師德文教-國中英語會考師資班 - chere.idv.t · 進階高分...

CET 104 Workshop 1 林淑媛 Chere Lin 師德文教-國中英語會考師資班 2015 師德文教:高雄場 11/8 () 、台中場 11/15 ()、台北場 11/29 () 主講: 林淑媛 Chere Lin 台北市興雅國中英語教師 http:// www.chere.idv.tw 了解會考 基測中心:http://www.bctest.ntnu.edu.tw/ 會考中心:http://cap.ntnu.edu.tw/ 教育會考的語言成分可從歷屆基測試題來參考 1. 考基本的語言能力 2. 九年一貫綱要之「應用字彙」1200 保險一點還是以 2000 字為標準 各家教科書都超過這個數量 脫離低分群記熟單字 進階高分配合閱讀,增加語感和單字應用的能力 3. 語法結構:綱要之基本語言結構 基測英語科題目演變 挑戰會考精熟級,請以 97 年基測+100 年北北基+102 年試辦會考題目來看 1. 90-93 部編本教科書 題型變化不大,念熟課本可得到不錯成績 2. 94 審定本教科書 題目敘述加長,要有耐性看完題目 3. 97 年出現較多評鑑度高的題目 要深入思考,但不可鑽牛角尖,以免失分 平時要多閱讀課外讀物、挑戰長篇閱讀題才可得高分

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Page 1: 師德文教-國中英語會考師資班 - chere.idv.t · 進階高分 配合閱讀,增加語感和單字應用的能力 3. 語法結構:綱要之基本語言結構 基測英語科題目演變

CET 104 Workshop 1 林淑媛 Chere Lin


2015 師德文教:高雄場 11/8 (日) 、台中場 11/15 (日)、台北場 11/29 (日)

主講: 林淑媛 Chere Lin 台北市興雅國中英語教師 http:// www.chere.idv.tw


基測中心:http://www.bctest.ntnu.edu.tw/ 會考中心:http://cap.ntnu.edu.tw/


1. 考基本的語言能力

2. 九年一貫綱要之「應用字彙」1200 字保險一點還是以 2000 字為標準




3. 語法結構:綱要之基本語言結構

基測英語科題目演變 —挑戰會考精熟級,請以 97 年基測+100 年北北基+102 年試辦會考題目來看

1. 90-93 部編本教科書


2. 94 審定本教科書


3. 97 年出現較多評鑑度高的題目



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CET 104 Workshop 2 林淑媛 Chere Lin


Exercise 1 p. 7

Bloom‘s Taxonomy (revised version) 請上網輸入關鍵字 “Bloom's Taxonomy Revised Key Words, Model Questions, &

Instructional Strategies” 下載文件。

以下分類採用李坤崇教授「修訂 Bloom 認知目標分類」 1. 記憶

• 從記憶中提取相關知識。

• 包括:再認與回憶。

2. 了解

• 從課堂、書本或電腦螢幕的口語、書面與圖形等教學訊息中建構意義;建立所學新知


• 包括:總結、詮釋、解釋、舉例、推論、分類、比較。

3. 應用 • 善用程序(步驟)來執行作業或解決問題。與程序知識緊密連結。

• 包括:執行(任務是作業、實現)、實行(任務是問題、運用)。

4. 分析

• 將材料分解成局部,指出局部之間與對整體結構或目的的關聯。與評鑑、創作連結。

• 包括:區辨、組織、歸因。

5. 評鑑

• 根據規準(criteria)與標準(standards)作判斷(judgement)。

• 包括:檢查、批判。

6. 創作

Exercise 2 p. 8

Exercise 3 p. 8

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CET 104 Workshop 3 林淑媛 Chere Lin


閱讀發展層次 1. Basic Literacy 基礎識讀

• decoding and knowledge of high frequency words

2. Intermediate Literacy 技巧閱讀

• generic comprehension strategies

• common word meanings

• basic fluency

3. Disciplinary Literacy 跨領域學習

• skill specialized to history, science, literature, math, and other subject areas


Kintsch & van Dijk (1983) Models of

Reading Comprehension


閱讀前 閱讀中 閱讀後

1. 預測 predicting

2. 預覽 previewing

3. 略讀 skimming (跳讀)

4. 掃瞄 scanning

5. 提問 questioning:

6 Ws—who, what, when,

where, why, how

6. 掌握關鍵字 key words

7. 經驗連結


1. 提問 questioning:6 Ws

2. 掌握關鍵字 key words

3. 經驗連結


4. 標示 signaling

5. 推論 inference

6. 猜字意

guessing from context

7. 做筆記 note taking

1. 反思 reflection

2. 分析和綜合

analyzing & synthesizing

3. 經驗連結


4. 重讀、提問、視覺化

5. 評估與修正預測

6. 討論、反思文本

7. 推論、比較/對比

8. 因/果、結論、主旨

9. 作筆記、概述、整合

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CET 104 Workshop 4 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Exercise 4 預測、經驗連結、設問 p. 9

Exercise 5 主旨/結論 p. 11

Exercise 6 標示 p. 12

Exercise 7 視覺化、整合 p. 13

Exercise 8 推論(閱讀後的預測) p. 15

Exercise 9 討論、反思

My Princess Boy:http://myprincessboy.com https://youtu.be/LB_2-gsH8GE


會考聽力評量指標 1. 語音訊息的表徵轉換圖文、文文

2. 辨識出對話的基本溝通功能

3. 辨識明確說出的訊息

4. 聽出言談的主旨大意

5. 推論整體言談情境隱含的訊息

6. 推論說話的立場或態度

7. 根據言談情境猜測字詞的意義

聽力教學內容 1. 音韻覺識 Sound Awareness 辨音

2. 聽力理解 Listening as Comprehension 掌握說話情境的意涵(聽什麼)

− 聽力理解是一個複雜的過程。

− 聽者必須區別不同的語音、理解詞彙和語法結構、闡釋重音和語調,

− 再把這些結果和上下文語境作解釋,屬於綜合的能力。

3. 聽力習得 Listening Comprehension Strategies 聽力策略發展(怎麼聽)


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CET 104 Workshop 5 林淑媛 Chere Lin

聽力策略教學 在播音之前,要積極的應對! Be an active listener!

1. 利用關鍵字預測言談內容

2. 能針對主題或情境設問

3. 推論與聯想場景、角色、因果關係、言談目的等。

4. 從上下文對未說明的細節進行推論

先備或後續的訓練 1. 辨別連音

2. 辨別重音與語句節拍的關聯

3. 辨別語調與說話者情緒的關聯

4. 辨別語句的停頓 (教學生理解句義不受停頓字句的干擾)

5. 辨別句子的分格和界線。

6. 辨別對話中所表現的溝通功能

聽播音前 1. 帶學生預測聽力內容、了解聽力題目的方向

2. 和學生討論聽力的主題

3. 建立背景關係、知識

4. 先教導聽力內容中的困難/關鍵生字

5. 提供視覺輔助 (例: 圖片、影片)

6. 提供聽力內容的關鍵線索,使學生能將其原有的知識與線索連接

聽播音中 1. 設下聽力的目標

2. 根據線索,不斷檢視自己的答案是正確的

3. 用已知的單字、聲音或語調去猜測生字的意義

4. 把所聽到的內容,快速地做筆記寫下來

聽播音後 1. 老師降低語速,覆述聽力錄音檔內容

2. 提供聽力錄音檔的文本

3. 要求學生把聽到的內容逐字寫下來

4. 把聽力內容翻譯成中文並且提供解釋

5. 重覆播放學生有困難的部分

6. 學生聽錄音檔並跟著大聲朗誦

7. 和學生討論他們的困難的部分

8. 帶領學生做兩人或小組討論有困難的部分

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CET 104 Workshop 6 林淑媛 Chere Lin

104 年會考閱讀題 (16-18)

Kieran Hardy 11/07/2013 For years, we thought our Earth was the only blue dot up there. Now another has been found. Its name is HD189773b. HD189773b is an exoplanet, a planet outside our Solar System, and is one of the nearest exoplanets to Earth. Even so, 16.________. Here’s why: It is 63 light years away. That means it is 370,440,000,000,000 miles from us. Even if we fly at 3,500 miles an hour, it will take more than 12 million years to get there. 17.________: It is much bigger, it is made of gas and it is burning hot. In heat as great as 1,000°C, life is not possible. What is worse, it rains glass. If 1,000°C does not kill you, glass rain will. Even so, finding this blue giant 18.________. It is the first time that we have been able to see the color of an exoplanet. The color of a planet gives us ideas about what is happening on it. While we have a long way to go before we find a new planet to live on, finding a blue dot is a good start.

13. (A) we cannot really call it a neighbor (B) we do not know anything about it yet (C) we might not be able to stay there for long (D) we are not sure how long it takes to get there

14. (A) What’s more, it is not water that makes HD189773b look blue (B) With its blue color, HD189773b could be a second Earth for us (C) Except for its blue color, HD189773b is nothing like our home planet (D) Because of its blue color, people guess there might be life on HD189773b

15. (A) gives us hope (B) took hard work (C) has changed our life (D) helps us know more about Earth

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CET 104 Workshop 7 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Exercise 1 提問層次

迷你閱讀練習本 1 Asking questions:

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CET 104 Workshop 8 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Exercise 2 分類 (classify) CAP 104 (19-20)

Last Saturday, Ginny and her friends had lunch at Howell’s Bowl. Here is their order, and the poster of the restaurant.

Howell’s Bowl

Table 2 3 person(s)

Order taken by Fred

12:30 12/23

1 pumpkin pie 220×2 2 cheese cake 120×1 3 milk shake (chocolate) (large) 200×2 4 milk shake (banana) 110×1 5 chicken sandwich 100×1 6 chicken sandwich (with cheese) 120×1 7 cola (no ice) 65×1 8 orange juice (no ice) 90×1 9 grape juice 95×1 10

Total Price: $1,540 Thank You & Hope to See You Soon!!


16. On the order list, Ginny ordered a sandwich with cheese, a fruit milk shake, and a fruit drink without ice. How much did she have to pay for her food? (A) $300. (B) $320. (C) $385. (D) $410.

17. Ginny wants to go to Howell’s Bowl again during Joy Time. When will she possibly go there? (A) 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. (B) 2:30 p.m. on Monday. (C) 8:00 p.m. on Friday. (D) 10:00 p.m. on Thursday.


Exercise 3 判斷 Question 4 的問題類別:_____________ 迷你閱讀練習本 1 4. From this story you can guess that David is probably someone who

a. gives up easily b. always keeps trying* c. never tries very hard

poster 海報

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CET 104 Workshop 9 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Exercise 4


迷你閱讀練習本 2 Asking questions:

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CET 104 Workshop 10 林淑媛 Chere Lin

100 PPK Test

31. What is the Japanese White-eye? (A) A kind of bird. (B) A famous singer. (C) A small town. (D) A kind of snack.

32. Bill took a lot of pictures during his trip in Taiwan. Which one is the picture he took on July 12? (A) (B) (C) (D)

What messages should you be aware of in the reading?



Bill is an American. He visited his friend Da-wei in Taiwan. Below is Bill’s diary about how the two friends spent their vacation.

July 10, 2008 Today is my first day in Taiwan. Da-wei’s family are very nice to me. They took me to Shiling Night Market for dinner. I bought some presents there for my family.

July 11, 2008 We went to a small town, Bali, and saw many things there. I also tried some interesting snacks. They were very delicious. Da-wei knows a lot about birds. He showed me several kinds. “The Japanese White-eye is my favorite, because it looks cute and sings well,” he said.

July 12, 2008 We spent the day at Fulong Beach. The weather was nice. We went swimming at the beach under the sunny blue sky. We will go biking at Guandu tomorrow. I can’t wait!

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CET 104 Workshop 11 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Exercise 5

高分應試閱讀技巧系列 35 Reading Passages for Comprehension: Main Ideas and


91-2 BC Test -- Drawing conclusions

John Keats is one of the greatest English poets. He was born in London in 1795 and

started studying to be a doctor when he was only fifteen. But after he finished his studies,

he gave up the idea of becoming a doctor and decided to be a poet. He wrote and soon

became an important poet.

Keats spent the last three years of his life writing a lot of beautiful poems. But he did

not have a happy life at that time. In fact, he got seriously sick, and could not get married

to the girl he loved. Still, he wrote about love and beautiful things in his poems. These

poems have made many sad people happy. One of his famous poems is about fall. In

this poem Keats showed his love for this world even in his bad health. Keats died at the

young age of twenty-five, but both the poet and his poems will always be remembered.

37. What can we conclude from the reading?

(A) Life could be short but art is long. (B) Everyone should learn to read poems.

(C) Being a doctor is better than being a poet.

(D) A poet usually becomes famous after he dies

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CET 104 Workshop 12 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Exercise 6 標示(signaling)

99-1-19-21 BC Test 克漏字綜合考文法、語意連貫

Mr. Hutman owns a restaurant. One day, one of his two cooks ran away with

some money. Mr. Hutman was sad and worried because the next day was Saturday,

and the restaurant 19________ very busy then. So that night he called his friends, but

could not find anyone to help.

On Saturday, many people came to the restaurant for lunch. 20________ cook got

so busy that he wanted to leave, too. 21________, one of the waiters, Henry, told Mr.

Hutman that he could help in the kitchen. People who had lunch in the restaurant that

day enjoyed the food Henry cooked. Mr. Hutman was very happy and made Henry a

new cook of the restaurant.

19. (A) would be (B) is (C) has been (D) will be

20. (A) One (B) Each (C) Another (D) The only

21. (A) Also (B) In fact (C) Luckily (D) For example

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CET 104 Workshop 13 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Exercise 7 視覺化、整合

102-54-56 CAP Test 大量訊息整理

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CET 104 Workshop 14 林淑媛 Chere Lin

54. A friend of Pattie’s took a picture on her big day. Which is most likely the picture?

55. What do we know about the four people in the video? (A) One of them is Pattie’s sister. (B) One of them is David’s best friend. (C) One of them is the aunt of two of the others. (D) One of them is the mother of two of the others.

56. What can we learn from the video? (A) Pattie is good at taking care of people. (B) Pattie remembers little about her mother. (C) David is a serious man who seldom smiles. (D) David finds it difficult to talk abouat his family.

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CET 104 Workshop 15 林淑媛 Chere Lin

Exercise 8 推論(Inferring)閱讀後的預測


36. Here are four sentences from the Word Museum. Which is most likely to appear on the next page? (A) The word silly used to mean ‘happy,’ but now it means ‘stupid.’ (B) The word terrific used to mean ‘terrible,’ but now it means ‘excellent.’ (C) The word girl used to mean ‘a young person,’ but now it means ‘a young woman.’ (D) The word telephone is cut short to phone, but the two words mean the same thing.

Did you know the meaning of a word may change over time? Many English words we know now had different meanings a long time ago. One example is the word nice. Around the year 1300, nice was first used in English to mean ‘stupid.’ Two hundred years later, nice began to carry a “better” meaning. If people said a book was written nicely, they meant the book was written ‘clearly’ or ‘carefully,’ not ‘stupidly.’ After 1800, nice began to take its modern meanings like ‘kind’ or ‘friendly.’ Since then, people have thought of nice as a word with “good” meanings. A “good” change of a word’s meaning like this example of nice is called AMELIORATION. Though we don’t use nice to mean ‘stupid’ anymore, it is fun to know how much a word’s meaning can change from its start!

For more examples of AMELIORATION, see next page.
