j. garcía-espinosa, e. oñate. motivation to develop a general environment for analysis of ship...

J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate

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Page 1: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate

Page 2: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver


To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics.

Main topics:Two fluids NS solver (stability + robustness +

accuracy)Free surface (accuracy)Fluid-Rigid solid interactionOptimization for only hydrodynamics analysisDifferent types of problems (still water,

seakeeping, manouvering, …)

Page 3: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Introduction The main problem of the free surface capturing algorithms is the

treatment of the pressure (gradient) discontinuity at the interface due to the variation of the properties there.

In most of these algorithms the sharp transition of the properties at the interface is smoothed (extended to a band of several elements width) and therefore the accuracy in capturing the free surface is reduced.

1 2p h g h h g

Ω1: Fluid 1

Ω2: Fluid 2

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

, , ,, , ,

, , ,

p xp

p x



1p hg

Page 4: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver


A new free surface capturing approach able to overcome/improve most of the difficulties/ shortcomings of the existing algorithms is presented.

This approach is based on:Stabilisation of governing equations (incompressible

two-fluids Navier-Stokes equations) by means of the FIC method.

Application of ALE techniques.Free surface movement is solved using a level set

approach.Monolithic Fractional-Step type Navier-Stokes

integration scheme.Application of domain decomposition techniques to

improve the accuracy in the solution of governing equations in the interface between both fluids.

Page 5: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Problem Statement: Two fluids Navier Stokes equationsTwo (incompressible) fluids (non homogeneous) Navier

Stokes equations:


And the necessary initial and boundary conditions






u u u f


1 2int 0,t t t T

1 1 1

2 2 2

,, , , , 0,


tt t t T


xx x x


Page 6: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Problem statement: Level set equationLet be Ψ a function (level set), defined as follows:

Therefore we can re-write the density field as:

And finally, obtain an equivalent equation for the mass conservation in terms of Ψ (level set):



, 0,

, 0





0 ut 0 ut




, 0


d t t

t t

d t t

x x

x x

x x

Page 7: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Problem Statement:Level set – Navier Stokes equationsTwo (incompressible) fluids level-set type Navier Stokes



And the necessary initial and boundary conditions

1 2int 0,t t t T

1 1 1

2 2 2

,, , , , 0,


tt t t T


xx x x









Page 8: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Problem Statement: ALE* formulation

We may easily re-write the previous equations in an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian frame:

Where um is the (mesh) deformation velocity of the moving domain:

* The algorithm is Lagrangian for the movement of the ship but the free surface problem (level set) is solved in an Eulerian way








,Ttttt 0 )()(int 21

Page 9: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Overlapping Domain Decomposition TecniqueLet K be a finite element partition of domain Ω, and

consider a domain decomposition of Ω into three disjoint sub domains Ω3(t), Ω3(t) and Ω5(t):

ΩΩ1 1 (Fluid (Fluid 1)1)

ΩΩ2 2 (Fluid (Fluid 2)2)


0),(| ,)( ,0),(| ,)(




tKKttKKt e






Page 10: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Overlapping Domain Decomposition TecniqueFrom this partition let us define two overlapping domains

Ω*1, Ω*2 in such a way that



)()(int: ,)()(int: 54*243

*1 tttt



Page 11: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Overlapping Domain Decomposition Tecnique

We can write an equivalent problem, using a standard Dirichlet-Neumann domain decomposition technique (using Ω*1, Ω*2 decomposition). The resulting variational problem is (inluding FIC stabilisation terms):

2 2 22

2 22 2

2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 2 2

2 2 2

1, , , ,


, , , ,

1, , 0



t m m

d d

t t

q r q

u v u u v v r h v

t v g s v t v f v

u h

1 1 11

1 11

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 2 1

1 1 1

1 2 1

1, , , ,


, , ,

1, , 0



t m m

d d

t t

q r q


u v u u v v r h v

t v g s v f v

u h

u u



Page 12: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Problem statement:Boundary condition at the interfaceDirichlet conditions (compatibility of velocities at the

interface) are applied on Γ*1 (boundary of

And Neumann condition are applied on Γ*2 (jump condition)

t* is evaluated from the resulting velocity and pressure field on Ω*1. Pressure evaluation must take into account the jump condition given by:

Where γ is the coefficient of surface tension, and p1, p2 are the pressure values evaluated on the real free surface interface Γ. These are extrapolated to Γ* to impose the conditions on the defined interfaces.

on 21 nnn pp

*121 on uu


*22 on tσn

Page 13: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Monolithic Fractional-Step type scheme Integration of Navier-Stokes equations in every domain is done by means of

a Monolithic Fractional-Step type scheme. This scheme is based on the iterative solution of the momentum equation,

where the pressure is updated by using the solution of a velocity divergence free correction (m iteration counter):

This scheme only requires to solve scalar problems, with the subsequent savings on CPU time and memory.

The discretization of the problem is done using standard FEM technique


















Page 14: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Adaptation for solving Monophase Flow

In many cases of interest in naval/marine applications, the aerodynamics effects can be neglected (density and viscosity ratio are about 1000).

It is important for these cases to adapt the ODDLS technique to solve monophase problems, reducing the computational cost and capturing the free surface with the necessary accuracy and maintaining the advantages of the proposed method.

In these cases, the computational domain is reduced to the nodes in the water plus those in the air being connected to the interface (Ω*1). The later nodes are used to impose the pressure and velocity boundary conditions on the interface.

Page 15: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

Monophase flow algorithm1. Solve momentum conservation equation on Ω*1 using

the following free surface boundary condition for the velocity:

2. Solve the mass continuity equation on Ω*1, applying the following free surface boundary condition:

3. Solve level set equation on Ω (update free surface position) and reinitiate distance field

4. Evaluate forces on ship boundary and move it (update the mesh accordingly)

5. Go to 1 until convergence.

on nnn app

on 0 Tuun

Page 16: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130We will show different applications of the presented

technique to the analysis of a semi-planning hull. The general characteristics of this boat are shown next.

Main Characteristics

LOA 14.0 m

Moulded Draft

1.05 m

Moulded Beam

3.54 m

Design Speed 14 Kn (Fn = 0.65)

Page 17: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver


Page 18: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Still Water Analyses

The first example consist of the towing of the hull at different speeds (still water).

Characteristics of the analyses:2 sets of analysis were done: fixed ship and free to

sink and trim.4 different speeds were run. All the cases were run

twice, using two different meshes of 2.0 and 3.2 million linear tetrahedra.

Additional cases with different meshes ranging from 1.5 to 16 million linear tetrahedra were used to study the influence of the mesh density in the results.

All the cases were run using an ILES-type turbulence model.

Page 19: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Still Water Analyses: Dynamic Sinkage and Trim effect Fn=0.6



Page 20: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Still water Drag / Towing force

Page 21: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Still Water AnalysesSnapshot of the results (V = 12kn):•Mesh of 16 million tetrahedra•Left: (dynamic) pressure•Down: velocity modulus

Page 22: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Results / Mesh dependency

Page 23: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver


Page 24: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Head Waves Analyses

The second example consist of the towing of the hull at different speeds with head waves.

Characteristics of the analyses:The analyses were carried out with the ship

free to sink and trim.4 different speeds were run for every set of

analyses with an unstructured 2.5 million linear tetrahedra mesh.

The analysed wave length range from 1.0 to 1.5 x LOA (about critical values for slamming).

All the cases were run using an ILES-type turbulence model.

Page 25: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Wave Generator The waves are generated by defining an oscillating velocity

boundary condition at the inlet of the basin. The velocity is obtained from the equivalent movement of a wall given by x=d·sin(ωt), where ω is the wave generator frequency and d is the amplitude of the movement (stroke). The resulting boundary condition is as follows (k is the wave number and Vo is the ship speed):

For this problem linear wave theory states that the relation between wave number, channel depth and wave-maker frequency is ω2=g·k·tanh(kh). Where k is the wave number, h is the water depth and g the gravity acceleration

The waves are dumped at the right hand side of the tank by disposing a (numerical) beach.

tVkdVVx 00 cos

Page 26: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Head Waves

Fn = 0.65 (right)Fn = 0.55 (down)

Page 27: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Head Waves analyses

View of the mesh (longitudinal cut, free surface and ship) for a specific time


Page 28: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Head waves analysis

Left: Pressure forces (OX)Down: Trim angle

Page 29: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

NT-130 Other

Other type of practical analyses can be carried out with this model, including stability analysis (i.e. roll motion decay) and different manouvering analysis.

Page 30: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

ConclusionsThe present work describes a new methodology for the analysis

of naval problems (ODDLS). ODDLS method is based on the domain decomposition technique

combined with the Level Set technique and a FIC stabilized FEM. The ODDLS approximation increases the accuracy of the free surface capturing (level set equation) as well as the solution of the governing equations in the interface between two fluids. The greater accuracy in the solution of the interface between the fluids allows the use of non-structured meshes, as well as larger elements in the free surface.

The method can be simplified by solving only one of the two fluids, which increases the efficiency in most of the naval/marine applications where the effect of one of the fluids can be neglected.

The proposed ODDLS methodology has also been integrated with an ALE algorithm for the treatment of the dynamic movement of the ship.

The presented application examples show that the method can be used for the analysis of a wide range of naval studies.

Page 31: J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate. Motivation To develop a general environment for analysis of ship aero+hydro-dynamics. Main topics: Two fluids NS solver

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