iowa and eoc exams march 5, 2014. goals actaap rules role of the school test coordinator & test...


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IOWA and EOC EXAMS March 5, 2014 Slide 2 GOALS ACTAAP Rules Role of the School Test Coordinator & Test Administrators Accommodations Test Preparations Who will be tested? Test Administration Secure/non-secure material Test Security Transferring Materials Test Schedules Returning Test Materials Sample packing diagrams General Testing Information Slide 3 Slide 4 ACTAAP RULES TEST ADMINISTRATIONThe following 11 rules are enumerated in the ACTAAP Rules 5.05.1 ADE shall establish mandatory training sessions for local district testing coordinators and other appropriate school personnel to ensure understanding of the administration of assessments. 5.05.2 The superintendent or his/her designee in each school district shall be responsible for coordinating all local assessment activities Scheduling testing times of all affected campuses according to the testing calendar developed by the ADE Ensuring that security is maintained as specified in the appropriate testing administration materials Ensuring that all district personnel involved in the testing have been properly trained as specified by the ADE Slide 5 ACTAAP RULES Ensuring that all testing instruments are administered to all students according to the procedures established by the Commissioner of Education Ensuring that all assessment documents and student identification information are properly and accurately coded Attesting whether ALL students have participated in the appropriate grade-level assessment (s) Recommending for adoption by local school boards a school calendar that in no way jeopardizes or limits the valid testing and comparison of students learning gains 5.05.3 The appropriate test administration materials shall specify any allowable accommodations available to students participating in the administration of standard state assessments 5.05.4 All students enrolled in a state-tested grade shall be accounted for in the State Assessment System Slide 6 ACTAAP RULES 5.07 Test Security and confidentiality 5.07.1 Violation of the security or confidential integrity of any assessment is prohibited. 5.07.2 The Board shall sanction a person who engages in conduct prohibited by this section. Sanctions shall be considered and imposed in compliance with the Departments rules Governing Testing Improprieties or in the Departments Rules Governing Background Checks and License Revocation, as appropriate. Additionally, the Board may sanction a school district or school, or both, in which conduct prohibited in this section occurs. Slide 7 ACTAAP RULES Sanctions imposed by the Board may include without limitation one (1) or more of the following: Revocation, suspension, or probation of an individuals license Issuance of a letter of reprimand Additional training or professional development Additional professional development to be administered by the school district to all licensed school district personnel involved in test administration; Issuance of a letter of warning to the school district and Establishment of a school district plan containing strict test security guidelines that will implement procedures to ensure the security and confidential integrity of all assessment instruments. Professional development required pursuant to this section as a result of violating test security or confidentiality may be in addition to professional development required for licensure. Slide 8 ACTAAP RULES 5.07.3 Procedures for maintaining the security and confidential integrity of all testing and assessment instruments and procedures shall be specified in the appropriate test or assessment administration instructions. Conduct that violates... Viewing secure assessment materials; Duplicating secure assessment materials; Disclosing the contents of any portion of secure assessment materials Providing, suggesting, or indicating to an examinee a response or answer to any secure assessment items; Aiding or assisting an examinee with a response of answer to any secure assessment item; Failing to administer the assessment of the designated testing dates; Slide 9 ACTAAP RULES Changing or altering any response or answer of an examinee to a secure assessment item; Failing to follow the specified testing procedures or to proctor students; Failing to administer the assessment of the designated testing dates; Encouraging or assisting an individual to engage in the conduct described herein; Failing to report to the appropriate authority that an individual has engaged in conduct set forth in this section; Failing to follow the specified procedures and required criteria for alternate assessments; or Failing to return the secured test booklets to the testing company in a timely manner. Slide 10 CODE OF ETHICS 6.03 Standard 3: An educator honestly fulfills reporting obligations associated with professional practices 6.06 Standard 6: An educator keeps in confidence secure standardized test materials as well as information about students and colleagues obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a professional purpose or is allowed or required by law Slide 11 Code Of Ethics for Educators Rules The Professional Licensure Standard Board (Board) is authorized to recommend to the State Board probation, suspension, revocation or denial of a teaching license or the issuance of a reprimand or warning after an investigation is held.. The Board is also authorized to recommend other avenues to assist the educator via training Slide 12 Security Breaches The superintendent of each school district shall develop procedures to ensure the security and confidential integrity of all assessment instruments and test items. The superintendent shall be responsible for immediately notifying the Department in writing of conduct that violates the security or confidential integrity of an examination or assessment Slide 13 Important Dates TaskDate Pick up non-secure IOWAMarch 13, 2014 Pick up secure IOWAMarch 20 21, 2014 IOWA Grade 9April 2, 2014 Return IOWAApril 7, 2014 Pick up non-secure Geometry & BiologyApril 7, 2014 Pick up secure GeometryApril 15, 2014 GeometryApril 22-23, 2014 Pick up secure BiologyApril 23, 2014 Return GeometryApril 28, 2014 BiologyApril 29 30, 2014 Return BiologyMay 5, 2014 Slide 14 Slide 15 WHATS NEW AFFIDAVIT WAIVER FORM The Affidavit Waiver Form will only be available in the multi-line format for this administration Using this form, administrators can input a single student or multiple students who are receiving an accommodation while using only one form. The Affidavit Waiver Form has also been revised to require the Arkansas licensed teacher or administrator providing an approved accommodation to sign the form only after the examination is administered to the student with the accommodation. Slide 16 Affidavit Waiver Can be used for single or multiple students Completed after accommodations provided Must include answer document number Must have a legible signature One signature per page. Slide 17 Testing Improprieties Any organization or individual may file a written report of alleged testing improprieties by completing Form A. All reports must be filed not later than 14 days after the reporting party became aware of the alleged impropriety. Reports must include: Statement of violating conduct Specific facts about the violation When, where, how, names of individuals committing and reporting Investigation facts Actions taken Slide 18 Slide 19 Test Preparations Attitudes, perceptions, and circumstances can significantly impact the test results. Please be sure that : Conditions are conducive to testing. Test is well organized. Parents, Faculty, and Students are informed of the testing dates and procedures. Underscore the importance of testing by characterizing these Exams as a crucial component of education Slide 20 Test Planning Maintain an Assessment Notebook Training dates Agenda and Sign-in Sheets Classroom/testing assignments Test Security Affidavits with Affidavit Waiver Forms attached Accommodations documentation Emergency Plan Calculator Policy Cell Phone Policy Test Security Guidelines Test Schedules Slide 21 Test Planning Additional Documentation Test booklet(s) transfer form(s) Missing or damaged test booklets Students absent during the testing Students not assessed and the reason Student behavior that might impact testing results Slide 22 School Test Coordinators The information presented during this workshop is an overview of testing procedures. You are responsible for reading the school test coordinators manual. Be sure to include the backup test coordinator in the planning of the exam. You are responsible for: Inventorying the test materials immediately Securing the test materials Selecting test administration sites and administrators Distributing and collecting test materials Developing a plan for administering the assessments including accommodation sessions Slide 23 School Test Coordinators Selecting the test administration sites and administrators Ensuring all test administrators are currently licensed by the ADE Coordinating the schedule with the principal which includes a plan for administering the accommodated sessions Picking up, packaging, and returning the test materials on time Training the test administrators and test administrators for accommodations Formal training must be held at least 3 days prior to test administration Reporting test violations Answering questions and resolving problems during the testing period Preparing a backup plan in case of emergencies Slide 24 School Test Coordinators Ensuring that all required accommodations are provided and administrators are trained in delivering the allowable accommodations IEP, 504, and LPAC assessment information are on file and available for review upon request Slide 25 STC Responsibilities - Training Train all Test Administrators Include: Test administration for standard and accommodated sessions The campus testing schedule including breaks Testing assignments including list of students and room Test administration manual Review of the district written cell phone policy Emergency procedures plan Review of the Test Security Guidelines Read affidavit 3 and have Sign in Sheet Slide 26 STC Responsibilities - Training Read affidavit three together so that all certified personnel involved in administering assessments will understand the security requirements before they sign the form. I certify that I have not read, copied, reproduced, or released in any way the secure Benchmark, IOWA, EOC Examination test items, writing prompts, or student responses to test items or writing prompts. I have not conducted any inappropriate test preparation activities with students that could invalidate the test results or give them an unfair advantage over others. As directed in the manuals for the current administration, all used and unused answer documents, all completed Student Not Tested Forms, and all Test Administration Manuals have been packaged and returned to the School Test Coordinator. I have read the statements above and understand that I am certifying that they are true. I understand that violating any of the Arkansas Department of Educations test security procedures could result in revocation of my license. Page 55 Slide 27 STC Responsibilities After Testing Collect and inventory all materials from Test Administrators Ensure that all materials are accounted for Check for answer documents in the test booklets Check for extraneous materials in the answer documents Count all materials being returned and initial the Test Booklet Security Form Report all lost or damaged materials to the District Test Coordinator immediately Return all materials to the District Test Coordinator in the order prescribed Ensure Affidavit 3 and Affidavit Waiver Forms are signed. Complete Affidavit 2. Page 45 Slide 28 Slide 29 Test Administrators Responsibilities Test Administrators shall Count all materials and sign the Test Booklet Security form when checking out test materials each day Ensure that all testing materials are kept secure before, during, and after testing (including breaks) Follow the testing schedule provided by the School Test Coordinator Eliminate items from the classroom that could provide cueing to students Provide a classroom environment that is conducive to testing Slide 30 Test Administrators Responsibilities Test Administrators shall Sign the Affidavit Waiver after providing the read-aloud accommodation Review the administration script in the manual Follow all training instructions and schedules Distribute test booklets in spiral order Read all directions using a normal tone and manner Provide no cues or assistance to students Actively monitor throughout the session Walk unobtrusively around the room Look for use of electronic devices Use the large session number at the top of answer document to ensure students are working in the correct space Slide 31 Actively monitoring during test administration Check the large session titles at the top of the answer documents while circulating around the room during monitoring. Check the bottom of the answer document to verify that testing sessions for the day are completed while circulating around the room during monitoring Test Administrator Responsibilities Slide 32 Test Administrators Responsibilities Administrators shall ensure that students: Use a #2 pencil ONLY Do not remove mathematics reference sheet from the test booklet Do not have extraneous materials in the testing area, including scratch paper Do not have access to any prohibited electronic device (cell phones) Use calculators appropriately and only when allowed Slide 33 Test Administrator Responsibilities Test Administrators shall not answer students questions about the content of the test Instruct students to select the best answer If a student insists there is not an answer, or there is a problem with a question Do not look at the test item Provide the school test coordinator with the form letter, the item and session number and test name The STC will contact the DTC with the information Slide 34 Test Administrators Responsibilities Test Administrators shall not have access to computers during testing Use of Smart board timer is allowed No food or drink is allowed in the testing area with testing materials No gum or mints Do not leave students with secure testing materials in an unlocked room unless a trained, licensed teacher or administrator is present Maintain security of test booklets and answer documents with student work at all times Slide 35 Test Administrators Responsibilities Cell phones shall be turned off and not accessible Each school will post signs reminding teachers not to bring cell phones into the building on test days. Teachers having access to cell phones is a security breach and will be reported School Test Coordinators must immediately report cell phone access by students or adults immediately. Slide 36 Test Administrator Responsibilities After Testing Collect materials from students Ensure that all materials are accounted for Check for answer documents in test booklets Check for extraneous materials in answer documents (rulers, math reference sheets) Report all lost or damaged materials the School Test Coordinator Return all materials in the order prescribed by the School Test Coordinator Sign Affidavit 3 Sign the Affidavit Waiver if required Slide 37 Test Administrators Responsibilities Ensure that the test schedule of followed. Must provide students with entire testing time exactly. Test session times may not be altered. Ensure that calculators are available only during the allowable math sessions Ensure that students Do not share calculators Have only ONE calculator Pages 27-28 Slide 38 Slide 39 Misadministration Test Administration Errors Responses cannot be scanned (open-response written in ink or pencil other than #2) Labels attached then distributed to wrong students Incorrect label placement Students with same or similar name given incorrect answer document Student answering in the wrong place Administering wrong accommodations Student given the wrong level assessment Slide 40 Misadministration Answering in the Wrong Place Test Administrator must immediately alert the School Test Coordinator Corrective action may be taken on the day of test With specific directions from the ADE School Test Coordinator must contact the DTC as soon as possible to report the incident Never make a copy of a student response written in the wrong place to transcribe later Student accesses cell phone/takes photo Incorrect State-ID number gridded EOC administered to students who should not test Slide 41 Scheduling Interruptions Inclement weather If school is closed on a testing day due to inclement weather, upon returning to school, contact DTC before beginning testing Do not resume testing until an alternate test schedule has been provided Testing interruptions If an interruption occurs during testing (power failure, fire alarm, etc.), follow emergency plan See to the safety of the students Secure the testing materials Note the time remaining in the session Call DTC Slide 42 Alert Process Do not read student responses ADE has an alert process in which the testing company notifies ADE for concerns Disturbing content if a student writes anything that indicates he/she is going to harm himself/herself or others Suspected teacher interference Suspected plagiarism Call the DTC if concern for student safety arises based upon suspicion of what a student has written Slide 43 Cell Phone/Electronic Device Cell Phones shall be turned off and not accessible. This includes the Test Administrator also. Students shall not have access to any device with photographic capabilities. Any electronic device that allows for communication among students shall not be accessible at any time during test administration (e.g., iPhone, MP3 player, etc.) Follow district policy! Slide 44 Prohibited Materials Electronic Devices No electronic devices with photographic capability shall be accessible at any time during test administration. Scratch paper Students can use the blank spaces in the test booklets to do scratch work. Food and Drink During testing, no food or drink is allowed in the testing area. Highlighters No highlighters may be used on the answer documents. Ink Pens/Felt Tip Markers Use a No. 2 pencil only. No mechanical pencils. Slide 45 Use of Prohibited Devices If any prohibited equipment is accessed during testing Immediately report any irregularity to the STC STC: Immediately check that information about the test has not been saved, sent, or received Follow district policy for further actions regarding the student involved All parties involved will write a signed statement Describing how the irregularity was handled Describing how the district policy was followed Statement sent to DTC Slide 46 Slide 47 Who is Tested All students, including ALE students, completing Algebra I, Geometry, or Biology in the spring for high school credit must participate. With or without allowable accommodations Approved special accommodations Alternate Assessment for Grade 9 Math and Biology Students not scoring Proficient on any EOC exam must have an AIP and participate in remediation before receiving credit for the corresponding course Slide 48 Who Is Tested In addition: A failing grade in any course does not exempt a student from taking the EOC exam The decision to repeat the semester or course is not an exemption from testing Students enrolled in Algebra or Geometry sequenced over two years must test at the end of the two years whether he/she has completed the course or earned a passing grade. Cohorts must test at the same time district-wide. Slide 49 Who Is Tested All students completing Algebra I, Geometry, or Biology for credit in the spring must test. IOWA All students in grade 9 must take the IOWA With or without allowable accommodations Approved special accommodations No alternate assessment at grade 9 IEP Decision LPAC Decision Students repeating grade 9 retest Schedule testing sessions in the order shown in the manuals (NO exceptions) Grade cohorts must test at the same time district-wide Students who have completed an alternate portfolio and subsequently enroll in a course with an exam must take the end-of-course exam Slide 50 Who Is Tested Disabled Must take exam or participate in portfolio Title I Transfer Students LEP First Year LEP students are exempt from Literacy only ALE Foreign Exchange Identify in the Teacher Use Only Box Day Treatment Migrant Students Highly Mobile Students Enrolled in school or district after October 1, 2013 Slide 51 Transfer Students Transfer students from within Arkansas must test. If testing began in the former district Contact DTC with transfer information Determine which form of the test he/she started Continue testing with a new answer document using the same test form DTC will request the partially used answer document from the former school STC or designee will transcribe the answers from the old answer document to the new answer document Maintain security and confidentiality at all times Complete the Affidavit Waiver Form Slide 52 Who is Tested? The following students are NOT tested: Home-schooled students Homebound students Incarcerated students Residential Treatment Centers Juvenile Detention Centers Slide 53 Rosters and Labels You must account for all labels Use all labels unless: The label is damaged One of the following is incorrect on the label School Grade State reporting ID number Last name In these cases bubble the student demographic information Slide 54 Accounting for Students Pre-ID labels will be provided for most students Bubble the demographics for any student who was scheduled to test but a label is not provided All student labels must be returned and accounted for On an answer document On a Student Not Tested Form You may receive labels for students who will not test Moved Changed Placement Return all labels with reason not tested Slide 55 Students Not Tested All students who meet the requirement to test and/or received a student label must be accounted for Answer document with responses Students who answered at least one question Answer document with a not tested reason coded Students who did not test and did not receive a label Students who did not test but were scheduled to test Students who refused to test Students who had an incorrect school, last name, Grade, or State ID number listed on the Preliminary Verification Roster Slide 56 Students Not Tested Use answer document to account for students who were scheduled to take exam but did not receive a label Answer documents require a classroom/group header sheet Group name is principal Must be bundled and labeled (School, Group name, Total number of answer documents, Bundle 2 of x.) Contact DTC if student refuses to take test Slide 57 Students Not Tested Label and reason coded on a Student Not Tested Form Students who received a label but it was known in advanced were not testing Erasures Eraser marks may be picked up by the scanners resulting in the student receiving a score. Slide 58 Student Not Tested Form Use only one form per grade or course Student Not Tested Form requires a School/Course Header Sheet. Must be bundled and labeled (School Name, Students Not Tested, bundle 1 of x) Mark the reason not tested ABOVE the label Forms CANNOT be copied Slide 59 Preliminary Demographic Verification Rosters Ensure that ALL student demographic information is correct for each student. Slide 60 Verification and Correction of Student Information Correct errors in eSchool IOWA data must be corrected by Friday, March 28 th. EOC data data must be corrected by Geometry April 18, 2014 Biology April 25, 2014 Algebra I May 9, 2014 The updated/corrected information will override information in the student label barcodes and filled in on the student answer documents. Slide 61 Student Information Student Identification Number Use 10-digit State Reporting ID Number (TRIAND number) If this number must be gridded, have the number checked (this is where errors occurred in the past) Social Security Number Must be included if a label is not used Student Information is pulled twice. Slide 62 Student Labels If provided, a student label must be used UNLESS the students school, grade, State ID number, and/or last name have changed or are incorrect. Slide 63 Student Labels Verify information before affixing label to answer document. Complete all of Box 1 even if a student label is used. District: PCSSD School: Must be spelled out Complete all boxes (1 9) if label is not available. Ethnicity Codes Students may fill in more than one circle Roster will show only one code Unused student labels will be attached to the appropriate accountability form. Slide 64 Incorrect Labels If labels include incorrect data Ensure that corrections are in eSchool by the specified date EXCEPTION: Do not use if any of the following data is wrong Students last name State ID Number School Grade Bubble and code the demographics for these students on an answer document Must use label if other information is incorrect Slide 65 Student Demographics Information coded in the Teacher Use Only box is used to place students in the appropriate reporting categories for AYP (NCLB) and for the state accountability system Coding cannot be changed after answer documents are sent to the testing company Slide 66 Slide 67 LEP Accommodations LEP students may make use of allowable accommodations if included in the LPAC plan and used regularly in the classroom No directions or explanations in any language other than English are allowed See allowable LEP accommodations in the School Test Coordinators Manual in Appendix A on page 61. Slide 68 1 st YEAR LEP STUDENTS IOWA, Benchmark, EOC Must take Math and Science May be exempt by LPAC in Literacy (Vocabulary, Reading, Language, and Writing Sessions) Are not included in AYP calculations Are counted in 95% tested Coded on answer document Slide 69 LEP Accommodations Slide 70 Test Coordinators and Administrators should be very careful about the dictionary used during testing. Verify that it does not include definitions or pictures. Slide 71 504 and IEP Accommodations Special Education and 504 students may use allowable accommodations if included in the IEP or 504 plan and used regularly in the classroom 504 accommodations are coded in the 504 section in the Teacher Use Only Box. See allowable accommodations in the Appendix D on page 67. Page 41 Slide 72 IEP Consideration of Special Factors Slide 73 Of particular importance is question # 8. Keep at the school so that monitors may verify that the student is receiving the proper accommodation during testing. Slide 74 Administration of Accommodations Training shall be provided for those administering accommodations What is allowed and is NOT allowed How to provide the accommodation Refer to the Guidelines for Assessment Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Must be listed in students IEP, 504, or LPAC plan under standardized testing accommodations Must be an allowable accommodation Must be used regularly in the classroom Modifications are never allowed Slide 75 Administration of Accommodations When assigning accommodated sessions Ensure that students receive only the accommodations identified in their plans Assign small groups according to accommodations Do not combine students with different accommodations if it allows any student access to an accommodation not included in his/her plan. Slide 76 Administration of Accommodations When extended time is allowed, students must complete each session in the order scheduled before moving on to the next session. Students who are at different points in the test schedule must be isolated from students on the regular schedule for testing, during breaks, and during lunch. Extended time does not allow students to go back into a session at a later time in the day to continue working or to complete unfinished items. Extended time ends at the end of the school day. Slide 77 Administration of Accommodations Training for individuals providing the Reading Aloud Accommodation Readers may not clarify, elaborate, or provide assistance to students (cueing) You may not read any portion of the reading test Affidavit Waiver must be completed Readers should be familiar with the terminology and symbols specific to the content. This is especially important for science assessments and high school mathematics. Slide 78 Administration of Accommodations RMT/RWT/RST Guidelines for Assessment Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Reading the Math Test/Reading the Writing Test/Reading the Science Test A new secure test booklet has been produced specifically for Test Administrators who are providing a Read-aloud accommodation to a student. NO PORTION OF THE READING TEST IS ALLOWED TO BE READ OR INTERPRETED FOR THE STUDENT.. Licensed personnel will administer the allowable portions of the exams to students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that specify the accommodation of read-aloud. Test administrators should use an even vocal inflection so that the student does not receive any cues by the way the information is read. It is important that they read test items/questions and text word-for-word exactly as written. Test administrators may not clarify, elaborate, or provide assistance to the students, and need to be familiar with the terminology and symbols specific to the content. A student should have the option of asking a reader to slow down or repeat text. Revised December 2011 Slide 79 Administration of Accommodations Recording Accommodation Guidelines for Assessment Accommodations for Students with Disabilities REC Records The test administrator records and serves as a scribe for the students responses. The scribe writes down these responses in the student answer document from the students speech, sign language, pointing or by using an assistive communication device. Extensive practice is required when using a recorder or scribe. A scribe may not edit or alter student work in any way, and must record word-for word exactly what the student has dictated. Students will be allowed to review and edit what the scribe has written. A person who serves as a scribe needs to prepare carefully to assure that he or she knows the vocabulary involved and understands the boundaries of the assistance to be provided. In general, the role of the scribe is to write what is dictated, no more and no less. The writing sessions (prompts) on the benchmark examinations are scored for mechanics and usage, and particular skill is involved when recording the students responses. THE STUDENT MUST PROVIDE THE CAPITALIZATION, PUNCTUATION, AND EXACT SPELLING FOR THE WRITING PORTIONS OF THE TEST. Classroom practice on this type of dictation before the day of the test is recommended to give the student experience with the process. (Note: The test administrator may not write it out first and then go back to ask the student to insert punctuation or adjust spelling.) Revised December 2011 Slide 80 Administration of Accommodations Affidavit Waiver Form for Providing an Approved Accommodation should be completed ONLY for RMT/RWT/RST (Read-aloud) TRANsfer student answers (Braille/Large Print) RECording student answers (usually with Braille/Large Print) Slide 81 Slide 82 Inventory Immediately inventory materials upon receipt Request additional materials in a timely manner Report inconsistencies in materials to the DTC Slide 83 PACKING LISTS Shipment Summary List ( if more Than one box) Box Content List Secure Materials Report District Packing List Slide 84 NON-SECURE MATERIALS Packing Lists School Shipment Summary Box Content Manuals District and School Test Coordinators Test Administration Parent Notification Pamphlets Test Security Affidavits -Affidavits 2 and 3 Preliminary Demographic Verification Rosters Student Labels Answer Documents Student Not Tested Form Packages of 10 Paper Bands Rulers EOC Algebra I and Geometry Header Sheets School/Grade or School/Course Classroom/Group Information Sheet Slide 85 SECURE TEST MATERIALS Test Booklet Security Forms Secure Test Booklets Large Print, Read-aloud, and Braille Materials Arrive in school shipment Large Print Kit includes Large Print test booklet and Large Print Mathematics Reference Sheet A standard sized answer document, Test Administration Manual, and line template A Large Print ruler (for EOC and Grades 3 8) All student responses shall be transcribed into a student answer document Have a plan to ensure that all answers are transcribed before shipment By a licensed, trained, individual Waiver form must be completed Slide 86 LARGE PRINT & BRAILLE GradeLarge-PrintBraille Grade 9Yes GeometryYes BiologyYes Algebra IYes Slide 87 Read Aloud Forms Verify the number of read aloud forms needed Contact L. Green via email with additional orders by March 17 th. Test administrators administering a read-aloud accommodation will be provided a test booklet IOWA Grades 9 use overage of test booklets EOC use extra booklet included in each packet of 5 read aloud test booklets Each test administrator will also need a Test Administration Manual Read aloud forms are not interchangeable. Slide 88 READ ALOUD TEST ADMINISTRATORS BOOKLET Slide 89 READ ALOUD TEST ADMINISTRATORS TEST BOOKLET Schools will assign a read-aloud test booklet to the administrator of the read-aloud accommodation. Read-aloud shipments will have a separate Test Booklet Security Form. Ensure that the extra booklet is accounted for each day Plan additional training for read-aloud test administrators (Document training). Utilize district provided power point. Review affidavit 3 and the affidavit waiver. Slide 90 MANUALS District and School Test Coordinators Manual Geometry Test Administration Manual Biology Test Administration Manual Algebra I Test Administration Manual Slide 91 School/Grade Header Sheet One header sheet per grade School LEA must be completed List all classes in the spaces provided with the number of answer documents to be scored The number of Student Not Test Forms for each course must be recorded (The number of forms not labels) Slide 92 School/Course Header Sheet One header sheet per course School LEA must be completed List all classes in the spaces provided with the number of answer documents to be scored The number of Student Not Test Forms for each course must be recorded (The number of forms not labels) Slide 93 Classroom/Group Sheet Complete at least one Classroom Header Sheet for each grade in each school. Bubble in the total number of answer documents included. Numbers are right justified. Slide 94 Classroom/Group Sheet Complete at least one Classroom Header Sheet for each group tested. Bubble in the total number of answer documents included. Numbers are right justified. Slide 95 Test Booklets Security Barcode - used to account for all test booklets. Disregard the number following the dash. QAI SKU Disregard Lithocode used to identify answer document number for Affidavit Waiver Form Slide 96 Answer Documents Apply student label in the correct box Complete Box 1 even if a label is used. Bubble in Test Form Complete the Teachers Use Only Box, if necessary. If a student label is NOT used, all sections of the student demographic page must be completed. Lithocode Slide 97 Slide 98 Test Security Read the test security guidelines to everyone and provide them with a copy. Students must use the same answer document, test booklet and math reference sheet given them on the first day math testing. Test booklet and answer documents must be kept together throughout all test sessions. No part of any examination may be downloaded into any assistive device. Slide 99 Test Security Test booklets, and math reference sheets are secure materials. The shrink wrapped secure materials may not be opened no earlier than one (1) school day before the first day of testing. Test administration manuals should not be distributed until the first day of testing. Tests may not be downloaded into any assistive device. Test materials must be secured at the end of each day. Transfer of secure materials must be done by hand delivery. Instructions and materials must be read verbatim to students during testing. You may reread a question/passage. Slide 100 AFFIDAVITS Two (2) types of Affidavits Affidavit 2School Level Test Security Form Affidavit 3Test Administrator Security Form All completed and signed affidavits must be returned with the used answer documents. Slide 101 AFFIDAVIT 2 SCHOOL LEVEL Signed by the building principal and school test coordinator One copy, each, signed for IOWA Grade 9 Geometry & Biology Algebra I Note: Cannot be copied Slide 102 AFFIDAVIT 3 TEST ADMINISTRATOR Signed by the test administrators Separate form and signature required for each grade/course tested. Cannot be copied Slide 103 TEST BOOKLET SECURITY FORM Different Forms Each grade/course tested Read-aloud Tests Read Aloud Test Administration Manual Each Test Administrator must initial in the Out column under Test Booklet Receipt and Return when the booklets are distributed and in the presence of the test coordinator booklets become the responsibility of the test administrator "In" column when they are returned and counted each day after testing. In the presence of the test administrator booklets become the responsibility of the test coordinator Slide 104 Test Booklet Security Form t Slide 105 Secure Materials Transfer Only the district test coordinator can transfer secure materials from district to district. Secure materials can be transferred between schools within the district. Secure Materials Form must be completed. Contact DTC before materials are transferred. Fax copy of completed transfer form to 490-5724. Slide 106 Secure Materials Transfer Slide 107 Slide 108 GRADE 9 Slide 109 Testing Session DAYSUBJECTSESSIONITEMSMINUTES Wednesday April 2, 2014 IOWA 9 - *Vocabulary Student Demographic Information 40 Multiple-choice items 15 minutes 15 + directions *Reading Comprehension44 multiple-choice items40 + directions *Language: Revising Written Materials 56 multiple-choice items40 + directions Mathematics: Concepts & Problem Solving (Calculator) 40 multiple-choice items 40 + directions Computation30 multiple-choice items (Non-Calculator) 15 + directions Test is timed. Total testing time is 2 hours and 30 minutes. *LEP less than one year in the US are exempt from Vocabulary, Reading, and Language sessions Slide 110 Grade 9 Iowa Test of Educational Development Test Date: April 2 Complete make-up testing by Friday, April 4 th. Test schedules and student room assignments must be turned in to the district office by 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 20, 2014. Grade cohort in district must follow the same schedule no exceptions. All high schools must begin testing by 8:45. It is a testing violation to alter the order of the sessions from the schedule in the test administration manual. Test is timed. Can include a break between tests. Test materials will be returned on April 7. Slide 111 End-Of-Course Exams Slide 112 Testing Session DAYSUBJECTSESSIONITEMSMINUTES Tuesday April 22, 2014 Geometry - G1 Student Demographic Information 20 Multiple-choice items 15 minutes 30 + directions G220 multiple-choice items30 + directions G3 G4 3 open-response 15 multiple-choice items 45 + directions 25 + directions Wednesday April 23, 2014 GeometryG5 G6 20 multiple-choice items 2 open-response items 30 + directions G7 G8 15 multiple-choice items 2 open-response items 25 + directions 30 + directions There are 15 forms of the test. Students must be given a 15-minute break after Session G2, and G6. Slide 113 Testing Session DAYSUBJECTSESSIONITEMSMINUTES Tuesday April 29, 2014 Biology - B1 B2 Student Demographic Information 20 multiple choice items 20 multiple-choice items 15 minutes 30 + directions B3 B4 3 open response 15 multiple choice items 45 + directions 25 + directions Wednesday April 30, 2014 BiologyB5 B6 20 multiple choice items 2 open-response items 30 + directions B7 B8 15 multiple-choice items 2 open-response items 25 + directions 30 + directions There are 15 forms of the test. Students must be given a 15-minute break after Session B2 and B6. Slide 114 Testing Session DAYSUBJECTSESSIONITEMSMINUTES Tuesday May 13, 2014 Algebra I -Student Demographic Information 15 minutes A1 A2 20 multiple choice items 30 + directions A3 A4 3 Open-response items 15 Multiple-choice items 45 + directions 25 + directions Wednesday May 14, 2014 Algebra IA5 A6 20 multiple choice items 2 open-response items 30 + directions A7 A8 15 Multiple-choice items 2 open-response items 25 + directions 30 + directions There are 20 forms of the test. Students must be given a 15-minute break after Session A2, and A6. Slide 115 END-OF-COURSE All students completing course must take the exam Allowable accommodations Approved special accommodations - Must mark For ADE Use Only Alternate Portfolio Assessment- Biology and Algebra I Students who have taken the exam do not take the exam again. Schedule testing sessions in the order shown in the manuals (no exceptions) Class cohorts must test at the same time district-wide. All middle schools must begin testing by 8:45 am each day. All high schools schools must begin testing by 8:45 am each day. It is a testing violation to alter the order of the sessions from the schedule in the test administration manual. Slide 116 END-OF-COURSE Test schedules and student room assignments must be turned in to the district office by 9:00 a.m., on the following dates: Geometry April 15 Biology April 22 Algebra I May 6 Test will be administered on indicated dates. Tests may not be administered early. Make-up testing can begin each afternoon. Schedules must include suggested 15-minute breaks. Lunch breaks can be included in test schedules. All sessions are timed. Testing sessions must be completed at the conclusion of the school day. Slide 117 Slide 118 Teacher Use Only Box Slide 119 TEACHER USE ONLY After all testing is finished, the For Teacher Use Only box must be completed Only those sections of the For Teacher Use Only box that have an asterisk need to be completed, as appropriate, if a student label is used: Special Education Accommodations Migrant Student Highly Mobile LEP Student less than one year in the U.S LEP Accommodations If a student Pre-ID label has been used, DO NOT grid these fields. (Please update eSchool with any changes to these fields): ESI Codes Free and/or Reduced Lunch Gifted and Talented Limited English Proficient (LEP) Monitored Former LEP Slide 120 Slide 121 SCOREABLE MATERIALS Scoreable Materials for Return Used answer documents with student responses Used answer documents for students not tested Student Not Tested Forms Classroom/Group Information Sheets School/Grade or School/Course Header Sheets Affidavits Affidavits 2 & 3 Affidavit Waiver Slide 122 SCOREABLE MATERIALS Ensure all student labels have been applied correctly and, if applicable, that demographic information has been bubbled in correctly on the answer document or consumable test booklet. Count and recount used answer documents before passing them on and before paper banding them together. Used documents include those for Students NOT Tested. All used answer documents, including documents for Students NOT Tested, should be paper banded together by group. Verify that the Student Not Tested Forms have been correctly completed. Ensure all information is correct on the School/Course or School/Grade Header Sheets and on the Classroom/Group Information Sheets. Complete Affidavits 2 and 3. Slide 123 ANSWER DOCUMENTS EOC Return answer documents with this shipment Grade 9 Return answer documents with this shipment Slide 124 ANSWER DOCUMENTS AND CONSUMABLE TEST BOOKLETS School Test Coordinators place Classroom/Group Information Sheet on each stack of answer documents or consumable test booklets for a classroom/group. North Pulaski Smith 20 USED 1 of x North Pulaski Jones 15 USED 1 of x Slide 125 Organization of Answer Documents Chenal Elementary Smith20 Used Documents for Mrs. Smiths class Classroom/Group Sheet for Mrs. Smith Used Documents for Mrs. Jones class Classroom/Group Sheet for Mrs. Jones Student Not Tested Form Chenal Elementary Smith20 Affidavits 2 & 3 Affidavit Waiver School/Course Header or School/Grade Header North Pulaski 3 24 1 of 3 USED Slide 126 SCOREABLE MATERIALS IOWA School Test Coordinators place the School/Grade Header Sheet on the stack of used answer documents and Student Not Tested Forms. Students Not Tested Forms are bundled with the header sheet and is bundle 1. Students Not Tested Answer Documents are bundled together with a class header sheet and is bundle 2. School Test Coordinators make sure Affidavit 2 is signed AND all copies of Affidavit 3 are signed by all Test Administrators. Affidavits 2 and 3 are bundled together, labeled with school name, and total #. Affidavit Waivers are bundled together, labeled with school name, and total #. Inventory all materials (Scoreable, Non-scoreable and TA Manuals) Count scoreable answer documents and paper band them together by group. Do not band more than 25 answer documents together. Complete the paper band information. School Name, Teacher Name, # of answer documents, number range, the word USED and bundle number. Slide 127 SCOREABLE MATERIALS EOC School Test Coordinators place the School/Grade Header Sheet on the stack of answer documents and Student Not Tested Forms. Students Not Tested Forms are bundled with the header sheet and is bundle 1. Students Not Tested Answer Documents are bundled together with a class header sheet and is bundle 2. School Test Coordinators make sure Affidavit 2 is signed AND all copies of Affidavit 3 are signed by all Test Administrators. Affidavits 2 and 3 are bundled together, labeled with school name, and total #. Affidavit Waivers are bundled together, labeled with school name, and total #. Inventory all materials (Scoreable, Non-scoreable and TA Manuals) Count answer documents and paper band them together by class. Do not band more than 25 answer documents together. Complete the paper band information. School Name, Teacher Name, # of answer documents, the word USED and bundle number. Slide 128 NON-SCOREABLE MATERIALS Non-scoreable Materials for Return Used and Unused Test booklets Test Booklet Security Forms Used and unused Read Aloud Test Administrators Manuals Test Administration Manuals for Grades 9 Test Administration Manuals for EOC Read Aloud Test Administration Manual Security Forms Unused answer documents Slide 129 NON-SCOREABLE MATERIALS IOWA & EOC Organize all test booklets in numerical order and paper band them together. Label with school name, total number of booklets, number range, and bundle number. Test booklet security form is placed on top. Bundles should be in the same size as you received them. Organize all used and unused Read Aloud test booklets, by course, then in numerical order, and paper band them together. Label with school name, number range, total number of booklets, and bundle number. Test booklet security form is placed on top. Organize all used and unused Read Aloud Test Administrators Manual by course,then in numerical order, and paper band them together. Label with school name, number range, total number of booklets, and bundle number. Test booklet security form is placed on top. Paper band all unused answer documents and label with school name. Slide 130 NON-SCOREABLE MATERIALS IOWA & EOC Sort test booklets by grade and in numerical order. Place a paper band around the stack of test booklets Bundle the booklets in the same size bundles as received Label the band with School name, range number, total number of books and bundle number. Unused, shrink-wrapped booklets must have a paper- band. Bundle and return to DTC. Baker, 101-114 15 2 of 10 Slide 131 Slide 132 General Testing Information Answer documents must not be folded, clipped, stapled, or torn. Bring a copy of the items listed inside of your purple folder when you return your test materials. Schedule make-up testing immediately. Attach documentation of why student did not test to the appropriate form. This includes: Attendance printout Conference decision form Withdrawal form Test administrators should monitor students during the testing sessions. Use the checklist in the school test coordinators manual to be sure you have completed all of the steps. Slide 133 General Testing Information Test Irregularities must be reported immediately. Schools must use the Form A that is attached to the Test Improprieties Rules. The teacher must submit a written report to the STC. The STC must report the violation to the principal and submit a written report to the principal. The principal must investigate and indicate findings prior to sending it to the district office. A final report indicating the corrective action taken at the building level to prevent the violation must be submitted when test materials are returned to the DTC. Include your backup coordinator in the testing plans in case of emergencies. Slide 134 General Testing Information Contact me: If a student says there is not an answer to an item. Do not look at the item. Ask for the session number, item number and name of test. If a student or teacher is caught using (texting, talking, photographing) a cell phone during testing. If teachers have cell phones on during testing. If students write in the wrong answer space or other incidents occur. If an emergency occurs (power outages, bomb threats, etc) If in doubt, contact me. CELL # - 804-9682 OFFICE # 234-2082 234-2083 234-2084 234-2077 Slide 135 ACCOUNTABILITY FORMS Will be available electronically on Share Point. Labels will be affixed to the following forms: Withdrawn Incorrect Label (Name, TRIAND, Grade) You must account for all labels. Slide 136 Electronic Access A copy of this power point and other reporting forms for testing are online at Click on the department tab Select Testing On the left side of the screen, select shared documents. Click on the Middle School Test Coordinator or High School Test Coordinator folder.