introduction requeriments

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  • 7/25/2019 Introduction Requeriments




  • 7/25/2019 Introduction Requeriments


    Table of Contents

    Introduction .....3

    Modification History ........3

    Purpose of this Document ..........................................................................................................................4

    Why this project is needed? ......................................................................................................................4

    What will the finished project will e? .....................................................................................................4

    !ser "e#uirements $%dministrator& and Interface "e#uirements..............................................................4

    'ystem Performance "e#uirements ..........................................................................................................(


    My )ame is *ul+encio ,arc-a /pe0 . 1his year2 I am finishin+ my I1M4 at or

    Institute of 1echnolo+y. My areas of interest are I1 consultin+ and usiness

    Modification History

    Version Date Author Description

    1.0 12.11.2013 ul!encio Initial "ersion


  • 7/25/2019 Introduction Requeriments



    1he re#uirement in this document will help to eep on time and schedule my project2 we can

    plan our project more accurately with these re#uirements outlined and help put each phase into


    $hy this pro%ect is needed&

    In the simulated case of mi+ration data a 6Mware 5loud Director data centres in a research

    facility i.e. *ermila in the !'% to ern la in 'wit0erland.

    I want to research how to mi+rate lar+e data $pri5ate and personal data from people& from a

    separate data centre and to do it securely $with certificates and encryption&. 1he reason for it2

    would e that doin+ computations on this data needs to e in the local networ can7t e doin+

    in the ser5er and can7t e doin+ in the ori+inal data information ecause this data is pri5ate

    its protect from the law $confidential& reason that it need to e done locally2 need to copy from

    the ori+inal and send to another point to e analysed and for that reason the mi+ration needsto e secure2 the andwidth is (8 me+aytes2 98 teraytes needs to e mo5e $spreadsheet e:cel&


  • 7/25/2019 Introduction Requeriments


    from one point to the another one $in the demo I won7t mi+rate 98 teraytes will e a few data

    to show the process&

    1o do a mi+ration etween *ermila and ern and those las ha5e two cloud data centres

    runnin+ 6Mware 5loud director

    $hat 'ill the finished pro%ect 'ill be&

    Will e a mi+ration etween the 5loud Director platforms to see how is worin+ an mi+ration

    etween them to do a local data analysis2 ecause the data is aout people and the law

    protected that and you can7t manipulate the ori+inal2 you ha5e to copy2 mi+rate and do


    (nd )ser *e+uire,ents and Interface *e+uire,ents -Ad,inistrator

    %ccess to the 5loud director interface with a password to mana+e the system

    %nd after that you will see the interface pa+e to mana+e the cloud resources lie "/phere

    resources$5enter2 "esource Pools2 Hosts2 Datastores2 'witches ; Ports&2 Cloud

    *esources$loud ells2 Pro5ider 5Ds2

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction Requeriments


    Here the 5enter interface to mana+e the 6Ms2 where you can create2 copy2 clone2 mi+rate

    6Ms in the data centre.

    /yste, #erfor,ance *e+uire,ents

    "C)D CM#(T D(/C*I#TI


  • 7/25/2019 Introduction Requeriments


    VM'are "Cloud Director -"CD

    "Cloud A#I

    loud oordinator and !I. %stracts 5'phere resources.


    5loud Director 'er5er$s& $alsonown as @cellA&

    5loud Director Dataase

    5loud %PI2 used to mana+e cloud ojects

    "Cloud A#I %PI used to pro+rammatically interact with a 5loud

    VM'are "/phere

    !nderlyin+ foundation of 5irtuali0ed resources.

    1he 5'phere family of products includes>

    5enter 'er5er and 5enter 'er5er Dataase

    ='Bi hosts2 clustered y 5enter 'er5er

    Mana+ement %ssistant2 5Motion

    VM'are "/hield

    5enter har+eac 'er5er

    har+eac Data ollector

    5loud Data ollector

    6'M Data ollector

    VM'are "Center rchestrator

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction Requeriments


    5alidation for )* operations
