is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago

Haleema Khalid Is a Child Behavior Better or Worse than it was Years ago? Nowadays, do you find kids screaming or yelling out loud in the supermarket while you’re shopping? Do you observe kids unmanageable in family gatherings? Do you witness kids undisciplined in restaurants? Do you notice intolerance among the kids when they demand something favorite from their parents? You’re right- children's behavior has worsened over the years. Many bad influences have caused this to happen. Some of these include video games, TV, Internet, mobile phones, if children have it in the early years of their childhood as well as parents’ indisposition towards children’s upbringing. In an opinion poll, it shows that many people have seen more and more poor behavior today than years ago. Is children's behavior worse than it was years ago? . Multiple video games in the market today include violence (for example: Modern Warfare). These video games cause or influence children to become much more violent. Some resulted actions include physical fighting, poor word usage, or just simply yelling out loud. Video games become addicting after time; which is why violence has increased over the years in kids. Another device that affects children's behavior is television. In an opinion poll, it shows that 70% of responders believe that child behavior has worsened over the years. Examples of responds include poor behavior at restaurants, impatience in personality, poor word usage on Internet, and many more. Just take an honest look what is presented by Disney, Warner brothers and other cartoon networks. Tarzan lives half naked, Cinderella comes home at midnight, Pinocchio lies all the time, Aladdin is the King of thieves, Batman drives at 320km/h, Sleeping beauty is dull and Snow white lives with 7 guys. We should not be surprised if kids misbehave at times. Now the question is who is determining the behavior of our children? Thirty percent of responders replied that because the cause of increasing level in obesity, kids’ behavior has risen. Some people wrote that schools nowadays are more focused in education, compared to before, where teachers were told to teach about respect in detail. A child’s behavior is predisposed by family, culture and environment. Children are angels; they do what we educate them. We cannot blame them for their doings. Particularly parents determine the conduct of children. If a parent is willing to take time and work at being consistent, children benefit. If you

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Post on 19-Feb-2015




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Page 1: Is Child Behavior Better or Worse Than It Was Years Ago

Haleema Khalid

Is a Child Behavior Better or Worse than it was Years ago?

Nowadays, do you find kids screaming or yelling out loud in the supermarket while you’re shopping?

Do you observe kids unmanageable in family gatherings?

Do you witness kids undisciplined in restaurants?

Do you notice intolerance among the kids when they demand something favorite from their parents?

You’re right- children's behavior has worsened over the years. Many bad influences have caused this to happen. Some of these include video games, TV, Internet, mobile phones, if children have it in the early years of their childhood as well as parents’ indisposition towards children’s upbringing. In an opinion poll, it shows that many people have seen more and more poor behavior today than years ago. Is children's behavior worse than it was years ago? .

Multiple video games in the market today include violence (for example: Modern Warfare). These video games cause or influence children to become much more violent. Some resulted actions include physical fighting, poor word usage, or just simply yelling out loud. Video games become addicting after time; which is why violence has increased over the years in kids. Another device that affects children's behavior is television. In an opinion poll, it shows that 70% of responders believe that child behavior has worsened over the years. Examples of responds include poor behavior at restaurants, impatience in personality, poor word usage on Internet, and many more.

Just take an honest look what is presented by Disney, Warner brothers and other cartoon networks. Tarzan lives half naked, Cinderella comes home at midnight, Pinocchio lies all the time, Aladdin is the King of thieves, Batman drives at 320km/h, Sleeping beauty is dull and Snow white lives with 7 guys. We should not be surprised if kids misbehave at times. Now the question is who is determining the behavior of our children?

Thirty percent of responders replied that because the cause of increasing level in obesity, kids’ behavior has risen. Some people wrote that schools nowadays are more focused in education, compared to before, where teachers were told to teach about respect in detail. 

A child’s behavior is predisposed by family, culture and environment. Children are angels; they do what we educate them. We cannot blame them for their doings. Particularly parents determine the conduct of children. If a parent is willing to take time and work at being consistent, children benefit. If you say “no” it must means “no”. It may mean that as a parent, you must get off the sofa and physically stop a child from misbehaving; even requiring the child to remain in a “time out” location for inappropriate behavior.

Parents, who try to discipline their children by just telling them to stop a behavior, are not teaching their children respect authority, nor are they helping the child to become a responsible adult. And parents are not strict as they were; children can control their parents. It is difficult for parents to manage child behavior when they are bad or aggressive.

As well as we cannot abandon the verity that a child is a human being. We can ask “Is human behavior better or worse than it was years ago?”Every generation is advanced than the ancestral one so the technology adaptation in next generations is found more than oldies. Human behavior has its manifestations in a workspace which we call society. So, we can change our argument “Is society better or worse than it was years ago?” To discuss change in child’s behavior over the years, we need to see how society has changed over the years. A child comes in the world with highly impressionable disposition. Child’s environs produced its character. In this era of technology and advancement children are more conscious, sensible towards scientific discoveries; they are receptive towards cellular phones and laptops especially. In the early years of babyhood, their mothers or maids put the children down in front of cartoons with the intention that they can carry on their activities.

The thinking of today’s parents is more like let the children do whatever they want as they are just children; this is the spot when children spoil and developed themselves with the environment around them. Earlier, people were

Page 2: Is Child Behavior Better or Worse Than It Was Years Ago

Haleema Khalid

simpler and less accustomed to this rapid pace of progress in science, so as the children. Now we want latest gadgets for us, so do our children.

I must say Time has changed now, it is not compatible to compare today’s child with the child several years ago. Family life compared to a hundred years ago is on the decline. Everyone moves at a fast pace these days. Technology has advanced so much compared to several years’ back that we are well on our way to fuel less cars and robotic companions. Yet, with advanced technology comes the added responsibilities to maintain and seek out other avenues for even far move advanced technologies to help support the life styles we have come accustomed to. Is this then better than before when we were thankful just to have light and running water in the house?

Education is by far better today than a hundred years ago! The fields of learning have been opened up to boys and girls equally to seek out far greater possibilities than were even imaginable a hundred years ago. Yet, with this privilege of learning has come a decline in our education system. The lack of adequate teachers, the high rise in disrespect for authority, just the lack of caring whether you learn or not has affected our education system. A hundred years ago the thought of a higher education was just a dream for most. If you acquired a fifth grade reading level you were doing good. Learning was a privilege, and yet today we cast an education around as if it were an article of clothing

This rationalized era modernized and reorganized everything including the most innocent creatures “the Children”!

Today’s parents are unwilling to spend the time and effort necessary to properly teach their children. Priorities are changed now; we are impolite towards our religious teachings, social norms as well as traditions. We are the most “confused humans ever” before! We say “in character, in manner, in style in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity” but “Queerest fashion” is most appreciated. We say “talking comes by nature, silence by wisdom” but the most talkative one is highly appreciated. We say “honesty is the best policy” but the cleverest and even wicked is considered popular. In the view of Bano Qudsia in “Raja Gidh”, when people will start forgetting the difference between “Halal” and “Haram”, abnormal attitudes and behaviors will appear in humans. Then how can we expect that child behaves well? As in the words of Karl A. Menninger

“What is done to children, they will do to society.”

The fact is we are not educating our children actually. They learn what they saw. But now in this generation, child behavior is much worse than it was years ago. Disrespect for authority figures. The fault lies with the parents to be sure. We are told to cater to our children’s “emotional "needs" and that physical punishment is bad for them. Children require constant training, patience and love - most of today’s parents are too busy or selfish to make this kind of investment. If children are allowed to control and manipulate their parents as in the description above, the parent will be helpless to teach that child anything. 

Oh! I agree! Its worse. This is a prime example of a child rearing gone wrong: and the sad thing is it's all too common these days. Children are not raised to respect anything or anyone, and they suffer no consequences. If these children

are our future, we are in trouble.-Beating Death

Every child always posses naughty traits because its part of their growing up. But being naughty all the time and not listening to what elders says is a different story. If you ask me, 1990’s babies are much more domesticated than millennium babies, (2000). Even you yourself could testify to that. Wherever you go, you would notice how different are much more difficult to handle and to tame, and the reasons behind it is how parents discipline their children.