is this real?: engaging reluctant learners through the storypath approach margit e. mcguire seattle...

Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University [email protected] Bronwyn Cole University of Western Sydney [email protected] National Middle School Association Annual Conference Indianapolis, November 2009 The CEU Code for this session is: YL2

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Page 1: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

Is This Real?:Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach

Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

[email protected]

Bronwyn ColeUniversity of Western Sydney

[email protected]

National Middle School Association Annual Conference Indianapolis, November 2009

The CEU Code for this session is: YL2

Page 2: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

Why teach social studies?

To prepare students for living in a democratic society and interdependent world.

To be informed and thoughtful To act politically To have moral and civic virtues such as concern

for others, social responsibility and the belief in the capacity to make a difference.

Page 3: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University
Page 4: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

A Powerful Narrative Structure for Curriculum Integration: The Storypath Strategy

The Storypath strategy uses the components of story--scene, character and plot--to organize curriculum into meaning and memorable learning experiences.

It is more than reading a story, it is living the story guided by the teacher through an inquiry approach as learners create the scene, become the characters and solve the problems presented through the plot.

Page 5: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University
Page 6: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

Creating the Setting

Students create the setting by completing

a frieze (mural) or other visual

representation of the place.

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The Town

Homes Hotels Banks Newspapers Restaurants School Flour mill Tannery Sawmill

Railroad station Furniture manufacturer Carriage manufacturer General store Churches Courthouse College Seminary

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Page 10: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

2 Episode 1 Activity Guide 1B


A well-written broadside can attract attention and encourage people to come to a place. Think about your message. Use the questions below as a guide. 1. Imagine you are standing on the Baltimore Street. What do you see?



Á What makes this a great place to live? Record two or three ideas that you can write about.




3. Make a list of words that vividly describe this place. Look at the word bank for ideas.




4. Draft the broadside. Á Write short phrases or sentences. Á Think about organization:

What should be stated first? What size should the words be? Should the words be all the same size?

5. Edit the broadside. Ask a classmate to help you edit using the questions below as a guide. • Does the information make ?sense • Does it attract attentio ?n • Is it easy tor ?ead • Will it encou rage people to come to your town? • Are all thewords spelled co ?rrectly

6. Make the final .copy

Page 11: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University


Increase comprehension… Vocabulary taught in context with clear definitions and explicit


Vocabulary introduced and reinforced through multiple approaches

Visual representations Frieze Characters Word banks Student created artifacts

Talking and Listening (substantive discussions) Role playing

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Creating the Characters

Students create characters for the story whose roles they will play during subsequent episodes.

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Character Biography

• Character’s Name

• Position in family

• Jobs in family business

• Personality characteristics

• Leisure activities

• Interesting life experience

• Describe an activity that you and a relative or close friend have done together.

Assessment: The biography is appropriate

to the family and time period. It includes a life experience that is imaginative and believable. Activity is realistic and reflects and understanding of the time period. The figure of the character matches the biography.

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Building Context

Students are involved in activities that stimulate them to think more deeply about the people and place they have created.

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Building Context…Historical Events of the Time

Learning about… Events of the time Transportation People Life at the time

Scaffold the research and writing of reports to build

knowledge base

Page 17: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

Events of the time

o Women’s Rights Convention, 1848 o Compromise of 1850 o Uncle Tom’s Cabin, published 1852 o Dred Scott Decision, 1857 o Lincoln-Douglas debates, 1858 o Attack on Harper’s Ferry, 1859 o Fugitive Slave Law


o railroads o clipper ships o the Erie Canal o Pony Express


o Eli Whitney o Cyrus Hall McCormick o Samuel Morse o Isaac Merrit Singer o Frederick Douglass o Harriet Tubman o Elizabeth Cady Stanton o Commodore Matthew Perry o Lucretia Mott o Stephen Foster

Life at the time

o Underground Railroad o slavery o factory life o plantation life o immigration, 1840–1860 o Abolition movement

Page 18: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

Organize social studies content by providing a meaningful context for learning the skills of literacy. (The logic of narrative, or story, is a powerful structure for organizing content when teaching for understanding.)

Develop students’ literacy skills so they can apply them strategically to make sense of what they read and write. (Students use literacy skills in-depth through context building and critical incident episodes.)

Students know the why, when, and how to apply such skills so that they become independent readers and writers. (The authentic application of skills within the logic of the storyline makes the learning meaningful.)

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LiteracyThe Reading Process

Focused direct instruction lessons within the Storypath to assist in reading. Primary documents, textbooks, Web-based and other resources are used to… Read index, table of contents, etc. Evaluate primary sources Distinguish fact from opinion Recognize biased language Find main idea and supporting details Compare and contrast information Recognize and make inferences Connect information to what you already know Scan to quickly find information Understand visuals

Page 20: Is This Real?: Engaging Reluctant Learners through the Storypath Approach Margit E. McGuire Seattle University

Gettysburg Times


John Bell, born in Nashville, Tennessee in 1797, is running for the presidency of the United States. Bell is patriotic and well qualified for the job. He is devoted to the Union and the United States Constitution and the enforcement of the its laws. Bell believes that the United States must remain one nation and not divide over the slavery problem. He supports slavery in the states but not the expansion of slavery into new states or territories.

Bell served in the US House of Presentation from 1827 to 1841 and was Speaker of the House from 1834 to 1835. He was Secretary of War in 1841 from Tennessee. He was born in 1797 in Nashville, Tennessee, so he is known by the people of the state.


John C. Breckinridge was selected Vice President of the United States in 1857, and serves under President James Buchanan.

Breckinridge was born near Lexington, Kentucky in 1821. After graduating from college, he became a lawyer. He fought in the Mexican War in 1847. In 1849, he was elected to the Kentucky state legislature. In 1851, he was elected to the US. House of Representatives from Kentucky.

Breckinridge believes that the United State government must protect slavery. He believes that the US Constitution protects the rights of states to decide their own fate. This is the rationale for his support of slavery in the Southern states.

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Critical Incidents

Characters confront problems typical of those faced by people of that time and place.

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Have students brainstorm a list of the kind of information they might include in a friendly letter related to the events surrounding the slave catcher. If you are using a six-trait writing program, “voice” and “word choice” are suitable topics of focus. Voice: Does the writer speak directly to the reader? Can the reader sense the person (character) writing the letter? Word choice: Are the words chosen specific and accurate to the event described? Do the words used vividly describe the event? Are verbs lively and good descriptions of the event? Focusing on these traits throughout the unit can help students develop depth of understanding and use of these traits.

Assessing the friendly letter Students should be able to ß write the letter from their character’s point of view. ß include accurate information about the event. ß describe how their character felt about the event. ß eff ectively use “voice” and “word choice” to describe events. ß use a friendly letter format.

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2 Episode 3 Activity Guide 3-C


A friendly let ter is written to someone the writer knows well. The letter should reflect the personality of the writer and give the impression that the writer is talking to a friend or family member.

Step 1Ë

Think about your letter. Use the questions below to get ideas about what to include in your letters. 1. Who are the people your character would be most likely to write to? Make a list

and then choose one. You will write to this “person” throughout the remainder of the Storypath.

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________

2. How old is the person you are writing to? What does this person do? How long have you known him or her?




3. What can you tell this person about your family? List two or three ideas. _______________________________________________________________



4. What can you tell this person about your family’s business?



5. What are some recent events in your community? How does your character feel about these events? _______________________________________________________________



Step 2Ë

Write your letter. Use the answers to your questions to guide your letter writing. After you write your letter, read it to see if you want to make any additions or other changes.

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LiteracyThe Writing Process

Writing activities are authentic to the story. Students build their knowledge base and

experiences before writing. There are focused direct instruction writing

lessons embedded in the units that… Apply the writing process Provide opportunities to write for a variety of

purposes Guide students with specific writing traits Provide clear criteria for writing and self evaluation

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Concluding Event

Students plan and participate in an activity that brings closure to the story.

For A Nation Divided…

Gettysburg Address and Peace and Rebuilding

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A Nation DividedEpisode 1: Gettysburg

Episode 2: The Families

Episode 3: Historical Events of the Time

Episode 4: The Underground Railroad

Episode 5: A Presidential Election

Episode 6: The Onset of War

Episode 7: The Battle at Gettysburg

Episode 8: The Gettysburg Address and

Peace and Rebuilding

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English Language Learners

How does the Storypath strategy support ELL students?

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Meaningful and Frequent Student to Student Interactions

Engage students in using English to accomplish academic tasks…

Opportunities for… Cooperative learning activities

Learning partners through character role

Instructional conversations to solve problems presented

through the plot

Practice language in small groups before large groups

Role play in character

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Engage Students in Higher Order Thinking

Narrative to make connections Substantive conversations to clarify

understanding Scaffolding to organize ideas Role playing to rehearse understandings Critical incidents for problem solving

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Make Connections to Students’ Background

Inquiry approach

Blending imaginary with what is real

Character development

Problem solving

Everyone has a place in the story…But if students aren’t engaged none of this makes any difference!

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The Fair Go Project(11 schools: 2000-2006)


Student Engagement…to enhance both learning and social outcomes

students in schools low s.e.s. areas need to “buy into” the educational experience

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Engaging Classrooms … High cognitive, high affective and high

operative experiences(thinking hard, feeling good, participating well)

Quality pedagogies “Insider classroom” processes 

 Students receive messages about themselves,

their knowledge, their ability, classroom control, their place and their voice.

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