israel and its role

World History By: Neal Nathan Thesis Question: Consider the role of Israel in the Arab world. How has Israel survived for the past half century? What steps have been made toward peace? Is Israel the main stabilizing or destabilizing agent in southwest Asia?

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Page 1: Israel and Its Role

World History

By: Neal Nathan

Thesis Question:

Consider the role of Israel in the Arab world. How has Israel survived for the past half century? What steps have been made toward peace? Is Israel the main stabilizing or destabilizing agent in southwest Asia?

Page 2: Israel and Its Role

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IntroductionIsrael, from the point of its establishment to today, has been the root of controversy and animosity in the Arab world, especially in southwest Asia. With this in mind, it is evident that Israel is a destabilizing agent in the region. When Israel was formed on Palestine soil by the actions and support of the U.N. Great Britain, and the U.S. there was a consensus in the Arab world of a anti-Semitism sentiment. Amidst the growing hostility towards Jews, the state of Israel has been able to form the powerful nation it is today, and form alliances with nations such as the U.S. which help keep Israel intact for the past half century. In addition to these allies, Israel has been able to strive towards peace with Palestine. This is apparent in the peace treaties signed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. This accord between prime minister Rabin, and PLO leader Yasser Arafat, represents the steps made for peace between the two states, which have helped, but have not quelled the fire from the friction between the two nations.

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Evidence #1The survival of Israel in tense southwestern Asia can be mainly attributed to the actions by England, the U.N. the U.S. and even the Soviet Union. This is because Great Britain in the Balfour Declaration gave the Zionist Federation England’s support in establishing “a national home for the Jewish people…in Palestine.” (1) Then, the U.N. stepped in by the urging of the U.S. and the Soviet Union. This allowed Israel to confidently establish itself from Palestinian rule, and form its separate state, which was granted to them by the U.N. The aftermath of this proposal transpired into the Arab-Israeli wars. With reinforcements from “Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq,” (2) the Arabs were victorious in battle. That is until Israel’s military became smarter and gained more land that what was to be given to them by the U.N. However, with the assistance and determination of the U.N. an armistice was reached and Palestine was partitioned. This led to the sovereignty of Israel.

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Evidence #2As a result of this wide support of the creation of Israel as a sovereign and independent nation led to an increase in anti-Semitism. This is depicted in the picture wherein demonstrators are protesting the Balfour Declaration. This sentiment was prevalent in the region in Arab states due to the taking of Palestine’s land in order to form a separate state. This shows Israel as a destabilizing force in southwestern Asia. As a source of tension in the region, it is not surprising to see Israel involved in many discussions about the region. This animosity towards Israel has led to “Arab nations’ determination to rid their region of the hated presence of Israel.”

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Evidence #3The establishment of Israel within the borders of Palestine, thus taking its land, was viewed with great discontent, and uproar throughout the Arab nations of southwestern Asia. Within Palestine, the popular disagreement and anger towards this creation of a Jewish state led to many protests and demonstrations. Here, in Palestine the protestors are perturbed about “The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement of 1919 [which] finalized the arrangement, causing a massive uproar among Arabs in the Palestine region, who did not want a Jewish state [to be] established.” This along with the Balfour Declaration contributed to the ignition of the civil war and Arab-Israeli war in latter years of the mid 1900s. The occurrence of these protests and wars that ensued, are a result of the anti-Semitism, and creation of Israel. Yet, this sentiment is still apparent today.

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Evidence #3 ContinuedIn addition to the pictures of the protests regarding the support by the superpower, England. These riots and demonstrations led to deep concern for Arab leaders. This anxiety over the violent riots was definitely called for as these uproars led to deaths. As a result of the violence, “over 250 people were dead, and 570 were wounded.” As these numbers include both Arabs and Jews, it is clear that a settlement had to be made, or at least some sort of treaty signed in order to put an end to these deadly riots. Riots, which again show that Israel is a source of strife in southwestern Asia.

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Evidence #3 ContinuedHere is the picture of the Telegraph of 1929 Riots sent to

Britain by Palestine.

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Evidence #4Despite being a major destabilizing force in the region, Israel has made attempts and successes in achieving peace with neighbors. This is evident in the peace treaty signed between Palestine and Israel, which led to the assassination of prime minister Rabin of Israel, Israel wanted to form a truce between them and Egypt. They were successful in doing so because as depicted here, the U.S. Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David Accords. This agreement was supposed to instill peace and recognition between Israel and Egypt. However, when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated, the extremists who committed the crime, opposed this settlement. In addition, the peace treaty signed between the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) and Israel demonstrates the quest for peace in the region. When PLO leader Yasser Arafat, and Israeli prime minister Rabin met in 1993 and 1995, they signed peace treaties. These accords “advanced the notion of limited Palestinian self-rule in Israeli-occupied territories.” This shows the two representative governments’ strides towards reconciliation and the suspension of hostility in southwestern Asia.

President Anwar Sadat of Egypt (Left)

U.S. President Carter (Center)

Israeli Prime Minister Begin (Right)

Page 9: Israel and Its Role

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ConclusionFrom its birth to present day, Israel has been a crucial facet in Middle Eastern diplomacy and conflict. With its controversial creation and establishment, Israel has sparked antagonism towards them in south western Asia. The Arab states, which oppose the nation of Israel waged war against the Israeli people. With the support of England and the U.S. Israel has been able to thrive under pressure of these aggressive Arab nations. However, the tension still remains, unquenched by the several treaties signed between Israel and Palestine, and neighboring Arab countries. As a destabilizing force in the region, Israel has led to many tense and violent events such as the attacks by Hezbollah and the animosity between the Jewish state and Iran, and the strife over Gaza. With all of these conflicts originating from the creation of and actions of Israel, it is clear that this nation formed of survivors and refugees, is still in the middle of disagreement today.