introduction to master in trading core course

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Core Master Trading Strategies

An Introduction to trading strategies from The MASTER IN TRADING COURSE

Presented by Online Finance Academy Inc. 2017

Authors: Jon Harman, Adam Jagiellowicz

This mini course is designed to introduce you to:

The concepts and ethos of Online Finance Academy

The benefits of taking our flagship Master in Trading course.

The people you will be learning from and the skills you will be learning.

The next steps to progress.

This is the starting point to become a professional trader

What is Online Finance Academy?

We are a group of highly experienced trader/instructors, each with at least 20 years experience trading. (Most of us are still active traders).

We teach a process driven trading method that enables the next generation of traders to succeed in their careers.

With a presence in North America, Australasia, Europe and the UK, we are looking to build long term relationships with our students and corporate clients through elite training and rigorous recruitment processes.


We have experts in many different fields of trading, with courses to suit all trader types because we know not everyone can succeed trading the same way.

We have all designed and contributed towards trading education courses for many years and get great satisfaction in watching our students mature and prosper.

We have partnerships with proprietary trading firms, financial institutions, funders, and investment firms.

We can provide direct 1 to 1 access to highly skilled traders who will mentor you, show you how their strategies work; as well as access to our trader chat portal.

To see our teachers c.v.s, follow this link: www.onlinefinanceacademy/ourteam/


Understand how institutional traders trade; we are mostly former pit traders and market makers so we show you how things really work.

An introduction to the three key principals of technical trading - time, price, volume and understanding how to profit from their interaction.

Learn how and why markets move based on principles of physics, psychology and maths.

Understand the benefits of different chart types and how to use them in a unified strategy.

Order Flow, and Volume Profile Analysis.


Understanding the basics of macro-fundamentals and market correlations to support your trading strategy.

Learn how to identify key support and resistance zones using Volume Profile, Fibonacci and Bollinger Bands.

Market Profile; learn day types, open types, their associated probabilities, and how to employ this knowledge in a daily trading plan.


Learning to develop an intuition for developing chart patterns using candlesticks, levels and volume analysis.

Learn to identify high probability trade set-ups and associated risk management strategies.

Learn how automated trading algorithms affect market behaviour and how to recognize genuine market activity from market noise.


See inside the market and learn how to time your trade execution.

Learn how to understand who is in control of the market and how to profit from this by reading order flow.

Learn how to predict probability of short squeezes or profit taking.

Learn where to place stops and profit targets; understand why the most common places retail traders place stops are the worst places.

Anatomy of a Trade

The following slides are an example of how we will teach you to think and act as a professional trader. The purpose is to give you a taste of how we think about and interact with real live markets to ensure we make consistently good trading decisions.

Trading is a business of managing probabilities. It is critical to have an approach that is consistent, and yet adaptable to changing market conditions.

There is no guaranty that any particular trade will bring a profit, but if we continue to make the right trading decisions over time, we will be successful.




Every market is different and has its own characteristics. It is important to know your market intricately and recognise which technical indicators work best with each product.

We first need to know the big picture and therefore start our analysis using weekly and daily charts for context; only when we understand the context can we drill down into the finer detail.

We are looking for a confluence of indicators to support our decision.

TA cannot guarantee what will happen. We use it to try and deduce the most likely scenario and we follow that path until proven otherwise.


The following slides will show the approach we take for a very standard intraday trade in the German Bond market (Bunds).

Normally a trader will not need to refer to a weekly or daily chart very often as he will already have the big picture in his head from trading the product regularly.

In this particular case there was no fundamental news on the day and none expected. The trade takes place in the European afternoon session on a normal volume day.

The first slide is a weekly Market Profile.

SC F.US.DBH17 [CBV] #10 Euro Bund (10yr): March 2017 (Mar17)

SC F.US.DBH17 [CBV] 1 Day #12 Euro Bund (10yr): March 2017 (Mar17)CHART ANALYSIS

If we look at the daily and weekly charts we can see that following a steep sell off in the bund, the market has made a higher lowswing lowat 162.44 and followed this with an aggressive bounce back.

The previous weeks profile gives us a clear line in the sand at 163.37 where the market broke above and continued the recent pattern of aggressive buying

On the daily chart---todaywe have gapped higher from the previous days close and tested up to and then failed at the 100 day MAblue line on chart.

Since then we have pulled back towards the top of the previous days close. What can we deduce from this ?


The market has moved up aggressively over last few days meaning that bulls have been in control and shorts have been squeezed

We finally hit resistance at the 100 day MA and this has led to a bout of profit taking.

It is unlikely that this will become a rout and completely reverse the recent move without the catalyst of fresh news or information changing market participants views.

More likely is that weak longs who got into the market in the morning combined with longs from the previous few days are selling but they are likely to be met by buyers who are either people who missed out on the recent rally and want to participate, or shorts who have not got out of their position due to the aggressive rally and have waited for a pullback to exit.

Our conclusion is that we should look for a sign of buying meeting the selling to go long rather than initiate an aggressive short for a reversal of the last few days move.


Now that we have our big picture idea it is time to see if there is any evidence on a shorter time frame to confirm our view.

At this point it is also important to look for signs that we are wrong and not try to fit what we see into our preconceived ideas.

Always keep an open mind and be prepared to let go of your most likely scenario if the market doesnt behave as expected.

Also remember that doing nothing is also an option. We need to wait for high probability set-ups.

SC F.US.DBH17 [CBV] 30 Min #13 Euro Bund (10yr): March 2017 (Mar17)Sierra Chart 1481 Research.cht CQG FIX Trading 2017-01-18 11:24:48 Wed DF:875579 ST:59CHART ANALYSIS

The time is now 14:45 and although there is no sign of buyers stepping up to meet the sellers on our 30 minute chart, the 15 minute chart tells a different story. The strong buying from the low at 51 followed by an indecisive candle should put us on alert to see if this is what we have been waiting for.

We now need to drill down into the market. It is still far too early to just blindly go long as we could easily be shaken out of our position.

SC F.US.DBH17 [CV] 5 Min #11 Euro Bund (10yr): March 2017 (Mar17)CHART ANALYSIS

Looking at our shorter time frame charts,15 minute, 5 minute and Renko we can see some evidence that our idea of looking for buying may be correct but we have no clear entry point.

If the market can break above the value area low (VAL) and hold it, we should rally towards the top of value, however the market could still just as easily come back and retest the low and shake us out.

We need to be vigilant now and look for extra confirmation before entering.

SC F.US.DBH17 [CV] 5 Min #11 Euro Bund (10yr): March 2017 (Mar17)CHART ANALYSIS

On the last 2 charts are marked two buy zones - showing exactly the same market at the same time.

The problem with the buy zone marked as aggressive is that we have no confirmation that this really is the low. The market is just as likely to retest the low or make new lows as to break into and stay within the days current value area. Although this trade worked, over the long term this is a risky strategy.

The higher probability purchase area makes more sense because the market has proven its strength by moving back inside the value area and then coming back to test the value area low. This is a consistently successful trade set-up in this contract.

In the first case the stop would be below the days low and in the second below the value area low and possible below the bar that saw strong volume buying at 15:05 - in other words, below 163.56.


Before we enter a trade we should already know our target as otherwise we have no idea if our risk/reward makes sense.

In this description I have avoided talking about the target as this is simply a taster of what you can expect to learn on our Fundamentals of Trading course

Suffice to say the target in this case was the Value Area High VAH , which came in at 163.97 i.e. Approx.30 ticks profit against 8 ticks of riska reasonable risk reward scenario. The market actually only reached 163.95 before reversing towards the lows a few hours later.

SC F.US.DBH17 [CV] 5 Min #11 Euro Bund (10yr): March 2017 (Mar17)Assessing the Trade

This was by no means an ideal trade, there were plenty of opportunities for things to go wrong but the reality is that ALL trading is like that and as such this was quite realistic as its extremely rare to find a risk free set-up.

Hopefully these slides gave you a small insight into how a professional trader thinks and approaches the marketa few slides can only start to scratch the surface.

To learn more about how our trading strategies and approach can help develop your trading career, feel free to reach us at: [email protected]

Other topics you will learn at OFA in our Master In Trading Course

The most critical of factors

Psychology and Risk Management

Our ways of teaching this are not academic, they are based on the experience we learned managing trading desks for banks and proprietary trading firms.

We combined this expertise with learning strategies which assess and develop your own personal strengths. Most traders have tried various styles and methods before achieving success; we know how to find this within you.


Learn how and why most new traders fail; the inability to appreciate risk, and how to manage it.

Learn where risk in the market exceeds opportunity and how and when you need to stay away from the markets.

Develop a model of risk management that suits your trader personality. A HEALTHY MIND MAKES FOR A HEALTHY TRADER

Learn key skills to protect yourself from yourself

Understand why the best trades are the most difficult to take

Learn to recognise when your state of mind is affecting your trading and what to do about itNo successful professional trader underestimates the importance of their own psychology. We will help you find your key to making consistently good trading decisions

Also Learn how to use macrofundamentals in your trading

Learn the key correlations between different products and asset classes and when and why these correlations break down.

Understand how to profit from these correlations and recognise which product is leading

Learn about mean reversion strategies and when they are appropriate.

Other key topics you will learn

The characteristics of different products and how to structure your trading approach accordingly.

Understand the importance of the Yield Curve and how to profit from it.

Using Open Interest and volume in your trading strategy.

Learn the best news sources for different products.

About the Instructor of this Course:
Jon Harman

Jon began his trading career in the mid 1980s with BNP before moving to JP Morgan. In the early 1990s he became a self-employed local trader on the L.I.F.F.E. floor. He made a successful transition to the electronic markets at the turn of the century and acted as a mentor and advisor to many other traders. Jon was head of training at Futex from 2014, and was a co-founder of FutexLive. Since mid 2016 Jon has worked as a private trading mentor, as well as designing and presenting training courses for Eurex and their clients.

Jon trades all major futures products, with most of his activity based in the German Bund, EuroStoxx and the S&P e-mini. Jon trades both the intraday and swing trading time frames and prefers volatile market environments. His expertise in Market Profile and order flow combined with his deep knowledge of macro-economics and Central Bank policy enables him to judge how the markets are likely to react to economic releases and geo-political events.

Based in London, Jons role at Online Finance Academy is as a lead instructor, mentor and curriculum developer. He teaches the Master in Trading Core course and is available to students worldwide.


Once you have completed our Master in Trading Core Course you will have developed the knowledge to know what type of trader you are.

We have many other courses available which specialise in key sectors of trading and all taught by experts in their field with decades of trading experience.

You may decide to further your education in Yield Curve/Spread Trading Strategies, Commodities Trading and Hedging , Scalping Futures, Personal Portfolio Management, or Day Trading Stocks.

For a full list of our courses, follow this link:

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