ireland! map important information total population: 6.4 million republic of ireland: 4.58 million...


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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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  • Ireland!
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  • Map
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  • Important Information Total Population: 6.4 million Republic of Ireland: 4.58 million Northern Ireland: 1.8 million Area: 84,420 km Capital: Dublin City Official Language: Irish Most Spoken Language: English
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  • Provinces Ireland is divided into four provinces They are Leinster, Munster, Connaght and Ulster Each province is then divided into counties There are 32 counties on the island Only 26 counties are in the Republic of Ireland
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  • Provinces Where we are from!!
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  • Dance Irish dancing was originated in this country It now is performed around the world thanks to the popularity of Riverdance It is danced at sessions called cils The dance has its own costumes, wigs and shoes
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  • One of our most famous historical evens is the Easter Rising It occurred on the 24 th of April in 1916 It was the single most important event in our struggle for freedom from Britain History
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  • Food Some typical Irish foods are: 1.Brown bread/ Soda bread 2.Stews (lamb etc.) 3.Bacon and Cabbage 4.Seafood; salmon, prawns and mussels (on the coast)
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  • The Irish are well known for their alcoholic beverages, especially Guinness Arthurs Day is celebrated in Ireland every year Arthur Guinness invented Guinness
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  • S aints St Patricks Day occurs every year on March 17 th and is celebrated internationally now with many parades. His symbol is the shamrock St Bridgets Day is February 1 st and she is the other patron saint of our country Her symbol is a specific cross
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  • The Legend of Setanta Ireland has many myths and legends One of them is the legend of Setanta He went from being C Culainn to being a great warrior He is what it inspired the name of our school: Coliste Pobail Setanta
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  • Na Fianna Na Fianna are legends of impossibly strong and fast warriors They are said to have lived in Ireland in ancient times They inspired the names of many classes in our school (e.g. Conan, Eanna)
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  • Our School! Coliste Pobail Setanta is a coeducational non designated post primary school under the patronage of County Dublin VEC. The school was established in February 2008, and opened its for the first in August 2008 with just 44 students. It now has nearly 600 students and is growing fast!
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  • Our School!
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