invoyage 2014 portugal - telling your story keynote

Folk Digital Ltd, The Old Joinery, Crescent Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 9AH. Email [email protected]. Telephone 01202 289000. © Folk Digital Ltd 2014. All rights reserved. ONE STORY EVERYWHERE Purposeful storytelling for the digital world TWEET FOLK : @FOLKWITHPURPOSE TWEET ME : @KIWISHEEHY

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Post on 18-Jun-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking

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Folk is an agency with purpose. We exist to serve visionary brands and people who are brave enough to dive deep into their purpose, so that they can go out into the world standing for something that really connects with their tribes. We take a collaborative, thoughtful approach, whether we're igniting the passion that first sparked the earliest conception of the brand today, and creating a digital strategy from it, or crafting a responsive, bespoke content management system or e-commerce platform. Any brand wanting to survive the future of digital needs to put story at the centre of everything they do, and it's got to be real. Because people buy stories, not products.


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Folk Digital Ltd, The Old Joinery, Crescent Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 9AH. Email [email protected]. Telephone 01202 289000. © Folk Digital Ltd 2014. All rights reserved.

O N E S T O R Y E V E R Y W H E R E Purposeful storytelling for the digital world


T W E E T F O L K : @ F O L K W I T H P U R P O S E T W E E T M E : @ K I W I S H E E H Y

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Everything starts with people, and we believe…

… p e o p l e b u y s t o r i e s , n o t p r o d u c t s .

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My Best Bit My ability to judge people


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An agency with purpose Folk is an agency with purpose. We exist to serve visionary brands and people who

are brave enough to dive deep into their purpose, so that they can go out into the

world standing for something that really connects with their tribes. We take a

collaborative, thoughtful approach, whether we're igniting the passion that first

sparked the earliest conception of the brand today, and creating a digital strategy

from it, or crafting a responsive, bespoke content management system or e-

commerce platform. Any brand wanting to survive the future of digital needs to

put story at the centre of everything they do, and it's got to be real. Because

people buy stories, not products.

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Best Use of Mobile

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DADI Award Finalist 2014 - Best Campaign

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Caption to go here if required

!Stories don’t always begin with ‘Once upon a time’ and

end with ‘…and they all live happily ever after’.

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Anthropologists content that 70% of what we learn is through stories

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“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”

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Digital is Dead

Digital is Nothing

Digital is Everything

Digital just is the way it is

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Fuji water Experiments

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Fuji water Experiments

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Start with ‘Why?’ !Every great brand starts with a story - a humble desire to go out into the world and change things in some way. !The problem is, many brands and businesses have lost sight of their original inspiration, leaving their work lifeless and unfocused. !Take time to re-define your ‘why?’… your purpose… the reason you exist. !This will then set the tone for the culture and vision of your company in a powerful, sincere and consistent way. !From here we can start to understand where to position your brand, how to differentiate your offering from your competitors, and ultimately, increase profits.

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Let’s Test The Theory, Alfred.

We think that people buy stories, not products, But which jeweller will he buy from?




(Family Jewellers) !





(Family Jewellers) !

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But how can you tell a story that engages people about a product that isn’t that glamorous?

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Pretty Green

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Part 2. Telling your story, digitally* !










!*Unlike this typewriter

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Live Pinning

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Live Pinning

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#MadeFor @Burberry Followers

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Great stories speak to the heart

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In closing Nothing has changed !

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"The customer? King? No - they're masters of the universe expecting what, when, how, where & at a

price they want" !

~ Sir Stuart Rose



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Connected Commerce is founded on the the understanding that digital no longer happens just on the internet on a website. The customer is

always connected and does not distinguish between channels. !

Digital enables a multi-faceted connection to your brand.



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And retailers of the future must tell these stories across every touchpoint, in ways that engage and inspire the user and encourages them to

continually tell and re-telling the story.



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Folk Digital Ltd, The Old Joinery, Crescent Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 9AH. Email [email protected]. Telephone 01202 289000. © Folk Digital Ltd 2014. All rights reserved.

T H A N K Y O U !

G O T O W W W . W E A R E F O L K . C O M / P A U L !

T W E E T F O L K : @ F O L K W I T H P U R P O S E T W E E T M E : @ K I W I S H E E H Y

E M A I L : P A U L @ W E A R E F O L K . C O M