j 2015 - oklahoma · 2015. 9. 22. · oklahoma state treasurer ken miller state treasurer 2300 n....


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Page 1: J 2015 - Oklahoma · 2015. 9. 22. · OklahOma State treaSurer Ken Miller State treaSurer 2300 n. lincoln Blvd., rooM 217 oKlahoMa city, oK 73105 ken.miller@treasurer.ok.gov • (405)

Ken Miller

OKlahOMa State treaSurer

MOnthly inveStMent

PerfOrMance rePOrt

July 2015

Page 2: J 2015 - Oklahoma · 2015. 9. 22. · OklahOma State treaSurer Ken Miller State treaSurer 2300 n. lincoln Blvd., rooM 217 oKlahoMa city, oK 73105 ken.miller@treasurer.ok.gov • (405)

OklahOma State treaSurer

Ken MillerState treaSurer

2300 n. lincoln Blvd., rooM 217oKlahoMa city, oK 73105

[email protected] • (405) 521-3191

September 11, 2015

To the People of Oklahoma:

I am pleased to issue the July monthly investment performance report for the Office of the State Treasurer. I trust you will find it thorough and in keeping with my commitment to provide full and complete disclosure of all activities within my office. As always, my staff and I are available to answer any questions you might have.

Market ConditionsThe Treasury curve became flatter during July with the 2-year lower by 3 basis points, the 10-year reduced by 24 basis points and a 152 basis point spread. The spread between the 5-year and 30-year curve was 138 basis points by the end of the month.

The Dow Jones industrial average ended July at 17,689 and the S&P 500 Index came in at 2,103. The NASDAQ composite was stagnant for a month-end of 5,128.

The minutes from the June Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting reflected ongoing concern pertaining to the economy, subdued inflation numbers and international uncertainty. The FOMC remained data-dependent and continued with caution in considering a rate increase.

Economic DevelopmentsThe Labor Department reported that unemployment fell to 5.3% in June, which was the lowest rate since 2008. Non-farm payrolls increased 223,000, but May’s numbers were decreased from 280,000 to 254,000 and April numbers were revised to 187,000 from 221,000. The twelve-month average for non-farm payrolls was 247,000. The labor force participation rate was still the lowest since the late 1970s at 62.6% from 62.9% the previous month. The workweek averaged 34.5 hours, reflecting no change since March.

The Labor Department reported that its consumer price index (CPI) increased 0.3% in June after rising 0.4% in May. The number reflected the first time since December that consumer prices were higher than the prior year. Core CPI which takes out food and energy costs, rose 1.8% over the past twelve months. Gas prices increased 3.4% for the month after rising 10.4% in May. With the largest jump since September 2014, food prices increased 0.3% and the index for rent reflected a hike of 0.4% which was the largest increase since August 2013. The producer price index (PPI) increased 0.4% and excluding food and energy, the index rose 0.3% at the end of the second quarter.

Monthly retail sales figures fell by 0.3% and May results were revised down from 1.2% to 1.0%, along with April from 0.2% to zero monthly growth. Retail sales were up just 1.4% compared to 4.4% in June 2014. Sales of furniture, building materials and clothing fell during the month, but there were increases in electronics, sporting goods, health and personal care and general merchandise.

Existing home sales came in annually at 5.49 million, with June rising 3.2%, reflecting the highest level of sales in eight years. Single family home sales continued to be solid and were up nearly 10% over the last twelve months, exceeding the previous 2013 peak.

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The second quarter gross domestic product (GDP) increased a seasonally adjusted 2.3% and the first quarter was revised by the Commerce Department from a contraction of 0.2% to growth of 0.6%. After the revision, the average quarterly growth rate was 1.5% reflecting the worst first half GDP since 2011. According to the Wall Street Journal, “this year’s tepid first quarter reflected a variety of factors that continued to weigh on output in the second quarter, including a stronger dollar, sluggish business investment and choppy consumer spending”.

Portfolio Commentary: Performance, Diversification, and StrategyYield on the Treasurer’s portfolio was 1.71% in July and the weighted average maturity was 958 days. The year-to-date monthly average investable base was $3.89 billion. Portfolio diversification continues to be sound. U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities represented 1% of holdings, and U.S. government sponsored enterprises accounted for approximately 41% of the portfolio. Mortgage-backed securities were 38%, municipal bonds were 2% and Certificates of Deposit represented 3% of assets. Money market mutual funds and commercial paper sweep were 10% and OK Invest, which is comprised of various State agency funds, represented 3% of the total portfolio. State Bond Issues (at 1%) and foreign bonds (at less than 1%) made up the balance of funds invested. In keeping with the State’s statutory investment objectives, the portfolio strategy continues to seek safety, liquidity, and return on investment, in that order. Laddered bond maturities and a buy-and-hold strategy were utilized. Market observation for investment opportunities were considered in order to maximize income within investment parameters and the current low interest rate environment.

CollateralizationAll funds under the control of this office requiring collateralization were secured at rates ranging from 102% to 110%, depending on the type of investment.

Payments, Fees, and CommissionsAll securities were purchased or sold on a net basis utilizing competitive bidding where practicable, with no additional fees or commissions known to the State Treasurer. Bank fees and mutual fund operating expenses are detailed in the attached pages, as is the earnings split between the Treasurer and the master custodian bank on securities lending income.

Total Funds InvestedFunds available for investment, at cost basis, include the State Treasurer’s investments at $3,720,590,367 and State Agency balances in OK Invest at $2,595,295,466 for a total of $6,315,885,833.

Best regards,


cc: The Honorable Mary Fallin, GovernorThe Honorable Brian Bingman, President Pro TemporeThe Honorable Jeff Hickman, Speaker of the HouseThe Honorable Scott Pruitt, Attorney GeneralThe Honorable Gary Jones, State Auditor and InspectorMembers: Cash Management and Investment Oversight Commission

Page 4: J 2015 - Oklahoma · 2015. 9. 22. · OklahOma State treaSurer Ken Miller State treaSurer 2300 n. lincoln Blvd., rooM 217 oKlahoMa city, oK 73105 ken.miller@treasurer.ok.gov • (405)

Position Report

Weighted Average Maturity

Yield at Purchase Cost Basis

Percent of Portfolio *Market Value


U.S. TREASURIES AND AGENCIES Treasury TIPS 638 1.35% 42,348,472$ 1.14% 50,761,727$ Agencies 428 0.67% 1,538,288,027 41.35% 1,537,367,444 Mortgage Backed 1972 3.28% 1,403,174,886 37.71% 1,727,057,503

1157 1.91% 2,983,811,385 80.20% 3,315,186,674

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 63 0.28% 97,475,769 2.62% 97,475,769

OK INVEST 1 1.75% 124,621,012 3.35% 124,621,012 1 1.75% 124,621,012 3.35% 124,621,012

MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS 1 0.05% 382,759,589 10.29% 382,759,589

STATE BOND ISSUES 44 2.22% 52,700,000 1.42% 52,700,000 (Private Placement)

MUNICIPAL BOND ISSUES 1619 4.75% 50,936,134 1.37% 55,169,651

FOREIGN BONDS 768 1.42% 28,286,478 0.76% 28,286,608


Total Investment Portfolio 958 1.71% 3,720,590,367$ 100% 4,056,199,302$

*J. P. Morgan Chase Co. furnished market value data related to Securities. Other investments including Certificates of Deposit,

Money Market Mutual Funds, and State Bond Issues were valued at 100% of purchase price.

July 31, 2015

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015Page 1

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Portfolio CompositionJuly 31, 2015

Principal Percent

U.S. Treasury Bonds/Notes - 0.00%U.S. Treasury TIPS 42,348,472 1.14%U.S. Agencies 1,538,288,027 41.35%Mortgage Backed 1,403,174,886 37.71%Certificates of Deposit 97,475,769 2.62%OK Invest 124,621,012 3.35%Money Market Mutual Funds* 382,759,589 10.29%State Bond Issues** 52,700,000 1.42%Municipal Bond Issues 50,936,134 1.37%Foreign Bonds 28,286,478 0.76%

TOTAL 3,720,590,367$ 100.00%

* JPMorgan - U.S. Government Capitial Class - Fund 3164 59,088,622

Goldman Sachs - FS Government Institutional - Fund 465 63,200,863

Invesco - Government and Agency Portfolio 186,137,851

JPMorgan - Commercial End of Day Sweep 74,332,253

** OSLA 2001A-4 12,700,000

** OIFA Refund Bonds 40,000,000

Treasury TIPS/Notes

Money Market Mutual Funds*

Certificates of Deposit

Mortgage Backed

State Bond Issues**

U.S. Agencies

Municipal Bond Issues

OK Invest

Foreign Bonds

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015Page 2

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Transactions by Broker

Broker Tax ID# City State Purchases Sales(Cost) (Cost)

Bank of Oklahoma 73-0780382 Tulsa OK 19,961,573

Morgan Stanley 26-4310844 Chicago IL 61,940,600

Wells Fargo 23-2384840 Oklahoma City OK 90,099,300

Total Securities 172,001,473$ -$

Certificates of Deposit 28,035,000

TOTAL 200,036,473$ $ -

July 31, 2015

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015Page 3

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Transaction by Security Type

Security Purchases Sales(Cost) (Cost)

U.S. Agencies 172,001,473

172,001,473 0

Certificates of Deposit 28,035,000

TOTAL 200,036,473 $ 0

July 31, 2015

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015Page 4

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Earnings by Security Type

Interest Earned Net of


Realized Gain

(Loss) Total


Weighted Average


U.S. Treasury Notes/Bonds/Tips 53,506$ $ - 53,506$ 1.35%U.S. Agencies 918,722 918,722 0.68%Mortgage Backed 4,374,017 4,374,017 3.18%

5,346,244 - 5,346,244 1.84%

Certificates of Deposit 24,397 - 24,397 0.28%

OK Invest 108,571 - 108,571 1.72%

Money Market Mutual Funds 13,373 - 13,373 0.05%

State Bond Issues 329,000 - 329,000 2.41%

Municipal Bond Issues 227,182 227,182 4.79%

Foreign Bonds 35,984 - 35,984 1.42%

Securities Lending Income - - - 0.00%

TOTAL 6,084,752$ $ - 6,084,752$ 1.67%

*Includes accrued interest

July 31, 2015

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015Page 5

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Comparison of Actual Earnings to Estimated EarningsFiscal Year to Date

Revenues Actual

Revenues Estimate Variance Percent

Investable Base Actual

Investable Base Estimate Variance Percent

Securities 4,618,571 4,539,522 79,049 1.74% 3,203,160,527 3,431,072,417 (227,911,890) -6.64%

Certificates of Deposit 21,081 22,903 (1,822) -7.96% 106,347,799 103,540,000 2,807,799 2.71%

OK Invest 193,296 187,000 6,296 3.37% 76,215,057 71,000,000 5,215,057 7.35%

Money Market MutualFunds incl CP sweep 10,892 9,780 1,112 11.37% 364,810,300 303,218,093 61,592,207 20.31%

Foreign Bonds - - - 0.00% 30,660,145 31,000,000 (339,855) -1.10%

State Bonds 0 8,287 (8,287) -100.00% 55,167,742 54,400,000 767,742 1.41%

Municipal Bonds 331,510 331,509 1 0.00% 60,305,887 55,372,200 4,933,687 8.91%.

5,175,350 5,099,001 76,349 1.50% 3,896,667,457 4,049,602,710 (152,935,253) -3.78%

In December 2014, the Treasurer estimated earnings to the Board of Equalization for Fiscal Year 2016. The amount estimated was $53,000,000. Year-to-date actual earnings are recorded on a cash basis of accounting.

July 31, 2015

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015Page 6

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Explanation of Performance ComparisonJuly 31, 2015

The following page presents market rates of return on the Securities portion of the General Accountand of the State's aggregated State Agency Accounts. The figures, which are dollar- and time-weighted, where appropriate, are calculated using the percentage change in market value (inclusive of accrued income) from the end of the prior month to the end of the reporting month. To ensure theintegrity of the data, this information is provided by the Treasurer's custodian bank acting in itscapacity as an external third party. As such, performance measurement is presently confined to those investments which are custodied at J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.

The Treasurer's office is trying to develop a method to report rates of return on all investmentinstruments in the State's portfolio. This is in an effort to report return data in a manner recommended on September 15, 1994, by the Working Group of the Cash Management and Investment Oversight Commission. However, there are technical and conceptual challenges toexpanding performance measurement to other portions of the portfolio. Attempting to applymarket-base pricing calculations to instruments which do not trade, such as Certificates ofDeposit, presents difficulty which is both conceptual and technical in nature.

Benchmark data is also provided on the following page.

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015Page 7

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Performance Comparison*July 31, 2015

Month** Fiscal YearTo Date**

Securities: General Revenue Account 0.20% 0.20%

Securities: Agency-directed 1.66% 1.66%

Benchmark: ML 1 year US Treasury Note Index 0.21% 0.21%

* Analysis by J. P. Morgan Chase Co.

** Represents dollar- and time-weighted rates of return

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July 2015Page 8

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Monthly Investable BaseJuly 2015

FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16


Office of the State TreasurerMonthlyReport

July 2015Page 9

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Banking, Custody and Other Fees

DEPOSITORY BANK TAX ID # CITY STATE AMOUNTArmstrong Bank 73-0496410 Vian/Muskogee OK 44.58 Arvest Bank 73-1291209 Bartlesville OK 224.13 BancFirst 73-1332918 OKC OK 11,596.06 Bank of America 57-0236115 OKC OK 1,198.53 Central National Bank 73-0177591 Alva OK 68.93 Central National Bank 73-0783952 Enid OK 74.79 Federal Reserve Bank 44-0545874 KS OK 1,263.69 First Fidelity Bank, NA 73-1100200 OKC-Moore OK 192.15 First National Bank 73-0188428 Clinton OK 131.05 First National Bank 73-0125373 Altus OK 11.88 Intrust Bank 48-0477525 Wichita KS 121.10 Mabrey Bank 73-0183780 Bixby OK 48.31 JP Morgan/Chase, Oklahoma, NA 73-0777610 OKC OK 31,114.37 The Bank N.A. 73-0344910 McAlester OK 9.70 EARNED CREDIT ALLOWANCE

TOTAL 46,099.27$

Bank service charges include actual amounts invoiced as of the report date. There has been no accrual madefor de minimis bank service charges owed in active bank accounts.

The State Treasurer participates in the following money market mutual funds. The fund managers are compensated for certain operating expenses by deducting a fee from the gross interest earnings.

Fund Manager TIN Fee (Annualized basis) AmountInvesco 76-0574220 0.12% 24,246.59$ Bond Logistix LLC 51-0404065 0.035% 7,071.66$ JP Morgan Securities 23-2694160 0.14% 12,843.55$ Goldman Sachs 06-1287410 0.11% 10,928.23$ BOSC, Inc. 73-1275307 0.07% 6,954.33$

NOTE: Pursuant to Oklahoma State Statute Title 62, Section 89.7, all known fees are to be reported. The

money market mutual fund fees reported above are shown at the contracted rate. Due to the current lowinterest rate environment, a portion of these fees have been voluntarily waived by the provider.An adjustment to actual fees will be presented in the Annual Report.

The State Treasurer participates in a Securities Lending Program with J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. actingas lending agent. J. P. Morgan retains 15% of the revenues generated as compensation for services.Its share for the month was $2,005.24. Pursuant to Oklahoma State Statute Title 62 Section 90, the StateTreasurer retains the first $450,000 of securities lending revenues in a revolving fund. These funds areused to pay custody and other banking fees. Any revenue not needed for this purpose is deposited tothe General Fund.

July 31, 2015

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July 2015Page 10

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Transactions by BrokerState Agency Directed

July 31, 2015

Broker Tax ID# City State Purchases Sales(Cost) (Cost)

No Activity $ -

TOTAL -$ $ -

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015Page 11

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Transactions by Security TypeState Agency Directed

July 31, 2015

Security Purchases Sales(Cost) (Cost)

No Activity $

TOTAL -$ $ -

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July 2015Page 12

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Agency Directed InvestmentsPosition Report - Securities

July 31, 2015



1420A Langston University Mutual Fund 686,746.66$ 686,746.66$ 1,637,269.10$

1150A University of Science and Arts U.S. Treasury Notes/Bonds 7.25 6.82 289 170,000.00 177,942.19 179,217.40

WAM = 42 177,942.19 179,217.40

711-420 Langston University Mutual Fund 422,147.00 422,147.00 590,723.33

1,278,893.66$ 1,286,835.85$ 2,407,209.83$

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July 2015Page 13

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Agency Directed InvestmentsPosition Report - OK Invest


AGENCY RATE MATURITY VALUE2113101 1131A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (14,558.27)2113104 1131D Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 2,622.872113107 1131G Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 7,086.972113110 1131J Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (425.91)2113112 1131L Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (1,052.60)2113119 1131S Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 10.002113120 1131T Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (3,159.39)2113123 1131W Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (8,068.77)2113125 1131Y Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (4,306.14)2113201 1132A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (5,465.49)2113204 1132D Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (73.60)2113206 1132F Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (338.75)2113208 1132H Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (23.00)2113301 1133A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (1,473.19)2113401 1134A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (4,968.69)2113501 1135A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (12.00)2113503 1135C Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (5,161.93)2113801 1138A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (3,681.63)2113901 1139A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (1,392.84)2114102 1141B Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 (3,538.77)2118506 1185F Corportation Commission 1.7475 1 19,189,025.652137001 1370A OIFA 1.7475 1 35,192,503.482139101 1391A Multiple Injury Trust Fund 1.7475 1 5,369,830.762141001 1410A Commissioners of the Land Office 1.7475 1 86,008,995.502142001 1420A Langston University 1.7475 1 14,614,836.482143500 1435 Oklahoma Lottery Commission 1.7475 1 7,899,086.712143501 1435A Oklahoma Lottery Commission 1.7475 1 3,154,983.702147704 1477D Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics 1.7475 1 7,151,070.762151500 1515 OPERS 1.7475 1 598,709.972151501 1515A OPERS 1.7475 1 6,276,985.992151502 1515B OPERS 1.7475 1 1,189,100.052151503 1515C OPERS 1.7475 1 194,593.702151504 1515D OPERS 1.7475 1 3,346,553.182151505 1515E OPERS 1.7475 1 36,456.622151506 1515F OPERS 1.7475 1 230,068.962151510 1515J OPERS 1.7475 1 578,615.672153001 1530A Panhandle State University 1.7475 1 4,492,041.262154501 1545A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 1,942.992155701 1557A OK Police Pension 1.7475 1 27,197,564.642159001 1590A Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 1,942.362169502 1695B Tax Commission 1.7475 1 171,397,062.272169520 1695T Tax Commission 1.7475 1 1,400,524.202169521 1695U Tax Commission 1.7475 1 11,880,448.252174007 1740G State Treasurer 1.7475 1 92,768.242174010 1740J State Treasurer 1.7475 1 0.072174013 1740M State Treasurer 1.7475 1 0.092183006 1830F DHS - CSED 1.7475 1 18,879,263.487200039 200039 Oklahoma Boll Weevil Eradication 1.7475 1 1,368,201.237200320 200320 Department of Wildlife 1.7475 1 3,694,150.067200359 200359 OERB 1.7475 1 17,563,790.497200370 200370 OIFA 1.7475 1 5,580,766.827200391 200391 Multiple Injury Trust Fund 1.7475 1 119,316.107200410 200410 Commissioners of the Land Office 1.7475 1 9,645,231.027200435 200435 Oklahoma Lottery Commission 1.7475 1 2,145,142.007200515 200515 OPERS 1.7475 1 127,034.977200557 200557 Oklahoma Police Pension 1.7475 1 13,563.717200588 200588 Real Estate Commission 1.7475 1 669,588.267200830 200830 Department of Human Services 1.7475 1 361,784.647200875 200875 Oklahoma Wheat Commission 1.7475 1 142,165.847201825 201825 University Hospitals Authority 1.7475 1 4,028,619.707205090 205090 OMES Risk Management Division/DSC 1.7475 1 46,336,578.277205204 205204 JM Davis Arms & Historical Museum 1.7475 1 3,118.567205270 205270 State Election Board 1.7475 1 228,263.697205320 205320 Department of Wildlife 1.7475 1 996,606.867205359 205359 Sustaining OK Energy Resources 1.7475 1 2,101,860.357205435 205435 Oklahoma Lottery Commission 1.7475 1 135,533.627205444 205444 Oklahoma LP Gas Research 1.7475 1 371,285.317205515 205515 OPERS 1.7475 1 255,062.03

Note: Rate is net of 1.25 bps management fee

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015

Page 18: J 2015 - Oklahoma · 2015. 9. 22. · OklahOma State treaSurer Ken Miller State treaSurer 2300 n. lincoln Blvd., rooM 217 oKlahoMa city, oK 73105 ken.miller@treasurer.ok.gov • (405)

Agency Directed InvestmentsPosition Report - OK Invest


AGENCY RATE MATURITY VALUE7205563 205563 OK Bd for Private Vocational Schools 1.7475 1 473,765.877205630 205630 Oklahoma Department of Securities 1.7475 1 602,493.767205807 205807 Oklahoma Health Care Authority 1.7475 1 3,275,316.407210270 210270 State Election Board 1.7475 1 7,807,574.137210320 210320 Department of Wildlife 1.7475 1 3,113,797.987210350 210350 Oklahoma Historical Society 1.7475 1 26.027210400 210400 Office of Juvenile Affairs 1.7475 1 77,036.417210410 210410 Commissioners of the Land Office 1.7475 1 23,061,504.587210588 210588 Real Estate Commission 1.7475 1 303,106.817210645 210645 Conservation Commission 1.7475 1 6.967215320 215320 Department of Wildlife 1.7475 1 2,401,561.837215444 215444 Oklahoma LP Gas Research 1.7475 1 373,337.027215566 215566 Tourism & Recreation Department 1.7475 1 11,782,710.267215585 215585 Department of Public Safety 1.7475 1 2,256,361.917215670 215670 JD McCarty Center 1.7475 1 213,567.917216805 216805 Department of Rehabilitation Services 1.7475 1 676,305.157220090 220090 OSF Building Project Fund 1.7475 1 298.437220320 220320 Dept of Wildlife Conservation 1.7475 1 4,417,238.277220585 220585 Department of Public Safety 1.7475 1 3,106,056.387220830 220830 Department of Human Services 1.7475 1 78,342.767225040 225040 Department of Agriculture 1.7475 1 835,623.767225830 225830 Department of Human Services 1.7475 1 479,350.337230220 230220 Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation 1.7475 1 3,625,329.427230345 230345 Department of Transportation 1.7475 1 8,260,915.647230566 230566 Tourism & Recreation Department 1.7475 1 1,112,409.977230695 230695 Tax Commission 1.7475 1 5,737,585.837230807 230807 Health Care Authority 1.7475 1 103,904.207235605 235605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 18,280,552.237235695 235695 OTC Ad Valorem Admin Protest 1.7475 1 209,495.847240807 240807 Health Care Authority 1.7475 1 17,651,422.597244090 244090 OMES Dept of Central Services 1.7475 1 2,783,479.217245807 245807 Health Care Authority 1.7475 1 9,185,340.897255090 255090 Department of Central Services 1.7475 1 912,236.157255585 255585 Oklahoma Dept of Public Safety 1.7475 1 92,144.297260090 260090 OMES Risk Management Division 1.7475 1 5,770,248.777260452 260452 OK Board of Mental Health 1.7475 1 509,667.647275740 275740 OST - SEED 1.7475 1 65,657.417280090 280090 OMES DCS Property Distribution 1.7475 1 1,806,077.907280345 280345 Department of Transportation 1.7475 1 86,588.567285345 285345 Department of Transportation 1.7475 1 204,560,600.987295090 295090 Emergency & Transportation 1.7475 1 1,649,984.997296150 296150 University of Science & Arts 1.7475 1 37.017303000 303000 Tobacco Litigation Escrow Fund 1.7475 1 26,851.817360566 360566 Tourism & Recreation Department 1.7475 1 14,992,738.267402105 402105 OCIA 1.7475 1 50.937404105 404105 OCIA 1.7475 1 233,303.087405220 405200 District Attorneys Council 1.7475 1 6,355,427.597406105 406105 OCIA 1.7475 1 74.227408105 408105 OCIA 1.7475 1 472,224.767410105 410105 OCIA 1.7475 1 0.067410645 410645 Oklahoma Conservation Commission 1.7475 1 (106.51)7414105 414105 OCIA 2005C 1.7475 1 30.207415400 415400 Office of Juvenile Affairs 1.7475 1 766,328.107416000 416000 OSF - Oil Overcharge 1.7475 1 260,942.887416160 416160 Department of Commerce 1.7475 1 2,391,985.737417105 417105 OCIA 1.7475 1 24,626.757419105 419105 OCIA 1.7475 1 1,623,727.197424105 424105 OCIA 1.7475 1 615.077426000 426000 OSF - Oil Overcharge 1.7475 1 2,180,311.067426160 426160 Department of Commerce 1.7475 1 6,941,582.817428105 428105 OCIA Endowed Chairs Fund 1.7475 1 864,800.797429105 429105 OCIA 1.7475 1 805.407430010 430010 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 3,406,908.807430011 430011 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 1,390,133.067430012 430012 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 1,182,458.717430013 430013 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 222,688.667430014 430014 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 1,971,006.127430015 430015 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 1,651,065.95

Note: Rate is net of 1.25 bps management fee

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015

Page 19: J 2015 - Oklahoma · 2015. 9. 22. · OklahOma State treaSurer Ken Miller State treaSurer 2300 n. lincoln Blvd., rooM 217 oKlahoMa city, oK 73105 ken.miller@treasurer.ok.gov • (405)

Agency Directed InvestmentsPosition Report - OK Invest


AGENCY RATE MATURITY VALUE7430016 430016 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 152,860.227430420 430420 Langston University 1.7475 1 258,308.847430461 430461 Rogers State College 1.7475 1 735,727.707430505 430505 Northwestern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 288,091.117430665 430665 Southwestern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 2,186,568.567430760 430760 University of Oklahoma 1.7475 1 19,662,811.897430770 430770 OUHSC 1.7475 1 60,790,343.237430773 430773 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 3,169,828.477432105 432105 OCIA 2009A Construction Fund 1.7475 1 163,657.137433105 433105 OCIA 1.7475 1 2,967.747434105 434105 OCIA 1.7475 1 149,441.797436000 436000 OSF - Oil Overcharge 1.7475 1 2,391.277436105 436105 OCIA 1.7475 1 46.437438105 438105 OCIA 1.7475 1 41.317440105 440105 OCIA Operations & Maintenance 1.7475 1 3,659.297442105 442105 OCIA 1.7475 1 273.827444835 444835 Water Resources Board 1.7475 1 7,910,679.677445835 445835 Water Resources Board 1.7475 1 1,998,041.147448105 448105 OCIA 1.7475 1 53,601,924.057449105 449105 OCIA 1.7475 1 1,806,279.277455160 455160 Department of Commerce 1.7475 1 205,087.437460100 460100 Cameron University 1.7475 1 431,913.077460760 460760 University of Oklahoma 1.7475 1 151,031.447462105 462105 OCIA 1.7475 1 449.187465105 465105 OCIA 2005A Admin 1.7475 1 34.117467105 467105 OCIA 2005B Admin 1.7475 1 543.337469105 469105 OCIA 1.7475 1 515.217470230 470230 East Central University 1.7475 1 66.147471835 471835 Water Resources Board 1.7475 1 585,170.997472835 472835 Water Resources Board 1.7475 1 23,666,122.187473835 473835 Water Resources Board 1.7475 1 28,629,755.027475120 475120 University of Central Oklahoma 1.7475 1 2,892.787475750 475750 Tulsa Community College 1.7475 1 5,364.247475770 475770 OUHSC 1.7475 1 0.377476760 476760 University of Oklahoma 1.7475 1 66,659,271.007477105 477105 OCIA 1.7475 1 59.437477120 477120 University of Central Oklahoma 1.7475 1 74,302.267480230 480230 East Central University 1.7475 1 404.677481230 481230 East Central University 1.7475 1 23.897482105 485105 OCIA 1.7475 1 5,629.687483633 843633 OCCC 2010 Bond 1.7475 1 7,038.597485014 485014 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY 1.7475 1 570,680.637486010 486010 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY 1.7475 1 14,128,520.157487105 487105 OCIA 1.7475 1 141.037488105 488105 OCIA 1.7475 1 580,221.027489105 489105 OCIA 1.7475 1 328.357513410 513410 Commissioners of the Land Office 1.7475 1 437,505.067514410 514410 Commissioners of the Land Office 1.7475 1 957,215.237515410 515410 Commissioners of the Land Office 1.7475 1 5,056,415.757516410 516410 Commissioners of the Land Office 1.7475 1 3,065,092.997600010 600010 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 9,503,037.057600120 600120 University of Central Oklahoma 1.7475 1 3,726,937.237600150 600150 University of Science & Arts 1.7475 1 639,969.107600230 600230 East Central University 1.7475 1 1,326,277.787600420 600420 Langston University 1.7475 1 1,111,774.687600485 600485 Northeastern State University 1.7475 1 2,033,883.637600490 600490 Northern Oklahoma College 1.7475 1 643,978.887600505 600505 Northwestern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 1,415,318.337600530 600530 Panhandle State University 1.7475 1 213,724.097600660 600660 Southeastern Oklahoma State Unversity 1.7475 1 216,001.697600665 600665 Southwestern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 1,718,937.547600760 600760 University of Oklahoma 1.7475 1 3,257,968.967650010 650010 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 4,043,985.417650120 650120 University of Central Oklahoma 1.7475 1 992,443.867650150 650150 University of Science & Arts 1.7475 1 1,685,473.187650230 650230 East Central University 1.7475 1 1,670,003.217650420 650420 Langston University 1.7475 1 2,904,039.737650485 650485 Northeastern State University 1.7475 1 876,033.98

Note: Rate is net of 1.25 bps management fee

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015

Page 20: J 2015 - Oklahoma · 2015. 9. 22. · OklahOma State treaSurer Ken Miller State treaSurer 2300 n. lincoln Blvd., rooM 217 oKlahoMa city, oK 73105 ken.miller@treasurer.ok.gov • (405)

Agency Directed InvestmentsPosition Report - OK Invest


AGENCY RATE MATURITY VALUE7650490 650490 Northern Oklahoma College 1.7475 1 1,308,081.517650505 650505 Northwestern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 778,010.497650530 650530 Panhandle State University 1.7475 1 143,239.557650660 650660 Southeastern Oklahoma State Unversity 1.7475 1 39,932.347650665 650665 Southwestern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 378,067.897650760 650760 University of Oklahoma 1.7475 1 5,118,170.757700040 700040 Department of Agriculture 1.7475 1 10,028,415.047700041 700041 Western Oklahoma State College 1.7475 1 1,012,855.177700131 700131 Department of Corrections 1.7475 1 14,912,636.707700240 700240 Eastern Oklahoma State College 1.7475 1 680,897.187700461 700461 Rogers State College 1.7475 1 7,074,179.897700490 700490 Northern Oklahoma College 1.7475 1 7,083,928.317700606 700606 Ardmore Higher Education Center 1.7475 1 356,218.417700633 700633 Oklahoma City Community College 1.7475 1 4,608,927.357700660 700660 Southeastern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 874,849.777700760 700760 University of Oklahoma 1.7475 1 117,680,231.067700830 700830 Department of Human Services 1.7475 1 1,668,271.877701010 701010 Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 11,365,900.857701091 701091 GO Bonds of 1992 - Admin Fund 1.7475 1 1,753.677701150 701150 University of Science & Arts 1.7475 1 3,014,305.007701165 701165 Connors State College 1.7475 1 30,269.957701400 701400 Office of Juvenile Affairs 1.7475 1 418,010.977701480 701480 Northeasten Oklahoma A&M College 1.7475 1 4,129,588.687701605 701605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 36,938,033.077701650 701650 Department of Veteran Affairs 1.7475 1 523,146.807701750 701750 Tulsa Community College 1.7475 1 851,969.167701770 701770 OUHSC 1.7475 1 429,537,489.507701805 701805 Department of Rehabilitation Services 1.7475 1 196,633.697701865 701865 Workers Compensation Commission 1.7475 1 7,165,234.457702120 702120 University of Central Oklahoma 1.7475 1 26,839,831.257702650 702650 Department of Veteran Affairs 1.7475 1 543,576.187703650 703650 Department of Veteran Affairs 1.7475 1 328,776.597704650 704650 Department of Veteran Affairs 1.7475 1 370,876.687704865 704865 Workers Compensation Commission 1.7475 1 41,543.117705505 705505 Northwestern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 98,686.137705650 705650 Department of Veteran Affairs 1.7475 1 351,184.797705865 705865 Workers Compensation Commission 1.7475 1 1,514,117.397706605 706605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 1,306.387706650 706650 Department of Veteran Affairs 1.7475 1 174,248.927707605 707605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 58,973,770.977707650 707650 Department of Veteran Affairs 1.7475 1 224,512.957708108 708108 Carl Albert State College 1.7475 1 4,534,115.427708605 708605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 151,960.687709605 709605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 3,449,634.607710350 710350 Oklahoma Historical Society 1.7475 1 1,154,808.497710452 710452 Oklahoma Department of Mental Health 1.7475 1 917,962.857710605 710605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 2,946,588.517711185 711185 Corporation Commission 1.7475 1 64,988,488.527711420 711420 Langston University 1.7475 1 105,222.147711452 711452 Griffin Memorial Hospital Rep Payee 1.7475 1 17,775.167711605 711605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 901,409.137712605 712605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 169,867.987713605 713605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 2,336,258.747714605 714605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 11,644,600.077715605 715605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 438,886.577718605 718605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 7,038,998.827719605 719605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 31,187.927723623 723623 Seminole State College 1.7475 1 445,505.137725100 725100 Cameron University 1.7475 1 3,279,998.797730230 730230 East Central University 1.7475 1 3,100,414.047730830 730830 Department of Human Services 1.7475 1 245,316.327740605 740605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 11,242,933.187741241 741241 Redlands Community College 1.7475 1 425,054.387745605 745605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 573,255.927747470 747470 Murray State College 1.7475 1 6,563,308.827750350 750350 Oklahoma Historical Society 1.7475 1 692,500.517750531 750531 Rose State College 1.7475 1 8,898,237.537751485 751485 Northeastern State University 1.7475 1 9,603,355.38

Note: Rate is net of 1.25 bps management fee

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015

Page 21: J 2015 - Oklahoma · 2015. 9. 22. · OklahOma State treaSurer Ken Miller State treaSurer 2300 n. lincoln Blvd., rooM 217 oKlahoMa city, oK 73105 ken.miller@treasurer.ok.gov • (405)

Agency Directed InvestmentsPosition Report - OK Invest


AGENCY RATE MATURITY VALUE7752485 752485 Northeastern State University 1.7475 1 2,651,349.947765665 765665 Southwestern Oklahoma State University 1.7475 1 8,578,209.747805370 805370 OIFA 1.7475 1 13,892.267823740 823740 OCIA 2008B Reserve Fund 1.7475 1 482,613.637831740 831740 OCIA 2003E Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 888,590.597833740 833740 OCIA 2005A Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 2,924,431.937834740 834740 OCIA 2005C Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 24,720,410.937835740 835740 OCIA 2005D Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 17,207,049.077837740 837740 OCIA 2006 Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 1,488,537.807838740 838740 OCIA 2005F Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 271,883,893.167840740 840740 OCIA 2006 Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 23,180.317842740 842740 OCIA 2006D Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 8.047843740 843740 OCIA 2006C Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 1,367,427.377845740 845740 OCIA 2008A Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 1,877,784.387846740 846740 OCIA 2008B Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 708,839.257847740 847740 OSF Building Project Fund 1.7475 1 3,425,660.917848740 848740 OSF Building Project Fund 1.7475 1 1,079,103.877849740 849740 OCIA 2009A Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 1,908,287.677850740 850740 OCIA 1.7475 1 10,034,925.677851740 851740 OCIA 1.7475 1 3,025,499.497852740 852740 Oklahoma 2010A GO Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 26,744,923.627853740 853740 Oklahoma 2010b GO Sinking Fund 1.7475 1 14,593.277854740 854740 OCIA Endowed Chair Fund 2010 1.7475 1 8,563,223.637855740 855740 OCIA 201A Higher Ed Projects Refunding 1.7475 1 7,356,822.057856740 856740 OCIA 201B Higher Ed Projects Refunding 1.7475 1 12,740,201.027857740 857740 OCIA 2010A Highway Capital Improvements 1.7475 1 13,593,650.697858740 858740 OCIA 2010b Highway Capital Improvements 1.7475 1 3,552,492.677860740 860740 OCIA 2012 State Highway 1.7475 1 3,378,163.887862740 862740 OCIA 2013 1.7475 1 2,427,930.677864740 864740 OK Bldg Bonds refunding 2013 1.7475 1 1,365,714.297910467 910467 OSF Escrow Fund 1.7475 1 163,143.677920605 920605 Regents for Higher Education 1.7475 1 4,825,757.08

TOTAL 2,595,295,466.40

Note: Rate is net of 1.25 bps management fee

Office of the State TreasurerMonthly Report

July 2015