israel world history. roman diaspora 66 ad - romans kick jews out of palestine

Israel World History

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Zionism Movement for the return of Jewish people to their homeland The resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. Has come to include the development of the State of Israel and the protection of the Jewish nation in Israel.


Page 1: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine


World History

Page 2: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans

kick Jews out of Palestine

Page 3: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

Zionism Movement for the return of Jewish

people to their homeland The resumption of Jewish

sovereignty in the Land of Israel.  Has come to include the

development of the State of Israel and the protection of the Jewish nation in Israel.

Page 4: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

Balfour Declaration, 1917 • Treaty of Versailles

give Britain mandate over Palestine.

• A letter from the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour.

• Favored the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Page 5: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine
Page 6: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

Demographics 1917: 90% of population of

Palestine were Arabs 1932: 80% Arabs 1936: 60% Arabs; 40% Jewish Post WW II: Arabs 1 million; Jews

650,000 (60-40) Today: Population of Israel is 6

million, 20% of which are Arabs

Page 7: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

The Creation of Israel 1937: Following Arab riots, UK Royal

Commission recommends partition (three states: Arab, Jewish, British-administered territory)

1939: UK calls for independent Palestine by 1949

Arab League created (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen)

Page 8: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

The Creation of Israel, cont. 1947: Britain refers Palestine question to

UN UN recommends partition into two states

(Arab, Jewish) with UN administration of Jerusalem

Jews accept plan; Arab League rejects it UN Resolution 181 Jews establish state of Israelwar between

new state and Arab League (48-49)

Page 9: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine
Page 10: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine
Page 11: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

Arab-Israeli conflict Both have legitimate claim to

same land Roman Diaspora Post-World War I dissolution of

Ottoman Empire Trans-Jordan, Palestine, Iraq to

Britain; Syria, Lebanon to France (League of Nations mandates)

Page 12: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

Multiple conflicts Arab-Israeli, Palestinians-Israelis

Wars in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, Intifadah (“Uprising”) 1987, 1999

Iran-Iraq: war in 1980-88 Iraq-Kuwait-UN: Gulf War in 1991

Page 13: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

The “Six-Day War” (1967) Israeli “preemptive strike” Overwhelming Israeli victory against

Egypt, Syria, Jordan Israelis capture West Bank from

Jordan, Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, and Golan Heights from Syria

Israelis control East Jerusalem for first time

Page 14: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

1973 Yom Kippur War Egypt and Syria launch surprise attack

against Israel Israelis counterattack US/USSR step in and negotiate a cease-

fire 1977: Anwar Sadat Israel to address

Knesset; ready to negotiate a separate peace. Leads to Camp David Accords in 1979.

Page 15: Israel World History. Roman Diaspora 66 AD - Romans kick Jews out of Palestine

Terrorism U.S. is major

backer of Israel. Arab hatred of

U.S.A. 1983 – bombing of

Marine barracks in Lebanon, 9/11, etc.