intro++ to c#

Intro ++ to C# 1.Primitive Types 2.Reference Types 3.Special Types 4.Casting 5.Collections 6.Event 7.Lambdas 8.Linq

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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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Intro ++ to C#

1.Primitive Types2.Reference Types3.Special Types4.Casting5.Collections6.Event7.Lambdas8.Linq

Primitive Types

Primitive types represent simple values

Description Signed Unsigned

Boolean (true or false) - bool

Characters (such as 'a', '1', '?') - char

Bytes (8-bit) sbyte byte

Short integer (16-bit) short ushort

Integer (32-bit) int uint

Long integer (64-bit) long ulong

Floating-point (32-bit) float -

Double precision floating-point (64-bit) double -

Reference Types

Reference types are classes A program creates instances (or objects) of classes

It keeps references to these instances in variables

When an instance has no more reference to it, it will eventually be destroyed by the garbage collection.

null is a special value that represents a reference to nothing


Classes have 4 kinds of members: Fields (the data): variables kept in the instance Methods (the code): actions that the code can perform Properties (some more code): they're used like fields

with some extra logic around the manipulation Events: a way for the code to register/unregister

callbacks to respond to events


Classes can derive from others Every class implicitly derives from System.Object Virtual, override modifiers ToString(), GetHashCode(), Equals()

Access Modifiers

private: can only be accessed by this class protected: can only be accessed by this class and its derived classes

internal: can be accessed from anywhere in the same project (or assembly)

public: can be accessed from anywhere static: associate the member with the type instead of the instance Static members don't have access to non-static

members Non-static members have access to static members

Some Special Types

string: this is a class containing a collection of characters.

enum: an enumeration is a list of words associated with int values. It is a very convenient way to give meaningful names to constant values, make the code easier to read.

struct: structures are like class but are handled by value, not by reference. They're useful for small amount of data, such as vectors or matrices.


C-style casting Operator is Operator as

Control Flow Statements

Branching If, else Switch, case

Loops For Foreach While Do, while

Break, continue and goto

Method Arguments

Regular args. The caller passes a copy of the value to the callee

If the callee modifies the argument, it only modifies the copy, not the original

ref args The caller passes a reference to the value

If the callee modifies the reference, it also affects the original

out args Same as a ref argument

The caller doesn't need to initialize it

The callee has to write it

It's like an extra return value


Arrays: static, items cannot be added or removed Lists: dynamic, items can be added and removed Dictionaries: key-value storage. Values are accessed by key instead of indices

Sorted Collection: each collection has a sorted version to allow faster searches (but slower insertions and removals)


Events are useful when many objects need to be notified when something is happening. The naive approach: the emitter explicitly calls all the

interested objects The fancy approach: all the interested objects register

to the emitter, which will fire its event that will be propagated to the registered ones.

Lambda Expressions

Very convenient way to add small anonymous functions within other functions

Can make the code harder to read when overused

Linq Expressions

Convenient operations on collection Conversion Filtering Transforming Counting Merging Intersecting …

Have a small performance penalty Can make the code hard to read

Some Tips for the Road

Keep it simple! Don't over engineer, keep the code as complex as the task it performs, not more.

Naming things is difficult, but important. Code is written once, but read many times. Spend a little more time finding good names, it will pay back.

Organize your code in a way that will make it easy to retrieve your stuff.