introduction to card tricks

Introduction In an early issue of The Bat the publisher, Lloyd E. Jones, wrote: "There are fellows who would like to do a few card tricks, nothing elaborate, but simple tricks that can be done at any time. There are so many good tricks available that it seems a shame that most people who like to do tricks and even those who call themselves magicians are at a loss when handed a strange pack of cards. They fumble, they hem and haw, perhaps they can't think of a single thing to do, perhaps they have no time to prepare their especially wonderful trick, perhaps they have left that prepared deck at home.” Here then is the answer, card tricks that work themselves, no set ups, no sleights, no fake cards, tricks that are really impromptu, so that you can borrow a deck, ask someone to shuffle the cards and start right in doing tricks. Recently I read a book labeled "Impromptu Card Tricks" but some depended upon decks that were pre-arranged, some required forcing, palming and other sleights, some required waxed cards and needle punctured cards, one even required a newspaper with a secret pocket. This is not my idea of "impromptu." Here is a feast for the card gourmet. In the nearly 40 years that have gone by since I wrote the original "Encyclopedia of Card Tricks" I have made notes of tricks that have come to my attention from many sources and in a variety of ways, so that sufficient material has been accumulated to fill another Encyclopedia. The best impromptu effects were drawn from that material for this book. Here are some of the finest creations of such noted magical inventors as Gerald Kosky, Bob Hummer, Eddie Joseph, Stewart James, Ed Marlo, Ralph Hull, Jack Miller, Francis Carlyle, Frank Garcia, George Dean, Sid Lawrence, Scalbert, Tom Sellers, Ned Rutledge, Percy Bee, Rufus Steele, Paul Kahn, and others, including of course some of Glenn Gravatt. Sometimes two originators get the same idea. There is no way to prove who thought of it first, so while assignment of credits cannot be guaranteed to be correct, credit has been given where known. However in many of these cases I have taken the liberty to make changes, hoping that my efforts might improve the original. In preparing this book I tried out all the tricks to see if they actually worked as they were supposed to. They worked but I was amazed

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There are so many good tricks available that it seems a shame that most people who like to do tricks and even those who call themselves magicians are at a loss when handed a strange pack of cards.


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In an early issue of The Bat the publisher, Lloyd E. Jones, wrote: "There are fellows who would like to do a few card tricks, nothing elaborate, but simple tricks that can be done at any time. There are so many good tricks available that it seems a shame that most people who like to do tricks and even those who call themselves magicians are at a loss when handed a strange pack of cards. They fumble, they hem and haw, perhaps they can't think of a single thing to do, perhaps they have no time to prepare their especially wonderful trick, perhaps they have left that prepared deck at home.”

Here then is the answer, card tricks that work themselves, no set ups, no sleights, no fake cards, tricks that are really impromptu, so that you can borrow a deck, ask someone to shuffle the cards and start right in doing tricks. Recently I read a book labeled "Impromptu Card Tricks" but some depended upon decks that were pre-arranged, some required forcing, palming and other sleights, some required waxed cards and needle punctured cards, one even required a newspaper with a secret pocket. This is not my idea of "impromptu."

Here is a feast for the card gourmet. In the nearly 40 years that have gone by since I wrote the original "Encyclopedia of Card Tricks" I have made notes of tricks that have come to my attention from many sources and in a variety of ways, so that sufficient material has been accumulated to fill another Encyclopedia. The best impromptu effects were drawn from that material for this book.

Here are some of the finest creations of such noted magical inventors as Gerald Kosky, Bob Hummer, Eddie Joseph, Stewart James, Ed Marlo, Ralph Hull, Jack Miller, Francis Carlyle, Frank Garcia, George Dean, Sid Lawrence, Scalbert, Tom Sellers, Ned Rutledge, Percy Bee, Rufus Steele, Paul Kahn, and others, including of course some of Glenn Gravatt.

Sometimes two originators get the same idea. There is no way to prove who thought of it first, so while assignment of credits cannot be guaranteed to be correct, credit has been given where known. However in many of these cases I have taken the liberty to make changes, hoping that my efforts might improve the original.

In preparing this book I tried out all the tricks to see if they actually worked as they were supposed to. They worked but I was amazed to discover how effective they were, more wonderful than they sounded by just reading them. In many cases simple mathematics are converted into little mysteries, disguised with misdirection, and the magician has little to do but direct the proceedings.

Too many so-called self-working card tricks call for long drawn out procedures involving endless counting and dealing. They may be mystifying but they can be very boring, and your primary purpose is to ENTERTAIN. I have tried to avoid this fault. There is of necessity a certain amount of counting and dealing but this has been kept to a minimum and is very limited. No counting is lengthy and no dealing is excessive. So while some of this is inevitable only tricks have been used that are not too time consuming.

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There are a great many card tricks that are so old and have appeared in print so often that many laymen are familiar with them. These have been omitted. Likewise many have been published apparently for the

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beginner or rankest amateur because they are easy to do but are so simple you could hardly hope to fool anyone with them is these sophisticated times. These also have been omitted.

No one likes to read long winded' descriptions so those in this book are purposely brief, the way in which the trick is presented being left to the good judgment of the performer. The wise magician will use showmanship to put an effect over and cloak it with suitable patter, some of which is designed to mislead the onlooker away from the real method employed. Also a good performer will not just simply run through the deck to find a chosen card, but reveal it is some dramatic manner. It hardly needs to be mentioned that in all cases where you reveal a chosen card you keep it face down until the spectator names his card, then you turn it over.

Out of all the tricks that follow, there are only one or two where perhaps it is not feasible to use a borrowed deck. There are only four or five where a spectator cannot shuffle the pack at the start, and even a shuffle is possible with these few tricks if you are able to sight the top or bottom card afterwards. You will find all of them really impromptu, easy to do, no skill needed, mystifying and entertaining.


50 Modern Card Tricks


Ambitious Card No Sleight Method

Effect: A card is shown, then placed in the middle of the deck with half of it left protruding. The card is then pushed flush with the deck and a moment later is shown to have come to the top. This effect is usually accomplished by sleight of hand but Frank Garcia has devised a very clever method, one that is so easy anyone can do it, yet beautiful to watch and very confusing even to professional card men.

Take the deck and state that you will remove a card. What you do is to fan the pack before you, square up any 2 cards in perfect alignment, and remove them as one. You can remove the top 2, the bottom 2, or whatever happens to be easiest for you.

Now this is far different from the sleight commonly known as the "Double Lift," which requires practice and is difficult for some. You merely remove 2 cards from the deck keeping them evened so that they appear as one. This is quite easy. You hold these in your right hand while retaining the pack in the left. With the right hand display the 2 cards as one, asking them to pay particular attention to it (front one of the 2) so that they will recognize it when they see it later, that it is very important for them to remember it.

Place the card (cards) on top of the pack, immediately pushing the top card forward so that it projects a couple of inches from the narrow edge of the deck. The placing of the cards and the pushing out of the top card is all done in one action, and without hesitation. The projecting card is of course the indifferent one but is presumed to be the one just shown. Hold the deck slanting downward so they cannot see the face of the projecting card. Now comes a beautiful move. Cut the deck about in half, bringing the TOP half of the deck, in the right hand, over and on top of the protruding card. About half of this card extends from the center of the deck at the outer edge.

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The protruding card, buried half way down in the deck, is pushed home by the left index finger so that it is flush with the rest of the cards. The pack is squared up. The magician snaps his fingers, then turns over the top card to show that the card he inserted in the center of the pack has come to the top in a mysterious fashion. Very effective.

The Professor's Card Trick

Start by saying: "I once knew an old professor who did a trick that went like this: First he had someone shuffle the deck. (Have a spectator do this.) Then he turned his back because if he didn't he might be accused of peeking. (Turn your back.) Now turn over the top card and lay it face up. If it's a picture card, discard it. They drag the problem out too much.”

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“Now notice the number of spots on the card. Deal that many face down on each side of it. For instance, if it's a 3,spot, deal 6 cards, 3 on each side. The face up card in the middle is your des, tiny card. Please remember it. Turn it face down and deal 9 cards on top of it. Nine is a number of great portent. Pick up that center pile and give it a good shuffle. Now pick up the other 2 piles, put them together, and shuffle them. Put all the cards together and shuffle the whole batch.”

This done, you turn around and take the cards. Continue: "The professor would look over the cards, looking for one, your destiny card. He always gave the impression he was hard at work on a tough problem. " You imitate the professor looking at the cards. What you actually do is to count them.

Deduct 10 from the total. Half of the result gives you the value of his card, that is, the number of spots. For instance, if 18 cards, 18 less 10 leaves 8. Half of 8 is 4, indicating a 4, spot. If there is but one 4-spot in the group, toss it out face down. Have him name the card he remembered. Turn it up to show you have discovered it, notwithstanding all the shuffling.

If there are 2 fours, or whatever, put one on top and one on bottom. Square the packet. When he names his card show the correct one. Either is equally effective. If there are 3 of the same (unlikely in a small group) put one on top, one on the bottom, and turn the other face up in the center. While doing this, turn your back, stating that you have found his card and are placing it in a distinctive position.

Finish by saying (with tongue in cheek) : "I sure would like to know how the old professor did that trick. I could never figure it out.”

Note: You may prefer to have 7 cards dealt on the "destiny" card instead of nine. This number fits in well because, as you tell the spectator, the number 7 has always been considered a mystical number, in all ages, and especially in biblical times, and has been thought of as a "lucky" number. In such case, subtract 8 from the total number of cards and divide the remainder by 2, giving you the correct number of spots on the "destiny" card.

Cards and Dice

A spectator, after shuffling his pack, is handed a pair of dice. While your back is turned he makes a pile of 13 cards, discarding the rest of the pack. He is then to roll the dice, add the 2 numbers on top, count that far down in the 20"'card heap, and to note and remember the card at that number.

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He then totals the 2 numbers on the bottom of the dice, counts to this second number from the top of the pile and notes that card. Thus he has selected 2 cards by chance, his choices governed by the roll of the dice. He then conceals the dice or changes them so you will have no clue when you turn around.

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If desired 2 spectators may take part. One notes a card as far down in the heap as the total of spots on top, the other does the same with the total of spots on the bottom of the dice.

You turn, take the cards, and place them behind you. State that you will divide the cards into 2 piles, find both cards, put one in each pile and at exactly the same position, all without looking at the cards.

Count off 6, reversing them in the process, that is, reversing the order by putting one atop the preceeding and so on. Bring these 6 forward and place on the table. Bring forth the 7th card and lay it beside the 6...card pile. Bring forth the remaining 6 cards (without reversing their order) and lay them beside the others so that you have two 6-card piles with a single card in the center.

Ask him to name his cards. This done you turn up the 2 top cards, both at the same time, using both hands. Place them below the other heaps, face up. Turn up the next pair, and continue until his 2 cards appear. They will both turn up at the same time, verifying your statement you would put each one at exactly the same place in it's respective pile.

Should the top numbers of the dice be 7, the bottom will also be 7. Thus he would only note 1 card instead of 2, but he says nothing about this to you. In such case his card will be the center one, the single one between the 2 piles of 6. When you have turned up all 6 of both piles and haven't seen his card, it is the single one in the center. However, before you start turning cards you ask him to name them. Since he can name but one you immediately turn up the single center card which is still more wonderful since you have apparently separated it from the other 12.

You may wish to use 3 dice. In such case use 20 cards. The procedure is much the same except that when you put the cards behind you, you count off the top 10, reversing their order, bring these out and place on the table. Lay the other 10 down beside them without reversing them. Thus you have 2 piles of 10 cards each. Since the number of cards used is even, there is no center single one.

Kosky's Automatic Placement

Gerald Kosky's method of automatically bringing a noted card to any position in the deck you wish, originally issued under the title: "No Clue."

A spectator shuffles his pack and while you turn your back he removes a small amount of cards, any number up to, say, about 15. He counts them, puts them in his pocket, counts down from the top of the deck to that number and notes and remembers the card at that position.

He then deals from the top of the deck, a card at a time, FACE UP, merely calling out whether the card is red or black. He does this until you stop him. The dealt off face up pile is turned face down and the rest of the deck put on top. You know where his card lies and can reveal it in any way you wish.

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To bring his card to any desired position subtract the number you want the card to be at from 52. Suppose you wish his card to be 30th from the top. Subtract 30 from 52, "giving 22. Therefore you have him deal off 22 cards from the top of the pack into a face up pile, at the same time calling out their color. When he has dealt 22, say "stop." The 22-card pile is turned face down and the cards left in the hand placed on top of that. The calling of the colors is simply misdirection and a ruse to have him cut or transfer 22 from the top to the bottom of the pack.

Marlo's Automatic Placement

There are a number of ways whereby you can automatically bring a card noted by a spectator to any position in the deck you wish. Knowing its location you can then reveal or produce it in any manner you please. This is Ed Marlo's version.

A spectator shuffles his deck and while you turn your back removes a bunch of cards which he silently counts. He pockets these or puts them out of sight as they are to be discarded and no longer used. He then notes the card as far down from the top of the deck as the number of cards he removed. If he took 10, then he looks at the 10th card from the top.

You turn and take the cards. Emphasize that you have no idea as to how many he discarded, therefore you cannot possibly know where his card lies in the pack. Nevertheless you intend to find it.

Holding the deck facing him, show him the top card, asking him to watch for his card but to give you no indication when he sees it, just watch for it, and perhaps you will get the proper vibrations. Pass the next card to the other hand, then the next, and so on. In doing this do not reverse the order of the cards. That is, each successive card as it is passed from the top of the deck to the other hand goes in front of the previous card, maintaining the original order.

When you have shown him the faces of 22 cards (you count silently as you pass them) ask if he has seen his card. Of course he has because originally he was asked to remove a "small" bunch, to count them, and look at the card at that number. Put the 22 cards at the bottom of the deck. In other words you have simply cut 22 off the top and transferred them to the bottom. Having him look for his card is just an excuse to transfer the proper number.

The card he noted will now be 30th from the top. You can reveal it in any way you please. It will be 30 because you cut 22, and since there are 52 cards in the pack, 22 from 52 leaves 30.

In the same way you can automatically bring his noted card to any position in the pack, depending upon the number of cards you transfer from the top to the bottom. To put his card 32nd, cut off 20. 52-20 equals 32. To put his card 27th, transfer 25. And so on.

Eddie Joseph has a similar method called "Dumfounder." Spectator first calls any number between 25 and 40. The trick proceeds as above. You then cause his noted card to appear at the very number he called. You simply subtract that number from 52, and cut the resulting

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number from top to bottom, using the ruse of running the cards from hand to hand while he watches for his.

Mathematical Card Trick

Admittedly old, in fact so old as to be brand new to the present generation. It is too good a feat, considering the ease with which it can be accomplished, to be lost to present day performers. As another excuse for describing it here, a few unique twists have been added.

Like many good tricks many have tried their hands at devising variations to make this one still better, and splendid methods have been published by Lloyd E. Jones, G. W. Hunter, and others including Professor Hoffman (Angelo Lewis.)

First remove 6 cards from a pack, without revealing their number, and place them in your pocket. While you turn your back have a spectator shuffle the deck. Tell him to deal 3 heaps of cards, any number he wishes, just as long as the heaps have the same number of cards. In order not to prolong the trick he should not deal too many, neither too few, say any number from 5 to 12.

Having done this, you tell him to take 2 cards from each outside pile and put them on the center pile. This done, he is to return the entire left hand pile, what is left of it, to the main deck. He is now to count the cards in the right hand pile and remove that number from the center pile, putting them back with the main deck. Lastly he puts what remains of the right hand pile back with the main deck.

You state that you have no way of knowing how many he dealt in the first place, or how many he returned to the deck, so there is no way to tell how many he still has on the table before him. However, if he will hand you the deck while you still keep your back turned to him, you will show him and the rest of the audience how quickly you can tell how many are missing from the deck.

He hands you the deck. Take it in one hand. Hold it close to your ear, and riffle the corner with a riffling sound audible to all. Say "there are 6 missing, therefore you have 6 cards on the table." This action will invariably produce a laugh, as it always did in connection with another trick by the very funny "Amazing Ballantine. "

The spectator must admit you are correct. You then state further that you knew in advance just what he was going to do and to prove it you pull out the cards you placed in your pocket and count them aloud for all to see. There are 6.

Mathematical Card Trick No.2

Bruce Elliott credits this to Jack Miller. A spectator shuffles his deck and while you turn your back he deals 2 small piles of cards, not so many as to prolong the trick, but as many as

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he wishes, and silently so you can have no way of knowing the number dealt. Each pile must have the same number.

Ask the spectator to return one card from the left hand pile to the main deck. Ask him how many he would like to discard from the right hand pile. Suppose he says 3. Remember that number. Spectator

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returns 3 to the main deck from the right hand pile. Now tell him to take as many cards as are left in the right hand pile from the left hand pile and put them back with the main deck.

This done, you remind him you did not know how many cards he dealt in the first place so could have no idea how many remain. Yet you call the correct number, in this case, 2. Sure enough, he has 2 cards left.

The answer must always be one less than the number he called out. In the case assumed he called 3, so the answer is 2 cards left.

Add a Pair

Hand pack to spectator. Turn your back to him. Tell him to remove any 2 spot cards and add the spots together. A 7 and a 5 would total 12. So he puts his 2 chosen cards to one side while he deals a pile of cards equal to the total of their spots, in this case, 12. He then deals another heap of the same number.

He assembles these 2 heaps into one, then puts his 2 chosen cards on top of the combined heap. Finally he puts the balance of the pack on top of all. Cards are face down at all times.

You turn, take the cards, stressing that you do not know the 2 cards chosen, therefore you could not know the number dealt. Likewise you could not know where his 2 cards lie in the deck. He must agree.

Fan the pack face up in front of you, passing the cards from one hand to the other, counting from the face of the deck. Begin your count at O. Count the first 2 cards as 0, the second pair as (41," the 3rd pair as "2," the 4th pair as "3" etc.

Removing them 2 by 2, when you arrive at a pair of cards, the spots on which total the same as your mentally counted number, those will be the 2 selected cards. In this case the spots on a pair of cards will total 12 as you mentally count 12. Credited to Torn Sellers.

Perfect Force

World's easiest force. Only trouble, you need more than one spectator. Top card is the force card. Put pack on left fingers, out near fingertips. With left hand held out flat, go to "A." Ask him to

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cut the deck. He cuts off'the top portion. You motion with your right hand for him to put the cut-off part on your palm, (back of bottom portion.)

Move on to "B," picking up the bottom portion at the fingertips with the right hand. Hold left hand out, with top part on its palm, saying "Will you please take the card that Mr. A cut to?" B takes top the force card, This is the force used by Percy Bee in England but is not generally known.


Begin by telling a spectator that in numerology everyone's personality is represented by 2 numbers, the numbers being different in each instance. Say: "Just by looking at you, I would guess that your numbers are 5 and 3. Let's see if I'm right."

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Ask him to count off any 8 cards. Have him hold these 8 behind his back in order to shuffle them behind him. Say: "Shuffle these without looking at them." As you put the cards in his hands held behind him, just turn the bottom card face up. Doing this behind his back, he can't see it.

Say "After you've mixed the cards behind you, turn the top and bottom cards face up. Next, shuffle them again, and again reverse the top and bottom cards. Repeat this as often as you wish. When you finish spread the cards on the table. Since your numbers are 5 and 3, you should have 5 cards facing one way and 3 the other.

Note: Have your spectator stop at either 3rd, 5th, or 7th time they do this, as it is not probable, it is possible to undue your 5/3 spread and you will end with a 7/1 spread, as you did at the start of the routine. The chances of it happing are low, but it can happen.

Your prediction proves correct. The trick works automatically. This is credited to Bob Hummer.

Before Your Eyes

A spectator cuts off a small bunch of cards, say a dozen or so and retains them, discarding the rest of the pack. He fans the small packet of cards before him and decides upon one certain card, remembering it, and also counting how far it lies from the top of the packet, meaning of course, when the cards are face down.

You take the packet and say you will cut the cards to lose the one he chose so that neither of you will know where it lies in the small bunch of cards. You cut a small bunch off the BOTTOM and place them on TOP of the packet.

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It makes no difference how many you cut off except you must know the number. Let us suppose you cut 4 cards from the bottom and transferred those 4 to the top of the packet.

Hand back the packet to him. Ask him to put the cards behind his back where you cannot see them and to transfer his number from the top to the bottom, that is, the same number his card was from the top of the packet when he first decided upon it.

This done, he returns the cards to you. Without looking at their faces you immediately find his card. It will be as far down from the top of the packet as the number you cut from the bottom to the top. If you cut 4 cards, then his card will now be 4th.

Easy Reverse

A spectator shuffles his deck and deals 2 piles of 10 cards each. He picks up either pile and from it chooses a card which he puts on the table face down. He then deals this pile on top of his card, dealing the first card face down, the next face up, the third face down, and so on, alternating.

He deals the other pile on top of those 10, dealing the first card face up, the second face down, and so on. He cuts the 20-card packet to lose his card, then hands the packet to you behind your back.

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You put the top card between thumb and first finger, the second card between first and second finger, the third card between thumb and first finger, and so on with all 20. Finally you take one group (either one) and turn it over, then combine the two groups into one.

Bring the cards into view and ribbonspread them across the table. All cards will be facing one way while the chosen card will be reversed in the spread.

Think of Any Card

A spectator shuffles his deck, then thinks of any card. You take the deck and state that you will match the suit and the value of the card he is thinking of by dealing 2 face up piles and finding 2 cards to match his, one face up on each pile, leaving the packjust as he has shuffled it and without changing the order of the cards.

He now names his thought-of card. Suppose it is the 7 of Hearts. You start dealing and before all the cards have been dealt, there appears a 7-spot of some suit at the face of one pile, and a heart at the face of the other.

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No matter what card he may mentally choose, you succeed in matching it with the 2 significant cards.

Secret: There is nothing for you to do. The trick works by itself. It might fail once in a hundred times but it seldom happens. You do not claim that the first card dealt to a pile, say that on your left, will combine with the next card dealt, that on your right. What never occurs to the spectator (and might not occur to you) is that you have 2 chances for every card dealt.

Deal slowly. Suppose, as before, the 7 of Hearts is thought of. Suppose, further, that somewhere in your deal, a heart is dealt onto one heap. The card on the other heap may be a 7, and you are through. But assume it is not a 7. You deal a card on it (dealing to each heap in turn) and perhaps a 7 will then appear. You therefore have had 2 chances instead of one. And so on throughout the deal.

Easy Follow The Leader

No Sleights

There is an old trick usually known as "Follow The Leader" wherein one red card and one black are laid out face upward to be used as "leaders" or guides. A packet of red cards is placed under the red leader, and a packet of black under the black. No matter how often the leaders or the packets are exchanged, the cards follow the leader, the blacks always turning up where the black leader is, and the reds where the red one is.

A number of different methods have been printed but they require sleight of hand and a degree of skill. The method to be described is simple and easy, using no sleights of any kind, yet very effective. This once appeared in a magazine, usually the burial ground of much worthwhile material. Its name, and that of the originator is omitted here, not intentionally, but because of lost notes.

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Deal 6 black cards face up to your left and 6 red ones to your right, openly. Put the left (black) pile on the right hand pile. Hold the 12 cards face down in the left hand. Run 8 cards from the left to the right hand, counting aloud as you do so "1, 2, 3," etc.

After 8 have been counted, spread the 4 in the left hand, saying "and 4 makes 12." Casually add the 4 to the bottom of the pile in the right hand. Thumb off the top 6 without reversing their order, turn the packet face up, squared, and place it at your left. Say "the blacks go here. The red ones go here." Put the others face up at your right.

Remove the top card of each pile as a "leader" card, placing it face up above its own pile. Turn the 2 five...card piles face down under their leaders. State you will show how the cards play the game, "Follow the Leader."

Transpose the 2 face down piles, putting each where the other was. Remove the top card of each pile, showing it has followed its leader. Place them face up on top of their leaders. Transpose

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the face down piles again. This time remove the bottom cards of the piles and add them to the leader piles face up.

Again transpose the face down piles. Remove the top cards and add to the leader piles. The next time, instead of moving the face down piles you transpose the 2 face up leader piles'! Turn the top cards of the face down piles and add them to the leader piles.

Finally, transpose all cards (all 4 heaps) criss cross or diagonally, interchanging the left hand face up cards with the face down card at the right, and the face up cards at the right with the face down one at the left. Turn over the remaining face down cards.

Thus, in spite of the continual changing, all cards have followed the leader.

No Questions Asked

A Glenn Gravatt simplification of an involved Eddie Joseph creation. A spectator shuffles his pack, and while your back is turned, deals 15 cards in a pile FACE UP. He is to select anyone of the 15 cards and remember it. Also he must silently count the cards as he deals and remember both the card and its number.

He then deals a pile of cards to the right of the face up pile, this time dealing them face down. This pile is to contain his secret number, that is, as many cards as the number on which his chosen card fell. The rest of the cards are placed down at the left.

He has 3 piles, his card being in the center one. He takes this center pile, turns it face down, and puts it on the pile at his right. He then puts the pile at his left on top of all. Thus the deck is complete once more.

You turn and take the pack. Stress the fact that you do not know his secret number or the card he looked at, and will ask no questions. Put the deck behind your back turn it face up, and count to the 16th card from the FACE. That will be his card.

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The above saves time but if you want to do it another way, without putting the deck behind your back or turning the cards face up, his card will be 37th from the top. (Quite naturally, since it is 16th from the bottom.) You can therefore locate it with the cards face down, silently counting to the 37th card. In such case it should not be obvious to the spectator that you are counting. You can use any pretext for passing the cards from hand to hand, such as feeling the spots with your "sensitive fingertips" or any other ruse.


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One of Stewart James' creations. A spectator shuffles his deck, and while your back is turned, cuts off about a third or so of the cards. He then makes 2 piles of the ones cut off, and puts one of these piles in his pocket. He counts the cards in the other pile, then counts to that same number in the main deck, noting and remembering the card that far from the top.

You turn, take the main deck, and assert you will try to locate the card he looked at without once looking at the cards. Put the deck behind your back where you appear to be feeling for his card. What you actually do is to count the cards, easily done by sliding them off with the thumb from the top into the other hand.

Bring forth the pack, stating you have found his card and will now do a surprising thing with it, that you will put it as far down in the pack as the number of cards in his pocket, even "though neither he nor you know how many he put in his pocket, as he did not count those.

Mentally subtract the number of cards you counted from 51 (not 52 as you might think.) If the result, say, is 15, you reverse the order of the top IS cards, simply running them off from one hand to the other, each going on top of the preceding one, until you have reversed the order of the required number. Then restore this packet to the top of the pack. This is done openly as you are apparently placing his card (which you pretend to know) at a specified position.

It is now a fact that the card he noted will be at the same number down in the pack as the unknown number of cards in his pocket. You can reveal it by having him count the cards in his pocket, then count to that number in the deck. Perhaps a more dramatic revelation is for you to have him remove the bunch from his pocket, and slowly deal cards on the table while you deal off the pack in unison. When he is all out of cards, you turn over the last one dealt from the pack, showing that it is the very card he noted.