introduction to fortran 90/95 by stephen j. chapman

Introduction to Fortran 90/95 by Stephen J. Chapman Grading system: 1. Attendance: 30% 2. Midterm: 30% 3. Final: 40% Office hours: (PH224) 1. Tues. 11:10~12:00 14:40~15:30 2. Fri. 13:40~15:30

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Introduction to Fortran 90/95 by Stephen J. Chapman. Grading system: 1. Attendance: 30% 2. Midterm: 30% 3. Final: 40%. Office hours: (PH224) 1. Tues. 11:10~12:00 14:40~15:30 2. Fri. 13:40~15:30. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Introduction to Fortran 90/95                        by Stephen J. Chapman

Introduction to Fortran 90/95 by Stephen J. Chapman

Grading system: 1. Attendance: 30% 2. Midterm: 30% 3. Final: 40%

Office hours: (PH224) 1. Tues. 11:10~12:00 14:40~15:30 2. Fri. 13:40~15:30

Page 2: Introduction to Fortran 90/95                        by Stephen J. Chapman

Ch. 1 Introduction To Computers And

The Fortran Language Sec. 1.1 The Computer

Fig 1-1

Main Memory

Secondary Memory


(Central processing unit)

Input devices

Output devices

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Sec 1.2 Data Representation in a Computer

bit : Each switch represents one binary digit.

ON 1


byte : a group of 8 bits


825 MB hard disk. ( 1MB = 106 byte)

Sec 1.2.1 The Binary Number System

The base 10 number system:

1 2 3 10 = 1 x 102 + 2 x 101 + 3 x 100 = 123.

102 101 100

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The base 2 number system:

1 0 1 2 = 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 1 x 20 = 5

1 1 1 2 = 1 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 1 x 20 = 7

22 21 20

3 bits can represent 8 possible values :

0 ~ 7 (or 0002 ~ 1112 )

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In general, n bits 2n possible values.


8 bits ( = 1 byte) 28 = 256. (-128 ~ +127)

16 bits ( = 2 byte) 216 = 65,536. (-32,768 ~ +32,767)

Sec 1.2.2 Types of Data Stored in Memory• Character data : (western language, < 256, use 1 byte)

A ~ Z (26)

a ~ z (26)

0 ~ 9 (10)

Miscellaneous symbols: ( ) { } ! …

Special letters or symbols: à ë …

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Coding systems: (see App. A, 8-bit codes) • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)• EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)

*The unicode coding system uses 2 bytes for each character. (for any language)

• Integer data: (negative, zero, positive) For an n-bit integer, Smallest Integer value = - 2n-1

Largest Integer value = 2n-1 - 1 e.g., a 4-byte (= 32-bit) integer, the smallest = -2,147,483,648 ( = - 232-1) the largest = 2,147,483,647 ( = 232-1-1)

*Overflow condition: An integer > the largest or < the smallest.

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• Real data: (or floating-point data) The base 10 system: 299,800,000 = 2.998 x 108 (scientific notation)

mantissa exponent

The base 2 system: e.g., a 4-byte real number = 24-bit mantissa + 8-bit exponent

value = mantissa x 2exponent

Precision: The number of significant digits that can be preserved in a number. e.g., 24-bit mantissa ± 223 (~ seven significant digits)

Range: The diff. between the largest and the smallest numbers. e.g., 8-bit exponent 2-128 ~ 2127 (range ~ 10-38 to 1038)

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Sec 1.3 Computer Languages• Machine language: The actual language that a computer recognizes

and executes.

• High-level languages: Basic, C, Fortran, …

*The History of the Fortran Language

Fortran = Formula translation

Fortran 66 Fortran 77 Fortran 90 Fortran 95

(1966) (1977) (1991) (1997)

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Sec. 2.3 The Structure of a Fortran Statement

A Fortran program = a series of statements

• Executable statements: e.g., additions, subtractions, …• Non-executable statements: providing information.

Free-source form: Fortran statements may be entered anywhere on a line, up to 132 characters long.

e.g., 100 output = input1 + input2 ! Sum the inputs or 100 output = input1 & ! Sum the inputs + input2

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Sec. 2.4 The Structure of a Fortran Program

Fig 2-1 (A simple Fortran program)

PROGRAM my_first_program

! Purpose: …

! Declare the variables

INTEGER :: i, j, k !All variable are integers

! Get the variables WRITE (*,*) " Enter the numbers to multiply:" READ (*,*) i, j k = i * j ! Write out the result WRITE (*,*) 'Result = ', k STOP END PROGRAM




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Sec. 2.4.4 Program Style

Text book : • Capitalizing Fortran keywords ( e.g., READ, WRITE)• Using lowercase for variables, parameters

Sec. 2.4.5 Compiling, Linking, and Executing the Fortran Program

Fig 2-2

Fortran program

Object file

Executable program

(Compile) (Link)

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Sec. 2.5 Constants and Variables

Valid variable names: time distance z123456789 I_want_to_go_home(up to 31 chracters, and the 1st character in a name must always be alphabetic)

Invalid variable names: this_is _a_very_long_variable_name 3_days A$ ($ is an illegal character) my-help (“-” is an illegal character)

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Five intrinsic types of Fortran constants and variables:1. INTEGER2. REAL3. COMPLEX4. LOGICAL5. CHARACTER



Sec. 2.5.1 Integer Constant and Variables

Integer constants: (no decimal point) e.g., 0 -999 +17 1,000,000 (X) -100. (X)

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Integer variables: 16-bit integers 32-bit integers(diff. kinds of integers, Ch. 7)

Sec. 2.5.2 Real Constants and Variables Real constants: (with a decimal point) e.g., 10. -999.9 1.0E-3 (= 1.0 x 10-3 or 0.001) 123.45E20 0.12E+1 1,000,000. (X) 111E3 (X) -12.0E1.5 (X)

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Real variables: 32-bit real numbers 64-bit real numbers(diff. kinds of real numbers, Ch. 7)

Sec. 2.5.3 Character Constants and Variables Character constants: [enclosed in single (‘) or double (“) quotes)] e.g., ‘This is a test!’ “This is a test!” ‘ ‘ (a single blank) ‘{^}’ ‘3.141593’ (not a number) This is a test! (X) ‘This is a test!” (X)

A character variable contains a value of the character data type.

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Sec. 2.5.4 Logical Constants and Variables Character constants: e.g., .TRUE. .FALSE.


A logical variable contains a value of the logical data type.

Sec. 2.5.5 Default and Explicit Variable Typing Default typing: Any variable names beginning with the letters I, J, K, L, M, or N are assumed to be of type INTEGER. e.g., incr (integer data type) big (real data type)

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Explicit typing: The type of a variable is explicitly defined in the declaration section. e.g., PROGRAM example INTEGER :: day, month, year REAL :: second LOGICAL :: test1, test2 CHARACTER :: initial

(Executable statements)

*No default names for the character data type!

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Sec. 2.5.6 Keeping Constants Consistent in a Program Using the PARAMETER attribute : type, PARAMETER :: name=value e.g., REAL, PARAMETER :: pi=3.14159 CHARACTER, PARAMETER :: error=‘unknown’

Sec. 2.6 Assignment Statements and Arithmetic Calculations Assignment statement: variable_name = expression e.g., I = I + 1 ( I + 1 I )

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Arithmetic operators:• binary operators: a + b (a + b, addition) a – b (a – b, subtraction) a * b (a x b, multiplication) a / b (a/b, division) a ** b (ab, exponentiation)• unary operators: + a - b


1. No two operators may occur side by side. e.g., a*-b (X) a*(-b) a**-2 (X) a**(-2)

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2. Implied multiplication is illegal. e.g., x (y + z) (X) x*(y + z)

3. Parentheses may be used to group terms whenever desired e.g.,

2**((8+2) / 5)

Sec. 2.6.1 Integer Arithmetic e.g., 3/4 = 0, 6/4 = 1 7/4 = 1, 9/4 = 2

Sec. 2.6.2 Real Arithmetic (or floating-point arithmetic) e.g., 3./4. = 0.75, 6./4. = 1.50 7./4. = 1.75, 9./4. = 2.25

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Sec. 2.6.3 Hierarchy (order) of Operators e.g., x = 0.5 * a * t **2 is equal to x = 0.5 * a * (t **2) ? or x = (0.5 * a * t ) **2 ?

Order: 1. Parentheses, from inward to outward.2. Exponentials, from right to left.3. Multiplications and divisions, from left to right.4. Additions and subtractions, from left to right.

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Example 2-1 a = 3. b = 2. c=5. d=4. e = 10. f = 2. g= 3.(1) output = a * b + c * d + e / f **g(2) output = a * (b + c) * d + (e / f) **g(3) output = a * (b + c) * (d + e) / f **g

Sol. (1) output = 3. * 2. + 5. * 4. + 10. / 2. ** 3. = 6. + 20. + 1.25 = 27.25 (2) output = 3. * (2. + 5.) * 4. + (10. / 2.) ** 3. = 84. + 125. = 209. (3) output = 3. * (2. + 5.) * (4. + 10.) / 2. ** 3. = 3. * 7. * 14. / 8. = 294. / 8. = 36.75

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Example 2-2 a = 3. b = 2. c=3. (1) output = a ** (b ** c)(2) output = (a ** b) ** c(3) output = a ** b ** c

Sol. (1) output = 3. ** (2. ** 3.) = 3. ** 8. = 6561. (2) output = (3. ** 2.) ** 3. = 9. ** 3. = 729. (3) output = 3. ** 2. ** 3. = 3. ** 8. = 6561.

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Sec. 2.6.4 Mixed-Mode Arithmetic In the case of an operation between a real number and an integer,the integer is converted by the computer into a real number. e.g., 3. / 2 = 1.5 1 + 1/4 = 1 1. + 1/4 = 1. 1 + 1./4 = 1.25

Automatic type conversion:

e.g., nres = 1.25 + 9/4 ave = (5 + 2) / 2 = 1.25 + 2 = 7/2 = 3.25 = 3. = 3

(a integer variable) (a real variable)

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• Base 10: If 10x = N, then x = ? log N = x e.g., N = 100 log 100 = log (102) = 2

N = 3 log 3 = 0.47712…

• Base e (=2.71828…): (Natural logarithm)

If ex = N, then x = ? ln N = x e.g., N = e2 ln (e2) = 2

N = 3 ln 3 = 1.09861…

* If N < 0 ( log N ) or ( ln N ) is undefined !

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Sec. 2.6.5 Mixed-Mode Arithmetic and Exponentiation

If result and y are real, and n is an integer,

result = y ** n = y * y * y…*y (real arithmetic, not mixed-mode)

But if result, y and x are real,

result = y ** x = ?

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use yx = e x ln y ( e ∵ x ln y = e ln (yx) = yx )

e.g., (4.0) ** 1.5 = 8.


(-2.0) ** 2 = 4. [ (-2.0) * (-2.0) = 4.]∵

(-2.0) ** 2.0 [X, ln (-2.0) is undefined!]∵

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Sec. 2.7 Assignment Statements and Logical Calculations Assignment statements: logical variable name = logical expression

Logical operators: • relational operators• combinational operators

Sec. 2.7.1 Relational Operators

a1 op a2

a1, a2: arithmetic expressions, variables, constants, or character strings.op: the relational logical operators. (see Table 2-3)

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Table 2-3

operation meaning

= = equal to / = not equal to > greater than > = greater than or equal to < less than < = less than or equal toe.g., operation result 3 < 4 .TRUE. 3 < = 4 .TRUE. 3 = = 4 .FALSE. ‘A’ < ‘B’ .TRUE. (in ASCII, A 65, B 66, p.493) 7+3 < 2+11 .TRUE.

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Sec. 2.7.2 Combinational Logic Operators

l1 .op. l2 and .NOT. l1 (.NOT. is a unary operator)

l1, l2: logical expressions, variables, or constants.op: the binary operators. (see Table 2-4)

Table 2-4

operation meaning

.AND. logical AND .OR. logical OR .EQV. logical equivalence .NEQV. logical non-equivalence .NOT. logical NOT

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The order of operations:

1. Arithmetic operators.

2. All relational operators, from left to right.

3. All .NOT. operators.

4. All .AND. operators, from left to right.

5. All .OR. operators, from left to right.

6. All .EQV. And .NEQV. operators, from left to right.

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Example 2-3

L1 = .TRUE., L2 = .TRUE., L3 = .FALSE. (a) .NOT. L1 .FALSE.

(b) L1 .OR. L3 .TRUE.

(c) L1 .AND. L3 .FALSE.

(d) L2 .NEQV. L3 .TRUE.

(e) L1 .AND. L2 .OR. L3 .TRUE.

(f) L1 .OR. L2 .AND. L3 .TRUE.

(g) .NOT. (L1 .EQV. L2) .FALSE.

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Sec. 2.7.3 The Significance of Logical Variables and Expressions

Most of the major branching and looping structures of Fortran are controlled by logical values.

Sec. 2.8 Assignment Statements and Character Variables

character variables name = character expression

Character operators:1. substring specifications2. concatenation

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Sec. 2.8.1 Substring SpecificationsE.g., str1 = ‘123456’ str1(2:4) contains the string ‘234’.

Example 2-4 PROGRAM substring CHARACTER (len=8) :: a,b,c a = ‘ABCDEFGHIJ’ b = ‘12345678’ c = a(5:7) b(7:8) = a(2:6) WRITE(*,*) 'a=', a WRITE(*,*) 'b=', b WRITE(*,*) 'c=', c END PROGRAM

a = ? b = ? c = ? (Try it out!)

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Solu: a = ‘ABCDEFGH’ ( len = 8)∵

∵ b(7:8) = a(2:6) = ‘BC’

b = ‘123456BC’

c = a(5:7) = ‘EFG’ = ‘EFG□□□□□‘ ( len = 8)∵


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Sec. 2.8.2 The Concatenation Operator

E.g., PROGRAM concate CHARACTER (len=10) :: a CHARACTER (len=8) :: b,c a = ‘ABCDEFGHIJ’ b = ‘12345678’ c = a(1:3) // b(4:5) // a(6:8) WRITE(*,*)’c=‘,c END PROGRAM

c = ? (Try it out: c =‘ABC45FGH’)

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Sec. 2.8.3 Relational Operators with Character Data

E.g., ‘123’ = = ‘123’ (true)

‘123’ = = ‘1234’ (false)

‘A’ < ‘B’ (true, ASCII, A 65, B 66)∵

‘a’ < ‘A’ (false, a 97)∵

‘AAAAAB’ > ‘AAAAAA’ (true)

‘AB’ > ‘AAAA’ (true)

‘AAAAA’ > ‘AAAA’ (true)

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Sec. 2.9 Intrinsic Functions• Intrinsic functions are the most common functions built directly into the Fortran language. ( see Table 2-6 and App. B)• External functions are supplied by the user. (see Ch. 6)

e.g., y = sin(3.141593) INT(2.9995) = 2 (truncates the real number) y = sin(x)

y = sin(pi*x) NINT(2.9995) = 3 (rounds the real number) y = sin(SQRT(x))

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Generic functions: (can use more than one type of input data) e.g., If x is a real number, ABS(x) is real. If x is an integer, ABS(x) is integer.

Specific functions: (can use only one specific type of input data) e.g., IABS(i)

(integer only)

*See Appendix B for a complete list of all intrinsic functions.

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Sec. 2.10 List-directed (or free-format) Input and Output Statements

• The list-directed input statement: READ (*,*) input_list

I/O unit format

• The list-directed output statement: WRITE (*,*) output_list I/O unit format

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e.g., PROGRAM input_example INTEGER :: i, j REAL :: a CHARACTER (len=12) :: chars READ(*,*) i, j, a, chars WRITE(*,*) i, j, a, chars END PROGRAM

Input: 1, 2, 3., ‘This one.’ (or 1 2 3. ‘This one.’)

Output: 1 2 3.00000 This one.

(Try it out!)

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Sec. 2.11 Initialization of Variables


Output: i = ??? (uninitialized variable)

Run-time error! (depends on machines)

(Try it out!)

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Three ways to initialize variables:

1. Assignment statements: e.g., PROGRAM init_1 INTEGER :: i i = 1 WRITE(*,*) i END PROGRAM

2. READ statements: e.g., PROGRAM init_2 INTEGER :: i READ(*,*) i WRITE(*,*) i END PROGRAM

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3. Type declaration Statements: type :: var1 = value1, [var2 = value2, …]

e.g., REAL :: time = 0.0, distance = 5128. INTEGER :: loop = 10 LOGICAL :: done = .FALSE. CARACTER (len=12) :: string = ‘characters’



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Sec. 2.12 The IMPLICIT NONE Statement

When the IMPLICIT NONE statement is included in a program, any variable that does not appear in an explicit type declaration statement is considered an error. e.g., PROGRAM test_1 REAL :: time time = 10.0 WRITE(*,*) ‘Time=‘, tmie END PROGRAM


Run-time error! (depends on machines)

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PROGRAM test_1 IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: time time = 10.0 WRITE(*,*) ‘Time=‘, tmie END PROGRAM


Compile-time error! (depends on machines)

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Sec. 2.13 Program Examples

Example 2-5 (Temperature conversion)

T (0F) = (9/5) T(0C) + 32

Fig. 2-6 PROGRAM temp IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: temp_c, temp_f WRITE(*,*) ’Enter T in degrees C:’ READ(*,*) temp_c temp_f = (9./5.) * temp_c + 32. WRITE(*,*) temp_c,’ degrees C =‘, temp_f, & ‘degrees F’ END PROGRAM

(Try it out!)

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Example (extra)

Write a program for converting a 4 bits integer into a base 10 number, e.g.,

1 0 1 1 = 1 x 23 + 0 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 1 x 20 = 11

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Ch. 3 Control Structures and Program Design

Ch. 2: Sequential programs (simple and fixed order)

Here: Complex programs (using two control statements)

(1) branches

(2) loops

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Sec. 3.1 Introduction to Top-down Design Techniques


State the problem

Design thealgorithm

Convert algorithm into Fortran statements

Test the program

Finished !

Fig. 3-1 (a formal program design process)

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Sec. 3.2 Pseudocode and Flowcharts

(1) Pseudocode : a mixture of Fortran and English

(2) Flowcharts : graphical symbolsl


(1) The pseudocode for Example 2-5: Prompt user to enter temp. in degree Farenheit Read temp. in degree Farenheit temp_k in Kelvins (5./9.)*(temp_f-32.)+273.15 Write temp. in Kelvins

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(2) The flowcharts for Example 2-5:


Tell user toenter temp_f

Get temp_f

Calculate temp_k Write temp_k Stop

(an oval for start or stop)

(a parallelogram for I/O)

(a rectangle for computation)

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Sec. 3.3 Control Constructs: Branches

• IF Statement


Branches are Fortran statements that permit us to select and execute specific sections of code (called blocks) while skipping other sections of code.

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Sec. 3.3.1 The Block IF Construct

This construct specifies that a block of code will be executed if and only if a certain logical expression is true.

IF (logical_expr) THEN Statement 1 Statement 2 . . .END IF

a block

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Fig . 3-5 (Flowchart for a simple block IF construct)


Statement 1Statement 2 . .



(a diamond for choice)

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ax2 + bx + c = 0,

x = -b ± ( b2 – 4ac )1/2


If b2 – 4ac = 0

b2 – 4ac > 0

b2 – 4ac < 0

two distinct real roots

two complex roots

a single repeated root

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Fig . 3-6 (Flowchart)



Problem: Tell the user if the eq. has complex roots.

b2 – 4ac < 0

WRITE ‘two complex roots’

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Fortran: IF ( (b**2 – 4.*a*c) < 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘Two complex roots!’ END IF

Sec. 3.3.2 The ELSE and ELSE IF Clauses

For many different options to consider,

IF + ELSE IF (one or more) + an ELSE

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IF (logical_expr_1) THEN Statement 1 Statement 2 . .ELSE IF (logical_expr_2) THEN Statement 1 Statement 2 . .ELSE Statement 1 Statement 2 . .END IF

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

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Fig . 3-7 (flowchart)



Block 1


Block 2



Block 3

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Fig . 3-8 (flowchart)


.FALSE.b2 - 4ac < 0

WRITE ‘two complex roots’



Example: Tell the user whether the eq. has two complex roots, two identical real roots, or two distinct real roots.

b2 - 4ac = 0

WRITE ‘two identical real roots’

WRITE ‘two distinct real roots’

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Fortran: IF ( (b**2 – 4.*a*c) < 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘two complex roots’ ELSE IF ( (b**2 – 4.*a*c) == 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘two identical real roots’ ELSE WRITE(*,*) ‘two distinct real roots’ END IF

Write a complete Fortran program for a quadraticequation ax2 + bx + c = 0.

Input: a, b, c (e.g., 1., 5., 6. or 1., 4., 4. or 1., 2., 5.)

Output: ‘distinct real’ or ‘identical real’ or ‘complex roots’

(Try it out!)

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WRITE(*,*)'Enter the coeffs. a, b, and c:‘READ(*,*) a, b, c

IF ( (b**2-4.*a*c) < 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'two complex root‘ELSE IF ( (b**2-4.*a*c) == 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'two identical real roots‘ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'two distinct real roots‘END IF


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Sec. 3.3.3 Examples Using Block IF Constructs

Example 3-1 The Quadratic Equation: (ax2 + bx + c =0) Write a program to solve for the roots of a quadratic equation, regardless of type.

Input: a, b, c

Output: rootsrealrepeated realcomplex

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PROGRAM rootIMPLICIT NONEREAL :: a, b, c, d, re, im, x1, x2

WRITE(*,*)'Enter the coeffs. a, b, and c:‘READ(*,*) a, b, cd = b**2 – 4.*a*cIF ( d < 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'two complex root:‘ re = (-b)/(2.*a) im = sqrt(abs(d))/(2.*a) WRITE(*,*) ’x1=‘, re, ‘+ i’, im WRITE(*,*) ’x2=‘, re, ‘- i’, im ELSE IF ( d == 0. ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'two identical real roots:‘ x1 = (-b) / (2.*a) WRITE(*,*) ’x1=x2=‘, x1

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ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'two distinct real roots:‘ x1 = (-b + sqrt(d)) / (2.*a) x2 = (-b – sqrt(d)) / (2.*a) WRITE(*,*) ’x1=‘, x1 WRITE(*,*) ‘x2=‘, x2END IFEND PROGRAM

Test: (Try it out!)

x2 + 5x + 6 = 0, x1,2 = -2, -3

x2 + 4x + 4 = 0, x1,2 = -2

x2 + 2x + 5 = 0, x1,2 = -1 ± i 2

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Example 3-2 Evaluation a Function of Two Variables:

f(x,y) =

x + y, x 0 ≧ and y 0≧x + y2, x 0 ≧ and y < 0x2 + y, x < 0 and y 0≧x2 + y2, x < 0 and y < 0

Input: x, y

Output: f

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Fig . 3-11 (flowchart)


.FALSE.x ≧ 0 &y 0≧

f = x + y

x 0 ≧ &y < 0

f = x2 + y



f = x2 + y2f = x + y2

x < 0 &y 0≧






READ x, y

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WRITE(*,*)'Enter x and y:‘READ(*,*) x, yIF ((x >= 0.) .AND. (y >= 0. )) THEN f = x + yELSE IF ((x >= 0.) .AND. (y < 0. )) THEN f = x + y**2ELSE IF ((x < 0.) .AND. (y >= 0. )) THEN f = x**2 + yELSE f = x**2 + y**2END IFWRITE(*,*) ‘f = ‘, fEND PROGRAM

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Test: (Try it out!)

x y f

2. 3. 5. 2. -3. 11.-2. 3. 7.-2. -3. 13.

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[name:] IF (logical_expr_1) THEN Statement 1 Statement 2 . .ELSE IF (logical_expr_2) THEN [name] Statement 1 Statement 2 . .ELSE [name] Statement 1 Statement 2 . .END IF [name]

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Sec. 3.3.4 Named Block IF Constructs



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Sec. 3.3.5 Notes Concerning the Use of Logical IF Constructs

Nested IF Constructs:

outer: IF ( x > 0. ) THEN . . inner: IF ( y < 0. ) THEN . . END IF inner . .END IF outer

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Example 3-3 Assigning Letter Grades:

95 < GRADE A86 < GRADE < 95 B76 < GRADE < 86 C66 < GRADE < 76 D 0 < GRADE < 66 F

Input: grade

Output: ‘The grade is A.’ or ‘The grade is B.’ or ‘The grade is C.’ or ‘The grade is D.’ or ‘The grade is F.’

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Method (a): IF + ELSE IF

IF (grade > 95.) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is A.’ELSE IF (grade > 86.) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is B.’ELSE IF (grade > 76.) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is C.’ELSE IF (grade > 66.) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is D.’ELSE WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is F.’END IF

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Method (b): nested IF

if1: IF (grade > 95.) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is A.’ELSE if2: IF (grade > 86.) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is B.’ ELSE if3: IF (grade > 76.) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is C.’ ELSE if4: IF (grade > 66.) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is D.’ ELSE WRITE(*,*) ‘The grade is F.’ END IF if4 END IF if3 END IF if2END IF if1

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Sec. 3.3.6 The Logical IF Statement

IF (logical_expr) Statement

e.g., IF ( (x >= 0.) .AND. (y >= 0.) ) f = x + y

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[name:] SELECT CASE (case_expr)CASE (case_selector_1) [name] Statement 1 Statement 2 . . .CASE (case_selector_2) [name] Statement 1 Statement 2 . . .CASE DEFAULT [name] Statement 1 Statement 2 . . .END SELECT [name]

Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Sec. 3.3.7 The CASE Construct




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case_expr: an integer, character, or logical expression.

The case_selector can take one of four forms:

1. case_value Execute block if case_value == case_expr2. low_value: Execute block if low_value <= case_expr3. : high_value: Execute block if case_expr <= high_value4. low value: high_value Execute block if low_value <= case_expr <= high_value

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Fig . 3-13 (flowchart for a CASE construct)

In range

Not in range


Block 1


Block n

In range

NotIn range

Default BlockBlock 2


In range

Not in range

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e.g., (modified)

REAL :: temp_c. . .temp: SELECT CASE (temp_c)CASE (: -1.0) WRITE (*,*) ‘ It’s below freezing today!’CASE (0.0) WRITE (*,*) ‘ It’s exactly at the freezing point!’CASE (1.0:20.0) WRITE (*,*) ‘ It’s cool today!’CASE (21.0:33.0) WRITE (*,*) ‘ It’s warm today!’CASE (34.0:) WRITE (*,*) ‘ It’s hot today!’END SELECT temp

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PROGRAM selectcIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: temp_cWRITE(*,*) “Enter today’s temp. in degree C:”READ(*,*) temp_ctemp: SELECT CASE (temp_c)CASE (: -1) WRITE (*,*) “It’s below freezing today!”CASE (0) WRITE (*,*) “It’s exactly at the freezing point!”CASE (1:20) WRITE (*,*) “It’s cool today!”CASE (21:33) WRITE (*,*) “It’s warm today!”CASE (34:) WRITE (*,*) “It’s hot today!”END SELECT tempEND PROGRAM

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Problem: Determine whether an integer between 1 and 10 is even or odd. (Try it out!)

PROGRAM selectvINTEGER :: valueWRITE(*,*) 'Enter an inter between 1-10:'READ(*,*) valueSELECT CASE (value) CASE (1,3,5,7,9) WRITE(*,*) 'The value is odd.' CASE (2,4,6,8,10) WRITE(*,*) 'The value is even.' CASE (11:) WRITE(*,*) 'The value is too high' CASE DEFAULT WRITE(*,*) 'The value is negative or zero.'END SELECTEND PROGRAM

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Sec. 3.4 Control Constructs: Loops

• while loops• iterative (or counting) loops

Sec. 3.4.1 The While Loop

DO . . . IF (logical_expr) EXIT . . .END DO

a code block

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Fig . 3-14 (Flowchart for a while loop)




Statement 1 . . .

Statement 1 . . .

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Example 3-4 Statiscal Analysis:

Average: x_ave =




Standard deviation:

S = N Σxi

2 – (i=1 i=1


Σxi )2

N (N-1)


Input: x (i.e., xi , i = 1, 2, …, N) 0 ≧

Output: x_ave and S

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Fig . 3-15 (Flowchart for Example 3-4)



x < 0


n = n + 1sum_x = sum_x + xsum_x2=sum_x2 + x2




Calculate x_ave, s


WRITE x_ave, s, n

Initial values:n = 0sum_x = 0Sum_x2 = 0

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Fig . 3-16 PROGRAM stats_1IMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: n = 0REAL :: x, x_ave, s , sum_x = 0., sum_x2 = 0.

DO WRITE(*,*) ‘Enter the value x:’ READ (*,*) x IF ( x < 0. ) EXIT n = n + 1 sum_x = sum_x + x sum_x2 = sum_x2 + x**2END DOx_ave = sum_x / ns = sqrt (( n*sum_x2 – sum_x**2) / (n*(n-1)))WRITE(*,*) ‘n = ‘ , n, ‘ x_ave = ‘, x_ave, & ‘ s = ‘, sEND PROGRAM

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Input: 3. 4. 5. -1.

Output: n = 3 x_ave = 4.00000 s = 1.00000

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Sec. 3.4.2 The Iterative Counting Loop

DO index = istart, iend, incr Statement 1 . . . Statement nEND DO


(1) Do i = 1, 10 Statement 1 . . . Statement nEND DO

( incr = 1 by default)

(2) Do i = 1, 10, 2 Statement 1 . . . Statement nEND DO

( i = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 )

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Fig. 3-18 (Flowchart for a Do loop construct)

index*incr ≦iend * incr

index =istart


Statement 1Statement 2 . . .


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Example 3-5 The Factorial Function:

N ! = N × (N-1) × (N-2) … × 3 × 2 × 1, N > 0.0 ! = 1


4 ! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 5 ! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120

Fortran Code: n_factorial = 1DO i = 1, n n_factorial = n_factorial * iEND DO

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Problem: Write a complete Fortran program for the factorial function.

Input: n ( n > = 0 )

N ! = N × (N-1) × (N-2) … × 3 × 2 × 1, N > 0.

0 ! = 1

Output: n!

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PROGRAM factorialIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: i, n, n_fact

WRITE(*,*) ’Enter an integer n ( > = 0 ):’READ(*,*) nn_fact = 1IF ( n > 0 ) THEN DO i = 1, n n_fact = n_fact * i END DOEND IF

WRITE(*,*) n, ‘! = ‘, n_factEND PROGRAM

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Fig . 3-20

.TRUE. .FALSE.n < 2


sum_x = sum_x + xsum_x2 = sum_x2+x2




Calculate x_ave, s


WRITE x_ave, s, n

Initial values:sum_x = 0sum_x2 = 0

Example 3-7 Statistical Analysis: (modified)

WRITE‘At least 2 values!’


i=i+1i n≦ ?



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Fig . 3-21PROGRAM stats_3IMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: i, nREAL :: x, x_ave, s , sum_x = 0., sum_x2 = 0.

WRITE(*,*) ‘Enter the number of points n:’READ(*,*) nIF ( n < 2 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘ At least 2 values!’ELSE DO i = 1, n WRITE(*,*) ‘Enter the value x:’ READ (*,*) x sum_x = sum_x + x sum_x2 = sum_x2 + x**2 END DO

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x_ave = sum_x / ns = sqrt (( n*sum_x2 – sum_x**2) / (n*(n-1)))WRITE(*,*) ‘n = ‘ , n, ‘ x_ave = ‘, x_ave, & ‘ s = ‘, sEND IFEND PROGRAM


Input: 3 3. 4. 5.

Output: n = 3 x_ave = 4.00000 s = 1.00000

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Sec. 3.4.3 The CYCLE and EXIT Statements

E.g., PROGRAM test_cycleINTEGER :: iDO i = 1, 5 IF ( i == 3 ) CYCLE WRITE(*,*) iEND DOWRITE(*,*) ‘End of loop!’END PROGRAM

Output: 1 2 4 5 End of loop!

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PROGRAM test_exitINTEGER :: IDO i = 1, 5 IF ( i == 3 ) EXIT WRITE(*,*) iEND DOWRITE(*,*) ‘End of loop!’END PROGRAM

Output: 1 2 End of loop!

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[name:] DO . . . IF (logical_expr) CYCLE [name] . . . IF (logical_expr) EXIT [name] . . . END DO [name]

Sec. 3.4.4 Named Loops

While loop:


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[name:] DO index = istart, iend, incr . . . IF (logical_expr) CYCLE [name] . . . END DO [name]

Counting loop:


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Sec. 3.4.5 Nesting Loops and Block IF Construct

e.g.,PROGRAM nested_loopsINTEGER :: i, j, productDO i = 1, 3 DO j = 1, 3 product = i * j WRITE(*,*) i, ‘*’, j, ‘=‘, product END DOEND DOEND PROGRAM

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1 * 1 = 11 * 2 = 21 * 3 = 32 * 1 = 22 * 2 = 42 * 3 = 63 * 1 = 33 * 2 = 63 * 3 = 9

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PROGRAM test_cycle_1INTEGER :: i, j, productDO i = 1, 3 DO j = 1, 3 IF ( j == 2 ) CYCLE product = i * j WRITE(*,*) i, ‘*’, j, ‘=‘, product END DOEND DOEND PROGRAM

Output: 1 * 1 = 11 * 3 = 32 * 1 = 22 * 3 = 63 * 1 = 33 * 3 = 9

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PROGRAM test_cycle_2INTEGER :: i, j, productouter: DO i = 1, 3 inner: DO j = 1, 3 IF ( j == 2 ) CYCLE outer product = i * j WRITE(*,*) i, ‘*’, j, ‘=‘, product END DO innerEND DO outerEND PROGRAM

Output:1 * 1 = 12 * 1 = 23 * 1 = 3

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Nesting loops within IF constructs and vice versa:

e.g.,outer: IF ( a < b ) THEN . . . inner: DO i = 1, 3 . . . ELSE . . . END DO innerEND IF outer


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outer: IF ( a < b ) THEN . . . inner: DO i = 1, 3 . . . END DO inner . . . ELSE . . . END IF outer


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Ch. 4 Basic I/O Concepts


READ (*,*) Not always convenient!

WRITE (*,*) Not always pretty!

e.g,. PROGRAM free_formatINTEGER :: i = 21REAL :: result = 3.141593WRITE(*,100) i, result100 FORMAT (‘□The□result□for□iteration□’, & I3, ‘□is□’, F7.3)END PROGRAM

Output: □The□result□for□iteration□□21□is□□□3.142

∵ I3 ∵ F7.3

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The following three WRITE statements are equivalent:

• WRITE (*, 100) i, result 100 FORMAT (I6, F10.2)

• CHARACTER ( len=20 ) :: string string = ‘(I6, F10.2)’ WRITE(*,string) i, result

• WRITE(*, ‘(I6,F10.2)’) i, result

Output: □□□□21□□□□□□3.14

I6 F10.2

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PROGRAM formatINTEGER :: i = 21REAL :: result = 3.141593CHARACTER ( len=20 ) :: string

WRITE (*, 100) i, result100 FORMAT (I6, F10.2)

string = '(I6, F10.2)'WRITE(*,string) i, result

WRITE(*, '(I6,F10.2)') i, result


Output: □□□□21□□□□□□3.14

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Sec. 4.2 Output Devices

Line printers, laser printers, and terminals.

Sec. 4.3 Format Descriptors

Table 4-2 (Symbols used with format descriptors)

Symbol meaning

c column number d # of digits to the right of the decimal point m min. # of digit r repeat count w field width

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Sec. 4.3.1 Integer Output – The I Descriptor

rIw or rIw.m

e.g., INTEGER :: index = -12, junk = 4, number = -12345 WRITE(*,200) index, index+12, junk, number WRITE(*,210) index, index+12, junk, number WRITE(*,220) index, index+12, junk, number 200 FORMAT ( 2I5, I6, I10) 210 FORMAT (2I5.0, I6, I10.8) 220 FORMAT (2I5.3, I6, I5)

Output: □□-12□□□□0□□□□□4□□□□-12345 □□-12□□□□□□□□□□4□-00012345 □-012□□000□□□□4*****

(Not in scale!)

I5 I5 I6 I10

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PROGRAM iformatIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: index = -12, junk = 4, number = -12345

WRITE(*,200) index, index+12, junk, numberWRITE(*,210) index, index+12, junk, numberWRITE(*,220) index, index+12, junk, number200 FORMAT ( 2I5, I6, I10)210 FORMAT (2I5.0, I6, I10.8)220FORMAT (2I5.3, I6, I5)


Output: -12 0 4 -12345 -12 4 -00012345 -012 000 4*****

(Not in scale!)

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Sec. 4.3.2 Real Output – The F Descriptor


e.g., REAL :: a = -12.3, b = .123, c = 123.456 WRITE(*,200) a, b, c WRITE(*,210) a, b, c 200 FORMAT (2F6.3, F8.3) 210 FORMAT (3F10.2)

Output: ******□0.123□123.456 □□□□-12.30□□□□□□0.12□□□□123.46

(Not in scale!)

F6.3 F6.3 F8.3

F10.2 F10.2F10.2

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PROGRAM rformatIMPLICIT NONEREAL :: a = -12.3, b = .123, c = 123.456

WRITE(*,200) a, b, cWRITE(*,210) a, b, c200 FORMAT (2F6.3, F8.3)210 FORMAT (3F10.2)


Output: ****** 0.123 123.456 -12.30 0.12 123.46

(Not in scale!)

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Sec. 4.3.3 Real Output – The E Descriptor

(Expomential notation)Scientific notation: 6.02 × 1023

Exponential notation: 0.602 × 1024(E Descriptor)

0.602 E+24

rFw.d ( w d + ≧ 7 )

e.g., REAL :: a = 1.2346E6, b = 0.001, c = -77.7E10, d = -77.7E10WRITE (*,200) a, b, c, d200 FORMAT (2E14.4, E13.6, E11.6)


E14.4 E11.6E13.6E14.4


( ‘E+**’ , ‘0.’, and ‘-’)∵

( 11 < 6 + 7)∵

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PROGRAM routputIMPLICIT NONEREAL :: a = 1.2346E6, b = 0.001, c = -77.7E10, d = -77.7E10

WRITE (*, 200) a, b, c, d200 FORMAT (2E14.4, E13.6, E11.6)


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Sec. 4.3.4 True Scientific Notation – The ES Descriptor

rESw.d ( w d + ≧ 7 )


REAL :: a = 1.2346E6, b = 0.001, c = -77.7E10WRITE (*,200) a, b, c200 FORMAT (2ES14.4, ES12.6)


ES14.4 ES12.6 ES14.4


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REAL :: a = 1.2346E6, b = 0.001, c = -77.7E10WRITE (*, 200) a, b, c200 FORMAT (2ES14.4, ES12.6)


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Sec. 4.3.5 Logical Output – The L Descriptor



LOGICAL :: output = .TRUE., debug = .FALSE.WRITE (*, 200) output, debug200 FORMAT (2L5)


L5 L5


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PROGRAM loutputIMPLICIT NONELOGICAL :: output = .TRUE., debug = .FALSE.

WRITE (*, 200) output, debug200 FORMAT (2L5)


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Sec. 4.3.6 Character Output – The A Descriptor

rAw or rA


CHARACTER (len = 17) :: string = ‘This□is□a□string.’WRITE (*, 10) stringWRITE (*, 11) stringWRITE (*, 12) string10 FORMAT (A)11 FORMAT (A20)12 FORMAT (A6)


(i.e., the width is the same as the # of characters being displayed.)

17 characters


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PROGRAM aoutputIMPLICIT NONECHARACTER (len = 17) :: string = 'This is a string.‘

WRITE (*, 10) stringWRITE (*, 11) stringWRITE (*, 12) string10 FORMAT (A)11 FORMAT (A20)12 FORMAT (A6)


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Sec. 4.3.7 Horizontal Position – The X and T Descriptors

X descriptor: nX

(the # of blanks to insert)

T descriptor:


(the column # to go to)

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CHARACTER (len = 10) :: first_name = ‘James□’CHARACTER :: initial = ‘R’CHARACTER (len = 16) :: last_name = ‘Johnson□’CAHRACTER (len = 9) :: class = ‘COSC□2301’INTEGER :: grade = 92WRITE(*,100) first_name, initial, last_name, grade, class100 FORMAT (A10, 1X, A1, 1X, A10, 4X, I3, T51, A9)


James□□□□□□R□Johnson□□□□□□□□92 . . . COSC□2301

A10 A10 4X I3 A91X A1 1X

(51th column, T51)∵

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orCHARACTER (len = 10) :: first_name = ‘James□’CHARACTER :: initial = ‘R’CHARACTER (len = 16) :: last_name = ‘Johnson□’CHARACTER (len = 9) :: class = ‘COSC□2301’INTEGER :: grade = 92WRITE(*,100) first_name, initial, last_name, class, grade100 FORMAT (A10, T13, A1, T15, A10, T51, A9, T29, I3)


James□□□□□□□R□Johnson□□□□□□□□92 . . . COSC□2301

A10 A10 I3 A9 A1

(13th column, T13)∵

(15th column, T15)∵ (29th column, T29)∵

(51th column, T51)∵

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orCHARACTER (len = 10) :: first_name = ‘James□’CHARACTER :: initial = ‘R’CHARACTER (len = 16) :: last_name = ‘Johnson□’CAHRACTER (len = 9) :: class = ‘COSC□2301’INTEGER :: grade = 92WRITE(*,100) first_name, initial, last_name, class, grade100 FORMAT (A10, T13, A1, T15, A10, T17, A9, T29, I3)



A10 A10 I3 A1

(13th column, T13)∵

(15th column, T15)∵

(29th column, T29)∵

(17th column, T17)∵

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PROGRAM tformatCHARACTER (len = 10) :: first_name = 'James 'CHARACTER :: initial = 'R'CHARACTER (len = 16) :: last_name = 'Johnson 'CHARACTER (len = 9) :: class ='COSC 2301'INTEGER :: grade = 92

WRITE(*,100) first_name, initial, last_name, grade, classWRITE(*,110) first_name, initial, last_name, class, gradeWRITE(*,120) first_name, initial, last_name, class, grade100 FORMAT (A10, 1X, A1, 1X, A10, 4X, I3, T51, A9) 110 FORMAT (A10, T13, A1, T15, A10, T51, A9, T29, I3) 120 FORMAT (A10, T13, A1, T15, A10, T17, A9, T29, I3)


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Sec. 4.3.8 Repeating Groups of Format Descriptors


320 FORMAT (1X, I6, I6, F10.2, F10.2, I6, F10.2, F10.2)321 FORMAT (1X, I6, 2(I6, 2F10.2))

320 FORMAT (1X, I6, F10.2, A, F10.2, A, I6, F10.2, A, F10.2, A)321 FORMAT (1X, 2(I6, 2(F10.2, A)))

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Sec. 4.3.9 Changing Output Lines – The Slash ( / ) Descriptor e.g.,

WRITE (*, 100) index, time, depth, amplitude, phase100 FORMAT (T20, ‘Results for Test Number ‘, I3, ///, & 1X, ‘Time = ‘, F7.0/, & 1X, ‘Depth = ‘, F7.1, ‘ meters’, / , & 1X, ‘Amplitude = ‘, F8.2/, & 1X, ‘Phase = ‘, F7.1)


Results for Test Number . . .

Time = . . .Depth = . . . Amplitude = . . .Phase = . . .

(skip 2 lines)

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Sec. 4.3.10 How Format Statements Are Used during WRITES

Example 4-1 Generating a Table of Information


Table of Square Roots, Squares, and Cubes

Number Square Root Square Cube====== ========== ====== ==== 1 1.000000 1 1 2 1.414214 4 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.000000 81 729 10 3.162278 100 1000

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PROGRAM tableIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: i, square, cubeREAL :: square_root

WRITE(*, 100)100 FORMAT(T4, ‘Table of Square Roots, Squares, and Cubes’/ )WRITE(*, 110)110 FORMAT(T4, ‘Number’, T13, ‘Square Root’, T29, ‘Square’, T39, ‘Cube’)WRITE(*, 120)120 FORMAT(T4, ‘======‘, T13, ‘===========‘, T29, & ‘======‘, T39, ‘====‘)DO i = 1, 10 square_root = SQRT(REAL(i)) square = i**2 cube = i**3 WRITE(*, 130) i, square_root, square, cube 130 FORMAT(T4, I4, T13, F10.6, T27, I6, T37, I6)END DOEND PROGRAM

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Sec. 4.4 Formatted READ Statements

e.g., READ (*,100) increment100 FORMAT (6X, I6)

(skip the 1st six column)(col. 7~12: an integer)

Sec. 4.4.1 Integer Input – The I Descriptor


e.g.,READ(*, 100) a, b, c100 FORMAT(3I5)



I5 I5 I5a = 15b = 15c = 15

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READ(*, 100) a, b, c100 FORMAT(3I5)WRITE(*,*) 'a= ', aWRITE(*,*) 'b= ', bWRITE(*,*) 'c= ', c


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Sec. 4.4.2 Real Input – The F Descriptor



READ (*, ‘(3F10.4)’ ) a, b, c



F10.4 F10.4 F10.4

a = 1.5b = 1.5c = 1.5

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READ (*, '(3F10.4)' ) a, b, cWRITE(*,*) 'a= ', aWRITE(*,*) 'b= ', bWRITE(*,*) 'c= ', c


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If a number without a decimal point appears in the field, then a decimal point is assumed to be in the position specified by the d term of the format descriptor.

e.g.,READ (*, ‘(3F10.4)’ ) a, b, c



F10.4 F10.4 F10.4

a = 0.0015b = 0.0150c = 1.5000

*The E and ES format descriptors are identical to the F descriptor.

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Sec. 4.4.3 Logical Input – The L Descriptor


e.g.,READ (*, ‘(3L5)’ ) a, b, c



L5 L5 L5

a = Tb = Fc = T

(or T□□□□F□□□□T□□□□ )

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READ (*, '(3L5)' ) a, b, cWRITE(*,*) 'a= ', aWRITE(*,*) 'b= ', bWRITE(*,*) 'c= ', c


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Sec. 4.4.4 Character Input – The A Descriptor

rA or rAw

e.g., CHARACTER (len=10) :: string_1, string_2CHARACTER (len=5) :: string_3CHARACTER (len=15) :: string_4, string_5READ (*, ‘(A)’ ) string_1READ (*, ‘(A10)’ ) string_2READ (*, ‘(A10)’ ) string_3READ (*, ‘(A10)’ ) string_4READ (*, ‘(A)’ ) string_5



String_1 = ‘ABCDEFGHIJ’String_2 = ‘ABCDEFGHIJ’String_3 = ‘FGHIJ’String_4 = ‘ABCDEFGHIJ □□□□□’String_5 = ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO’

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PROGRAM ainputIMPLICIT NONECHARACTER (len=10) :: string_1, string_2CHARACTER (len=5) :: string_3CHARACTER (len=15) :: string_4, string_5

READ (*, '(A)' ) string_1READ (*, '(A10)' ) string_2READ (*, '(A10)' ) string_3READ (*, '(A10)' ) string_4READ (*, '(A)' ) string_5WRITE(*,*)string_1WRITE(*,*)string_2WRITE(*,*)string_3WRITE(*,*)string_4WRITE(*,*)string_5


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Sec. 4.4.5 Horizontal Positioning – The X and T Descriptor

e.g., CHARACTER (len=6) :: stringINTEGER :: iREAD (*, ‘(I6, T1, A6)’ ) i, string

Input: 123456

i = 123456string = ‘123456’

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READ (*, '(I6, T1, A6)' ) i, stringWRITE(*,'(I6)') iWRITE(*,'(A)') string


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Sec. 4.4.6 Vertical Positioning – The Slash (/) Descriptor

e.g.,REAL :: a, b, c, dREAD (*, 300) a, b, c, d300 FORMAT (2F10.2, //, 2F10.2)



a = 1.0b = 2.0c = 7.0d = 8.0

F10.2 F10.2 F10.2

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PROGRAM vpositionIMPLICIT NONEREAL :: a, b, c, d

READ (*, 300) a, b, c, d300 FORMAT (2F10.2, //, 2F10.2)WRITE(*,*)'a= ',aWRITE(*,*)'b= ',bWRITE(*,*)'c= ',cWRITE(*,*)'d= ',d


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Sec. 4.5 An Introduction to Files and File Processing

• i/o unit number:

e.g., READ (8, 100)

Typically, (vary from processor to processor)

READ (5,*) = READ (*,*)WRITE (6,*) = WRITE (*,*)

• I/O statement: (see Table 4-3)


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Sec. 4.5.1 The OPEN Statement

OPEN ( open_list )

The five most important items from the list:

1. (the i/o unit number) UNIT = int_expr

2. (the file name of the file to be opened) FILE = char_expr

3. (the status of the file) STATUS = char_expr (‘OLD’, ‘NEW’, ‘REPLACE’, ‘SCRATCH’, or ‘UNKNOWN’)

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4. (whether a file is to be opened for reading only, for writing only, or for both reading and writing) ACTION = char_expr (‘READ’, ‘WRITE’, or ‘READWRITE’)

5. (the status of the open operation) IOSTAT = int_var (If the OPEN statement is successful, a zero will be returned)

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Example 1 (Opening a file for input)

INTEGER :: ierrorOPEN ( UNIT = 8, FILE = ‘INPUT.DAT’, & STATUS = ‘OLD’, ACTION = ‘READ’, & IOSTAT = ierror)

INTEGER :: ierrorOPEN ( UNIT = 25, FILE = ‘OUTPUT.DAT, & STATUS = ‘NEW’, ACTION = ‘WRITE’, & IOSTAT = ierror)

Example 2 (Opening a file for output)

Example 3 (Opening a scratch file)

OPEN ( UNIT = 12, STATUS = ‘SCRATCH’, & IOSTAT = ierror)

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Sec. 4.5.2 The CLOSE Statement

CLOSE ( close_list )


CLOSE( UNIT = 8 )or

CLOSE( 8 )

Sec. 4.5.3 READS and WRITES to Disk Files

e.g.,OPEN ( UNIT = 8, FILE = ‘INPUT.DAT’, & STATUS = ‘OLD’, IOSTAT = ierror)READ (8,*) x, y, z

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OPEN ( UNIT = 9, FILE = OUTPUT.DAT’, & STATUS = ‘REPLACE’, IOSTAT = ierror)READ (9,100) x, y, z100 FORMAT(‘ X= ‘, F10.2, ‘ Y = ‘, F10.2, ‘Z= ‘, F10.2)

Sec. 4.5.4 The IOSTAT = clause in the READ Statement

IOSTAT = int_var

e.g.,READ (8,*, IOSTAT = ierror)

If the READ statement is successful, ierror = 0.

If the READ statement is fail, ierror > 0 (format error) = -1 (end of file) = -2 (end of record)

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Example 4-3 Reading Data from a File

1. State the problem. Write a program that can read in an unknown number of real values from a user-specified input data file and detect the end of the data file.

2. Define the input and output. input: (1) the filename of the data file (2) the data in that file output: the values in the data file

3. Describe the algorithm

4. Turn the algorithm into Fortran statements.

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ierror1 = 0 ?

READ filename


nvals = nvals +1


WRITE nvals, value

Initial values:nvals = 0

Fig 4-8 (Flowchart)

WRITE ‘Error

opening file’

READ value



OPEN filename



ierror2 = 0 ?

ierror2 > 0 ?

WRITE ‘Error reading line’

WRITE ‘End of file’




Page 153: Introduction to Fortran 90/95                        by Stephen J. Chapman

PROGRAM readIMPLICIT NONECAHRACTER (len = 20) :: filenameINTEGER :: nvals = 0INTEGER :: ierror1, ierror2REAL :: value

WRITE(*,*) ‘Please enter input file name:’READ (*,*) filenameOPEN (UNIT = 3, FILE = filename, STATUS = ‘OLD’, & ACTION = ‘READ’, IOSTAT = ierror1)

openif: IF(ierror1 ==0) THEN readloop: DO READ(3,*), IOSTAT = ierror2) value IF (ierror2 /= 0) EXIT nvals = nvals + 1 WRITE(*, 1010) nvals, value 1010 FORMAT (‘Line ‘, I6, ‘:value=‘, F10.4) END DO readloop

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readif: IF (ierror2 > 0) THEN WRITE(*, 1020) nvals + 1 1020 FORMAT (‘Error reading line’, I6) ELSE WRITE(*, 1030) nvals 1030 FORMAT (‘End of file. There are ‘, & I6, ‘ values in the file.’) END IF readifELSE openif WRITE(*, 1040) ierror1 1040 FORMAT (‘Error opening file: IOSTST=‘, I6)END IF openifCLOSE(3)END PROGRAM

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Test the program:

(1) The valid input file READ1.TXT: (e.g., use Notepad)


Output: Please enter input file name:READ1.TXTLine 1: value = -17.0000Line 2: value = 30.0000 Line 3: value = 1.0000 Line 4: value = 12000.0000 Line 5: value = -0.0120 End of file. There are 5 values in the file.

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(2) The invalid input file READ2.TXT:



Please enter input file name:READ2.TXTLine 1: value = -17.0000Line 2: value = 30.0000Error reading Line 3

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(3) A file does not exist:

Output:Please enter input file name:JUNK.DATError opening file: IOSTAT = 128

(depends on machine)

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Sec. 4.5.4 File Positioning

BACKSPACE ( UNIT = a unit # )

REWIND ( UNIT = a unit #)


Example 4-4 Using File-Positioning Commands:

(1) Write a program that accepts a series of nonnegative real values and stores them in a scratch file.

(2) Ask the user for a record number to display.

(2) Rewind the file, get that value, and display it.

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PROGRAM scratchIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: unit = 8REAL :: dataINTEGER :: icount = 0, irec, j

OPEN (UNIT = unit, STATUS = ‘SCRATCH’)WRITE(*, 100)100 FORMAT (1X, ‘Enter positive or zero input values.’, / , & 1X, ‘A negative value terminates input.’)DO WRITE(*, 110) icount + 1 110 FORMAT (1X, ‘Enter sample ‘, I4, ‘:’) READ (*,*) data IF ( data < 0. ) EXIT icount = icount + 1 WRITE(unit, 120) data 120 FORMAT (1X, ES16.6)END DO

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WRITE(*, 130) icount130 FORMAT (1X, ‘Which record do you want to see ( 1 to’, I4, ‘)? ’)READ (*,*) irecIF ( ( irec >= 0) .AND. (irec <= icount) )THEN REWIND (UNIT = unit) DO j = 1, irec READ( unit, *) data END DO WRITE(*, 140) irec, data 140 FORMAT (1X, ‘ The value of record ‘, I4, ‘is’, ES14.5)ELSE WRITE(*, 150) irec 150 FORMAT (1X, ‘ Illegal record number entered: ‘, I8)END IFEND PROGRAM

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Output:Enter positive or zero input values.A negative input value terminates input.Enter sample 1:234.Enter sample 2:12.34Enter sample 3:0.Enter sample 4:16.Enter sample 5:11.235Enter sample 6:2.Enter sample 7:-1.Which recore do you want to see ( 1 to 6)?5The value of record 5 is 1.12350E+01

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Example 4-5 The linear fit problem:

Given a set of measurements (xi , yi), i = 1, . . . , N:

(x2, y2)

(x4, y4)

(x3 , y3)

(x1 , y1)

The best fit: y = mx + b



m = ?b = ?

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The method of least squares:

m =

(Σxi yi ) - (Σxi ) y i=1



y = Σyii=1 i=1




b = y – m x



(Σxi2 ) - (Σxi ) x




and x = N

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PROGRAM least_squares_fitIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: unit = 18CHARACTER (len = 24) :: filenameINTEGER :: ierror, n = 0REAL :: m, bREAL :: sum_x = 0., sum_x2 = 0., sum_xy = 0., sum_y = 0.REAL :: x, y, x_bar, y_bar

WRITE(*, 1000)1000 FORMAT (1X, ‘Enter the file name: ‘)READ (*, ‘(A)’) filenameOPEN (UNIT = unit, FILE = filename, STATUS = ‘OLD’, & ACTION = ‘READ’, IOSTAT = ierror)

errorcheck: IF (ierror > 0) THEN WRITE(*, 1020) filename 1020 FORMAT (1X, ‘ERROR: File ‘, A, ‘ does not exist! ’)ELSE

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DO READ (unit, *, IOSTAT = ierror) x, y IF ( ierror /= 0 ) EXIT n = n + 1 sum_x = sum_x + x sum_y = sum_y + y sum_x2 = sum_x2 + x ** 2 sum_xy = sum_xy + x * y END DO x_bar = sum_x / n y_bar = sum_y / n m = (sum_xy – sum_x * y_bar) / (sum_x2-sum_x * x_bar) b = y_bar – m * x_bar WRITE(*, 1030) m, b, n 1030 FORMAT (1X, ‘ m = ‘, F12.3, / , & 1X, ‘ b = ‘, F12.3, / , & 1X, ‘ N = ‘, I12) CLOSE(18)END IF errorcheck END PROGRAM

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Test the program:

(1) The input file INPUT.TXT:

1.1 1.12.2 2.23.3 3.34.4 4.45.5 5.56.6 6.67.7 7.7


m = 1.000 b = 0.000 N = 7

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(2) The input file INPUT1.TXT:

1.1 1.012.2 2.303.3 3.054.4 4.245.5 5.756.6 6.487.7 7.84


m = 1.024 b = -0.12 N = 7

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Ch. 5 Arrays

Fig. 5-1






. . .

. . .

array a

e.g.,DO i = 1, 100 a(i) = SQRT (a(i))END DO

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Sec. 5.1 Declaring Arrays

• Type: real, integer, logical, or character


REAL, DIMENSION (16) :: voltage

voltage(1), voltage(2), . . . , voltage(16)


CHARACTER (len = 20), DIMENSION (50) :: last_name

last_name(1), . . . , last_name(50)

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• Rank: The # of subscripts declared for a given array

e.g., REAL, DIMENSION (3, 6) :: sum

a rank-2 array

• Extent: The # of elements in a given dimension of an array

e.g., The extent of the 1st subscript of sum is 3.

The extent of the 2nd subscript of sum is 6.

• Size: the # of elements

• Shape: the combination of rank and extent in each dimension

e.g., The shape of sum = 3 6

e.g., The size of sum = 18

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Array constructor:

e.g., INTEGER, DIMENDION (5) :: a = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 /)

Sec. 5.2 Using Array Elements in Fortran Statements

Sec. 5.2.1 Array Elements Are Just Ordinary Variables



Index(1) = 1Lval(2) = .TRUE.Temp(3) = REAL(index(1)) / 4.WRITE(*,*) ‘ index(1) = ‘, index(1)

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Sec. 5.2.2 Initialization of Array Elements

e.g.,INTEGER, DIMENDION (10) :: jWRITE(*,*) ‘ j(1)=‘, j(1)

uninitialized array

?• Initialization arrays with assignment statements:

e.g.,REAL, DIMENDION (10) :: array1DO i = 1, 10 array1(i) = 0.0END DO

orREAL, DIMENDION (10) :: array1array1 = (/ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. /)

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• Initialization arrays in type declaration statements:


INTEGER, DIMENDION (5) :: array2 = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 /)


REAL, DIMENDION (100) :: array5 = 1.


INTEGER, DIMENDION (5) :: array2 = (/ ( i, i = 1, 5) /)

INTEGER, DIMENDION (25) :: array4 = (/ ((0, i = 1, 4), & 5*j, j = 1, 5) /)

0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, . . .


array5(1) = 1., . . . , array5(100) = 1.

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•Initialization arrays with Fortran READ statements:

Just like any other variables. (See Sec. 5.4: I/O of Array Elements)

Sec. 5.2.3 Changing the Subscript Range of an Array



arr(1), arr(2), arr(3), arr(4), arr(5)

but arr(0) = ?

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e.g., c = Σ an = a0 + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4n=0


need a(0)!


REAL, DIMENSION ( lower_bound : upper_bound ) :: arrar

e.g.,REAL, DIMENSION (-2:2) :: b

b(-2), b(-1), b(0), b(1), b(2)

orREAL, DIMENSION (5:9) :: c

c(5), c(6), c(7), c(8), c(9)

(5 elements)

(5 elements)

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Example (Fig. 5-4)

i i2

-5 25-4 16… …+4 16+5 25


DO i = -5, 5 number(i) = I square(i) = number(i)**2 WRITE(*, 100) number(i), square(i) 100 FORMAT (1X, ‘Number = ‘, I6, ‘ Square= ‘, I6)END DOEND PROGRAM

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Sec. 5.2.4 Out-of-bound Array Subscripts

e.g.,REAL, DIMENSION(5) :: a

a(1), a(2), a(3), a(4), a(5)

but if use a(6), out of bound!

Sec. 5.2.5 The Use of Named Constants with Array Declarations

e.g.,INTEGER, PARAMETER :: isize = 1000REAL, DIMENSION (isize) :: array1REAL, DIMENSION (isize) :: array2REAL, DIMENSION (2*isize) :: array3

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PROGRAM extremesIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_size = 10INTEGER, DIMENSION (max_size) :: inputINTEGER :: ilarge, ismall, j, nvals, tempWRITE(*,*) ' Enter number of values in data set:'READ(*,*) nvalssize: IF (nvals <= max_size) THEN in: DO j = 1, nvals WRITE(*, 100) ' Enter value ', j 100 FORMAT (' ', A, I3, ':' ) READ(*,*) input(j) END DO in temp = input(1) ilarge = 1 large: DO j = 2, nvals IF (input(j) > temp) THEN temp = input(j) ilarge = j END IF END DO large

Example 5-1 (Finding the largest and smallest values in a data set)

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temp = input(1) ismall = 1 small: DO j = 2, nvals IF (input(j) < temp) THEN temp = input(j) ismall = j END IF END DO small WRITE(*, 110) 110 FORMAT(1X, 'The values are:') out: DO j = 1, nvals IF (j == ilarge) THEN WRITE(*, '(1X, I6, 2X, A)') input(j), 'LARGEST' ELSE IF (j == ismall) THEN WRITE(*, '(1X, I6, 2X, A)') input(j), 'SMALLEST' ELSE WRITE(*, '(1X, I6)') input(j) END IF END DO outELSE size WRITE(*, 120) nvals, max_size 120 FORMAT(1X, ' Too many input values: ', I6, '>', I6)END IF sizeEND PROGRAM

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Enter number of values in data set:6Enter value 1:-6Enter value 2:5Enter value 3:-11Enter value 4:16Enter value 5:9Enter value 6:0

The values are: -6 5 -11 SMALLEST 16 LARGEST 9 0


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Sec. 5.3 Using Whole Arrays and Array Subsets in Fortran Statements

Sec. 5.3.1 Whole Array Operations



























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Fig. 5-6

PROGRAM add_arraysIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: IREAL, DIMENSION(4) :: a = (/ 1., 2., 3., 4. /)REAL, DIMENSION(4) :: b = (/ 5., 6., 7., 8. /)REAL, DIMENSION(4) :: c, d

DO i = 1,4 c(i) = a(i) + b(i)END DOd = a + bWRITE(*, 100) ‘c’, cWRITE(*, 100) ‘d’, d100 FORMAT (1X, A, ‘ =‘, 5(F6.1, 1X))END PROGRAM

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If arrays a and b have the same shape,


e.g.,REAL, DIMENSION(1:4) :: a = (/ 1., 2., 3., 4. /)REAL, DIMENSION(5:8) :: b = (/ 5., 6., 7., 8. /)REAL, DIMENSION(101:104) :: cc = a + b

REAL, DIMENSION(4) :: a = (/ 1., 2., 3., 4. /)REAL :: b = 10REAL, DIMENSION(4) :: cc = a * b


c = (/ 10., 20., 30., 40. /)

(Not matrix multiplication)

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Elemental intrinsic functions: (see App. B for a complete list)


e.g.,REAL, DIMENSION(4) :: x = (/ 0., 3.14, 1., 2. /), yINTEGER :: iDO i = 1, 4 y(i) = SIN(x(i))END DO

or use y = SIN(x)

REAL, DIMENSION(4) :: a = (/ -1., 2., -3., 4. /), yy = ABS(a)


y = (/ 1., 2., 3., 4. /)

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Sec. 5.3.2 Selecting Subsets of Arrays for Use in Calculations

Array section: A subset of an array.

• Subscript triplet:

subscript_1 : subscript_2 : stride


INTEGER, DIMENSION(10) :: a = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 /)

array(1:10:2) = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

Alternative forms: subscript_1 : subscript_2 subscript_1 : : subscript_2

stride = 1to the last subscriptto the 1st subscript

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Example 5-5

INTEGER :: i = 3, j = 7REAL, DIMENSION(10) :: a = (/ 1., -2., 3., -4., 5, -6., 7., -8., & 9., -10. /)(a) a(:) = [1., -2., 3., -4., 5, -6., 7., -8., 9., -10.](b) a(i:j) = a(3:7:1) = [3., -4., 5., -6., 7.](c) a(i:j:i) = a(3:7:3) = [3., -6.](d) a(i:j:j) = a(3:7:7) = [3.](e) a(i:) = a(3:10:1) = [3., -4., 5., -6., 7., -8., 9., -10.](f) a(:j) = a(1:7:1) = [1., -2., 3., -4., 5., -6., 7.](g) a(::i) = a(1:10:3) = [1., -4., 7., -10.]

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• Vector subscript:

INTEGER, DIMENSION(5) :: vec = (/ 1, 6, 4, 1, 9 /)REAL, DIMENSION(10) :: a = (/ 1., -2., -3., -4., 5, -6., 7., -8., & 9., -10. /)

a(vec) = [1., -6., -4., 1., 9.]

a(1) a(1) a(9)a(4)a(6)


*Vector subscript cannot be used on the left side of an assignment statement.

e.g., INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: vec = (/ 1, 2, 1 /)REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: a = (/ 10., 20., 30. /)REAL, DIMENSION(2) :: bb(vec) = a (Incorrect!)

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Sec. 5.4 Input and Output

Sec. 5.4.1 Input and Output of Array Elements

e.g., WRITE(*, 100) a(1), a(2), a(3), a(4), a(5)100 FORMAT (1X, ‘a=‘, 5F10.2)

Just like any other variables.

Sec. 5.4.2 The Implied DO LOOP


WRITE(*, 100) (a(i), I = 1, 5)100 FORMAT (1X, ‘a=‘, 5F10.2)

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Sec. 5.4.3 Input and Output of Whple Arrays and Array Sections

Fig. 5-9 (array I/O)

PROGRAM array_ioIMPLICIT NONEREAL, DIMENSION(5) :: a = (/ 1., 2., 3., 20., 10. /)INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: vec = (/ 4, 3, 4, 5 /)WRITE(*, 100) a100 FORMAT (2X, 5F8.3)WRITE(*, 100) a(2: :2)WRITE(*, 100) a(vec)END PROGRAM

(Output) 1.000 2.000 3.000 20.000 10.000 2.000 20.00020.000 3.000 20.000 10.000

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Sec. 5.5 Examples

Example 5-3 Sorting Data

Ascending order (the lowest to the highest)

Descending order (the highest to the lowest)



(10, 3, 6, 4, 9)(sorting)

(3, 4, 6, 9, 10)

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Fig. 5-10 (selection sort)
















(no swap)












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1. Get the input filename2. Open the input file3. Read the input data into an array4. Sort the data in ascending order5. Write the sorted data

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Fig. 5-13PROGRAM sort1IMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_size = 10REAL, DIMENSION (max_size) :: aCHARACTER (len = 20) :: filenameINTEGER :: i, iptr, j, statusINTEGER :: nvals = 0REAL :: tempWRITE(*, 1000)1000 FORMAT (1X, ‘ Enter the file name’)READ(*, ‘(A20)’) filenameOPEN (UNIT = 9, FILE = filename, STATUS = ‘OLD’, & ACTION = ‘READ’, IOSTAT = status)fileopen: IF(status == 0) THEN DO READ (9, *, IOSTAT = status) temp IF (status /= 0) EXIT nvals = nvals + 1 a(nvals) = temp END DO

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outer: DO i = 1, nvals – 1 iptr = i inner: DO j = i + 1, nvals minval: IF (a(j) < a(iptr)) THEN iptr = j END IF minval END DO inner ! swap a(iptr) with a(i) if i /= iptr swap: IF ( i /= iptr ) THEN temp = a(i) a(i) = a(iptr) a(iptr) = temp END IF swap END DO outer WRITE(*, ‘(A)’) ‘ The sorted data are:’ WRITE(*, 1040) ( a(i), i = 1, nvals) 1040 FORMAT (4X, F10.4)ELSE fileopenWRITE(*, 1050)status1050 FORMAT (1X, ‘File open failed: ’, I6)END IF fileopenEND PROGRAM

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Enter the file nameINPUT2.TXTThe sorted data are: -6.0000 -3.0000 0.0000 4.0000 4.0000 6.600012.000013.3000

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Sec. 5.6 Two-Dimensional Features of Arrays

• 1-dim. array: rank-1 array or vector• 2-dim. array: rank-2 array or matrix

Fig. 5-17





row 1

row 3

row 2

row 4


(a) 1-dim array

b(1,1) b(1,2)

b(2,1) b(2,2)



row 1

row 2

col 1 col 2 col 3

b(irow, icol))

(b) 2-dim array

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Sec. 5.6.1 Declaring Rank-2 Arrays

e.g.,REAL, DIMENSION(3,6) :: sumINTEGER, DIMENSION(0:100, 0:20) :: hist

Sec. 5.6.2 Rank-2 Array Storage

Fig. 5-19

a(1,1) a(1,2) a(1,3)

a(2,2)a(2,1) a(2,3)

a(irow, icol)

(Memory allocation)







column major order

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Sec. 5.6.3 Initializing Rank-2 Array

1. Use assignment statements

e.g., 1












INTEGER, DIMENSION(4,3) :: istatDO i = 1, 4 DO j = 1, 3 istat(i, j) = j END DOEND DO


Page 199: Introduction to Fortran 90/95                        by Stephen J. Chapman

orDO j = 1, 3 istat(:, j) = jEND DO

cannot use

istat = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3 /)

( Array constructors always produce rank-1 array!)∵


istat = RESHAPE ( (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3 /), (/4, 3/) )

(column major) (data to be reshaped)

(a new shape)

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2. Use type declaration statements

INTEGER, DIMENSION(4, 3) :: istat (4,3) = & RESHAPE ( (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3 /), (/4, 3/) )

3. Use READ statements


(INITIAL.DAT: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 )


READ (7, *) ((istat(i,j), j = 1, 3), i = 1, 4)

(INITIAL.DAT: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 )

(i = 1) (i = 4)(i = 3)(i = 2)

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Sec. 5.6.4 Examples

Examples 5-5

power =

20.0 40.3 42.0 20.419.8 40.1 41.5 26.920.1 40.0 41.3 38.420.0 39.5 41.1 42.020.0 39.9 39.8 12.219.9 40.0 41.0 6.0


REAL,DIMENSION(6,4) :: power…OPEN(9, FILE = ‘INPUT1’, STATUS = ‘OLD’, & ACTION = ‘READ’)READ (9, *) power

Page 202: Introduction to Fortran 90/95                        by Stephen J. Chapman

INPUT1: 20.0 19.8 20.1 20.0 20.0 19.9 40.3 40.1 40.0 39.5 39.9 40.0 42.0 41.5 41.3 41.1 39.8 41.0 20.4 26.9 38.4 42.0 12.2 6.0

OPEN(9, FILE = ‘INPUT2’, STATUS = ‘OLD’, & ACTION = ‘READ’)READ (9, *) ((power(i, j), j = 1, 4), i = 1, 6)



20.0 40.3 42.0 20.419.8 40.1 41.5 26.920.1 40.0 41.3 38.420.0 39.5 41.1 42.020.0 39.9 39.8 12.219.9 40.0 41.0 6.0

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Sec. 5.6.5 Whole Array Operation and Array Subsets


a =

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25

a(:, 1) =

1 6111621

a(1, :) = [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]

a(1:3, 1:5:2) =

1 3 5 6 8 1011 13 15

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Sec. 5.7 Multidimensional or Rank-n Array

(up to 7)Fig. 5-22 ( A 2 × 2 × 2 array a)

a(1, 1, 1)

a(2, 1, 1)

a(1, 2, 1)

a(2, 2, 1)

a(1, 1, 2)

a(2, 1, 2)

a(1, 2, 2)

a(2, 2, 2)

(memory allocation)

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Sec. 5.8 Using Fortran Intrinsic Functions with Arrays

Sec. 5.8.1 Elemental Intrinsic Functions



REAL, DIMENSION :: x = (/ 10., 3.14, 1., 2. /), yINTEGER :: iDO i = 1, 4 y(i) = sin(x(i))END DO

equiv.y = sin(x)

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Sec. 5.8.2 Inquiry Intrinsic Functions

Table 5-1


(a particular dimension, e.g., 1 or 2)

Example 5-6 (Determining the Properties of an Array)

PROGRAM check_arrayREAL, DIMENSION(-5:5, 0:3) :: a = 0.WRITE(*, ‘(A, 7I6)’) ‘ The shape is: ‘, SHAPE(a)WRITE(*, ‘(A, I6)’) ‘ The size is: ‘, SIZE(a)WRITE(*, ‘(A, 7I6)’) ‘ The lower bounds are: ‘, LBOUND(a)WRITE(*, ‘(A, 7I6)’) ‘ The upper bounds are: ‘, UBOUND(a)END PROGRAM

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11 5 (size(a, 1) = 11, size(a, 2) = 4)44-5 0 (LBOUND(a, 1) = -5, LBOUND(a, 2) = 0) 5 3 (UBOUND(a, 1) = 5, UBOUND(a, 2) = 3)

Sec. 5.8.3 Transformational Intrinsic Functions

Table 5-2


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Sec. 5.9 Masked Array Assignment: The WHERE Constructe.g.,

DO i = 1, ndim1 DO j = 1, ndim2 logical(i, j) = LOG (value(i, j)) END DOEND DO

equiv.logval = LOG(value)

But if value(i, j) 0≦ LOG(value(i, j) is not defined!(run-time errors!)

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DO i = 1, ndim1 DO j = 1, ndim2 IF (value(i, j) > 0.) THEN logical(i, j) = LOG (value(i, j)) ELSE logical(i, j) = -99999. END IF END DOEND DO


WHERE (value > 0.) logval = LOG(value)ELSEWHERE logical = -99999.END WHERE

Page 210: Introduction to Fortran 90/95                        by Stephen J. Chapman

The general form:

[name:] WHERE (mask_expr) Array Assignment Statements ! Block1ELSEWHERE [name:] Array Assignment Statements ! Block2END WHERE [name:]

Example 5-7 Limiting the Maximum and Minimum Values in an Array (-1000 input(i) 1000)≦ ≦

DO i = 1, 10000 IF ( input(i) > 1000. ) THEN input(i) = 1000. ELSE IF (input(i) < -1000.) THEN input(i) = -1000. END IF END DO

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equiv. WHERE ( ABS(input) > 1000.) input = SIGN(1000., input)END WHERE

( SIGN(A, B): returns the value of A with the sign of B.)

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Ch. 6 Procedures and Structured Programming

Sec. 6.1 Subroutines

The general form of a subroutine

SUBROUTINE subroutine_name (argument_list) . . . (Declaration section) . . . (Execution section) . . .RETURNEND SUBROUTINE [name]

Page 213: Introduction to Fortran 90/95                        by Stephen J. Chapman

The calling program uses a CALL statement to call a subroutine:

CALL subroutine_name (argument_list)

Fig. 6-1 (the hypotenuse of a right triangle)

SUBROUTINE calc_hypotenuse (side_1, side_2, hypotenuse)IMPLICIT NONEREAL, INTENT(IN) :: side_1, side_2REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: hypotenuseREAL :: temp

temp = side_1**2 + side_2**2hypotenuse = SQRT(temp)RETURNEND SUBROUTINE

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Test : Write a test driven program.

Fig. 6-2

PROGRAM test_hypotenuseIMPLICIT NONEREAL :: s1, s2, hypot

WRITE(*,*) ‘Enter the length of side 1:’READ(*,*) s1WRITE(*,*) ‘Enter the length of side 2:’READ(*,*) s2

CALL calc_hypotenuse(s1, s2, hypot)WRITE(*, 1000) hypot1000 FORMAT (1X, ‘ The length of the hypotenuse is :’, F10.4)END PROGRAM

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Fig. 6-3 PROGRAM sort1IMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_size = 10REAL, DIMENSION (max_size) :: aCHARACTER (len = 20) :: filenameINTEGER :: i, iptr, j, statusINTEGER :: nvals = 0REAL :: tempWRITE(*, 1000)1000 FORMAT (1X, ‘ Enter the file name’)READ(*, ‘(A20)’) filenameOPEN (UNIT = 9, FILE = filename, STATUS = ‘OLD’, & ACTION = ‘READ’, IOSTAT = status)fileopen: IF(status == 0) THEN DO READ (9, *, IOSTAT = status) temp IF (status /= 0) EXIT nvals = nvals + 1 a(nvals) = temp END DO

Sec. 6.1.1 Sample Problem - Sorting

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CALL sort(a, nvals)WRITE(*, ‘(A)’) ‘ The sorted data are:’ WRITE(*, 1040) ( a(i), i = 1, nvals) 1040 FORMAT (4X, F10.4)ELSE fileopenWRITE(*, 1050) status1050 FORMAT (1X, ‘File open failed: ’, I6)END IF fileopenEND PROGRAM

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SUBROUTINE sort(arr, n)IMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nREAL, DIMENSION(n), INTENT(INOUT) :: arrINTEGER :: i. iptr, jREAL :: tempouter: DO i = 1, n – 1 iptr = i inner: DO j = i + 1, n minval: IF (arr(j) < arr(iptr)) THEN iptr = j END IF minval END DO inner swap: IF ( i /= iptr ) THEN temp = arr(i) arr(i) = arr(iptr) arr(iptr) = temp END IF swap END DO outer END SUBROUTINE sort

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Enter the file nameINPUT2.TXTThe sorted data are: -6.0000 -3.0000 0.0000 4.0000 4.0000 6.600012.000013.3000

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Sec. 6.1.2 The Intent Attribute



SUBROUTINE sub1(input, output)IMPLICIT NONEREAL, INTENT(IN) :: inputREAL, INTENT(OUT) :: output

output = 2. * inputinput = -1. ! This line is an errorEND SUBROUTINE

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Sec. 6.1.3 Passing Arrays to Subroutines


SUBROUTINE process (data1, data2, n, nvals)IMPLICIT NONEREAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(n) :: data1REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(n) :: data2

data2 = 3. * data1END SUBROUTINE process

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Sec. 6.1.4 Passing Character Variables to Subroutines


PROGRAM test_sample_stringIMPLICIT NONECHARACTER (len=15) :: aCALL sample(a)END PROGRAM

SUBROUTINE sample (string)IMPLICIT NONECHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(IN) :: stringWRITE(*,’(1X, A, I3)’) ‘Length of variable = ‘, LEN(string)END SUBROUTINE

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Sec. 6.1.5 Error Handling in Subroutines

Eg. 1, (Bad! If temp < 0, SQRT(temp) = ???)

SUBROUTINE process (a, b, result)IMPLICIT NONEREAL, INTENT(IN) :: a, bREAL, INTENT(OUT) :: resultREAL :: temp

temp = a - bresult = SQRT(temp)END SUBROUTINE

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Eg. 2, (Better! But still not good, STOP)∵

SUBROUTINE process (a, b, result)IMPLICIT NONEREAL, INTENT(IN) :: a, bREAL, INTENT(OUT) :: resultREAL :: temp

temp = a – bIF ( temp >= 0.) THEN result = SQRT(temp)ELSE WRITE(*,*)’ Square root of negative value in sub. Process!’ STOPEND IFEND SUBROUTINE

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Eg. 2, (Much better! error flag)∵

SUBROUTINE process (a, b, result, error)IMPLICIT NONEREAL, INTENT(IN) :: a, bREAL, INTENT(OUT) :: resultINTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: errorREAL :: temp

temp = a – bIF ( temp >= 0.) THEN result = SQRT(temp) error = 0ELSE result = 0 error = 1END IFEND SUBROUTINE

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Example 6-4 (Gauss-Jordan Elimination)

Linear eq.:

1 x1 + 1 x2 + 1 x3 = 1

2 x1 + 1 x2 + 1 x3 = 2

1 x1 + 3 x2 + 2 x3 = 4





1 1 1

2 1 1

1 3 2








1 1 1

2 1 1

1 3 2





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a1 x1 + 0 x2 + 0 x3 = b1

0 x1 + a2 x2 + 0 x3 = b2

0 x1 + 0 x2 + a3 x3 = b3


a1 0 0

0 a2 0

0 0 a3











x1 = b1/a1,

x2 = b2/a2,

x3 = b3/a3.

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Gauss-Jordan Elimination:

1 x1 + 1 x2 + 1 x3 = 1

2 x1 + 1 x2 + 1 x3 = 2

1 x1 + 3 x2 + 2 x3 = 4




1 1 1

0 -1 -1

0 2 1




(1) × -2 + (2) 0 x1 – x2 – x3 = 0 (4)

(1) × -1 + (3) 0 x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 3 (5)

(new row 2)

(new row 3)

∴ (1) (4) (5)

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1 x1 + 1 x2 + 1 x3 = 1

0 x1 - 1 x2 - 1 x3 = 0

0 x1 + 2 x2 + 1 x3 = 3




1 0 0

0 -1 -1

0 0 1




(4) + (1) 1 x1 + 0 x2 + 0 x3 = 0 (6)

(4) × 2 + (5) 0 x1 + 0 x2 - 1 x3 = 3 (7)

(new row 2)

(new row 3)

∴ (6) (4) (7)

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1 x1 + 0 x2 + 0 x3 = 1

0 x1 - 1 x2 - 1 x3 = 0

0 x1 + 0 x2 - 1 x3 = 3




1 0 0

0 -1 0

0 0 -1




(7) × -1 + (4) 0 x1 - 1 x2 + 0 x3 = 0 (8) (new row 2)

∴ (6) (7) (8)

x1 = -1,

-x2 = -3,

-x3 = 3.

x1 = -1, x2 = 3, x3 = -3.

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Gauss-Jordan Elimination:

3 x1 – 6 x2 + 7 x3 = 3

9 x1 + 0 x2 – 5 x3 = 3

5 x1 – 8 x2 + 6 x3 = -4




9 0 -5

5 -8 6

3 -6 7




9 x1 + 0 x2 – 5 x3 = 3

5 x1 – 8 x2 + 6 x3 = -4

3 x1 – 6 x2 + 7 x3 = 3

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(1) × (-5/9) + (2)

0 x1 – 8 x2 + (79/9) x3 = -51/9

(1) × (-3/9) + (3)

0 x1 – 6 x2 + (78/9) x3 = 2

(new row 2)

(new row 3)

9 x1 + 0 x2 – 5 x3 = 3

5 x1 – 8 x2 + 6 x3 = -4

3 x1 – 6 x2 + 7 x3 = 3

9 0 -5

0 -8 79/9

0 -6 78/9

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2row 2 × (-(-6) /(-8)) + row 3,

9 0 -5

0 -8 79/9

0 -6 78/9

9 0 -5

0 -8 79/9

0 0 75/36




row 3 × (-(-5) /(75/36))+ row 1, 9 0 0

0 -8 79/9

0 0 75/36




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row 3 × (-(79/9) /(75/36))+ row 2,

9 0 0

0 -8 0

0 0 75/36




x1 = 2,

x2 = 4,

x3 = 3.

9 0 0

0 -8 79/9

0 0 75/36




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Computer program:

Reorder the equations !

Maximum pivot technique

Avoids divided-by-zero errors.

Reduces round-off errors.

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Fig. 6-6 ( Subroutine simul, [a] [x] = [b] )

SUBROUTINE simul (a, b, ndim, n, error)IMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndimREAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(ndim,ndim) :: aREAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(ndim) :: bINTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nINTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: errorREAL, PARAMETER :: epsilon = 1.0E-06REAL :: factor, tempINTEGER :: irow, ipeak, jrow, kcol

! Process n times to reorder the eqs.mainloop: DO irow = 1, n ! Find peak pivot for column irow in rows irow to n ipeak = irow

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max_pivot: DO jrow = irow+1, n IF (ABS(a(jrow, irow)) > ABS(a(ipeak, irow))) THEN ipeak = jrow END IF END DO max_pivot ! Check for singular eqs.singular: IF ( ABS(a(ipeak, irow)) < epsilon)THEN error = 1 RETURN END IF singular! Otherwise, if ipeak /= irow, swap eqs irow and ipeak. swap_eqn : IF (ipeak /= irow) THEN DO kcol = 1, n temp = a(ipeak, kcol) a(ipeak, kcol) = a(irow, kcol) a(irow, kcol) = temp END DO

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temp = b(ipeak) b(ipeak) = b(irow) b(irow) = temp END IF swap_eqn ! (Eq. irow) * [-a(jrow, irow)/a(irow, irow)] + (Eq. jrow) eliminate: DO jrow = 1, n IF (jrow /= irow) THEN factor = -a(jrow, irow) / a(irow, irow) DO kcol = 1, n a(jrow, kcol) = a(irow, kcol) * factor + a(jrow, kcol) END DO b(jrow) = b(irow) * factor + b(jrow) END IF END DO eliminateEND DO mainloop

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divide: DO irow = 1, n b(irow) = b(irow) / a(irow, irow) a(irow, irow) = a(irow, irow) / a(irow, irow)END DO divideerror = 0END SUBROUTINE simul

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Fig. 6-7 (A test driven program)

PROGRAM test_simulIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_size = 10INTEGER :: i, j, n, istat, errorREAL, DIMENSION(max_size, max_size) :: aREAL, DIMENSION (max_size) :: bCHARACTER(len=20) :: file_name

! Get the eqs.WRITE(*,1000)1000 FORMAT(‘Enter the filename containing the eqs:’)READ(*, ‘(A20)’) file_nameOPEN(UNIT=3, FILE=file_name, STATUS=‘OLD’, & ACTION=‘READ’, IOSTAT=istat)

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file_open: IF (istat == 0) THEN READ(3, *) n size_ok: IF ( n <= max_size) THEN DO i = 1, n READ(3, *) (a(i, j), j = 1, n), b(i) END DO! Display coefficiants.WRITE(*, 1020)1020 FORMAT (/, 1X, ‘ Coeffs. Before call:’) DO i = 1, n WRITE(*, 1030) (a(i, j), j = 1, n), b(i) 1030 FORMAT (1X, 7F11.4) END DO! Solve eqs.CALL simul(a, b, max_size, n, error)

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error_check: IF (error /= 0) THEN WRITE(*,1040) 1040 FORMAT (/1X, ‘Zero pivot encountered!’, & // 1X, ‘ No unique solu.’) ELSE error_check WRITE(*, 1050) 1050 FORMAT ( /, 1X, ‘ Coeffs. After call:’) DO i = 1, n WRITE(*, 1030) ( a(i, j), j = 1, n), b(i) END DO WRITE(*, 1060) 1060 FORMAT (/, 1X, ‘ The solus. are:’) DO i = 1, n WRITE(*, 1070) i, b(i) 1070 FORMAT (3X, ‘X(‘, I2, ‘)=‘, F16.6) END DO END IF error_checkEND IF size_ok

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ELSE file_open WRITE(*, 1080) istat 1080 FORMAT(1X, ‘File open failed – status=‘, I6)END IF file_openEND PROGRAM


31.0 1.0 1.0 1.02.0 1.0 1.0 2.01.0 3.0 2.0 4.0

x1 + x2 + x3 = 12 x1 + x2 + x3 = 2 x1 + 3x2 +2 x3 = 4

Output: x1 = 1 x2 = 3 x3 = -3

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Sec. 6.2 The SAVE Attribute and Statement


REAL, SAVE :: sums

SAVE :: var1, var2, …



SAVE (all local variables)

Any local variables declared with the SAVE attributewill be unchanged between calls to the procedure.

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Example 6-5 Statiscal Analysis: (Running Averages)

Average: x_ave =

Σ xii=1



Standard deviation:

S = N Σxi

2 – (i=1 i=1


Σxi )2

N (N-1)


Input: x (i.e., xi , i = 1, 2, …, N) 0 ≧

Output: x_ave and S

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xi N Σ xi Σxi2 xave S

3.0 1 3.0 9.0 3.00 0.02.0 2 5.0 13.0 2.50 0.707 3.0 3 8.0 22.0 2.67 0.5774.0 4 12.0 38.0 3.00 0.8162.8 5 14.8 45.84 2.96 0.713

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Fig. 6-8

SUBROUTINE running_average(x, x_ave, s, nvals, reset)! IF ‘reset’ is “.TRUE.”, clear running sums and exit.IMPLICIT NONEREAL, INTENT(IN) :: xREAL, INTENT(OUT) :: x_ave, sINTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nvalsLOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: resetINTEGER, SAVE :: nREAL, SAVE :: sum_xREAL, SAVE :: sum_x2

calc_sums: IF (reset) THEN n=0; sum_x = 0. ; sum_x2 = 0. x_ave = 0. ; s = 0. ; nvals = 0ELSE n = n + 1

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sum_x = sum_x + x sum_x2 = sum_x2 + x**2 x_ave = sum_x / n IF (n >= 2) then s = SQRT((n*sum_x2 – sum_x **2)/(n*(n-1))) ELSE s = 0. END IF nvals = nEND IF calc_sumsEND SUBROUTINE running_average

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Fig. 6-9 (Test driven program)

PROGRAM test_running_averageIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER :: istat, nvalsREAL :: x_ave, s, xCHARACTER(len=20) :: filename

! Clear the running sumsCALL running_average(0., x_ave, s, nvals, .TRUE.)WRITE(*,*)’ Enter the file name containing the data:’READ(*,’(A20)’) filenameOPEN(UNIT=21, FILE=filename, STATUS=‘OLD’, & ACTION=‘READ’, IOSTAT=istat)open ok: IF(istat == 0) THEN calc: DO READ(21, *, IOSTAT=istat) x IF (istat /= 0) EXIT

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CALL running_average(x, x_ave, s, nvals, .FALSE.) WRITE(*,1020)’ Value = ‘, x, ‘ x_ave = ‘, x_ave, & ‘ Std_dev = ‘, s, ‘ N = ‘, nvals 1020 FORMAT(1X, 3(A, F10.4), A, I6) END DO calcELSE openok WRITE(*, 1030) istat 1030 FORMAT(1X, ‘File open failed-status = ‘, I6)END IF openokEND PROGRAM


3.0 3.00 0.0 1 2.0 2.50 0.707 23.0 2.67 0.577 34.0 3.00 0.816 42.8 2.96 0.713 5

x x_ave S N


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Sec. 6.3 Automatic Arrays

A local explicit-shape array with non-constant bounds.



temp = 0.. . .END SUBROUTINE

( Auto. arrays are automatically destroyed when subroutine ends.)

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Sec. 6.4 Sharing Data Using Modules

Programs Subroutines (or functions)

argument list

(exchange data)

Programs Subroutines (or functions)(share data)


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Fig. 6-11 (a simple module)


(SAVE should always be included in any module that declares sharable data.)

To use the values in the module,

USE module_name

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Fig. 6-12 (using a module to share data between a main program and a subroutine)PROGRAM test_moduleUSE testIMPLICIT NONEREAL, PARAMETER :: pi = 3.141592

values = pi * (/ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5. /)CALL sub1END PROGRAM



3.14159 6.28318 9.42478 12.5664 15.7080

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Sec. 6.5 Modules Procedures

e.g., MODULE my_subsIMPLICIT NONE. . . (declare shared data here)


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PROGRAM main_progUSE my_subsIMPLICIT NONE. . .CALL sub1(a, b, c, x, error). . .END PROGRAM

Sec. 6.5.1 Using Modules to Creat Explicit Interfaces

Why module procedure?

Explicit interface

(helps the compiler to catch errors)

Implicit interface: Assume that the programmer got the arguments right. (e.g., number, type, intent, …)

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PROGRAM bad_callUSE my_subsIMPLICIT NONEREAL :: x = 1.CALL bad_argument(x)END PROGRAM

The computer will catch the argument mismatch!

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Sec. 6.5.2 Assumed-shape Arrays

e.g., MODULE test_moduleCONTAINS SUBROUTINE process2(data1, data2) REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:, :) :: data1 REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:, :) :: data2 data2 = 3. * data1 END SUBROUTINE process2END MODULE test_module

( Assumed-shape arrays work only if a procedure has an explicit interface. However, the upper and lower bounds of each dimension cannot be determined.)

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Fig. 6-16 (The use of assumen-shape arrays)

MODULE test_moduleCONTAINS SUBROUTINE test_array(array) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, DIMENSION(:, :) :: array INTEGER :: i1, i2, j1, j2

i1 = LBOUND(array, 1) i2 = UBOUND(array, 1) j1 = LBOUND(array, 2) j2 = UBOUND(array, 2) WRITE(*, 100) i1, i2, j1, j2 100 FORMAT(1X, ‘ The bounds are: (‘, I2, ‘:’, I2,’,’, I2,’:’,I2,’)’) WRITE(*, 110) SHAPE(array) 110 FORMAT(1X, ‘ The shape is: ‘, 2I4) WRITE(*, 120) SIZE(array) 120 FORMAT(1X, ‘ The size is: ‘, I4) END SUBROUTINE test_arrayEND MODULE test_module

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PROGRAM assumed_shapeUSE test_moduleIMPLICIT NONEREAL, DIMENSION(-5:5, -5:5) :: a = 0.REAL, DIMENSION(10, 2) :: b = 1.WRITE(*,*) ’ Calling test_array with array a:’CALL test_array(a)WRITE(*,*) ‘ Calling test_array with array b:’CALL test_array(b)END PROGRAM

Output:Calling test_array with array a:The bounds are: (1:11, 1:11)The shape is: 11 11The size is: 121Calling test_array with array b:The bounds are: (1:10, 1:2)The shape is: 10 2The size is: 20

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Sec. 6.6 Fortran Functions

Intrinsic functions: e.g., SIN(x), LOG(x).

User-defined functions (or function subprograms)

The general form is

FUNCTION name ( argument_list) . . . (Declaration) . . . (Execution) . . . name = expression RETURNEND FUNCTION [name]


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Two equivalent forms:

INTEGER FUNCTION my_function(i, j)

FUNCTION my_function(i, j)INTEGER :: my_function


Fig. 6-17 (f(x) = ax2 + bx + c)

REAL FUNCTION quadf (x, a, b, c)IMPLICIT NONEREAL, INTENT (IN) :: x, a, b, c

quadf = a*x**2 + b*x + cEND FUNCTION

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Fig. 6-18 (a test driven program)

PROGRAM test_quadfIMPLICIT NONEREAL :: quadfREAL :: a, b, c, x, temp

WRITE(*,*) ‘ Enter quadratic coeffs. a, b, and c:’READ(*,*) a, b, cWRITE(*,*) ‘ Enter x value:’READ(*,*) xTemp = quadf(x, a, b, c)WRITE(*,100) ‘ f(‘, x, ‘)=‘, temp100 FORMAT(A, F10.4, A, F12.4)END PROGRAM

Test: a = 1., b = 2., c=3.x = 2.

f (x) = 11.

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If a function modifies the values in its argument list,

side effects. (Always declares all dummy arguments with the INTENT(IN) attribute.)

A function produces a single output value using its input arguments. If need more than one output value, should use a subroutine not a function.

Example 6-9 The Sinc Function

sinc(x) = sin(x)/x and sinc(0)=1.

See Fig. 6-19

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Fig. 6-20 (sinc(x))


IF(ABS(x) > epsilon) THEN sinc = sin(x) / xELSE sinc = 1.END IFEND FUNCTION sinc

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Fig. 6-21 (a test driven program)


WRITE(*,*) ‘ Enter x:’READ(*,*) xWRITE(*, 100) ‘ sinc(x) = ‘, sinc(x)100 FORMAT(1X, A, F8.5)END PROGRAM

Test: x sinc(x)

0. 1.000001.0E-29 1.000003.141593 0.000001.570796 0.63662

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Sec. 6.7 Passing Functions or Subroutines as Arguments to Procedures

e.g., PROGRAM testREAL, EXTERNAL :: fun_1, fun_2REAL :: x, y, output. . .CALL evaluate(fun_1, x, y, output)CALL evaluate(fun_2, x, y, output). . .END PROGRAM

SUBROUTINES evaluate(fub, a, b, result)REAL, EXTERNAL :: funREAL, INTENT(IN) :: a, bREAL, INTENT(OUT) :: resultResult = b*fun(a)END SUBROUTINE evaluate

(two user-defined funcs)

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Two equivalent forms:

REAL, EXTERNAL :: fun_1, fun_2

EXTERNAL fun_1, fun_2


EXAMPLE 6-10 (Passing Functions to Procedures in an Arguments List)

Σf(xi) i=1


Nave = , x1 = 0, xN = 1, N = 101

Δx =xN – x1

N - 1= 0.01

xi = x1 + (i -1) × Δx

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Fig. 6-22

REAL FUNCTION ave_value (func, first_value, last_value, n)IMPLICIT NONEREAL, EXTERNAL :: funcREAL, INTENT(IN) :: first_value, last_valueINTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nREAL :: delta, sumINTEGER :: I

Delta = (last_value – first_value) / (n-1)Sum = 0.DO I = 1, n sum = sum + func( first_value + (i-1) * delta)END DOAve_value = sum / nEND FUNCTION

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Fig. 6-23 (Test driven program)

PROGRAM test_ave_valueIMPLICIT NONEREAL :: ave_valueREAL, EXTERNAL :: my_functionREAL :: aveAve = ave_value(my_function, 0., 1., 101)WRITE(*,1000) ‘ my-function’, ave1000 FORMAT (1X, ‘ The ave. value of ‘, A, & ‘ between 0. and 1. is ‘, F16.6, ‘.’)END PROGRAM


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Ch. 7 Additional Data Types

Data types:Real data typeComplex data typeDerived data type

Sec. 7.1 Alternative KINDS of the REAL Data Type

REAL data type:

Single precision (32 bits, default): 6 ~ 7 significant digits, 10-38 ~ 1038 (range).

Double precision (64 bits): 15 ~ 16 significant digits, 10-308 ~ 10308 (range).

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Sec. 7.1.1 Kinds of REAL Constants and Variables

Kind number:

e.g., REAL (KIND = 4) :: value_1REAL (KIND = 8), DIMENSION(20) :: arrayREAL (4) :: temp

A better approach:

INTEGER, PARAMETER :: single = 4INTEGER, PARAMETER :: double = 8REAL (KIND = single) :: value_1REAL (KIND = double), DIMENSION(20) :: arrayREAL (single) :: temp

Valid real constants:

34._4 34._double 3.0E0 3.0D0

(a single_precision const)

(a double_precision const)

(depends on machine)

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Sec. 7.1.2 Determining the KIND of a Real Variable

Fig. 7-1

PROGRAM kindsIMPLICIT NONEWRITE(*, 100) KIND(0.0)WRITE(*, 101) KIND(0.0D0)100 FORMAT(‘The KIND for single precision is’, I2)101 FORMAT(‘The KIND for double precision is’, I2)END PROGRAM


The KIND for single precision is 1The KIND for double precision is 2

(depends on machine)

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Sec. 7.1.3 Selecting Precision in a Process-Independent MannerUse

kind_number = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (p=precision, r=range)

e.g., kind_number = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (p = 6, r = 37)kind_number = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (p = 12)kind_number = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (r = 100)kind_number = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (13, 200)kind_number = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (13)kind_number = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (p = 17)



Table 7-1 ( KIND-related intrinsic functions)

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Fig. 7-2 (Select desired kinds and get information about real values)

PROGRAM select_kindsIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: sgl = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (p=6, r=37)INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dbl = SELECTED_REAL_KIND (p=13, r=200)REAL (kind = sgl) :: var1 = 0.REAL (kind = dbl) :: var2 = 0._dbl

WRITE(*, 100) ‘ Var1’, KIND(var1), PRECISION(var1), RANGE(var1)WRITE(*, 100) ‘ Var2’, KIND(var2), PRECISION(var2), RANGE(var2)100 FORMAT (1X, A, ‘: Kind = ‘, I2, ‘, Precision = ‘, I2, ‘, Range = ‘, I3)END PROGRAM


Var1: Kind = 1, Precision = 6, Range = 37Var2: Kind = 2, Precision = 15, Range = 307

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Sec. 7.1.4 Mixed_Mode Arithmetic

e.g., 1/3 + 1/3 = 0.3333 … + 0.3333… = 0.6666 … (by hand)

By computer:

Expression Result

(1) 1.D0/3. + 1/3 3.333333333333333E-001(2) 1.D0/3. + 1./3. 6.666666333333333E-001(3) 1.D0/3. + 1./3.D0 6.666666666666666E-001

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PROGRAM testREAL(2) :: aREAL(1) :: b

A = 1.0D-208B = 1.0E-37WRITE(*,*)’a = ‘, aWRITE(*,*)’b = ‘, bEND PROGRAM


a = 1.000000000000E-0208b = 1.000000E-37

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Sec. 7.1.5 Double-Precision Intrinsic Functions

See Table B-1 (p. 501)

e.g., ABS, COS, SIN, EXP, LOG, . . .

COS(0.2) = 0.980067

COS(0.2d0) = 0.980066577841

Sec. 7.1.6 When to Use High-precision Real Values


larger (twice) memory size and slower speed

reduces round-off error problems

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Example 7-1 (Numerical Calculation of Derivatives)

d f(x)d x = limit

Δx 0

f(x+Δx)- f(x)Δx

In theory: The small Δx, the better the estimate of the derivative.

But, in practice: ???


f(x) = 1/x, df(x)/dx = -1/x2.

d f(x)

d x x = 0.15= - 44.44444444 . . .

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Fig. 7-4 (The derivative of f(x) = 1/x at x = 0.15, single and double-precision)

PROGRAM diffIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: single = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(p=6, r=37)INTEGER, PARAMETER :: double = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(p=13)INTEGER :: iREAL(KIND=double) :: ans, d_ans, d_error, d_fx, d_fxdx, d_dx, d_x = 0.15D0REAL(KIND=single) :: s_ans, s_error, s_fx, s_fxdx, s_dx, s_x = 0.15E0

WRITE(*,1)1 FORMAT(1X, ‘ DX TRUE ANS Sp ANS Dp ANS’, & ‘ Sp ERR DP ERR’)ans = -(1.D0/d_x**2)step_size: DO I = 1, 10 s_dx = 1.0 /10.0**i d_dx = 1.D0 / 10.D0 **I ! Calculate s-p ans. s_fxdx = 1. /(s_x + s_dx) s_fx = 1./(s_x) s_ans = (s_fxdx – s_fx) /s_dx

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s_error = ((s_ans – ans)/ans)*100. ! Calculate d-p ans. d_fxdx = 1. /(d_x + d_dx) d_fx = 1./(d_x) d_ans = (d_fxdx – d_fx) /d_dx d_error = ((d_ans – ans)/ans)*100. WRITE(*, 100) d_dx, ans, s_ans, d_ans, s_error, d_error 100 FORMAT(1X, ES10.3, F12.7, F12.7, ES22.14, F9.3, F9.3) END DO step_sizeEND PROGRAM

Output: see Textbook (p. 370)!

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Sec. 7.2 The Complex Data Type

c = a + i b = z θ,∠

a = z cosθ, b = z sin θ, θ= arctan (b/a).


c1 = a1 + i b1, c2 = a2 + i b2,

c1 ± c2 = (a1 ± a2) + i (b1± b2),

c1 × c2 = (a1a2 - b1b2) + i (a1b2 ± b1a2),

c1 (a1a2 + b1b2) + i (b1a2 - a1b2)

c2 (a22

+ b22 )


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Sec. 7.2.1 Complex Constants and Variables

Complex constant:

(1., 0.) 1 + i 0

(0.7071, 0.7071) 0.7071 + i 0.7071

(0, - 1) - i

(1.01E6, 0.5E2) 1010000 + i 50

(1.12_dbl, 0.1_dbl) 1.12 + i 0.1

Complex variable:

COMPLEX (KIND = kind_num) :: var1, var2, . . .COMPLEX, DIMENSION (256) :: array

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Sec. 7.2.2 Initializing Complex Variables

Eg. 1,COMPLEX, DIMENSION (256) :: array1array1 = (0., 0.)

Eg. 2,

Complex :: a1 = (3.141592, -3.141592)

Eg. 3,

COMPLEX :: a1READ(*, ‘(2F10.2)’) a1

COMPLEX :: a1READ(*, *) a1


INPUT: (no parentheses)e.g., 1.0 0.25

INPUT: (with parentheses)e.g., (1.0, 0.25)

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Sec. 7.2.3 Using Complex Numbers with Relational Operators

Given c1 = a1 + i b1, c2 = a2 + i b2,

c1 == c2 (to see if equal)

c1 /= c2 (to see if not equal)

c1 c2 (cannot compare!)


|c1| |c2| (compare magnitude)


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Sec. 7.2.4 Complex Intrinsic Functions

See App. B

1. Type conversion functions:

Given a and b,

COMPLX (a, b, kind) a + i b

Given c ( = a + i b),

REAL(c) a

AIMAG(c) b

2. Absolute function:

c = a + i b,

CABS(c) c = (a2 + b2)1/2

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3. Math functions: (generic functions)

COS, SIN, EXP, ABS, . . .


PROGRAM compxlCOMPLEX :: a = (1.0, 0.25)write(*,*) cos(a)END PROGRAM

Output:(0.55727, -0.21256)

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ax2 + bx + c = 0,

x = -b ± ( b2 – 4ac )1/2


If b2 – 4ac = 0

b2 – 4ac > 0

b2 – 4ac < 0

two distinct real roots

two complex roots

a single repeated root

Example 7-3 The Quadratic Eq. (revisited)

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PROGRAM roots_2IMPLICIT NONEREAL :: a, b, c, d, re, imCOMPLEX :: x1, x2

WRITE(*,*)'Enter the coeffs. a, b, and c:‘READ(*,*) a, b, cd = b**2 – 4.*a*cx1=(-b + SQRT(CMPLX(d,0.))) / (2. * a)x2=(-b – SQRT(CMPLX(d,0.))) / (2. * a)WRITE(*,*) ‘The roots are:‘WRITE(*,100) ’x1=‘, REAL(x1), ‘+ i’, AIMAG(x1)WRITE(*,100) ’x2=‘, REAL(x2), ‘+ i’, AIMAG(x2)100 FORMAT(A, F10.4, A, F10.4)END PROGRAM roots_2

Fig. 7-10

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x2 + 5x + 6 = 0, x1,2 = -2, -3

x2 + 4x + 4 = 0, x1,2 = -2

x2 + 2x + 5 = 0, x1,2 = -1 ± i 2

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Sec. 7.3 Derived Data Types

User-defined data types derived from intrinsic data types.

A convenient way to group together all the information about a particular item.

Derived data type: Array:

Components (names) Elements (numbers)

different types the same type

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The form of a derived data type:

TYPE [::] type_name component definitions . . .END TYPR [type_name]


TYPE :: person CHARACTER(len=14) :: first_name CHARACTER :: middle_initial CHARACTER(len=14) :: last_name CHARACTER(len=14) :: phone INTEGER :: age CHARACTER :: sex CHARACTER(len=11) :: ssnEND TYPE person



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Declare variables of the derived type person:

TYPE (person) :: john, janeTYPE(person), DIMENSION(100) :: people

(an array of 100 variables of type person)

Structure constructor:



john = person(‘John’, ‘R’, ‘Jones’, ‘323-6439’, 23, ‘M’, ‘123-45-6789’)jane = person(‘Jane’, ‘C’, ‘Bass’, ‘332-3060’, 17, ‘F’, ‘999-99-9999’)

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A derived data type within another derived data type:

TYPE :: grade_info TYPE (person) :: student INTEGER :: num_quizzes REAL, DIMENSION(10) :: quiz_grades INTEGER :: num_exams REAL, DIMENSION(10) :: exam_grades INTEGER :: final_exam_grade REAL :: averageEND TYPETYPE(grade_info), DIMENSION(30) :: class

(an array class of 30 variables of type grade_info)


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Sec. 7.3.1 Working with Derived Data Types

Component Selector:


john % age = 35

class(5) % final_exam_grade = 95

class(5) % student % age = 23

(variable of a derived data type)

(a component)

(5th student in the class)

(the age of the 5th student in the class)

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Sec. 7.3.2 Input and Output of Derived Data Types

Fig. 7-11 (I/O of variables of derived data types)

PROGRAM test_ioIMPLICIT NONETYPE :: person CHARACTER (len = 14) :: first_name CHARACTER :: middle_initial CHARACTER (len = 14) :: last_name CHARACTER (len = 14) :: phone INTEGER :: age CHARACTER :: sex CHARACTER (len = 11) :: ssnEND TYPE personTYPE (person) :: johnjohn = person(‘John’, ‘R’, ‘Jones’, ‘323-6439’, 23, ‘M’, ‘123-45-6789’)WRITE(*,*) ‘ Free format:’, johnWRITE(*,1000) john1000 FORMAT(‘ Formatted I/O:’, /, 4(1X, A, /), 1X, I4, /, 1X, A, /, 1X, A)END PROGRAM

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Sec. 7.3.3 Declaring Derived Data Types in Modules

Example 7-4 (Sorting derived data types by components)

Customer database:

John Q Public 123 Sesame Street Anywhere NY 10035James R Johnson Rt. 5 Box 207c West Monroe LA 71291. . .

Display the database in alphabetical order by last name, by city, or by zip code.

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Fig. 7-12 (sort a customer database)

MODULE typesIMPLICIT NONETYPE :: personal_info CHARACTER(len=12) :: first CHARACTER(len=12) :: mi CHARACTER(len=12) :: last CHARACTER(len=26) :: street CHARACTER(len=12) :: city CHARACTER(len=2) :: state INTEGER :: zipEND TYPE personal_infoEND MODULE types

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PROGRAM customer_databaseUSE typesIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_size = 100LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: lt_lastLOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: lt_cityLOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: lt_zipTYPE(personal_info), DIMENSION(max_size) :: customersLOGICAL :: exceed = .FALSE.CHARACTER (len=20) :: filenameINTEGER :: choice, i, nvals=0, statusTYPE(personal_info) :: temp

WRITE(*,*) ‘ Enter the file name:’READ(*,’(A20)’) filenameOPEN(UNIT=9, FILE=filename, STATUS=‘OLD’, IOSTAT=status) Fileopen: IF(status == 0) THEN

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DO READ(9,1010, IOSTAT=status) temp 1010 FORMAT(A12,1X,A1,1X,A12,1X,A26,1X,A12,1X,A2,1X,I5) IF(status /= 0)EXIT nvals = nvals + 1 size: IF (nvals <= max_size) THEN customers(nvals) = temp ELSE exceed = .TRUE. END IF size END DO toobig: IF(exceed) THEN WRITE(*,1020) nvals, max_size 1020 FORMAT (‘ Max. array size exceeded:’, I6, ‘>’, I6)ELSEWRITE(*,1030)1030 FORMAT(1X, ‘Enter the way to sort database:’, /, 1X, & ‘ 1 - By last name’, /,1X, ‘ 2 - By city’, /, 1X, ‘ 3 - By zip code’)

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READ(*,*) choice SELECT CASE (choice) CASE (1) CALL sort_database(customers, nvals, lt_last) CASE (2) CALL sort_database(customers, nvals, lt_city) CASE (3) CALL sort_database(customers, nvals, lt_zip) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(*,*)’ Invalid choice entered!’ END SELECT WRITE(*,’(A)’) ‘ The sorted database values are:’ WRITE(*, 1010)(customers(i), i=1, nvals) END IF toobigELSE fileopen WRITE(*,’(A, I6)’) ‘ File open error: IOSTAT=‘, statusEND IF fileopenEND PROGRAM

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SUBROUTINE sort_database (array, n, lt_fun)USE typesIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nTYPE(personal_info), DIMENSION(n), INTENT(INOUT) :: arrayLOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: lt_funINTEGER :: i, iptr, jTYPE(personal_info) :: tempouter: DO I = 1, n-1 iptr = I inner: DO j = i+1, n minval: IF (lt_fun(array(j), array(iptr))) THEN iptr = j END IF minval END DO inner swap: IF( I /= iptr) THEN temp=array(i) array(i) = array(iptr) array(iptr) = temp END IF swapEND DO outerEND SUBROUTINE sort_database

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LOGICAL FUNCTION lt_last(a,b)USE typesIMPLICIT NONETYPE(personal_info), INTENT(IN) :: a, blt_last = a%last < b%lastEND FUNCTION lt_last

LOGICAL FUNCTION lt_city(a,b)USE typesIMPLICIT NONETYPE(personal_info), INTENT(IN) :: a, blt_city = a%city < b%cityEND FUNCTION lt_city

LOGICAL FUNCTION lt_zip(a,b)USE typesIMPLICIT NONETYPE(personal_info), INTENT(IN) :: a, blt_zip = a%zip < b%zipEND FUNCTION lt_zip

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John Q Public 123 Sesame Street Anywhere NY 10035James R Johnson Rt. 5 Box 207C West Monroe LA 71291Joseph P Ziskend P. O. Box 433 APO AP 96555Andrew D Jackson Jackson Square New Orleans LA 70003Jane X Doe 12 Lakeside Drive Glenview IL 60025Colin A Jeffries 11 Main Street Chicago IL 60003

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Polar Coordinates: (extra)

c = a + i b = z θ,∠

z = (a2 + b2)1/2 , θ θ= arctan (b/a).a = z cosθ, b = z sin θ.


p1 = z1 θ∠ 1, p2 = z2 θ∠ 2, θ1, θ2: in degrees.

p = p1 + p2 = z θ, z = ???, θ= ???.∠

Prob. Creat a derived data type called polar for z θ∠ ,

two components: magnitude z

angle θ

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MODULE mathIMPLICIT NONEREAL, PARAMETER :: const = 57. 296 ! 1 rad=57.296 degreesTYPE :: polar REAL :: z ! magnitude REAL :: theta ! AngleEND TYPE polarEND MODULE math

PROGRAM test_polarUSE mathIMPLICIT NONETYPE(polar) :: p1, p2, pWRITE(*,*)’ Enter z1 and theta1 (in degrees):’READ(*,*) p1%z, p1%thetaWRITE(*,*)’ Enter z2 and theta2 (in degrees):’READ(*,*) p2%z, p2%thetaCALL add_polar(p1, p2, p)WRITE(*,*)’ z = ‘, p%z, ‘ theta = ‘, p%theta, ‘ degrees’END PROGRAM

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SUBROUTINE add_polar(p1, p2, p)USE mathIMPLICIT NONETYPE(polar), INTENT(IN) :: p1, p2TYPE(polar), INTENT(OUT) :: pREAL :: a, ba = p1%z*cos(p1%theta/const) + p2%z*cos(p2%theta/const)b = p1%z*sin(p1%theta/const) + p2%z*sin(p2%theta/const)p%z = SQRT(a**2 + b**2)p%theta = ATAN2(b, a) * constRETURNEND SUBROUTINE


p1 = 3.0 30∠ 0, p2 = 4.0 60∠ 0,

Z = 6.766, θ= 47.190 .

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Ch. 8 Advanced Features of Procedures and Modules

Sec. 8.1 Internal Procedures

Internal procedure

host program unit

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Fig. 8-1 ( Sec(θ) )

PROGRAM test_secIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, PARAMETER :: single = kind(0.0)REAL (KIND = single), PARAMETER :: pi = 3.141592REAL (KIND = single) :: thetaWRITE(*,*) ‘ Enetr angle in degrees:’READ(*,*) thetaWRITE(*, ‘(A, F10.4)’) ‘ The Secant is ‘, secant(theta)CONTAINS REAL FUNCTION secant(angle_in_degrees) REAL (KIND = single) :: angle_in_degrees secant = 1. /cos(angle_in_degrees * pi / 180.) END FUNCTION secantEND PROGRAM test_sec

Test: θ= 450, Sec(θ) = 1.4142

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Sec. 8.2 Recursive Procedures

e.g., N! =

N(N-1)!, N 1≧

1, N = 0

Fig. 8-2RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE factorial (n, result)IMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nINTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: resultINTEGER :: tempIF ( n >= 1 ) THEN CALL factorial (n-1, temp) result = n * tempELSE result = 1END IFEND SUBROUTINE factorial

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Fig. 8-3


IF ( n >= 1 ) THEN answer = n * fact(n-1)ELSE answer = 1END IFEND FUNCTION fact

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PROGRAM test_factorialIMPLICIT NONEINTEGER, EXTERNAL :: factINTEGER :: n, resultWRITE (*,*) ‘ Enter n ( >=0):’READ (*,*) nCALL factorial (n, result)WRITE(*,*) n, ‘! =‘, resultWRITE(*,*) n, ‘! =‘, fact(n)END PROGRAM

Test: 7 ! = 5040