izutsu studies in honour

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  • 8/13/2019 Izutsu studies in honour


    CONSCIOUSNESS AND REALITYStudies in Memory of Toshihih Izutsu


    Sayyid Jala l al-DTo AshtiyanI, H idcichi M ats ub ara ,Takashi Iwami, Aki.ro Matsumoto

  • 8/13/2019 Izutsu studies in honour



    Foreword Shinya M akino) ixPreface Seyyed Hossein Nasr) xi

    I Perspective on History and Global Society1. Islamic ResurgenceWilfred Cantwell Smith 32. Al-Waqidi, theOrientalists and ApologeticsCharlesJ Adams 173. The Quranic Commentaries of Mulla SadraSeyyed Hossein Nasr 454. TheM eaning andExperience of Happiness in IslamSyed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas 595. Danishnamah-i Maysari , theOldest M edical Com pendiumin Persian Verse

    Mehdi Mohaghegh 79I I . Religion and Aesthetical Order1. WhyDecline of Buddhism Took Place in India?Hajime Nakamura 892. TheParad ise Garden ParadigmNader Ardalan 973. ThePir-Murid Relationship in theThought of Ayn al-Qudat HamadaniForough Jahanbakhsh 1294. Refiguring Postmodern TimesMark C Taylor 149

  • 8/13/2019 Izutsu studies in honour



    5. In theGardensA Psychological M emoirJames Hillman 1756. Legacyof theProphetic Experience inJudaism

    Hiroshi Ichikawa 1837. Av atars japonais del 'ascension d'Alex andreHideichi Matsubara 201

    HI . Structured Analysis and Methodological Possibilities1. Ibn 'Arabi 's Conception of God's Universal Mercy:The Chapter onZakar iyya ' in theFusus al-HikamRonald L Nettler 2132. TheUnique Arabic M anusc ript of Aristotle 's ArsRhetorica and its twoEd itions published to dateby'Abdurrahman Badawl and byM [a lco lm]C.LyonsEstiphan Panoussi 2333. On theOriginality of Izutsu Oriental PhilosophyShinya akino 2514. LeSoufisme en tre Louis M assignon et Henry CorbinChristian Jam bet 2595. La Revelation coranique et la Gnose islamiqueMikio Kamiya 2736. Hallaj in the Sawanih of Ahmad GhazallNasrollah Pourjavady 285

    I V . Being and Know ing1. AnEssay on Creatio ex NihiloMasao Matsumoto 2972. TheStructure of Consciousness inSa nk ara 's PhilosophyYoshitsugu Sawai 32 33. OnSufi Psych ology :A Debate between theSouland theSpiritWilliam C Chittick 3414. Unity of Ontology andEpistemo logy inQ aisarl 's PhilosophyAkiro Matsumoto 3675. 'Aziz-i N asafl and theEssence-Existence De bateHermann Landolt 3876. LaVoiedeHallaj et la voie d'lbn 'ArabiMokdad Arfa Mensia 397

  • 8/13/2019 Izutsu studies in honour
