intro ab-taguchi

Prepared for: NYC UX + DATA Meetup March 12, 2014 Pivotal Labs, New York A/B and Pairwise Testing How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Data-Driven Decisions Wednesday, March 12, 14

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Page 1: Intro ab-taguchi

Prepared for :NYC UX + DATA MeetupMarch 12, 2014Pivotal Labs, New York

A/B and Pairwise TestingHow I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love

Data-Driven Decisions

Wednesday, March 12, 14

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About Me

• Founded Splitforce in 2013 - Data is power, and it should be easy to leverage

• Marketing for Chinese media company in Shanghai

• Designed experiments and predictive analytics for ILABS in Montreal

• Studied in economics and statistics at McGill University in Montreal

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User Base

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User Base

Publish two different versions of your app...

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User Base

Publish two different versions of your app...

50% sees version B50% sees version A

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User Base

...and see which one is driving desirable user behavior.

Publish two different versions of your app...

50% sees version B50% sees version A

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Which Version Won?

Version A Version B

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Version B: 114% Improvement

Version A Version B

Marketer’s Surprise: ‘FREE’ Loses

✔ ✗

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How Obama Raised $60 Million

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Four Button Variations

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Six Media Variations

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24 Combinations!

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And the Winner is...

+40%increase in conversion


2.9 millionadditional donators

$60 millionvalue of additional


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• Original Conversion Rate: 8.3%

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• Original Conversion Rate: 8.3%

• New Conversion Rate: 11.6%

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• Original Conversion Rate: 8.3%

• New Conversion Rate: 11.6%

• 10 million signups from New Version would have been 7.12 million signups with the Original Version

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• Original Conversion Rate: 8.3%

• New Conversion Rate: 11.6%

• 10 million signups from New Version would have been 7.12 million signups with the Original Version

• +2.88 million additional signups

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• Original Conversion Rate: 8.3%

• New Conversion Rate: 11.6%

• 10 million signups from New Version would have been 7.12 million signups with the Original Version

• +2.88 million additional signups

• $21 average donation per signup

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• Original Conversion Rate: 8.3%

• New Conversion Rate: 11.6%

• 10 million signups from New Version would have been 7.12 million signups with the Original Version

• +2.88 million additional signups

• $21 average donation per signup

• Approximately $60 million in additional donations

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Interpreting Test Results

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Multivariate Testing

• Every screen has X components (ex: Marilyn’s hair)

• For each, we can test Y variations (ex.: Green)

• In total, we have [Y1 x Y2 x Y3] combinations

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Costs of Testing

• Risk of false positives (Type I error, saying something is there when it’s not)

• Need for adequate sample size

• Testing presents an opportunity cost

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Design of Experiments

• Let’s say we have four variables:

• Header Banner (A, B, C)• Main Copy (1, 2, 3)• Button Color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)• Call to Action (Buy!, Check Out)

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Design of Experiments

• Option 1: Full factorial design - multiply out for all different combinations

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Design of Experiments

• Option 1: Full factorial design - multiply out for all different combinations

• Example: (3 header banners) x (3 main copy) x (3 button colors) x (2 CTAs) = 54 combinations

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Design of Experiments

• Option 1: Full factorial design - multiply out for all different combinations

• Example: (3 header banners) x (3 main copy) x (3 button colors) x (2 CTAs) = 54 combinations

• Can we get similar information with fewer tests?

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Design of Experiments

Option 2: Orthogonal arrays tests pairs of combinations instead of all combinations

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Design of Experiments

Option 2: Orthogonal arrays tests pairs of combinations instead of all combinations

• Risk: pairing will hide some combinations, and the effects that paired variables have on each other

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Design of Experiments

Option 2: Orthogonal arrays tests pairs of combinations instead of all combinations

• Risk: pairing will hide some combinations, and the effects that paired variables have on each other

• Mitigation: pair variables that are unlikely to influence each other

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L9 Array

Compare any pair of variables across all combinations and you’ll see that they’re all represented!

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Design of Experiments

• Let’s say we have four variables:

• Header Banner (A, B, C)• Main Copy (1, 2, 3)• Button Color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)• Call to Action (Buy!, Check Out)

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Design of Experiments• Four variables:

• Header Banner (A, B, C)• Main Copy (1, 2, 3)• Button Color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)• Call to Action

(Buy, Purchase)Combo # HB MC BC CTA

1 A 1 Cyan Buy

2 A 2 Magenta Purchase

3 A 3 Yellow

4 B 1 Magenta

5 B 2 Yellow Buy

6 B 3 Cyan Purchase

7 C 1 Yellow Purchase

8 C 2 Cyan

9 C 3 Magenta Buy

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Design of Experiments• Four variables:

• Header Banner (A, B, C)• Main Copy (1, 2, 3)• Button Color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)• Call to Action

(Buy, Purchase)Combo # HB MC BC CTA

1 A 1 Cyan Buy

2 A 2 Magenta Purchase

3 A 3 Yellow Buy

4 B 1 Magenta Purchase

5 B 2 Yellow Buy

6 B 3 Cyan Purchase

7 C 1 Yellow Purchase

8 C 2 Cyan Buy

9 C 3 Magenta Buy

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Design of Experiments• Four variables:

• Header Banner (A, B, C)• Main Copy (1, 2, 3)• Button Color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)• Call to Action

(Buy, Purchase)Combo # HB MC BC CTA

1 A 1 Cyan Buy

2 A 2 Magenta Purchase

3 A 3 Yellow Buy

4 B 1 Magenta Purchase

5 B 2 Yellow Buy

6 B 3 Cyan Purchase

7 C 1 Yellow Purchase

8 C 2 Cyan Buy

9 C 3 Magenta Buy

We’ve reduced need to collect data on 54 combinations to just 9 (6x efficiency increase)

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FROM 54 COMBINATIONSA1CyanBuy,  A1CyanPurchase,  A1MagentaBuy,  A1MagentaPurchase,  A1YellowBuy,   A1YellowPurchase,   A2CyanBuy,   A2CyanPurchase,  A2Magen t aBuy,   A2Magen t aPu rch a s e ,   A2Ye l l owBuy,  A2YellowPurchase,   A3CyanBuy,   A3CyanPurchase,   A3MagentaBuy,  A3MagentaPurchase,   A3YellowBuy,  A3YellowPurchase,   B1CyanBuy,  B1CyanPurchase ,   B1MagentaBuy,   B1MagentaPurchase ,  B1YellowBuy,   B1YellowPurchase,   B2CyanBuy,   B2CyanPurchase,  B 2Magen t aBuy,   B 2Magen t aPu rc h a s e ,   B 2Ye l l owBuy,  B2YellowPurchase,   B3CyanBuy,   B3CyanPurchase,   B3MagentaBuy,  B3MagentaPurchase,   B3YellowBuy,   B3YellowPurchase,   C1CyanBuy,  C1CyanPurchase ,   C1MagentaBuy,   C1MagentaPurchase ,  C1YellowBuy,   C1YellowPurchase,   C2CyanBuy,   C2CyanPurchase,  C 2Mag en t aBuy,   C 2Mag en t a Pu r c h a s e ,   C 2Ye l l owBuy,  C2YellowPurchase,   C3CyanBuy,   C3CyanPurchase,   C3MagentaBuy,  C3MagentaPurchase,  C3YellowBuy,  C3YellowPurchase

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TO JUST 9 (+6X EFFICIENCY)A1CyanBuy,  A1CyanPurchase,  A1MagentaBuy,  A1MagentaPurchase,  A1YellowBuy,   A1YellowPurchase,   A2CyanBuy,   A2CyanPurchase,  A2Magen t aBuy,   A2Magen t aPu rch a s e ,   A2Ye l l owBuy,  A2YellowPurchase,   A3CyanBuy,   A3CyanPurchase,   A3MagentaBuy,  A3MagentaPurchase,   A3YellowBuy,  A3YellowPurchase,   B1CyanBuy,  B1CyanPurchase ,   B1MagentaBuy,   B1MagentaPurchase ,  B1YellowBuy,   B1YellowPurchase,   B2CyanBuy,   B2CyanPurchase,  B 2Magen t aBuy,   B 2Magen t aPu rc h a s e ,   B 2Ye l l owBuy,  B2YellowPurchase,   B3CyanBuy,   B3CyanPurchase,   B3MagentaBuy,  B3MagentaPurchase,   B3YellowBuy,   B3YellowPurchase,   C1CyanBuy,  C1CyanPurchase ,   C1MagentaBuy,   C1MagentaPurchase ,  C1YellowBuy,   C1YellowPurchase,   C2CyanBuy,   C2CyanPurchase,  C 2Mag en t aBuy,   C 2Mag en t a Pu r c h a s e ,   C 2Ye l l owBuy,  C2YellowPurchase,   C3CyanBuy,   C3CyanPurchase,   C3MagentaBuy,  C3MagentaPurchase,  C3YellowBuy,  C3YellowPurchase

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Design of Experiments

• Where do orthogonal arrays come from?• Derived by hand (like playing Sudoku!)• Look them up (U Michigan, U York,

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Design of Experiments

• Where do orthogonal arrays come from?• Derived by hand (like playing Sudoku!)• Look them up (U Michigan, U York,

• How to choose a design?• Number of variables• Number of states for each variable

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Design of Experiments

• Where do orthogonal arrays come from?• Derived by hand (like playing Sudoku!)• Look them up (U Michigan, U York,

• How to choose a design?• Number of variables• Number of states for each variable

• How to analyze results?• Plot data, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), binning

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Analyzing Results• Plot data and look at it

• Some things you don’t need statistics to tell you, it’s just there• Your eye is a pretty good analysis tool

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Analyzing Results• Plot data and look at it

• Some things you don’t need statistics to tell you, it’s just there• Your eye is a pretty good analysis tool

• Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)• One-way ANOVAs to find influence of a one variable on the

result (assume that other variables have minimal influence)• Two-way ANOVAs to find influence of two variables on

result at once

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Analyzing Results• Plot data and look at it

• Some things you don’t need statistics to tell you, it’s just there• Your eye is a pretty good analysis tool

• Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)• One-way ANOVAs to find influence of a one variable on the

result (assume that other variables have minimal influence)• Two-way ANOVAs to find influence of two variables on

result at once

• Binning• Group combinations based on results (high vs. low)• How many Header Banner A’s have high result? low result?

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Analyzing Results• Plot data and look at it

• Some things you don’t need statistics to tell you, it’s just there• Your eye is a pretty good analysis tool

• Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)• One-way ANOVAs to find influence of a one variable on the

result (assume that other variables have minimal influence)• Two-way ANOVAs to find influence of two variables on

result at once

• Binning• Group combinations based on results (high vs. low)• How many Header Banner A’s have high result? low result?

Takeaway: You can extrapolate data from a subset of combinations to make a conclusion about a full factorial set

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Design of Experiments• Can get pretty complex, but super efficient!• L36 array - reducing ~94 million combinations to 36

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Comparison of A/B Testing Platforms

Google Analytics Optimizely Splitforce

PlatformWeb / mWeb X X

PlatformNative Mobile X

A/B Testing X X

ExperimentDesign Multivariate X X

Automation X X

OtherIn-Browser Editor X X

OtherConsulting X X

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In-House vs. Agency

In-House Agency


Lower initial costs

More control over testing process

Better understanding of business objectives

No need for internal resources

Faster results as agency provides specialized expertise

Learn best practices and accelerate internal competency


Long time to build expertise from scratch

Longer time to start achieving great test results

Higher initial costs

Less understanding of complexities / nuances of your business

Less control over testing

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Thank You!

For more information:

Zac Aghion, CEO & [email protected]

China: (+86)1592-1631-924USA: (+1)617-750-6684

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