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. StMirff'tmSViW.- - sisztna - V V r , s ,l ',?" y" -- -. Ta Ti- - a'ift oi'mr's win;. THE EXILE. torniviucAThD cr j t tor. yAUEWELT., oh native p:in! farewell for eve-- more : -- ' hefe banifhM eves ihall view rhv fart no A miumful tells mv heart, thit never G,)nzilvo s Hld! Aiin ih 1 nrels t'iv (hore X Hufh'd are ths winjt ; while f)ft the vefiel faittnz rirf'n : Wirh centl- - motion plouEht the tirrrtiffled I feel nr b ifom's hualted courace f tiline, AnJ ciineths .vaves wlnclibearme fai f 0.11 Spiin. t Tee it ' Beneath yon blue cletr heaven itill ilo the fpi'es, 10 well bel.iv d, appear j From yonder crajlv point t 'egde of even, v,till wat'rs my native atC-n- ts to mine ear. Propped on fo'ne moss erown'd rock, and gii ly singing, , I There in the sun his net e fi.'her dri. st Oft hive I heard tie pi unrive Hall censofpaltjVsnet,lre.nv.r)v.nees. AtI hippv i"w n ! he waits the accufinm'dhply but good workmen. hour, . -- f .. "" When tMMlH.hr 'he clofine fkv; . Tlien gladly feekt his I iv'ft pitenal bowc.,1 And iliires ths feait his native fi Ls supply. FriendihSp and Love, his cotte guefls, re- - ce ve h m With honest lcom and with finilc lincere : No Cih ins bosom ow s, his ch ek no tear. , I 1. . r...: r..u KllC ma rtnmnfr H.ii HI ITV.,HI iu-- l um-l- niv. ii,uiiii Portu w t'iv lor with -- 'iivv hid-- , me vte ; Mff.wi from hoini! and an exile sir ing, , Bid a 1 value, all I adieu. Ni more mine ear (h 1, list the vvil knowndiny Miii , ov 10 ue m lantaiu i rl uuu tends her goats I 50 n- - vi limm,iliinii.sm ton' urv, - Or ft .nierd chantn g mid ms tuilic notes, Ni morq my arms a pire"t's fml einb-jci-- s, Nomoiemv h r d p.ueiticc iim niult kno ; "Far fiom thef.- - j iys, witli n,h wliali mciii r traces, To ful'try Ik e ani dillant climes I go : UMiere In li m ftns enjen !er new dieafes, While In.ikjs an 1 t'gers bwed, I bend my no S pliiiii', ufi HAVE the vern h:, , m ece the . 01 '.town, to Joshua Wilson, oi A,d my ' thanks numerous tii thus to . whilltiii ." n hapgy. feel irt dot continue ti a.e to A'i m ! h iw oft will fanev's spells nflnni've , It to uiy mint. : II . v tt will ' ltl me U llv noli icr to t deligit, dtar I T." t 1 anJ lov d how ersi on I p1 iv JtycallU's lulls, its f Eichmicl-regreiiejwJo- u, .hiu. "- - glade; I Qrcimsofth-lan- d all mv wifhece more .. f Thvlcenes, I amd-ioi- Ln iii . oft1 hill in my soul stonnen-- A 'di.no.iti pleafuie to plelt-twoe- . lo ' the sun the retires ; 1 5 it her empire to ; CI fro n mv t e tne villas spires, N iw lwii 1 not,'vindl he water's r iltep, mv , in the main tne ''P1 ' One- - mire eves 11 see the Vj n ii 'he ! Mv 'a petition ftornini., the iK, and h gh the bihovvs fw.--l i Var be before the ofmorninf;.-Oi- l for .nitivt faiewell Trifles s A GEiU'lAN STORY. foi of an old farmer, by .ha or oiler, tiavelled through remote countries is no. i, r in sis h c.il i, returned i .eh richer Ik tb in in tew h H nv.il, ii.'ud his '. 0 letifinle (llietvd oh i llo v ) a t diftantc .ion :h.- - fh Vi '; h ipp.ned ma 1 d. p iff d v, i, wlncli ih i n ' f.itlur,' !u in U me, Ivb me in rn'iid of one 1 in irv travels, large as tlu i. of c.it hnrft-.-' 'Wharjn t II replies the fatlif r,gravt-Iy- , ' a ii '. ih s don't tl' ",n t' . r w- - e wholly L'lt digits ; bv by we dge, Hhitli we be obh, t- - als, whith t much I ndimrj t!..' of which V' hiv.'aid talking, I lrv I ty it is the w , . of V7itch. All know ct it is thi-,- , tb is I c a in the of it, against wlrch one is urn as one s on, bieak a is it f'i one im the cotlrl'a of th? ' youth was a flartled t th . ftuiT-- e account Aster proceeding . th it inte fie said, At a 1 ue walking father 1 j b it to dorr, did I fa- -' as iur !,. I101T-- ? for Ure the they were r tur advaui'l tin their wav. 'un ' 11'', . " r lr irn ' cot. - Jo i !t. ! e i I li e ;.p-ai j a a cuuncc II ar me, my tic i l.uhT , the of whuh I fpeak'mg, wm large, but no: quite so as heifer ; I n however it was lar cr Uian "t arrived the of ttfi bi 'J Th- - son Hops 'Ah, fa ther,' he, be a l ifimpleton astob.-liev- e lhaveieena OI men a ior imiciiircuimuii speak the truth, the dog I mv travels was about the 1Ve saw.' WIM1UJIL OPKNINfi t j -jfcarles Wilkhis, Jn tneRrick oppnfite the CourtUoufe, oicupietlbv Meflrt. arid aii Vxtenfive ACbrtucntot Drv Goods, Ware, Queens Ware, Groceties. Crowley Steel, 1? Uosey,s Iron ; Wlucji I "be cheap'foT Cash or Hemp. tY Lexinj.toP, 3 I May, j, Fotir or Journeymen r0),' Afukcts wanted. None need - i. Kfiu Aliu KLA " fllE SUBhCKIKXlt ISHES inJom.the he tiriues to on the v yVELL-WnlRH- T BUSINESS, Bl.UE DYING, I Oi (licet, at sign of the pinninc! ......, Vh"l : will dvf rnttni,. . llnrn t nl .... .u...... warm wincn wi warrant o any bine in America deepelt blue for per lb. My isl C. jiiampr. B on m ,y perionwnnmc to ,ch ii them it is a warm dve and will John Coldwell. Lexington, 1804. tf 3 " 4 ' 1 - ,rv"y sccoinmod the house Jluuatini) is capable of affording whirh, I hope I do not prefunie in saying, be equal to in the Western Coun- - ry. J, POSTLETHWAI V. Lexington, (X..) June 4. 1801. FOR SALE, a reduced price in Cash personal at valuation, the fjltoiumg Lands, entered for John Mav, on the north of the Kentucky river, ansl of Cedar creek. 30 acres", of 40, entered'by Geo. May, on the lick, on .Sandy. 9. lfi 1.4 acres halt ns 4.1.1 1.2 entered hv Mav.,5mnnH tin- - thi- - lafr pntrv. 9.snarr-S.lialf- nf entered. To')r7vaeythe.fev;rifh hfrd art appease,',' WILSON TAVERNj TiU vellow and nudding blazo (LATFLT fOSTr.ETHWAIT's.) y" I T rented House Ta- - Cnt not tofeel n.wpin5s ennfunte my live-- , OCCUplt.j by in t,;s lo.ic bv p meal in formerly Mv boiln z jloo.l 'iv initiate lever. b'.undlirtmisithtlis day that's ra&e, ' Bairdftown. I beg leave to retuin lincere to my cuftomoj-s- , 1 kiovfi h , .net. is leve', '.for thnr preter?nce in my savor lrom Vtiitimya outer i, thev . that houie, ard air confident T. thi on thee firevcy n alTunn thole their fa- -. A.idteel tut all j"s torn lioui in. l.vors VVilfon, 'hey willnQ -- call my tuti.e couitiv regret E.ch and l'lienu lelt MurcU's rales c -- rv.. river w'lti'e banks chill d, ancient owning where tre, property J no to jJ . ttor,, vvnici Full 'mors trace, pad Ba', '.beneath waves reflort ip-e- apice a"s lijhi iltu jucl"aintiy,.iidnowleiioiinure O Still the mi'ioi leep, bark file-ir- e on 9b, when lij.it Jt.dl gild ni'ne (h toatt id wilh Freli lnows Oiill we breik then, .pun, l'jht a'n.'' Th' some hid -- veral and as imiron hom. in know iidc Kvj aster accoi... ftth to miri.t-- t a that as 1 belli Id, hi. trim iiug puts iv ..t lead as rell our me,' me; btu inia 'ine riJiui a with- - and shall shall eoj ai.d more than dog on hrrn some that I that ihme mid- dle to fi ole pif and at lea'1; leg, binp-n- s that lied mv J'ho lisle dist ' what you ar return to th'13 how1 laiee vet nav, ftorvfrftrdV.il a m'de 'lhe h'j bud indeed dog h..ve been very a sine a.ui. length the-- at soot short says vou cannot such dog nzc; saw in as bio; as dog NOW Houfc l.ittlv Parker Uray, Hard best will sold IHU4. five u"kl" to public, thst con tarry S- - High the inn wirna nve, ne stand eaual to The ajb token tin p.ove convince Hand. 'loth May, c ition that and will any At and acres side lower side part fait Turin .100. Mav and bloom agt,' drank and mu'1 who Mr. that I'd oean, eve ice he tome thar extra sure (jo BT .mil . is those acre?, halt otiwho to Isaac Shelby, adjoining the last entei-- d 23, nooutju acres, coeing mat part May's entry of 1000, includinu, he confluence of the Sbuth fork with Licking, u Inch lies within the ,,Z . .,?,! f !- ,- o i f Falmouth. 666 2-- 3 acres pnrt'of Samu,el Mere dith's 1000, in the of Licking, . j. .i i n iQjoining tne lau entry, anu lnuuoing rj'ejremainder Falmouth Patented lOtliJuly, 1786. igp3 part of Me- - j redi;.c Geon-- e Clvmer's 2000 acie. - L'Cv rnteel N'ovi-mbe- r, 1786 or ot .r..o ,,. f AT , ' . - , ,. . , a vlf;t v i.w , ii ide ot ana joining J01111 Mays nien'iond. .000 acie; ent for Ben. Holli day?, on creek, adjoining ft 1000 acres, enteied for John Rayvfir north side of the fork of S river, iomincr Underwood, and inclining the mouth of Wilson's The ikimsto the above parcels ofr are deduct d, bv private from the pet ions for they were located. f T?r D1T1D Jan. S. 1804. tf. 31 FOR SALE, ?w? Hundi ed VlMfi littliit, tlir.. and a half miles J. KJl ClUjW.lllFi mv. " 1 ah's flation ti id there are about sis Piris. THOMAS HUGHES. th i' t'i, I oeii-v- e it be saying teen acres is lind, under good little t.ni rrurh ; for I reci HeA 't was with a never fn'mg forintr. hot T'K ri.ui.hsr.id But I wou'dfnv upo 1 terms apply to the ter of the Ken-- 1 th, tl .t it v. as bir ?n heifVr.' uickv Gazette, to 'he fnbft in July 2S. tf '. cret"k4tuinliv, 'First Rate Land, 44 h TALLOw U cii r At tin P, p, oppo.,f Sanders & Go's ftoie, next door ro the Nail Fac"or, Main Y- .-. n 'on J Valuable WORK LOhSP, er for V bis key. DOCTOR JOSEPH BOSWELL, Tl - AS removed to his farm, : Jcvei.4 j,ju nines eait 01 Lexington, ncasine, tie- uver. Kefnibrofe Dudley's, where lill 30 acres on the hai k cf Ke rnTnV to tiradtice Medicine, in river rPPf'te the mouth oi hjknian branches. All those indebTctl to him. are requtfted to come forwaid and lettle refpeitive accounts. 9, tb04. f5h sai:e. A Merchant-Mill- , Saw-Mi- ll and Diflilleuy. SITUATE on the waters of Silver- -creek, in Madison county, about six miles fr-n- the court-Iioufe- , and ten miles from the Kentucky riyer, to which is annexed 140 of $' Land. The flrcam and seat are equal to any in the itate, and the Mills and lery in prime order. Vir ap- ply to the fubfciiher on the pren-ile- s HOBKRT PORTED. Madison county ") iff, 1803. j tf KUbti MaKIINiG. - 1 .,,,,.. TA1)T ' r- 7TTISH to inlorm the Merchants 01 VV Kcntuckv. that thev maken - j r sort, 0f BRUSHES, of the best u an, che than hwv rm the city; and as one of them J 1 Imirr1 ,Ko, ,ri-l- . tlii Inr.rnfr trnrlin town in forfixtee'i years, hope to give full iatiblaclion to tb ole whil low will please to savor us with their Pittsburgh, Market Street, June 7th, 1804 1 LKUAN EAN PASSPQiTS. 7 KoYice ii HEREsr cites, m THAT it has been dremed expet ent to change the form of the Meuitcr ranean Paffports lffued to vtfTels of th' United States ; that from the eighth day of July next, those of 'the new form will be iffued at the custom house, to every for which acplicatioi. may be made on a compliance with th prescribed bv law, and furreidei-in- g the former pafl'port of wlrch Ihe m be poffrffed, is anv, in which latter caU nof-e- s will berequind for the othangc: md that by an arrangement agreed upoii by the Barbary powers, with whom wt are at peace, either the old or the new form of paiTpurt will be fiiflicieni protet the veflVls of the Uhiicd Vtates from until the I ft of Ju ly, 1R05, aster which the old torm ot pallp irt will be unavailable, ana tne new one slant in ule. Department of State, ? of May, 1304. S Th printers of the laws of the Uni- - teJ States are rtqucft'd to insert tht above in their Gacutes twice a week for the fpaCe of six months, and the Col I.Anrj .is ht l f pti rfinir 1 ik it nnn-- f in ;. their fRrr-- . 6ti tc. isc. A, yijfTrleil within the Indian claims. Ibis is 780, by George May, near. LydiaW&efore to give notice, that application Mount. cftrentUd to lie made, in the nnie of all 400 ot 800, in the nme vnlh redrels, by petition Longreb; June 17,80. m John Main ;.,rl,l,r,r--o folks 'I'll.' of cres, Samuel .11 Hank, creek Fat :,.-- ! ,, Licking, i000b-for- e red Uatne John atinders- - Rrlhnc Geortre ftp contraU.-- 2 whom "Vs Lexintrton, Acres LitAIIVI'll, m, miph' cleared or pi as or ubcr, .l.tet, Hale alkrts'kv ifFTent their April terms (VT. 5, in England MEbi vrflVl, to capture nini rm rn . ... ...... . . ,L . -- I '""" """ s f ii. n iiimnirv rti,v. witp nnrnr r "l ''""'""" ' n tunate cnoueh to locate their claimsin a V20 of tountrv, firce taimd t0bconip and little doubt is entertan ed, Irriii ihchard- - ihip of the caff, but other lind will he fnb flituted Tht aeent svlioundei takes the ma !nacenicnt of the aflts, as cnmpet.fi turn, ore third onN. of what Jaml is aftudlv located and ultmiatelv saved. h being at all epeto patentinutle land All who with upon these terms, their claims to be attendet to, are requeued ro write forthwith, to rho- - ImKS Bodlev, of Lexington, who will cnmmunj i sit .!. r Coo Acres of First Rate BOT- - M J. AN i). on the Ohio River, Ir.OM1.tir. county, two miles Wow the 1,!. . (..- - l,..a ..1 'I his land . r. 11 nitin i r I i Ji v - ui lis. V'is.'v' ' " I. ii vitered. with 25t.cres cleated and tinder good together with a small of acrts terms 23d piuinuiiie.n- - chaid and several convenient cabins the teims of lale will be mae'e easy to tie pui .Itharfer Apply to A. Meele, Shtlbvville or the fuKjeriber atKiclitnond, Madiloncou tlmufe CP Joseph Steele ji-- 1 ;. iP.4. tf ..p...... . 1. r .1.. 1 ..1 :r.j IlE.lvctta mint iiimiiiiv iili, x nuwriiutru ' hav mare, taken iid bv mrs. H nton. Tears old. no brand thenpelceivible)butrTla,e ri,i.m nnw M. nn ncr n &n iimiiKicr anil .Tl.-.- . T -- l.n..i.4m... a.n ,1,. I. .nn ,ntl9fL IHiriOCK, 1 HTIll.'lC Vl'i 141. .""' owner krow lhe is now in ni fames Tcuart, Georgetow. PUMP THE fubfenher returns his thanks tf? fiis friends for the encouraf-L-iien- t he lis experience it 110111 iririu icniuv .v un above business, h. fui theinf irms them, that he continue-- , can yfe on 'ht Pumt. VlakinGr in all its common lifeful hrfti- - rhes, on the fhoiteft notfse, ami on red ti ed as also conveying tvntei lin- er ground, through pipes, for ;hc tife 1$ ' , also flatters himself, 'that the work In has done this countiy, v. II fufi'cient-l- v hiri so tholr whm?v think 10 tavor hiro with their cvu-to- SAMUEL VAN PELT. iLstxinjittan, 20th Tidy, MOi. tfy6 I i r r ...:........., .1:;: ,v, T)r,..!diftilleries. runninfr' fotin-ain- s Etc. H a fcrte, : 3 rn a i. T, 1. J ; fair s?r ;u . L N To Sell' at hoderats prices for . S Acre ft tie rroii'li c I li diar tit k, c lied river, brarih ii Kfn'uh nvtr 2 2g5.crcsat tlie mouth tl follv rrcik, inilunng Frozen cietk, brai cl e c ftl t Ken !llt.k ruer' "ljou9 mil" .e lts tr.iee lories, 2367 acreson the North fork of Hock Oaf looo acres inclt'dirr thr niair branch cf Welch's trei w -- ters ol Crtcniiver- - - foutkern nut- - Distil bufimfs, proper 2CO acres in the Illinois tiant, 910 prlts the ot .ir luli (lull be paid in lafti For further information apply to the Priiittr in 1 tMnj'U n, to Rrbttt Craddock in Danville, to 1 nonius Howaru m i(.ii.liii.uii(i, INiiiUiioi. cobnt, orderfl' MAKER. pr'to William Sudduth Clarke counts. FOR SALE. j 3000 acres of valu ible Military Land, h nig on Highland Citrk. about fixtfn Piles front the Ohio, two or thiec fiom Robi rtlon'; bait-work- s. Ifo 1500 acres on the Chi", neaily site the mouth of the Wabfh, ana miles tne town oi L.arirn.rc. Alio, 1500 on D"er creek, one is the branches of Green-iive- r. 666 2-- 3 acres on Trade Watrr. she above are 7"T li t ry I ands, aiK1. well fitiiufed. A 1 ract of Land m tht ii lf.h' ourhood of Lexington, wll h- - ta li in exchange. A 'ply to Ji)hn,F"Pp sq. of n. ton, who will give any rlfonnation that ni.y be required at to he terms. THE SUBSCRIBER ffar imported, and is opening for sale at bis Store in Lexington, a handsome and well chosen assort- ment of lviercnanaize. . b be is determinrd to sell as for Casb ( in band as any Goods ever offered for in this piaa ; consisting of a great vat y, amongst which are the FOLLOWING AKTICL.S,'VIZ. Superfine and Second Cloths and Caffimeres, Blanketings Coaife Woolens, Chintzes ard CaUicots, Dfmiiies and Coarle Muslins, Nanke ns of all colors, Glazed, and common Cambjick iNIuf- - lins, Bluck, Blue, Pink, Salmen coloured and Buff Muslins, Figured and Tamboured Muslins, Book and Jacconett do. Mtiflm Shawls, & Handkerchiefs as- - sorted, Silk Cotton Stockings & Gloves of the molt falliionable kind, Ladies' Straw Bonnets, &c. Ike. Sec. Glass and Queen's' Ware, Japanned and Ware, Pewter afforted, Madeira and Sherry Wines, JamaicaSirits and French Brandy, ltnpeiial, 1 H)fon, ! f3 - c . i - n B Young H)fon, r- - i o t Hvfon Skin, & i Bohea. -- J Iron iMongsry, iitlt-rv- . . . aa at rt . - - tjjlill, Pitt and Cross Cut Saws. Agrfeat variety of Novels bchool Books, Blank Books, paper, Ink Powder, Quills, &(.. &t . " WiU.lAM WEST. N.' B. Exteil nt IMPORTED CHEESE, for lale. tf MADISON COUNTY, fct. June Circuit Cou t, 1804. tijilton F. mliry, complainant, ..ft jrVTSeari y. defendant. JN CHANCERY. defend tnf havinj f tiled to entervhis r$& anoe afance hecin atreeable to law, and the rules of this court, and not beinRaninha ot " " "" '''" " "'V.' P ";" b,.v '", f!rneV' ? rl l" - ,1IV "- - " "It Monday in September next, to anrwerthe complainant'shilLandtlutacopyof this order ,...., - ,,, .,..,, :... C,r lnz """l " " " " "- ;- - montas V. copy. Telle. Will. Ir-Jin- e, C. M. C. NOTICE ALL rerfons indebted to the e- - fhte of John Smith, late of Muhlen- - ed iajajdifw, ?r. opt ns Dry Uidgr, with one white hind foot,ijprfrfcounty, deceaied, are requtft' immayj,,, pavment to the inr .....ivwr thru the may s in rerorrmrld k, and trom acie? And J sale & & Tin S3 jrxecutors ; and all those who have nViemands vogainit said ellate, are dehred to bring tbem forward, pro pcily authenticated, that provision (Stay bs mace tor letlinp; tfiem. Eli Smith, I , T'jobn Vougb, J AS ors Julv o. 1R14. 3w los r, IN the vicinity of Lexington, on I he 4th of July a new SADDLE, yjih a blue Saddle cloth ; Bridle, a rev coat ihe. Jaig coat rT.arting.uei , . - 1.1H-..- . anu en lingie- - vvnoever may nntiv them or any of them, will please to ' idr,3 tluni with the printer, or send 'hem t j nie in Paris Boifboii coun-- , reafunablis compema.ion will be givf'i hy me. U Gee Ilugles, CN V 'T TTTT D S. Six or J igbt years Credit Viz. r fie m tl c id i , i a fiotirif) ! p (ettlcmenr 220 arns rluig tit i k of the live 1 D. fk ..! ti tl,c tc wr ot tlst L.iT.e, srants of the Hate erf "Vupir'a. Vnl be lo'd even ! fma tracts for arceui eiratii n oi tic pinuuici ;, nc tenm p ml down, the n.n. t.rrhs at (i or eiht veais credit, witinntt.ie.lt pai" am uallv. pmdsard ipptovcf inui t s will be re. qmlttd for the id tie mteieit and lor tl e pi mi ip.ilv. Infpectcc1 t in't ce w ill he received at rr"r ket pr'xts fen the hall of the ui ual jntiriil, JUsf'lMrORl D, And no:v opening for sale by IVhli,x Ln r, at bis sto e in n gton, A LARGt.EI KAKT, AND WELLCIIO. N4.N ASSORTftiENT OF MERCHANDIZE,-b- y wnoi.rsjLn or rftwl. o5 the molt udiiLcd tn-- n i t;.fh ; coiiiiding of the follow. m a'hclc oi lid. s a nnivner is oueis.r.co tCUIUUS j -- o inf-r- t v .j. St'pf-fi- - e Fire, Fde ard Pr,. Coarle &r 8 otton, w 00., and tow Double milkddrab Car s. tnvi s, Calimeiet, Vui'i 'jloreeiu, feel, Dutan's, iddlerv. Join's l"pinnlni, rormongery and Cur- - Bomhazettei ic Wild leiv, bores, n beil London Tew Irish linens, Ui, Velvets, tereral afTortmirt Velveteen, of impoittd ';i t it ThickfetK, -- Fancy Wrought Nails, &c Conflittition 8 bv 10 ard 10 bv i j Cord, Window r.l.ti, Scarlet Cafdinals, wi h a veiy Dllmtier, large aiTortmen .1, Mareillos.' Glass, '- - NcweflFafhlaiiToila China, ind C nets, 5tnpe & plain min's Alio a number of lottin tor waltltoat Lav., s'a "K, H'itorv, C o Luuftrings, lilvuulv & school, 5" Mantua, vrjinj; I'aper, "venihews, Slatis aid rmroccu Helongs and fattin. Pi.cktt Iiooj-s- , "Kankecns, Calicoes, An Chintzes, -- ,, varietv, of CHl.CLrtiKS Plain and figured" Vli Cidmlilic, j j. 'Irrpciui. jacconet, U Hvfon I hulon-f- , f H Tauibourcd, Young Hyiun f I Intlia, Hvfon, U Boh. J" a, Kook and I.appet J A fnperiof quality 0 bilk, Uo'flid & Mo Coffee, hair Omer, Cottn, woilted ard Alllpue, (ilk Hole, IVj-pe- i , The bell l'hihdtlphia Chun.ljte, made UiiiuilI..S. Mace, I.eatktr, Cloves, Sattinett,, Nu'inef, Plain, V- - Maddei, Sp nKhd, Ailum, Murxtco k Kid Logwood, Mill, Pit, Cross-cut- , All kinds of Hitters-- ' Hand, ' iinmiiis, antiDve Ttnon, S'lifls, Uove t il,and I'amrsand Mtriicinty, 8.C. ii(. So.. Cumpafs Travellers' Hall. the sui'scnmet AS lately been induced, from the rapid increase of his cuftojn, to purchase a lot of g ound, abjoi'iing that on whith he live-,- , for the puipofe of building a dining room and 100m, eacli 54 by 32 I et 10 inche3, g wrtl six additional lodint; rouin$, and in- - tcids to fimfli ihui) bcfei 1 the tlifuing; wiiitei ; which, together with his Ta- vern and houf-- , will occupy a front of near one hundred feet in the iiiort agreea-bl- r part of the town, and in the centre of bufuirfs, being on the highrft part of the public square. He has confidoably the furniture, ike. of his house and Habits His d"mrfhis and servants aie of the moll f nthtul cLfp. litions anti properly qualified for the departments to which tjiey are arranged He has a con-fta- nt supply of the best stable forage, im- ported and country provisions, imported liquors. Sec. of the btft quality, lot ei n nevvfpapers, kr. Ue. anu his ice will, most probably, lall tlnough the hot wea- ther. The diftinguifned preference whirh the first charailcis have already given him in his bufiiirfs,fil s him with gratitude. Hd effer" hi finreie thauki to all his good friends, and begs leave "to affur them that neithei his time nor his purse fiia't be fparejl in attempting to render tke rrawllejs' Jrlall, a house of entertain, meut, for Genteel Guests only, equil to tny in America. ;t R. BRADLEY. Lexington, (K.) 12th June, 1504. N. H. A Ihigc runs iioni the Travel, lers' Hall to the Olympian Sjai aigs in th. fuinmer, and to Frankfoit dining the Irr (ion of A - R. B. " amAs I) n-Hi- li (v St - '. ELE, TT AVJMG 'ite'y i'ered nto pirtnerfhip, in.pod to nnrV p V'FlHnv'7 STTOIfRY &?:. in T 'nr- - n ind 'ts 1'f'n tv, and hope by their ik!M i"tl 1'Vnt'on, to merits C sreof the pu'ulic co.ifiience. Les'njtor, July io, 1804 1 v

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Page 1: j Tl OI lill - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7x696zx251/data/0355.pdfMff.wi from hoini! and an exile sir ing,, Bid a 1 value, all I adieu. Ni more mine ear (h 1, list the


StMirff'tmSViW.- - sisztna

-VV r ,

s ,l ',?"y" --


Ta Ti- - a'ift oi'mr's win;.


torniviucAThD cr j t tor.

yAUEWELT., oh native p:in! farewell foreve-- more :

-- ' hefe banifhM eves ihall view rhv fart noA miumful tells mv heart, thit never

G,)nzilvo s Hld! Aiin ih 1 nrels t'iv (hore

X Hufh'd are ths winjt ; while f)ft the vefielfaittnz rirf'n :

Wirh centl- - motion plouEht the tirrrtiffledI feel nr b ifom's hualted courace f tiline,

AnJ ciineths .vaves wlnclibearme fai f 0.11


t Tee it ' Beneath yon blue cletr heavenitill ilo the fpi'es, 10 well bel.iv d, appear j

From yonder crajlv point t 'egde of even,v,till wat'rs my native atC-n- ts to mine ear.

Propped on fo'ne moss erown'd rock, and giily singing, , I

There in the sun his net e fi.'her dri. stOft hive I heard tie pi unrive Hall

censofpaltjVsnet,lre.nv.r)v.nees.AtI hippv i"w n ! he waits the accufinm'dhply but good workmen.

hour, . --f .. ""

When tMMlH.hr 'he clofine fkv; .

Tlien gladly feekt his I iv'ft pitenal bowc.,1And iliires ths feait his native fi Ls supply.

FriendihSp and Love, his cotte guefls, re- -

ce ve h mWith honest lcom and with finilc lincere :

No Cih ins bosom ow s, his ch ek no tear.

, I 1. . r...: r..u KllC ma rtnmnfrH.ii HI ITV.,HI iu-- l um-l- niv. ii,uiiiiPortu w t'iv lor with --'iivv hid-- , me vte ;

Mff.wi from hoini! and an exile siring,

, Bid a 1 value, all I adieu.

Ni more mine ear (h 1, list the vvil knowndinyMiii , ov 10 ue m lantaiu i rl uuu tends her

goats I

50 n- - vi limm,iliinii.sm ton' urv,- Or ft .nierd chantn g mid ms tuilic notes,

Ni morq my arms a pire"t's fml einb-jci-- s,

Nomoiemv h r d p.ueiticc iim niult kno ;"Far fiom thef.- - j iys, witli n,h wliali mciii

r traces,To ful'try Ik e ani dillant climes I go :

UMiere In li m ftns enjen !er new dieafes,While In.ikjs an 1 t'gers bwed, I bend my

no Spliiiii', ufi

HAVE thevern h:, , m

ece the .01 '.town, to Joshua Wilson, oi

A,d my' thanks numerous

tii thus to .whilltiii."


feel irt dot continueti a.e to

A'i m ! h iw oft will fanev's spells nflnni've ,It to uiy mint. :

II . v tt will ' ltl me U llv noli icrto t deligit, dtar


T." t 1 anJ lov d how

ersion I p1 iv

JtycallU's lulls, its fEichmicl-regreiiejwJo- u, .hiu. "- -

glade; I

Qrcimsofth-lan- d all mv wifhecemore

.. fThvlcenes, I amd-ioi-

Ln iii .oft1 hill in my soul stonnen-- A

'di.no.iti pleafuie to plelt-twoe-.

lo ' the sun the retires ;

1 5 it her empire to ;

CI fro n mv t e tne villas spires,N iw lwii

1 not,'vindl he water's

r iltep, mv , in the maintne''P1 '

One- - mire eves 11 see the

Vj n ii 'he ! Mv 'a petition ftornini.,the iK, and h gh the bihovvs

fw.--l i

Var be before the ofmorninf;.-Oi- l

for .nitivt faiewell

Trifles s

A GEiU'lAN STORY.foi of an old farmer, by

.ha or oiler, tiavelled throughremote countries is no.

i, r in sis h c.il i, returnedi .eh richer Ik tb in in

tew h H nv.il,ii.'ud his '. 0 letifinle (llietvd oh

i llo v ) a t diftantc .ion:h.-- fh Vi '; h ipp.ned ma 1

d. p iff d v, i, wlncli ih i n

' f.itlur,' !uin U me,Ivb me in rn'iid of one 1

in irv travels, large as tlui. of c.it hnrft-.-' 'Wharjnt II replies the fatlif r,gravt-Iy-

, ' a

ii '. ih s don't tl'",n t' . r w- - e wholly

L'lt digits ; bv by wedge, Hhitli we be obh,

t- - als, whith t much I

ndimrj t!..' of which V' hiv.'aidtalking, I lrv I ty it is the w , .

of V7itch. All know ct itis thi-,- , tb is I c a in the

of it, against wlrch one isurn as one s on, bieak

a is it f'i oneim the cotlrl'a of th? ' youth wasa flartled t th . ftuiT-- e accountAster proceeding . th it inte fie said,

At a 1 ue walking father 1 j

b it to dorr, did

I fa- -' as iur !,. I101T--? for

Ure the they werer tur advaui'l tin their wav.

'un ' 11'', . " r lr irn ' cot. -

Jo i !t. ! e i I li e ;.p-ai j a

a cuuncc II ar me, my tic i l.uhT ,

the of whuh I

fpeak'mg, wm large, butno: quite so as heifer ; I nhowever it was lar cr Uian "t

arrived the of ttfi

bi 'J Th- - son Hops 'Ah, fa

ther,' he, be al

ifimpleton astob.-liev- e lhaveieenaOI men a ior imiciiircuimuiispeak the truth, the dog Imv travels was about the1Ve saw.'WIM1UJIL

OPKNINfi tj-jfcarles Wilkhis,

Jn tneRrick oppnfite the CourtUoufe,oicupietlbv Meflrt. arid

aii Vxtenfive ACbrtucntotDrv Goods, Ware, Queens

Ware, Groceties. Crowley Steel, 1?

Uosey,s Iron ;WlucjiI "be cheap'foT Cash

or Hemp.tY Lexinj.toP, 3 I May,

j, Fotir or Journeymenr0),' Afukcts wanted. None need

-i. Kfiu Aliu KLA



ISHES inJom.the hetiriues to on the v



Oi (licet, at sign of the pinninc!......,Vh"l : will dvf rnttni,. .llnrn t nl.... .u......

warm wincn wi warrant oany bine in America

deepelt blue for per lb. My isl C.

jiiampr. B on m ,y perionwnnmc to

,ch ii them it is a warm dve andwill

John Coldwell.Lexington, 1804. tf 3

" 4' 1 -

,rv"y sccoinmod the houseJluuatini) is capable of affording whirh,

I hope I do not prefunie in saying,be equal to in the Western Coun- -


Lexington, (X..) June 4. 1801.

FOR SALE,a reduced price in Cash personal

at valuation, thefjltoiumg

Lands,entered for John Mav, on

the north of the Kentucky river, ansl

of Cedar creek.30 acres", of 40, entered'by Geo.

May, on the lick, on .Sandy.9. lfi 1.4 acres halt ns 4.1.1 1.2 entered

hv Mav.,5mnnH tin- - thi- - lafr pntrv.9.snarr-S.lialf- nf entered.

To')r7vaeythe.fev;rifh hfrd art appease,',' WILSON TAVERNjTiU vellow and nudding blazo


I T rented House Ta- -Cnt not tofeel n.wpin5s ennfunte my live-- ,

OCCUplt.j by in t,;slo.ic bv p meal in formerly

Mv boiln z jloo.l 'iv initiate lever.b'.undlirtmisithtlis day that's ra&e, ' Bairdftown. I beg leave to retuin

lincere to my cuftomoj-s- ,

1 kiovfi h ,.net. is leve','.for thnr preter?nce in my savorlromVtiitimya outer i,

thev . that houie, ard air confident

T. thi on thee firevcy n alTunn thole their fa- -.

A.idteel tut all j"s torn lioui in. l.vors VVilfon, 'hey willnQ

-- call my tuti.e couitivregret

E.ch and l'lienu lelt

MurcU's rales c

--rv.. river w'lti'e banks chill d,ancient owning

where tre,propertyJ

no to jJ. ttor,,vvnici

Full 'mors trace,pad

Ba', '.beneath wavesreflort

ip-e- apicea"s lijhi iltu


O Still themi'ioi

leep, bark file-ir- e on

9b, when lij.it Jt.dl gild

ni'ne (h toatt id

wilhFreli lnows

Oiill we breikthen, .pun,

l'jht a'n.''

Th' some

hid-- veral and as

imiron hom.in know iidc

Kvj aster accoi...ftth

to miri.t-- t


that as1 belli Id, hi. trim

iiug puts iv..t lead as

rell ourme,'

me; btu inia 'ineriJiui a with- -

and shallshall eoj

ai.d morethan dog on

hrrnsome that I

that ihme mid-

dle tofi ole pif and atlea'1; leg, binp-n- s that lied

mv J'holisle

dist' what you ar

return to th'13 how1 laieevet nav,

ftorvfrftrdV.il a m'de'lhe


indeed dog h..ve beenvery

a sine

a.ui.length the-- at soot

shortsays vou cannot such


saw inas bio; as dog


Houfcl.ittlv Parker Uray,


bestwill sold




to public, thst contarry


High theinn

wirna nve, nestand eaual to The

ajb tokentin p.ove


'loth May,


ition that and


At and


lower sidepartfait


.100. Mav


bloom agt,'drank

andmu'1 who

Mr. that














acre?, halt otiwho toIsaac Shelby, adjoining the last entei-- d

23,nooutju acres, coeing mat part

May's entry of 1000, includinu,he confluence of the Sbuth fork with

Licking, u Inch lies within the,,Z . .,?,! f !- ,-

o if Falmouth.

666 2-- 3 acres pnrt'of Samu,el Meredith's 1000, in the of Licking,

.j. .i i niQjoining tne lau entry, anu lnuuoingrj'ejremainder Falmouth PatentedlOtliJuly, 1786.

igp3 part of Me- -jredi;.c Geon-- e Clvmer's 2000 acie. -

L'Cv rnteelN'ovi-mbe- r, 1786

or ot .r..o ,,. f AT, ' .- ,,. . ,a vlf;t v i.w , ii

ide ot ana joining J01111 Maysnien'iond.

.000 acie; ent for Ben. Holliday?, on creek, adjoining

ft1000 acres, enteied for John Rayvfir

north side of the fork of S

river, iomincr Underwood, andinclining the mouth of Wilson's

The ikimsto the above parcels ofrare deduct d, bv private

from the pet ions for they werelocated.

f T?r D1T1D

Jan. S. 1804. tf. 31

FOR SALE,?w? Hundi ed

VlMfi littliit, tlir.. and a half miles

J. KJl ClUjW.lllFi mv. " 1

ah's flation ti id there are about sis


th i' t'i, I oeii-v- e it be saying teen acres is lind, under good

little t.ni rrurh ; for I reci HeA 't was with a never fn'mg forintr.

hot T'K ri.ui.hsr.id But I wou'dfnv upo 1 terms apply to the ter of the Ken-- 1

th, tl .t it v. as bir ?n heifVr.' uickv Gazette, to 'he fnbft in

July 2S. tf



'First Rate Land,

44 hTALLOw U cii r

At tin P, p, oppo.,fSanders & Go's ftoie, next door ro theNail Fac"or, Main Y- .-. n 'on

J Valuable WORK LOhSP,er for V bis key.

DOCTOR JOSEPH BOSWELL,Tl- AS removed to his farm, : Jcvei.4

j,ju nines eait 01 Lexington, ncasine, tie- uver.Kefnibrofe Dudley's, where lill 30 acres on the hai k cf Ke

rnTnV to tiradtice Medicine, in river rPPf'te the mouth oi hjknianbranches. All those indebTctl

to him. are requtfted to come forwaidand lettle refpeitive accounts.

9, tb04.

f5h sai:e.A Merchant-Mill- , Saw-Mi- ll

and Diflilleuy.SITUATE on the waters of Silver-

-creek, in Madison county, aboutsix miles fr-n- the court-Iioufe- , andten miles from the Kentucky riyer,to which is annexed 140 of

$' Land.The flrcam and seat are equal to anyin the itate, and the Mills andlery in prime order. Vir ap-

ply to the fubfciiher on the pren-ile- s

HOBKRT PORTED.Madison county ")

iff, 1803. j tf

KUbti MaKIINiG.-

1 .,,,,.. TA1)T 'r-

7TTISH to inlorm the Merchants 01

V V Kcntuckv. that thev maken- j r

sort, 0f BRUSHES, of the best u

an, che than hwvrm the city; and as one of them J 1

Imirr1 ,Ko, ,ri-l- . tlii Inr.rnfr trnrlintown in forfixtee'i years, hopeto give full iatiblaclion to tb ole whil

lowwill please to savor us with theirPittsburgh, Market Street,

June 7th, 1804


7 KoYice ii HEREsr cites, mTHAT it has been dremed expet

ent to change the form of the Meuitcrranean Paffports lffued to vtfTels of th'United States ; that from the eighthday of July next, those of 'the newform will be iffued at the custom house,to every for which acplicatioi.may be made on a compliance with th

prescribed bv law, and furreidei-in- g

the former pafl'port of wlrch Ihe m

be poffrffed, is anv, in which latter caUnof-e- s will berequind for the othangc:md that by an arrangement agreed upoiiby the Barbary powers, with whom wtare at peace, either the old or thenew form of paiTpurt will be fiiflicieni

protet the veflVls of the UhiicdVtates from until the I ft of July, 1R05, aster which the old torm ot

pallp irt will be unavailable, ana tnenew one slant in ule.Department of State, ?

of May, 1304. S

Th printers of the laws of the Uni- -

teJ States are rtqucft'd to insert thtabove in their Gacutes twice a weekfor the fpaCe of six months, and the ColI.Anrj .is ht l f pti rfinir 1 ikit nnn-- f in ;. their fRrr-- . 6ti

tc. isc.

A, yijfTrleil within the Indian claims. Ibis is780, by George May, near. LydiaW&efore to give notice, that application

Mount. cftrentUd to lie made, in the nnie of all

400 ot 800, in the nme vnlh redrels, by petition Longreb;

June 17,80.m



folks 'I'll.'of

cres, Samuel

.11 Hank, creek Fat

:,.-- !,,Licking,

i000b-for- e

redUatne John

atinders- -


ftpcontraU.-- 2






m, miph' clearedor

pias or ubcr,












nini rm rn. ... ...... . .,L . --I '""" """s f ii. n iiimnirv rti,v. witp nnrnr r"l ''""'""" ' n

tunate cnoueh to locate their claimsin a

V20 of tountrv, firce taimd t0bconip

and little doubt is entertan ed, Irriii ihchard- -

ihip of the caff, but other lind will he fnbflituted Tht aeent svlioundei takes the ma

!nacenicnt of the aflts, as cnmpet.fiturn, ore third onN. of what Jaml is aftudlvlocated and ultmiatelv saved. h being at all

epeto patentinutle land All who withupon these terms, their claims to be attendetto, are requeued ro write forthwith, to rho--

ImKS Bodlev, of Lexington, who will cnmmunj

i sit .!. rCoo Acres of First Rate BOT- -

M J. AN i). on the Ohio River,Ir.OM1.tir. county, two miles Wow the1,!. . (..- - l,..a ..1 'I his land . r. 11

nitin i r I i Ji v - ui lis. V'is.'v' ' " I. iivitered. with 25t.cres cleated and tinder good

together with a small





piuinuiiie.n- -

chaid and several convenient cabins theteims of lale will be mae'e easy to tie pui

.Itharfer Apply to A. Meele, Shtlbvville or thefuKjeriber atKiclitnond, Madiloncou tlmufe

CP Joseph Steeleji-- 1 ;. iP.4. tf

..p...... . 1. r .1.. 1 ..1 :r.jIlE.lvctta mint iiimiiiiv iili, x nuwriiutru' hav mare, taken iid bv mrs. H nton.

Tears old. no brand thenpelceivible)butrTla,eri,i.m nnw M. nn ncr n &n iimiiKicr anil

.Tl.-.- . T -- l.n..i.4m... a.n ,1,. I. .nn ,ntl9fLIHiriOCK, 1 HTIll.'lC Vl'i 141. .""'owner krow lhe is now in ni

fames Tcuart, Georgetow.PUMP

THE fubfenher returns his thanks tf?

fiis friends for the encouraf-L-iien- t he lisexperience it 110111 iririu icniuv .v unabove business, h. fui theinf irms them,that he continue-- , can yfe on 'ht Pumt.VlakinGr in all its common lifeful hrfti- -

rhes, on the fhoiteft notfse, ami on red ti

ed as also conveying tvntei lin-

er ground, through pipes, for ;hc tife 1$

' ,

also flatters himself, 'that the work In

has done this countiy, v. II fufi'cient-l- v

hiri so tholr whm?vthink 10 tavor hiro with their cvu-to-

SAMUEL VAN PELT.iLstxinjittan, 20th Tidy, MOi. tfy6

I i r r ...:........., .1:;: ,v, T)r,..!diftilleries. runninfr' fotin-ain- s Etc. H

a fcrte,:




i. T,

1. J


fair s?r ;u .

L NTo Sell' at hoderats prices for

. S Acre ft tie rroii'li c I li diar tit k,c lied river, brarih ii Kfn'uh nvtr

2 2g5.crcsat tlie mouth tl follv rrcik,inilunng Frozen cietk, brai cl e c ftl t Ken

!llt.k ruer' "ljou9 mil" .e lts tr.ieelories,

2367 acreson the North fork of Hock Oaf

looo acres inclt'dirr thr niair branch cfWelch's trei w -- ters ol Crtcniiver- -

-foutkern nut- -




2CO acres in the Illinois tiant, 910 prlts the ot .ir luli (lull be paid in lafti

For further information apply to the Priiittr in 1 tMnj'U n, to RrbtttCraddock in Danville, to 1 nonius Howaru m i(.ii.liii.uii(i, INiiiUiioi. cobnt,



pr'to William Sudduth Clarke counts.


3000 acres of valu ible Military Land,h nig on Highland Citrk. about fixtfnPiles front the Ohio, two or thiec

fiom Robi rtlon'; bait-work- s.

Ifo 1500 acres on the Chi", neailysite the mouth of the Wabfh, ana

miles tne town oi L.arirn.rc.Alio, 1500 on D"er creek, one

is the branches of Green-iive- r.

666 2-- 3 acres on Trade Watrr.she above are 7"T li t ry I ands, aiK1.

well fitiiufed. A 1 ract of Land m thtii lf.h' ourhood of Lexington, wll h- - ta

li in exchange. A 'ply to Ji)hn,F"Ppsq. of n. ton, who will give anyrlfonnation that ni.y be required at tohe terms.

THE SUBSCRIBERffar imported, and is opening for

sale at bis Store in Lexington, ahandsome and well chosen assort-ment of

lviercnanaize.. b be is determinrd to sell as

for Casb ( in band as anyGoods ever offered for in thispiaa ; consisting of a great vat y,

amongst which are theFOLLOWING AKTICL.S,'VIZ.

Superfine and Second Cloths andCaffimeres,

Blanketings Coaife Woolens,Chintzes ard CaUicots,Dfmiiies and Coarle Muslins,Nanke ns of all colors,Glazed, and common Cambjick iNIuf--

lins,Bluck, Blue, Pink, Salmen coloured

and Buff Muslins,Figured and Tamboured Muslins,Book and Jacconett do.Mtiflm Shawls, & Handkerchiefs as--

sorted,Silk Cotton Stockings & Gloves

of the molt falliionable kind,Ladies' Straw Bonnets, &c. Ike. Sec.

Glass and Queen's' Ware,Japanned and Ware,Pewter afforted,Madeira and Sherry Wines,JamaicaSirits and French Brandy,ltnpeiial, 1H)fon, ! f3 - c .

i - n BYoung H)fon, r- - i otHvfon Skin, &i

Bohea. --J

Iron iMongsry,iitlt-rv- .

. . aa at rt

. - -

tjjlill, Pitt and Cross Cut Saws.Agrfeat variety of Novels bchool

Books, Blank Books, paper, InkPowder, Quills, &(.. &t . "

WiU.lAM WEST.N.' B. Exteil nt IMPORTED

CHEESE, for lale. tf

MADISON COUNTY, fct.June Circuit Cou t, 1804.

tijilton F. mliry, complainant,..ft

jrVTSeari y. defendant.JN CHANCERY.

defend tnf havinj f tiled to entervhisr$& anoe afance hecin atreeable to law, andthe rules of this court, and not beinRaninha

ot " " "" '''" " "'V.'P ";" b,.v '", f!rneV' ?rll"- ,1IV "- - " "ItMonday in September next, to anrwerthecomplainant'shilLandtlutacopyof this order,...., - ,,, .,..,, :... C,rlnz """l " " " " "- ;--montas

V. copy. Telle.Will. Ir-Jin- e, C. M. C.

NOTICEALL rerfons indebted to the e- -

fhte of John Smith, late of Muhlen- -


iajajdifw, ?r.

opt ns Dry Uidgr, with one white hind foot,ijprfrfcounty, deceaied, are requtft'immayj,,, pavment to theinr

.....ivwrthru the may












jrxecutors ; and all those who havenViemands vogainit said ellate, are

dehred to bring tbem forward, propcily authenticated, that provision(Stay bs mace tor letlinp; tfiem.

Eli Smith, I ,

T'jobn Vougb, J AS ors

Julv o. 1R14. 3w

los r,IN the vicinity of Lexington, on I

he 4th of July a new SADDLE,yjih a blue Saddle cloth ; Bridle, a

rev coat ihe. Jaig coat rT.arting.uei, .- 1.1H-..- .anu en lingie- - vvnoever may nntiv

them or any of them, will please to '

idr,3 tluni with the printer, or send'hem t j nie in Paris Boifboii coun-- ,

reafunablis compema.ion will be

givf'i hy me.U Gee Ilugles,


D S.Six or J igbt years Credit Viz. r

fie m tl c id i , i a fiotirif) ! p (ettlcmenr220 arns rluig tit i k of the live

1 D. fk ..! ti tl,c tc wr ot tlst L.iT.e, srantsof the Hate erf "Vupir'a.

Vnl be lo'd even ! fma tracts forarceui eiratii n oi tic pinuuici ;, nc tenmp ml down, the n.n. t.rrhs at (i or eihtveais credit, witinntt.ie.lt pai" am uallv.

pmdsard ipptovcf inui t s will be re.qmlttd for the id tie mteieit andlor tl e pi mi ip.ilv.

Infpectcc1 t in't ce w ill he received at rr"rket pr'xts fen the hall of the ui ual jntiriil,

JUsf'lMrORl D,And no:v opening for sale by IVhli,x

Ln r, at bis sto e in n gton,A LARGt.EI KAKT, AND WELLCIIO.



wnoi.rsjLn or rftwl.o5 the molt udiiLcd tn-- n

i t;.fh ;coiiiiding of the follow. m a'hclc

oi lid. s a nnivner is oueis.r.co tCUIUUSj

-- o inf-r- t v .j.St'pf-fi- - e Fire, Fde ard Pr,.Coarle &r 8 otton, w 00., and towDouble milkddrab Car s.

tnvi s,Calimeiet, Vui'i'jloreeiu, feel,Dutan's, iddlerv.Join's l"pinnlni, rormongery and Cur- -Bomhazettei ic Wild leiv,

bores, n beil London TewIrish linens, Ui,Velvets, tereral afTortmirtVelveteen, of impoittd ';i t itThickfetK, --

FancyWrought Nails,

&c Conflittition 8 bv 10 ard 10 bv i jCord, Window r.l.ti,Scarlet Cafdinals, wi h a veiyDllmtier, large aiTortmen .1,Mareillos.' Glass, '- -

NcweflFafhlaiiToila China, ind Cnets,

5tnpe & plain min's Alio a number oflottin tor waltltoat Lav., s'a"K, H'itorv, C o

Luuftrings, lilvuulv & school, 5"Mantua, vrjinj; I'aper,"venihews, Slatis aid rmroccuHelongs and fattin. Pi.cktt Iiooj-s- ,

"Kankecns,Calicoes, AnChintzes, --,, varietv,

of CHl.CLrtiKSPlain and figured"Vli

Cidmlilic, j j. 'Irrpciui.jacconet, U Hvfon I hulon-f- , f HTauibourcd, Young Hyiun fIIntlia, Hvfon, U Boh. J"a,Kook and I.appet J A fnperiof quality 0bilk, Uo'flid & Mo Coffee,hair Omer,Cottn, woilted ard Alllpue,(ilk Hole,

IVj-pe- i ,The bell l'hihdtlphia Chun.ljte,

made UiiiuilI..S. Mace,I.eatktr, Cloves,Sattinett,, Nu'inef,Plain, V-- Maddei,Sp nKhd, Ailum,Murxtco k Kid Logwood,Mill,Pit,Cross-cut- , All kinds of Hitters-- 'Hand, ' iinmiiis, antiDveTtnon, S'lifls,Uove t il,and I'amrsand Mtriicinty,

8.C. ii(. So..Cumpafs

Travellers' Hall.the sui'scnmet

AS lately been induced, from therapid increase of his cuftojn, to

purchase a lot of g ound, abjoi'iing thaton whith he live-,- , for the puipofe ofbuilding a dining room and100m, eacli 54 by 32 I et 10 inche3, gwrtl six additional lodint; rouin$, and in- -tcids to fimfli ihui) bcfei 1 the tlifuing;wiiitei ; which, together with his Ta-vern and houf-- , will occupy a front ofnear one hundred feet in the iiiort agreea-bl- r

part of the town, and in the centre ofbufuirfs, being on the highrft part of thepublic square. He has confidoably

the furniture, ike. of his houseand Habits His d"mrfhis and servantsaie of the moll f nthtul cLfp. litions antiproperly qualified for the departments towhich tjiey are arranged He has a con-fta- nt

supply of the best stable forage, im-

ported and country provisions, importedliquors. Sec. of the btft quality, lot ei nnevvfpapers, kr. Ue. anu his ice will,most probably, lall tlnough the hot wea-ther.

The diftinguifned preference whirh thefirst charailcis have already given him inhis bufiiirfs,fil s him with gratitude. Hdeffer" hi finreie thauki to all his goodfriends, and begs leave "to affur themthat neithei his time nor his purse fiia'tbe fparejl in attempting to render tkerrawllejs' Jrlall, a house of entertain,meut, for Genteel Guests only, equil totny in America.

;t R. BRADLEY.Lexington, (K.) 12th June, 1504.

N. H. A Ihigc runs iioni the Travel,lers' Hall to the Olympian Sjai aigs in th.fuinmer, and to Frankfoit dining the Irr(ion of A - R. B.


amAsI) n-Hi- li (v St - '. ELE,

TT AVJMG 'ite'y i'ered nto pirtnerfhip,in.pod to nnrV p

V'FlHnv'7 STTOIfRY &?:.in T 'nr- - n ind 'ts 1'f'n tv, and hope bytheir ik!M i"tl 1'Vnt'on, to merits C sreof thepu'ulic co.ifiience.

Les'njtor, July io, 1804
