jacques villeneuve

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  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    Jacques VilleneuveFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article is about the younger Jacques Villeneuve. For his uncle, see Jacques Villeneuve

    (racing driver, born 1953).

    Jacques Villeneuve

    Villeneuve in 2010

    Nationality  Canadian

    Born Jacques Joseph Charles Villeneuve

     April 9, 1971 (age 45)

    ain!"Jean"sur"#ichelieu, $ue%ec, Canada

    Related to &illes Villeneuve ('a!her)

    Jacques Villeneuve r (uncle)

    Championship titles

    1997 or*ula +ne orld Cha*pion

    1995 --& .nd/ Car orld eries Cha*pion

    1995 .ndianapolis 500 inner 


    1994 --& .nd/ Car orld eries #ooie o' !he ear 


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    1994 .ndianapolis 500 #ooie o' !he ear 

    NASCAR Sprint Cup Series career 

    4 races run over /ears

    201 position 51s!

    Best !inish 51s! (201)

    "irst race 2007 3A"ord 500 (alladega)

    #ast race 201 o/o!aave 6ar! 50(ono*a)

    Wins Top tens   Poles

    0 0 0

    NASCAR $!inity Series career 

    9 races run over 5 /ears

    Car no%& team o 27 (ing u! #acing)

    Best !inish 49!h (2012)

    "irst race 2008 A-A Au!o -ar!s 200(6on!real)

    #ast race 2012 A-A Au!o -ar!s 200(6on!real)

    Wins Top tens   Poles

    0 6 1

    NASCAR Campin' (orld )ruc* Series career 

    7 races run over 1 /ear 

    Best !inish 42nd (2007)

    "irst race 2007 *i!hs :as Vegas 50(:as Vegas)

    #ast race 2007 ord 200 (;o*es!ead)

    Wins Top tens   Poles


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    0 0 0

    NASCAR +inty,s Series career 

    races run over 2 /ears

    Car no%& team o 24 (

  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    "irst win 199=

  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    !his !i*e challenging 6ichael chu*acher  and once again !aing i! !o !he 'inal round in JereH,

    here chu*acher re!ired a'!er !he !o collided

    1997 ould %e !he las! /ear in hich Villeneuve ould in a cha*pionship level race and 'inish

    !he season in !he !op !hree or 1998, Villeneuves illia*s !ea* had !o 'are i!h less

    co*pe!i!ive 6ecachro*e engines, and Villeneuve *oved !o !he nel/ 'or*ed ?ri!ish A*erican

    #acing !ea* in 1999 ;e s!a/ed !here 'or !he ne@! 'our seasons %u!, 'olloing poor resul!s he as

    replaced %/ 'or*er  ?ri!ish or*ula hree Cha*pion au*a a!o Villeneuve also drove

    'or #enaul! a! !he end o'  2004, and au%er  !ea* in !he 2005 season and eleven races o' !he200=

    season %e'ore su''ering an inIur/ in &er*an/ Villeneuve as replaced %/ #o%er! u%ica and

    soon ?6 and Villeneuve par!ed co*pan/

    +u!side or*ula +ne, Villeneuve has !aen on several ne careersB in spor!scar racing, racing

    'or -eugeo! in !he2007 and 2008 24 ;ours o' :e 6ans, Iu*ping !o ACA# in Augus! 2007 and

    racing as an invi!ed driver in !he Argen!inian op #ace V= series and !he Aus!ralian"

    %ased .n!erna!ional V8 upercars Cha*pionship As a *usician, he has released an al%u*

    !i!led &rivate &aradise

    ;e as induc!ed in!o Canadas al o' a*e in 1998



    • 1-ersonal and earl/ li'e

    • 2#acing career 

    o 211998B illia*s

    221999>200B ?A#

    22004B #enaul!

    242005>200=B au%er and ?6 au%er 

    252010B !e'an

    2=2011B -o!en!ial !ea* onership

    o 24:e 6ans

    o 25ACA#

    o 2=peedcar 

    o 27op #ace V=


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    o 28V8 upercars

    o 29.A orld #all/cross Cha*pionship

    o 210or*ula <

    • ;el*e!

    • 46usic career 

    • 5V appearances

    • =6o!orspor!s career resul!s

    o =1Career su**ar/

    o =2A*erican open"heel racing resul!s

    =21o/o!a A!lan!ic Cha*pionship


    =2.nd/Car eries

    =24.ndianapolis 500

    o =or*ula +ne

    o =4por!s car racing

    =4124 ;ours o' :e 6ans

    =42:e 6ans eries

    =4Co*ple!e 24 ;ours o' pa resul!s

    o =5ACA#

    =51prin! Cup eries

    =511Ga/!ona 500

    =52K'ini!/ eries

    =5Cra'!s*an ruc eries

    =54Canadian ire eries

    o ==+!her s!oc cars

    ==1peedcar eries

    ==2!oc Car ?rasil

    o =7ouring Cars


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    =71V8 upercar 

    o =8Co*ple!e .A orld #all/cross Cha*pionship resul!s

    o =9Co*ple!e or*ula < resul!s

    • 7ee also

    • 8#e'erences

    • 9

  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    /ears %e'ore Villeneuve 'inished !he season in si@!h posi!ionF 11 poin!s %ehind cha*pion Al

    3nser Jr and also !aing !he #ooie o' !he ear  aard

    Villeneuve s!ar!ed !he 1995 ca*paign s!rongl/, inning !he 'irs! race on !he s!ree!s o' 6ia*i

     Along i!h !he in in 6ia*i ca*e !hree o!her vic!ories, !he *os! signi'ican! o' hich ca*e

    a! .ndianapolis 'or !he .nd/ 500 Gespi!e a *id"race !o lap penal!/, Villeneuve 'ough! his a/

    %ac up !hrough !he 'ield #unning second i!h less !han 10 laps !o go, Villeneuve clai*ed !he

    lead 'ro* 'ello Canadian co!! &ood/ear  a'!er &ood/ear as penaliHed 'or having passed !he

    pace"car %e'ore !he res!ar! i!h &ood/ear ou! o' !he pic!ure Villeneuve en! on !o in !he race

    %/ !o seconds over ?raHilian Chris!ian i!!ipaldi

    ;is per'or*ances, as ell as his 'a*il/ na*e, %rough! hi* !o !he a!!en!ion o'  ran illia*s, 

    6anagerial Girec!or o' !heillia*s &rand -ri@ !ea* illia*s signed hi* !o his or*ula

    +ne !ea* 'or 199= and Villeneuve %egan !es!ing !he illia*s 1 car in 1995 a'!er !he .nd/Car

    season Villeneuve as !he las! CA# .nd/Car orld eries cha*pion %e'ore !he 199=

    CA#.#: spli! crea!ed !o rival seriesB he .nd/ #acing :eague (.#:) and !he Cha*p Car orld


    "ormula -needi!E

    166781669: (illiamsedi!E

    +ain article -illia#sF1

    Villeneuve driving 'or !he illia*sor*ula +ne !ea* a! !he 199=Canadian &rand -ri@


    Villeneuve signed a !o"/ear con!rac! i!h illia*s i!h an op!ion /ear availa%le !o hi* as ell

    1E Villeneuve i*pressed during his de%u! race in Aus!ralia, !aing pole posi!ion and al*os! on

    !he race ?u! due !o an oil lea Villeneuve as 'orced !o slo don and allo !ea* *a!e Ga*on

    ;ill !o pass and !ae vic!or/ a! !he opening round o' !he Cha*pionship, !he Canadian hoever

    did *anage !o hold on!o second place .! ould %e ano!her 11 /ears %e'ore ano!her driver

    'inished on !he podiu* on his de%u! hich as :eis ;a*il!on during !he 2007 Aus!ralian &rand


    Villeneuve on his 'irs! or*ula +ne race a! !he 'our!h round a! !he Pr%urgring despi!e co*ing

    under pressure 'ro* !heerrari o' 6ichael chu*acher  Villeneuve on a 'ur!her !hree races and

    *anaged !o !ae !he !i!le !o !he 'inal round a!uHua he Canadian and !ea* *a!e ;ill ere !he

    onl/ drivers ho could in !he !i!le, %u! i!h a gap o' nine poin!s %e!een hi*sel' and ;ill prior !o

    !he 'inal race his chances o' inning !he !i!le ere sli* .n !he end, ;ill on !he race hile

    Villeneuve re!ired on !he 7!h lap a'!er his righ!"rear heel ca*e o''


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    ;aving on 4 races in his de%u! season, Villeneuve !oo !he record 'or *os! ins in his 'irs!

    cha*pionship season ;e also %eco*e !he 'irs! driver in or*ula +ne his!or/ !o 'inish second in

    his 'irs! cha*pionship season ?o!h records ere la!er equaled %/  :eis ;a*il!on in 2007


    ;ill as dropped %/ illia*s 'or 1997, *aing Villeneuve !he !ea*s lead driver &er*an ;einH";arald ren!Hen as %rough! in !o replace ;ill Villeneuve once again challenged 'or !he !i!le, %u!

    ins!ead o' ;ill, !he Canadian 'ound hi*sel' %a!!ling i!h !hen dou%le orld Cha*pion 6ichael


    Gavid Coul!hard !oo !he opening race in Aus!ralia %u! Villeneuve !oo !he ne@! !o ins in ?raHil

    and Argen!ina ive *ore vic!ories ca*e !ha! season a! !he panish, ?ri!ish, ;ungarian, Aus!rian

    and :u@e*%ourg &rand -ri@ Villeneuve also clai*ed !en pole posi!ions ;is *ain rival

    chu*acher had 'ive ins o' his on !o se! up a shodon a! !he 'inal race o' !he season

     A! uHua, Villeneuve s!ar!ed on pole %u! as placed a! !he %ac o' !he grid a'!er ignoring /ello'lags during a!urda/ prac!ice An appeal %/ illia*s sa his posi!ion reins!a!ed ;oever,

    Villeneuve 'inished 5!h %u! as disquali'ied 'ro* !he race leaving chu*acher leading !he Grivers

    Cha*pionship %/ one poin! 1=E

    he !i!le as decided a! !he 'inal round in JereH Villeneuve ca*e ou! on !op and on !he orld

    Cha*pionship in onl/ his second season, %u! !he race as re*e*%ered 'or a collision %e!een

    hi*sel' and !i!le rival chu*acher As Villeneuve passed chu*acher a! !he "ry ac  corner

    during !he 48!h lap, !he &er*an !urned in!o !he Canadians carF leaving Villeneuve i!h a

    da*aged sidepod Villeneuve recovered hoever and !oo !hird place and !he !i!le hile

    chu*acher re!ired and as disquali'ied 'ro* !he Cha*pionship 17E

    Villeneuve driving 'or illia*s a! !he1998 .!alian &rand -ri@


    Villeneuves career en! in!o sharp decline 'olloing his orld Cha*pionship !i!le #e*aining

    i!h illia*s in 1998 (and %eco*ing !he 'irs! illia*s driver since ee #os%erg in 1982 !o s!a/

    i!h !he !ea* 'or his !i!le de'ense), he s!ruggled i!h an underpoered 6ecachro*e engine

    hich ere %asicall/ re%adged #enaul! V10 engines 'ro* !he previous season !ha! despi!e so*e

    develop*en! had %een over!aen in poer %/ %o!h errari and !he 6ercedes"

    ?enH poered 6c:arens ;e 'ailed !o in a single race (lie ;ill !he previous season), al!hough

    he did 'inish on !he podiu* !ice in &er*an/ and;ungar/ Villeneuve 'inished 'i'!h in !he GriversCha*pionship i!h 21 poin!s, 79 poin!s %ehind Cha*pion 6ia ;Qinen in !he 6c:aren"



  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    16668200: BARedi!E

    +ain article ritish '#erican /acing 

    Villeneuve driving 'or ?A# in !he !ea*s 'irs! season, a! !he 1999 Canadian &rand -ri@


    .n 1999, Villeneuve Ioined !he nel/ 'ounded ?ri!ish A*erican #acing (?A#) !ea*, co"'ounded

    and par!l/ oned %/ Villeneuves personal *anager, Craig -olloc, and %/  Adrian #e/nard

    Joining hi* as his !ea* *a!e as ?raHilian #icardo Lon!a here as a lo! o' *edia h/pe a%ou!

    !he ne squad, %u! despi!e !he high e@pec!a!ions, ?A# had a poor season, re!iring 'ro* !he 'irs!

    eleven races o' !he season "an un'or!una!e record" and no! scoring a single Cha*pionship poin!

     A! !i*es !he car shoed a pro*ising pace, Villeneuve running in !hird place a! ?arcelona, %u!

    o'!en, !echnical pro%le*s ruined his chances Villeneuve su''ered a high speed crash during

    prac!ice a! !he ?elgian &rand -ri@ a! !he

  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    Villeneuve in 2002


    -olloc as saced 'ro* his pos! as !ea* *anager in 2002 and as replaced

    %/-rodrive %oss Gavid #ichards Along i!h -olloc, #ichards saced echnical Girec!or 6alcol*

    +as!ler  and 'i'!/ *e*%ers o' s!a'' a! ?A#20E he

  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    i!h no con!rac! 'or 2004, Villeneuve as 'orced !o !ae a sa%%a!ical, %u! *ain!ained !ha! he

    an!ed !o re!urn !o !he spor! ;e con!inued !raining and *ade a special appearance a!

    !he &oodood es!ival o' peed driving his la!e 'a!hers errari .n ep!e*%er, Villeneuve

    re!urned !o or*ula +ne, driving !he 'inal !hree &rands -ri@ o' !he season 'or !he

    rench #enaul! !ea* Jarno rulli had 'allen ou! o' 'avour and !ea* %oss lavio ?ria!ore 'el!

    Villeneuve ould %e or!h a ga*%le 2E Al!hough voing !o help #enaul! achieve second place in

    !he cons!ruc!ors cha*pionship, ahead o' his 'or*er !ea* ?A#, Villeneuve 'ailed !o score a single

    poin!, una%le !o 'inish an/ o' his races on !he lead lapF #enaul! se!!led 'or !hird in !he 'inal

    s!andings Villeneuve ad*i!!ed !ha! !he en'orced la/"o'' had cos! hi* vi!al sea! !i*e i!h !he cars

    so *uch 'as!er !han in 200, he 'ound i! di''icul! !o adap!, and i!h an up"and"co*ing ernando

     Alonso as !ea*"*a!e his !as as *ade all !he *ore di''icul! he /oung paniard proved 'as!er

    Jus! %e'ore his "race #enaul! co*e%ac, Villeneuve signed a !o"/ear con!rac! !o drive

    'or au%er , s!ar!ing in200524E


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    Villeneuve a! !he 200= Canadian &rand -ri@

    everal changes ere *ade a! au%er during !he o'' season irs!, !he iss !ea* ere %ough!

    %/ ?6 and rena*ed ?6 au%er he &er*an *anu'ac!urer ished !o s!ar! !heir on ors

    !ea* 'olloing a si@"/ear par!nership i!h Villeneuves 'or*er e*plo/ers illia*s .n addi!ion,

    6assa le'! au%er 'or !he vacan! role le'! %/ #u%ens ?arrichello a! errari and ic ;eid'eld as

    %rough! in !o replace hi* Villeneuve scored seven poin!s during !he 'irs! !elve rounds o' !he

    season ?u! a! !he&er*an &rand -ri@, Villeneuve had allegedl/ sus!ained an inIur/ in a crash on

    lap 125E

    Villeneuve als aa/ 'ro* his crashed 10= a! !he 200= &er*an &rand -ri@, his las! 1 race

     A'!er replacing Villeneuve in ;ungar/, !es! driver  #o%er! u%ica drove !o a solid seven!h place,despi!e !he chao!ic e! condi!ions, %u! as la!er disquali'ied %ecause his car as !oo ligh! i!hin

    da/s, ?6 and Villeneuve announced !ha! !he/ had par!ed co*pan/ i!h i**edia!e e''ec!

    2=E he reason 'or his depar!ure as la!er revealed !ha! he si*pl/ did no! an! !o %e a par! o' a

    po!en!ial Nshoo!"ou!N i!h u%ica, 'eeling !ha! he had proven hi*sel' alread/27E

    2010: Ste!anedi!E

    +ain article te!an rand &ri2 

    Villeneuve as close !o signing i!h !e'an &- 'or !he 2010 or*ula +ne season, and under!oo

    a sea! 'i!!ing, %u! !he .A did no! cer!i'/ !e'an &- 'or co*pe!i!ion in 2010 Villeneuve s!a!ed heas s!ill looing 'or 'ur!her oppor!uni!ies in or*ula +ne in 2010 and 2011 28E

    2011: +otential team ownershipedi!E

    .n !he *iddle o' Jul/ 2010, repor!s 'ro* !he &er*an *edia e*erged revealing !ha! Villeneuve

    as pu!!ing !oge!her an en!r/ %id !o Ioin !he 2011 or*ula +ne gridi!h his on !ea* under !he

    na*e NVilleneuve #acingN he repor! en! on !o sugges! !ha! Villeneuve #acing had sa!is'ied !he

    en!r/ cri!eria se! %/ !he .A and had Ioined !o o!her ou!'i!s on a shor!lis! o' !ea*s under

    considera!ion 'or !he grid en!r/ Villeneuve su%sequen!l/ released a s!a!e*en! con'ir*ing !he

    e@is!ence o' !he en!r/, and !ha! i! is a colla%ora!ion i!h !he .!alian Gurango !ea*


    #e ansedi!E


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    e@perience in !his !/pe o' car, he elec!ed !o s!ar! !he race 'ro* !he %ac o' !he 'ield and ran !here

    'or *os! o' !he race ;e 'inished 21s! due !o a large nu*%er o' acciden!s and *echanical 'ailure

    on !he o!her cars Villeneuve 'ailed !o quali'/ 'or !he 2008 Ga/!ona 500 ;e los! his ride in ?ill

    Gavis #acings o 27 car due !o a loss o' sponsorship, !o da/s a'!er he caused a pileup in his

    quali'/ing race, hen his car go! loose, !hen slid %ac up !he !rac, colliding i!h ano!her car

    E ;e !oo par! in !he a!ionide race in 6on!real 'or ?raun #acing he race s!ar!ed o'' in !he

    sun, %u! %e'ore hal'a/, i! %egan !o rain and !he !ea*s ere !old !o pi! and use rain"!ires, 'or !he

    'irs! !i*e in ACA# $uali'/ing 5!h, Villeneuve 'inished 1=!h a'!er crashing in!o a car during a

    cau!ion caused %/ poor visi%ili!/ due !o !he rain he race ended shor!l/ a'!er

    Villeneuve a! !he 2011 #oad A*erica a!ionide race

    .n 2009, Villeneuve had !o s!ar!s in !he Canadian ire eries ;is %es! s!ar! as 'i'!h and his

    %es! 'inish as 'our!h, %o!h in !he Augus! 2009 even! a! Circui! de rois"#ivieres Villeneuve also

    had !o s!ar!s in !he 2009 ACA# a!ionide eries, %o!h 'or ?raun #acing, i!h his %es!

    per'or*ance s!ar!ing si@!h and 'inishing 'our!h a! Circui! &illes Villeneuve, again under e!condi!ions and !he second !i*e rain !ires ere used in a ACA# even! ;e as !hen !a%%ed !o

    drive !he o 2 car in 6on!real and a! #oad A*erica in 20104E A! #oad A*erica, he quali'ied

    second and s!a/ed in second place 'or *uch o' !he race including leading !hree laps ;e as

    una%le !o co*ple!e !he race since an al!erna!or  ire %roe on !he 'inal lapF he as credi!ed i!h a

    25!h"place 'inish as !he 'irs! car one lap don 5E=E or 2011 Villeneuve agreed !o !ae over

    'or ?rad eselosi in !he nu*%er 22 car 'or -ense #acing in !he a!ionide eries 'or !o

    races hich eselosi could no! a!!end ;e s!ar!ed and 'inished !hird a!  #oad A*ericaF la!er he

    on !he pole a! Circui! &illes Villeneuve %e'ore 'inishing 27!h 7E

    Villeneuve *ade his re!urn !o !he Cup eries in 201 in !he 51 car 'or  -hoeni@ #acing a! ono*a


    .n 201=, Villeneuve re!urned !o ACA#, driving !he o 27 ord 'or  ing u! #acing in !he

    K'ini!/ eries Gespi!e ini!ial plans !o s!ar! a! Ga/!onas -oerhares $$$ 00,9E Villeneuve

    announced !he !ea* ould *ae i!s de%u! !o ees la!er a! :as Vegas 6o!or peeda/

    40E;oever, !he 27 !ea* did no! sho in :as Vegas and has /e! !o en!er a race

    Speedcar edi!E

    i!h no sponsor 'or !he ACA# prin! Cup eries, Villeneuve Ioined !he peedcar eries 'or

    !he re*ainder o' !he 2008 season he series is co*posed o' road courses and s!occars si*ilar

    !o ACA# and Villeneuve said N+n a personal level, peedcar ill give *e *ore road racing


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    e@perience i!h !his ind o' cars hich ill %e use'ul in 'u!ure ACA# road course even!s and

    i!s also a grea! e@cuse !o *ee! race 'ansN 41E ;e raced 'our !i*es i!h a %es! 'inish o' si@!h place

    Villeneuve driving 'or ell/ #acinga! !he Coa!es ;ire .psich 00 in 2012

    )op Race V7edi!E

     A'!er racing %o!h ACA# prin! Cup and peedcar eries, Villeneuve as invi!ed %/ !he op

    #ace V= chair*an AleIandro 3r!u%e/ !o Ioin !he series in i!s *aIor even! o' !he 2008 season,

    called a 4arrera del 'o (The /ace o! the ear ), held a! !he ?uenos Aires circui! Villeneuveraced !he o 27 car (Volsagen -assa! silhoue!!e) o' !he +ro #acing !ea* and 'inishing !he

    race in !he 1=!h place .n 2009 he as invi!ed again !o run in !o ou! o' !he !hree *aIor races in

    !he seasonB one a! .n!erlagos on Jul/ 19 (did no! 'inish a'!er con!ac! i!h :eonel -ernUa and spun)

    and !he o!her %eing !he second edi!ion o' a 4arrera del 'o a! !he ?uenos Aires circui! on

    ep!e*%er 20, !he las! *en!ioned race %eing i!s %e!!er resul!s in !he series, 'inishing 1!h Guring

    a press con'erence held during !he previous ee %e'ore a 4arrera del 'o, Villeneuve s!a!ed

    !ha! he ould race !he hole 2010 season i' he did no! ge! an/!hing in or*ula +ne or ACA#

    Villeneuve co*pe!ing in !he 2014 orld #all/cross Cha*pionship

    V9 Supercarsedi!E

    Villeneuve 'irs! co*pe!ed in !he V8 upercar  series as an endurance co"driver par!nered

    i!h -aul Gu*%rell 'or #od ash #acing in !he 2010 &old Coas! =0042E

    .n 2012, Villeneuve par!icipa!ed in !he ucrogen onsville 400, Coa!es ;ire .psich 00 and

    /dne/ 6o!orspor! -ar =0 rounds, driving !he o 51 -epsi"sponsored ell/ #acing ;olden V<

    Co**odore 'illing in 'or an inIured &reg 6urph/4E

    "A (orld Rallycross Championshipedi!E

    .n 2014 i! as announced !ha! Villeneuve ill %e !aing par! in !he .A orld #all/cross

    Cha*pionship i!h Al%a!ec #acing in a -eugeo! 20844E

    .n e%ruar/ 2014 Al%a!ec released Villeneuve 'ro* his con!rac! !o race in !he 3 round o' !heorld #all/cross Cha*pionship so !ha! he can race in !he .nd/ 500'or ch*id! -e!erson



  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


  • 8/16/2019 Jacques Villeneuve


    Gece*%er 1, 2007, 7n!o#an $%%8 , a sa!irical end"o'"/ear revie on #adio"Canada, announced

    !ha! he had sold onl/ 8= CGs in or!h A*erica

    TV appearancesedi!E

    Villeneuve has appeared in various V co**ercials 'or ;onda hen he as driving 'or !he ?A#

    !ea* .n 6arch 200=, hen driving 'or ?6 au%er, he appeared in !elevision ca*paign

    'or .n!els Cen!rino lap!op ca*paign, in hich he !ou!s !he %ene'i!s o' using .n!el Cen!rino Guo

    6o%ile echnolog/

    Villeneuve also appeared in a Canadian co**ercial alongside +l/*pic gold *edal"inning

    sprin!er and coun!r/*an Gonovan ?aile/ shor!l/ a'!er inning his 1997 1 orld Grivers !i!le

    he ad proclai*ed Canada !o %e !he N'as!es! na!ion on ear!hN

    .n 1997, 'olloing his in o' !he or*ula +ne orld Cha*pionship, Villeneuve appeared in

    a Volsagen adver! on $ue%ec !elevision Villeneuve as seen driving a V %e'ore s!opping

    and sa/ing a! !he ca*era !ha! he has no!hing agains! &er*an gu/s, *uch less 'or !he

    Nalle*andesN, re'erring !o !he vehicle and &er*an girlsa re'erence !o his rivalr/ i!h  6ichael

    chu*acher  and 'or !he inciden! a! !he 1997