introduction to apna mentor match!

APNA Mentor Match A Member Bridge tool for finding your mentor or mentee and making contact

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APNA Mentor Match: A Member Bridge tool for finding your mentor or mentee and making contact.


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APNA Mentor Match

A Member Bridge tool for

finding your mentor or mentee

and making contact

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Accessing Mentor Match on Member Bridge

Click on “Mentoring” in the main menu bar for options.

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You can: Learn more about the program Enroll as a mentor or mentee Find a mentor or mentee Look at your mentoring

relationships Access a community of

members participating in the program

Browse resources for mentoring

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About Mentor Match

This page gives a brief overview and directs you to pages where you can edit your profile’s detailed information, enroll as a mentor/mentee, etc.

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Now you’re ready to enroll!

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Step 1: Preparing Your Member Profile

The first step to participating in the Mentor Match system is to complete your profile in the APNA Membership Database.

Follow the directions in the Step 1 box to edit your Member Profile, then hit the “Refresh My Data link:

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Preparing Your Member Profile Click on “Member Profile”

to edit your detailed information.

These fields will be populated automatically into your mentor/mentee profile on Mentor Match. (Don’t forget to “Save” when you’re finished!)

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Step 2:Enrolling as a Mentor• Most of the detailed

information will be populated from your APNA Member Profile, but you will also need to complete a few fields that are specific to your Mentoring Profile.

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Mentoring Fields: Mentor Status

The status field allows you to select: whether you are currently active or inactive as a mentor, the maximum number of mentees you’d like to have at one time, and your dates of availability.

To edit your status at anytime, click on“Edit Mentor Status”.

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Editing Your Mentor Status You can enter start & end dates, choose to

temporarily not participate, and edit the maximum number of mentees.

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Mentoring Fields: Mentoring Venue Select how you’d like to interact with your

mentees: via internet, phone, video conference or face-to-face.

You can also communicate with your mentee through Member Bridge via the “email” option.

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Mentoring Fields: Time Commitment

The options for “Time Commitment” are: 1-2 hours per month 3-4 hours per month 5+ hours per month

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Mentoring Fields: Preceptor

Indicate whether or not you are willing to serve as a preceptor.

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Populated Fields The rest of the Mentor Profile fields are populated from your

APNA Member Profile.

For information on how to edit these fields, see “Preparing Your Member Profile”.

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Save Your Enrollment:

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Mentor / Mentee Profile

When you enroll, a Mentor and/or Mentee Profile tab will appear on your Member Bridge profile.

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Mentor / Mentee Profile

A Mentor or Mentee Badge will also appear under your Member Bridge profile picture.

A mentor/mentee can send you a message in the system through the link underneath the badge.

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Finding MenteesOnce you have enrolled as a Mentor, you can now search for mentees through the Find A Mentee page.

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Finding Mentees

When searching, be sure to note the radio buttons that indicate whether you are searching for ANY or ALL of the selected values.

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Finding Mentees: The Match

Once you have chosen your “search by” fields, the system will pull a list of enrolled mentees who match the criteria indicated.

You can then browse through the list, clicking on the person’s more detailed Mentor Profile for additional information to help in your choice.

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Mentoring Request

When you find a person with whom you’d like to initiate a mentoring relationship, you can send a request -- which will appear on the person’s My Mentoring Relationships page.

The person can then review the request, and accept or decline it.

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My Mentoring RelationshipsThis page shows any requests, active relationships, previous mentoring relationships, and declined requests.

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Mentees Searching for Mentors

The Enroll as a Mentee and Find A Mentor pages are very similar, and the processes for finding a match are the same: Enroll as a Mentee Find A Mentor Review the List of Matches Send a Request

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The Mentor Match system helps members

find each other, initiating the mentoring


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Mentoring Resources

Member Bridge community for members enrolled as Mentors and/or Mentees Directory eGroup Library Blogs