introduction to health today’s topic: what is health?

Introduction to Health Today’s topic: What is health?

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Page 1: Introduction to Health Today’s topic: What is health?

Introduction to Health

Today’s topic:What is health?

Page 2: Introduction to Health Today’s topic: What is health?

Day 1: Health Triangle Survey

Go through each factor of health and mark each statement that is true for you MOST OF THE TIME and then add up how many marks you received for each section

Grab a ruler and draw your health triangle

1 cm= 1 mark … 8 cm possible Conclusion of packet & answer


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Day 2: Activity #1: Healthy Person

Brainstorm: How would you describe someone

who is very healthy? Write at least 5 words or phrases you would use to describe a healthy person.

Think-pair-share Q1

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What is Health?

Health is a combination of 3 things: Physical well-being Mental/emotional well-being Social well-being

These can be represented in a health triangle

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Activity #2

Brainstorm: What were the three factors of


Think-pair-share Q2

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What is Holistic Health?

Holistic health focuses on the whole person rather than just the physical body.

Holistic health recognizes the importance of mental, emotional and social aspects of health.

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Activity #3

Brainstorm: What is Holistic Health?

Think-pair-share Q3

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What is the Mind-Body Connection? Our thoughts and feelings in our mind

influence our physical health.

Some common expressions show that we are already aware of this:

“I was worried sick” “He was trembling with fear”

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Mind-body ConnectionDid You Know That…..

Research shows that: depression can double the chances of

heart disease. negative thoughts and emotions weaken

immune system and cause more colds. long-term stress is linked to higher rates

of illness.


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Activity #4

Brainstorm: Our thoughts and feelings influence

our physical health. Which is called…?

Think-pair-share Q4

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Life… Life is always changing but…

The key to a balanced health is putting all three factors of the wellness triangle into action over a long period of time.

Example: Balanced nutrition (moderation) & relationship vs. school work time

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Activity #5

Brainstorm: ___________ changes constantly but…

___________ reflects our balanced health triangle over a long period of time.

Think-pair-share Q1

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The key to good health

The key to good health is having a balanced health triangle.

Each side affects the other sides If you are not getting enough sleep, you

may be grumpy around your friends. In this case your physical health

affects your __________ health

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Activity #6 & #7

Brainstorm: What is the key to good health? #6

One example of how each triangle side affect each other? #7

Think-pair-share Q6&7

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The Health Triangle

If you take one side away, the triangle collapses.

Each side supports the others.

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Activity #8

Brainstorm: “Triangles are my favorite shape.

Three sides where to lines meet”. –Alt-J

Think-pair-share Q8

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The 3 Parts of Health

Now we’ll look at each side of the health triangle in detail:

Physical health Mental/Emotional health Social health

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Activity #9

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Physical Health

Physical health deals with the condition of your body.

If you feel strong and energetic, you probably have good physical health

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Physical HealthExercise

Exercise is the act of using your muscles to stay physically fit.

Exercise helps to give you more

energy maintain weight,

increase confidence & self esteem.

battle chronic diseases.

Heart disease, Type 2 diabetes….

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Physical HealthNutrition

Our body needs nutritious food for energy and growth.

Eat a variety of foods from all food groups

Limit processed foods with added sugar, fat and salt

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Physical HealthSleep

Research shows that teens usually need

8 - 9 hours of sleep.

The human body likes regularity, so try to go to bed and wake up at the same time daily.

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Physical HealthHygiene

Keeping yourself clean: Wash hands Brush teeth twice

per day; floss Use deodorant Shower/bathe once

per day To prevent the

spread of lice, don’t share brushes, combs and hats

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Physical HealthAvoid Alcohol & Other Drugs Alcohol abuse

and other drug use can damage your liver, brain and other organs.

Drugs impair the brain: can lead to accidents and injuries, and a variety of bad decisions.

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Physical Health: Tobacco

Tobacco products harm can your mouth, heart and lungs.

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Physical HealthMaintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight decreases your risk of certain diseases such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Exercise and proper nutrition help you maintain a healthy weight.

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Activity #10- Physical

Physical Health= the condition of the _____________

Think-pair-share by writing six aspects of physical health…

Ex: Increase confidence & self-esteem

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Mental Health – the health of the mind

Mental health includes learning, stress management, and mental illnesses or disorders.

Mental health deals with our ability to solve problems and cope with daily life.

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Emotional Health

Involves coping with and expressing feelings, such as happiness, sadness, and anger

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Stress Management

Stress deals with the way our bodies and minds deal with life changes.

It is important to learn healthy ways to deal with stress or you could be at risk for anxiety or depression.

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How Does Stress Affect Health? Controlling stress is important to our

health. Stress is the body's reaction to any

change that requires a physical, mental, or emotional adjustment or response.

Stress is a normal part of life. Some stress can be good.

It keeps us alert, motivated, and ready to avoid danger.

But too much stress can make us sick……

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Distress Stress that continues without relief can lead to a

condition called distress -- a negative stress reaction.

Distress can disturb the body's internal balance or equilibrium, leading to physical symptoms such as:

headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping.

Emotional problems can also result from distress. These problems include depression, panic attacks, or other forms of anxiety and worry.

Research shows that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases. Stress is linked to six of the leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and even suicide

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Mental and Emotional Health

When you have good mental and emotional health, you can: face challenges in a positive yet realistic

way see new ways of doing things cope with everyday stresses appropriately express your feelings accept responsibility for your actions

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Activity #11- Mental/Emotional

Mental health= health of the _________

Emotional health involves coping with ____________ ______________

T/P/S for one thing that mental health includes & example of someone with good mental/emotional health

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Social Health

Social health is the health of your relationships It’s how you get

along with the people

at home at school and everywhere

else in your world.

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Social health

It involves: Your ability to be a good friend. Ability to lend support when

necessary. Willingness to listen to others Communicating with those

involved in your life.

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Social HealthPeer Relationships

Strong and supportive friendships can increase happiness increase self-

esteem reduce stress

Friends can be there to help celebrate your

accomplishments offer support in

times of need.

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Social HealthFamily Relationships

A healthy family relationship is one that is supportive and loving.

Families can work together to eliminate stress and negativity in the home.

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Social Health: Public Health Public health includes doing

your part to prevent the spread of disease in your community.

How can you do this? Wash hands

Soap, warm water, 20 seconds

stay home when sick with high fever

cover cough with elbow Prevent spread of STD’s

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Activity #12: Social

Social Health= health of your __________

T/P/S…One part of social health … Ex:

ListeningTwo benefits of forming relationships… Ex: reduces stressOne fact of public health… Ex: Prevent disease

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In conclusion

There are 3 sides of the health triangle: physical, mental/emotional and social.

Good decision making and healthy choices reduce the risk of disease and increase quality of life.

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Dimensions of wellness

Physical- eating well, exercising, responsible decision making, doctors visits

Emotional- trust, self-esteem, self-confidence

Intellectual- openness to new ideas, questioning and thinking critically, creativity

Spiritual- beliefs, principles, values Social- communication skill, participating

in the community Environmental- health of the planet, water


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Health Learning

Learning is the development of skills, behaviors, and knowledge.

Learning increases self-confidence, awareness, and self perception. It also teaches one coping skills.

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Activity #12

With someone next to you. Tell each other 3 things you do (or would like to do) to balance your health triangle and reduce stress/distress in your life: physical health mental/emotional health social health

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Day 3: Wellness Packet

Work on this wellness packet

You have the entire class period

If you have any questions you may raise your hand

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Day 4:Poster Project – Student Example