
Hello, fellow simmers! I’m Evil Timmy and I’m here to introduce to you my first attempt at storytelling. I’ve been playing TS2 since it first came out and always had stories in my mind but never got down to actually writing them down until now. In this part all I’m going to do is just give a background to all the characters that will appear in here. I was originally going to play this as a prosperity challenge, but I’m not interested in scoring as much as in storytelling. I hope you enjoy it.

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Post on 09-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Intro

Hello, fellow simmers! I’m Evil Timmy and I’m here to introduce to you my first attempt at storytelling. I’ve been playing TS2 since it first came out and always had stories in my mind but never got down to actually writing them down until now. In this part all I’m going to do is just give a background to all the characters that will appear in here.

I was originally going to play this as a prosperity challenge, but I’m not interested in scoring as much as in storytelling. I hope you enjoy it.

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Howard Spiegel is the typical family patriarch, a stern old man who married his teenage love Wanda Kramer and had with her his only child, a beautiful daughter named Alana. Howard worked hard to amass a small fortune, then taken away from him because of one of the many mistakes his only daughter committed during her life, and for which he resents her deeply. Despite having a small feud with his daughter, he loves his three grandchildren, and expects them to be greater than he ever was.Howard expects to be able to spend his last days in Blossom Village in peace, enjoying Wanda’s company and hoping to see Alana finally tie the knot with someone good enough for her.

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Wanda Kramer-Spiegel is the loving wife of Howard, as well as the supportive mother to Alana and a ‘fantabulous’, to quote Julius, grandmother to her three grandsons. Wanda and Howard had trouble carrying pregnancies to term due to genetic problems in Wanda’s behalf; so they were extremely happy when she gave birth to Alana. Wanda was an overprotective mother against her husband’s will and blames herself for her daughter’s out-of-wedlock pregnancies that have led the family to where they are now.Wanda arrived to Blossom Village with her family in hopes that Howard might finally make a truce with Alana, and to help her daughter take care of her three young men so that they learn to live great lives.

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Alana Spiegel is ‘an easygoing, fun to be with girl who likes having a good time’, to quote her online dating profile. Alana always proved to be irresponsible as a child, knowing that her mother would get her out of whatever she got into; however, she got pregnant in her young teens and later on gave birth to twin boys Julius and Bastian, and once again got protected by her mother, against her father’s will she was left to take care of her children instead of working or studying. Twelve years later she had another unplanned pregnancy and gave birth to Lars, this time enraging her father even more as she gave Lars’ father Howard’s life savings ‘to pay for the wedding’, with which he ran away never to be seen again.Alana hopes to finally settle down with someone that can accept her past and still wants both her and her children. She also has faith in settling the differences aside with her father, but is too proud to actually admit it.

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Julius Spiegel believes himself to be the spice of life, a cheerful young man who wishes to be an entertainer. Julius has a good relationship with everyone in his family, even if he is slightly jealous of his young brother Lars for getting all the attention. Julius is openly wanting to become a major player in the money game and has received his grandfather’s approval to pursue his dream at college. Due to his mother’s absence when dating, Julius learned to cook under Wanda’s wing and can pull off some terrific stunts with pretty much any ingredients.Julius craves for a nice, large house that hopefully will house his non-dysfunctional family and an empire of grilled cheese sandwiches, his favorite meal.

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Bastian Spiegel is a bitter young man, or so his mother says. Bastian grew up resented for the lack of a fatherly figure in his family, despite the fact that Howard tried the best to fulfill that role for him and his twin brother, Julius. Bastian really dislikes his mother and believes she might be ‘slightly retarded’ or ‘really retarded’, depending on what her most recent course of action is, regardless of this, he would hate it if anything bad happened to her. Bastian has a great relationship with his brother and both of them have plans to put a band together and be famous.Bastian expects to be able to be famous and wants to explore the mysteries of life while doing so. He secretly longs to be a comedian, even though he doesn’t believe he has sense of humor.

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Lars Speigel is a year-old young boy whose life has been spent by pretty much laying face-up in his crib while being periodically picked up for feeding and changing. Lars was, according to Howard, both a blessing and a curse, as Howard believes there is no way that Alana’s going to take responsibility for the toddler when her parents are gone. Lars has been shown to favor Wanda over Alana greatly, since he has spent most of his time with his grandmother.Lars obviously expects to get to know the world, being a youngster and all, and has shown tendencies to become something (whatever that is, to quote Bastian) later in life (probably something gay, once again according to Bastian).

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Michaela Weston is the embodiment of greed and pride. She enjoys being noticed, specially if that involves owning something more expensive than others around her. Michaela married Chad Weston when she was fresh out of college and he was already at the top of his career as a businessman; together they had a son named Trent, who she pampered during his entire life, making him believe he is superior to everybody else. Despite having married Chad for interest, Michaela cares deeply of both her son and her grandson, Komei.Michaela hopes to actually acquire herself a small fortune and to make a chain of furniture-selling stores.

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Trent Weston is what can be easily defined as a snob, a young male who gloats about things he doesn’t have. Like his mother, he enjoys making others believe the family swims in cash by buying expensive things while the credit cards stay in red numbers. Trent was raised by his mother, as his father was very ill by the time he was born and later died when he was young. Trent had a sweet childhood as his father had left them a small fortune and his mother didn’t need to work; but due to their eccentricities they soon ran low on funds and kept spending what little they had. Later on, Trent had a child with his fiancée, who sadly died at the boy’s birth due to complications in the procedure. Trent has been a bit depressed since and Komei has been mainly raised by his grandmother.

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Komei Weston is a year-old boy who’s been raised by his grandmother after his father got depressed because of the untimely death of his mother. Komei’s proved to be an easy to please kid, yet he always tries to do things to catch his father’s attention, and much to his own displeasure, rarely manages to do so.

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Brynna Jones married her husband Heath instead of going to college, because she was afraid of losing him to the nation; despite being married, Heath enlisted himself in the Simnation Army and was deployed to the Pleasantview War shortly after finding out that Brynna was pregnant with triplets. Brynna prayed for him every day until he came back alive in time for him to witness the birth of his three children. Twelve years later, after being in a desk job for a long time, Heath was sent to the Apocalypse, where he went MIA three days after being deployed. It was around that time that Brynna realized that she was pregnant once again, and gave birth to a son… Heath.Brynna seeks to be able to give emotional and monetary support to her children, and hopes they become good professionals.

Tim’s note: I strongly believe she is GORGEOUS, despite the fact that she’s got huge lips.

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Clarissa Jones always enjoyed getting everyone’s attention, she’s not a good talker but always manages to turn heads one way or the other. Clarissa sought her father’s attention whenever he was around and became depressed when he died, seeking love in boys her age, but always left wanting more. Her family relations are great, having great friends in both her mother and her sister, a protector in her brother Nolan, and taking care of Heath while her mother’s at work.Clarissa wishes to find a true love, but doesn’t mind if she finds non-true love in other people meanwhile.

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Lyla Jones is the youngest of the triplets, and likes taking advantage of her minimal age difference with her siblings to arrange for them to do her bidding, being like that since she was born, she is used to others doing her bidding, and often gets into fights with Nolan because he refuses to take that. Lyla enjoys being around people and has a strong desire to form a family; she’d also prefer having her father back over anything else in the world.

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Nolan Jones is said to be much like his late father, a strong and gentle man, a seeker of justice. Heath’s influence in the boy is very remarkable, for Nolan wishes to be just like him, he’s willing to join the Simnation Army to follow his father’s footsteps and honor his father’s memory. Nolan took his father’s death the hardest, but is trying to maintain a tough attitude to be there for his family. He’s his mother’s right hand and very reliable to both her sisters and her little brother, even if he likes telling Lyla off for being so manipulative.

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Heath Jones Jr. is a dreamy young boy who was named after his father, ignoring the fact that he never knew him, and is the complete opposite to his late progenitor; being an extremely fragile boy who suffers from respiratory diseases much to the dismay of his mother.

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This is my simself, EvilTimmy! I’m just showing him in case he ever appears across a screen or anything, and he’s just in the ‘hood for spawning purposes.This is it for now, expect the first round up soon-ish and I do hope you come back for some exciting action! I might take up some mini-challenges on each household to keep things interesting and I’ll give notice of it before the beginning of the rotation. Anyhow, I bid you farewell! Any tips, suggestions, or anything else you wish… let me know on the respective thread and feel free to bash me with insults, I really don’t cry about them. Have a nice day!