intranet 2.0 webinar oct 2008

Intranet 2.0 Intranet 2.0 The Future of Intranets (Sneak Preview of jboye08) Toby Ward, Prescient Digital Media Janus Boye, J. Boye

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Intranet 2.0 webinar presentation with highlights from Toby Ward's study on Intranet 2.0 and case study examples from IBM, BT, and others.


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Intranet 2.0Intranet 2.0

The Future of Intranets (Sneak Preview of jboye08)

Toby Ward, Prescient Digital MediaJanus Boye, J. Boye

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Toby WardToby Ward

Founder, CEO, Chief Blogger, Prescient Digital Media Internet & intranet management consultants We build highly effective websites & intranets

Clients include:

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Janus BoyeJanus Boye

Founder, CEO, J. Boye Vendor-neutral analysts Contributing Analyst; Wikis in the Enterprise Lead Analyst; Enterprise Portals Report by CMS Watch Contributing Analyst; The SharePoint Report by CMS Watch

Clients include: Al Arabiya (MBC) AOL Boehringer Ingelheim Cambridge University Hospital The European Commission Suez Nycomed

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The wisdom of crowdsThe wisdom of crowds

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The power of ‘group’The power of ‘group’

Jellybeans in a jar: the average guess of all the guesses is almost always closer than the closest guess

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Intranet 2.0 / Web 2.0Intranet 2.0 / Web 2.0

Promote networks of relationships Transforms users into publishers Discuss, share & collaborate From one to many -> many to many

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Web 2.0 Web 2.0 (thanks to Shel Holtz)(thanks to Shel Holtz)

Conversation publishing platforms Blogs, podcasts, Technorati

Social networks Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace

Social bookmarking, Digg, StumbleUpon

Democratic Networks Wikipedia, Yahoo! Groups, MyStarbucksIdea

Presence or micro-blogging Jaiku, Twitter, Pownce

Content sharing sites YouTube, Flickr,

Virtual networking platforms Second Life,

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Intranet 1.0  Intranet 2.0

Corporate news Submit news Executives speech Executive blog Taxonomy Folksonomy Quick poll Discussion

forums Annual employee broadcast Regular podcast CMS Wikis Directories (A-Z) Tagging Sticky content RSS

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Controlling the messageControlling the message

Employees use social media & are having work conversations externally

How are you influencing the conversation?

Walmarting Across America (A fake blog used as


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WalMart employees weigh-inWalMart employees weigh-in

“… have watched the company go from a family oriented environment to “who gives a crap make us more money environment.”

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Intranet 2.0 StudyIntranet 2.0 Study

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Study: sizeStudy: size

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Intranet 2.0 ToolsIntranet 2.0 Tools

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Study: discussion forums use (52%)Study: discussion forums use (52%)

Enterprise deployment 21%

Limited use 31%

Not yet… have plans 17%

Not yet… considering 22%

No plans 9%

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IBM Innovation JamIBM Innovation Jam

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IBM Innovation JamIBM Innovation Jam

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Study: wiki use (49%)Study: wiki use (49%)

Enterprise deployment 17%

Limited use 32%

Not yet… have plans 14%

Not yet… considering 27%

No plans 10%

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9 million files, 75,000 active authors, 250 languages

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Wiki-based intranet: PlacemakingWiki-based intranet: Placemaking

Please see case study on Please see case study on for the for the screenshot of this case studyscreenshot of this case study

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BT intranet wiki (500,000 wiki pages)BT intranet wiki (500,000 wiki pages)

Please see case study on Please see case study on for the for the screenshot of this case studyscreenshot of this case study

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Study: Blog use (44%)Study: Blog use (44%)

Enterprise deployment 10%

Limited use 34%

Not yet… have plans 20%

Not yet… considering 26%

No plans 9%

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Employee blogs - SunEmployee blogs - Sun

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Sun blog statsSun blog stats

May 2008May 2008 July 2008July 2008

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Sun Blogging PolicySun Blogging Policy

Prohibits discussing "non-public" information: Financial data Programming code Personal information about other individuals “Work-related legal proceedings or controversies"

Blogging Guidelines:

Blogging Policy:

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Study: podcast use (24%)Study: podcast use (24%)

Enterprise deployment 4%

Limited use 20%

Not yet… have plans 15%

Not yet… considering 31%

No plans 30%

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““Five Minutes with …”Five Minutes with …”



Call to action

Source: Innovative Intranet Tools to Captivate Employees, Jean Gaetano, National City

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Intranet TVIntranet TV

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Study: social networking (14%)Study: social networking (14%)

Enterprise deployment 7%

Limited use 7%

Not yet… have plans 29%

Not yet… considering 39%

No plans 19%

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Social networkingSocial networking

Promoting online connections & collaboration

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IBM’s BeehiveIBM’s Beehive

Like Facebook, Beehive users (appropriately called bees) can:

create a profile post pictures updates comments organize events tag others’ photos

Beehive enables IBMers to track friends and share social activities.

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IBM: Employee social networkingIBM: Employee social networking

Please see case study on Please see case study on for the for the screenshot of this case studyscreenshot of this case study

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IBM’s BeehiveIBM’s Beehive

“New Bees” accumulate points for activity including posts, comments, and photos

As you accumulate points IBMers grow: New bee Working bee Busy bee Super bee

“One of our goals is to create a ‘smaller’ company in spite of our size. Beehive has done more than anything than create a sense of community at IBM.”

- IBM’s Liam Cleaver

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IBM’s BeehiveIBM’s Beehive

35,000 registered “bees” 280,000 social network connections 150,000 comments Shared over 43,000 photos Created over 15,000 "hive fives" Hosted over 2000 events

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IBM Fringe: employee taggingIBM Fringe: employee tagging Fringe profiles display contact information and

automatically generated information from the directory as well as Communities that they belong to Blog entries Bookmarked pages (from their social

bookmarking tool, Dogear) When you tag someone, they can tag you back (forcing

extra diligence and consideration) Authors of a tag are displayed when hovering over a tag Search for people or experts by tag (subject matter)

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Please see Fringe case study on Please see Fringe case study on for the for the screenshot of this case studyscreenshot of this case study

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Why not?Why not?

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Intranet 2.0 StudyIntranet 2.0 Study

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Intranet 2.0 ProductsIntranet 2.0 Products

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Please see case study on Please see case study on for the for the screenshot of this case studyscreenshot of this case study

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BT views social media tools as a huge opportunity to transform the way employees interact

Prior to, over 4,000 of its employees voluntarily joined a Facebook group called ‘BT’

No anonymous posting

“Many believe that trying to stop social media tools seeping onto intranets is a futile activity anyway, so it is better to introduce them on your terms in a managed way.”

Source: Richard Dennison, Knowledge Management & Social Media Manager, BT (

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Last wordsLast words

“If you don’t think about what value you can deliver in an enterprise 2.0 environment, you are going to become irrelevant!!

Richard Dennison, Knowledge Management & Social Media Manager, BT

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Practical advicePractical advice

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Best PracticesBest Practices

1. Planning – the essential requisite2. Leadership sets the tone3. Engaging the audience4. Evolution, not revolution (trial & test)5. Benchmark and cherry-pick from the leaders6. Monitor the conversation7. Keep pace with the trends and best practices 8. Measure, measure, measure

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Trial #1Trial #1

Wiki: Create a wiki for company and industry acronyms

and jargon

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Intranet 2.0 SurveyIntranet 2.0 Survey


Respondents who complete the survey will be eligible to win $400

All respondents will also receive a full copy of the results at no cost

Google keywork: “Intranet 2.0 Survey”

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Intranet 2.0 BlueprintIntranet 2.0 Blueprint

Business requirements – Who? What? When? How much? What is needed, what do employees want – business require?

Intranet 2.0 plan – alignment with the business, intended benefits, specific goals, & media types (blogs, wikis, RSS, etc.) & functionality

Blogs and wiki policies – The rules: roles & responsibilities, supporting policies, dos and don’ts

Implementation – will work with internal IT to 2-3 social media tools (e.g. 1 blog and 2 wikis with several options, features and content focuses) & the supporting RSS

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Toby Ward, Prescient Digital Media

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Toby WardPrescient Digital Media

Facebook “Intranet Global Forum”

Janus BoyeJ. Boye