introduction to science for the young muslim

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  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Science for the Young Muslim


    Introduction to Science for the Young Muslim

    by Abdassamad Clarke

    It is certainly easier today to find a scientist's guide to Islam than a Muslim's guide to science.

    Examples of the former are the fragmentary entries in encyclopaedias. Many people have one,

    whether it is a simple one-volume encyclopaedia or the mighty multi-volume Britannica. Within,Islam is one subject among many: botany, Buddhism, Islam, Italy.


    However, these encyclopaedias have a problem: they are not objective. Anyone who knows a

    subject and compares what he knows with an encyclopaedia, will be struck by how many

    mistakes and misunderstandings there are in it, but it is even more acute in the case of Islam. It is

    as if the authors are incapable of being objective when it comes to Islam. Yet it is not only with

    Islam, but with many other subjects that this happens, which is odd, since objectivity is exactly

    the thing the authors claim to seek above all else.

    Immediately, we have almost stumbled upon a number of the themes which will echo throughoutthis book. The encyclopaedia is assembled from many bits, little atoms of knowledge. The

    authors assume that knowledge arises from accumulation of the bits of information that are

    thought to make up knowledge. This is the prejudice of scholars generally, even in the Muslim

    world. Many lesser 'ulama think that an encyclopaedic knowledge of the Qur'an or fiqh

    judgements or the hadith literature, is real knowledge, whereas Imam Malik said, "Knowledge is

    a light which Allah places wherever He wills; it is not a great deal of narration."

    In France, almost half a century before the French Revolution, Diderot (1713-1784 CE), along

    with D'Alembert, created a very influential encyclopaedia. It reflected his philosophical and

    political prejudices and was banned quite frequently. That was in the turbulent decades leading

    up to the French Revolution. When he was dying, his daughter heard him say, "The first step

    towards philosophy is incedulity." These were his last words. However, this was his particular

    prejudice and perhaps a misunderstanding of his fellow countryman Descartes' thought. As we

    will see, Descartes (1596-1650 CE) believed in God, but that did not stop his philosophy having

    quite opposite effects to what he intended.

    The goal of science -if it is possible -seems to be praiseworthy: to see things as they really are,

    but perhaps today that is no longer possible for a scientist, because he wants to know the physical

    thing alone. He excludes other matters as "unscientific" and that is his prejudice. The philosopher

    wanted to know all things and concepts, and, moreover, he used also to be concerned about the

    nature of justice and just governance. The Muslim want to knows the Maker as well as the thing.

    He understands that then he must also have some knowledge (not information) of the self -the

    one who seeks to know -and that he is bound to live by the revealed way of worship and justiceof Islam.

    Another impediment to our search for the truth is that we ourselves are not objective. We have

    experienced a conditioning and a programming. I am not suggesting an Orwellian conspiracy,

    but our upbringing and our education have conditioned us before we start. The upbringing of the

    family is the most serious conditioning, but it lies outside the scope of this book. The

    conditioning of education, however, is a part of our topic.

    The least part of educational programming is that in our mathematical education, for example, in

    the very simplest arithmetic of our earliest school years, and in simple and compound interest

    and algebra, we were taught the commercial ways of Western society. Those ways are not based

    on revelation and indeed are contrary to the revelation of Islam. They are also contrary toJudaism and Christianity. Moreover, they are against the philosophical tradition of the Greeks

    which gave rise to our science or 'natural philosophy.' Those commercial ways and the greed and

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Science for the Young Muslim


    anxiety they serve are at the root of the destruction of the biosphere and the erasure of human

    culture. They have been laid at the very foundations of our scientific education, and thus the

    building is as it is.

    The existing Islamic perspective on science is not a great deal more enlightening than the

    encyclopaedists' view of Islam. In some modernist works we rub shoulders with an assortment of

    Isma'ili heretics and other figures who are somehow assembled under the label 'Islamic'. Otherauthors quite desperately contrive to interpret ayat of Qur'an as prefiguring a heliocentric map of

    the solar system, modern embryology, or even relativity, etc., forgetting that if tomorrow any of

    these theories are revised, their 'faith' will be seriously compromised. This is in clear

    contravention of the ayat of Qur'an in Surah Ali 'Imran where Allah, exalted is He, tells us that of

    the ayat of Qur'an there are those which are muhkamah, i.e. decisive, clearly explicit and

    unambiguous, which are 'the core of the Book', and there are those which are mutashabihah, i.e.

    open to interpretation, ambivalent, ambiguous or metaphorical, and that 'those in whose hearts is

    deviation follow up that of it which is open to interpretation seeking dissension and seeking its

    inner interpretation.' They also ignore the clear warnings of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah

    bless him and grant him peace, against interpreting the Book of Allah in the light of one's own


    Talk of 'Islam and Science' implies that Islam is not science but something else, i.e. religion. It is

    similar to saying 'men and women.' Men are not women, and women are not men.

    The Bible, the Qur'an and Science in its title almost implies that they are three revelations,

    science being the most recent and thus decisive. Throughout that book, verses of the Bible and

    ayat of the Qur'an are judged by science and it, as judge, always decides that Qur'an is the

    winner, but it is clear that science is the important and decisive authority. This reflects an attitude

    that is quite common: an uncritical admiration for 'science' and its judgements. For us the Qur'an

    is the decisive authority.

    By seeking to know something objective about science -itself the search for objective truth -wehave embarked on a project which is like trying to hack one's way through a dense jungle. In this

    jungle there are things that look like hanging tendrils which are really snakes. There are things in

    the river that look like logs which are really alligators. It is quite dangerous to live in a world

    where things are not what they appear to be, for example, where people make a religion of

    objectivity and are then almost totally incapable of being objective, but that is the world in which

    we live today.

    During the French Revolution the revolutionaries attacked the churches, paraded with a woman

    dressed as the 'goddess of reason' carried high on a palanquin - a kind of litter or stretcher - and

    took the Representatives from the National Convention to Notre Dame Cathedral where they

    worshipped 'reason'. They burned church pews to make bonfires, and feasted. Is there anything

    more irrational than that, except perhaps the religion originally celebrated in Notre Dame?

    The American Declaration of Independence was a decisive moment in the history of the world. It

    was possibly the conception of the 'rational' age in the domain of politics as the French

    Revolution was its birth. The decision of the Americans to declare their independence of Britain

    was a major part of the inspiration for the Revolution, as was, ironically, liberal British society

    itself with which the French were soon, doubly ironically, to find themselves at war. The other

    factor in the Revolution was the very real gnawing of hunger in the bellies of 25 million French

    people for years on end, and their spiralling national debt. These matters too we will encounter in

    this book. We must expect many strange experiences as we look at this age and this story.

    This is not a guide to all science, for most of it is not here. Perhaps it ought to be called A Young

    Muslim's Book of Mathematics & Physics or of the Atom and Atomism since most of the other

    sciences are not represented at all, but even those claims could not be substantiated. Darwin is

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    not here, nor Mendel, Linnaeus, Pasteur, or Freud, but then again neither are Thomson,

    Rutherford, Dalton, Hooke and Boyle, and worse still where are al-Biruni and Ibn al-Haytham?

    There is a good argument for taking maths and physics as the most representative of all the

    sciences. Because of their mathematical approach, they most stand for what science today is

    about, although we could say that genetics is now the most prominent of all sciences. All other

    sciences have followed in the footsteps of physics and mathematics, and genetics is in theposition it is in today because yesterday's discoveries of molecular, atomic and subatomic

    structure have revolutionised it.

    This book is really about the revolution inaugurated by Descartes, Galileo and Newton which

    was brought to its summit in the work of Einstein and arguably brought to an end by the

    discoveries of quantum physics. The other chapters throw into relief the strange and

    extraordinary nature of that revolution. The book is a summary in a very simple manner of many

    of the things I have learnt since I stopped studying science in a structured way. Some of them are

    things I longed to know then, but nobody could or would tell me. Much of it is about the history

    of the scientific discoverers, a history which is needed to illuminate the bare 'scientific facts.'