it’s on like donkey kong!. the second continental congress began meeting on may 10 th, 1775 in...

Download It’s on like Donkey Kong!. The Second Continental Congress Began meeting on May 10 th, 1775 in Philadelphia All thirteen colonies have delegates in attendance…

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Major Actions The formation of the Continental Army with George Washington at the mast Passing the Olive Branch Petition and the Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms


Its on like Donkey Kong! The Second Continental Congress Began meeting on May 10 th, 1775 in Philadelphia All thirteen colonies have delegates in attendance Newcomers: Ben Franklin and John Hancock (nominated president of the Congress) Major Actions The formation of the Continental Army with George Washington at the mast Passing the Olive Branch Petition and the Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms Seriously guys, I said NO anchovies last timeits not funny, they make me sick! So thats 32 for Pizza Hut and 9 for Papa Johns. The Olive Branch Petition An attempt to avoid a full-blown war with Great Britain. Colonies did not want independence but that they merely wanted to negotiate trade and tax regulations with Great Britain. Free trade with same tax rate as that in Britain Or, stricter trade regulations with no taxes Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking-Up Arms Written by John Dickenson In words used today: Hey George, were pretty much over your antics. Lets take a look at all the crap youve put us through since the end of the French and Indian War, shall we? First, whats the deal with all the sudden being so interested in EVERYTHING we do? GET OFF OUR BACKS! Hello, salutary neglect. And dude, you really need to reconsider this whole taxation thing. I mean, COME ON, at least give us some representation in Parliament. And what about those Coercive Acts? Could you be any more passive aggressive. Really, your power trip is kind of sad and pathetic. And dont act like you havent heard this all before. Ten years weve been trying to get your attentionTEN YEARS, yo. Look, its not like we want to break up or anything. We dont want to be independent, but seriously we need some space. You. Are. Smothering. Us. So check it George, lets just calm down here, take a breather and consider some couples therapy. K? Nice try suckerswere gonna eat you for lunch! The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga May 10 th, 1775 After the French & Indian War, the strategic importance of the fort wanes Had fallen into disrepair Only 2 officers and 46 regulars (most invalids) manned the fort along with 25 women & children BUT it did have a collection of heavy artillery including cannons, howitzers, and mortars and it was highly strategic in terms of geography Great Minds Think Alike Ethan Allen was commissioned by the governor of CT to march his Green Mountain Boys to the fort and seize it Benedict Arnold was commissioned by the governor of MA to march 400 militiamen to do the same thing Great minds also want a lot of credit and sometimes act like babies! Not so fast GeorgieYou havent met my Green Mountain Boys (or my high-end furniture store)! My name is Benedict Arnold. I love eggs benedict. Some day I will be known as a traitor. Pleased to meet you! My name is Benedict Arnold. I love eggs benedict. Some day I will be known as a traitor. Pleased to meet you! Capture of the Fort Bloodless In fact, the Green Mountain Boys found the gates open and the sentry asleep. 6 mortars, 3 howitzers, 78 cannon and supplies of cannon balls, powder and flints seized and sent to Boston. Zzzzzz Seriously, sir, put some pants on! After Lexington & Concord British are stuck in Bostonblockaded by the Continental Army Patriots have awesome field position across the Charles River (Breeds Hill) Can fire on Boston Harbor Battle of Bunker Hill June 17, 1775 British force of about 2400 men landed on Charlestown Heights in MA. Objective: surprise attack to nullify the threat posed by "rebel" batteries on the peninsula. Ahahahabut before that Patriots worked non-stop building a fortification on Breed's Hill (at the foot of Bunker Hill to the north). British General Howe First 2 British onslaughts were a failureheavy casualties Third time was a charm Dead Will soon be dead General Israel Putnam "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes," Colonel William Prescott Casualties The British suffered some 1,150 killed and wounded Nearly half of the force engaged. The American casualties were estimated at 450 killed and wounded. Significance The Battle of Bunker Hill was significant in that it overruled any real hope of conciliation. Bunker Hill showed the Americans that the British were not invincible.