introduction to engineering drawing


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Page 1: Introduction to engineering drawing

21 S T MAY 2015


Page 2: Introduction to engineering drawing

G R O U P M E M B E R S :

1. M D . R O K I B U L H A Q U E ( 2 0 1 4 3 3 4 0 6 2 )2. S H A R I F M U K TA D I R H O S S A I N C H O W D H U R Y ( 2 0 1 4 3 3 4 0 6 1 )3. S AT Y E N M A Z U M D E R ( 2 0 1 4 3 3 4 0 6 3 )


Presentation of Group “P”

Page 3: Introduction to engineering drawing


To get primary concepts of Engineering Drawing. To know the necessity of Engineering Drawing. To know about the equipments used in Engineering Drawing. To know various signs, lines and dimensions. To know about Orthogonal view. To know about Sectional view. To know about Auxiliary view.

Page 4: Introduction to engineering drawing


Drawing is the basic from of communication in technology and Industry. It expresses ideas and conveys specific information by means on geometric shapes lines and dimensions. It is a universal language that improves communications and eliminates costly errors of interpretation with drawing conventions. Engineering drawing is the main method of communication between all parsons concerned with the design and manufacturing of components.

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What is Engineering Drawing??

A graphical language to convey graphically the ideas and information necessary for the construction or analysis of machines, structures, or systems by geometric shapes lines and dimensions.

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Equipments for Engineering Drawing

•Drawing Paper•T-Squares•Set-Squares•Pencil Sharpeners•Erasers•Pencil Compasses•Dividers•Drawing Pencil•Scotch Tape

Fig. Equipments for Engineering Drawing

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Lines Used in Drawing

In engineering drawing there are used different kinds of line.Some of them are given-

Fig. Lines

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Type of Graphical Projection

Today We are describing three types of projection

1. Orthographic View.2. Sectional View.3. Auxiliary View

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Orthographic View

Orthographic projection of a method of representing the exact shape of an object by dropping perpendiculars from two or more sides of the objects to planes, generally at right angles to each other, collectively, the views on these planes described the object completely.

Fig. Orthographic View (1)

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In orthographic projection, three views are normally drawn. The three chosen views may be any of the six hypothetical faces of the object. Normally we use;

•Front View•Top View•Right hand side view

Fig. Orthographic View (2)

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Sectional View

Sectional views, commonly called sections, are used to show interior detail that is toocomplicated to be shown clearly and dimensioned by the traditional orthographic views and hidden lines.

Fig. Sectional view

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Overview of Sectional Projection

• Sections are used to show interior details clearly.

• A cutting-plane line shows where object was cut to obtain the section view.

• Cross hatching in the section view shows the solid surface of the object which were cut through to produce the section.

• Section views may replace standard views.

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Fig. Symbolic section lining

Fig. Sectional Cutting plane line

Symbolic section lining

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Auxiliary View

 Auxiliary view is a orthographic view which  is used to show the true shape of features that are not parallel to any of the principal planes of projection.

•Auxiliary views are orthographic views taken from a direction of sight other than top, front, right side, left side, bottom, or rear.

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Purpose of Auxiliary View

Purposes of Auxiliary Views•Show the true size and shape of a surface.•Show the true angle between two surface.•To give clear view of that plane which is not parallel the common planes.

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Thank you

That brings us to the endof our presentation, Thank you for your time.