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  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    50 Books That Changed the WorldPolitics and Government

    These books represent some of the most important works that examine politics, economics, an


    %rom creating characters and stories that have become ingrained in c$lt$res aro$nd the world


    These books have made an impact on societ with views on racism, feminism, individ$alism, a

    (" The )ep$blic b Plato" Considered to be the most in*$ential text on philosoph and politics,

    ." The Comm$nist anifesto b /arl arx and %riedrich ngels" 1ne of the most recogni2ed an

    3" The )ights of an b Thomas Paine" Paine4s book states that the government4s role is to pro

    " Common 'ense b Thomas Paine" P$blished anonmo$sl in (667, this tract s$pported the 8

    5" 9emocrac in 8merica b 8lexis de Toc:$eville" 1n a visit from %rance, de Toc:$eville descri

    7" The Prince b ;iccolo achiavelli"This political treatise from (5(3 o!ers advice on how an as

    6" " (A> b George 1rwell" This dstopian novel describes life in a totalitarian regime that has(A" Brave ;ew World b 8ldo$s =$xle" 8nother dstopian novel, this one b =$xle is often co

    .0" liad and 1dsse b =omer" These two ancient Greek epic poems were a part of o$ng Gre

    .(" 9on $ixote b ig$el de Cervantes" This novel, originall p$blished as two books, is one o

    .." 8 Christmas Carol b Charles 9ickens" %rom the time this book was &rst p$blished in 9ecem

    .3" adame Bovar b G$stave %la$bert" %la$bert4s stor of a woman who engages in ad$ltero

    ." The 8rabian ;ights ntertainment b 8ndrew #ang" This nglish lang$age version of 1ne T

    .5" =arr Potter and the Philosopher4s 'tone b @/ )owling" This &rst book of the wildl pop$lar

    .7" War and Peace b #eo Tolsto" The realistic details of this novel and the depth of pscholog

    .6" The #ittle Prince b 8ntoine de 'aint-x$pHr" 1ne of the best-selling books aro$nd the wor

    .>" The 8lchemist b Pa$lo Coelho" This book has the distinction of being the most translated b

    .A" 9iar of a Io$ng Girl b 8nne %rank" This landmark book details the das of a @ewish famil

    30" '$rvival in 8$schwit2 b Primo #evi" Written in talian, then translated into nglish and Germ

    3(" The Jindication of the )ights of Women b ar Wollstonecraft" Considered the &rst great t

    3." The 'econd 'ex b 'imone de Bea$voir" n an attempt to $nderstand herself, de Bea$voir $
  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    'cience, ath, and Geograph

    These works served as the start of entire movements and schools of tho$ght"


    These religio$s texts have served as a g$ide to man aro$nd the world, some for tho$sands of

    7" The 8nalects"

    33" 8 )oom of 1ne4s 1wn b Jirginia Woolf" Woolf disc$sses the di!erences between men and

    3" Walden b =enr 9avid Thorea$" Thorea$ $nderwent an experiment of living isolated on W

    35" 8 9ictionar of the nglish #ang$age b 'am$el @ohnson" Considered the most in*$ential d

    37" Philosophae ;at$ralis Principia athematica b saac ;ewton. Written while Cambridge 36" The nterpretation of 9reams b 'igm$nd %re$d" %re$d incl$ded the basics of his theories o

    3>" 1n the 1rigin of 'pecies b Charles 9arwin" This work b 9arwin laid the fo$ndation for the

    3A" 'ilent 'pring b )achel Carson" Carson wrote on the topic of environmental +$stice in a boo

    0" Geographia b Ptolem" Ptolem wrote and mapped the world according to the knowledge

    (" The eaning of )elativit b 8lbert instein" P$blished as one book, this is act$all fo$r lec

    ." The Bible" This sacred text bro$ght Christianit to the world and has contin$ed to serve as

    3" The $r4an" The sacred text of slam, the $r4an is believed to be the last word of God afte

    " The Torah" The written laws and teachings that are contained in the Tanakh Ealso known as

    5" The Tibetan Book of the 9ead" Perhaps the most well-known Tibetan text, this book was wr

    6" The '$mma Theologica of 't" Thomas 8:$inas" Written in the (3th cent$r, this book is con

    >" The Bhagavad Gita" This sacred =ind$ script$re is considered one of the most important ph

    A" Ching" 8lso known as the Book of Changes, this is the most widel read of the &ve sacred

    50" Tao Te Ching" 8lso known as the Tao, this text was written b #ao T2$, the keeper of the mp
  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List



    tlingl acc$rate as the f$t$re he predicted in (A3( has come closer to realit"

    o works are important for their detail of Greek histor and legend"

    rs to create movies, stories, and more based on the stor of the man of #a ancha"



    he impact it has made"

    with promoting book sales"

    inder against racial persec$tion"
  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    depth of her feelings on the topic"

    hanged the world"

    bated toda"
  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    Goddess of the arketL 8n )and and the 8merican )ight

    (" Gregor Clark,A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the." ;athan )osenberg and #"" Bird2ell, @r", =ow the West Grew )ich E(A>7F" Perfect wh

    3" @ared 9iamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel(1997). The third leg in the triad" @ohn ;e, War, Wine and Taxes E.006F" 9avid )icardo4s classic example of comparat

    5" 9o$glas rwin, 8gainst the TideL 8n ntellect$al =istor of %ree TradeE(AA7F" rwin4s

    7" /evin 14)o$rke and @e!re Williamson, Globalization and History(1999).

    6" @e!r %rieden, Global CapitalismL ts %all and )ise in the Twentieth Cent$r E.007F">" Barr ichengreen, Globali2ing CapitalL 8 =istor of the nternational onetar 'st

    A" 9aniel Iergin and @oseph 'tanislaw, The Commanding =eights E(AA6F" Iergin and 't

    (0" Pa$l Bl$stein, The Chastening E.00(F" Bl$stein, a reporter for theWashington Post, t

    8 Bea$tif$l ind

    8 Brief =istor of ;eoliberalism

    8 Game as 1ld as mpireL The 'ecret World of conomic =it en and the Web of Global

    8mericas Great 9epression

    8pplied conomicsL Thinking Beond 'tage 1ne

    Banker to the PoorL icro-#ending and the Battle 8gainst World Povert

    Basic conomicsL 8 Citi2ens G$ide to the conomB$tter* conomicsL 8 ;ew General Theor of 'ocial and conomic Behavior

    Capital in the Twent-%irst Cent$r

    Capitalism, 'ocialism and 9emocrac

    Cast 8waL %or these reasons

    China nc

    Crash Proof ."0L =ow to Pro&t from the conomic Collapse

    Cron Capitalism in 8mericaL .00>-.0(.

    C$rrenc WarsL The aking of the ;ext Global Crisis

    9as /apital

    9ebtL The %irst 5,000 Iears9eb$nking conomics - )evised and xpanded ditionL The ;aked mperor 9ethronedN

    9evelopment as %reedom

    9evelopment, Geograph, and conomic Theor

    9ignit and 9e&anceL 'tories from Bolivias Challenge to Globali2ation

    9isco$rse on Colonialism

    C1;nedL =ow

  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    =ow an conom Grows and Wh t Crashes

    =ow arkets WorkL 9ise:$ilibri$m, ntreprene$rship and 9iscover

    =ow )ich Co$ntries Got )ich 8nd Wh Poor Co$ntries 'ta Poor

    =$man 8ctionL 8 Treatise on conomics

    an, conom, and 'tateL With Power and arket - 'cholars dition

    eltdownL 8 %ree-arket #ook at Wh the 'tock arket Collapsed, the conom Tanked

    onetar theor n*ation, interest, and growth in the world econom;aked conomicsL ., and11 people voted

    scoreL (,(.0, and12 people votedscoreL (,(5, and12 people voted

    scoreL (,(77, and12 people voted

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    scoreL 5., and! people voted

    scoreL 5(, and! people voted

    scoreL 55, and! people voted

    scoreL 55, and! people voted

    scoreL 573, and! people voted

    scoreL 7., and" people voted

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    'mall is Bea$tif$lL 8 st$d of economics as if people mattered

    'teve @obs

    '$per%reakonomicsL Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostit$tes 8nd Wh '$icide Bombers 'ho

    The 8ccidental TheoristL 8nd 1ther 9ispatches from the 9ismal 'cience

    The 8scent of oneL 8 %inancial =istor of the World

    The Battle for the 'o$l of Capitalism

    The Bed of Procr$stesL Philosophical and Practical 8phorisms

    The Black 'wanL The mpact of the =ighl mprobable

    The B$sh 8gendaL nvading the World, 1ne conom at a Time

    The Comm$nist anifesto

    The Compan of 'trangersL 8 ;at$ral =istor of conomic #ife

    The Condition of the Working Class in ngland

    The cological )ift

    The conomics 8nti-TextbookL 8 Critical Thinkers G$ide to icroeconomics

    The nigma of CapitalL 8nd the Crises of Capitalism

    The %ree-arket nnovation achineL 8nal2ing the Growth iracle of Capitalism

    The General Theor of mploment, nterest, and one

    The Great TransformationL The Political and conomic 1rigins of 1$r Time

    The Great WaveL Price )evol$tions and the )hthm of =istor

    The =o$se of ediciL ts )ise and %all

    The rish %amine

    The #ever of )ichesL Technological Creativit and conomic Progress

    The #ogic of Collective 8ctionL P$blic Goods and the Theor of Gro$ps

    The aking of odern conomicsL The #ives and deas of the Great Thinkers

    The arket 'stemL What t s, =ow t Works, and What To ake of t

    The asc$line indL 8lpha ale #ife #essons on Careers, one, )elationships Q Wome

    The edieval arket conom

  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    The ind and the arketL Capitalism in odern $ropean Tho$ght

    The ster of CapitalL Wh Capitalism Tri$mphs in the West and %ails verwhere lse

    The 1xford =andbook of Political conom

    The Peng$in 9ictionar of conomics

    The )et$rn of 9epression conomics

    The )oad to 'erfdom

    The )oaring ;inetiesL 8 ;ew =istor of the Worlds ost Prospero$s 9ecadeThe 'hock 9octrineL The )ise of 9isaster Capitalism

    The 'martest G$s in the )oomL The 8ma2ing )ise and 'candalo$s %all of nron

    The 'ocial Contract, a 9isco$rse on the 1rigin of ne:$alit, and a 9isco$rse on Political

    The Theor of the #eis$re Class

    The Tr$th 8bo$t arketsL Their Geni$s, Their #imits, Their %ollies

    The Wealth and Povert of ;ationsL Wh 'ome 8re 'o )ich and 'ome 'o Poor

    The Wealth of ;ations

    The Worldl Philosophers

    Thieves WorldL The Threat of the ;ew Global ;etwork of 1rgani2ed Crime

    Thinking, %ast and 'lowThis Changes verthingL Capitalism vs" The Climate

    This Time s 9i!erentL ight Cent$ries of %inancial %oll

    TitanL The #ife of @ohn 9" )ockefeller, 'r"

    Traders, G$ns Q oneL /nowns and

  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    World(2007). I'&e already taggedthis book as an interesting read. If nothing elsn paired with Clark, beca$se )osenberg and Bird2ell present the classical arg$ment for

    of "why did Europe dominate the globe?" explanations. If Clark focuses on geneticsive advantage was nglish wool for Port$g$ese wine" ;e explodes the Mnat$ralM aspe

    ook is more a histor of economic tho$ght than economic histor, b$t nevertheless tel

    lucid detailed and fascinating study of how the nineteenth century of globali#atio

    his book is to the twentieth centi$r as Williamson and 14)o$rke4s book is to the ninetm, second edition E.00>F" 8 more narrow work than %rieden4s, ichengreen4s book is t

    anislaw tell a cheerleader4s tale of how the Washington Consens$s displaced the old :$

    ells the o$-are-there version of the 8sian &nancial crisis and the reaction from the

  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    , and the Government Bailo$t Will ake Things Worse

  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    ld B$ #ife ns$rance


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List




  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    e the first chapter of this book "The 'ixteen-Page conomic =istor of thewh Western $rope was the birthplace of the nd$strial )evol$tion"

    culture and !osenberg and ird#ell focus on institutions $iamond proffers a geogt of this trade, demonstrating how high tari!s against %rench wine proved a boon to b

    ls a remarkable storL how did the idea of free trade knock o! mercantilism, protectio

    went down. )hen anyone argues that the current *fast fading?+ era of globali#atio

    enth O except it4s written for a wider a$dience, so it4s a more accessible read" 8ccessihe starting point for $nderstanding the classical gold standard, the Bretton Woods regi

    asi-/enesian, :$asi-socialist economic order that had its apogee and downfall in the (

    " Treas$r 9epartment" f o$ want to know wh Paci&c )im economies started hoardin

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  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    orld" actually matches the audacity of the title. (s I said I don't completely buy

    aphical determinism. %imply put he thinks the temperate climate of Eurasia was bth the Port$g$ese and nglish beer distillers" ;e stretches his arg$ment too far at ti

    ism, strategic trade theor, and other doctrinesN

    is historically uni,ue take the hardco&er &ersion of this book and whack them on t

    le doesn4t mean simple, however O this book is chock f$ll of interesting arg$ments, cae, and whatever the hell sstem we have now the Bretton Woods regime"

    A60s" What4s partic$larl interesting is their arg$ment that what mattered was the co

    g foreign exchange reserves beginning in (AAA, read this book"

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  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    Clark's explanation of althus 0 genetics 1 Industrial !e&olution in 2reat ritain.

    und to produce the most sophisticated societies with the most ad&anced animals ges, b$t the interrelationship between war, protectionism, and stateb$ilding is prett d

    e head with it. %pecial bonus book- people who liked this should go on to read Po

    ses, and co$nterarg$ments"

    tent and spread of the ideas themselves, and not some coercive power, that led to the

  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    is attempt to explain away the irrele&ance of institutions doesn't hold up to scrutin

    rms and technologies. $iamond's argument complements rather substitutes for thmn fascinating"

    er and Plentyby 4e&in 5'!ourke and !on 6indlay+.

    re-embrace of markets"

  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    . %till I will say I better appreciated the heyday of mercantilism after reading Clark.

    institutions and culture arguments. If nothing else it is impossible to read this bo

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  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


    k and e&er buy the ending to War of the Worlds.

  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List


  • 7/25/2019 Investments Book List



    Ben+amin Graham

    @ohn Tempelton

    Thomas )owe Price, @r"

    @ohn ;e!

    @esse #ivermore

    Peter #nchGeorge 'oros

    Warren B$!ett

    @ohn E@ackF Bogle

    Carl cahn

    William =" Gross

    @8;-8) J##8)9

    %)8;C' C=1