issues securing (big) data

Issues Securing Big Data Mike Pluta, Sr Technical Architect | April 23, 2015

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Issues Securing Big DataMike Pluta, Sr Technical Architect | April 23, 2015

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• DST has established internal rules around the use of Big Data

• Data flowing into our data lake is partitioned by, what we call, Data Domains

• Each DST business unit is in essence at least one Data Domain

• Data Domains serve as the primary method of organizing our permission-ing

Big (or not) Data Security

• By default, one Business Unit is not granted access to another’s data

• Agreements between business units are made to access data for purpose

• Internal Data Scientists are given cross-Business Unit access to data

• Management mandate to secure data which has not been explicitly granted access

What This Means


• These rules result in a very complex matrix of permissions

• Example below• Data Doman ‘Business Unit A’ may be accessed by Business Unit A and Business

Unit D. Business Units B and C may not access this Data Domain





a D


ain Business Unit A X X

Business Unit B X X

Business Unit C X X X

Third Party Data X X

• Let’s deal with just text data on a file system in a Linux server

• Logical approach is to arrange directories to track with the Data Domains

• For permission-ing, create a group and directory for each Data Domain• Assign the group ownership as appropriate• Set umask to 007 – new files to have u:rw-, g:rw-, o:--- permissions



sudo useradd buaadmsudo passwd -d buaadm

sudo useradd bubadmsudo passwd -d bubadm

sudo useradd bucadmsudo passwd -d bucadm

sudo useradd budadmsudo passwd -d budadm

sudo useradd tpdadmsudo passwd -d tpdadm

Details – Setup Users and Groups


sudo groupadd buagsudo usermod -G buag buaadm

sudo groupadd bubgsudo usermod -G bubg bubadm

sudo groupadd bucgsudo usermod -G bucg bucadm

sudo groupadd budgsudo usermod -G budg budadm

sudo groupadd tpdgsudo usermod -G tpdg tpdadm

sudo usermod -a -G buag,bubg,bucg,budg,tpdg dt206031

umask 007

cd $HOMEmkdir data

cd datamkdir buamkdir bubmkdir bucmkdir tpd

cd $HOME/data/buatouch bua_file_1touch bua_file_2touch bua_file_3touch bua_file_4touch bua_file_5sudo chown buaadm:buag *

Details – Setup Files


cd $HOME/data/bubtouch bub_file_1touch bub_file_2touch bub_file_3touch bub_file_4touch bub_file_5sudo chown bubadm:bubg *

cd $HOME/data/buctouch buc_file_1touch buc_file_2touch buc_file_3touch buc_file_4touch buc_file_5sudo chown bucadm:bucg *

cd $HOME/data/tpdtouch tpd_file_1touch tpd_file_2touch tpd_file_3touch tpd_file_4touch tpd_file_5sudo chown tpdadm:tpdg *

cd $HOME/datasudo chown buaadm:buag buasudo chown bubadm:bubg bubsudo chown bucadm:bucg bucsudo chown tpdadm:tpdg tpd

What It Looks Like


• The directory for the Data Domain ‘Business Unit A’ can be accessed by members of the ‘bua’ group

• How can we grant additional access to the ‘bud’ group, but still restrict other groups?

Complexity Redux




a D


ain Business Unit A X X

Business Unit B X X

Business Unit C X X X

Third Party Data X X

• POSIX Access Control Lists (ACLs) are the answer to our dilemma• Not enabled by default. Needs to be enabled at the filesystem level• mount with the remount and acl options can enable• mount –o remount –o acl /dev/sda5 /home• See your system administrator for the permanent enable

The Secret Sauce


• setfacl is used to set the ACL for a file or directory

• getfacl is used to query and list the ACL of a file or directory

• Our specific need:• In addition to rwx permissions for the group ‘buag’, add rwx permissions for

the group ‘budg’ to the directory ‘bua’• In addition to rwx permissions for the group ‘bubg’, add rwx permissions for

the group ‘budg’ to the directory ‘bub’• In addition to rwx permissions for the group ‘bucg’, add rwx permissions for

the groups ‘bubg’ and ‘budg’ to the directory ‘buc’• In addition to rwx permissions for the group ‘tpdg’, add rwx permissions for the

groups ‘bucg’ and ‘budg’ to the directory ‘tpd’

The Tools


• In addition to rwx permissions for the group ‘buag’, add rwx permissions for the group ‘budg’ to the directory and contents of ‘bua’• setfacl –R --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:budg:rwx bua

• In addition to rwx permissions for the group ‘bubg’, add rwx permissions for the group ‘budg’ to the directory and contents of ‘bub’• setfacl –R --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:budg:rwx bub

• In addition to rwx permissions for the group ‘bucg’, add rwx permissions for the groups ‘bubg’ and ‘budg’ to the directory and contents of ‘buc’• setfacl –R --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:bubg:rwx,g:budg:rwx buc

• In addition to rwx permissions for the group ‘tpdg’, add rwx permissions for the groups ‘bucg’ and ‘budg’ to the directory and contents of ‘tpd’• setfacl –R --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:bucg:rwx,g:budg:rwx tpd

The Commands




• Hadoop HDFS v2.6 adds POSIX ACLs

• Make sure to turn it on firsthdfs-site.xml





• Reboot the namenode

• Set an ACLhdfs dfs -setfacl -m u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:budg:rwx /bua

• See the ACLshdfs dfs –getfacl /bua

How To Hadoop It


• Use a Default ACL for Automatic Application to New Childrensudo setfacl -d --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:budg:rwx bua

sudo setfacl -d --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:budg:rwx bub

sudo setfacl -d --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:bubg:rwx,g:budg:rwx buc

sudo setfacl -d --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::-,g:bucg:rwx,g:budg:rwx tpd

• And in Hadoop…hadoop fs -setfacl --set d:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d:o::-,d:g:budg:rwx bua

hadoop fs -setfacl --set d:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d:o::-,d:g:budg:rwx bub

hadoop fs -setfacl --set d:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d:o::-,d:g:bubg:rwx,d:g:budg:rwx buc

hadoop fs -setfacl --set d:u::rwx,d:g::rwx,d:o::-,d:g:bucg:rwx,d:g:budg:rwx tpd

Other Goodies


Results With Default ACLs


• Don’t forget about the sticky bit• Makes it so that only root or the directory owner can delete filessudo chmod +t bua

• Use the setgid bit to set new files in a directory to have the same group owner as the directory.• Very handy when paired with default ACLSsudo chmod g+s bua

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