iran 2014. iran boosts support to syria iran is boosting its support for president bashar al-assad,...

Iran 2014

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Iran 2014

Iran boosts support to Syria

Iran is boosting its support for President Bashar al-Assad, sending top military advisers to Damascus to gather intelligence and train Syrian troops, sources with knowledge of the movements have said. The increase in assistance from Syria's long standing ally reportedly coincided with the peace talks at Geneva II, allowing the government to attend the negotiations with sufficient confidence in its military capability that it did not feel the need to make concessions. Several "hundred" military specialists, including senior commanders from the Quds Force, the elite foreign-operations wing of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have been to deployed to Syria in recent months, Iranian sources and security experts have said. A recently retired senior IRGC commander told Reuters there are now at least 60 to 70 Quds force commanders on the ground in Syria at any given time.

Daily Telegraph, February 21, 2014



“Come,” they say, “let us wipe out Israel as a nation. We will destroy the very memory of its existence.” Yes, this was their unanimous decision. They signed a treaty as allies against you - these Edomites and Ishmaelites; Moabites and Hagrites, Gebalites, Ammonites, and Amalekites; and people from Philistia and Tyre. Assyria has joined them, too, This describes the inner ring conflict – also detailed in Isaiah 17

Iran sees the survival of the Syrian government as being crucial to it longevity of its own regime. Iranian leaders have said that Syria is Iran's "35th province", with President Bashar al-Assad's Alawite minority led regime being a crucial buffer against the influence of Saudi Arabia and the United States.Iran is part of the outer ring of nations that invade Israel in Ezekiel 38. Syria is part of an inner ring of nations that fight Israel mentioned in Psalm 83. The outer ring war comes after an initial inner ring war. In fact the two wars will probably just continue after each other. Syria is destroyed in the first inner ring war. Iran survives and joins in the second wave of the outer ring of nations. Iran’s support of Syria will lead to the initial war and Syria’s demise. Then Russian (and Iran) will invade Israel – Armageddon…


(Psalm 83:4-8 NLT)

Israel intercepts 'Iranian weapons shipment' to Gaza

Israel said it intercepted a ship Wednesday carrying an Iranian shipment of advanced rockets bound for Palestinian militants, claiming it proved Tehran could not be trusted in international nuclear talks. The announcement came hours after Israel said it struck two Hezbollah fighters as they tried to plant a bomb near the Syrian-Israeli frontier and just over a week after Israel reportedly bombed the Iran-backed group inside Lebanon for the first time since 2006. Israel has long accused Iran and Syria of providing military aid to Hezbollah and to Palestinian militant groups, and the military spokesman's office tweeted that the ship was carrying weapons "capable of striking anywhere in Israel". "While Iran is conducting these talks, smiling to the international community, it continues to arm terrorist groups, continues to perpetrate terrorism around the world," Netanyahu said in a statement.

AFP, March 5, 2014



Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: (Authorised Version) Persia, Cush, and Put are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; (Revised Standard Version) We see Iran and Cush (Sudan) working together against Israel

According to the Jerusalem Post the rockets originated in Syria. Iran reportedly flew the rockets from Syria to an Iranian airfield, trucked them to the seaport of Bander Abbas, and shipped them to Iraq, where they were hidden in cement sacks. The ship then set sail for Port Sudan, near the Sudanese-Eritrean border, on a journey that was expected to last some 10 days. Had the shipment not been intercepted, the rockets could have been unloaded at Port Sudan and taken overland, through Egypt into Sinai, and through smuggling tunnels into the Gaza Strip. What is clear therefore is that Sudan is involved with Iran in getting weapons to Israel’s enemies. Sudan is mentioned in the Bible. Sudan is ancient Cush. The name Cush in the AV is translated as Ethiopia – but in fact Cush is Sudan not Ethiopia. In Ezekiel 38 we read of nations joining Russia in attacking Israel. First on the list is Persia (Iran). Second on the list is Cush (Sudan).


(Ezekiel 38:5)

Russia hints at using Iran talks as leverage

Despite public assurances by Western officials, concern is growing that the escalating animosity between the United States and Russia over the Ukraine crisis could have a corrosive effect on the nuclear talks with Iran. Even before the Obama administration expanded the scope of sanctions on Thursday over Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, the Russians had sent signals that their retaliatory tools might include an altered position regarding the Iran talks, in which Russia and the United States are colleagues in the six-nation group negotiating with the Iranians. But Russia’s delegate to the Iran talks, Sergei A. Ryabkov, the deputy foreign minister, hinted in comments reported by the Interfax news agency Wednesday night that Russia might link the Ukraine and Iran issues as part of its own diplomatic leverage with the United States and European Union.

New York Times, March 20, 2014



And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have reached their fullness, a king shall arise, Having fierce features, who understands sinister schemes. His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; He shall destroy fearfully, and shall prosper and thrive;

The fallout and repercussions of events in Ukraine are massive and could be seismic in terms of how it impacts on other sensitive situations around the world.One highlighted in the New York Times article above shows how it might impact on negotiations with Iran. Russia who is key to making Iran tow the line has hinted on potentially changing its stance and in effect might work against America’s push to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons. This would have enormous consequences for Israel who again is relying on America to deliver a nuclear free Iran.Almost overnight the whole geopolitical world has changed and potentially we stand on the brink of war. Much of what we have long looked for with regards to Russia is happening. We have seen through the words of God in the scriptures that a Russian leader would come to power who would be arrogant, deceptive, corrupt and strong…


(Daniel 8:23-24 NKJV)


Iran threatens intervention in Iraq over Holy Sites

Iran will not hesitate to defend Shi'ite Muslim holy sites in neighbouring Iraq against "killers and terrorists", Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday, following rapid advances by Sunni militants there over the past week.Speaking on live television, Rouhani said many people had signed up to go to Iraq to defend the sites and "put the terrorists in their place". He added that veteran fighters from Iraq's Sunni, Shi'ite and Kurdish communities were also "ready for sacrifice" against these militant forces. "Regarding the holy Shia shines in Karbala, Najaf, Khadhimiya and Samarra, we announce to the killers and terrorists that the big Iranian nation will not hesitate to protect holy shrines," he said, speaking to a crowd on a visit to western Lorestan province. "These terrorist groups, and those that fund them, both in the region and in the international arena, are nothing, and hopefully they will be put in their own place.” CLICK HERE to watch YouTube Presentation on Isaiah 13

Associated Press, June 18, 2014



“Look, I will stir up the Medes against Babylon. They cannot be tempted by silver or bribed with gold. The attacking armies will shoot down the young men with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for children.” Babylon, the most glorious of kingdoms, ….will be devastated like Sodom and Gomorrah


(Isaiah 13:17-19 NLT)

Meanwhile Iraq is in flames…There is a key chapter in the Bible that describes exact events from 2003 to the present (and beyond). Isaiah 13. This is NOT just ancient history. Read verses 6-13. Every phrase is a latter day phrase. In fact in this one section are all the key themes to do with the time of trouble at the time of the end.

Verse 1-5 explain the national nightmare of Babylon – Iraq. It describes nations attacking Iraq that come “from distant countries, from beyond the farthest horizons” v5. This all happened in 2003. v14 picks up events - people in Iraq will seek their own people – they flee to their own land. Anyone captured is killed. This is exactly what is happening as Iraq divides into its ethnic and religious races. But then notice v17. The

Medes are stirred up! Iran attacks Iraq. It brings utter destruction on it like Sodom.…


Iran arming terrorists in Judea and Samaria

Iranian military leaders have openly boasted that they have begun to send weapons to Palestinian Arab terrorists in Judea and Samaria and elsewhere in the region, the Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday. The report quoted a top Iranian military commander who confirmed that weapon shipments to Judea and Samaria have already begun and that more will be sent to other “Palestinian resistance groups.”“Arming the West Bank has started and weapons will be supplied to the people of this region,” Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the commander of Iran’s volunteer Basij force, told the state-run Fars news agency on Wednesday.The announcement was made after weeks of inflammatory statements from Iranian leaders threatening war on Israel and promising to rearm groups such as Hamas so that they can continue their war on the Jewish state.

Israel National News, August 29, 2014



I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock….They will burn up all the neighboring nations right and left, while the people living in Jerusalem remain secure.


(Zechariah 12:2-3,6 NLT)

There is a temporary truce between Hamas and Israel. The fighting lasted 50 days but despite Israel announcing a victory it is clear Hamas is intact and ready to continue the war. We know for certain that the war will continue. Possibly very soon. As in a boxing match both sides want time to recover and rethink strategy. But will they reengage the fight? – of course. There are more talks set and Hamas has a list of demands. Meanwhile Iran is busy restocking Hamas’s depleted rockets as well as arming factions in the West Bank. Up to the last minute, Hamas kept up heavy rocket and mortar fire, causing two Israeli deaths and injuring seven people, three seriously, in an Eshkol District kibbutz. We know with Bible in hand that there will be conflict between Israel and Hamas, Hezbollah etc. We know that Israel will suffer greatly in this conflict but will utterly defeat their immediate neighbours. Into the vacuum left will pour Russia and co..

Iran nuclear talks: Rouhani warns time running out

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned that time is running out for negotiating a permanent agreement on his country's nuclear programme. He said that talks this week between Iran and six world powers on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York had made very slow progress. A deadline for a permanent deal has been set for 24 November. However, Mr Rouhani said he believed that relations between Iran and the US did not have to remain hostile forever. The US, EU and other powers suspect Iran of secretly seeking to develop nuclear weapons, a claim it denies. Talks are focusing on the lifting of Western sanctions on Iran in exchange for a scaling-back of Iran's uranium enrichment programme. An interim deal struck in Geneva late last year froze or capped key elements of Iran's nuclear programme in return for limited relief from sanctions.

BBC News, September 27, 2014



The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land. A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease.


(Isaiah 21:1-2)

Time is definitely running out. The talks with Iran over its nuclear program will not go on forever. The question is - will Iran finally come in from the cold and stop its quest for nuclear weapons? The Bible answer is NO. Iran is mentioned specifically as a nation that invades Israel with Russia. It is part of the northern confederacy. Iran is also mentioned repeatedly in a series of prophecies in Isaiah. The 10 tribulations that come on the world before the day of the Lord comes. These 10 tribulations are mentioned from Isaiah 13 through to Isaiah 23. In Isaiah 21 we have a “treacherous dealer who deals treacherously” Who is this treacherous man? It is a man from Iran! We know this because we are told that Elam and Media are the hostile foe. Elam is south west Iran and Media is central Iran. Iran is acting treacherously. They have no intention of giving up on their No1 conquest – the destruction of Israel….

A treacherous dealer

Iran arms Palestinians for new war with Israel

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei promised increased support for Palestinian terrorists and urged them to stockpile arms in anticipation of a new war on Israel, according to public comments made Thursday following his meeting with members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group. “Fighting the Zionist regime [Israel] is a war of destiny,” Khamenei said after a meeting with PIJ’s secretary general, according to Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency.Khamenei instructed Palestinians to “intensify their fight against the Israeli regime” and vowed that Iran would continue to arm Palestinian terrorists in both the Gaza Strip and West Bank, according to Fars. All Palestinian terrorists groups—with Iran’s support—should rearm and prepare for another war with Israel, Khamenei said.

Washington FreeBeacon, October 16, 2014



I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. 3 On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves. Zechariah 12 concerns stage 1 – the “nearby nations”


(Zechariah 12:2-3 NLT)

The 50 day war between Hamas and Israel is paused - but not over. Who can doubt even without reading the Bible that conflict will start again. With Bible in hand the whole picture is clear. There are 3 key stages to the final conflict. Stage 1 is war between Israel and surrounding tribes. The surrounding tribes include Hamas (Palestinians) and Hezbollah (based in Tyre). Syria will almost certainly be involved in this conflict. The main power behind these peoples is Iran. The report above clearly shows this to be the case. Iran is using these peoples like pawns to carry out its main objective – destroying Israel. However stage 1 will fail. Israel will overcome and defeat these people. But then comes stage 2. Into the void that is left will pour the outer ring of nations. This time led by Russia. Iran will join the fray. But this stage will also fail– Christ will return and the northern army will be destroyed. Stage 3 comes after this. Europe v Christ & Saints…

Russian Arms Sales to Syria, Iran Add to Middle East Instability

Putin’s Russia has revived its once flagging global arms sales business and is using those sales to revive its defence industrial base. Second to only the United States with about a 26 percent share of the global arms market—the United States has a 30 percent share—Russian arms sales in 2013 generated some 13 billion dollars for government coffers according to the pro-government Russia Today. Other sources, such as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), claim that the annual value of Russian arms sales, which the Russian government cloaks in secrecy, often exceeds that of the United States. The obvious financial benefits tell but a small part of the value Russia derives from its arms sales abroad. Unlike the United States where large private corporations compete for arms contracts, since 2007 Russia has relied on the state-controlled consortium Rosoboronexport to monopolize Russian arms sales and to advance Russian foreign policy objectives.

Washington FreeBeacon, October 30, 2014



I have put hooks in thy jaws, And have brought thee out, and all thy force, Horses and horsemen, , A numerous assembly, [with] buckler and shield, Handling swords . Persia, Cush, and Phut, with them, All of them [with] shield and helmet. Be prepared, yea, prepare for thee, Thou and all thine assemblies who are assembled unto thee, And thou hast been to them for a guard.


(Ezekiel 38:4-8 YLT)

The countries into which Russia pours its arms and military equipment says it all. Russia stands four square with Syria and Iran. Two nations America says are part of the axis of evil! Russian sales to Syria of T-72 battle tanks, interceptor aircraft such as the very fast Mig-31, training aircraft and attack helicopters are playing a pivotal role in inflicting heavy casualties on insurgent forces. Over 200,000 civilians have died in this war. Since at least the 1990s Russia has been providing technical assistance to Iran’s development of a long-range missile program. These missiles are aimed in one direction – Israel. The Bible says that Russia would act as a guard (protector) of Iran.We see in the headline above Ezekiel 38 before our eyes…

Iran nuclear program more advanced than believed

Iran’s illicit nuclear program could be more advanced than previously believed, according to new information released Friday by an Iranian dissident group that raises new questions about what Tehran has been hiding from nuclear inspectors.Iran is said to have built and still be in possession of two explosive chambers that have allowed the regime to conduct advanced testing of nuclear weapons, according to new information published by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an Iranian opposition group that has exposed Iran’s clandestine nuclear activities in the past.While the existence of one explosive chamber has been known for some time, the NCRI claims a second device could be hidden at Iran’s Parchin military complex, or at another site somewhere in Iran. The claims raise new questions about the status and extent of Iran’s nuclear progress as negotiations between Tehran and the West approach their Nov. 24 deadline

Washington FreeBeacon, November 7, 2014



Look, I will stir up the Medes against Babylon. They cannot be tempted by silver or bribed with gold. The attacking armies will shoot down the young men with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for children.” This is in the same chapter about the burden of Babylon (Iraq) The Iranian crisis came about at the same time Iraq became a worldwide crisis (burden).


(Isaiah 17:17-18 NLT)

It’s another crisis! The world seems full of them. Crisis in Israel, crisis in Syria, crisis with ISIS, crisis in Ukraine. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an Iranian opposition group that has exposed Iran’s clandestine nuclear activities in the past made an interesting statement this week. “The clerical regime is ceaselessly and secretly forging ahead with the military dimensions of its nuclear program and has no intention whatsoever of abandoning that program.” The Bible says exactly this in the same chapter already quoted reference Iraq. Isaiah 13. It says that God will stir up the Medes (Iranians). It says they will shoot arrows (missiles) at young men. The Iranians we are told cannot be tempted by money. How accurate the Bible is! See below…


Russia to build Iran atomic reactors at Bushehr

Russia has agreed to build up to eight nuclear reactors in Iran, 12 days before a deadline for a deal to curb Iran's nuclear activity. The deal agreed by Russia and Iran envisages the construction of two reactors, with scope for a further six. World powers including Russia have been pressing Iran to curb its activity amid fears it wants to build a bomb. Diplomats are due to meet for a final round of talks next week. It is unclear what impact the Russian deal will have. Six world powers - the US, the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China - are seeking to persuade Iran to reduce its uranium enrichment to a level below that required to build a weapon. They have offered to lift sanctions in exchange. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said he was "reasonably optimistic" of reaching a deal at the talks.

BBC, November 12, 2014



See, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might. I will bring against Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven; I will scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where Elam’s exiles do not go. I will shatter Elam before their foes, before those who want to kill them. I will bring disaster on them, even my fierce anger,” declares the Lord.


(Jeremiah 49:35)

Russia has struck a deal to build two more nuclear reactors in Iran to be possibly followed by another six. It is a move intended to cement closer ties between the two countries. This deal comes just two weeks before the 24 November deadline for Tehran to sign an agreement on its nuclear programme with six world powers. It surely shows Moscow’s intention to deepen its links with Tehran before possible softening of western sanctions against Iran. There are a few key prophecy points here. Firstly we have Russia acting with Iran and effectively guaranteeing their security and well being. Ezekiel 38 says that Russia will act as a “guard” a “protector” of Persia (Iran). The second point of interest is where these nuclear reactors will be built in Bushehr. Bushehr is south west Iran. The Bible calls that area ELAM. Isaiah 21 speaks of Elam attacking. Jeremiah 49 speaks of Elam’s bows being broken. It sounds like there is conflict in the very area that Iran is building nuclear facilities.

Iran's supreme leader outlines plan to 'eliminate' Israel

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has outlined a nine-step plan to “eliminate” Israel.The Supreme Leader of Iran’s official Twitter account has posted a set of answers to what are described as the “key questions”, saying that Israel is guilty of a host of “crimes”. The first question asked is: “Why should the Zionist regime be eliminated?” To this, the response is given: “During its 66 years of life so far, the fake Zionist regime has tried to realise its goals by means of infanticide, homicide, violence and iron fist while boasts [sic] about it blatantly”. The statement proposes a referendum in which “all the original people of Palestine including Muslims, Christians and Jews” could vote, but from which “Jewish immigrants” would be excluded. It says the theoretical resultant government would then decide upon whether the latter group could remain in the country. But it goes on to say that if such a referendum cannot be achieved then “powerful confrontation and resolute and armed resistance” is the only solution.

The Independent, November 10, 2014



“Therefore, tell the exiles, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Although I have scattered you in the countries of the world, I will be a sanctuary to you during your time in exile. I, the Sovereign Lord, will gather you back from the nations where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel once again.’ The Iranian leader is in direct opposition to the Lord God.


(Ezekiel 11:16-17 NLT)

So this is the ruler of the nation that Russia wants to help with nuclear know-how and America wants to appease by offering them sanction relief! A nation that wants to bring to a complete end another sovereign nation. His idea to eliminate Israel is as follows.He says there should be a referendum only by those people who were originally living in the land before Israel was created. Any Jew who returned to Israel since could not vote. The Palestinian government which is then formed would form a new nation and decide what to do with the Jews living there. He then says this referendum is very unlikely to happen and so until then he says there should be armed confrontation with Israel. To this end he says Palestinians in the West Bank should be armed.

America and Iran failed to settle their confrontation over the latter’s nuclear programme on Monday when six days of talks in Vienna ended without agreement.Despite seven separate meetings between John Kerry, the US secretary of state, and Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, a final agreement that would constrain Tehran’s nuclear ambitions remained out of reach. The opposing sides did not even reach a “framework” deal setting out some agreed principles. Instead, they decided only to renew the existing interim agreement reached in Geneva last November for another seven months until June 30. In effect, America, Iran and the five other countries involved in the talks have simply set a new deadline for a deal.

Daily Telegraph, November 24, 2014



Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children.


It is surely not difficult to see what Iran is doing with these talks. The longer it can string them out the more time it has to continue moving towards it’s secret (but well known) push to develop nuclear weapons. There is no reason why Iran would develop inter continental ballistic missiles (which it has done) without them being used with nuclear warheads. You don’t fire one missile half way round the world to blow up one building! You only go to those lengths if mass destruction is your aim.The Bible says that Medes would be stirred up at the same time Iraq was invaded by nations from afar. It says they would develop bows (missiles) that destroy man and child. It also says that money and riches don’t motivate them. Interestingly it would be helpful if world leaders read the Bible because it is the promise of economic benefits that they are using to try to stop Iran developing nuclear weapons! It wont work!The Medes are also part of Daniel’s vision of 4 beasts. The bear “the Medes” is being played out again in these last days. The Medes we are told “devour much flesh”

Iran nuclear talks end without agreement

(Isaiah 13:17-18)

Iran and Saudi Arabia bicker over falling price of crude

OPEC kingpins Saudi Arabia and Iran were at odds this week over the reason behind falling oil prices in an indication of the pain being caused to many of the cartel’s 12 members. Iran’s oil minister, Bijan Zanganeh, has said that a “political conspiracy” is to blame for the dramatic slump in remarks that could signal that the Islamic Republic will try to exert pressure on OPEC to again consider cutting output. Iran, along with Venezuela, tried to convince OPEC to reduce its production ceiling from 30 million bpd at the Vienna meeting. However, the proposal was shot down by Saudi Arabia and a clutch of Gulf Arab producers that appear determined to provoke a price war with Russia and U.S. shale oil-drillers. Mr. Zanganeh’s remarks will lend support to the theory that the real target of Saudi Arabia and its allies such as the United Arab Emirates is the Kremlin.

Daily Telegraph, December 18, 2014



I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

It is no coincidence that the price of oil has dropped so far and so fast in recent months. Oil is down 45% since June! Falling prices are crippling the Russian economy, threatening to plunge the country deep into recession and forcing the country’s central bank to intervene in order to defend the rouble. This is how America can hurt Russia. By in effect turning off its revenue. Saudi Arabia is a key ally of America and they would certainly be working together to bring about this oil price collapse. Putin said yesterday that he does not rule out the possibility of a price conspiracy between Saudi Arabia and the US on the market of energy. But as well as Russia we see Iran in pain as well. We know Iran and Russia invade Israel together as combined king of the north. We also know Saudi Arabia and America are king of the south. All the pieces are in place…


(Ezekiel 38:4-5)

Iran holds 'largest military exercise in history'

Iran holds the "largest military exercise in its history," or at least that was what Hezbollah-affiliated Al Mayadan channel reported Thursday. The exercise, dubbed Mohammad Rasoulallah (Mohammad, the Messenger of God) involved all branches of the Iranian military and will last for six days, spanning 2.2 million square kilometers, Iranian news television Press TV reported. General Hashma Allah Malka said it was an "Important message of peace to our friendly neighbours, but also a show of force regarding our defence abilities which sends a message to our enemies." As part of what Iranian media are calling a massive show of force, the army will manoeuvre from the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf all the way to the Gulf of Aden and even the parts of the Indian ocean. According to different reports, the Iranian Navy will be testing warships and submarines.

Israel National News, December 25, 2014



“Look, I will stir up the Medes against Babylon. They cannot be tempted by silver or bribed with gold. The attacking armies will shoot down the young men with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for children.” Medes = Iranians


(Isaiah 13:17-18 NLT)

On Christmas Day Iran launched its largest war game ever. Close to 13,000 personnel will take part in the drills, which will be the first time Iran has organized military manoeuvres so far from its coastline. The drills will finish with a military parade on December 30. Right on the eve of the drills – the largest in the region – the Iranian military said they planned to bring state-of-the-art missile defence systems into its integrated air defence shield. A week ago chief of Iran's Navy called on foreign forces to leave the drill zone for the duration of the exercises.The Bible talks of Iran being stirred up. It speaks of their love of missiles. It talks about their ideological desire to use them and how they will use them to kill both man and child. Iran will join forces with Russia to invade Israel. That time is fast approaching…