itnation guide finance – novembre 2010


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ITnation Guide Finance Luxembourg novembre 2010


  • 2010

    Guide ralis par le service commercial d -

    Le dossier FiNANCe

    Les eNtreprises spCiALises

    L'ANNuAire des prestAtAires

    au Luxembourg

    Le Guide FiNANCe

  • ISIWIS has been created by the business for the business !

    You can start small and evolve at your pace without large IT investments.

    Managing your content is a challenge for you ? Searching for the right information Working on documents with your peers Sharing information with your customers

    ISIWIS stands for "I Search, I Work, I Share".We oer a ready-to-use secure web-access to collect, organise, shareand store your information.

    ISIWIS is the new way to make savings in paper and gain eciency !









    ISIWIS_Pub.pdf 9/11/10 21:28:00

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    FinanceUne place financire lheure des choix 04OdysseySon Portfolio Risk veut rpondre aux besoins mergents du march 07AccentureAchieving high performance through an effective IT strategy 08AdValvasA certified e-Document Authority to support your dematerialization projects 10CTGServices informatiques : optimisation des oprations de nuit 12DevoteamLes outils de pilotage des services 14IntensumTreasury Management is becoming increasingly strategic and regulated 16IBMHow to better assess and manage customer value 19IsiwisAn easier way to deal with document management 20Opexia PSFOffre BPO haut de gamme pour les Banques Prives et gestionnaires de fortune exigeants 22Profiles consultingIntgrateur dIdes 24Platform ComputingMoving finance forward 25TelindusTelindus mise sur le Cloud 26ebrcIs our Information risk strategy aligned with our business requirements? 28

    Fiches entreprise 29

    Annuaire 90

  • Olivier Marchal , Partner Advisory & Consulting de Deloitte Luxembourg


    Une place financire lheure des choix Aprs deux annes plus que mouvementes, la place financire mondiale ne sera sans doute plus la mme. Pression sur les cots, concurrence accrue, rgulations qui augmentent de toute part Les contraintes se multiplient et le mtier de banquier na plus la mme signification quavant. Les opportunits sont malgr tout nombreuses pour qui sait les saisir. Pour Luxembourg aussi...

    Une place en pleine mUtation

    Depuis la crise financire de 2008, la place luxembourgeoise, linstar des marchs financiers internatio-naux, a connu et connat toujours de fortes mutations. La pression des tats et de lopinion publique, les attaques rptes envers le secret bancaire, sont autant dlments qui laissent prsager un renforcement du rle de lautorit de rgulation dans les deux annes venir. Lavenir de certains tablissements bancaires de petite taille et qui ne gnrent pas de profits reprsentatifs Luxembourg et au sein de leur groupe est srieu-sement menac, explique Fabrizio Romano, Manager Business Deve-lopment Sales chez Finnova.

    Ces turbulences auront malgr tout permis de nouveaux modles de business de voir le jour. La place a fortement chang, et ce plusieurs titres. On assiste des regroupe-ments et des fusions spectaculaires, ce qui est assez significatif, elle est en train de se diversifier et de nou-velles relations avec les clients sont en train dmerger. Ces change-ments sont plutt positifs et peuvent permettre Luxembourg de se diff-rencier, dit Pascal Lanser, Country Manager dIBM Luxembourg.

    4 2010

  • Pascal Lanser Country Manager dIBM Luxembourg

    Fabrizio ROMANO, Manager Business Development & Sales chez Finnova

    Des challenges granDissants

    Une plus grande concurrence, plus de rgulation, moins de budgets Les dfis ne manquent pas. La place doit faire face une pression et une concurrence accrues de ses voisins. Le mtier banque prive doit voluer. Son avenir rside dans le passage une offre de services on-shore. Ce qui implique une rflexion sur la stratgie (quels clients, quels services, quels marchs) et le modle oprationnel mettre en place : mutualisation, outsourcing, prcise Olivier Marchal, Partner Advisory & Consulting de Deloitte Luxembourg.

    Il est utopique de croire que la Banque de demain ressemblera en tous points celle davant la crise : la pression sur les cots est une ralit et la capacit mettre en uvre des modles daffaires cots matriss permettra de se diffrencier de ses concurrents. La rflexion sur des nouveaux modles daffaires est un des sujets qui agite toute la place financire de Luxembourg. Une meilleure matrise des cots reste un des sujets cls de linformatique bancaire : faire au moins aussi bien avec moins de budget, continue Fabrizio Romano.

    2010 5

  • FiNANCe

    Des noUvelles tenDances it

    Pour supporter ces changements et dvelopper le business, lIT va devoir accentuer sa transformation et deve-nir un partenaire solide du business. Trs clairement, la vague doutsour-cing de lIT va prendre de lampleur. De nouvelles offres vont se dvelop-per dans ce domaine, certainement en combinaison avec du Business Process Outsourcing, ajoute Olivier Marchal. Les instituions financires sont en train de se recentrer sur des activits plus au cur de leur mtier, ce qui a bien sr des implications au niveau iT. On a dpass le cap de la virtualisation ou de la consolidation qui sont aujourdhui devenues des commodits. LiT va devoir simpli-quer davantage dans la stratgie et tre un vecteur dinnovation.

    Ltude KPMG de 2009 a claire-ment soulign la vtust du parc des systmes bancaires. Un renouvelle-ment de ce dernier est absolument ncessaire pour doter les tablisse-ments bancaires de la place doutils performants et offrant un faible cot total de possession. La mutualisation des ressources et mise en commun de services (ASP/BPO) permettent des gains importants en termes de cots. Faute doffre crdible, ce sujet a beaucoup t discut et analys par les banques mais pas encore ralis, complte Fabrizio Romano.

    Des perspectives DvolUtion

    La place devra aussi se donner les moyens dacqurir de nouveaux clients, dattirer de nouveaux ta-blissements et de conqurir dautres marchs. Lunique capitalisation sur les comptences qui ont fait sa renomme internationale ne sera pas suffisante. Les banques gagne-raient beaucoup se positionner comme centres dexcellences oprationnels auprs de leurs mai-sons mres et la place bnficierait galement beaucoup de ce posi-tionnement limage de ce quelle a su construire dans le domaine des fonds dinvestissements. Il est clair que la mutualisation des ressources et lexternalisation des processus daffaires sont des modles daffai-res novateurs qui peuvent fortement contribuer atteindre cet objectif, poursuit encore Frabrizio Romano.

    Pour rester comptitive, la place financire luxembourgeoise va donc devoir innover et crer elle-mme la diffrence. Le Luxembourg a vrai-ment une carte jouer au niveau europen, il possde une forte concentration de comptences et un savoir-faire exceptionnel quon ne trouve pas ailleurs. Sa sou-plesse et sa lgislation innovante lui permettent de sadapter aux rgle-mentations europennes et dtre un acteur qui compte, termine Pascal Lanser.

    Par Florence Thibaut Didier Pitton, Vice-prsident Marketing

    & Product Management dOdyssey Financial Technologies

    6 2010

  • FiNANCe

    odyssey lance son nouveau module portfolio risk pour rpondre aux besoins mergents du march Odyssey Financial Technologies, fournisseur international de progiciels bancaires pour le middle- et le front-office dans les secteurs de la gestion patrimoniale et de la gestion dactifs, qui fait maintenant partie du groupe Temenos, a annonc rcemment le lancement de son nouveau module Portfolio Risk.

    Entirement intgr sa solution de gestion prive, TripleA Plus, le module Portfolio Risk dOdyssey peut tre implment sur nimporte quelle version du progiciel sans avoir effectuer de mise jour. Le nouveau module sappuie sur X-ante, un progiciel ddi au calcul et lanalyse du risque bas sur lapproche variance-covariance, dvelopp par la socit suisse Fincell Consulting.

    Le module Portfolio Risk de TripleA Plus calcule de nombreuses statistiques de risque, effectue du back-testing, simule des scnarios de variation des facteurs de risque et effectue des projections de fortune. Il soutient les gestionnaires de por-tefeuille et les chargs de clientle en leur mettant disposition linfor-mation pratique dont ils ont besoin pour piloter leur processus dinves-tissement et expliquer les risques associs aux placements. Parce que le module est totalement pr-configur, il a lavantage de pouvoir tre implment trs rapidement et dtre opr trs faible cot.

    Didier Pitton, Vice-prsident Mar-keting & Product Management dOdyssey Financial Technologies, explique : Le contexte de rglemen-tation actuel oblige les institutions financires appliquer des rgles strictes en matire de protection des investisseurs. elles doivent sassurer

    que ceux-ci reoivent linformation et les avertissements appropris en ce qui concerne les risques asso-cis aux stratgies dinvestissement et aux outils financiers quelles leur proposent. Les clients ne souhaitent pas seulement obtenir une quanti-fication du risque, ils veulent aussi une analyse prcise des diffrentes sources de risque auxquelles ils sont exposs. Le nouveau module Portfolio Risk permet aux institutions proposant des services de gestion patrimoniale prive de rpondre ces besoins mergents. Il offre ce qui se fait de mieux en matire danalyse du risque de portefeuille et est un outil puissant de conseil ajust au risque.

    Didier Pitton, Vice-prsident Marketing & Product Management

    dOdyssey Financial Technologies

    2010 7

  • ACCeNture

    achieving high performance through an effective it strategyAccenture IT strategists strive to be a trusted advisor to the CIO and board on how to plan for and deploy IT to maximize business value and help our clients shape and transform their IT for the future strategy.

    The growing importance of IT to the business, a struggling economy, a global business environment and a heightened need for data to support decision making are among the major challenges facing CIOs. At the same time, CIOs are under pressure to deliver more with flat or declining IT budgets, while also investing strategically in IT to support growth and the future needs of the business.

    CIOs are challenged to align IT strategy with business strategy and provide the business with new com-petitive advantage, while balancing IT spending and addressing the ever-changing business environment.

    We partner With it anD bUsiness leaDers to help :

    Plan and deploy IT for maximum business value

    Shape and transform IT organiza-tions for the future

    Improve business through IT Run IT as a business

    accentUres Diffrenciation

    Accentures IT Strategy & Transforma-tion (ITST) professionals quickly identify how IT organizations can deliver grea-ter value to the overall organization. We

    collaborate with IT and business lea-ders to address immediate IT needs, to get the most business value from existing IT investments and to position IT organizations to deliver more busi-ness benefits in the future. We help IT leaders transform the IT function to achieve operational excellence and tight alignment with business strategy.

    Leveraging our methods and approach can help increase an orga-nizations bottom line by as much as 5 percent and reduce overall iT costs by 10 to 50 percent. Accenture ITST services are differentiated by our decades of experience helping lea-ding organizations around the world develop IT strategies and implement IT transformations. In addition our IT strategists, architects and technolo-gists have deep specialist expertise and we have powerful, tested tools and methodologies that provide consistent, efficient project.

    8 2010

  • Pascal Denis, Country Managing Director dAccenture


    Key elements :

    More than 20 years of experience helping leading organizations deve-lop IT strategies and implement IT transformations, anywhere in the world.

    Deep specialist expertise from IT strategists, architects and tech-nologists, backed by our global network of technology, outsour-cing, industry and business process professionals.

    Powerful, tested tools and metho-dologies provide consistent, efficient project implementation, help organi-zations produce results faster.

    We provided technology consulting expertise : to nearly two-thirds of the Fortune 100 over the last two years.

    2010 9

  • AdvALvAs

    a certified e-Document authority to support your dematerialization projectsCompanies realize they can better work together by exchanging business documents electronically in the financial supply chain. By streamlining electronic information flows, business can be done more efficiently, at lower cost, with less errors and less manual interference, and with more respect for the environment.

    AdValvas Europe is an innovating company focusing on the dematerialization process, where we commit to delivere e-invoicing and e-archiving solutions which reduce the complexity and liberate our customers from worries around the technological, legal and integration aspects.

    Since 2007 AdValvas Europe and Clearstream services offer a Private Cloud service for dematerialization, where as a certified e-document authority we provide archiving, cer-tification and trustworthy exchange services to businesses

    laW enforcing archive

    Depending on the nature of the document, there is a number of requirements, where for example the supplier needs to guarantee that he created the document and the content is original and unchanged.

    Electronic archiving services and the law enforcing characteristics of electronic documents are being addressed at european and natio-

    nal level, where each subsequent change is a step forward in treating as equal the electronic document and its paper counterpart. Interesting is the creating of a certified notary, with formal criteria for the certified e-document authorities.

    DeciDe Where to pUt yoUr electronic archive

    In al l cases, dematerial iz ing documents implies that you first secure the long life storage of the documents. A solid electro-nic archiving infrastructure is key. Unifying documents, whatever the source or format on a single consolidated archive is equally important if you want to stay on top of the process.

    AdValvas with Clearstream act as a trusted third-party for storing your digital archive and in addition provide certification and trustworthy docu-ment exchange services.

    hybriD approach

    As paper invoice reception or deliv-ery will need to be supported into foreseeing years, a hybrid solution unifying both document types into a single flow offers a lot of advan-tages. All documents are available in a same workflow and searchable in a consolidated archive.

    Even if scanning of paper documents has a cost, there is still a significant return compared to the productivity of plain old paper processing.

    10 2010

  • Michel Gilis, General Manager dAdvalvas

    2010 11

  • Ctg

    services informatiques : optimisation des oprations de nuitBon nombre de banques se doivent doffrir un service de nuit. Mais quel cot ? Cest ce march que CTG propose ses services.

    alertes, calcUls De vni, sUpport aUx UtilisateUrs...

    La plupart des banques sont confrontes au mme type de pro-blmatique. Elles ne peuvent pas se passer de lintervention humaine durant la nuit. Il sagit la plupart du temps de surveiller des processus ou doffrir du support technique.

    En plus dtre difficiles organiser, ces permanences cotent cher et une bonne utilisation du temps de travail est rarement obtenue.

    Un cheminement logiqUe

    Durant les heures de bureau, CTG propose des services centraliss ses clients depuis bientt deux ans : Support aux utilisateurs, Gestion du software (packaging,

    testing et dploiement), Surveillance des systmes infor-


    Proposer le mme type de services durant la nuit tait donc une tape logique dans lvolution de CTG vers plus de services.

    aUgmenter la qUalit...

    Pour garantir le niveau de qualit requis ds la prise en charge de nouveaux clients, nos consultants standardiseront les procdures oprationnelles. Evidemment, les services dlivrs seront dfinis de manire concise et prcise. Avant mme la mise en uvre, le client disposera des indicateurs de qualit dfinissant les priorits et la manire dont elles seront mesures, ainsi que des modles de rapports qui lui seront transmis rgulirement. DiminUer les cots. Un rve en prioDe De bUDgets !

    Nos clients liminent ainsi les pro-blmes organisationnels dus aux services de nuit. Ce faisant, ils bn-ficient de niveaux de prestation et de standardisation gaux ou suprieurs tout en ne supportant quune partie des cots. Cest une quation qui vaut toujours la peine dtre consi-dre !

    12 2010

  • Renald Wauthier, Directeur CTG Luxembourg

    2010 13

  • devoteAm

    les outils de pilotage des servicesLa fourniture de services arrive maturit en permettant de distinguer fonctions et services, et ceci est dautant plus vrai chez les principaux PSFs de la place financire luxembourgeoise. Quelles en sont les consquences sur le systme dinformation ncessaire son pilotage ?

    La mthodologie ITIL qui avait mis en avant les services, a anticip, probablement sans rellement la prvoir, lapparition de prestations qui sont naturellement des servi-ces. Jusqu prsent, ce que la DSI partage avec ses clients internes ou ses prestataires sont surtout des fonctions dlimites sur des bases organisationnelles. Le service infor-matique occupe un espace quil est malais de prciser autrement que sous la forme dactivits excuter. Loutillage de cette DSI est com-plexe, morcel, toujours en chantier et en de des attentes. Il se doit naturellement de grer le support (information et tickets dincidents), les requtes (volutions applicatives et services individuels), les matriels (caractristiques et possession). Sur un plan plus technique, il permet de surveiller des quipements, dauto-matiser des tches, de mesurer ce qui peut ltre.

    Aujourdhui, ce sont les services qui mergent deux-mmes et le monde sen trouve simplifi. La premire illus-tration concerne la tlphonie mobile, quelle soit basique ou Smart. Lop-rateur couvre la totalit du service, la DSI intervient minima. Ce mme mcanisme sapplique dj pour un certain nombre dapplications mtier, il va stendre la messa-

    gerie et aux rseaux sociaux, au poste de travail simplifi, aux plates-formes vues comme des services.

    trois fonctions poUr le Dsi

    Un nouveau systme dinformation de la dSi peut alors tre compos pour lui permettre de jouer son rle dassembleur de services travers les trois fonctions que sont sous-cription, administration et support. Dans sa fonction de souscription, la dSi slectionne un oprateur et gre la transition sil y a lieu. Dans sa seconde fonction, la DSI administre et coordonne un ensemble de ser-vices. Elle gre pour cela un SI qui permet de grer des requtes et de les dcomposer en sous-requtes destination des diffrents prestatai-res (par exemple, la fonction arrive/dpart ncessite de traiter dun poste de travail, dun tlphone, dune bote mail, dhabilitations, ).

    Dans sa troisime fonction, la DSI intervient ds lors quun incident ne peut tre rsolu par le prestataire qui a commenc le traiter. Elle est la seule connatre lensemble des intervenants, leurs primtres et leurs engagements. Elle gre pour cela un SI qui lui permet de transfrer et descalader des tickets

    14 2010

  • devoteAm

    dincidents. Ces fonctionnalits cou-vrent le SI du Service Management dont la DSI doit faire une priorit pour tenir son rle. En revanche, il lui reste dcider si elle doit les possder ou les utiliser leur tour sous forme de services.

    De noUveaUx services

    en complment de cette monte en maturit de son SI propre, il est aussi ncessaire dadapter les infrastruc-tures ces nouvelles modalits de services. Il est bien vident que cela va tourner autour de la virtualisation des serveurs, des rseaux, du stoc-kage et mme dans une certaine mesure du datacenter et la mise en place doutils pour automatiser le provisionning de ces services. Les solutions pourront venir soit des acteurs historiques de lautomati-sation et de lorchestration, soit des fournisseurs de matriel, comme par exemple Business Technology Opti-mization dHewlett-Packard, Vblock du trio EMC-VMWare-Cisco, Cloud Life Cycle Management de BMC, CloudBurst dIBM

    Tout ceci sinscrit dans une dmar-che progressive et pragmatique vers le Cloud Computing et le secteur financier luxembourgeois la bien compris.

    Hubert de LangautierCyrille Gobert

    Cyrille Gobert Sales Manager de Devoteam

    2010 15

  • iNteNsum

    treasury management is becoming increasingly strategic and regulatedEconomists are currently still questioning the current situation. Some of them say that we are paving the way toward a stable economic growth. Others, on the contrary, say that we are at the beginning of a long flat growth period, or even worse, heading toward a new recession (which might even happen in several waves, see Nouriel Rubini, predicting the collapse of the US dollar, and then later the collapse of the bond market).

    We are for sure still experiencing (or suffering) the consequences of the financial crisis. In this economi-cal situation, several dimensions of the treasury business are becoming extremely important :

    Global Cash Management, Cash flow statement & Cash planning

    Exposure Management & Hedge Management

    INTENSUM can help you leve-raging your SAP solutions in this challenging environment.

    Although the full treasury picture is rather wide, we will limit ourselves to the key topics listed here above.

    From a cash management pers-pective, recent SAP solution allows improving security of payments files by setting up a real straight through processing. This solution, Bank Communication Management, is combining SAP ERP functionalities and PI functionalities.

    a flexible solUtion

    Provided that your company uses the swift network as the channel for transferring payment batches to the bank, it is then possible to operate worldwide with one unique bank independent solution (SAP Bank Communication Management), avoi-ding maintenance fees of multiple banking softwares like Isabel, Multi-line, Multicash, etc. (not mentioning Etebac, which will be replaced anyway by SwiftNet and EBICS protocols).This solution is compliant with the latest ISO standard 20022 including incoming notifications, giving to the cash manager an easy view about the status of the payment files that have been issued at any time (FileAct or FIN files), with a status at file level combined with a status for each individual payment.

    The real straight through process eliminates any manipulation of any payment files and guarantees (thanks to encryption and signature) the

    16 2010

  • iNteNsum

    authenticity of the data transferred.This solution can obviously be deployed together with SEPA and payment factory solution (which allows cash centralization and rou-ting of payments for triggering local payment files only) ; the ultimate goal being to decrease drastically banking costs, saving cash.

    It is the core business of Intensum to provide full project delivery in this complete set of solutions.

    cash floW anD cash planning

    Another important cash related topic is the cash planning and cash flow statement. The cash flow state-ment, by its very nature, is used to assess the timing, the amount and somehow the predictability of future cash flows. It can be used for bud-geting and is of crucial importance to managers, bankers, shareholders and even employees in these times of post financial crisis.

    Most of the companies are using the indirect method for calculating figures that need to be presented on cash flow statement. However, it is very likely indeed that the direct method will be more and more required for reporting the operating cash reve-

    nues and cash expenses (as stated in the FASB and IASBs staff draft of August 2010). The advantage of this method is that it allows an intui-tive understanding about where the money comes from and where the money goes to. Although we can understand this business trend for more clarity and more uniformity of presentation of cash flow statement across various reporting systems, we have to admit that it requires some extensive and maybe time consuming analysis of the financial data that have been recorded in the IT system.

    SAP Treasury is providing a standard solution that enables the possibility to report according to the direct method, using as a basis for this analysis, all the movements that were booked on bank accounts during a given period of time. This solution allows tracing back, starting from bank statement movements, the origin of a cash flow, hence its nature. It is then easy to classify this cash flow according to a reporting structure that has been designed by the cash manager.

    All this information about cash flows that actually happened can then be used in standard as a basis for flexi-ble planning.

    It is core business of INTENSUM to deploy cash flow statement solution based on SAP Treasury solution together with cash reporting/plan-ning solutions.

    Hedging has always been an impor-tant mission of a Treasury Center. And it is probably one of the very hot topics for the moment as well. A treasurer needs to be able to rely on a solution that is intuitive and reliable in its day to day management of all the exposures that are created in the different entities of the group. From our experience, we know that one company might run several IT sys-tems and this is most of the times where the difficulties begin for the treasurer in its tentative to collect as accurate information as possi-ble. Caps has developed a treasury web platform which is primarily designed for running together with SAP Treasury Management Solution and which is designed for collecting exposures from all over the group including from entities that are not running on SAP.

    2010 17

  • iNteNsum

    an intUitive platform

    This platform is completely in line with the current development strategy of SAP. The recent Enhan-cement Pack 5 of SAP includes a lot of new functionalities in the area of exposure management. The technology used by the INTEN-SUM web platform enables the process of exposure creation within SAP and leaves up to the user to decide whether or not the exposure management is hedge accounting relevant. The architecture combining this web platform and SAP uses full standard processes only.

    Of course, project involving such a web platform means as well that at least one component of Treasury management of SAP needs to be implemented : Transaction manager. And within Transaction manager, it is up to the user to decide is hedge accounting needs to be activated.INTENSUM has a unique service

    offering. Our strength is the com-bination of business expertise and senior SAP competencies in the fol-lowing areas :

    FINANCE & TREASURY : Opti-mization of your Financial Supply Chain Management (Cash & Liquidity Management, Treasury & Risk Management, In House Ban-king - Payment Factory structures, Credit Management, Dispute & Collection Management, Vendor Invoice Management)

    INTELLIGENCE : Reporting & Planning applications using SAP BusinessObjects Busi-ness Intelligence solutions & BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation (Reporting, dash-boards, Cash flow statements, planning & forecasting)

    INNOVATION : Process improve-ment through innovative solutions (using SAP NetWeaver, Process Integration), interfaces between SAP System & third party systems like Dealing Platforms, Matching

    Systems, Data feed providers, Swift Network

    INTENSUM delivers the full scope of expertise from pure accounting to pure treasury for implementing SAP Treasury and Risk Management together with our web dealing platform. We take full responsibility of our projects, which has so far always proven to be a successful approach.

    Denis Vervier, Manager Finance & Treasury

    18 2010

  • ibm

    how to better assess and manage customer value Dynamic marketing optimization techniques and tools to improve customer lifetime value and build customer equity for banks, managing customer interaction today is an increasingly challenging task, especially with consumers high expectations.

    Many banks have defined, applied and embraced customer segmentations as a mean to affiliate customers to specific channels and services. However current segmentation strategies have their limitations. In other words, they tend to fail to extract value from these segmentations. Most rely on the past as a predictor, and degrade over time if not closely maintained and retested for applicability.

    A key challenge is that banks have more data to analyze and often, it seems less insight from it. All of this comes at a time when accountability and organizational transparency into sales & marketing operations are an executive imperative. While the chal-lenges are many, new approaches for customer interaction, planning and budgeting techniques and advanced analytical tools can dra-matically assist sales organizations & marketers across the organization in improving their results, their decision making and delivering accountable approaches.

    In response to the dynamic analy-tical needs and challenges of the marketing industry, scientists from IBM Research developed the Cus-tomer Equity Lifetime Management (CELM) solution to drive Customer Portfolio management. This enables marketers to deliver measurable contribution to the company bot-tom line by assessing and manage customer value as a true financial asset. Using mathematical finance techniques for asset valuation and

    portfolio optimization techniques, the CELM solution helps orga-nizations derive optimal sets of marketing planning and budgeting actions in order to maximize custo-mer value and transition customers to greater value/loyalty.

    Applying CELM delivers refinements to existing segmentation. It also esti-mates a customer lifetime value and volatility. Finally, it helps banks to schedule marketing campaigns and to differentiate customer interactions via targeted information and service differentiation.

    As such, CELM can directly affect a companys bottom line and drive bet-ter overall business performance by optimizing budgets and other resour-ces to improve marketing efficiency and effectiveness per customer/segment over variable timeframes, and maximizing the value/risk ratio across the entire customer portfolio through more accurate forecasting of customer response to specific marketing activities within budget and risk constraints.

    2010 19

  • isiwis

    isiWis simplifies document managementThe thought of changing a business process to incorporate a new in-house system is sometimes not considered worth the upheaval. Although there are proven gains to be made in efficiency, the time and effort required for scoping, implementation and training is considered too much of a disruption. The Capital Expenditure can be high and the challenges of change management are significant.

    However, if a company could improve productivity while at the same time reducing costs then this becomes a far more attractive proposition. If in addition the change management requirement and implementation time can be drastically reduced then the Return on Investment looks a lot more attractive.

    As a flexible and user friendly application, ISIWIS Document Mana-gement is able to fit into a clients existing process and still enhance the efficiency. Based upon Micro-soft SharePoint (MOSS), File Plans that mirror a clients existing folder structure can be created in minu-tes. The client or ISIWIS can upload documents and access rights can be managed by the client or, if pre-ferred, by ISIWIS support.

    As a SaaS (Software as a Service) application there is no need to invest in additional IT infrastructure to sup-port the application, all data is hosted in ISIWISs secure Data centre. With a simple user based license fee a client can benefit from new releases and extra server capacity, when needed, without having to pay for it.

    Developed by business for business, the ISIWIS offering is an intuitive and simple to use application that ena-bles management, employees and clients to interact with each other in a secure environment. If a parent company wishes to work on a set

    of accounts for a foreign subsidiary then documents can be shared in the system with individuals or groups. Access rights can be different for each individual to help maintain confidentiality of information. Action reminders and alerts can be set up and documents can be altered in the application with version and audit history maintained.

    External parties such as auditors can be invited into the customer room and given read only access. The applica-tion can be accessed via the internet, by entering a username, password and tan card, from an airport, hotel lobby, business lounge or even an internet caf ! This flexibility of wor-king translates to quicker access to business critical information genera-ting improved response times and leading to better communication with suppliers and customers alike.

    The ISIWIS mission statement makes it clear. We will help our clients reduce the time spent on administrative tasks creating more time for business reten-tion and new client acquisition !

    20 2010


    Mark Williams, Chief Executive Officer dISIWIS

    2010 21

  • opeXiA

    opexia psf lance une offre bpo haut de gamme pour les banques prives et gestionnaires de fortune exigeants


    Lindustrie de la Banque Prive connat une priode de profond bou-leversement. De nombreux facteurs dordre rglementaire et tendances de fond lies aux comportements des clients finaux changent la struc-turation du march. Ces mutations imposent aux organisations de revoir leur couverture de services ainsi que leurs rapports avec les diffrents mtiers bancaires. Elles ncessi-tent dengager une transformation de leur organisation sur base du tryptique march-business model modle oprationnel.


    La premire de ces implications rside dans la ncessit pour ces acteurs dobtenir une rduction significative de la structure de cot sur le long terme. Le challenge sous-jacent consiste ainsi savoir grer leffet de ciseau induit par le nouveau paradigme : celui de changer de structure de cot tout en investissant dans un business model adapt la nouvelle structuration du march.


    Opexia PSF vise fournir une offre complte permettant une cration de valeur optimale pour les acteurs de la Gestion Prive. Outre les fonctions de Business Process Outsourcing, Opexia PSF permet de disposer de 2 leviers de mutualisation :

    Support lactivit Banque Prive Mutualisation des logistiques


    Plus quun simple acteur BPO, Opexia PSF se veut le partenaire de la dclinaison de votre orientation stratgique.

    Loffre Oddo-Opexia, fruit dun parte-nariat avec la banque Oddo, rpond la volont dun modle global custody, global brokerage et BPO complet. Opexia PSF lance ainsi une offre innovante de BPO back office et dingnierie patrimoniale qui rpond la volont dobtenir via une plate-forme unique :

    une mutualisation des cha-nes de production Back Office cash, titres, compta-bles et rglementaires,

    un support dingnierie patrimoniale et multi-fiscale,

    des services de domicilia-tion pour fournir vos clients une structure patrimoniale rpondant leurs besoins,

    un modle mtier global avec un partenaire unique : prestations Global Custody, Global Brokerage.

    Vous souhaitez exprimenter une nouvelle ide de modle opra-tionnel efficace ? Contactez-nous ladresse : [email protected]

    22 2010

  • Nordine Garrouche, Associate Director dOpexia

    2010 23

  • profiles consulting, intgrateur dides Une volont dexcellence dans les mtiers de la consultance Banque et Finance.

    Profiles consulting est une socit de services et de consultance ddie au monde financier. A notre gamme de services exclusivement orients Mtiers, sest ajoute, en 2010, une offre produit grce au partenariat sign avec dATAPRO Inc., un des leaders amricain dans le domaine des logiciels intgrs bancaires.

    Trois axes principaux : la gestion de projets, lanalyse tant technique que fonctionnelle des besoins de ses Clients,e-IBS, progiciel intgr bancaire

    gestion de projets dans sa globalit :

    Nous prenons en charge et/ou inter-venons dans chacune des tapes dun projet.

    Nous fournissons des services pro-fessionnels en gestion de projets orients rsultats. ils couvrent toutes les phases du projet : spcification, contrle, implmentation en passant par le suivi des risques et le reporting rgulier du suivi de projet. Chaque phase est compltement documen-te en fonction des normes CMMI.

    Nous comprenons limportance dune parfaite matrise du projet et mettons tout en uvre pour que chaque tape soit livre en temps et en budget, selon les critres de qualit dcids.

    Cette dmarche constitue pour vous lunique moyen de dgager les rsul-tats ncessaires pour soutenir vos initiatives dinnovation.

    Lanalyse tant technique que fonctionnelle des besoins de nos clients :

    Nos spcialistes ont une excellente connaissance et comprhension des marchs financiers, de leurs diffrents processus, ainsi que des outils informatiques qui sont utiliss. ils peuvent notamment vous aider dans les domaines suivants :

    Oprationnel (back-office, Swift, comptabilit et reporting lgal...), Business (banque de gestion, mar- ch trsorier ou titres...), Informatique (tude dimpact, la- boration de produit ...)

    Quelle que soit la taille du projet, nous accompagnons chacun de nos clients afin que lintgration recher-che soit russie. Nous les assistons dans la conception et la ralisation de leurs applications spcifiques.

    Nos consultants sont spcialiss dans limplmentation, le design dap-plication, ainsi que dans le domaine du Reporting Lgal aux Autorits de Contrle de diffrents pays.

    Nous avons galement de solides connaissances en Assurance Qualit et Validation de Test Fonctionnels :

    laboration de modles standards pour les documents de validationDveloppement, implmentation et tests dapplications zro dfautOrganisation des formations de base Gestion du changement

    e-IBS, Suite de progiciels intgrs :

    Profiles consulting est distributeur du logiciel bancaire intgr e-IBS, dit par DATAPRO, inc. , leader amricain du logiciel intgr bancaire avec plus de 180 implmentations dans 27 pays.

    e-IBS est conu pour automatiser les oprations quotidiennes dune institution financire. Le systme offre son utilisateur lintgration oprationnelle com-plte, le contrle total du processus et fournit galement des lments dynamiques pour acclrer la prise de dcisions de gestion, quelque soit la taille de ltablissement.

    La mise en uvre de ce logiciel, dvelopp par des banquiers pour des banquiers, et une mthodologie de travail approprie nous permet de rduire de faon importante les cots de mise en place.

    proFiLes CoNsuLtiNg

    24 2010

  • pLAtForm ComputiNg

    moving finance forwardJeff Hong, Director Financial Services Industry Marketing, Platform Computing. With SIBOS having just taken place in Amsterdam, financial services firms around the globe are reflecting on changing banking sector. Key themes include rebuilding trust to address how banks can tackle the conflict between reducing risk and bringing down cost and recovery looking at leveraging technology to innovate and capitalise on the improving climate. In addition, regulation continues to top the agenda and will no doubt remain a C-level priority for many years to come.These themes all come together when financial organisations start to look at the role of technology (and the IT team) in helping organisations overcome the obstacles they face. After all, data proliferation, and the need to better manage it, is at the root of many challenges being faced by financial institutions today.

    We saw this view reflected in our recent survey which demonstrated that 66% of buy-side firms and 56% of sell-side firms are grappling with siloed data sources. On a global level, Alan Cameron of BNP Pari-bas concluded that the markets are siloed when discussing the impacts of Code of Conduct and T2S initia-tive on the pan-European settlement and Clearing landscape. While this is on a much wider scale, it highlights the larger implications of the siloed data culture seen in many larger firms.

    Our customers are the proof that when firms finally move to a sha-red pool of resources, they gain economy of scale and IT agility. For example, Sal Oppenheim experien-ced much greater scalability, lower costs and an increased competitive advantage after implementing a grid technology solution.

    Many organisations in the financial sector are now looking to take the next logical step from grid techno-logy and expand into the cloud. Theres no doubt that the real appeal of this solution lies in the increased agility it will give businesses, a key focus of this years cloud computing keynote and panel sessions.

    Creating a cloud environ-ment is a big step as the impact of this technology on privacy, security and regulation is still a grey area for many orga-nisations but there are solutions. Building a private cloud allows organisations to keep confidential information with their own sys-tems so board members can finally allow their organisations to join the cloud party.

    Dr Songnian Zhou Chief Executive Officer de Platform

    2010 25

  • telindus mise sur le cloud Lenjeu actuel pour les entreprises est de rpondre deux grands dfis : faire plus avec moins et se prparer un futur incertain. Dans le contexte de la place financire, ces dimensions antinomiques peuvent tre mieux matrises par lapproche lastique du modle du Cloud computing.

    Pour Telindus, il est clair que les entreprises de lindustrie financire grand-ducale daujourdhui devront sattacher proposer encore une meilleure qualit de service et une plus grande diversit de leurs propositions, pour tenir leur position leve tant dans la branche du fonds dinvestissement que dans celle de la banque prive.

    Ces entreprises vont devoir entre-prendre plus de dveloppements de savoir-faire ou de produits dans un contexte dadaptabilit important, estime Christian Haux, Directeur Commercial et Marketing de Telin-dus Luxembourg. Elles devront faire preuve dune grande capacit absorber des changements rapides et tre suffisamment flexibles pour voluer au moins aussi vite, voire plus vite quune concurrence large-ment globalise.

    une des rponses pour soutenir ces enjeux est de se doter dun socle technologique qui adhre ces mmes principes. On parle beaucoup dinnovation et de Cloud computing comme atouts dans cette dmarche, dit Christian Haux. Chez Telindus, nous avons dcid dtre acteur dans ces tendances. En effet, nous avons mis en place une offre de services IT pour permet-tre nos clients de se rendre plus dynamiques, en levant une partie des contraintes iT.

    Dans sa proposition pragmatique de Cloud, Telindus rpond aux besoins de ressources iCT en matire de processing et de scurit dans un environnement adaptable et

    future-proof, mais aussi laspect conomique grce la mutualisa-tion de certains services pour offrir le meilleur cot possible au client. Le monde bancaire a besoin de faire des investissements pour se repositionner ou se repenser. Mais dans cette volont de faire plus avec moins, il est parfois utile dadopter une dmarche lastique ; essence du modle Cloud. En effet, avec une dimension Cloud, lentreprise saccorde le droit de progresser, mais aussi de reprendre une forme initiale. Enfin, grce cette techno-logie, elle saffranchit dune partie du risque, sans monopoliser de larges investissements.

    Une phase De transition

    Nous sommes entrs dans un modle de passage, dit Christian Haux. Et cette priode est propice aux changements de comporte-ment, sur leur manire dengager des investissements, de procder des achats mais aussi de conduire la gestion de projet. Avec Telin-dus, cette transition va vers plus dinnovation grce deux qualits fondamentales : une exprience dopration des environnements

    avec la dimension Sourcing de Telin-dus, et une tradition de construction dinfrastructure dans sa qualit din-tgrateur. Ces bases indispensables nous permettent de construire un environnement Cloud.

    Les motivations des clients de recourir cette organisation de sourcing IT sont principalement la transformation des cots dinves-tissement en cots oprationnels (de Capex Opex) dans un service end-to-end qui permet dtablir un profil de cot dtermin par avance dans un catalogue de services. Ainsi, cette approche offre transparence et quilibre, car dans le modle mixte (proprit et cloud), les entreprises peuvent investir dans la cration de valeur en conservant la proprit de ces investissements et en se sparant des fonctions qui nont pas de valeur directe pour le mtier. Un changement stratgique que les entreprises peuvent enfin exploiter aussi Luxembourg.


    26 2010


    Christian Haux, Directeur Commercial de Telindus

    2010 27

  • Alexandre Duwaerts, Client Development Director debrc


    is our information risk strategy aligned with our business requirements ? Information security is the most valuable asset for a business, in any industry. Due to regulatory constraints, multiplied individual access to enterprise data, multiple and complex technologies, sensitive data is at risk, more than ever.

    As organisations embark on an Information security policy programme, their major issue, as well as ebrcs itself, is not about do we need an Information security strategy ? but rather is our Information risk strategy aligned with our business requirements ?

    As a matter of fact, security activities are too often dispersed, diluted and fragmented within the organisation : through ebrcs Resilience top-down and bottom-up approach, security scenarios converge into a com-prehensive programme rendering related efforts efficient across all layers of the organisation.

    At ebrc, we focuse on formal and realistic Information risk mitigation plans and ensure organisations that security controls are in place and operated as intended by the business, implying rational security investments.

    Security consists in far more than deploying the latest technology : processes, control as well as the ability to adjust to a rapidly changing security landscape or economic envi-ronment are just as important. The

    significance accorded to business continuity and information security management is a real-time issue that ebrc continuously applies throughout its organisation to anticipate its own risks, and face its clients.

    ebrc is the first managed hosting provider in Luxembourg to achieve the ISO 27001 certification. This international Information Security Management standard compre-hensively defines the requirements for establishing, implementing and documenting effective information Security Management System.

    With the guarantee of a unique one-stop-shop for resilience ser-vices, ebrc offers coherent solutions that create value for its clients by understanding business require-ments, risk and financial constraints. This Resilience as a Service

    strategy allows ebrcs clients to implement and manage a wide organisational, functional and tech-nical risk mitigation programme including :

    Risk and Resilience Advisory Ser-vices ;

    IT Outsourcing services (based on the ITIL framework) ;

    Data centres services (4 highly secured interconnected hosting sites up to Tier IV classified) ;

    Open Carrier hotel services (unli-mited connectivity) ;

    Data protection services (from storage to restoration including backup services) ;

    Business Continuity services ; Recovery platform services.

    More information on

    28 2010

  • fiches entreprise

    ABAX Consulting 30

    Accenture 32

    AdValvas 34

    Aqua Global 36

    Avaloq 38

    Bull 40

    Callata & Wouters 42

    Clearstream 44

    CSC 46

    CTG 48

    Deloitte 50

    Devoteam 52

    ebrc 54

    ERI bancaire 56

    Exigo 58

    Finnova 60

    IBM 62

    Intensum 64

    Isiwis 66

    Odyssey 68

    Opexia 70

    Ordina 72

    Platform Computing 74

    Profiles consulting 76

    PwC 78

    SAP 80

    Sfeir Benelux 82

    Siemens IT Solutions and Services 84

    Syncordis 86

    Telindus 88

  • com




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    30 2010

    Carlo Reding PartnerTel. : +352 45 38 78-1 e-mail : [email protected]

    EMPLOYEES IN LUxEMBOURG 95 (incl. 8 in ABAX Consulting)

    SeCTOR Bank & Finance Industry

    ACTIVITIES - Banking & Finance Solutions and

    Consultancy- Finance Regulatory Solutions and

    Consultancy - development Consultancy and


    COMMeRCiAL CONTACT Lionel Gendarme DirectorTel. : +352 45 38 78-1 e-mail : [email protected]

    In the field of Anti-Money Laun-dering and Terrorism Financing, Luxembourg has reached a certain level of maturity. Never-theless the business context is evolving due to changes that globalisation, new economy, new investors, geopolitics and legal framework incur.

    ABAX Consulting 7, rue Thomas Edison L-1445 Luxembourg-StrassenTel. : +352 45 38 78-1 Fax : +352 45 38 29 [email protected]

    anti-money laUnDering

    In this sensitive and ever-changing landscape a number of tasks related to AML require (and will keep requiring) human involvement because interpretation of laws and circulars remain subjective for various reasons. This will remain under the responsibility of legal and business compliance.

    On the other hand, increasing volumes and crossed interactions between financial players calls for the industrialisation of the monitoring of transactions that will allow detection of activities which are unusual, risk-bearing and potentially not in line with client profile and business.

    In this respect the use of efficient AML tools can provide a great level of support.

    In close cooperation with its business partners, Siemens IT Solutions and Services Finance offer turnkey, cost-effective and safe solutions for all providers of financial services, in order to help them to correspond to the national and international regulations for fighting money laundering and terrorism financing.

    ABAX Consulting provides banks and other financial institutions with hands-on high added value consultancy services on functional issues which require transversal expertise in banking environment, accoun-ting, operation workflows, banking software and regulatory framework.

    We address among others : Regulatory reporting (FinRep and CoRep) Risk

    Management (Basel II / ICAAP, a.o.) New bank accounting rules Implementation of banking applications, MIS solutions

    (client profitability and performance management, a.o.) MiFID EU Saving Tax, National Withholding Taxes, QI compliance audits Straight-Through Processing enhancements in

    securities operations (incl. Corporate Actions) Securities-related SWIFT messaging Reengineering of organisational workflows IT audits PSFs set up and support, compliance with CSSF

    regulations, software selection and implementation,

    ABAx Consulting is part of PKF Luxembourg ( which provides services in tax and accounting, audit, trust and payroll.

  • PKF Luxembourg is the Luxembourg representative of

    PKF International, the 11th largest world-wide network of

    independent audit and business advisory firms with over

    400 offices in 120 countries.

    The partners of PKF Luxembourg are Romain Bontemps,

    Carlo Reding, Ronald Weber, Tom Pfeiffer, Ralph Bourgnon,

    Pascal Espen and Luc Brucher who are supported by more

    than 85 highly qualified staff members.

    PKF Luxembourg holds membership in Luxembourgs

    professional organisations:

    PKF Weber & Bontemps and PKF ABAX Audit are

    members of the Ordre des Experts Comptables (OCE) and

    the Institut des Rviseurs dEntreprises (IRE);

    PKF Weber & Bontemps is a member of the Association

    des Banques et Banquiers, Luxembourg (ABBL);

    ABAX Investment Services is a regulated entity under

    the CSSF and is a member of the Association

    Luxembourgeoise des Fonds dInvestissement (ALFI)

    Audit | Tax and Accounting | Consulting

    Rflexion, Innovation, Transparence | [email protected] | +352/45 38 78-1

  • com




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    32 2010

    high performance. DelivereD.

    Accenture is a global management consulting, technology servi-ces and outsourcing company, with approximately 204,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the worlds most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US $21.6 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2010. Our high performance business strategy builds on our expertise in consulting, technology and outsourcing to help clients perform at the highest levels so they can create sustainable value for their customers and shareholders. Using our industry knowledge, service-offering expertise and technology capabilities, we identify new business and technology trends and develop solutions to help clients around the world : Enter new markets. Increase revenues in existing markets. Improve operational performance. Deliver their products and services more effectively and efficiently.

    We have extensive relationships with the worlds leading companies and governments and work with organizations of all sizes-including 94 of the Fortune Global 100 and more than three quarters of the Fortune Global 500. Our commitment to client satisfaction strengthens and extends our relationships. For example, all of our top 100 clients in fiscal year 2010 have been clients for at least five years, and 92 have been clients for at least 10 years.

    By enhancing our consulting and outsourcing expertise with alliances and other capabilities, we help move clients forward in every part of their businesses, from strategic planning to day-to-day operations.

    Accenture Luxembourg 46A, avenue JF Kennedy L-1855 LuxembourgTel. : +352 26 42 31 Fax : +352 26 42 32 33

    Pascal Denis Country Managing Directortel. : +352 26 423 315 e-mail : [email protected]

    empLoyees iN LuXembourg 100 / beLuX 1,100

    seCtor ICT Service Provider

    ACtivities - Banking & Finance Solutions - Business Process Solutions - ERP & CRM Solutions - development Consultancy

    and Services - Outsourcing Solutions

  • Is your business inshape to compete?

    JOB NAME: 001925_SHARK_210x148 CLIENT: Accenture SIZE: 210x148 mmDATE: 18.02.10 PAGE: 1 CREATOR: nguyen PROOF: 02.FINAL.PDFCREATIVE TEAM: TBA TALENT: nguyen SENT: 18.02.10LOCATION: Pictures/Accenture/ AGENCY NO.: 55550PUBLICATION(S): A5

    2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.

    Are all your resources aligned to maximise your strengths?At a time when the margin for error is smaller than ever, high-performance businesses must not only outthink their competition, they must out-execute them as well. In fact, operational excellence is one of the most important drivers of high performance. To see how our vast experience and research can help you turn execution into a competitiveweapon, visit

  • com




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    34 2010

    AdValvas Europe Derbystraat 23B 9051 St-Denijs-WestremTel. : +32 9 241 87 87 Fax : +32 9 241 87 80 [email protected]

    DocUments at yoUr service

    Advalvas Europe maximizes the efficiency of electronic document processes. We deliver value to our customers by combining in-depth knowledge with a unique set of technology assets. As such, we reduce complexity in the financial supply chain by acting as our cus-tomers single gateway partner for electronic document exchange.

    Single focus on e-business documentsE-invoicing and e-archiving is all we do, and as such we know a lot about it. By applying a single focus on e-invoicing and business documents, our only interest is on providing maximum customer value in the one area we know better than anybody else.

    International scopeWe understand that your business doesnt stop at the country border, and neither do your invoices. Advalvas Europe works on a daily basis with trading partners in countries around the world.

    At the crossroads of IT & financeIts not always easy to create strong ties between IT and finance. We consider ourselves hybrids who know a lot about the technology side of finance and invoicing. We consider the combination of knowledge about financial processes with knowledge about technology building blocks, as a key success factor for efficient e-invoicing.

    Expertise & experienceWere in this business for over a decade, and weve dealt with busi-nesses across a wide range of industries. Whether its a telecom thick bill, or a stream of thousands of single-item MRO invoices, we are familiar with the underlying business complexities, and so are our solutions.

    Much more than an ArchiveBesides long-term archiving, the platform also provides certification and trustworthy document exchange between business partners. Our partnership since 2007 with Clearstream Services and their private cloud infrastructure makes us as a trusted e-Document Authority.

    Michel Gilis General ManagerTel. : +32 9 241 87 87 e-mail : [email protected]

    SeCTOR ICT Service Provider

    ACTIVITIES - Outsourcing Solutions - ECM & Storage Solutions

  • com




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    36 2010

    Aqua Global Solutions 1 Westminster Bridge Road SE1 7PL LondonTel. : +44 (0) 20 7335 8550 Fax : +44 (0) 20 7335 0035 [email protected]

    financial message & integration

    e2gen is a proven STP solution for message processing for any financial institution Standard back office integration and processing is provided for payments, treasury, funds and securities messaging, improving reporting and risk management.

    Peter TruckleSales ManagerTel. : +44 (0) 20 7335 8557 e-mail : [email protected]

    NUMBER OF REFERENCES IN LUxEMBOURG- Nikko Bank (Luxemburg) S.A. - Nordea Bank S.A. - Moventum S.C.A.SeCTOR BANK & FINANCE INdUSTRy

    ACTIVITIES - Banking & Finance Solutions - Fund Management Solutions - development Consultancy and



    Aqua Global 1 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7PL, United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 7335 8550 Fax: +44 20 7335 0035 Web:

    Page 1 of 2

    ABOUT AQUA GLOBAL: Aqua Global has specialised in straight-through processing (STP) and integration for payments, cash management, treasury, funds and securities processing, reconciliations and matching since it was set up in 1983. As such, it has a huge depth of expertise, with the original founders still actively involved and with extensive knowledge within the rest of the operation. The company builds long-term relationships with its clients, partnering with them to bring measurable efficiency gains to their operations. The emphasis is on reduced back office processing costs, reduced manual intervention and improved control, which means fewer errors, better client service levels, compliance and improved risk management. Particularly in todays markets, these are vital attributes for any financial institution and are also a key focus for the regulators. The company has a global customer base of retail and wholesale banks, plus wealth, asset management and fund administration institutions. It is privately owned and has been profitable since the outset. Aquas flagship offering, e2gen, manages the entire transaction lifecycle. It offers off-the-shelf integration for proven rapid deployment and a rapid return on investment. This means it is as applicable for small operations as it is for large ones and, indeed, Aqua Globals broad customer base spans tier one to highly specialist institutions. e2gen has been integrated with a wide range of core systems including ERIs Olympic, Fiservs Signature/ICBS, Misys Midas and Equation, and Temenos T24 and its Financial Objects-derived IBIS, plus in-house developed systems. It has also been integrated with a large number of front-end systems (including e-banking, portfolio management, treasury management, or external, such as Omgeo). e2gen brings broad modular functionality, including workflow capabilities and business rules, allowing financial institutions to reengineer and simplify their entire transaction cycle processing architecture. e2gen understands the business context of any transaction, with the rules engine able to decode and validate it, then route it as required. The suite has proven high scalability and bi-directional STP capabilities, allowing exceptions-based processing from deal entry to final settlement. It is centred on a single database and user alerts, with business users able to tailor the solution to meet their specific requirements. The modular suite spans payments processing, sanctions monitoring, cash management, treasury message processing, securities message processing, exceptions management, compliance and audit control. As well as facilitating STP rates in the high 90 percent range for areas such as treasury, e2gen can also bring significant improvements to traditionally highly manual areas such as securities and funds management. A data definitions layer brings flexible support for automatic processing of any inward or outward electronic message formats including Swift (FIN, ISO 15022 and MX-based ISO 20022), SEPA (ISO 20022), Workers Remittances (ISO 20022), BACS and Faster Payments (UK), credit and debit card transactions, RTGS, LCH and ACH, XML and data files (such as spreadsheets, CSV, PDF files and structured reports) plus other proprietary formats.

  • 38 2009





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    Avaloq Luxembourg S. r.l. 20, rue Eugne Ruppert L-2453 LuxembourgTl. : +352 26 49 34 90 Fax : +352 26 49 33 34 [email protected]

    Frdric Kemp Country ManagerTel. : +352 26 49 34 90 e-mail : [email protected]



    SeCTOR Bank & Finance Industry

    ACTIVITIES - Banking & Finance Solutions- Fund Management Solutions- Outsourcing Solutions

    The Avaloq Group is located in Zurich with subsidiaries in Geneva, Luxem-bourg, London, Frankfurt, Vienna, Moscow, Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong. The company is the market leader in Switzerland in the field of integrated banking software. For over a decade, the Swiss company has been developing and marketing the Avaloq Banking System, trusted by leading financial service providers in private, retail and universal banking in international financial centres worldwide.

    Through a network of specialists consisting of first-class distribution, implementation, software and technology partners as well as the Avaloq Community, Avaloq offers its customers a comprehensive all-in-one solution a modular, innovative and integrated delete standard software package for the financial sector. Avaloq is held by management and employees.

    The Avaloq Banking System

    Avaloq Banking System is an innovative and integrated IT platform which embraces modern banking practices.

    It is an ideal solution for asset managers, plus private, retail and com-mercial banks, wanting to increase their business efficiency and intending to protect their competitive advantage and long-term profitability. Avaloq Banking System ensures that individual financial service providers stand out from the crowd.

    Its modular and open architecture provides comprehensive functionality, covering a variety of banking products, and enables the optimisation and breakdown of the value chain.

    Avaloq Banking Systems flexible design allows financial institutions to adapt swiftly to changing market conditions, including the ability to rapidly launch new products and implement new business models.

    The Avaloq Community Network of Excellence

    The Avaloq Community provides a forum where more than 35,000 users, partners and employees of the Avaloq platform can share knowledge and innovations. The members of this "network of excellence" jointly develop innovative and effective solutions at various levels, think about potential new business models, and can enter into collaboration if they wish.

    avaloq : essential for banking

    "What is thinkable is also possible", Ludwig Wittgenstein




    hy R




  • Zurich | Geneva | Frankfurt | Luxembourg | Vienna | Moscow | Dubai | Singapore

    Avaloq Banking SystemNetwork of Excellence

    The Avaloq Group is the Swiss market leader for standardised banking software.

    Over 35 banks worldwide rely on the Avaloq Banking System, which is specifi-

    cally tailored to suit the business processes and requirements of innovative

    banks. Whether you are a private, retail or universal bank, Avaloq increases your

    efficiency and improves transparency, which in turn benefits your clients. Avaloq

    offers a lot more than a banking system: in the Avaloq Academy we ensure that

    all project team members receive in-depth training, thus allowing them to lever-

    age the full potential of the Avaloq Banking System. In the Avaloq Community IT

    specialists exchange ideas with customers, partners and Avaloq. This enables us

    to continually develop the system with the focus on the customer.

  • 40 2010


    il d

    e l



    se e

    t of






    Bull S.A. / Bull PSF S.A 40, parc dactivits de Capellen L-8308 CapellenTl. : + 352 45 69 45 1 Fax : +352 45 80 17 [email protected]

    banqUe : matriser la fraUDe interne et les risqUes oprationnels

    La gestion des identits et des accs permet de matriser les droits daccs des employs. dans une banque, cela est particulirement critique. La mauvaise gestion des accs informatiques est une source de risques oprationnels, et donc de pertes financires directes.

    grer les identits et les accs

    Une solution de gestion des identits et des accs apporte des avan-tages importants dans un tablissement financier :

    Rduction immdiate des risques oprationnels Information auditable sur les tentatives daccs et lattribution des

    droits par les administrateurs. Correctif rapide sur dtection dun risque.

    Ble II - matriser les risques oprationnels

    La gestion des identits et des accs aide mesurer lexposition aux risques oprationnels, et donc les exigences minimales de fonds propres correspondantes.

    Les approches de mesure avances (AMA) autorisent une banque valuer elle-mme ses risques oprationnels. La cellule de gestion du risque oprationnel utilise un systme de mesure interne qui sappuie notamment sur les donnes suivantes :

    Donnes sur les pertes rellement subies Donnes sur les incidents oprationnels susceptibles dtre gn-

    rateurs de cots ( loss data )

    La corrlation de ces informations donne lieu des rapports rguliers, qui contribuent lvaluation des exigences minimales de fonds pro-pres. Plus quune obligation de rgulation, Ble II est une opportunit de refondre la gestion des identits et des accs.

    Une telle refonte permet un important retour sur investissement en termes de productivit. Elle permet galement de mettre en oeuvre facilement des procdures critiques en milieu bancaire, telles que le dprovisionnement ou la gestion base sur les rles.

    Pascal Schoofs Account ManagerTl. : +352 45 69 45 1 e-mail : [email protected]


    SeCTeuR ICT Service Provider

    ACTIVITS - Banking & Finance Solutions - Security Solutions - development Consultancy

    and Services- datacenter & Infrastructure

    Solutions - Outsourcing Solutions

    CONTACT COMMeRCiAL Madame Virginie HANUS Secretary OfficerTl. : +352 45 69 45 63 22e-mail : [email protected]

  • Librez-vousde vos contraintes IT

    ActOr of your growth


    Application globale de gestion deportefeuilles propose en mode

    SaaS* aux gestionnaires de fortuneet banques prives

    Informations :

    *Software as a Service

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    Callata & Wouters 89E, Pafebruch - Parc dActivits Mamer-Capellen L-8308 CapellenTel. : +352 46 65 48 1 Fax : +352 46 65 49 [email protected]

    callata & WoUters - thaler banKing solUtions

    focus on financeCallata & Wouters delivers innovative IT solutions and services to the financial industry. The companys mission is to help our customers-retail banks, private and direct banks-meet or exceed their business objectives while controlling operational costs.

    Comprehensive offeringsTo provide superior support for the financial industry, Callata & Wou-ters offers its customers a broad array of products, services and expertise. Callata & Wouters customers benefit from a standard methodology and skills based on more than 25 years of industry-specific experience.

    Our premier product is THALER - a scalable, core-banking solution. This proven, multi-channel offering can be run as an integrated end-to-end solution to cover the entire range of core-banking activities or on a modular basis to support individual lines of business. All parts of the Thaler solution suite are designed with the active and direct involvement of professional bankers and specifically focus on the needs of end users.

    Callata & Wouters and its business partner network offer compre-hensive project support and training services for a variety of business models. Support includes business process outsourcing and software as a service.

    Teaming up with market leadersInnovative solutions increasingly require a comprehensive approach for customers who need hardware, operating systems, databases, application development, consultancy and project management in a single package. Callata & Wouters has created several strate-gic partnerships to deliver complete business solutions based on each partners core competencies and experiences. Through these partnerships, Callata & Wouters can help customers deploy the latest proven technologies, wherever they are located.

    Frdric Stiernon Country Sales ManagerTel. : +352 46 65 48 1 e-mail : [email protected]


    SeCTOR ICT Service Provider

    ACTIVITIES - Banking & Finance - Business Intelligence Solutions - Outsourcing Solutions

    A successful record

    Callata & Wouters has focused on the financial service industry since its inception 25 years ago. Our suc-cess has allowed us to expand our offerings internationally. Today we have more than 40 customers from all corners of the globe who enjoy optimal responses to their local business needs, as well as world-leading solution support.

  • Comprehensive front-to-back solution

    Holistic, customer centric wealth management

    Flexible product factory

    High automation for lower TCO

    Smart sourcing options : SaaS and BPO


  • 44 2010


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    banKing softWare as a service

    Clearstream Services, en partenariat avec deux spcialistes de l'informatique bancaire et financire, propose une offre SaaS aux institutions financires.

    En partenariat avec Callata & Wouters, Odyssey Asset Manage-ment Systems, Clearstream Services propose une solution SaaS aux institutions financires qui reprend les services back-office de Thaler (Callata & Wouters) ainsi que les services front-office de Triple A (Odyssey) et couvre une chane fonctionnelle complte en totale adquation avec les besoins du monde financier. L'offre va de l'im-plmentation au suivi de production 24 / 24, en passant par le support aux utilisateurs et le Disaster Recovery Plan.

    D'autres partenariats stratgiques viennent complter cette offre SaaS avec Information Mosaic et son offre cama (Corporate Actions Management) et, avec Thomson Reuters et sa suite appli-cative Kondor+ (Trade and Risk Management).

    L'offre Clearstream Services repose sur trois piliers : les Hosting and IT Managed Services, les services ASP et SaaS, et les services SWIFT (SWIFT Service Bureau). Des solutions de gestion de rseaux, de scurit et d'archivage lectronique de documents enrichissent cette offre.

    Clearstream Services est accrdit par le Ministre des Finances luxembourgeois en qualit de Professionnel du Secteur Financier (PSF de Support). Clearstream Services est certifi par Det Norske Veritas (DNV), une des organisations de certification les plus rpu-tes au monde, comme rpondant aux standards internationaux ISO 9001 :2000 / TickIT pour la Gestion de Qualit de mme que ISO / IEC 20000 :2005 pour la Gestion des Services IT.

    propos de Clearstream Services :

    Clearstream Services est le dpartement IT de Clearstream, la bran-che rglement-livraison et conservation de titres du groupe Deutsche Brse, la plus grande organisation boursire au monde en terme de chiffre d'affaires et de capitalisation de march.

    Clearstream Services S.A. 42, avenue J. F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Tl. : +352 24 33 24 34Fax : +352 243 63 24 34 [email protected]

    EMPLOYS AU LUxEMBOURG 718SeCTeuR ICT Service Provider

    ACTIVITS - Banking & Finance Solutions - datacenter & Infrastructure Solutions - Outsourcing Solutions

    CONTACT COMMeRCiAL Roberto Ditroia External Business Development Manage

  • get more


    Flexible solutions, tailored to your needs. Relationship management, built on deeper understanding. Service excellence - that you can take for granted. Clearstream Services. Right here, where you need us.

    IT Hosting and Managed Services - SaaS Solutions

    10_Ad_Guide IT Banker (Here+IT 148,5x210).indd 1 19/12/08 11:41:03

  • com




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    46 2010

    csc, a WorlD class oUtsoUrcing partner

    CSC has been a pioneer in outsourcing since the early 1990s and today is one of the worlds leading providers of managed IT and Business Services.

    Our integrated approach to outsourcing allows for all the elements that a client may wish to include in a specific partnership, drawing on CSCs global best practices to manage the business and technology processes and applying CSCs well proven governance methodolo-gies to help adapt services to changing IT and business priorities.

    Our reputation for outsourcing performance leadership is well reco-gnized by CSC clients and industry analysts alike, as evidenced in CSCs unique track record in long term client relationships, many of which are now in 2nd or 3rd generation agreements.

    Qualities which uniquely position CSC as a world class out-sourcing partner include :

    CSCs distinctive, collaborative culture and strong reputation as a flexible, client-intimate partner that creates and sustains value for clients over time

    CSCs breadth and depth of capabilities from IT and business consulting, to outsourcing and systems integration

    CSCs unique state-of-the-art tools, processes and methodologies based on over 50 years of real world experience

    CSCs ability to quickly leverage global capability, experience and IPR through its flexible operating and World Sourcing model

    CSCs deep industry and technical experience from experienced people with a reputation for practical delivery

    CSC Computer Sciences Luxembourg S.A is the PSF subsi-diary of the CSC group created in 2007. Its primary objective is to develop IT Outsourcing and Managed Services in Luxem-bourg for both local and European clients, leveraging and promoting the PSF label as a label of quality.

    Dominique THIREAUCEO and Managing Director, Global Account ExecutiveTel. : +352 24 83 42 53 e-mail : [email protected]



    COMMeRCiAL CONTACT Didier DEMENEIX Managing Director, Programme Director, Account ExecutiveTel. : +352 24 83 42 54e-mail : [email protected]

    CSC Computer Sciences Luxembourg S.A. 12 D Impasse Drosbach L-2453 LuxembourgTel. : +352 24 83 42 60 Fax : +352 24 83 42 58

  • Most large organisations can benefit from selective use of the cloud.

    But where? As the worlds leading independent information technology

    services company we can help you reach the right decisions to make the

    shift to cloud computing risk-free and successful. CSC.COM/CLOUD





  • prof

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    48 2010

    ctg lUxemboUrg psf

    CTg Luxembourg PSF (professionnel du secteur Financier) est une socit de services en ingnierie informatique de premier plan de plus de 120 personnes, consacrant son activit assister les institutions financires (ou toutes autres organisations psF) atteindre leurs objectifs en utilisant plus efficacement leurs sys-tmes dinformation.

    Nous augmentons le r.o.i. de nos clients en leur offrant un engagement et des rsultats mesurables.

    Nos solutions sont modeles pour rsoudre des problmes de haute priorit dans le milieu de lit et du business. ils incluent la Regulatory Compliance (sox, ble ii, miFid), le Test (fonctionnel, de charge et de performance), le dveloppement et lintgration de logiciels et IT Service Management (bas sur itiL).

    Notre politique rH se veut particulirement humaine et attrayante. elle se caractrise par des formations de pointe et un suivi de carrire intensif. Ctg est attach certaines valeurs telles que lhonntet, la franchise, louverture desprit, une attitude posi-tive, le respect, le sens des initiatives et enfin, lpanouissement dans son travail.

    Rnald Wauthier DirecteurTl. : +352 29 87 27 1 e-mail : [email protected]

    EMPLOYS AU LUxEMBOURG 120SeCTeuR ICT Service Provider

    ACTIVITS - Business Intelligence Solutions - Business Process Solutions- development Consultancy

    and Services- Outsourcing Solutions- IT Recruitment & Staffing

    CONTACT COMMeRCiAL Richard Catellani e-mail : [email protected]

    Pay per call and help your users up to 24/7 with multilingual local support as a service!Pay per monitored server and reduce your efforts to monitor your environment!Pay per package and simplify your software management!

    CTG Service Desk24/7 - Multilingual - Cost Effective

    Contact us +352 298727 1 [email protected]

    CTG Luxembourg PSF 10 A, zone de Bourmicht, rue des Mrovingiens L-8070 BertrangeTl. : +352 29 87 27 1 Fax : +352 29 87 27 298

  • Pay per call and help your users up to 24/7 with multilingual local support as a service!Pay per monitored server and reduce your efforts to monitor your environment!Pay per package and simplify your software management!

    CTG Service Desk24/7 - Multilingual - Cost Effective

    Contact us +352 298727 1 [email protected]

  • 50 2010


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    Au Luxembourg, avec plus de 1.100 collaborateurs, Deloitte est lun des premiers prestataires de services professionnels de la place. Depuis plus de 50 ans, Deloitte dlivre une clientle nationale et internationale des services haute valeur ajoute, dans les domaines suivants : audit, fiscalit, gestion des risques, advisory, business & IT consulting. Nos quipes multidisciplinaires se composent de spcialistes de diffrents secteurs et assurent, partout o nos clients oprent, des services de qualit.

    Dans le domaine IT, Deloitte est prsent dans plus de quatre-vingts pays avec plus de 25.000 consultants. La prsence de Deloitte Luxembourg est forte de plus de 100 consultants travaillant en troite collaboration avec les diffrentes lignes mtiers de la firme. Notre approche multidisciplinaire se dploie sur lensemble des industries. Concentrs sur la cration de valeur, nous mettons votre disposition des outils et mthodologies (CIO Framework, Reverse engineering, Project Management Program) afin de vous apporter les meilleures solutions.

    Deloitte propose des services daudit, de fiscalit, de consulting et de conseils financiers des clients du secteur public et priv oprant dans des domaines dactivit trs varis. Grce un rseau mondial de socits membres dans 140 pays, Deloitte dispose de comptences de niveau international et dune expertise locale profonde qui lui permettent de conduire les activits de ses clients avec succs, o quils soient tablis.

    Jol Vanoverschelde Partner Advisory & Consulting Insurance LeaderTl. : +352 45145 2850 e-mail : [email protected]


    SeCTeuR ICT Service Provider

    ACTIVITS - Banking & Finance Solutions - development Consultancy and

    Services - Outsourcing Solutions - IT Recruitment & Staffing

    CONTACTS COMMeRCiAuX Thierry Hoeltgen Partner Advisory & ConsultingConsulting LeaderTl. : +352 45145 2559 e-mail : [email protected]

    Olivier Marchal Partner Advisory & ConsultingBanking Industry LeaderTl. : +352 45145 2619e-mail : [email protected]

    Basil Sommerfeld Partner Advisory & ConsultingTl. : +352 45145 2646e-mail : [email protected]

    Deloitte S.A. : 560, rue de Neudorf L-2220 LuxembourgTl. : +352 451 451 Fax : +352 451 452 401

  • Le sens de lanticipation,toujours

    DELOITTE_AD_GRATTOIR_148,5x210_FR.indd 1 10/14/10 3:20 PM

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    connecting bUsiness & technology

    15 ans aprs sa cration, le groupe devoteam est devenu le n1 en Europe du conseil et de lingnierie dans les tech-nologies de linformation, spcialis dans linfrastructure du systme dinformation. Ce succs nous le devons la confiance et la fidlit de nos clients, de nos partenaires et lengagement de nos quipes.

    reconnue sur le march comme spcialiste des technologies microsoft, devoteam guidance dispose dune offre de services de conseil et de ralisation, dintgration de systmes et de for-mation.

    Les domaines dexpertises couvrent autant linfrastructure que les applications dentreprise, pour les plates-formes windows et unix, les environnements .Net et Java, ainsi que lintgration de systmes. Lensemble de nos activits couvre 3 domaines :

    Solutions et Services dans les domaines dexpertises et techno-logiques suivants : linfrastructure et le dveloppement applicatif, analyse et implmentation, pour les plates-formes windows et unix, les environnements .Net et Java ainsi que linterconnexion pC en rseau avec mainframes.

    La Formation qui comprend des cours calendrier, sur mesure ou personnaliss. devoteam guidance figure parmi les plus grands centres dducation en belgique et au Luxembourg, vraisem-blablement le plus complet en matire de solutions microsoft et suN, mais aussi vmware, Citrix, oracle, bo, ...

    LIntgration de systmes qui nous permet de proposer des solu-tions dinfrastructure performantes et modernes, en distribuant le matriel pC, les serveurs, sAN et les priphriques des plus grandes marques, ainsi les logiciels associs.

    Certifications : microsoft gold partner, Hp preferred partner 2010,sun partner, Citrix silver solution partner, oracle university, bmC.

    Rgis Trausch Managing Directore-mail : [email protected]

    empLoys Au LuXembourg 50

    empLoys worLdwide 4.600

    seCteur ICT Service Provider

    ACtivits - development Consultancy

    and Services - datacenter &

    Infrastructure Solutions - Outsourcing Solutions - Collaboration &

    Unified Communications - IT Training Services

    CoNtACt CommerCiAL Cyrille Gobert Sales Managertl. : +352 31 37 36 e-mail : [email protected]

    Devoteam Guidance 7, route des 3 Cantons L-8399 Windhof (Koerich)Tl. : +352 31 37 36 Fax : +352 31 46 47 [email protected]

  • C O N N E C T I N G B U S I N E S S & T E C H N O L O G Y


    Devoteam est une socit internationale de conseil qui offre ses clients des savoir-faire haute valeur ajoute dans le management et la performance de systmes dinformation. Fort de plus de 4500 collaborateurs, le Groupe est prsent dans 23 pays en Europe, en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient.

    La combinaison dune offre de conseil et dune offre de solutions technologiques permet Devoteam dapporter ses clients un conseil indpendant et des solutions performantes dans lalignement de