Învelișul de sol din câmpia bașeului

Factori şi Procese Pedogenetice din Zona Temperată 6 S. nouă (2007) 81-94 81 THE SOIL COVER OF BAŞEU PLAIN I. Vasiliniuc, C.V. Secu University “Al.I.Cuza” Iassy ÎNVELIŞUL DE SOL DIN CAMPIA BASEULUI Abstract În regiunea studiată există o gamă largă de soluri, a căror răspândire şi pondere este în strânsă legătură cu elementele geomorfologice, litologice, de climă şi vegetaţie. În acest context învelişul de sol prezintă aceeaşi dispunere în trepte de la vest-nord-vest spre est, ca şi relieful sau clima, distingându-se două zone principale pedogenetice, dar în acelaşi timp şi „devieri” de la legităţile pedogeografice. Keywords: soil cover, Başeu plain, pedodiversity INTRODUCTION Positioned in the northern half of Moldavian Plain, Başeu Plain is a distinct physico-geographical unit. It has first been delimited by Băcăuanu under the name of Darabani – Săveni district, separated of other two districts, that of the calcareous peaks and that of Dorohoi – Botoşani depression, all making up the Upper Jijia and Başeu’s Plain. This delineation seems correct, if we take into account the fact that Jijia drains almost entirely the Moldavian Plain, the separation thus being made on sectors of its basin and according to the most important tributaries – Başeu and Bahlui. Still some authors consider that the separation of the southern part of the Moldavian Plain, that of the Lower Jijia and Bahlui’s Plain, wouldn’t be correct, since Bahlui is a tributary to Jijia. Băcăuanu considers the Darabani – Săveni district to include the Başeu – Prut, Jijia – Prut, Başeu – Jijia, Jijia – Sitna and Sitna – Miletin inter-stream areas. In our analysis, we have taken into account Başeu Plain as consisting of Darabani – Săveni district together with that of the calcareous peaks from the Prut’s bank, a unit of only a few square kilometers presently flooded by the waters of Stânca-Ştefăneşti lake. Thus, the limits of Başeu Plain are at north, north-east and east the Prut River; to the north-west the contact is made with the slopes of Ibăneşti summit; the western limit is given by the Dorohoi – Botoşani depression area. To the south the limit is less clear, being given on the Gorbăneşti – Dângeni – Dobârceni – Albeşti – Todireni by the slopes of the Cozancea – Guranda Hills, from here till the contact with Prut’s valley the limit being given by the 200 m contour line.

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Page 1: Învelișul de sol din Câmpia Bașeului

Factori şi Procese Pedogenetice din Zona Temperată 6 S. nouă (2007) 81-94



I. Vasiliniuc, C.V. Secu University “Al.I.Cuza” Iassy



În regiunea studiată există o gamă largă de soluri, a căror răspândire şi pondere este

în strânsă legătură cu elementele geomorfologice, litologice, de climă şi vegetaţie. În acest context învelişul de sol prezintă aceeaşi dispunere în trepte de la vest-nord-vest spre est, ca şi relieful sau clima, distingându-se două zone principale pedogenetice, dar în acelaşi timp şi „devieri” de la legităţile pedogeografice. Keywords: soil cover, Başeu plain, pedodiversity


Positioned in the northern half of Moldavian Plain, Başeu Plain is a distinct physico-geographical unit. It has first been delimited by Băcăuanu under the name of Darabani – Săveni district, separated of other two districts, that of the calcareous peaks and that of Dorohoi – Botoşani depression, all making up the Upper Jijia and Başeu’s Plain. This delineation seems correct, if we take into account the fact that Jijia drains almost entirely the Moldavian Plain, the separation thus being made on sectors of its basin and according to the most important tributaries – Başeu and Bahlui. Still some authors consider that the separation of the southern part of the Moldavian Plain, that of the Lower Jijia and Bahlui’s Plain, wouldn’t be correct, since Bahlui is a tributary to Jijia. Băcăuanu considers the Darabani – Săveni district to include the Başeu – Prut, Jijia – Prut, Başeu – Jijia, Jijia – Sitna and Sitna – Miletin inter-stream areas. In our analysis, we have taken into account Başeu Plain as consisting of Darabani – Săveni district together with that of the calcareous peaks from the Prut’s bank, a unit of only a few square kilometers presently flooded by the waters of Stânca-Ştefăneşti lake.

Thus, the limits of Başeu Plain are at north, north-east and east the Prut River; to the north-west the contact is made with the slopes of Ibăneşti summit; the western limit is given by the Dorohoi – Botoşani depression area. To the south the limit is less clear, being given on the Gorbăneşti – Dângeni – Dobârceni – Albeşti – Todireni by the slopes of the Cozancea – Guranda Hills, from here till the contact with Prut’s valley the limit being given by the 200 m contour line.

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I. Vasiliniuc, C. Secu / Factori şi Procese Pedogenetice din Zona Temperată 6 S. nouă (2007) 81-94


Fig. 1. The geographic position of Başeu Plain


As characteristics of the delineated region we may mention the dominance of the clayey-silty rocks and the longer evolution period of the area (due to the earlier uplift). The relief of the area seems less evolved, characteristic being the higher altitudes, especially in comparison to the southern area, although it benefited from a shorter evolution period. The interstreams are larger, the structural relief less developed, the floodplains have relative small dimensions, and the slope processes are intense.

In the conditions of a long modeling and of the accentuation of the torrential character of rainfall, on the background of a desertification tendency manifested in the east of the Moldavian Plateau, were formed different superficial deposits on the plateaus, slopes, glacises or floodplains. If the eluvial deposits from the plateaus present a relative stability to the action of the external agents, the deluviums and colluviums are subjected to active weathering, erosion or land sliding processes. The intensity of the slope or torrential erosion processes creates the premises of a continuous regeneration of the slope deposits or of the accumulative ones. The matrix of the slope deposits presents a fine or medium grain-size distribution, fact that favors an accentuated vulnerability to the conjugate action of the denudation and erosion factors.

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I. Vasiliniuc, C. Secu / Factori şi Procese Pedogenetice din Zona Temperată 6 S. nouă (2007) 81-94


The superficial deposits of Başeu Plain enter varied genetic categories, but relatively similar from the viewpoint of the physical, mechanic and sometimes chemical characteristics. Over 90% of the surface of the Moldavian Plain presents a superficial deposit cover that has certain differences. The Quaternary sediments are made mostly of the strongly transformed loess-like deposits, with intercalations of gravels or fossil soils. In the central and eastern part of the region the surface rock is made of loess-like deposits that make up thick strata, covering the hills and plateaus, as well as the small declivity, uniform slopes. The more frequent occurrence of marls on slopes is observed along Jijia valley and in some sectors of Başeu valley.

The eluvia have thicknesses of over 1.5-2 m on the horizontal or weakly inclined plateaus, with visible thickenings in the case of the sandy or loamy substratum. The dominant loamy-clayey facieses have allowed the development and evolution of the soil forming processes, conditioning on such deposits the genesis of well evolved soils. In general these eluvia deposits are represented by loess-like loams, which occupy important surfaces on plateaus, terraces, but also on weakly inclined slopes, being formed through weathering and diagenesis.

The deluviums cover mainly the lower part of the slopes unaffected by landslides, being continuously alimented by the reactivation of the denudation processes. Their thickness varies from close to one meter up to 10-15m. The texture of the material is mainly clayey-sandy, with rare more resistant rock fragments in the case of rock strata presence closer to the surface (limestone, sandstone).

The alluviums are mainly sandy-clayey and rarely made up of small gravels. In general these deposits do not exceed in terraces 4 meters thickness, yet in the floodplains they may exceed 8-10m, mainly in the areas of the main confluences. In the structure of the lower terraces (20-40m) we witness a graduate passage from the well-rolled gravels from the base (l.5-l.3 m) to sands and then to clays and loess-like loams of variable thickness.

The colluviums occupy the base of the slopes and the glacises found in a higher position on slopes and plateaus, and have a discontinuous development, sandy-clayey texture and thicknesses that very rarely exceed 3 meters.

These deposits make up somehow uniform parental materials, the degree of lithologic uniformity being given not by the resemblance of the basic components, but by the frequency of the combinations between the deposits. In general the rocks that make up the upper part of the Moldavian Plateau are semi-permeable, plastic, with medium compactness and weakly soluble. Subordinately occur and permeable deposits of an appreciable solubility, as is the case with the loess-like loams. The surface deposits, respectively the alluviums, colluviums, deluviums, proluvia, are lighter and more permeable deposits.

The studies conducted on these deposits or on the clays from the Moldavian Plain or from the Central Moldavian Plateau show that the Quaternary deposits are formed through the transport and re-sedimentation of some Volhynian or possibly even older formations. An interesting aspect regarding them is that the facies they were deposited in would indicate an oxidant environment and a climate with high

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I. Vasiliniuc, C. Secu / Factori şi Procese Pedogenetice din Zona Temperată 6 S. nouă (2007) 81-94


temperature differences and strong winds (so a possible partial eolian origin) (Rozycky, 1991). Regarding the age of the loess-like deposits, it is mentioned that they were formed through the erosion of the Upper Miocene clayey rocks, the material being accumulated through water and wind in the lowlands and then subjected to diagenesis.

The most interesting aspect in what regards the superficial deposits that make up the parental materials of the soils is their chemistry and mineralogy, in the measure in which they partly condition soils’ evolution stage and intrinsic characteristic. Thus for the loess-like deposits from the Moldavian Plain was established that most of the samples contain between 34–48% clayey components, 30-42% loamy particles and 17-32% sand. Most of the samples present a composition variation, but enter the limit variations of the montmorillonite clays. On the basis of the clays’ average chemical composition was calculated the following chemical composition: feldspar (15%), beidellite (38%), montmorillonit (5%), quartz (15%), gyps (0.5%), dolomite (6%) and calcite (8%). Among the clay minerals, in these samples were identified illite, glauconite, in association with biotite and muscovite.

In what regards the distribution of the clay minerals, the studies at the country level have shown the dominance of smectite, illite and chlorite (Gâţă, 2001). For the northern part of the Moldavian Hilly Plain (at Hudeşti), the studies conducted on a Cambic Chernozem (Bulgariu et al. 2001) have shown the presence of illite, whose percentage diminishes from the surface towards the base of the profile. Smectite presents the same descendant variation, both as proportion and on the profile, but it occupies a secondary place after illite. In comparison to the illitic minerals, the smectitic ones have a higher swelling capacity in contact with water, the montmorillonite being one of the most common minerals for the different Chernozem types (50-60%) (Lăcătuşu, 2000)

Regarding the marls, the soil surveys conducted have evidenced that they have a variable salt content, being weakly to strongly salinized. The salinization type varies also, from sulphatic to chloride. We also encounter marls with high sodium content, that explain the occurrence of the saline and sodic soils both on slopes and in the floodplains. In the later case, the salt input comes and from saline soil erosion on slopes. According to Bucur and Barbu (1961), the loess-like deposits come from the loessoidization process of primary materials of alluvial or marine origin.

The presence of clays with different degrees of plasticity determines during the drought periods the formation of a cracks network through which water may circulate in a first stage towards the interior, as if the material would have a higher permeability than the real one. For some deposits, the links between the constituent particles are very tight, determining the cementing of soluble salts. Still, rainfall water may cancel through dissolving the respective links, and in this case the destruction of the cementation is sudden. As the sedimentary rocks have a finer texture, their capacity of holding soluble salts is higher. Some clays have a higher water adsorbtion capacity, swelling.

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I. Vasiliniuc, C. Secu / Factori şi Procese Pedogenetice din Zona Temperată 6 S. nouă (2007) 81-94


The deposits unaffected by landslides are texturally relatively uniform, while those affected by landslides have a high textural variety and sometimes present rare inclusions of more resistant fragments of sandstone or limestone (Secu, 2003).

The alluvial deposits that form the alluvial bed of the major floodplains and the terraces are mainly clayey-sandy, sandy or clayey, with rare intercalations of coarse or small gravels. Their thickness is of 2-3m, and they have a characteristic bedded structure. With the exception of Prut’s floodplain, where the textural variation is high, on the other valleys the alluviums are dominated by the middle or fine-textured ones.

From the aspect of the calcium carbonate content, the marls and the limestone are the geologic formations with the highest composition, while the loess-like deposits have a relatively small content. The alluviums have different carbonate content, this depending on the content of the material from which they were formed.

The soils of Başeu Plain In the studied region we have a diverse soil cover, the soils’ occurrence and

proportion being in a strong relation with the geomorphologic, lithologic, climatic and vegetation elements. In this context the soil cover presents the same zoned distribution from WNW to E, as do the relief or climate, being thus distinguished two main soil zones:

- the area of the hills from the western and northern part, with a high complexity of the soil cover, in which dominate Luvosols in association with Erodosols. The negative hydro-physic characteristics of the soils with a Bt or vertic horizon, with a bad internal drainage, have determined the frequent occurrence of the stagnation processes. In general, from west to east, with the decrease in altitude and as we approach the plain area, the frequency of the Luvosols decreases, the proportion of the Chernozems increasing. Due to the high relief energy and the intense fragmentation, on the slopes the soil profile has been partly eroded, and on the floodplains are met Fluvisols in association with Gleyisols.

- the plain area – where although the relief is less varied, the soil cover presents a high diversity caused by the relief macro and mezzo-forms, as well as by the varied lithology or due to the influences of the water table level. In this area have evolved the most fertile soils – Chernozems and Phaeozems. The thing that separates between them these soils is the intensity and thickness on which humus accumulated, as well as the intensity of the CaCO3 levigation. In what regards the Vertisols and the saline soils, their evolution is conditioned by the presence of the strongly clayey rocks and respectively of the saline ones, the salt washing process depending on the external drainage of the rainfall water. The hydromorphous soils are conditioned by the presence of the phreatic level close to the surface or by the presence of a clayey horizon of low permeability that determines water stagnation on profile. Regosols and Fluvisols occur on the major floodplains and on the accentuated slopes that have favored intense sheet erosion.

The processes of soil degradation, erosion and landslides have occurred on the background of the geological stratification, through the practice of an irrational agriculture, conducted after deforestations and fallowing. The intensity of these

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processes is different, according to the duration of the agricultural utilization and the terrain slope, to which are added soils’ physical and chemical properties.

Chernozems make up the soil class with the highest proportion (over 50%). Haplic Chernozems occupy a surface that represents 8% of the area’s agricultural surface, being met on plateaus and on the long, uniform and slowly inclined slopes. They were formed on loess-like deposits, clays, and the phreatic level being situated at depth higher than 5 meters. These soils are characterized by the representative horizon succession Am -A/C-C, the profile texture being uniform. The Am horizon oscillates between 30 and 40 cm., and has a weak or moderately alkaline reaction due to the presence of the calcium carbonate from the Am horizon. The CaCO3 is present in soil under different aspects, as component of the parental material, fine micro-crystalline mass, carbonate deposed from solution. In the high majority of these soils, at their upper part dominates vermiculite, illite, kaolinite and quartz, but at their middle part occur mixed networks made up of din montmorillonit – illite.

In the situation when the phreatic level is at a 2-3m depth, occur Gleyic Chernozems. The moderately and strongly eroded Chernozems are met on the long slopes with weak or moderate inclinations. Soil morphology is similar, with the difference that they have lost up to 50% of the A horizon depth, and thus they have a reduced humus and nutritive elements content. The effective fertility of these soils is low, due to the deficient provision with nutritive elements and of the reduced hydric regime.

Cambic Chernozems have the highest occurrence in Başeu Plain, being the representative soils for this territory. They are met in similar relief conditions with the previous soils, inclusively on Prut’s terraces. These soils have evolved on loess-like deposits, loams, clays, marls or even saline deposits. The horizon succession is of the Am-Bv-C type. Different from the Haplic Chernozems, the Bv horizon differentiates through structure, but with no clay input from illuviation. Soil reaction is from weakly acid to neutral – weakly alkaline. The humus content is between 3-5 %, and the total nitrogen provision is average and high. Soil adsorptive complex is base-saturated or with a saturation degree over 85%. They are characterized through a total levigation of the calcium carbonate up to the C horizon. In some cases may occur a weak local mobilization of clay in the A and AB horizons, witnessed in fine coatings situated on the pores’ walls. A characteristic of the evolution of these soils is the presence at the upper side of the inter-stratifications or of the weakly expressed minerals. Thus occur illite, montmorillonite, kaolinite, and at the median part mixed networks of montmorillonite – illite. At the lower part of the profile may occur and altered illite or mixtures of montmorillonite – illite.

In the case of the moderately or strongly eroded Cambic Chernozems, due to their occurrence on accentuated slopes, sheet erosion is moderate or strong. The erosion process has determined the modification of the profile through the thinning of the Am horizon, sometimes reaching the Bv one, fertility being in this case diminished

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Fig. 2 Soils of Başeu Plain

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Argic Chernozems are similar to the Cambic ones, being different through the presence of a Bt horizon, more clayey and with structural differentiation in relation to the upper horizon. The high clay content, as well as the textural differentiation, is due to the clay levigation from Am and its migration and accumulation at the level of B horizon. Starting from the B horizon, the quantity of clay increases substantially, as well as the content of oriented (coated) clay, formed both in situ and illuvial. In parallel with clay migration takes place a mechanical migration of a very small quantity of silt and clay.

They have an big polyhedral angular structure and a smaller porosity. The rocks they were formed on are loess-like deposits, loams, clays and marly clays. The chemical characteristics are similar to those of the Cambic Chernozems. The periodic water stagnation may have as a consequence the formation of concretions and of the iron oxides stains, spread on the entire profile.

The formation of these soils determines a certain differentiation of the mineral substratum on the profile, the chemical analyses revealing mainly an accumulation of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 in the B horizon, linked to clay illuviation. The chemical composition of the clay fraction maintains almost constant in all the horizons.

Characteristic for Başeu Plain are also the Vertic Chernozems, characterized by a loamy or clayey texture at their lower part. Their structure is usually granular, polyhedral sub-angular or even angular in the transition horizon, and not structured in the C horizon. The calcium carbonate in the case of these soils in levigated up to the C horizon, being present as a fine micro-crystalline mass disseminated in the parental material or accumulated as stains or concretions.

The accentuated swelling and contraction from the soil’s upper part lead to the formation of a dense cracks network and to the formation in this way of angular and sub-angular micro-aggregates, with low porosity.

Bioaccumulation is quite strong, being favored by the fine texture of the parental material and by the mainly herbaceous vegetation under which these soils form. The humus content of the upper horizon may reach even 5%, being maintained on the whole profile at values of 1.0-1.5% (due to the soil material mixing processes). In some cases, at the lower part of the profile occur grey-bluish stains and ferric separations linked to a humidity excess, which may manifest in certain periods of the humid season. Also in this area may be observed the proofs of the alternant swelling – contraction process, manifested through the apparition of humus “tongues”. Summed, al these characteristics, together with the high values of the water storage capacity and mainly of the hydraulic conductivity, explain why the wheat produced in the areas with Vertic Chernozems give the gluten-richest flour.

Phaeozems are soils of dark colour, rich in organic matter. In fact they are the correspondent of the Chernozems, evolved in higher humidity conditions, on loess-like deposits and unconsolidated materials. The profile is Am-A/C-C for the haplic ones, and may present a Bv horizon at the Cambic subtype or Bt at the Argic one. Calcium carbonate is missing from the profile. The soils have good hydro-physic properties, high organic matter content, and the pH is of 5.5-7, slowly increasing at the base of the

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profile. The saturation degree in bases is of 75 - 85% at the surface, and they are well provisioned with nutritive elements. They occupy in the Chernozem area the plateaus and the higher hills, being also met on long and slowly inclined uniform slopes, of northern expositions. These soils were formed on loams and silty clays, with a phreatic level lower than 5 meters. They are characterized by a horizon system of the Am -Ame-B-C type. The textural differentiation index is relatively small. Characteristic to these soils ids the fact that although they have in the Am horizon a humus content similar to that of the Chernozems, the color from the lower part of Am has grey nuances that are due to the presence of the SiO2 grains.

Entic Luvisols were formed in the area of the broad-leaved forests, with relatively humid climate. They are soils with active weathering of the silicates and with clay migration. The textural differentiation index presents values between 1.2-1.4, but can also reach 2.0. They are formed on loams, clays and sandstones, with primary minerals easily weathered. The profile is of the Ao-Bt-C type. The humus is relatively rich in fulvici acids, and accumulates in average quantities. The pH values are between 5.7-6.4, these soils being weakly provisioned with nutritive elements, fact that makes them weakly fertile. The adsorbtiv complex of these soils has a bases-saturation degree of 65 -75%. In general they appear on plateaus, summits and slowly inclined slopes of the hilly area, being formed on loams and clays, in isolated cases on loess-like deposits. In all the cases, the water table has high depths, of over 10 m.

Luvisols represent the highest evolution stage of the forest soils, determined by the intensification of the eluvial process in relation to the bio-accumulative one. They are met in isolated areas, on varied deposits: sandstones, loess-like deposits. The profile of the Luvisols is of the Ao-Ea-Bt-C type. In what regards the physical properties, they resemble Entic Luvisols, being compacted soils, with low porosity and permeability. The humus content in the A horizon is low (1-2%), they are poor in nutritive elements, and the soil reaction is strongly acid (pH = 5.2 – 5.5). At the upper part of the profile of these soils the clay quantity is relatively reduced, and are missing the oriented particles. Beginning with the B horizon the clay quantity increases substantially, a large part being oriented (coated), thus proving its origin. Clay migration may be done up to the C horizon, in which appear clay coatings (Bulgariu et al. 2001; Mihalache et al., 2001).

Eutric Cambisols are found in isolated areas in the western and north-western parts of the region, usually developed on rocks rich in calcium or other base elements (marls, clays, loams, alluvia). They formed in the area of the durmast and beech forests, with rich alkalophyle herbaceous vegetation. The soil formation, although manifested in humid climate conditions, is characterized by a weak to moderate weathering, levigation and debasification, and though the accumulation of a humus with a high bases-saturation degree. The profile formula is Ao-Bv-C. Due to the usually loamy undifferentiated texture and the relatively good structural state, they have favorable physical conditions. They have a 2-4 % humus content, mainly consisting of huminic acids. They have a high bases-saturation degree, a good provision with nutritive elements, and in consequence a good natural fertility.

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Gleyisols Their formation is conditioned by the presence of the phreatic level at a small

depth (1-1.5m), on parental materials that contain CaCO3. The configuration of the profile is of the type Am-A/G–Gr. Being found under the influence of phreatic water, they have a bad air and water regime. They are soils rich in humus (4-12%) and well provisioned with nutritive elements. Sometimes, due to the rock they are formed on, they present salinization processes. In general they’re used as grasslands.

Saline soils (Solonchaks and Solonetz) are met on a reduced surface in the region, yet in complex with other soils they occupy much larger surfaces. They were formed due both to the parental materials represented by saline deposits, and to the influence of the strongly mineralized phreatic water situated at a small depth. Solonchaks have as specificity the presence in the upper horizon of a high quantity of soluble salts, especially as chlorides and sulphates of sodium. The pH values are of 8.3-8.5%. The soil profile is made of the Aosa-A/C-C or Aosa -A/Go horizons. In the case of the Solonetzs takes place an enrichment of the colloidal complex in adsorbed Na+, and sometimes and the formation of sodium carbonate. These soils have formed from soils subjected alternatively to salinization and de-salinization. The reaction has pH values higher than 8.5. Their profile is Ao-Btna-C (or CGo). The intense accumulation of salts at the soil surface does not favor the installation of vegetation. The majority of Prut’s tributaries are characterized by salt accumulation at the floodplain level. Due to the physical, chemical and biological unfavorable properties, both soils have an extremely low fertility. In natural conditions, these soils are occupied by grasslands of a weak quality.

Vertisols are met on almost 6% of the total surface of the area, both on plateaus of low inclination and on slopes. From a geochemical viewpoint, their formation is conditioned by the rocks of clayey texture (usually swelling clays), in which dominates montorillonite, followed by illite, aspect evidenced by the profiles from Codreni (Florea et al., 1971) and Mileanca (Mihalache et al., 2001). These minerals give the soils specific vertic characters, represented through cracks even from the soil surface, on a depth of at least 50 cm. slickensides between aggregates, humus flows on the profile. From a micro-morphologic viewpoint, in these soils may appear local mobilizations of clay with formation of iluvial coatings.

The humus and nutritive elements content from these soils is due to the presence of clay. Because of the unfavorable physical properties, Vertisols have a low fertility, the crops suffering from the lack of water, the root breaking due to cracks in soil, or the humidity excess.

The genetic peculiarities of these soil types come from the fact that the soil forming processes specific to the zonal soils take place on the background of the presence of an extremely clayey parental material, in whose composition enters montmorillonite. The specific properties of this parental material condition the absence or instability of structure, the swelling and contraction of soil. In parallel occur translation processes, with the formation of numerous slickensides and the intrusion

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through cracks of the material from the upper horizons, processes that have as effect the mixing on a high depth of the soil’s horizons.

The high clay content determines a strong humus accumulation (that may reach even 8-10% at the upper part of the profile). In other cases, due to the fact that the easily soluble salts contained in the parental material are not completely washed from the profile, may occur a weak alkalinization of the lower horizons.

In relation to the large clay quantity and the high water retention capacity, in certain cases may occur gleyzation processes, these determining a certain mobility of iron, evidenced through the occurrence of numerous ferric and manganeous separations. In the case of the Vertisols from this region, the chemical composition of the silicatic mineral part is maintained relatively uniform on the profile, the soil formation taking place without its significant modification.

The only unfavorable properties of these soils are the deficient aeration porosity, the very high values of the higroscopicity coefficient and of the water capacity one, while the wilting point has average values. The extremely fine texture determines a high soil consistence, and thus a high penetration resistance.

Regosols occupy isolated surfaces on the slopes with geologic erosion of the hills from the northern part. The soil forming processes in this case are in an incipient stage, the soils being young and incompletely developed. The Haplic Regosols have an Ao-C profile. The texture differs on the profile, and the soils have a low humus and nutritive substances content. The terrains with Regosols are occupied by low quality grasslands of low productivity.

Fluvisols are situated in the floodplains of Prutului and the other rivers, and are related to the presence of the recent alluvial deposits, but also of the lacustrine ones. The Haplic Fluvisols have the profile formed of two horizons: Ao-C. They are nor structured and have low humus content (1%), and a varied content of nutritive ele-ments. As a consequence, the fertility is very different, in many cases their use as arable land being stopped by flooding. In many cases they represent alluvial deposits more or less recent that have suffered low or moderate humification processes. The presence in the soil units of a small depth phreatic level, rarely with a temporary stagnation of the rainfall water, explains the gleyzation processes of different intensity. These have suffered in the last centuries modifications in morphology, through the creation or disappearance of lakes after flood events. In the present, the floodplain sectors where during the past have existed lakes have a uniform morphology and present buried soils.

Erodisols are met in all the Başeu Plain, but mainly in the Jijia and Başeu basins. They are the result of the intense manifestation of the erosion process from the strongly inclined slopes. The typical profile is A(p)C-C or ApB-C, but usually these soils have a very high variability, according to the soil they originate from and the erosion intensity. In the majority of the cases they lack structure, have a extremely low humus content, are very weakly provisioned with nutritive substances, and have an extremely reduced microbiological activity. As a consequence these soils are unproductive or weakly productive.

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Cambic Chernozems 49705 21.51 Saline soils 39448.5 17.07 Eroded varieties (other) 29651 12.83 Fluvisols 26343 11.4 Localities 20778 8.99 Eroded Cambic Chernozems 17849.5 7.72 Eroded haplic Chernozems 14490 6.27 Vertosols 13463.5 5.82 Eroded argic Chernozems 5072.7 2.19 Forests 4367 1.89 Argic Chernozmes 3025 1.30 Haplic Luvisols 2386 1.03 Greyic Phaeozems 1947 0.84 Haplic Phaeozems 1342 0.58 Eroded Phaeozems 629 0.27 Eroded Luvisols 469 0.20 Gleyisols 112.13 0.04 Gleyic Chernozmes 24.15 0.01


The knowledge of the occurrence of the soils, as well as of their characteristics, is important from many points of view. The pedodiversity of the northern part of the Moldavian Plain is quite high, and thus the knowledge and understanding of the soil forming factors and processes may help the a correct management of the rural activities from the region. This aspect is best seen from the table above, from the high proportion of so-called “problem soils” such as the saline, vertic or eroded ones.


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