introduction stress versus strain: the two most important terms used throughout this course are...

Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually observe and directly measure is strain. Stresses, on the other hand, are not directly measured, but in principal they may be inferred or constrained from the strain.

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Page 1: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN.

What structural geologists actually observe and directly measure is strain. Stresses, on the other hand, are not directly measured, but in principal they may be inferred or constrained from the strain.

Page 2: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Brittle versus ductile: Generally, rocks respond to stress in one of two ways: they break, or they bend.

Brittle deformation: when the rock breaks. Examples for brittle deformation include:

• Faults• Joints• Dikes

Page 3: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Ductile deformation: when rocks bend or flow. Examples for ductile deformation include:

• Foliation and lineation• Mylonite• Boudinage

Page 4: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Question: Under what conditions do rocks exhibit ductile/brittle behavior?

Rocks undergo ductile deformation when subjected to high confining pressure and temperature. Thus, brittle structures form near the surface and in the upper crust, and ductile structures form at greater depth.

Page 5: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


A fault near the surface becomes mylonite at great depth:

Page 6: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


The kink band structure shown below is an example for brittle ductile deformation:

Page 7: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Time scales: geological processes occur over a wide range of characteristic time scales.

What are the characteristic time scales for fault rupture?

Stresses that accumulate steadily over many years, due to relative plate motion, may be released abruptly within seconds to tens of seconds.

Page 8: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


What are the characteristic time scales for mylonite formation?

Modern dikes eruptions (e.g., in Hawaii) have lasted between a few hours and a few days (show a movie).

What are the characteristic time scales for dike intrusion?

The physical processes that accompany the formation of metamorphic fabric are slow (e.g., dissolution and re-precipitation of minerals).

Page 9: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


While the formation of brittle structures is discontinuous and evolves via abrupt steps, the formation of ductile fabric is more or less continuous and is governed by slow processes.

Length scales: deformation is occurring simultaneously at a wide range of length scales.

The different scales include:• Plate• Regional• Outcrop• Hand-sample• Grain• Crystal

Figure from Allmendinger’s lecture notes

Page 10: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


A few slides back you have seen a picture of mylonite at the scale of an outcrop. This is how it may look at the scale of a few crystals or grains:

Page 11: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Question: How long is the coast of Britain?

It turned out that the answer to that question depends on the ruler's length.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

figure from Wikepedia

Page 12: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


On a log-log scale we get:

A power-law function provides good fit to the data:

which is equivalent to:

The b exponent is known as the fractal dimension.€

length = a× scale−b ,

log(length) = a' −b log(scale).

Page 13: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Fractals are very common in nature:


cauliflower lightning


Page 14: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Fault population too are fractals:

Page 15: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Fractal dimension of faults in Japan has been determined using the box-counting algorithm [from Hirata, 1989]

Page 16: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Frequency-length distribution for normal faults on the plain of Venus obtained from a Magellan SAR image (from Scholz, 1997).

Page 17: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Cumulative length distribution of sub-faults of the San Andreas fault (from Scholz, 1998).

Page 18: Introduction Stress versus strain: The two most important terms used throughout this course are STRESS and STRAIN. What structural geologists actually


Map of faults and joints exposed in the Yucca Mt. (from Barton, 1995). Note that small joints are more abundant than large ones.