isummit 2008 - wikipedia survey

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Economy & Finance

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Column 1

Individual authors64.65

Teams and groups3.88

Foundations and organisations11.89



The Wikipedia Survey

iSummit 08

Sapporo Convention Center

July 31, 2008

Philipp Schmidt, Rishab Ayer Ghosh

Ruediger Glott

United Nations University MERIT


Collaborative Creativity Group






Where - FLOSS

Locations of Debian GNU/Linux leaders/maintainers


FLOSS source code shares by author type

The academic community will gain a greater understanding of one of the most fascinating experiments in peer production of knowledge: In less than a decade, Wikipedia has become one of the world's 10 largest websites, and the single most comprehensive reference work in history, written entirely by volunteers. What drives these people? Who are they? Why do they or do they not contribute? Answers to these and other questions will give insights that will likely also be applicable to other volunteer-driven communities.

th gii ngy mt tt hn

To make the world a better place

etc ....



FLOSS studies

Other research





Demographics, descriptive statistics

Motivations at the micro-level

Combine qualitative results with existing quantiative studies.

Try to find out more about the different types of contributors (zealots, samaritans, bourgeoisie, etc. and what drives their behaviour)

Quality: Perception of quality, Wikipedians vs. casual users, reasons for this perception (familiarity with the quality control mechanisms?)

What are the processes through which quality is created / ensured when everyone can contribute?

3 4

Open Access


Size Alexa: 8th most popular site,~ 9% of users, 0.6% pageviews, but how many users/ contributors?

Sampling anonymous readers and contributors, non-homogenous community, high turn-over rates

Sharing / Open Access (privacy, userid)

Who and Why?

Basic demographics

80/20 - 95/5 95/95 :-) (Wales vs Swartz)

Rise of the Bourgeoisie Temporal shift of contribution patterns (Kittur et al. 2007)

Zealots - Good Samaritans (Anthony et al. 2005)

EN: Edits 195M, 4000 editors (non bots) 32.82%

Active Wikipedians (5 edt/mth): delta -10% +20%

25% of edits by newbies (less than 1 mth)

Number of anonymous users

Qualitative differences in contributions

Survey: More information on types of edits (possible input to modelling contributions)

Survey: Motivation for editing

Hypothesis: Power-law distribution of total edits, but content production shifts into tail over time, because Samaritans only get involved after sufficient amount of stubs exist

Who and Why?


Pagerank (Wilkinson)

No. of Revisions, Authors, Words ...

Peer-review (Nature, Wedemeyer 2008)

New concept and understanding of quality

Awareness of quality assurance processes

Diversity of expertise contributing (Page)

August 2008

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