introduction to computers

The Computer Defined The two principal characteristics of a computer are: It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner. It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions Computers are electronic and digital Converts data into information Modern computers are digital Two digits combine to make data Older computers were analog A range of values made data Data Definition: Data is a collection of raw facts and figures (e.g. cooking) Data needs to be processed before it can be turned into something useful Data comes in many forms – numbers, words, symbols

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  • 1. Introducing Computer Systems Shivani Parikh

2. The Computer Defined

  • The two principal characteristics of a computer are:
    • It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner.
    • It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions
  • Computers are electronic and digital
  • Converts data into information
  • Modern computers are digital
    • Two digits combine to make data
  • Older computers were analog
    • A range of values made data
  • Data Definition:
    • Data is a collection of raw facts and figures (e.g. cooking)
    • Data needs to be processed before it can be turned into something useful
    • Data comes in many forms numbers, words, symbols
    • Examples: Car Mileage, Prices of cosmetics

3. Case Study on DATA

  • Pizza Hut wants to come up with a new joint in the city of Vapi in state of Gujarat. It has conducted a market research survey and has come up with the following data. Assuming Vapi city to be made up of following 10 people with their preferences listed below:
    • Geeta aged 23 loves eating out and her preference is Indian food
    • Rahul aged 16 loves eating out and his preference is pizzas
    • Sanjay aged 56 doesnt eat out due to health reasons
    • Rachana aged 35 prefers to eat in luxury hotels
    • Vishal aged 30 can afford to eat only at cheap eateries
    • Aarav aged 2 eats only home cooked food
    • Ashok aged 70 has dentures and hence can only eat soft foods
    • Mansi aged 10 loves eating continental food
    • Ajay aged 40 loves eating out and has no preference towards any cuisine
    • Pallavi aged 23 eats only healthy foods and has no preference towards any cuisine

4. Information

  • The data is converted into the following information for Pizza Hut

Sr No Names AgePreference1 Geeta 23 Indian 2 Rahul16 Pizzas 3 Sanjay 56 doesnt eat out4 Rachana 35 eat in luxury hotels 5 Vishal 30 cheap eateries 6 Aarav 2 doesnt eat out7 Ashok 70 doesnt eat out8 Mansi 10 Continental 9 Ajay 40 Any 10 Pallavi 23 Healthy Food 5. The Computer Defined

  • For managers it is important to convert the data into information for decision making
  • In the above scenario Pizza Hut has identified that 40% of the total population shall be its target audience and its intended users.
  • The age group of intended target audience is 10-40 years
  • They would advertise close to schools, colleges, theaters, malls and so on

6. Types of Computers

  • Computers for Individual Users
  • Computers for Organizations
  • Individual Users
  • Desktops
  • Notebook / Laptops
  • Workstations
  • Tablet computers
  • Handheld computers
  • Smart phones
  • Computers for Organizations
  • Network servers
  • Mainframes
  • Minicomputers
  • Supercomputers

7. The Computer Defined

  • Desktop computers
    • The most common type of computer
    • Sits on the desk or floor
    • Performs a variety of tasks
  • Workstations
    • Specialized computers
    • Optimized for science or graphics
    • More powerful than a desktop
  • Laptops/ Notebooks
    • Small portable computers
    • Weighs between 3 and 8 pounds
    • About 8 by 11 inches
    • Typically as powerful as a desktop

8. The Computer Defined

  • Tablet computers
    • Newest development in portable computers
    • Input is through a pen
    • Run specialized versions of office products
  • Handheld computers
    • Very small computers
    • Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)
    • Note taking or contact management
    • Data can synchronize with a desktop
    • Used by Medical reps
    • John Sculley fromApplegave industry
    • the name PDA

9. The Computer Defined

  • Smart phones
    • Hybrid of cell phone and PDA
    • Web surfing, e-mail access

10. Computers For Organizations

  • Network servers
    • Centralized computer
    • All other computers connect
    • Provides access to network resources
    • Often simply a powerful desktop
    • Print Server, Web Server
  • Supercomputers
    • The most powerful computers made
    • Handle large and complex calculations
    • Process trillions of operations per second
    • Found in research organizations

11. Computers For Organizations

  • Mainframes
    • Used in large organizations
    • Handle thousands of users
    • Users access through a terminal
    • Examples: Banks, Insurance, Airlines, RTO
    • RAS, HVAC, high speed, low maintenance
  • Minicomputers
    • Called midrange computers
    • Power between mainframe and desktop
    • Handle hundreds of users
    • Used in smaller organizations
    • Users access through a terminal

12. Looking Inside the Computer System

  • Parts of the Computer System
  • Computer systems have four parts
    • Hardware
    • Software
    • Data
    • User

13. Parts of the Computer System

  • Hardware
    • Mechanical devices in the computer
    • Anything that can be touched
  • Software
    • Tell the computer what to do
    • Also called a program
    • Thousands of programs exist
  • Data
    • Pieces of information
    • Computer organize and present data
  • Users
    • People operating the computer
    • Most important part
    • Tell the computer what to do

14. Information Processing Cycle

  • Steps followed to process data
    • Input
    • Processing
    • Output
    • Storage

15. Essential Computer Hardware

  • Hardware categorized into four types
  • Processing devices
  • Memory devices
  • Input and output devices
  • Storage devices
  • Processing devices
    • Brains of the computer
    • Carries out instructions from the program
    • Most computers have several processors
    • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
    • micro processors
    • Processors made of silicon and copper

16. Essential Computer Hardware

  • Memory devices
    • Stores data or programs
    • Random Access Memory (RAM)
      • Volatile (mens memory)
      • Stores current data and programs
      • More RAM results in a faster system
    • Read Only Memory (ROM)
      • Permanent storage of programs (womens memory)
      • Holds the computer boot directions

17. Essential Computer Hardware

  • Input and output devices
    • Allows the user to interact
    • Input devices accept data
      • Keyboard (foldable), mouse (wireless)
    • Output devices deliver data
      • Monitor (touch screen example), printer (thermal, UV), speaker
    • Some devices are input and output
      • Touch screens,

18. Essential Computer Hardware

  • Storage devices
    • Hold data and programs permanently
    • Different from RAM
    • One of the most popular device for data storage is USB drives
    • Magnetic storage
      • Floppy (3 inch), hard drive and external hard drive
      • Uses a magnet to access data
    • Optical storage
      • CD and DVD drives
      • Uses a laser to access data
      • Computers are built with inbuilt DVD drives

19. Software Runs The Machine

  • Tells the computer what to do
  • Reason people purchase computers
  • Two types
    • System software
    • Application software
  • System software
    • Most important software
    • Operating system
      • Windows XP
    • Network operating system (OS)
      • Windows Server 2003
    • Utility
      • Symantec AntiVirus

20. Software Runs The Machine

  • Application software
    • Accomplishes a specific task
    • Most common type of software
      • MS Word
    • Covers most common uses of computers
    • Other examples are MS PowerPoint, Excel, Games, photos, Educational software

21. Computer data

  • Fact with no meaning on its own
  • Stored using the binary number system
  • Data can be organized into files

22. Computer Users

  • Role depends on ability
    • Setup the system
    • Install software
    • Mange files
    • Maintain the system
  • User less computers
    • Run with no user input
    • Automated systems

23. Thank You