
Lee Resume 119 South Shore Amarillo, TX 79120 806-654-3003 [email protected] Jordan Lee Summary of Skills Motivated and dedicated worker with knowledge of many management techniques Experience working with customers and coworkers of all ages and backgrounds Passion for providing hospitality and creating a positive experience for the guests Creative ideas for running a restaurant Education Texas Tech University B.S. in University Studies with concentrations: Communication studies, Integrative studies, and Organizational Leadership December 2014 Cumulative GPA of 2.93 Field Experience The Big Texan Steak Ranch, Amarillo, TX October 2006- May 2010 Manager, Bartender, Waiter, Busser, Cook, Prep Assistant Tended to customers Prepared food Worked with managers on many financial aspects of the work place Volunteer Experience 1

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119 South Shore Amarillo, TX 79120 806-654-3003 [email protected]

Jordan Lee

Summary of Skills

Motivated and dedicated worker with knowledge of many management techniques Experience working with customers and coworkers of all ages and backgrounds Passion for providing hospitality and creating a positive experience for the guests Creative ideas for running a restaurant


Texas Tech University B.S. in University Studies with concentrations: Communication studies, Integrative studies, and Organizational LeadershipDecember 2014Cumulative GPA of 2.93

Field Experience

The Big Texan Steak Ranch, Amarillo, TX October 2006- May 2010Manager, Bartender, Waiter, Busser, Cook, Prep Assistant

Tended to customers Prepared food Worked with managers on many financial aspects of the work place

Volunteer Experience

Spirit Horse Denton, TX Volunteer to walk with disabled children alongside a horse January 2012 - Present

Evelyn Rivers Project, Amarillo, TX

Delivered presents to the less fortunate December 2010 - Present

Meals on Wheels, Amarillo, TXDelivering meals to the elderly December 2010 - Present

College Activities


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Racquetball Club August 2010 – Present Intermural Sports August 2012 - Present

Definition of Integrative Studies

The textbook definition of Integrative Studies is to answer questions, and solving complex problems from multiple perspectives. When you have a complex problem you have to look at it from different perspectives in order to find the best solution. Having different areas of disciplines can help see different solutions than you could with one discipline.

Interdisciplinary Metaphor

A Interdisciplinary Metaphor is something that absorbs information and mixes it together. It then spills out new information. This type of metaphor could be seen as a sponge. It absorbs the information and mixes it together in the sponge and spits out new information that can be seen with different perspectives.

Personal Narrative


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Personal Narrative

Jordan Lee

Integrative Studies

March 11, 2014


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Jordan Lee

Dr. Tanner

Integrative Studies

11 March 2014

Personal Narrative

I moved to Amarillo, Texas when I was 7 years old. My father was offered a job at The Big

Texan. His brother was owner at the time and wanted to go off into another career so my dad accepted the

job. From then on I worked in the kitchens learning how teamwork and hard work made things run

smoothly. I grew up meeting a lot of people and building my business ethic. I soon was in high school

and was not sure what I wanted to do with my life. I played football and other sports which taught me

discipline and self worth. I was then injured my junior year so it allowed me more time to work and build

my “people” skills. I was really interested in science and thought that this might be the thing that I wanted

to do with my life. Soon though, it started to become dull and it definitely became more of a hobby to me

than something I wanted to do as a career. I graduated from Amarillo High School and decided to go to

Texas Tech because it was close and I still could go see my family whenever I wanted. As a freshman I

was still unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. My whole life was built around interacting with

someone face to face, and so I knew that at least was something to help guide me. I decided to declare

undecided in art and science as my major. This was a weak point in my life because I had nothing to work

towards so school was not important to me. This showed me my weakness of not staying busy and that I

need to work towards something always. I was able to start working on time management skills and

things I thought needed to be improved to become motivated. Then, a friend of my dads had a dentistry

practice and offered me a spot if I graduated with that degree. I took a semester of pre-dental classes and

found out that was not my calling. Being bent over someone and not being able to walk around really

worried me because I like to stay busy. I worked at another steakhouse here in Lubbock and learned new


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things. Working in a restaurant seems to be the only thing that I enjoy enough to do day after day. I was

then able to think on what could be changed at the Big Texan to make it better than it is now. This helped

build my pride on what my family has accomplished and motivated me to change and start working

towards becoming a businessman. These are the important things that have influenced me and allowed me

to be where I am today.

All those things that have influenced me in my past allowed me to have a clear sight of the future.

I know now that I want to go work with my dad at The Big Texan. I have worked there my whole life and

family is really important to me. When I first decided this, I wanted to take business courses to help mold

me into a better businessman. I then learned that the majority of stuff I needed to learn in school could be

taught to me on the job. I then asked myself what I could do to take what I learn in school one step

further. This was the beginning of my integrative learning. Personally I am becoming more aware of the

weaknesses I have tolerated over the years. Some things that I have stopped doing is watching TV while

doing homework. This has helped greatly with my concentration and staying on task. Some other things

that have stopped are going out with friends all the time and managing my priorities. Managing my

priorities has helped me better myself with deadlines as well. It has allowed me to become more

manageable with my time and resources. I hope this will get me in the habit of doing the right things so

they just naturally happen instead of having to work consciously at it. Some habits in the past have ended

up with my grades suffering. After choosing to not be undecided I chose to pursue biology, which ended

up with me not finding the field something I wanted to do. I then thought I wanted to become general

studies but the advisor showed me that University Studies was more tuned to what I wanted to do. I then

decided that my three areas of study are: Communication Studies, Integrative Studies, and Organizational

Leadership. I believe that the three areas of concentration that I am pursuing will help me become what I

envision the Big Texan will need to keep changing with the economy.

All my experiences have shown me that you are going to be left behind in life if you do not

change with it. Just as I have changed, so will the business cycle. As things change in someone’s life the


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real test is if you can change with it. If you decide not to, you are left behind. If you try to change and fail;

it is what you do with that failure that decides what will happen. These are some things that experiences

have taught me. What I have experienced personally would be that there is something you can be doing to

help you towards your goal. I struggled in school because I did not have a clear picture of what I wanted

to do. When I figured out what I wanted to do more options became available, but when I look back I

could have been more focused on reading books or being more proactive on my career. I believe the other

courses that I have taken outside my major has helped me gain different perspectives on how some people

look at the world and look at problems. Pulling all these experiences together it really paints a picture on

things that could help me become successful. One of the main things that integrative studies really works

towards is combining all aspects of your life to help you out on a problem and I believe that I was already

doing discontinuity before this class.

Through my history I was not sure on what I wanted to do. It was only till I tried other things that

I really found the love I have of business. I have grown up in the restaurant world so that perspective has

become a part of me. Going to school I gained different perspectives on matters that I did not notice

before. As my perspectives changed for my career so did the habits and ideals. When I learned that TV

was a major distraction for me it really helped me to understand, in order for me to be successful, I

needed to change that. I learned that my priorities were not in the right place and had to plan them

accordingly if I was going to change for the better. I tried to change by pursuing becoming a dentist. I was

so worried that I needed to become something that the first opportunity that arose I jumped on the ball. If

the same opportunity arose right now I have a different perspective on the situation and would choose the

right action to take. The world is always changing along with your relationships and the person that you

are becoming. The way you change can either be for the better or for the worse. It all depends on how you

look at the situation and what past experiences have made you think. If you know that things are changing

around you, you can look at the situation through different perspectives and choose the best outcome that

you can. I will be graduating soon and I will have the real test begin where there is not a textbook to tell


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me what should be done. Hopefully I can gain enough perspective to accurately look at a situation. My

past history was me trying to find who I am through uncertain perspectives. I believe that college knows

what perspectives or disciplines benefit and work best for me. College then allows you to strengthen those

disciplines to help you for the rest of your life. After college it is taking everything you have learned and

strengthened, you then find your weaknesses and work on those. This allows you to build on your

continuity and find even more things that you can put on your discontinuity list. This would bleed over

into my personal life and help me see behaviors that I can change towards a certain situation. Doing this

would allow me to feel more in control over things in my life. My circle of influence would be a lot larger

because I would feel more certain that I had made the right decisions.

Areas of Concentration


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Communication Studies (Advertising Analysis)

Assignment 2: Advertising Analysis

Jordan Lee

Principles of Advertising

Shawna White

March 10, 2014


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Assignment 2: Advertising Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is for me to become more aware of what the actual aspects are

that blend within an advertisement. There is a great deal more information that advertisements share that

is beyond just the surface. The two products that I chose were both computers. Apple computers are

known for their innovation and user friendliness. Asus computers are known for their fast processing

power and are cheaper. These two companies have been long time rivals and have always battled to get

the upper hand with the consumer’s attention.

The positioning of the Apple computer is one being of the higher class but also for the average

person. It can be seen that it is sleek and attractive looking. This could make it differ from other

computers, which can be bulky and then stick out for the wrong reasons. There are the hidden differences

of it being something that a professional businessman uses to be able to run sophisticated programs. The

induced difference is it being from apple, which is known for the innovative computers. Apple is a

household name and that type of branding can make it really stand out in the consumer’s mind. The target

audience is male or female who is between 15-40 years of age. The younger group is looking for

something to show off for friends and play games on while the older group is looking for something to be

able to do work with for their career. This computer can be sold anywhere that has a middle-income

family. Rural areas would be the only place that would have a harder time choosing this item. The

psychographics could be someone who a value having some of the nicest things or that wants to have a

powerful machine on the go. Someone who is busy all the time and travels will want something like this.

This ad does a great job attracting its customers to this product. Its simple yet has a deeper meaning than

what is just shown.

With the Asus computer ad, it mentions the famous clicking sound that the Apple computer

mouse pad is known for. It promotes that you don’t have to have the clicking sound anymore due to it

being a touchscreen. This ad shows that this computer can be used by anyone and focuses on the


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touchscreen that has recently become popular. The perceptible difference is that it is touchscreen. It also

has a lot more color to attract the eye to the ad. It also shows off that it is running the new Microsoft

platform of Windows 8. The hidden differences are that this computer will act like a smartphone and so

should be simple enough for anyone that has a phone to use. Some induced differences would be that

Asus is always inventing new things and that it continues to be perfection. This has become a known

slogan of theirs in the market. The target audience is everyone that uses a smartphone, so boy or girl that

are from 12-60 years of age. It is made for anyone that is educated and is in need of access to the

Internet. These computers will be the most popular in urban, densely populated areas. These people’s

values could be of simplicity and wanting something that is easy to do but also will outperform the

“normal computer.”

When looking at the Apple computer ad, I really like how simple and to the point it is. I think it

has a very good boom factor with the slogan as well. It does leave a lot to know about the computer on

specifications, but I believe that Apple is relying on the branding or induced difference for it to sell.

Overall, the ad does a great job being creative and having a deeper meaning then just what is on the

surface. With the Asus computer, I really noticed how the information stood out to me. It gave a lot more

details on what exactly the item holds instead of just a catchy slogan. The ad for this computer is pushing

more for how you and this computer could be incredible together. So with deciding between the two ads

it’s just really what you are looking for. If you want a computer that you have to rely on getting a job

done I would go with Apple. If I were looking for a computer for my family or for just surfing the

Internet I would choose Asus. That ultimately what I got from both the ads.

Organizational Leadership (Personal Finance)


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Assignment 1

Name: Jordan Lee

Consider a financial goal you want to reach within the next 1-5 years. Describe the goal, and the amount of money your goal will require. Based upon your expected career and earnings path, outline how you will reach this financial goal.

[HINT: Consider the following. When will you reach your goal? How much will you have to save each month? Is your goal attainable and realistic? What possible barriers might you be likely to encounter and how can you be prepared to face those barriers? What resources (financial or otherwise) do you have at your disposal that can help you reach this goal?]

A financial goal that I want to reach in the next 5 years would be to be debt free, besides a mortgage payment, with $10,000 in the bank. I should be able to reach that goal if I receive a decent job outside of college. I was lucky enough to not have to pay for college so for the most part I am debt free. I would have to save $166 dollars a month to reach this goal. My goal is going to be easy to achieve but I have been known not to save so that might be a factor that I look at changing. Some challenges that might have to be faced would be having a child or getting married. These are great things to have happened but monetary wise they are not something that helps. With having a baby I would have to worry a lot less about saving just for me but for the future of my kid. With marriage I am not just worrying about myself anymore. She would have her own income but it wouldn’t be as much. I have a family business that has been successful for over 50 years that I am going to go work for. It is a great safety net and if I work well with it I should be able to live a comfortable life.

Integrative Studies (Personal Narrative: seen above)


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What I have Learned

When reflecting on this course, I have really found out that I have absorbed a lot of the

information. It has already helped me out in my other classes. When I was writing a persuasive essay, it

was easier to take think of what both sides would be viewing the object I was selling as. It allowed me to

think of what the customer would want, and what questions they would ask, to be known about the object.

This class has helped me think of a problem outside of the box, and the easiest way to be able to think like

that. The Personal Narrative really allowed me to take a look at my life and see how it made me who I am

today. It showed how I used Integrative Studies without knowing it, and it showed me how much

Integrative Studies has already been apart of my life without even knowing it. It also allowed me to look

at my concentrations, and really go into depth on how each of them compliments the other. It showed me

how my communication studies could help my personal finance by doing some accounting and then

sharing the results that I got. On the Defining Integrative Studies paper, it really allowed me to understand

deeply what Integrative studies was, and how it was different than Interdisciplinary studies. Integrative

studies is finding the complex problem and figuring out how to solve it. Interdisciplinary Studies is how

you take different areas of concentrations, or disciplines, and combine them to understand the problem

with new perspectives.

It was hard at first to apply all these concepts to my life outside the classroom. It became easier

and easier as it became a ritual. I really had to consciously think day in and day out to look at something

from a different perspective. As I am writing this paper, it is easier to integrate these practices to different

areas in my life. It is easier for me to see the big picture and I feel like my problems are being solved

more efficiently than they used to be. The class could not be taken at face value because it required you to

look deeper than just the facts that are on the surface. It required you to actually think and be apart of the

discussions. I thought the Nearpod web site really helped you to grasp the subject and then having the

teacher go over the questions with the class was a big help. I really enjoyed being apart of the classes and

thought that this class was a big help.


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Reflections of this Course

I have learned that 90% of employers now a days are looking for college students to be more

diverse in their fields of study, and able to work across disciplines. This class is giving students that

ability to be able to do just that. Instead of being limited to being a master of one craft, you can be able to

work on many more problems and be a lot more useful in today's world with these traits. This class also

helps students to apply their knowledge instead of just being taught it out of a textbook in class. It is the

modern way to learn. With Facebook and other things, like smartphones, keeping people’s attention

constantly, there needs to be a class that can constantly do this as well. This class I feel like is what more

classes should be like in order to keep attention constant. The class provides the student with something

intangible that sparks the interest of the possibility of being something great. It is understanding on a

deeper level the information that is presented. It almost creates more of a hands on experience between

the teacher and students. This creates a bond that students can feel more attached to the classroom and in

return have them retain the information on a deeper level. As technology become smarter and smarter, we

rely on them to do our daily tasks.

I believe that this class will allow me to not rely on technology to find the common thread

between problems. People will try to find the easiest way to do something and it was harder for me to

have to connect the dots, but this class has helped with this a lot. This class has also helped prepare me for

not believing all the information that I am presented with. It really allows you to question everything that

you see, information wise, and allows you to come up with your own ideas and research about a complex

problem. It is becoming a intellectual individual that does not let other people choose what that person

believes. It is allowing you to make your own ideals and beliefs with the information to back it up with.

Employers are looking for these sort of individuals to help lead major companies and have people who

are able to make decisions, not based on what everyone else is doing, but with having done research and

looking at it with different perspectives. Most individuals who have not taken this class would have a

tougher time doing this, and would not be able to develop the necessary skill base to do this effectively.


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This course overall has been nothing but helpful in all areas of my life and will be a great help for my


Portfolio Grading Rubric


PossiblePoints Earned


Paper adheres to APA formatting (title page, citations, references page, etc.). Proper grammar and spelling in each component. File Name correct. The portfolio is submitted as one Word Document. This rubric pasted at the end of the assignment.



Resume should be formatted and adhere to the instructions given in the lecture. 40

Definition of Integrative Studies 10

Interdisciplinary Metaphor 10

Screenshot of Integrative Studies Home Page. 10

Personal Narrative

This portion of the assignment should clearly be revised from the narrative assignment you turned in earlier in the course.


Choice of Essay or Relevant Sample (artifacts)

You should have at least one sample of your work for each of your three concentrations. Each artifact should be clearly labeled with the corresponding concentration.

Student discusses different types of portfolios, why they are meaningful for interdisciplinary students, the type of portfolio they are most likely to construct before graduating, and why they chose that type (at least 3 pages).


Course Reflections (2 pages)

Student identifies key concepts of course and reflects on learning. Student should also provide critique of the course content and assignments. Student should discuss how INTS will help synthesize learning in three areas of concentration.



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Total 200

Instructor Comments: