intestinal helminthiasis and filariasis_sgt

Dr. Kyaw Min  Assoc. Prof. C linical Tr opical Medicine & Pub lic Health HOD ComMed M!" DTM&H" MCTM" MPH" PhD. PH #ACTM" #$!TM&H

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Dr Kyaw Min

Assoc Prof Clinical Tropical Medicine amp Public Health



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Intestinal helminths

List intestinal helminths

Describe life cycle clinical manifestationand management (Inv+Tt+prevention) of

each intestinal helminthiasis

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1 ention the prevalence of filariasis in

alaysia and globally Discss epidemiology of filariasis

according to chain of transmission

Discss prevention and control of filariasis

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$ematodes (ondamporms)

Tisse $ematode Infections Intestinal $ematode Infections

Trichinellaspiralis others

Toocara anis

ncylostoma brailiense


oo-amporm (d $a)





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Trichuris (amphipamporm) oral hemorrhagic colitis

Enterobius (pinamporm) oral perianal itch mallI

Ascaris (rond amporm) oral small intestine obstrction

Strongyloides (thread amporm) perctaneos and

atoinfection dodenitis ctaneos larva crrenshyperinfection in immnocompromised

Ancylostoma Necator (hoo-amporms) perctaneosiron deficiency anemia

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Trematodes (Flatamporms)

2lood Fl-e (chistosomiasis) Liver fl-e


1 mansoni



4 intercalatm


1 haematobim

1 0pisthochiasis



Lng Fl-es

1 6aragonims

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estodes (Tapeamporms)

Tinea olim ysticercosi

T aginata



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Intestinal nematodesIntestinal nematodes

Larvae pass

throgh lngs

Larvae penetrate

throgh intact s-in



ggs ingested



Larvae enter


dlt amporms in the

the intestine


Larvae hatch

from eggs

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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Intestinal helminths

List intestinal helminths

Describe life cycle clinical manifestationand management (Inv+Tt+prevention) of

each intestinal helminthiasis

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1 ention the prevalence of filariasis in

alaysia and globally Discss epidemiology of filariasis

according to chain of transmission

Discss prevention and control of filariasis

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$ematodes (ondamporms)

Tisse $ematode Infections Intestinal $ematode Infections

Trichinellaspiralis others

Toocara anis

ncylostoma brailiense


oo-amporm (d $a)





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Trichuris (amphipamporm) oral hemorrhagic colitis

Enterobius (pinamporm) oral perianal itch mallI

Ascaris (rond amporm) oral small intestine obstrction

Strongyloides (thread amporm) perctaneos and

atoinfection dodenitis ctaneos larva crrenshyperinfection in immnocompromised

Ancylostoma Necator (hoo-amporms) perctaneosiron deficiency anemia

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Trematodes (Flatamporms)

2lood Fl-e (chistosomiasis) Liver fl-e


1 mansoni



4 intercalatm


1 haematobim

1 0pisthochiasis



Lng Fl-es

1 6aragonims

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estodes (Tapeamporms)

Tinea olim ysticercosi

T aginata



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Intestinal nematodesIntestinal nematodes

Larvae pass

throgh lngs

Larvae penetrate

throgh intact s-in



ggs ingested



Larvae enter


dlt amporms in the

the intestine


Larvae hatch

from eggs

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 3: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1 ention the prevalence of filariasis in

alaysia and globally Discss epidemiology of filariasis

according to chain of transmission

Discss prevention and control of filariasis

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$ematodes (ondamporms)

Tisse $ematode Infections Intestinal $ematode Infections

Trichinellaspiralis others

Toocara anis

ncylostoma brailiense


oo-amporm (d $a)





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Trichuris (amphipamporm) oral hemorrhagic colitis

Enterobius (pinamporm) oral perianal itch mallI

Ascaris (rond amporm) oral small intestine obstrction

Strongyloides (thread amporm) perctaneos and

atoinfection dodenitis ctaneos larva crrenshyperinfection in immnocompromised

Ancylostoma Necator (hoo-amporms) perctaneosiron deficiency anemia

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Trematodes (Flatamporms)

2lood Fl-e (chistosomiasis) Liver fl-e


1 mansoni



4 intercalatm


1 haematobim

1 0pisthochiasis



Lng Fl-es

1 6aragonims

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estodes (Tapeamporms)

Tinea olim ysticercosi

T aginata



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Intestinal nematodesIntestinal nematodes

Larvae pass

throgh lngs

Larvae penetrate

throgh intact s-in



ggs ingested



Larvae enter


dlt amporms in the

the intestine


Larvae hatch

from eggs

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 4: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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$ematodes (ondamporms)

Tisse $ematode Infections Intestinal $ematode Infections

Trichinellaspiralis others

Toocara anis

ncylostoma brailiense


oo-amporm (d $a)





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Trichuris (amphipamporm) oral hemorrhagic colitis

Enterobius (pinamporm) oral perianal itch mallI

Ascaris (rond amporm) oral small intestine obstrction

Strongyloides (thread amporm) perctaneos and

atoinfection dodenitis ctaneos larva crrenshyperinfection in immnocompromised

Ancylostoma Necator (hoo-amporms) perctaneosiron deficiency anemia

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Trematodes (Flatamporms)

2lood Fl-e (chistosomiasis) Liver fl-e


1 mansoni



4 intercalatm


1 haematobim

1 0pisthochiasis



Lng Fl-es

1 6aragonims

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estodes (Tapeamporms)

Tinea olim ysticercosi

T aginata



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Intestinal nematodesIntestinal nematodes

Larvae pass

throgh lngs

Larvae penetrate

throgh intact s-in



ggs ingested



Larvae enter


dlt amporms in the

the intestine


Larvae hatch

from eggs

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 5: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichuris (amphipamporm) oral hemorrhagic colitis

Enterobius (pinamporm) oral perianal itch mallI

Ascaris (rond amporm) oral small intestine obstrction

Strongyloides (thread amporm) perctaneos and

atoinfection dodenitis ctaneos larva crrenshyperinfection in immnocompromised

Ancylostoma Necator (hoo-amporms) perctaneosiron deficiency anemia

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Trematodes (Flatamporms)

2lood Fl-e (chistosomiasis) Liver fl-e


1 mansoni



4 intercalatm


1 haematobim

1 0pisthochiasis



Lng Fl-es

1 6aragonims

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estodes (Tapeamporms)

Tinea olim ysticercosi

T aginata



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Intestinal nematodesIntestinal nematodes

Larvae pass

throgh lngs

Larvae penetrate

throgh intact s-in



ggs ingested



Larvae enter


dlt amporms in the

the intestine


Larvae hatch

from eggs

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 6: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trematodes (Flatamporms)

2lood Fl-e (chistosomiasis) Liver fl-e


1 mansoni



4 intercalatm


1 haematobim

1 0pisthochiasis



Lng Fl-es

1 6aragonims

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estodes (Tapeamporms)

Tinea olim ysticercosi

T aginata



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Intestinal nematodesIntestinal nematodes

Larvae pass

throgh lngs

Larvae penetrate

throgh intact s-in



ggs ingested



Larvae enter


dlt amporms in the

the intestine


Larvae hatch

from eggs

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 7: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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estodes (Tapeamporms)

Tinea olim ysticercosi

T aginata



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Intestinal nematodesIntestinal nematodes

Larvae pass

throgh lngs

Larvae penetrate

throgh intact s-in



ggs ingested



Larvae enter


dlt amporms in the

the intestine


Larvae hatch

from eggs

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 8: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Intestinal nematodesIntestinal nematodes

Larvae pass

throgh lngs

Larvae penetrate

throgh intact s-in



ggs ingested



Larvae enter


dlt amporms in the

the intestine


Larvae hatch

from eggs

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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Intestinal $ematodescariasis

Ascaris lumbricoides The largest intestinal nematodes

Fecally contaminated soil

ampalloamped eggs hatch in intestine to lngs brea- into alveoli

ascending bronchial tree




6rodce p to47777 eggsd

F8 asymptomaticLngs8 cogh sbsternal discomfortdyspnoea bld9tinged sptm

osinophiliaosinophilic pnemonitis (Lfflersyn)eavy infections8 pain small boampelobst perforation volvls biliary

obstrction colic and pancreatitis

T8 single dose of lbendaole 477 mg

ebendaole lt77 mgIvermectin 1lt7977 =g-g6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g p to 1gm

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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A pair of female and male worms of A lumbricoidesNotice the vulvar waist(arrow)of the female worm and thecoiled end of the male worm

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2073

parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2373

amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 11: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Life cycle Adult worms intestine


e))s stool

mbryonated e))s

in +- wees in soil

infectie form

0n)estion of


lara hatches


intestine reach


$i)ht heart lun)



Throat swallow

small intestine

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 12: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 1773

parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 1873

parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 1973

parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2073

parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2173

parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2273

1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2373

amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2473


Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2573

Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2773


Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2973


nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3273


ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 13: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2373

amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 15: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

ncylostoma dodenalencylostoma dodenale





7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 16: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

2 Eggs 60times40 microm in size oval in

shape shell is thin and colorlessContent is 2-8cells

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 17: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Ancylostoma dodenale ecatoramericans -- hman hoo$orms

mall nematodes amp-(cm)

ead is sli+htly endamphoo) and the moth

carries characteristic teethampAncylostoma) or platesampecator note that theseare not real teeth tcticlar ormations o theccal capsle)

he posterior end o themale $orm is elaoratedinto a coplatory rsa

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of

Ancylostoma duodenale note the presence of for gtteethgt tampo

on each side

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 19: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

canning electron micrograph of the moth capsle of $ecatoramericans another species of hman hoo-amporm $ote the

presence of tampo ctting gtteeth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 20: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab by lampafa menaampi

Life cycle of hookworm

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2173

parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2273

1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2373

amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2473


Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2573

Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2773


Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2973


nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3173


Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3273


ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 21: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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parasite lab

by lampafa menaampi

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2373

amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 22: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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1atho+enesis and Clinical

aniestations 3arval mi+ration

amp) ermatitis no$n as 5+ronditch5 or 5stool poison5he larvaepenetratin+ the sin case aller+icreaction petechiae 0r paple $ithitchin+ and rnin+ sensation

cratchin+ leads to secondary inection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3273


ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 23: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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amp2) pnemonitis ampaller+ic reaction)3oeer7s syndrome co+hasthma lo$ ever lood-tin+ed

sptm or hemoptysis chest-paininammation shado$s in ln+snder 9-ray hese maniestations

+o on aot 2 $ees

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2473


Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2573

Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2773


Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 2973


nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3273


ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

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httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

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httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

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httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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Ancylostoma duodenaleNecator americanus

Infectious larvae penetrate the skin

Lngs via the blood stream invade alveoli sampalloamp I matre into

adlt attach to the mcosa sc- blood and intestinal flid

F8 most asymptomatichronic8 Iron defi + hypoproteinemia ampea-ness shortnessof breath

T8lbedaole 477mg onceebendaole lt77mg once6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g od for d $tritional spportIron replacementD8 stool eamination

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


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4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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Then as adlts they attach by moth to

small intestinal mcosa and sc- blood

($ecator 77 mlday Ancylostoma 71lt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 26: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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Strongyloides stercoralis Unlike others can replicate in thehuman host

toinfection most common amongimmnocompromised hosts

Life cycle

F8 mild ctaneos andor abdmanifestation sch as rticaria prritserythematos erption along the corseof larva migration abd pain nasea D+ampt loss colitis enteritis malabsorption

Disseminated disease8$ peritonem liver -idney2acteremia can develop amphen entericflora enter the bldstream A9ve sepsispnemonia or meningitis can

complicate the disease

D8 osiniphilia rhabditiform larvae instoolLI

T8Ivermectin (77=g-g daily for D) ismore effective thanlbendaole (477 mg daily for D)Disseminated case8 Ivermectin B lt9C D

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

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Pistia plants

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estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

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man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

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man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

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man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 29: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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nterobius vermicularis pinworm

dlt amporms migrate noctrnally ot

into the perianal region releasing

immatre eggs infective ampithin hors

toinfection reslts from perianal

scratching moth

6erson to person spread occrs

F8 prrits ani D8 celllose acetate tapeggs are flattened on one side

T80ne dose of

ebendaole 177 mg or lbendaole 477 mg or6yrantel pamoate 11mg-g ma 1 gm

ame T repeated after amp-sosehold members shold also be


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3073

ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3173


Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3273


ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 30: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

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ey to the diagnosis of Intestinal $ematodes




Larvae in Stool

S stercoralis

Larvae in Stool

S stercoralisEggs in stoolEggs in stool

Eggs on

Perianal SkinEggs on

Perianal Skin


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Bile Stained)

A lumbricoides

T trichiura


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis


(Non Bile Stained)

A duodenale

N americanus

E vermicularis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3173


Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3273


ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 31: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3173


Trichenella spiralis $ other

Ingest meat (sly por-)contains cysts ampith T


Dring 1st amp- larvae

invade small boampel

mcosa nd rd amp-s

matre into adlts

amphich release neamp larva

migrate to striated

mscle via circlationand encyst

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3273


ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 32: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3273


ampeek (iarrhea abd pain constipation N) )

Eee- reaction ampith fever hypereosinophilia periorbital andfacial edema ge in con3nctiva retina and nail beds

mp rashes headache cogh dyspnea dysphagiaDeath are sly de to myocarditis ampith arrhythmais orF

Eee- 9 yositis myalgias mscle edema ampea-ness(esply8etraoclar mscle biceps diaphragm) ymptoms pea- at ampee-s

splinter hemorrha)e

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 33: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3373

osinophilia in + - (rugs are ineffective againstmuscle larvae

Ig and mscle enymes level

specific b titres by ampee-s


779477 mg tid days then˟

477 mg tid G914 days then˟

lbendaole477 mg bid G914 days˟

ay be active against enteric parasites

Definite D is by detection of larvaob biopsyighest at near insertions of tendon

Alcocorticoids (1mg-g daily for ltdays) may redce severe myositisand myocarditis

6revention8 coo-ing por- ntil it is no longer pin- or freeing it at 1ltH for

ampee-s -ills larvae and prevents infection

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 34: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3473

Filarial infections

(well in S tissue and lymphatics + - million people are infected

Disease tends to be more intense andacte in neamply eposed persons than in

natives of endemic areas

dlt amporm live for yearsicrofilariae live for 9 months

Echereria bancrofti (noctrnally periodic)2rgia malayi2 Timori

dlt amporms case inflammatorydamage to the lymphatics


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 35: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 36: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 37: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3773

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 38: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3873

Agent 0actors

Sno 6arasite osJito Disease

1 Wbancrofti ule1 L0

Bmalayi 2ansonia L0

Btimori Anopheles3


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 39: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 3973

4ost 0actors

an K $atral ost

ge K ll age ( months) a8 797 years

e K igher in men

igration K leading to etension of

infection to non9endemic areas

Immnity K may develop after long year of


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 40: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4073

Social $ nvironmental 0actors

ssociated ampith 5rbaniation 6overty

Indstrialiation Illiteracy and 6oorsanitation

limate8 is an important factor amphich

inflences81 The breeding of mosJito

Longevity (0ptimm temperatre 7977 midity C7)

The development of parasite in the vector

4 anitation Toampn planning eampage Drainage

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 41: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4173

Filarial and related infections

05Asymptomatic microfilaremia4ydroceleA(L acute adenolymphangitis feverlymphatic inflammation transientlocal edema

(15 2icrofilariae can be found inblood hydrocele fluid

67 w8 and 8m

osinophilia and 9 Ig

E 2 particlarly affects genitallymphatics

T8D diethycarbamaine mg-g dailyfor 1 D

lbendaole 477 mg bid for 1 D (lesseffective)

DL may progress to lymphaticobstrction and elephantiasis ampith braampny edema




7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 42: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4273

ector ontrolMector control involves anti larval measres antiadlt measres personal prophylais n

integrated method sing all the vector controlmeasres alone ampill bring abot sstained vectorcontrol

I nti larval measres8

1 hemical control

a osJito larvicidal oil

b 6yrosene oil

c 0rgano phosphoros componds sch asTemephos Fenthion

emoval of pistia plants

inor environmental measres

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 43: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4373

ector ontrol

II Anti adult measures5

nti adlt measres as indoor residal spaysing DDT and Dieldrin 6yrethrm as

a space spray is also folloamped

III 6ersonal 6rophyla1is5 edction of man mosJito contact by sing

mosJito nets screening of hoses etc

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 44: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4473

brgian filariasis vectors mainly ansonia

bonneae and ansonia dives

pirimiphos9methyl residal spraying

Mansonia species breed in sampampy areas

ampater hyacinth

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 45: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4573

mass drg administration (D)

sally bite indoors at night and rest on ampallsamphile they digest host9blood and develop

their eggs

impact on night9biting and indoor resting poplations of C quninquefasciatus Aedes

and Mansonia mosJitoes

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 46: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4673

epanded polystyrene beads into septic tan-s and

pit latrines can prodce a drastic redction in

Culex mosJito poplations

This mechanically prevents gravid mosJitoes

from laying eggs or larvae and ppae from

breathing Long lasting insecticide impregnated nets


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 47: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4773

nvironmental sanitation involving cleaning p of


Larval control sing bio9 larvicides sch as Bacillus

shaericus can effectively be sed to significantly

redce poplations of C quinquefasciatus in rbanand peri9rban areas

emoval of certain aJatic vegetation from

potential breeding sites of ansonia species is also

a feasible option of redcing the vector in clearlydefined settings

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 48: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4873

Pistia plants

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 49: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 4973

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 50: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 51: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5173

estodes Tapeamporms

Taenia saginata

mans are definitive



tool eamination (eggs proglottids)

osinophilia Ig

Inhabits 5pper 3e3nm T86raiJantel a single doseof 17mg-g

6erianal discomfort mildabd pain change inappetite ampea-ness ampt


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 52: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 53: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5373

T solim and cysticercosis

por- tapeampormmans are definitivehost


N ysticerci can be fond

anyamphere in the body mostoften in brain s-etal mscle tisse or eye

N eires de toinflammation srronding

cysticerci in brainhydrcephals headache $+M+ diiness ataiaconfsion

Intestinal8 epigastricdiscomfort nasea sensationof hnger ampt loss diarrhea orasymptomatic

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 54: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 55: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 56: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5673

Tampo different forms in hmans8

9 man taeniases

9 man cysticercosis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 57: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5773

man infection 9 taeniasis

The scole attaches to the mcosa and beginsforming segments (proglotids)

fter tampo months of infection gravid proglotids begin to detach from the distal end 9 ecreted in thefeces

ach segment contains 7777 eggs

Eorm cases only minor inflammation to theintestine (mild symptoms 9 abdominal paindistension diarrhea and nasea 9 or none at all)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 58: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5873

man infection 9 cysticercosis

Faecal9oral contamination ampith T solim eggs fromtapeamporm carriers

The invasive oncosphere (embryos) in the eggs areliberated by the action of gastric acid and cross the

boampel ampall

They establish at small terminal vessels (mscles

brain eye) amphere they groamp to abot the sie of 1cm in 9 months

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 59: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 5973

man cysticercosis

scle 9 small palpable movable nodles 9 chestsand arms 9 mild or no symptoms

0phthalmic cysticercosis 9 intraoclar cysts floatingfreely in the vitreos hmor 9 decreased visalacity

$erocysticercosis 9 most symptoms are becase of

the inflammatory reaction associated ampith cystdegeneration (that may ta-e years to happen) 9epilepsy hydrocephals encephalitis meningitis

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 60: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6073

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 61: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6173

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 62: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6273

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 63: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6373

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 64: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6473

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 65: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6573

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 66: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6673

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 67: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6773

Diagnosis 9 taeniasis

Misaliation of Taenia eggs are the only

diagnosis ntil recently 9 has poor sensitivity

and difficlt to differentiate from taenia saginata

2est diagnosis 9 coproantigen detection LI

(detect taenia specific molecles in the feces 9Olt sensitivity and OO specificity)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 68: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6873

Diagnosis 9 cysticercosis

Depends on the targeted organ8 $ 9 F immnology neroimaging (the

scole can be seen)

scle 9 imaging b

ye 9 imaging (ltrasond)

(serological eam 9 LI)

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 69: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 6973

Treatment 9 taeniasis

Taeniasis 9 relatively easy for intestinal

disease 9 60 drgs 9 niclosamide and


niclosamide is the choice as it is not

absorbedP hoampever it is an epensive drg

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 70: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7073

Treatment 9 cysticercosis

$erocysticercosis is the main problem

The problem of the cyst is the inflammatory


5se of parasiticide (praiJantel or albendaole) 9

debatable 9 aim is to redce inflammation and scar

tisse palliative treatment to control inflammation 9

corticosteroids antihistamines

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 71: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7173

Diagnostic riteria for man

ysticercosis1 bsolte criteria

a Demonstration of cysticerci by histologic or microscopiceamination of biopsy material

b Misaliation of parasite in the eye by fndoscopyc $eroradiologic demonstration of cystic lesions containing

a characteristic scole

a3or criteria

a $eroradiologic lesions sggestive of nerocysticercosis

b Demonstration of b to cysticerci by LI

c esoltion of I cystic lesions spontaneosly or after Tampith albendaole or praiJantel

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 72: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7273

Diagnostic riteria (ont) inor criteria

a Lesions compatible ampith nerocysticercosis detected byneroimaging stdies

b linical manifestation sggestive of nerocysticercosis

c Demonstration of b to cysticerci or g in F by LI

d vidence of cysticercosis otside the $ (eg igar9shaped soft tisse calcification)

4 pidemiologic criteriaa esidence in endemic area

b FreJent travel to a endemic area

c osehold contact ampith an individal infected ampith T


7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi

Page 73: Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

7252019 Intestinal Helminthiasis and Filariasis_SGT

httpslidepdfcomreaderfullintestinal-helminthiasis-and-filariasissgt 7373

D is comfirmed by

0ne absolte criteria or

ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

probable D

Q 1 ma3or + minor

Q 1 ma3or + 1 minor + 1 pi

Q minor + 1 pi