intro to apache kafka

1 © Copyright 2010-2015 Cloudera. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or shared without prior written consent from Cloudera. Intro to Apache Kafka Jason Hubbard | Systems Engineer

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Intro to Apache KafkaJason Hubbard | Systems Engineer

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Kafka Overview

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What is Kafka?

• Developed by LinkedIn after challenges building pipelines into Hadoop• Message-based store used to build data pipelines and support streaming


• Kafka offers

•Publish & subscribe semantics

•Horizontal scalability

•High availability

•Nodes in a Kafka cluster (called brokers) can handle

•Reads/writes per second in the 100s of MBs

•Thousands of producers and consumers

•Multiple node failures (with proper configuration)

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Why Kafka? (Or rather, why not Flume?)

• No ability to replay events• Multiple sinks requires event replication (via multiple channels)• Sinks that share a source (mostly) process events in sync

Spool Source



Spool Source



Avro Source







More Logs


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Why Kafka for Hadoop?

2009 2012

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Why Kafka? Decoupling

2012 2013+?

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A Departure from Legacy Models

• Message stores have two well-known types

• Queues (“producer-consumers”)

• Topics (“publisher-subscribers”)

• One consumer gets one message from a queue, then it’s gone

•Consumers might work alone or in concert

• Multiple subscribers can get one message from a topic

•Messages are “published”

• Kafka inverts or blends these concepts

•Tracks consumers by group identification

•Retains messages by expiration, not consumer interaction

•Bakes in partitioning for scalability and parallel operations

•Bakes in replication for availability and fault tolerance

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Components & Roles

• A Kafka server is called a broker•Brokers can work together in a cluster

• Each broker hosts message stores called topics•You can partition a topic across brokers for scale and parallelism•You can also replicate a topic for resilience to failure

•Producers push to a Kafka topic, consumers pull

•Kafka provides Consumer and Producer APIs

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Detailed ArchitectureIt’s all about the logs!…No not application logs

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Kafka Detailed Architecture

• Brokers and consumers initialize their state in Zookeeper

• Broker state includes host name, port address, and partition list

• Consumer state includes group name and message offsets (deprecated)











Broker Broker


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Kafka and Zookeeper

• Kafka uses Zookeeper• To indicate ‘liveness’ of each broker• To store broker and consumer state• To coordinate leader elections for failover

• Zookeeper stores consumer offset by default• This can be switched to the brokers, if desired

• Zookeeper also tracks and supports state changes such as

• Adding/removing brokers and consumers

• Rebalancing consumers

• Directing producers and consumers to partition leaders

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Topic Partitions

• Partition is a totally-ordered store of messages (log)• Partition order is immutable• Messages are deleted as their time runs out

• New messages are appendable only

• The message offset is both a sequence number and a unique identifier (topic, partition)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910




Partition 0

Partition 1

Partition 2


Old New

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How are partitions distributed?

• Partitions are usually distributed across brokers

• Each broker may host partitions of several topics

• One broker acts as leader for any replicated partition

•Other brokers with a replica act as followers

•Only leaders serves read/write requests

• If the leader blinks out, a follower is elected to take over

• Election occurs only among in-sync replicas (ISRs)

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Scalability & Parallelism

• Partitions can be used to allow message storage that exceeds one broker’s capacity•More brokers = greater message capacity

•Partitions also allow consumer groups to read a topic in parallel

•Each member can read a partition

•Kafka ensures no consumer contention in one group for a partition

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• A topic partition is the unit of replication

• A replica remains in-sync with its leader so long as

• It maintains communication with Zookeeper

• It does not fall too far behind the leader (configurable)

•Replicating to n brokers

•Allows Kafka to offer availability under n - 1 losses

•The quality of this offer is tempered by the ISR group count

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Fault Tolerance

• A broker may lead for some partitions and follow for others

• The replication for each topic determines how many brokers will follow

• Followers passively replicate the leader•You can set an ISR policy

•Boils down to preference for high, medium, or low throughput•The right ISR policy strikes some balance between

•Availability: electing a leader quickly in the event of failure•Latency: assuring a producer its messages are safe (i.e., durable)

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• Producers publish data (messages) to Kafka topics

• Producers choose the partition a message goes to

• By selecting in round-robin fashion to distribute the load

• By assigning a semantic partitioning function to key the messages

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• A consumer reads messages published to Kafka topics by moving its offset•The offset increments by default

•Every consumer specifies a group label

• Consumer acts in one group do not affect other groups

• If one group "tails" a topic’s messages, it does not change what another group can consume

• They come and go with little impact on the cluster or other consumers

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Kafka Consumer Group Operation

• Every message in a partition is read by the same instance of a consumer group

• Group members can be processes residing on separate machines

• The diagram below shows a two-broker cluster

• The brokers host one topic in four partitions, P0-P3

• Group A has two instances; each instance reads two partitions

• Group B has four instances; each instance reads one partition

Kafka Cluster P0 P3 P1 P2

Consumer Group A

C1 C2

Consumer Group B

C3 C4 C5 C6

Broker 1 Broker 2

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• Kafka stores messages in its own format•Producers and consumers also use this format for transfer efficiency

• Any serializable object can be a message

• Popular formats include string, JSON, and Avro

• Each message’s id is also its unique identifier in a topic partition

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Traditional Message Ordering

• Traditional queues store messages in the order received

• Consumers draw messages in store order

• With multiple consumers however, messages are not received in order

•Consumers may experience different delay

•They might also consume messages at different rates

•To retain order, only one process may consume from the queue

• Comes at the expense of parallelism

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Guarantees for Ordering

• Kafka appends messages sent by a producer to one partition in sending order

• If a producer sends M1 followed by M2 to the same partition

• M1 will have a lower offset than M2

• M1 will appear earlier in the partition

• A consumer always sees messages in stored order

• Given a partition with N replications, up to N-1 server failures may occur without message loss

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Message Retention

• The Kafka cluster retains messages for a length of time

• You can set retention time per topic or for all

•You can also set a storage limit on any topic

• Kafka deletes messages upon expiration

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Creating Topics

• Kafka ships with command line tools useful for exploring

• The kafka-topics tool creates topics via Zookeeper

• The default Zookeeper port is 2181

• To create and list the topic device_status

• Use the --list parameter to list all topics$ kafka-topics --create -–zookeeper localhost:2181 \

-–replication-factor 1 -–partitions 1 --topic device_status

$ kafka-topics --list -–zookeeper localhost:2181

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Creating a Producer

• Use kafka-console-producer to publish messages

• Requires a broker list, e.g., localhost:9092

• Provide a comma-delimited list for failover protection

• Provide the name of the topic

• We will log messages to the topic named device_status

$ kafka-console-producer --broker-list \

localhost:9092 --topic device_status

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Creating a Consumer

• The kafka-console-consumer tool is a simple consumer

• It uses ZooKeeper to connect; below we access localhost:2181

• We also name a topic: device_status

• To read all available messages on the topic, we use the --from-beginning option

$ bin/kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper localhost:2181 \

--topic device_status --from-beginning

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Creating a Spark Consumer

• The kafka-console-consumer tool is a simple consumer

import org.apache.spark.streaming._

import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer

import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010._



import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka010.ConsumerStrategies.Subscribe

val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))

val kafkaParams = Map[String, Object]("bootstrap.servers" ->

"localhost:9092", "key.deserializer" -> classOf[StringDeserializer],

"value.deserializer" -> classOf[StringDeserializer], "" ->

"kafkaintro", "auto.offset.reset" -> "earliest", "" ->

(false: java.lang.Boolean))

val topics = Array("TopicA")

val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](ssc,

PreferConsistent, Subscribe[String, String](topics, kafkaParams))


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Common & Best Practices

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Tip: Balance Throughput & Durability

• Producers specify the durability they need with the property request.required.acks

• Adding brokers can improve throughput

• Common practice:

Durability Behaviour Per Event Latency

Required Acks(request.required.acks)

Highest All replicas are in-sync Highest -1

Moderate Leader ACKS message Medium 1

Lowest No ACKs required Lowest 0

Property Value

replication 3

min.insync.replicas 2

request.required.acks -1

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Tip: Consider Message Keys

• A Kafka message is stored as a KV pair•The key is not used in the default case

•A producer can set content in a message key then use a Partitioner subclass to hash the key

• This allows the producer to effect semantic partitioning•Example: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR partitions for a syslog topic

• Kafka guarantees messages with the same partition hash are stored in the same partition

•A consumer group could then pair each member with an intended partition

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Tip: Writing Files to Topics

• Kafka will accept file content as a message

• Write a file’s data to the device_alerts topic:

• Then read it:

$ cat alerts.txt | kafka-console-producer \

--broker-list localhost:9092 --topic device_alerts

$ kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper localhost:2181 \

--topic device_alerts --from-beginning

Remember that the consumer offsets might be stored in Kafka instead of Zookeeper

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Best Uses

• Kafka is intended for storing messages•Log records•Event information

•For small messages, latency in the tens of milliseconds is common

• Kafka is not well-suited for large file transfers

•Message limits < 10KB benefit low latencies

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Thank [email protected]