islamic verdict on al-ibtaal (interfaith)

THE ISLAMIC VERDICT ON AL-IBTAAL INTERFAITH By Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad Judge of The Shari’ah Court of The UK

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Page 1: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)


A L - I B T A A L


By Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad

Judge of The Shari’ah Court of The UK

Page 2: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)



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C o n t e n t s

Contents 3 Contents 3 Introduction 5 The Different Nations 6

Al-Ummah Al-Magdoobah 6 Al-Ummah Al-Tathleeth 7 Al-Ummah Al-Sabiah 7 Al-Ummah Al-Majoos 7 Al-Ummah Al-Ilhaad 7 The Muslim Ummah 8

The Plot of Interfaith 9 The Eras of Interfaith 12 1. The Era of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) 13 2. The Era After the Third Generation Hijri 15

a. The Plot of the “Document of Muhammad” and the Plot of the

“Document of St. Catherine” 15 b. The Plot of Sufism (Allah’s School of thought, Muzhabullah) 17

3. The Era Between 699AH to 900AH 19 a. The plot of embracing Islam. 19 b. The plot of the “Document of Muhammad” 21

4. The Era of the First Half of the 14th Century Hijri 22 5. The Contemporary Era 23 The Effect of Interfaith on Muslims and Islam 25 The Islamic Verdict for Interfaith in General. 28 The Absolute Facts of the Deen of Allah 33 Allah’s Declaration for the Jews, Christian and Pagans 35 The Main Objectives of the Interfaith Theory 42 The Key Figures of Interfaith Amongst the Secularist 43

Sheikh Muhammad Abdu 1849-1905 43 Sheikh Abdul Rehman Al-Kawakibi (1902CE) 43 Sheikh Refa’t Rafe’ Al-Tahtawi (1873CE) 43 Sheikh Ahmed Lutvi As-Sayyid and Sheikh Tahar Hussein 44 Sheikh Ali Abdul Razik 44 Dr. Muhammad Umarah 44 Dr Hassan Hanafi 45 Dr Hasan Turabi 45

The Main Causes of the Success of Interfaith 48 Interfaith and International Development Organisations 49

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I n t r o d u c t i o n

All Praise is due to Allah (swt), the Lord of all creation. The one who has guided

us to the straight path and completed his Deen as a mercy upon us, all thanks are to

him who made us Muslims and made Islam the final message for mankind, which

abrogates all previous messages, and glory be to the one who sent the final

message Al-Islam, for Allah (swt) says,

“Verily this is My Way leading straight: follow it: follow not (other)

paths: they will scatter you about from His (great) path: thus doth He

command you that ye may be righteous.” [EMQ 6:153] [EMQ 5:15-16]

Allah (swt) promised those that follow Islam alone that they will be in paradise,

“Allah (swt) hath promised to believer’s men and women gardens under

which rivers flow to dwell therein and beautiful mansions in gardens of

everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allah: that

is the supreme felicity.” [EMQ 9:72]

Allah (swt) declares humiliation and hellfire for those who do not die as Muslims,

“Those who reject (Truth) among the People of the Book and among the

Polytheists will be in hell-fire to dwell therein (for aye). They are the

worst of creatures.”[EMQ 98:6]

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The Different Nations


T h e D i f f e r e n t N a t i o n s

Al-Ummah Al-Magdoobah

Ibn Qayyim in his book Hidayat ul-Hayara said, “The Jews are the cursed nation

who Allah (swt) is angry with, they are the people of lies, fabrications, treachery,

conspiracies and are murderers of Prophets and Messengers. They are people of

usury and bribery, the filthiest nation and have the lowest of characters, farthest

from mercy and closest to revenge. They have the habit of animosity and hatred.

Their attributes are aggression and disputing, of black magic and sorcery, lies and

tricks, they don’t hold any sanctity for those who differ with them and do not

respect any covenant and sanctity with any believers. They will have no rights or

kindness for the one who agrees with them. There is no fairness, justice, security or

tranquillity for the one who associates with them or the one who mixes with them.

For the ones whom they work for, they give bad advice. The wise amongst them are

filthy and the experts among them are cheats and the good among them (God

forbid) are not really Jews. They are the most narrow minded and impatient, the

most oppressive, their houses are smelly and filthy and in their suburbs they wear

clothes that frighten you. Their salutation is a curse, their meeting is pessimistic

and their sign is anger showered with venom,”

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The Different Nations


Al-Ummah Al-Tathleeth

In the same book Ibn Qayyim said, “The Christians are misguided cross

worshipers. They are those who swear at Allah (swt) the creator, in a way no other

human has sworn at Allah. They are like those before who did not believe that God

is unique as stated in Surah Ikhlaas, nor do they make him greater than

everything; rather they say, “the heaven and earth will crack and the mountains

will fall down”. The base of their Aqeedah and their biggest curse against Allah

(swt) is the Trinity. According to the Christians Mary is the lover of Allah (swt)

and Jesus is his son. They claim the Almighty God came down from his great chair

and melted in the womb of Mary, until he was killed and buried at the hands of

man. Its Deen is the worship of the cross; its supplication is for the images that are

drawn on the wall, in red and yellow colours. They say in their prayer “Oh mother

of God provide for us, forgive us and have mercy on us”. Their Deen is to drink

alcohol, eat pork, desert circumcision, worship with impurity and eat everything,

even if it is filthy, whether that be the elephant or the mosquito. What is lawful

and unlawful is what their priests say; the priests can take them to heaven and

forgive their sins.”

Al-Ummah Al-Sabiah

We seek refuge in Allah (swt) from the idol worshipers, Fire worshipers, devil

worshipers, those who are confused and the apostates. Those whose common

ground is shirk e.g. the Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc, the denial of Messengers, the

rejection of the Shari’ah and of the hereafter and the resurrection. They are those

who have no Deen and do not believe in the Creator or worship him and they are

those who do not elevate Allah (swt) (Allah (swt) exclusively.

Al-Ummah Al-Majoos

This is the Ummah that legalises sexual relationships with ones mother, daughter,

sister or aunty etc. Their Deen is to play music. Their food is dead meat and their

drink is alcohol. Their God is fire and their alliance is with Shaytan. They are the

filthiest sect from the sons of Adam and the lowliest school with the most corrupt


Al-Ummah Al-Ilhaad

They are those atheist philosophers who do not believe in Allah, his angels, books,

Messengers, the hereafter and accountability. The wise amongst them believe in

nine galaxies, ten minds, four pillars and chains of logic like the logic of the


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The Different Nations


The Muslim Ummah

Allah (swt) described the Jews as the Cursed Nation and the Christians as the

Misguided Nation and he described the Muslim Ummah as the Best Nation with

the best Deen. Allah (swt) described us as the Best Ummah until the Day of

Judgement and, further, said that there is nobody else like us. It is an insult against

Allah (swt) for the people of today to elevate the Jews and the Christians to the

same level as the Muslim Ummah, to say they are all good is like saying that Allah

(swt) lies. Interfaith has at its basis the belief that says Islam, Christianity and

Judaism are the same and in recent years, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism etc

have also been added to this idea of Interfaith. There are some Muslims who ask

us not to call the non-Muslims “Kafir”, but rather to call them “potential

Muslims”, they say that, “it is not allowed to call them Kafir”, in fact the one that

says this declares apostasy because he is either saying that he doesn’t believe what

Allah (swt) says, or he believes Allah (swt) is a liar or he has commented over

what Allah (swt) says, preferring his comment. In all cases his action makes him


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The Plot of Interfaith


T h e P l o t o f I n t e r f a i t h

It is thanks to the Almighty Allah (swt) who has saved us from these misguided

paths, and has guided us to the Deen of Haq. He has guided us to the Deen of Al-

Islam, which calls us to submit to Almighty Allah (swt) alone, to worship him

alone, the exclusive Legislator and Commander. This is the Deen that requests us

to command good and forbid evil. It is the Deen that calls for justice and

tranquillity and forbids us from unlawful sexual acts and promiscuity.

We bear witness that there is no God but Allah (swt) and that Muhammad (saw) is

his Messenger. Many sincere Muslims are exhausting effort in all parts of the

world today, in order to call Muslims to abide by the Shari’ah and in order to guide

non-Muslims to Islam. They stand firm, challenge and expose all Jahiliyyah such

as man-made law, atheism, Marxism and secularism. This struggle is taking place

despite of and against all types of intellectual invasions and secular propaganda.

We now hear of a new conspiracy against Islam, it is even more dangerous,

cowardice and tricky than all of these Kufr ideas, this new conspiracy is

“Interfaith”. Interfaith puts Islam on the same platform as Kufr ideas, this new

challenge is another knife in the heart of the Deen. It is an attempt to pollute the

Islamic phenomena, an attempt to stop the waves of people coming back to Islam

and practising it. It attempts to pollute the Islamic personality and is used to chase

away sincere Muslims, accusing them of fanaticism and terrorism and it

suppresses the Islamic movements, distorting their call. The Interfaith agenda is to

lead the Muslims towards apostasy, using all of the forces at its disposal; it diverts

the Muslims from the Deen, in order that they become apostates.

Allah (swt) says,

“They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say:

"Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah

(swt) to prevent access to the path of Allah (swt) to deny Him to prevent

access to the Sacred Mosque and drive out its members. Tumult and

oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you

until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you

turn back from their faith and die in unbelief their works will bear no

fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be Companions of the Fire

and will abide therein.” [EMQ 2:217]

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The Plot of Interfaith


Verily their wish and desire is for Muslims to commit mass apostasy, for Allah

(swt) says,

“They but wish that ye should reject faith as they do and thus be on the

same footing (as they): but take not friends from their ranks until they flee

in the way of Allah (swt) (from what is forbidden). But if they turn

renegades seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any

case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.” [EMQ 4:89]

Apostasy is what the Jews and Christians target, it is their plot and a reality. They

hope that Muslims merge with them into the same kufr platform, where there is no

Wala or Bara. They oppose any ideas that classify nations as “Muslims Nations”

or “Kufr Nations”, they oppose ideas that classify religions as true or false; they

would rather make all religions false and Kufr. For these reasons they make up

slogans, form powerful chains of mediums and hold conferences and Seminars.

They form many organizations and institutions, lay down policies and projects,

raise topics publicly and privately, besides the many other activities that are aimed

at stopping the Islamists propagating the truth. In fact they have declared a state of

emergency against the Islamic revival, whose seeds have started showing fruit;

they have widened their circle and activities in order to counter the Islamic

Revival. They use ‘poverty’, ‘need’ and ‘ignorance’ to question the Islamic point

of view and to support the call for the Abrahamic faith (Interfaith). So what is the

rule for those who call for Interfaith, cooperate with it, help it and work for it?

The phenomenon of Interfaith has reached the level where corrupted people are

calling to print a “Holy Book” which comprises common verses from the Quran,

Torah and Injeel, in the form of one book. In some areas, they have brought three

places of worship under the same roof; this has already become common at

airports, hospitals, and in public places of worship.

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The Plot of Interfaith


Oh, Ulema of Islam, where are you? Oh scholars, the ones who safeguard our

belief, where are you? Oh Islamic activists, where are you? Oh Muslims, where

are you? Oh, those who follow the Sunnah, where are you? Oh Ummah, where are

you? Oh heirs of the prophet, where are you? Verily, the reality of Interfaith is

well known. So a question has arisen, which requires an answer and the answer

involves an inevitable duty. Allah (swt) has granted in the Deen of Al-Islam, that

there will always be some Haqullah among the Muslims in general and among the

scholars in particular, who exist in order to defend the Deen and their Lord from

any conspiracy. One of the greatest types of Jihad of Da’wah is to expose Kufr and

to warn the Muslims, its weapons are evidence and jurisprudence, and this is the

least level of Iman for Allah (swt) says,

“It is not (possible) that a man to whom is given the Book and Wisdom

and the prophetic office should say to people: "Be ye my worshippers

rather than Allah's; on the contrary (he would say): "Be ye worshippers

of Him Who is truly the Cherisher of all for ye have taught the Book and

ye have studied it earnestly."” [EMQ 3:79]

Therefore, with total reliance in Almighty Allah, I will give the answer for the

above question below, with sound evidences and clear understanding. I will

classify and divide my answer into two divisions.

1. The verification of the reality of Interfaith between the past and the present in

order to have a clear understanding of the reality of the question

2. The Islamic verdict for the call to “Interfaith”.

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The Eras of Interfaith


T h e E r a s o f I n t e r f a i t h

Verily the new slogan of Interfaith propagated by the Jews and the Christians is an

old project adopted by them in order to apostasies Muslims from their Deen.

Historically the call for Interfaith has passed through five eras, which are:

1. The History of the Interfaith Theory during The Era of the Messenger

Muhammad (saw) a. The “People of Paradise” plot.

b. The “Abrahamic Theory” Plot

2. The History of the Interfaith Theory during The Era after the Third

Generation Hijri 300AH to 699AH (912CE – 1299CE).

a. The plot of the “Document of Muhammad” and the plot of the

“Document of St. Catherine”.

b. The plot of Sufism (“Allah’s School of thought”, “Muzhabullah”)

3. The History of the Interfaith Theory during The Era Between 699AH to

900AH. (1299CE – 1484CE)

a. The plot of “Embracing Islam”.

b. The plot of the “Document of Muhammad”.

4. The History of the Interfaith Theory during the The Era Between CE 900AH

to 1342AH (1484CE-1924CE)

5. The History of the Interfaith Theory in The Contemporary Era 1342AH to

1423AH (1924CE - 2002CE Present Day)

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1. The Era of the Messenger

Muhammad (saw)


1 . T h e E r a o f t h e M e s s e n g e r M u h a m m a d ( s a w )

Allah (swt) informs us in his Book that the Jews and the Christians will do all that

they can to make Muslims commit apostasy; they call the Muslims away from

Islam and towards their own ways of life, for Allah (swt) says,

“…Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your

faith if they can. And if any of you turn back from their faith and die in

unbelief their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter;

they will be Companions of the Fire and will abide therein. [EMQ 2:217]

a. The People of Paradise plot.

The Christians came to Muhammad (saw) saying ‘we are the people of Paradise,

we are from the same source, from Esa and Moosa etc., you are blessed, let us

work together’ and Allah (swt) revealed to Muhammad (saw),

“… the people of the Book wish they could turn you (people) back to kufr

after you have believed from selfish envy after the truth hath become

manifest unto them…” [EMQ 2:109]

The Christians said they were the people of Paradise, but Allah (swt) exposed


“And they say: "None shall enter paradise unless he be a Jew or a

Christian." Those are their (vain) desires. Say: "Produce your proof if

you are truthful."”

“No whoever submits his whole self to Allah (swt) and is a doer of good

he will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear nor shall

they grieve.” [EMQ 2:111 –112]

The Christians left Muhammad (saw) angry and frustrated.

b. The “Abrahamic Theory” Plot

In another incident the Christians came to Muhammad (saw) and said, “Did you

know we are Abrahamic? We are from the same Milla as you. We are descendents

of Ibraheem, we are the children of Ishaac, from Ishaac there were 16 branches,

from Ishmael there were 2 branches, we have descended from Yusuf, Musa,

Dawood and Suleiman, we are their children”. Allah (swt) informed us of this,

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1. The Era of the Messenger

Muhammad (saw)


“Without doubt among men the nearest of kin to Abraham are those who

follow him as is this Apostle and those who believe; and Allah (swt) is the

Protector of those who have faith.” [EMQ 3:68]

The Jews and the Christians said “become Jews”, “become Christian”, “you will

be guided”. And Allah (swt) says,

“They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (to

salvation)." Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather) the religion of Abraham

the true and he joined not gods with Allah."” [EMQ 2:135]

Allah (swt) clearly exposed the plot of the Christians and the Jews; he shows us

that people of the book want to make the Muslims Kafir,

Quite a number of the people of the Book wish they could turn you

(people) back to infidelity after ye have believed from selfish envy after the

truth hath become manifest unto them; but forgive and overlook till Allah

(swt) accomplish His purpose; for Allah (swt) hath power over all

things.[EMQ 2:109]

Allah (swt) warns

They but wish that ye should reject faith as they do and thus be on the

same footing (as they): but take not friends from their ranks until they flee

in the way of Allah (swt) (from what is forbidden). But if they turn

renegades seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any

case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks. [EMQ 4:89]

In these verses and many others, Allah (swt) warns us of the conspiracy of the

Jews, Christians and others. The clear understanding that the Muslims had of these

verses of warning, made sure that the call for Interfaith was extinguished all the

way up to the end of third century Hijri.

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2. The Era After the

Third Generation Hijri


2 . T h e E r a A f t e r t h e T h i r d G e n e r a t i o n H i j r i

After the first three generations the call for Interfaith started to be heard again. The

call for Interfaith came under the pretext that Judaism, Christianity and Islam were

schools of thought that all lead to Allah. Under the pretext of Mazhabullah (i.e. the

schools of thought of Allah) Interfaith raised its ugly head again. The Jews and

Christians started to fabricate text, they initiated doubt and put confusion in the

minds of some Muslims. We started to hear some titles and definitions that

grabbed the attention of some Muslims, which in turn lead many to apostasy. One

such term was the idea of the oneness of all existence, the unification of all

existence and the reincarnation of God in man. These ideas made many Muslims

become apostate, especially from amongst the Sufis and the Shia, and from the

Muslims of As-Sham, Persia and from the provinces of Asia. Some of these

apostates even allowed the Muslims to become Jews or Christians, under the guise

of Mazhabullah, and even worse than this, some said it is better to be Christian

than Muslim. These ideas started to become common from those inclined to

philosophies. They even started to say that the best creations were Al-Uhakil, who

are the ones who call for the oneness of all existence and the reincarnation of God.

The scholars of Islam rose against these corrupted people and exposed them. The

classical scholars exposed these corrupted Kafir. Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah

wrote books exposing these philosophers and in particular the apostate of Al-

Halaj, who was executed for his apostasy, his name was Hussein Bin Mansour Bin

Pharasi (died 309 Hijri). Ibn Taymiyyah exposed other apostates, including the

apostate Ibn Arabi Muhammad Bin Ali Ata’i, who spoke about the oneness of

existence, in his book Al-Fusoos and who was subsequently killed in 638 Hijri,

including another apostate called Ibn Sabi’an (died 699 Hijri).

a. The Plot of the “Document of Muhammad” and the Plot of the “Document of St. Catherine”

The Jews came to Khalifah Abu Mantisa and said “Muhammad has written a letter

for our forefathers at the time of Khayber. In Khayber the Jews were destroyed,

but some were forgiven and Muhammad (saw) wrote a letter excusing them from

paying the Jizya.” They produced a letter written on Gazelle Skin, it had no vowel

signs and appeared to be signed by Muhammad (saw) and witnessed by Muawiya

Ibn Abi Sufyan and Saad Ibn Muaz. At first glance it seemed to be genuine. The

Khalifah called Imam Tabari, who immediately exposed it as a fake, he said, “It is

impossible for this document to be authentic as it was signed by Muawiya who

wasn’t even Muslim at the time of Khayber, he embraced Islam two years after,

when Muhammad (saw) conquered Mecca!”

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2. The Era After the

Third Generation Hijri


The Christians claimed that St Catherine is buried in Mount Sina, Mt Sina being

where Musa (as) received the commandments. The Christians called for the people

to come and pray together in the monastery of St. Catherine. They, especially the

Pope and the Egyptian Coptic’s claimed that Muhammad (saw) testified, in front

of Abu Huraira (RA), that Allah (swt) told him that the grave at that monastery

belonged to a Saint called Catherine, and the document was supposedly signed in

year three Hijri by Abu Huraira (RA). The claim was made to the Wali of Egypt.

The Wali was shocked and called the Ulema to investigate the document. The

implications of this document were that if it was true, then St Catherine was a

believer and the Christians, Jews and Muslims were Abrahamic. But the Ulema

immediately exposed the document as a fake, because Abu Huraira (RA) couldn’t

have testified to it, since he wasn’t even a Muslim in the year 3 Hijri, rather he

became Muslim in year 6 Hijri! Unfortunately the Muslims have been bitten by

this plot and Mount Sina is today a place where the Jews, Christians and so called

“Muslims” pray together, delegates to the site even include the Qadianis, Ismailis,

Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc.!

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2. The Era After the

Third Generation Hijri


b. The Plot of Sufism (Allah’s School of thought, Muzhabullah)

This century was also known as the century of sects and firqa. The Jews came

from this angle. They said, “you have many schools of thought, what about the

school of thought of Allah”, this was the start of the “Mazhabullah” ideas i.e. that

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all schools of Allah. However nobody

accepted these strange ideas except for some of the Sufis.

Sufism emanated from an idea called “Al-Zuhd”, which means to keep busy with

ritual acts. This developed into an idea called Al-U’bbad (the Worshippers), there

were Sahaba who were Al-U’bbad, and who said they did not want to fight against

Muslims in the time of the rebellion. Abdullah Ibn Omar (RA) sincerely said, “I

cannot fight until you find me a sword that will tell me who is Muslim and who is

not”, but these ideas were not a problem at that time. What followed this was very

dangerous, there were people who stood next to Imam Ali and said, “you must

fight, you have the Haq”, but when it came to fighting, they left his side and when

Imam Ali accepted arbitration they said to Imam Ali “You are Kafir”. He rose

against these people and destroyed them. They became divided and some of them

felt so bad that they decided they would never again become involved in politics.

These people were called Al-Tawwabeen (the repenters) and were followed by Al-

Bakkaeen (the wailers), i.e. those that would not cry a lot. After Al-Bakkaeen

came the Sufis, from which many became apostate and were exploited by the Jews

and the Christians to work within the ranks of Interfaith and the Abrahamic ideas.

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2. The Era After the

Third Generation Hijri


In many cases the teachers of these Sufis were Christians and Jews. Al-Halaj,

whose teacher was a Jew, introduced the idea of the Reincarnation of Allah, he

believed that his Jewish teacher was Allah (swt) and when his teacher died the

people asked Halaj, “what are you going to do now?” He saw the mule of his

teacher and looked at the Mule. Al-Halaj said that the Mule smiled at him and

whispered to him, “I am God”. Al-Halaj would escort the Mule around, cleaning it

and saying it was Allah. Al-Halaj was eventually executed along with his Mule

and his remains were thrown in the Jungle for the wolves to devour. Ibn Arabi

believed in the Oneness of the Existence, his teacher was a Christian. Ibn Sab’een

believed in the idea of the Unity of Allah, he believed that we could become re-

united with Allah (swt) and his teacher was also a Jew.

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3. The Era Between

699AH to 900AH


3 . T h e E r a B e t w e e n 6 9 9 A H t o 9 0 0 A H

a. The plot of embracing Islam.

In the Abbasid era the leader of the Tatars wanted to enter Bilad Al-Sham. Bilad

Al-Sham was known as the city of knowledge, they believed they did not need

weapons, as they were purely people of knowledge. Islam was in power and Bilad

Al-Sham was a city of enlightenment It was known as Medinat ul-Ilm or Minara

Ilm Al-Alami, the people were busy with Ilm and the city produced many Ulema.

It is said that the jealousy of the Alim is the like the jealousy of the 2 wives and

this may provide an explanation for some of the actions of Al-Mansoury. Imam

Al-Mansoury clashed with the Ulema, he wasn’t able to go to the Amir of

Baghdad and wasn’t able to get a position within the state. The Jews came to Al-

Mansoury praising him, saying he was the Sheikh Al-Islam, and said, “We could

help you gain a position, but we need you to help us”. The fake document that was

refuted by Imam Tabari was produced again, but this time they had removed the

name of Muawiya. The Jews said “The Tatars have a big army outside the city

waiting to enter, if they embraced Islam they could enter the city without fighting,

this would enable you to become close to the Governor.” So Mansoury went to the

Governor and said, “I want to go to the Tartars and call them to embrace Islam.”

He went to Kalaoun, the Tartar leader, and said to him, “You don’t need to fight to

enter Damascus, if you embrace Islam you will enter Damascus without fighting.

We Ahl-Al-Sham have a secret that nobody knows about, I will tell you about it if

you enter Islam and give me power when you enter the city.” Kalaoun decided to

embrace Islam and called himself Mahmoud. The news quickly spread that the

leader of the Tartars had embraced Islam at the hands of Al-Mansoury. The Tartars

wanted to enter Damascus so the Governor gathered the Ulema and asked for

advice. Ibn Taymiyyah said “Let us check that they have become Muslims”, so he

went with his students to Kalaoun, they discovered that the Tartars were taking

Islam and mixing it with their own book Al-Yasiq, a political book with a

complete political system. They were praying and doing ritual acts but following

the political beliefs of Al-Yasiq. Ibn Taymiyyah declared, “these people are Kafir,

even if you see them pray.” NB. They were mixing Islam with man-made law, just

like today’s secular Muslims. Al-Mansoury differed and said, “No they have

become Muslim and even if they follow Al-Yasiq they don’t take it as a belief,

they take it as tradition, they can’t give up tradition just like that.” Al-Mansoury

went to Kalaoun and said to him, “Do you want to know the secret of Ahl-Al-

Sham, the secret is that there are no weapons in Damascus.” At this point the

Tartars decided to enter the city. When the news spread that the Tartars were about

to enter the City and that the tartars knew there were no weapons, most of the

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3. The Era Between

699AH to 900AH


Ulema said, “Let us make a treaty, we will give them the city without fighting, but

they must not touch our women and children, they are our brothers.” Ibn

Taymiyyah said, “Wait, by Allah (swt) these people are Mushrik, we have

weapons and I can train all of you, we have three things, we have Allah (swt), we

have the Iman and the Tawakul and we have our nail, our nails are enough with the

help of Allah (swt) and his army”. The defeated reply was, “Let us have a look at

the cause of victory, Iman is not enough, we need to be trained and have

weapons.” Ibn Taymiyyah said “The Prophet Muhammad (saw) in the battle of

Badr had only one horse, and we have many horses, and the horses are always

linked to the goodness”, the reply was, “but they have many horses”, Ibn

Taymiyyah replied “their horses do not have soldiers who say La Illaha Illalla,

Muhammad Ar-Rasoolloollah.” The Amir instructed Ibn-Taymiyyah to take

charge of this mission and so Ibn Taymiyyah started to motivate the people, telling

them of the weapons that they should use i.e. The Iman and the Tawakul and

anything they could lay their hands on. Al-Mansoury on the other hand, went

around the city de-motivating the Muslims, saying, “Do not listen to Ibn

Taymiyyah, Allah (swt) said fight the Kafir not the Muslims, these people are

Muslims and, even if they are not, Allah (swt) did not say fight the Jews and the

Christians, we live with them, not fight them, we are all a brotherhood, the

children of Abraham.” Ibn Taymiyyah said, “These people are Kafir and even if

you see them in the Mosques, kill them.” The tartars were so strong that one night

Ibn Taymiyyah decided to investigate them, he went to the camp of Kalaoun and

here he found Al-Mansoury, suddenly all had become clear, Mansoury was the

leak. Kalaoun said to Ibn Taymiyyah, “who are you?” Ibn Taymiyyah replied, “I

am Abdullah, Ibn Taymiyyah.” And they argued about whether the Tartars were

Muslims or not. Ibn Taymiyyah argued that they could not follow the book of Al-

Yasiq and be Muslim and that the Muslims do not fight each other. Ibn Taymiyyah

quoted “If two Muslims fight each other, reconcile between them, but if one rebels

against the other fight against the rebellious.” so we fight against you because you

are rebellious. Kalaoun asked, “What do you want?” Ibn Taymiyyah replied, “Two

things, correct your Aqueeda and know that Muslims do not fight Muslims.”

Kalaoun asked “And if I don’t do that, what will you do?” to which Ibn

Taymiyyah said, “Know that if you do not do this we will fight you and each of us

will take ten of you, we are people with weapons and we will surprise you.” Al-

Mansoury said, “You have no weapons, you are bluffing.” Ibn Taymiyyah said,

“We have weapons, we did not tell you though, because we knew you would

deceive us. We have more weapons than the hairs on your beard.” Kalaoun

brought Ibn Taymiyyah and his companions meat to eat, but Ibn Taymiyyah said,

“I will never eat this meat it is the meat of Mushrik and the animal was stolen from

Damascus.” Then they brought meat from one of their own camels and Ibn

Taymiyyah said, “I cannot eat this because you don’t slaughter correctly”. Ibn

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3. The Era Between

699AH to 900AH


Taymiyyah companions slaughtered and cooked the next animal, but when the

food was brought before Ibn Taymiyyah, he said, “I will not eat this until your

army withdraws from Damascus” Kalaoun agreed and he withdrew his army from

Damascus. So Ibn Taymiyyah returned victorious without fighting or even giving

salaam. Mansoury on the other hand was killed by Kalaoun.

b. The plot of the “Document of Muhammad”

When the Jews heard of the fate of Al-Mansoury they went to the governor

showing them their forgery, the governor showed it to Ibn Taymiyyah and

immediately Ibn Taymiyyah said, “This is fake, it was signed in the year 7 of hijri,

Saad Bin Muaz died in year 2 Hijri after Banu Kuraytha. Further, when they tried

to leave with the document, saying they wanted to check it with their Rabbis, Ibn

Taymiyyah said, “Don’t leave the room, if anyone of you leaves the room he will

be killed”, they argued “you cannot take this document, it is our property.” But Ibn

Taymiyyah said, “By Allah (swt) anybody who fabricates the word of the Prophet

from the Zhima, has no Zhima, the hadith says “whoever betrays a zhimi, betrays

Muhammad (saw)” but also, “whoever betray Muhammad (saw) he betrays Allah”

and we will therefore kill you. Ibn Taymiyyah said, “you will pay Jizyah for last

year, which you did not pay, and for this year.” It is reported that they paid the

outstanding Jizyah within one day!

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4. The Era starting

in 14th Century CE


4 . T h e E r a s t a r t i n g i n 1 4 t h C e n t u r y C E

The call for Interfaith had been extinguished for a while, except in the hearts of a

few individuals. But in the first half of the 14th

century the new era of Interfaith

started. Interfaith was adopted by an organisation that was created by the Jews

called the “Freemasons”. The Freemasons aimed to control the world by

propagating atheism and liberalism, under the guise of calling for the unity for the

three religions, rejecting the t’asum (firmness of thought) and removing any “ism”

under the pretext of unity of belief in God. So anybody who believed in God was a

believer in Freemasonry and many Muslims fell down under the devils whip of

Freemasonry. Jamul Udin Bin Sufda Al-Afagani, who died in turkey in 1414 hijri,

was one of those who fell under the spell of the freemasons and his student Sheikh

Muhammad Abdu Bin Hassan Al-Turkmani who died in Egypt 1323 Hijri

followed him. One of the efforts of Muhammad Abdu for Interfaith, with the help

of the head of the Mizaowi Shia sect, under Mirza Baata Al-Irani (who embraced

Christianity and then he re-embraced Islam) and with them the representative of

Jamul Udin Afagani and many other so called “peoples people”, was the

establishment in Beirut of a famous organisation named Jamiat Al-Talif. Jamiat

Al-Talif is the organisation of reconciliation and inclination between various

religions, its objective is to close the gap between the three religions. This

organisation is affiliated to some Iranian Shia, English Christians and the Jews.

This organisation has been reported about in great detail by Sheikh Muhammad

Rasheed Rida (died 1354 Hijri), who was the student of Muhammad Abdu, in his

book “The History of the Great Teacher Imam Muhammad Abdu” at volume 1,

page 817 and 829. One article that was published by a caller of Interfaith was “Can

we Unify Christianity with Islam”, this article described the ideas discussed at a

meeting between some Muftis of Egypt and two Azhari scholars, with a group of

priests, particularly Abraham Lucas. Abraham spoke in the press conference that

followed and declared the following, “there is no way for complete unity, except

when one religion embraces the other. Either we have Iman on the Trinity of God,

the Son and Holy Spirit and his salvation, and thus we all become Christians, or

we believe in Jesus as one of the Messengers and all become Muslims.”

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5. The Contemporary Era


5 . T h e C o n t e m p o r a r y E r a

In the last quarter of the 14th

century hijri, until 1423 hijri and under the shade of

the New World Order and globalisation we have started to hear the Jews and

Christians calling for a gathering based on religion. They call for unity between

the Moosaweyyah (Jews), Isawiyyah (Christians) and Muhammadiyyah

(Muslims). Their call for this unity came under many guises and titles:

1. Al-Taqaarob Bein Al-Adyaan, to bring the religions closer together.

2. Nabaz Al-Ta’sob Al-Deenie, the rejection of religious partisanship.

3. Al-Ikhaa Al-Deenie, the brotherhood in religions, a centre was established in


4. Mujama’ Al-Dyaan, the compilation of religions, their head quarters were set

up in Sinaa in Egypt

5. Al-Sadaqah Al-Islamiyyah Al-Masihiyyah, the Islamic and Christianity


6. Al-Tadhamon Al-Islamie Al-Masihie Dhud Al-Shoyou’iyyah, the Christian

Muslim solidarity against communism, this was based again in Egypt.

7. The Unity of Religion, the Oneness of Religion and the Unity of the Three


8. Al-Millah Al-Ibrahimiyyah, the Millah of Ibraheem.

9. Al-Wihdah Al-Ibrahimiyya, the unity of the heavenly religions.

10. The believers, the United Believers, the United People.

10. The Worldwide Religions.

11. Interfaith and Interlink between Religions.

12. Al-Milioun or the people of faith.

13. Global United Religions.

The supplement of the above slogans is the latest idea, which is the compilation of

“The Unity of the Heavenly Books”. This book introduces the ideas of printing the

Quran, the Torah and the Bible in one hardback book and calling it the “Holy

Book”. This call for Interfaith in practical ritual life was in response to the call of

the Pope, who started by calling for joint prayers between the representatives of

the three religions. They established the first joint prayer in the village of Eases on


October 1986. Today this practice has been repeated many times, under name

of the prayer of the Holy Spirit. Recently on the top of the mountain of Keito in

Japan, the joint prayer between the three religions was established, unfortunately a

heavy representation was also present from Islamic institutes. What follows these

prayer is even worse, they use clever means to persuade Muslims to adopt the

ideas of Interfaith, adopting the ideas of the Kafir and giving up the idea of Al-

Wala Wal-Bara. The call of Interfaith utilises the (meaningless) slogans World

Wide Peace, World Wide Tranquillity for Humanity, Freedom, Equality,

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5. The Contemporary Era


Compassion and Love. These are exactly what the main slogans of the freemasons

were i.e. Freedom, Brotherhood and Equality or Peace, Mercy and Humanity. In

addition they use contemporary spiritualism, which is based on the foundation of

calling the spirits, using séance, they call Muslim souls, Jewish souls and Sikh

souls to respond etc. Séance is one of the calls of the International institutions of

Freemasons and Zionism.

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The Effect of Interfaith

on Muslims and Islam


T h e E f f e c t o f I n t e r f a i t h o n M u s l i m s a n d I s l a m

One of the effects of Interfaith on non-Muslims towards the Muslims is that it has

broken the barrier of fear and respect towards the Muslims. Another is that it has

broken the barrier of rejection of Kufr by the Muslims as a matter of Bara. It

introduced the idea that the Pope is the spiritual leader of the whole world and all

religions and that he is the carrier of the message of peace for the whole of

humanity. The pope declared on the 27th

October 1986 that the Eid for all religions

was the first day of January and called it “The day of Worldwide Brotherhood”.

An anthem has been adopted which all representatives repeat, it is called “There is

only one God the One Father”. Many International conferences and seminars have

been convened and many organisations, groups and clubs have been established

around the world, such as:

1. On the 12th


February 1987 an Abrahamic conference was held in

Cordoba, Spain, with the participation of the Jews, Christians and some who

claim to be Muslims such as the Qadianis and Ismailis. The title of the

conference was “The International Dialogue for Abrahamic Unity”. The

outcome of this conference was the launch of a new college called Cordoba

College for the United Religions of Europe. It is also known as the Islamic

Cultural Centre or the Cordoba Centre for Islamic Research. The one who led

this campaign is the Christian Roger Garoodi. The main point of the

conference was to try to prove that there is common ground between the

members of the various religions.

2. In Egypt on the 21st march 1987 the launch of the International Organisation

for the Believers or the United Believers was declared.

3. In the summer of 1990, the Religious Youth Club was established.

4. In April 1990, a new organisation called The United People was established.

This organisation launched a booklet that focuses on the common ground

between the three religions called The Religious Unity. In this book, they

abolished some of the most significant attributes of Islam such as the fact that

Islam abrogates all that was before it and that the Quran abrogates and

dominates all previous books.

5. A series of International conferences have been held calling for the unity of

religions in New York, Cordoba, and many other European and Middle

Eastern countries.

The United Believers declared their capital was $800,000 and if the organisation

was to be dissolved, all of its capital would go back to the Red Cross and to the

charities associated with the church.

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The Effect of Interfaith

on Muslims and Islam


The United Believers consider the following representations or symbols:

● Charity (Rams Al-Ihsan) is the founder of the Red Cross.

● Evolution (Rams Al-Tatowal) is Darwin.

● Equality is Karl Marx.

● International peace for humanity or religious brotherhood is the Pope.

The United Believers adopt a banner composed of the following icons:

● The icon of the United Nations.

● The icon of the rainbow.

● The icon of the number seven which was the symbol of victory for them and

is the name of the 1st ship that discovered the American continent and carried

Christianity to that continent.

There has been participation of some Muslims in most of the conferences and

seminars, even in the organisations and the joint International prayers, whether

they were paid to go, or were there by their own choice, we will leave the decision

about these people to Almighty Allah. One of the effects of Interfaith, in addition

to this, is that unfortunately the slogans, banners and the symbols of Interfaith have

reached the ears of the Muslims. The ideas of Interfaith have leaked into Muslim

countries and have been received by many foolish dreamers, who have put many

pens to work writing articles in support of Interfaith and many mouths have started

to deliver speeches, calling for similar conferences, clubs and seminars

In the Sharm Al-Sheikh conference held in Egypt in the month of Shawal 1416H,

many of the presidents of Muslim countries delivered speeches regarding the

common ground between the Abrahamic participants in the conference. Ironically

this conference gathered many Jews, Muslims, Christians and even communists.

On the 10th of October 1416H, it was announced that the holy book, composed of

the Quran, the Torah and the Bible, would be published.

In some countries, a decision was announced permitting newborn Muslims to have

Jewish names, after the assassination of the “Man of Peace” Rabeen. Interfaith is

spreading its message of Christianity and Judaism, they are spreading their mission

to apostatise the Muslims. Verily we face a decade of apostatising the Muslims to

Christianity and Judaism and we even see many Muslims struggling and striving

with the slogans of Interfaith. We see the Muslims participate in the celebrations

of Christianity, Easter and Christmas etc., and on televisions we witness joint

International religious ceremonies that even involve Sikhs and Buddhists etc.

We see the Christian leaders going to mosques and preaching to the Muslims and

the Muslims going to churches and performing prayers with them, like the apostate

Yasser Arafat. These are the steps that are demolishing Al-Wala and Al-Bara.

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The Effect of Interfaith

on Muslims and Islam


Ultimately, this is just a summary of what the Jews and Christians promote in the

theoretical field for the unity of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. With the

descriptions, attributes and slogans of this new fashion “Interfaith”, they have been

able to establish churches and synagogues in Muslim countries. Interfaith has

entered the political arena in Muslim countries and is holding conferences,

seminars and establishing organisations in order to enter into the practical life of

Muslim society.

Under the pretext of globalisation and targeting global religious domination,

Interfaith is establishing global apostasy amongst the Muslims. A seed of that

declaration, in my own personal opinion was a man I came face to face with the

traitor, who misled many Muslims, known as Dr Rogue Garoodi, who represented

the Muslims at many Abrahamic conferences, but turned out not to be Muslim, as

many thought, but really a Christian. We must also bear in mind the existence of

many initiatives amongst the Jews and the Christians, to call for a dialogue

between the religions and Interfaith between various religions and cultures.

One of the most serious hidden distractions of the Abrahamic theory is the

comparative study between the three religions. Each religion competes with the

other to align his religion with the International values of peace, love, tranquillity,

security, human rights, brotherhood, compassion, charity etc. This alignment

merges all differentiation into one united religion (man made law) and this has

been recorded in the book The “Protocols of the wise Zionist” on page 78. The

science of religious studies and its evolution helps to remove the divinity and

holiness from religion and shows its Prophets as normal men who could be good

men or fakes. This is, in general, a summary of the Interfaith theory in three eras.

Page 28: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)

The Islamic Verdict for

Interfaith in General.


T h e I s l a m i c V e r d i c t f o r I n t e r f a i t h i n G e n e r a l .

The Jews and Christians want to make Christianity, Judaism and Islam the same in

order to the stop the Jizya and what it represents. Jizya is not just an economic

transaction, a tax taken from the Kufar, rather Jizya represents the submission of

the Kuffar to Islam.

All (swt) says in the Qur’an, “Rule and judge by what ever Allah (swt) has

revealed”. Verily the call for the Interfaith theory using any of its slogans or

symbols is a call to unite the Deen of Islam, Al-Haq, the absolute truth, the Deen

which dominates and abrogates all other ways of life, with what the Jews and the

Christians believe in. Their Deen is falsehood and an evil religion. Interfaith is one

of the biggest conspiracies and plots against Islam and the Muslims. The Jews and

the Christians forsake their disputes and differences and gather on common

ground, which is their hatred and animosity towards Islam. They baggage

Interfaith with glossy slogans and send Messengers, with lies and fabrications,

inevitably leading to the most terrifying destiny for the Muslims. The Islamic

verdict on Interfaith is that it is an innovation at the Aqueeda level, it is a call for

Kufr and misguidance and leads to inevitable apostasy from Islam. Interfaith is a

contradiction to all that is known in Islam at the belief level, by necessity. It

violates the sanctity of Almighty Allah, his books, the Messengers and all previous

prophets. It invalidates the domination and abrogation of the Quran, over whatever

was before; it invalidates the finality of the message of Islam and invalidates the

Prophethood of the final Messenger Muhammad (saw). The trinity views call for

Kufr and the one who promotes Kufr is a Kafir. It is prohibited for Muslims to

participate in or to attend any Interfaith conference and seminar, even if they reject

the Interfaith theory. Therefore the fatwa is as follows.

It is not allowed for a Muslim who believes Allah (swt) is the Lord, Islam is the

Deen and Muhammad (saw) is the final Messenger to respond to the call of

Interfaith. It is not allowed to join its organisation, participate in its activities or

attribute oneself with its activities or seminars or any type of Interfaith gathering.

It is compulsory for Muslims to reject the Interfaith call, oppose it, warn the

Muslims about it and about the consequence of believing in its values, i.e. that the

consequences are apostasy. We must seek reward from Allah (swt) by exposing

Interfaith, by putting hatred in the hearts of the people towards it and by showing

all types of rejection towards it.

The Interfaith organisations must be thrown out of Muslims lands, they must be

boycotted, isolated and sent into exile. Those who call for it must be cut from their

roots, so that their beliefs are confined to their hearts. We must not permit any of

Page 29: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)

The Islamic Verdict for

Interfaith in General.


the slogans of Interfaith to reach the public arena. It is compulsory for the Muslims

to establish the Islamic State and appoint an International Khalifah who will

establish the Hudoud of apostasy for the one who believes in Interfaith. We must

call for the Hudoud as protection for the security of the Deen of Allah, as an

attribute of discipline for those who want to play with the Deen of Allah, as an

attribute of obedience to Allah (swt) and his Messenger and in order for the pure

Shari’ah to prevail, i.e. the pure Deen of Allah.

Verily the Jews and Christians have received the Interfaith theory and verily they

are eligible to it and deserve it, because they do not refer to the true religion, their

Deen is full of distortion and their religion is false. Their Deen is either false,

distorted or contains some remnants of truth that are abrogated by Islam in any

case. As far as Muslims are concerned it is not allowed for them to have anything

to do with the call and theory of Interfaith whatsoever, because the Muslims

belong to a divine belief, a message of absolute truth which is a whole and

complete belief, in the basis, justice and mercy of Islam. Let every Muslim know

the reality of Interfaith, that it has a philosophical inclination and upbringing, its

objectives are atheist, but it appears in a religious uniform in order to mislead,

distort and destroy the belief of Muslims in order to apostatise them. Interfaith

targets Islam and the Muslims wherever they are and it manifests itself in the

following points:

1. The stage of distortion of Islam, in order to establish confusion. It challenges

Islam with a list of doubts and conjectures, in order that Muslims live with a

confused soul full of rejection or a soul with tranquillity and security

2. It aims to counteract the Islamic revival and the Islamic groups.

3. It attacks Islam in its own basis, targeting to demolish Islam and affecting

Muslims by removing Iman from their hearts and by burying it.

4. It aims to demolish the Islamic bond between the Muslims and replace it with

religious brotherhood, i.e. the brotherhood of the Jews and the Christians.

5. It censors Muslim writers and cuts their tongues from making Takfeer against

the Jews, the Christians and others who Allah (swt) and his Messenger

declared unbelievers if they do not declare Islam and become Muslims.

6. It targets to invalidate the Islamic rule regarding apostasy, which obliges

Muslims to stick to Islam and not to embrace Christianity, Judaism or any

other belief, it invalidates capital punishment for apostasy.

7. It targets to make Muslims give up the head of the spear of Islam, Al-Jihaad Fi

Sabillilah, because it includes Jihad against people of the books, for Allah

(swt) says,

Page 30: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)

The Islamic Verdict for

Interfaith in General.


“Fight those who believe not in Allah (swt) nor the Last Day nor hold

that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah (swt) and His apostle

nor acknowledge the religion of truth (even if they are) of the People of the

Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves

subdued.” [EMQ 9:29].

Verily Jihad against the Kufar, the enemy of Allah, puts fear in their hearts and

terrifies them, this will give Islam victory, humiliate its enemy and put happiness

in heart of believers, for Allah (swt) says,

“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power

including steeds of war to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of

Allah (swt) and your enemies and others besides whom ye may not know

but whom Allah (swt) doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause

of Allah (swt) shall be repaid unto you and ye shall not be treated

unjustly.”[EMQ 8:60].

It is very strange how Muslims have given up the legitimate strength of

preparation and Jihaad. This will lead to the assassination of Jihaad and to the

burial of it. They already interpret Jihaad as defensive and not as submission

to the law of Islam and the Jizyah. Now they call Jihad terrorism and the

people run away from it. The Muslims do not even want to mention the word

Jihaad, let alone perform the obligation of taking Jizyah from non-Muslims.

The obligation of Jizyah on Jews and Christian, if they do not embrace Islam,

is a sign of the dignity of the Muslims and a sign of submission of the

unbelievers to Islam. That is why the Jews tried a lot, from the 4th


hijri, to invalidate the obligation of Jizyah on them. They even fabricated a

letter from Muhammad (saw) in the beginning of the 4th

century. This letter

claimed that Muhammad (saw) wrote a treaty for them after Khayber, it

supposedly forgave them from paying the Jizyah for good. When the governor

of Damascus showed the letter to the scholars, the Imam of Tafseer,

Muhammad Bin Jurar Al-Tabari (died 310 hijri) immediately declared it was a

false and fake letter that faked the handwriting of Muhammad (saw) and his

signature. The testimony of Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan was what exposed the

fake, he embraced Islam after conquering Medina after Khayber, whereas they

claimed this document was written by Muhammad (saw) in year of Khayber,

with Muawiya as a supposed witness and this proved that the letter attributed

to Muhammad (saw) by the Jews was a fake. The Jews continued to use this

false letter from time to time, but every time they presented it, a scholar

Page 31: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)

The Islamic Verdict for

Interfaith in General.


exposed it. In the time of Al-Katb Al-Bagdadi (died 463 hijri), they presented

it again and he too said it was false. They produced it again in the time of Ibn-

Taymiyyah (died 728 hijri), he exposed them saying, “This letter is fabricated

from you, about the prophet regarding the payment of Jizya, the evidence

against your claim is that, you said the Prophet wrote it on the day of

Khayber, in the presence of Saad Bin Muaz. Saad died two years before

Khayber, after the battle of Khandaq and during the time of Banu Kuraytha.”

8. The Christians fabricated the document of Saint Catherine, which is displayed

on the wall in a place of worship on Sina Mountain. Under the pretext that St

Catherine was a believer, according to the letter, they called for Interfaith and

joint prayers.

9. The Interfaith theory targets to destroy the fundamental basis of Islam, Al-

Wala Wal-Bara and Al-Hubu Fillah Wal-Bugdu Fillah. Therefore Interfaith

targets to remove the barrier of Al-Bara of the Muslims from the Kuffar,

which is to keep distance away from the Kuffar and not to take them as

friends or allies, and to worship Allah (swt) by declaring dislike for them.

10. Interfaith formulates ideas of hatred towards the Deen, in the guise of unity of

religion, in order to divide and separate the Muslims from their Deen and to

isolate the Shari’ah i.e. the Quran and Sunnah from their lives. They try to

inject Kufr ideas and thoughts into the Islamic culture, passing them off as

Islamic points of view. This will empty Islam from its substance so it will

never be looked at as the intellectual leader. That will facilitate the isolation of

Islam from life’s affairs and will help the enemy of Islam to reach their

objective i.e. to dominate the world without any resistance.

11. Interfaith aims to diminish Islam from the highest position, its objective is to

topple Islam from its prominence and dignity and make it equal to the false

and pagan religions.

12. Interfaith aims to level the path for missionaries to carry Christianity and

Judaism, by removing all obstacles and defusing any potential Islamic


13. The ultimate aim of Interfaith is to complete the Kufr domination by the Jews,

Christians, atheists and communists all over the world in general and the

Muslim world and Mecca in particular. The apostasy of the whole world

facilitates globalisation by the Kufr thoughts, ideas and way of life. They will

establish joint and free markets where Islam has no say whatsoever, where the

Deen will not interfere with the moral values at all, haram earnings and usury

will become a way of life and unlawful sexual corruption will be everywhere.

The people of good conscience will be removed and normal human nature will

be replaced with evil ideas and thought. The best example of the agenda of

Page 32: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)

The Islamic Verdict for

Interfaith in General.


Interfaith is the conference for world development and population control

which was held in Cairo and the world women conference held in Peking etc.

Unfortunately the Interfaith theory has attracted many non-practising Muslims and

many from those who have adopted secularism as their religion, until some of

them have declared their apostasy by agreeing to publish a combination of the

Quran, Torah and Injeel together as one book.

Verily the call for Interfaith theory is one of the hardest fitna and tests facing the

Muslims these days. The Interfaith theory mixes Islam with Kufr, Haq with Baatil,

guidance with misguidance, Marouf with Munkar, Tawheed with Shirk, Sunnah

with Bida and even man with women etc.

Verily this is a test from Allah (swt) and Allah (swt) will guide and misguide

whomever he wishes,

“And Moses chose seventy of his people for Our place of meeting: when

they were seized with violent quaking he prayed: "O my Lord! if it had

been Thy will Thou couldst have destroyed long before both them and me:

wouldst Thou destroy us for the deeds of the foolish one among us? This

is no more than Thy trial: by it Thou causest whom Thou wilt to stray

and Thou leadest whom Thou wilt into the right path. Thou art our

protector: so forgive us and give us Thy mercy; for Thou art the best of

those who forgive.” [EMQ 7:155]

In summary, the fatwa for those who call to unite Islam with any other religion is

clear cut and unambiguous apostasy and explicit Kufr, because the Interfaith

theory declares what contradicts Islam clearly in its foundation and in its branches,

in its belief and practise. The consensus is that the Interfaith theory is apostasy, it

is not a matter of disagreement and dispute amongst the scholars of Islam or

amongst the masses of the Muslims. Verily we are in the final trial, we face a new

battle against the cross worshipers i.e. the Christians, the Jews and the pagans, who

have the most animosity towards the believers.

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The Absolute Facts of the

Deen of Allah


T h e A b s o l u t e F a c t s o f t h e D e e n o f A l l a h

The first fact from the essence of the Deen is that all of the previous Messengers of

Allah (swt) called the people to believe in God. They called for Al-Tawheed, to

worship Allah (swt) exclusively and not to associate any other being with him.

They taught the people to be aware of Allah’s names and attributes and to be

aware of what was before this life. That is common for all the Ambiya and is

mentioned in the Quran when Allah (swt) says,

“The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined

on Noah--the which We have sent by inspiration to thee--and that which

We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: Namely that ye should

remain steadfast in Religion and make no divisions therein: to those who

worship other things than Allah (swt) hard is the (way) to which thou

callest them. Allah (swt) chooses to Himself those whom He pleases and

guides to Himself those who turn (to Him).” [EMQ 42:13]

“For We assuredly sent amongst every People an apostle (with the

Command) "Serve Allah (swt) and eschew Evil": of the people were some

whom Allah (swt) guided and some on whom Error became inevitably

(established). So travel through the earth and see what was the end of

those who denied (the Truth).” [16:36]

“Not an apostle did We send before thee without this inspiration sent by

Us to him: that there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me.”

[EMQ Al-Ambiya:25]

In Bukhari and Muslim the Hadith of Abu Hurairah reports that the Messenger

Muhammad (saw) said, “We Prophets and Messengers are brothers, our mothers

are different but our Deen is one”. They came to deliver the Message of God, to

order the lives of the people. They called people to abide by the Command of

Allah (swt) in all spheres of life. They made the people aware of what is before

this life. In order to get benefit in this life and to prevent harm. Allah (swt)

confirmed the right path, that those who seek the lessons of Allah, the right path is


“I have only created jinns and men that they may worship Me.”[EMQ


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The Absolute Facts of the

Deen of Allah


Allah (swt) informed us that Jews and Christians are outside that right path. Allah

(swt) informed the people about their decreed destiny of death, punishment in the

grave, resurrection, accountability, paradise and hellfire.

“Alif. Lam. Mim.”

“This is the Book; in it is guidance sure without doubt to those who

fear Allah.”

“Who believe in the Unseen are steadfast in prayer and spend out of

what We have provided for them.”

“And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee and sent before thy

time and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.” [EMQ


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Allah’s Declaration for the

Jews, Christian and Pagans


A l l a h ’ s D e c l a r a t i o n f o r t h e J e w s , C h r i s t i a n a n d P a g a n s

Allah (swt) declared the Jews to be unbelievers, in the Quran he (SWT|) says,

“The Jews call Uzair a son of Allah (swt) and the Christians call Christ

the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouths; (in this) they but

imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them:

how they are deluded away from the truth!”[EMQ 9:30]

Allah (swt) cursed them as a people of mischief,

“Except for those who repent before they fall into your power: in that case

know that Allah (swt) is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.”[EMQ 5:34]

He called them a people of fabrication,

“But because of their breach of their Covenant We cursed them and made

their hearts grow hard: they change the words from their (right) places

and forget a good part of the Message that was sent them nor wilt thou

cease to find them barring a few ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive

them and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah (swt) loveth those who are

kind.” [EMQ 5:13]

Allah (swt) described the Jews as the Cursed Ummah and as disbelievers because

they are fabricators. They fabricate stories about the Ambiya that even violate their

own belief. The Jews claim that Suleiman, the Messenger of Allah, was an

apostate and worshipped Idols (Genesis 1 no 5, Manuscripts of the 1st kings). The

Jews attribute, to the Messenger of God Haroon, the worship of a golden cow

(Genesis 32 no 1, Manuscripts of The Departure). However Allah, informed us

that Haroon did not worship the cow and that it was in fact the Samaris who did

this. The Jews say that Ibraheem (as) offered his wife Saarah to Pharone in order

to get some sort of benefit (Genesis 12 no 14 Manuscripts of Formation). The Jews

also say that the Messenger Lut (as) drank alcohol until he became drunk and then

fornicated with his daughter (Genesis 19 no 30 Manuscripts of Formation).

Moreover the Jews attribute fornication to the Messenger Dawood (as) saying that

he committed fornication with a woman who subsequently delivered Suleiman

(Genesis 11 no 11 Manuscript of Sumyl the 2nd


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Allah’s Declaration for the

Jews, Christian and Pagans


Let us come to what Allah (swt) says about the Christians. Allah (swt) describes

the Christians in the Quran to be the misguided Ummah. Allah (swt) calls them

Kafir, he says,

“The Jews call Uzair a son of Allah (swt) and the Christians call Christ

the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouths; (in this) they but

imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them:

how they are deluded away from the truth! “ [EMQ Al-Tawba 9:30]

Christians are the cross worshippers who insult Allah (swt) and they swear against

him like no other human ever swore at God. They believe in the trinity and claim

that Allah (swt) is the lover of Mary, Allah (swt) says,

“They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in

derogation of Allah (swt) and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of

Mary; Yet they were commanded to worship but one Allah: there is no

god but He. Praise and glory to him: (far is He) from having the parents

they associate (with him).” [EMQ 9: 31]

“They do blaspheme who say: Allah (swt) is one of three in a Trinity: for

there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of

blasphemy) verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among

them.” [EMQ 5:73]

“O people of the Book! commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of

Allah (swt) aught but truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more

than) an Apostle of Allah (swt) and His Word which He bestowed on

Mary and a Spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah (swt) and

His Apostles. Say not "Trinity": desist: it will be better for you: for

Allah (swt) is One Allah: glory be to him: (for Exalted is He) above

having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth.

And enough is Allah (swt) as a Disposer of affairs.” [EMQ 4:171]

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Allah’s Declaration for the

Jews, Christian and Pagans


Moreover the Christians claim that the Grandfather of Suleiman (as) and Dawood

(as) was an illegitimate child. Allah (swt) exposed both the Jews and the Christians

and disassociated them from the Millah of Ibraheem (as). In fact Allah (swt) says

that they are liars,

“And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase

their souls with folly? Him We chose and rendered pure in this world:

and he will be in the Hereafter in the ranks of the righteous.” [EMQ


“Ye people of the Book! why dispute ye about Abraham when the Law

and the Gospel were not revealed till after him? Have ye no

understanding?”“Ah! ye are those who fell to disputing (even) in matters

of which ye had some knowledge! but why dispute ye in matters of which

ye have no knowledge? It is Allah (swt) Who knows and ye who know


“Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian but he was true in faith and

bowed his will to Allah's (which is Islam) and he joined not gods with

Allah.”[EMQ 3:65-67]

Moreover, Allah (swt) informs us that the only people that can be attributed to

Ibraheem (as), who has 18 messengers from amongst his descendants, is the

Messenger Muhammad (saw) and the believers, for Allah (swt) says,

“Without doubt among men the nearest of kin to Abraham are those who

follow him as are also this Apostle and those who believe; and Allah (swt)

is the Protector of those who have faith.” [EMQ 3:68]

Allah (swt) exposes all of their falsehood, for every Muslim to see and counters all

the claims that they are close to Ibraheem. They are pagans who associate Sons

with God.

“They say: "Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (to

salvation)." Say thou: "Nay! (I would rather) the religion of Abraham

the true and he joined not gods with Allah."”

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Allah’s Declaration for the

Jews, Christian and Pagans


“Say ye: "We believe in Allah (swt) and the revelation given to us and to

Abraham Isma`il Isaac Jacob and the Tribes and that given to Moses and

Jesus and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord we make no

difference between one and another of them and we bow to Allah (swt) (in


“So if they believe as ye believe they are indeed on the right path; but if

they turn back it is they who are in schism; but Allah (swt) will suffice

thee as against them and He is the All-Hearing the All- Knowing.”

[EMQ 2:135-137]

If we contemplate upon the book of Allah, we find that Allah (swt) sent the Quran

in order to revive the Deen of Ibraheem (as) and the revivers of the Deen are the


“And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive (with sincerity and under

discipline): He has chosen you and has imposed no difficulties on you in

religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named

you Muslims both before and in this (Revelation); that the Apostle may be

a witness for you and ye be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular

Prayer give regular Charity and hold fast to Allah! He is your Protector

the Best to protect and the Best to help!” [EMQ 22:78]

Finally, it is compulsory for every Muslim to reject the Interfaith theory, it is a

matter which they must know by necessity. Verily the Jews and Christians have

only one objective and that is to apostasies the Muslims and to divert them from

their Deen, for Allah (swt) says,

“They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say:

"Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah

(swt) to prevent access to the path of Allah (swt) to deny Him to prevent

access to the Sacred Mosque and drive out its members. Tumult and

oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you

until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you

turn back from their faith and die in unbelief their works will bear no

fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be Companions of the Fire

and will abide therein.” [EMQ 2:217]

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Allah’s Declaration for the

Jews, Christian and Pagans


Allah (swt) says the Jews and Christians wish that you would become apostates

and equal to them,

“They but wish that ye should reject faith as they do and thus be on the

same footing (as they): but take not friends from their ranks until they flee

in the way of Allah (swt) (from what is forbidden). But if they turn

renegades seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any

case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.” [EMQ 4:89]

Verily the Jews and Christians, who are calling for Interfaith, will please you with

their tongues and say, “we are believers like you” but their hearts reject and hate


“Ah! ye are those who love them but they love you not though ye believe

in the whole of the Book. When they meet you they say "We believe"; but

when they are alone they bite off the very tips of their fingers at you in

their rage. Say: "Perish in your rage; Allah (swt) knoweth well all the

secrets of the heart."” [EMQ 3:119]

“Hatred is what is uttered from their mouths and what they conceal in

their hearts is far greater” [EMQ 3:118]

It is compulsory for Muslims to believe that the Ummah of the Jews is the Cursed

Ummah and to believe that the Christians are the Misguided Ummah. They do not

believe in the Shari’ah of Islam and Allah (swt) says whosoever believes in

something other than Islam, it is not acceptable and that he is a failure.

“"This is what We rehearse unto thee of the Signs and the Message of

Wisdom."” [EMQ 3:58]

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Allah’s Declaration for the

Jews, Christian and Pagans


It is compulsory for the Ummah of Islam, the Ummah of the Kiblah to believe that

the Ummah of Islam, the Ummah of Haq are the only ones who follow the truth.

Our Quran is the only authentic book that exists and the Shari’ah of Islam

abrogates all that was before it. The current Judaism and Christianity and the

Torah and Bible are fabricated and evil. Verily Islam is the Deen of Haq and

anything else is Baatil. Allah (swt) forbids us to take the Kufar as allies and

obliges us to dislike the Jews and the Christians because of their belief, we must

not be inclined towards them until they believe in Allah, Islam and the Messenger.

Allah (swt) says,

“O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends

and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he

amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah

(swt) guideth not a people unjust.” [EMQ 5:51]

“Fight those who believe not in Allah (swt) nor the Last Day nor hold

that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah (swt) and His apostle

nor acknowledge the religion of truth (even if they are) of the People of the

Book until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves

subdued.” [EMQ 9:29]

Every Muslim must believe that those who do not embrace Islam, e.g. Christians,

Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, Atheist etc are Kuffar and must be called Kafir. They are the

people we dislike and the people of Hellfire, for Allah (swt) says,

“Say: "O men! I am sent unto you all as the apostle of Allah (swt) to

Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no

god but He: it is He that giveth both life and death. So believe in Allah

(swt) and His apostle the unlettered Prophet who believed in Allah (swt)

and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided."” [EMQ 7:158]

In Sahih Muslim the Messenger Muhammad (saw) is reported to have said

“by the one in whose hand is my soul, whoever heard about me from the

Jews or Christians and died without believing in Islam is from the people

of hellfire.”

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Allah’s Declaration for the

Jews, Christian and Pagans


Page 42: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)

The Main Objectives

of the Interfaith Theory


T h e M a i n O b j e c t i v e s o f t h e I n t e r f a i t h T h e o r y

The main objective of the Interfaith theory can be classified into three:

1. To make the Muslim apostate

2. To isolate Islam from the life’s affairs.

3. To make Muslims the ambassadors of Kufr.

Verily these above objectives contradict the role of the Ummah which Allah (swt)

has obliged upon Muslims to play in their life, which is as the leading Ummah

who implement his (swt) command in all spheres of life and carry it to the whole

world. Muslims should be the example to follow for all mankind, because it is

reported in the Hadith of the Messenger Muhammad that he said as confirmation

for Muslim leadership “The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, “if my brother

Musa was alive he would have no choice but to follow me” and Allah (swt) says,

“you are the best nation sent to mankind”.

Page 43: Islamic verdict on al-Ibtaal (Interfaith)

The Key Figures of Interfaith

Amongst the Secularist


T h e K e y F i g u r e s o f I n t e r f a i t h A m o n g s t t h e S e c u l a r i s t

Sheikh Muhammad Abdu 1849-1905

The Interfaith theory in the last quarter of the century started with the agreement

between the English priest Isaac Taylor and Sheikh Muhammad Abdu during their

meeting in Damascus in 1883 and agreed to establish the unity between the two

religions. He called for the conference Al-Talif Wal Taqrib to unite Islam with

Christianity and that was in Beirut in 1953 and then in Cairo in 1954. One of the

most dangerous theories of Muhammad Abdu, which is one of the pillars of

secularism, made the concept of Dar Al-Harb and Dar Al-Islam vanish, because of

his Interfaith theory and not to mention Al-Wala Wal Bara, not to mention the

Aqueeda theory of the Al-Wala, the alliance to Allah (swt) and his Messenger and

ideas of Wal Bara, purification from the Kuffar. Not only did he call for

cooperation with the British government, he also called for the alliance with the

British under the umbrella of that is cooperation with the Kuffar and it is not fully

haram according to his Interfaith theory.

Sheikh Abdul Rehman Al-Kawakibi (1902CE)

He called for secularism and rejected any religious authority, in religion or

political authority explicitly. He called for full integration and Interfaith and more

over requested Muslims, Jews and Christians to set aside there religion, he said, “I

call all the people to forget the mistakes, errors and atrocities of their grandfathers,

verily this would be an excuse for the present extremists to build on in order to

misguide you from unity based on nationalism. Australia and America have built

their system on a non-religious basis, let us think about that and look after our

life’s affairs, let religions deal with the issues of the hereafter. Let us come to some

common ground, long live the Ummah, long live the country, long live freedom.”

Sheikh Refa’t Rafe’ Al-Tahtawi (1873CE)

He is one of those who called for Interfaith and the oneness of all religions after

the French western culture affected him. He wrote books entitled Manahejul Al-

Baab the schools of shrewdness, he said, “nationalism is related to the land and

country. It appears in the form of patriotism, patriotism becomes the primary

source of all patriotic action. Whatever is a duty upon Muslims towards Muslims

should be a duty towards Muslims or patriotic non-Muslims.” Five years spent

Paris (1826-1831 CE) by this Azhari Sheikh was enough to turn him of him into a

beast, cannot call him Muslim towards Islam or Kufr. This is situation of most of

the people who studied in West on sponsorship (sent abroad). Verily the

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The Key Figures of Interfaith

Amongst the Secularist


messenger Muhammad’s SAW prophesies were absolutely correct when he said,

“You will follow the ways of the people, span by span and arm by arm, until when

they enter the hole of a lizard you will enter it.” He was asked, “Who are they, are

they the Jews and Christians?” Muhammad (saw) said, “Indeed, who else.”

Sheikh Ahmed Lutvi As-Sayyid and Sheikh Tahar Hussein

He is one of the faithful students of Muhammad Abdu, he completed the steps

started by Muhammad Abdu in the operation of Interfaith and Westernisations, in

order to remove all barriers between Muslims and Kafir. In the Interfaith

conference held in Cairo in 1986, he suggested that we establish a secular

university similar to French universities to oppose Al-Azhar University, which

they claim was threatening the church of Christ. Verily the followers of Interfaith

fulfilled their recommendation two years later. Saaid Zaghloul, Sheikh Ahmed

Lutvi As-Sayyid, Sheikh Taher Hussein and many others established the Egyptian

University. One of the prerequisite conditions of its establishment was that it

should not be specific to Allah (swt) or any particular gender or religion, rather it

should be for all people of Egypt regardless of gender or religion rather they made

the arbitrator between them for their national brotherhood.

Sheikh Ali Abdul Razik

He is one of the most dangerous personalities who levelled the path for the

Interfaith and westernisation, he declared his apostasy in his book Al-Islam Wa

Asuul Wa Hukm Islam and the foundation of ruling, in his book he denied

completely that Islam has any system of life or has anything to do with leadership

or politics, he combined the oriental style of misquoting and basing arguments on

misquoted and fabricated text, in order to distort Islam and the style of those

Sufism and Sectarianism who make interpretation which is far away from the

meaning of the text. Moreover he said Islam is like Judaism and Christianity, it is

only spiritual and about the relationship between man and god and the relationship

in life’s affairs but not with politics. He said one of my best references and

evidences for refutations for those who claim that Islam has a Khilafah system, in

the detailed arguments of the “renowned great scholar” Sir Thomas Arlond in his

book the Khilafah, especially in the 2nd

and 3rd

chapter where he said he has

enough convincing evidences.

Dr. Muhammad Umarah

He is one of those who called to unite mankind under one new Deen, he stated his

views clearly, that the Jews and Christians nowadays are believers Muslims

(submitters) and Muahidoun (monotheists) and there is no harm if they disbelieve

in the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw) or the Message of Islam. He said if the

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The Key Figures of Interfaith

Amongst the Secularist


people of the book follow the previous messages before Muhammad (saw) and

believe in the previous messengers, even if they reject Muhammad (saw) and his

Prophethood, if they do good deeds and their rejection does not take them out of

the framework of one Deen nor from the Deen of Islam.

Dr Hassan Hanafi

He went further than that he claimed that there is nothing called Deen rather there

is heritage (Torath), which is subject to be developed and utilised according to the

situation. Verily the old heritage has no value in itself as an aim or means and it

has no element of progression because it is part of the backward history or one of

its manifestations. Therefore we should look to the new heritage, which is based

more on scientific and universal manner, which we are capable to cultivate in

every society.

Dr Hasan Turabi

One of the most prominent key players of Interfaith and westernisation is Dr

Hassan Abdullah Turabi, but he is unique among all these rationalist and

orientalist and those who were impressed by the western civilisation and called for

the westernisation, after he drank the syrup of the French and British culture,

verily the bird gathers together with its own kind. If we look to the common

element between Muhammad Abdu and Tatari and Muhammad Amara and Hassan

Hanafi and Hassan Turabi we find them all and many moderates like them, we find

them defeated psychologically and exceed in their own admiration for the west and

its allies and Dr Hassan Turabi is one of the most dangerous of all for the

following reasons:

1. The efforts of the above false Messiahs of the western civilisation never

exceeded past the theoretical side, whereas Dr Turabi went to the

practical side of this field, especially due to the fact that he was given the

capability of the State of Sudan, to be put under his own authority for

years, until recently he was put under house of arrest. And two things

make that issue fulfilled was the economic problem, the political pressure

from the western countries on leaders and the economic embargoes

waved at Sudan, the second reason the war to Christianise the Muslims in

Sudan and the war in South Sudan which cost the government a of lot of

lives and resources. These things made the people of Sudan not to take

notice from dangers of Interfaith ideas thinking it may reduce the external


2. The capability of Dr Turabi and his tricky manoeuvring whereas

sometime it appear that the call for Interfaith was just political

manoeuvring in order to divert and cool the Christian public opinion and

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The Key Figures of Interfaith

Amongst the Secularist


in order that the Sudanese government would not be harmed and to say

Islam is not Allah (swt) call in Sudan, on other hand it look like he just

call non Muslims to Islam to open dialogue in order to remove all doubt

in their minds and sometimes he raised big ? in his own belief when he

raised some doubtful points. However between all this variety of

contradictions he established wide platform which led for the Abrahamic

faith of the believers front which later was known as the Abrahamic


3. The presence of minority Christians in both Sudan besides the call for the

new world order and globalisation all this facilitate to mislead the student

movement in Sudan. And the effort of Turabi in field of Interfaith

manifest in holding conf, such as the Islamic movement and dialogue, the

call for the establishment of the Abrahamic party, form of the Sudan ass

for religious Interfaith, participation of Muslims in celebration of

Christians, visit churches, permit for new church, repaint old church,

giving Christians in media slot every Sunday morning for 4 hours, intro

topics in the high college of Sudan called religious comparative studies.

Turabi declare defending himself when he was under attack by many scholars

defending his interface call “the national unity is one of out biggest concerns

and we in the Islamic front will reach this national unity when we become

Muslims on the foundation Abrahamic faith which brings us and Christians

together with historical heritage and joined religion and with historical

balance of faith and morality, we don’t want the brotherhood of Deen to

because animosity with other faith rather we want brotherhood of with Allah.”

It is really strange and amazing how Turabi shamelessly described Jews and

Christians to be believers in many of his talks to justify the Interfaith call. And

joined between the contradiction, between Tawheed and Shirk and Iman and

atheism, and Islam and Kufr.

May Allah (swt) bless Ibn Taymiyyah he said “The thing that we submit to as

Muhammad (saw) has been sent with Allah’s (swt) Message to man and Jin

and to all people whether they are people of book or others and whosoever

does not believe in him is Kafir and deserves punishment from Allah (swt)

and Jihaad from Muslims to impose on him the law and order of Islam

regardless of whether he believes in it or not and this is agreed by all

Muslims.” Moreover Hassan Turabi said that the main objective of Interfaith

is not to discuss belief matters, but rather to look to the common ground in the

moral values and call for moral values. How could Jews and Christians live

together in the same place as a brotherhood and ally and support each other

each other in the same country. Ironically in his speech when he wanted to

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The Key Figures of Interfaith

Amongst the Secularist


express the word conference or meeting he used the word Mafhal (a

freemason term for gathering) was this freemason term used by accident does

Interfaith the Freemasons have the same objective.

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The Main Causes of the

Success of Interfaith


T h e M a i n C a u s e s o f t h e S u c c e s s o f I n t e r f a i t h

The Main causes for the success of the Interfaith call amongst the Muslims

can be attributed to for main points:

1. Ignorance about the Deen , its foundations and branches.

2. The intellectual and psychological defeat, which makes the defeated not

able to distinguish between Haq and Baatil.

3. The fear of the Kuffar and their strength.

4. The benefit and the interest

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Interfaith and International

Development Organisations


I n t e r f a i t h a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t O r g a n i s a t i o n s

The International movements call to gather people together based on nationality

and humanity without any consideration for religion, they include movements such

as freemasons or the humanity movement or otherwise known as the Zionists,

spiritualists, communists, the rotary club and the Lions clubs and the “hidden

forces” such as the Jehovah Witnesses and the callers of globalisation and post

secularism. All these types and calls contradict Islam from two main angles.

1. The one who does not believe that the non-Muslims are Kafir or doubt their

Kufr or authenticate their religion. Allah (swt) described Islam to be the

absolute truth and said there is nothing after that except Dallal.

“Such is Allah your real Cherisher and Sustainer: apart from Truth what

(remains) but error? How then are ye turned away?” [EMQ 10:32]

Allah (swt) described Islam to be Al-Haq and everything else is Baatil

falsehood, for Allah (swt) said the Haq has come and the falsehood has been

perished and verily the false hood will perish

“If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life) We readily grant

them--such things as We will to such persons as We will: in the end have

We provided Hell for them: they will burn therein disgraced and

rejected.” [EMQ 17:18]

Verily the call of Allah (swt) is the Haq and what you call that differs from

this is the falsehood

“If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life) We readily grant

them--such things as We will to such persons as We will: in the end have

We provided Hell for them: they will burn therein disgraced and

rejected.” [EMQ 22:26]

Allah (swt) refuted any call for Interfaith, he (swt) said “the only Deen Allah

(swt) except is the Deen of Islam

“Do they seek for other than the Religion of Allah? While all creatures in

the heavens and on earth have willing or unwilling bowed to His Will

(accepted Islam) and to Him shall they all be brought back.” [EMQ 3:83]

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Development Organisations


2. The one who allies with the Kufar or cooperate with them in their superiority

over Muslims is Kaffir for Allah (swt) says

“Allah (swt) forbid us to ally Kuffar and warns us from them

“There did Zakariya pray to his Lord saying: "O my Lord! grant unto me

from Thee a progeny that is pure; for Thou art He that heareth prayer!"”

[EMQ 3:38]

“O ye who believe! take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks;

they will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin: rank hatred

has already appeared from their mouths; what their hearts conceal is far

worse. We have made plain to you the Signs if ye have wisdom.” [EMQ


“O ye who believe! take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks;

they will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin: rank hatred

has already appeared from their mouths; what their hearts conceal is far

worse. We have made plain to you the Signs if ye have wisdom.” [EMQ


Islam order us and if anybody ever studied the Aqaid in relation to Al-Wala and

Al-Bara, he will realise the contradiction, and some of the forms of the Mualat to

the Kuffar

1. To consent to their call is a consent to their Kufr and Allah (swt) said

“whosoever follow something differ to Islam Allah (swt) never accept from

them…[EMQ ??]

2. Taking them as assistants and supporters

“O ye who believe! take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks;

they will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin: rank hatred

has already appeared from their mouths; what their hearts conceal is far

worse. We have made plain to you the Signs if ye have wisdom.” [EMQ


3. Their admiration and love towards them and Allah (swt) forbid that and call it

type of Muallat

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Development Organisations


“Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day

loving those who resist Allah and His Apostle even though they were

their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. For such He

has written Faith in their hearts and strengthened them with a spirit from

Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow

to dwell therein (for ever). Allah will be well pleased with them and they

with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Truly it is the Party of Allah that

will achieve Felicity.” [EMQ 58:22]

4. Complement them and compromise one of the signs of the Muallat

5. Appoint them to be in charge of affairs of the Muslims. And Allah (swt)

forbade that.

6. Accept their deeds and imitate them to the level where people start to make

them as role models of Jew and Christians.

7. Receive them with big smile in and elevate them especially when we saw

pope visit Sudan and was received with huge respect and declare whole day,

day of welcome, ad built huge cross that needed crane to lift it and Turabi

receive pope with big smile and happiness that we never see when he receive


8. Praise them most of the Interfaith people praise Christianity and praise its

schools and even put their own children in the Christian schools. And

mentioned in the constitution of the Interfaith that each one of us must respect

the religion of the others, how could Muslims respect the religion that starts

by saying the father the son and holy spirit is one god

9. Dignify them with big title such as her majesty the queen, his reference so and

so, his lordship the pope of the judge may Allah (swt) bless the Khalifah

Haroon A-Rasheed wrote a letter and addressed it o the dog of the Romans.

10. Celebrate their festivals and join them in their worship and ritual acts in the

name of Interfaith and we have seen that a lot from the apostate Zaki Badawi

and the MCB.

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