issue 1000 apr. 10th, 2013 p. 6 culture britain pays respects to patriotic leader who's your...

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Page 1: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013

P. 6 Culture

Britain pays respects to patriotic leader

Who's your favorite Pixar hero?

V2 vibe film

Page 2: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film




1. Lead—in Activity

2. Reading Comprehension

3. Word Practice

4. Assignment

Britain pays respects to patriotic leader

Page 3: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Lead—in Activity Questions & Discussion

1. Have you ever heard of the former British Prime Minister Margaret

Thatcher? Do you know anything about her? Such as her life

experiences, achievements, personality, the role she played in the

handover of Hong Kong, etc.

2. Do you know why she is called Iron Lady?

Please discuss it with your partners.

Page 4: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Background Information

Page 5: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Background Information

Margaret Hilda Thatcher ( 13 October 1925 – 8 April

2013) was a British politician who was Prime Minister of

the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and the Leader of

the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was the

longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century

and is the only woman to have held the office. A Soviet

journalist called her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that

became associated with her uncompromising politics and

leadership style. As Prime Minister, she implemented

policies that have come to be known as Thatcherism.

Page 6: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Questions & Discussion

3. Do you know the following names of some famous political leaders, please translate them and speak of something about them.

Lead—in Activity

David Cameron

Ronald ReaganMikhail


-- 戴维•卡梅伦(英国首相)

-- 罗纳德•里根(美国前总统)

-- 米哈伊尔 •戈尔巴乔夫(前苏联国家领导人)

Page 7: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Lead—in Activity

David Cameron

Ronald ReaganMikhail


-- 戴维•卡梅伦(英国首相)-- 罗纳德•里根(美国前总

统)-- 米哈伊尔 •戈尔巴乔夫(前


Page 8: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Read the news and answer the following questions:

1. What policy Thatcher made to shake the whole Britain fundamentally

in the 1980s?

Reading Comprehension

Her free-market revolution in the 1980s shook the country to its


Page 9: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Reading Comprehension

Read the news and answer the following questions:

2. How did Britain’s current Prime Minister David Cameron

comment on her?

“We have lost a great leader, a great prime minister and a great

Briton, people will be learning about what she did and her

achievements in decades, probably centuries to come.”

“But if there is one thing that cuts through all of this, one thing

that runs through everything that she did, it was her lionhearted love

of this country,” Cameron said. “She was the patriot prime minister,

and she fought for Britain’s interests every step of the way.”

Page 10: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Reading Comprehension

Read the news and answer the following questions:

3. What achievements had she made in the field of economy?

Economically, she was determined to

repair Britain’s economy by reducing the

role of the state and boosting the free market.

And her monetary policies also made

London one of the most vibrant and

successful financial centers in the world.

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Reading Comprehension

Read the news and answer the following questions:

4. What’s the aim and contents of her foreign policy? What is her

relationship with top leaders of other countries?

Thatcher’s foreign policy was aimed at building up the UK’s

profile abroad. She was a staunch opponent of communism, an

imposing cold warrior who basked in her nickname “Iron Lady”

and in her role as the strongest ally of the United States. The

former US president Ronald Reagan was her soul mate and

Gorbachev, the former Soviet leader spoke highly of her.

Page 12: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Reading Comprehension

Read the news and answer the following questions:

5. What is her relationship with European countries?

Her anti-EU views led the pro-Europeans in her party to

move to oust her. In 1980, she called for the UK’s

contributions to the then EEC to be adjusted, warning that

otherwise she would withhold VAT payments. The battle

lasted four years and finally ended in victory for Thatcher

but damaged relations with other European countries.

Page 13: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Task Task : Find and underline the following words in the news report, guess their corresponding Chinese meaning in the context.

1. patriotic

2. lionize

3. lambaste

4. laud

5. savior

6. loathe

7. indelible

8. imprint

9. heir

10. vibrant

Word Practice

爱国的把……奉为名人( 公开地 ) 严厉斥

责嘉许 ; 称赞救世主;救星厌恶难忘的;擦不掉的深远影响后继者 , 承袭者充满活力的

Page 14: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Word Practice

TaskTask : Learn the words in the diagram. Try to translate the examples.

1. patriotic [,pætri'ɔtik] adj. inspired by love for your country 爱国的1. patriotic [,pætri'ɔtik] adj. inspired by love for your country 爱国的

2. lionize ['laɪənaɪz] v. to assign great social importance to 把……奉为名人2. lionize ['laɪənaɪz] v. to assign great social importance to 把……奉为名人

eg. He led them in launching a patriotic movement. eg. He led them in launching a patriotic movement.


eg. The press began to lionize him enthusiastically. eg. The press began to lionize him enthusiastically.


Page 15: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

3. lambaste [læm'best] adj. If you lambaste someone, you criticize them severely,

usually in public. ( 公开地 ) 严厉斥责 3. lambaste [læm'best] adj. If you lambaste someone, you criticize them severely,

usually in public. ( 公开地 ) 严厉斥责

4. laud [lɔːd] v. If people laud someone, they praise and admire them. 嘉许 ; 称赞4. laud [lɔːd] v. If people laud someone, they praise and admire them. 嘉许 ; 称赞

eg. 教授严厉批评了我的粗心错误。eg. 教授严厉批评了我的粗心错误。

The professor lambasted me for my careless mistake.The professor lambasted me for my careless mistake.

eg. 他们称颂前总统为英雄。eg. 他们称颂前总统为英雄。

They lauded the former president as a hero. They lauded the former president as a hero.

Word Practice

Page 16: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

5. savior ['seivjə] n. a person who rescues you from harm or danger

救世主;救星;救助者 5. savior ['seivjə] n. a person who rescues you from harm or danger


6. loathe [ləuð] v. If you loathe something or someone, you dislike them very much.


6. loathe [ləuð] v. If you loathe something or someone, you dislike them very much.


eg. 但是他们想让你的世界变得完美,成为你的救世主。eg. 但是他们想让你的世界变得完美,成为你的救世主。

But they want to make your world perfect and be your savior. But they want to make your world perfect and be your savior.

eg. 她看到油腻的食物就恶心。eg. 她看到油腻的食物就恶心。

She loathed the sight of greasy food.She loathed the sight of greasy food.

Word Practice

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7. indelible [ɪn'delɪb(ə)l] adj. cannot be removed, washed away or erased

难忘的;擦不掉的 7. indelible [ɪn'delɪb(ə)l] adj. cannot be removed, washed away or erased


8. imprint [ɪm'prɪnt] n. If something leaves an imprint on a place or on your mind,

it has a strong and lasting effect on it. 深远影响

8. imprint [ɪm'prɪnt] n. If something leaves an imprint on a place or on your mind,

it has a strong and lasting effect on it. 深远影响

eg. My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me. eg. My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me.

1986 年的印度之行给我留下了难忘的印象。1986 年的印度之行给我留下了难忘的印象。

eg. World War I left an indelible imprint on the twentieth-century world. eg. World War I left an indelible imprint on the twentieth-century world.

第一次世界大战给 20 世纪的世界留下了深远的影响。第一次世界大战给 20 世纪的世界留下了深远的影响。

Word Practice

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9. heir [ɛr] n. a person who inherits some title or office

后继者,承袭者 9. heir [ɛr] n. a person who inherits some title or office


10. vibrant ['vaɪbrənt]adj. Someone or something that is vibrant is full of life,

energy, and enthusiasm. 充满活力的10. vibrant ['vaɪbrənt]adj. Someone or something that is vibrant is full of life,

energy, and enthusiasm. 充满活力的

eg. He claimed that he was the only rightful heir. eg. He claimed that he was the only rightful heir.


eg. Tom felt himself being drawn toward her vibrant personality. eg. Tom felt himself being drawn toward her vibrant personality.


Word Practice

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11. staunch [stɔntʃ] adj. firm and dependable especially in loyalty

坚定的;忠诚的;坚固的11. staunch [stɔntʃ] adj. firm and dependable especially in loyalty


12. ally ['ælaɪ] n. A country's ally is another country that has an agreement to

support it, especially in war. 同盟国12. ally ['ælaɪ] n. A country's ally is another country that has an agreement to

support it, especially in war. 同盟国

eg. 他是政府开支控制的坚定支持者。 eg. 他是政府开支控制的坚定支持者。

He's a staunch supporter of controls on government spending.He's a staunch supporter of controls on government spending.

eg. 没有其同盟国的赞同,华盛顿不会迈出这样的一步。eg. 没有其同盟国的赞同,华盛顿不会迈出这样的一步。

Washington would not take such a step without its allies' approval.Washington would not take such a step without its allies' approval.

Word Practice

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13. pragmatism ['prægmətɪz(ə)m] n. thinking of or dealing with problems in a

practical way, rather than by using theory or abstract principles 实用主义13. pragmatism ['prægmətɪz(ə)m] n. thinking of or dealing with problems in a

practical way, rather than by using theory or abstract principles 实用主义

14. oust ['laɪənhɑːtɪd] v. to remove from a position or office

罢黜 ; 把…撤职 ; 驱逐 14. oust ['laɪənhɑːtɪd] v. to remove from a position or office

罢黜 ; 把…撤职 ; 驱逐

eg. She had a reputation for clear thinking and pragmatism. eg. She had a reputation for clear thinking and pragmatism.


eg. The Republicans may oust him in November. eg. The Republicans may oust him in November.

共和党人可能在 11 月罢免他。共和党人可能在 11 月罢免他。

Word Practice

Page 21: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Task Task : Find and underline the following words in the news report,

guess their corresponding Chinese meaning in the context.

Word Practice




罢黜 ; 把…撤职 ; 驱逐

11. staunch

12. ally

13. pragmatism

14. oust

Page 22: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Listening Practice: Watch the video of the news report, try to grasp the useful words and phrases in it.


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Script of the news report


Chinese media on Thatcher death Following Margaret Thatcher’s death on Monday, Chinese media have

published special reports on the Iron Lady of British politics.

Most mainstream news websites have launched feature pages, reviewing

Thatcher’s political career, especially her relationship with China.

China Daily said Thatcher "helped push ties with China" and played an

important role on the smooth handover of Hong Kong. Xinhua said she changed the

development path of Britain and the world.

Many sites have also shown pictures or videos of Thatcher’s four visits to

China. On Weibo, China’s twitter like social website, thousands paid condolence to

Thatcher’s passing, and many have published some of her famous quotes.

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Lead-in Activity 1

Reading Comprehension 2

Assignment 4

Words Practice 3

Reflection 5

Who's your favorite Pixar hero?

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Individual or pair works: Speaking

Task I

Task II

Group works: Discussion

Lead—in Activity

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Task ITask I

Do you know anything about Do you know anything about Pixar Movies?Pixar Movies?

Do you know any movies produced by this company?Do you know any movies produced by this company?

Have you watched the movie Have you watched the movie Finding NemoFinding Nemo??

What is it about? What is it about?

Do you think it will have sequels? If it has the sequel,Do you think it will have sequels? If it has the sequel,

What are you looking forward to it?What are you looking forward to it?

Task ITask I

Do you know anything about Do you know anything about Pixar Movies?Pixar Movies?

Do you know any movies produced by this company?Do you know any movies produced by this company?

Have you watched the movie Have you watched the movie Finding NemoFinding Nemo??

What is it about? What is it about?

Do you think it will have sequels? If it has the sequel,Do you think it will have sequels? If it has the sequel,

What are you looking forward to it?What are you looking forward to it?


Lead—in Activity

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Watch the Watch the Pixar mixing movies editing. Pixar mixing movies editing. Watch the Watch the Pixar mixing movies editing. Pixar mixing movies editing.

Listening Listening

Listening Listening

Lead—in Activity

Task II Test your ears!Task II Test your ears!Task II Test your ears!Task II Test your ears!

How many movies are mentioned? What are the names?How many movies are mentioned? What are the names? How many movies are mentioned? What are the names?How many movies are mentioned? What are the names?

Page 28: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Reading Comprehension

Skimming Work

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

1. What is the main idea of this passage ?

2. What is Up about?

It introduces Pixar movies (Finding Nemo, Toy Story , The

Incredible ,Up, Wall-E, Brave) and its new movie Finding Dory .

It introduces Pixar movies (Finding Nemo, Toy Story , The

Incredible ,Up, Wall-E, Brave) and its new movie Finding Dory .

By tying thousands of balloons to his home, 78-year-old

widower Carl Fredricksen sets out to fulfill his lifelong dream to

see the wilderness of South America and to complete a promise

made to his lifelong love.

By tying thousands of balloons to his home, 78-year-old

widower Carl Fredricksen sets out to fulfill his lifelong dream to

see the wilderness of South America and to complete a promise

made to his lifelong love.

Page 29: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Reading Comprehension

Skimming Work

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

3. What`s Toy Story about?

4. How many films are mentioned in this passage?

A group of toys and dolls, led by Woody and Buzz Lightyear, come to life when their master Andy is not around and embark on different adventures, whether it’s trying to get home,rescuing their mates or planning their great escape.

A group of toys and dolls, led by Woody and Buzz Lightyear, come to life when their master Andy is not around and embark on different adventures, whether it’s trying to get home,rescuing their mates or planning their great escape.

Seven. Seven.

Page 30: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Vibe film Words Practice

Glossary (This part will be finished by the students. Teachers guide them to do so.)

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__ sequel

__ deafening

__ staple

__ dysfunctional

__ destiny

__ mythical

__ impetuous

a. loud enough to cause (temporary) hearing loss

b. impaired in function; especially of a bodily system

or organ

c. based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking

factual basis or historical validity

d. a part added to a book or play that continues and

extends it

e. characterized by undue haste and lack of thought

or deliberation

f. necessary foods or commodities

g. an event (or a course of events) that will

inevitably happen in the future







Task 1 Task 1 Match the words with their meanings.

Words Practice

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Words Practice

Task 2Task 2 Complete the sentences with the words from Task 1.Task 2Task 2 Complete the sentences with the words from Task 1.

1. You will know when this heart is getting closer because the sound

will be ______________.

2. Still beside myself not knowing what to do to mark this special

occasion, I did the most ____________ thing I've ever done in my

life: I bought a new Saturn.

3. In some way, to some extent, we’re all _________________.

1. You will know when this heart is getting closer because the sound

will be ______________.

2. Still beside myself not knowing what to do to mark this special

occasion, I did the most ____________ thing I've ever done in my

life: I bought a new Saturn.

3. In some way, to some extent, we’re all _________________.




Page 33: Issue 1000 Apr. 10th, 2013 P. 6 Culture Britain pays respects to patriotic leader Who's your favorite Pixar hero? V2 vibe film

Words Practice

Task 2Task 2 Complete the sentences with the words from Task 1.Task 2Task 2 Complete the sentences with the words from Task 1.

4. How do you see technology changing for the Avatar ____________?

5. Rice is the __________ grain and fish form an important part of the


6. As with other cultures, Chinese____________stories are entwined

with history.

7. Decide what you want to be, pick out your future, and make your

own _____________ .

4. How do you see technology changing for the Avatar ____________?

5. Rice is the __________ grain and fish form an important part of the


6. As with other cultures, Chinese____________stories are entwined

with history.

7. Decide what you want to be, pick out your future, and make your

own _____________ .





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Direction: Let` s talk about Pixar movies.Direction: Let` s talk about Pixar movies.

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making a survey:

Do you know any connections between Jobs and Pixar? Do

a survey around your classmates and find some more

information about it from the Internet.






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