listen’

(Participant 1: male)

‘The voice is very clear and he pronounces the words

clearly, so it’s good. It’s a good choice of the person

reading it’

(Focus Group 3: male)

Diversity at RDNSAbout the Talking BookPractical demonstration


Jaklina MichaelManager, [email protected] 561 068