iot austin june 14th

Jonathan Carter co-organizer of the Amsterdam IoT metup group “sensemakers” co-founder of Glimworm and Glimworm Beacons initiator of the Amsterdam iBeacon and IoT Living Lab “The beacon mile” IoT mentor at Startup Bootcamp A brief history of the sensemakers Amsterdam IoT meet up

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Post on 07-Jan-2017




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Jonathan Carterco-organizer of the Amsterdam IoT metup group “sensemakers”

co-founder of Glimworm and Glimworm Beacons

initiator of the Amsterdam iBeacon and IoT Living Lab “The beacon mile”

IoT mentor at Startup Bootcamp

A brief history of the sensemakers Amsterdam IoT meet up


144k - 300%

AQE - kickstarter project of the year 2011

London + New York

+ Amsterdam + Madrid

+ Barcellona

Attacking an issue people care about


Citizen Scientists



Air Quality Egg - Scorecard

* Sponsors want publicity

* Makers want to make (anything)

* Citizen Scientists want to measure

(almost anything)

* Citizens want results

Stichting Appsterdam is a non-profit meta-organization that provides common ground for all App Makers, regardless of platform, occupation, or business model, in Amsterdam and beyond. An App Maker is a person

or organization who contributes to the creation of apps, be they engineers, designers, businessmen, lawyers, or marketeers. An app is a piece of software that transforms its hardware to provide a complete

productized experience.

Appsterdam is the world’s most advanced infrastructure for App Makers, by App Makers. Our goal is to bring App Makers together, and our

mission is to support the interests of App Makers worldwide. We have built Appsterdam, the world capital of apps, to establish a center of

gravity to our industry, and to provide a place in the world where all App Makers can gather. The intent is to build a structured ecosystem of

cooperating App Makers with Amsterdam as its center.

We help App Makers understand and practice community values, such as craftsmanship, quality, diversity, cooperation, and professionalism.

Holland is an alternate reality! Sometimes I think that what the rest of the world take seriously they don't and vice versa. It is a social society and has a sharing economy. Its people get along well with

each other and collaboration is built in even before birth

Geographically it is flat and small and most people live in the centre of the country. It has pretty much no poverty and high speed

connections everywhere. it is the perfect place to work on Iot and

Smart city solutions. … oh and most people speak 4+ languages.


FabLabs in the Netherlands

Meetup dedicated to creative, advanced and human-centered Internet-of-Things, sensor(networks), electronics/hardware, open hardware/source and hardware startups. We get together once a

month and discuss and listen to presentations on Internet-of-Things

and related subjects. We are hands-on: We do Internet-of-Things, with Arduino, RaspberryPi, BeagleBone, Intel Edison, etc.

Membership : 3500 Started : 2011 (5 in September)



2011AQE, followed by several related projects, many members also appsterdammers

Pachube left the scene, location moved to Glimworm (jc) Started regular schedule


Amsterdam Smart Citizen , LoRa, LoRa, LoRa location moved (with glimworm) to the MT

Widened team to 5, join with MV, start with Water sensing!


2014 Built up to 3500 members, Smart Citizen Kit (Waag+Barcelona)

AQE v 2 - from Barcelona



In March 2015, Waag Society and partners have established the Amsterdam Smart

Citizens Lab. It empowers citizens to crowd source and share data about their

environment with the aim to understand the workings of the city and enhance the

quality of their lives. Therefore, we embrace the idea of Smart Citizens , who use open

technology to build engagement, and share knowledge, and trust. Apart from helping

citizens, it will help existing measurement bodies (like GGD Amsterdam and RIVM) to

extend their data gathering networks, and possibly come up with innovative solutions

that can scale across Europe (possibly beyond).



Citizens (partcipants)

paid €35

Quality of swimming water

Air Quality (Chimney, Dust & particals)

Sound (in the city)

Light pollution (in the city)

Indoor air quality


Temperature (in the city)

Dirt and garbage

Enablers Waag HvA

Wageningen UR Ams Ec Bd

Waag RIVM more…






The Beacon Mile




Jonathan MauriceCasperManon

Organising Team




Slack Github



If you attend all the monthly setups for a year you should have learned something new about abut all aspects of making IoT products from home

grown hobby projects to mass production of commercial products

Example talks we have had in the last 12 months include :

LoRa (multiple) , ESP8266, what is the difference between a microprocessor and a micro controller, tips for kickstarter, PCB manufacturing end to end, injection moulding, Wolfram , Node RED, MQTT, User led design, Member

project presentations(multiple), security on an Arduino using “Salt” , Introduction to laser cutting, Bitcoin, Windows10 IoT edition, citizen science

updates (multiple) , Hands on Watson (and more…)

Notable members and projects


Water buoy Project

just started

want join?


Maybe you have different issues?

can we collaborate?

A bit about europe

If you want to get involved with IoT in Amsterdam

if you want to find an IoT startup in Amsterdam

if you want to discuss IoT

call me . . .

@jonathanrcarter [email protected]