intro to muscle cells and tissue

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Intro to Muscle Cells and Tissue
Make a Muscular System Folder in eBackpack Upload 8.01 Muscle cell and tissue notes to eBackpack There will be no presenters for this unit. Time for a Kahoot! Time for a Movie Discovery Channel Pushing the Limits: Muscle Fibers 10:39: Describe skeletal muscle fibers (muscle cells). 11:21 How many skeletal muscle fibers do we normally use at any one time? 12:19 What body structure is needed to trigger our skeletal muscle fibers? 13:15 When is the only time we can trigger all of our skeletal muscle fibers at once? 13:40 What is the cost of using all of our skeletal muscles at once? Learning Target:Compare skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle cells and tissue.
Involuntary Voluntary Learning Target:Compare skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle cells and tissue.
Striated Non-striated Learning Target:Compare skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle cells and tissue.
Branched Not branched Tapered Learning Target:Compare skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle cells and tissue.
Single nucleus Multinucleated Truth or Baloney Smooth muscle is found primarily in the musculature of the extremities. Baloney Smooth muscle is found lining organs and it is the type of muscle making up the iris of the eye. Truth or Baloney The two muscle cells that contract without conscious thought are cardiac and smooth. Truth Truth or Baloney Skeletal muscle cells have many nuclei. Truth
Long skeletal muscle cells can have 1000 nuclei. Truth or Baloney Without skeletal muscle tissue you would not have any facial expression. Truth Skeletal muscles attach to facial bones such as the zygomatic bone. Truth or Baloney The only type of muscle cell lacking striations is smooth. Thats right- Its smooooth. What type of cells are these? What type of cells are these? What type of cells are these? Tissues associated with the muscular system
Skeletal muscle tissue Supplies nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue and carries away waste products Covers and holds muscles in place (fascia) Aids in skeletal movement and facial expression Forms tendons Transmits impulses and messages to muscles Contracts hollow internal organs Allows for rhythmic contraction of the heart Tissues associated with the muscular system
Smooth muscle tissue Supplies nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue and carries away waste products Covers and holds muscles in place (fascia) Aids in skeletal movement and facial expression Forms tendons Transmits impulses and messages to muscles Contracts hollow internal organs Allows for rhythmic contraction of the heart Tissues associated with the muscular system
Cardiac muscle tissue Supplies nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue and carries away waste products Covers and holds muscles in place (fascia) Aids in skeletal movement and facial expression Forms tendons Transmits impulses and messages to muscles Contracts hollow internal organs Allows for rhythmic contraction of the heart Tissues associated with the muscular system
Dense Regular Supplies nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue and carries away waste products Covers and holds muscles in place (fascia) Aids in skeletal movement and facial expression Forms tendons Transmits impulses and messages to muscles Contracts hollow internal organs Allows for rhythmic contraction of the heart Tissues associated with the muscular system
Dense Irregular Supplies nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue and carries away waste products Covers and holds muscles in place (fascia) Aids in skeletal movement and facial expression Forms tendons Transmits impulses and messages to muscles Contracts hollow internal organs Allows for rhythmic contraction of the heart Tissues associated with the muscular system
Nervous Tissue Supplies nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue and carries away waste products Covers and holds muscles in place (fascia) Aids in skeletal movement and facial expression Forms tendons Transmits impulses and messages to muscles Contracts hollow internal organs Allows for rhythmic contraction of the heart Tissues associated with the muscular system
Blood Supplies nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue and carries away waste products Covers and holds muscles in place (fascia) Aids in skeletal movement and facial expression Forms tendons Transmits impulses and messages to muscles Contracts hollow internal organs Allows for rhythmic contraction of the heart