intestinal absorption, blood transport and hepatic and muscle

HAL Id: hal-00900244 Submitted on 1 Jan 1999 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Intestinal absorption, blood transport and hepatic and muscle metabolism of fatty acids in preruminant and ruminant animals Jean-François Hocquette, Dominique Bauchart To cite this version: Jean-François Hocquette, Dominique Bauchart. Intestinal absorption, blood transport and hepatic and muscle metabolism of fatty acids in preruminant and ruminant animals. Reproduction Nutrition Development, EDP Sciences, 1999, 39 (1), pp.27-48. <hal-00900244>

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HAL Id: hal-00900244

Submitted on 1 Jan 1999

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Intestinal absorption, blood transport and hepatic andmuscle metabolism of fatty acids in preruminant and

ruminant animalsJean-François Hocquette, Dominique Bauchart

To cite this version:Jean-François Hocquette, Dominique Bauchart. Intestinal absorption, blood transport and hepaticand muscle metabolism of fatty acids in preruminant and ruminant animals. Reproduction NutritionDevelopment, EDP Sciences, 1999, 39 (1), pp.27-48. <hal-00900244>

Page 2: Intestinal absorption, blood transport and hepatic and muscle


Intestinal absorption, blood transport and hepaticand muscle metabolism of fatty acids in preruminant

and ruminant animals

Jean-François Hocquette Dominique Bauchart

Laboratoire croissance et métabolismes des herbivores, Inra,centre de recherches de Clermont-Ferrand/Theix, 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France

(Received 1 July 1998; accepted 6 December 1998)

Abstract - Current research on lipid metabolism in ruminants aims to improve the growth andhealth of the animals and the muscle characteristics associated with meat quality. This review, there-fore, focuses on fatty acid (FA) metabolism from absorption to partitioning between tissues andmetabolic pathways. In young calves, which were given high-fat milk diets, lipid absorption isdelayed because the coagulation of milk caseins results in the retention of dietary fat as an insolubleclot in the abomasum. After weaning, the calves were fed forage- and cereal-based diets containinglow levels of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) but leading to high levels of volatile fatty acid (VFA) pro-duction by the rumen microflora. Such differences in dietary FA affect: i) the lipid transport systemvia the production of lipoproteins by the intestine and the liver; and (ii) the subsequent metabolismof lipids and FA by tissues. In preruminant calves, high-fat feed stimulates the secretion of triacyl-glycerols (TG)-rich lipoproteins (chylomicrons, very-low density lipoproteins (VLDL)). Diets richin polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) stimulate the production of chylomicrons by the intestine (at peak lipidabsorption) and of high density lipoproteins by the liver, leading to high blood concentrations ofcholesterol. High levels of non-esterified FA (NEFA) uptake by the liver in high-yielding dairycows in early lactation leads to TG infiltration of the hepatocytes (fatty liver). This is due to the lowchronic capacity of the liver to synthesise and secrete VLDL particles. This abnormality in hepaticFA metabolism involves defects in apolipoprotein B synthesis and low availability of apolipoproteinsand lipids for VLDL packaging. Fatty liver in calves is also caused by milk diets containing either soy-bean oil (rich in n-6 PUFA), or coconut oil (rich in C12:0 and C14:0). The ability of muscle tissue touse FA as an energy source depends on its mitochondrial content and, hence, on many physiologicalfactors. The uptake and partitioning of LCFA between oxidation and storage in muscle is regulatedby the activity of key intracellular enzymes and binding proteins. One such protein, carnitine palmi-toyltransferase I (CPT I) controls the transport of LCFA into mitochondria. Metabolites derivedfrom LCFA inhibit glucose oxidation, decrease the activity of CPT I and decrease the efficiency ofATP production by mitochondria. Most research on tissue lipid metabolism in ruminants is focusedon: i) the partitioning of FA oxidation between intracellular peroxisomes and mitochondria in the liverand in muscles; (ii) the regulation of lipid metabolism by leptin, a recently discovered hormone

* Correspondence and reprintsE-mail: [email protected]

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secreted by mature adipocytes; and iii) the effects of activation of the nuclear receptors (PPARs andRXR) by LCFA or by phytol metabolites derived from chlorophyll. &copy; Inra/Elsevier, Paris.

lipid nutrition / metabolism / fatty acid / liver / muscles / ruminant / preruminant

Résumé &horbar; Absorption intestinale, transport sanguin et métabolisme hépatique et musculairedes acides gras chez les animaux préruminants et ruminants. Les recherches en cours sur lemétabolisme lipidique chez le ruminant visent à améliorer la croissance et la santé des animaux ainsique les caractéristiques des muscles en relation avec la qualité des viandes. Cette revue a donc pourobjectif de traiter spécifiquement le métabolisme des acides gras, de leur absorption intestinale àleur répartition entre tissus ainsi que les voies métaboliques mises en jeu dans ces processus. Chez leVeau préruminant recevant des aliments d’allaitement riches en matières grasses, l’absorption intes-tinale des lipides est retardée par la coagulation des caséines du lait entraînant la rétention des lipidesalimentaires dans un caillot insoluble dans la caillette. Après le sevrage, les veaux reçoivent des ali-ments solides à base de foin et de céréales pauvres en acides gras à chaîne longue (AGCL) maisconduisant à la formation d’acides gras volatils (AGV) par l’action de la microflore ruminale. De tellesdifférences de composition des acides gras alimentaires entraînent des modifications (i) du systèmede transport sanguin des lipides via la production de lipoprotéines par l’intestin et le foie et (ii) du méta-bolisme résultant des lipides et des acides gras par les tissus. Chez le veau préruminant, les alimentslactés riches en matières grasses stimulent la sécrétion des lipoprotéines riches en triglycérides (TG)(chylomicrons, lipoprotéines de très faible densité [VLDL]). Les aliments lactés riches en acidesgras polyinsaturés (AGPI) stimulent la production intestinale des chylomicrons (au pic d’absorp-tion des lipides) et des lipoprotéines de haute densité (HDL) par le foie conduisant à élever très for-tement la cholestérolémie. Chez la vache laitière haute productrice en début de lactation, le captagede fortes quantités d’acides gras non estérifiés (AGNE) par le foie entraîne une infiltration lipidiquedu foie (foie gras). Ceci est le résultat d’une faible capacité chronique du foie à synthétiser et sécré-ter des particules de VLDL. Cette anomalie du métabolisme hépatique des acides gras est consécu-tive à des défauts de synthèse de l’apolipoprotéine B et d’une faible disponibilité des apolipoprotéineset des lipides pour l’assemblage des VLDL. L’apparition d’un foie gras, également observé chez leveau préruminant, peut être provoquée par la consommation d’aliments d’allaitement enrichis enhuile de soja (riche en AGPI n-6) ou en huile de coprah (riche en C12:0 et C14:0). La capacité du tissumusculaire à utiliser les acides gras comme source énergétique dépend de sa teneur en mitochondrieset par conséquent de nombreux facteurs physiologiques. Le captage et le partage des AGCL entre lesvoies d’oxydation et de stockage dans le muscle sont sous le contrôle des activités d’enzymes-clés etde protéines de liaison intracellulaires. Ainsi, la carnitine palmitoyltransférase I (CPT I) contrôlel’entrée des AGCL dans les mitochondries. De plus, les métabolites des AGCL inhibent l’oxydationdu glucose, l’activité de la CPT 1 et l’efficacité de production d’ATP par les mitochondries. La plu-part des recherches actuelles sur le métabolisme des lipides chez les ruminants concernent (i) l’équi-libre de l’oxydation des acides gras entre les peroxysomes et les mitochondries intracellulaires dansle foie et les muscles, (ii) la régulation du métabolisme lipidique par la leptine, hormone récemmentdécouverte produite par les adipocytes mâtures et (iii) les effets de l’activation de récepteurs nucléaires(PPARs et RXR) par les AGCL et par les métabolites du phytol dérivés de la chlorophylle.@ Inra/Elsevier, Paris.

nutrition lipidique / métabolisme / acides gras / foie / muscles / ruminant / préruminant

Abbreviations: DM, dry matter; FA, fatty acids; FFA, free FA; NEFA, non-esterified FA;VFA, volatile FA; MCFA, medium-chain FA; LCFA, long-chain FA; PUFA, polyunsaturated FA;KB, ketone bodies; !-OHC4, (3-hydroxybutyrate; TG, triacylglycerols; VLDL, very-low densitylipoproteins; LDL, low density lipoproteins; HDL, high density lipoproteins; LPL, lipoprotein lipase;HSL, hormone-sensitive lipase; CS, citrate synthase; ICDH, isocitrate dehydrogenase; BDH, (3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; FABP, fatty acid binding protein;ACBP, acyl-CoA binding protein; CPT, carnitine palmitoyltransferase; ANT, adenine nucleotidetranslocase; MTP, microsomal transfer protein; apo B, apolipoprotein B.

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Preruminant calves are fed whole milk or

milk-replacers containing large amounts oflipids as triacylglycerols (TG) (220-280 g/kgdiet dry matter (DM)). Therefore, a meanof 30-45 % of energy is absorbed from long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) in the calf. Gen-erally, animal fats such as beef tallow orlard are added to the milk-replacers becausethey contain similar amounts of unsaturatedand saturated LCFA to normal milk fat.

However, the use of animal food products is,nowadays, associated with the developmentof bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Veg-etable oils containing LCFA, medium-chainfatty acids (MCFA) or polyunsaturated fattyacids (PUFA) have been suggested as analternative source of FA for milk replacersfor calves.

Only small quantities of fats (less than50 g/kg DM) are generally present in feedfor ruminants after weaning. Therefore, thepercentage of energy absorbed as volatilefatty acids (VFA) produced by ruminal fer-mentation of food averages 50 % for maize-based concentrate diets and 66 % for for-

age diets, whereas LCFA account for only 8to 10 % of absorbed energy [53]. Differ-ences in the amount and proportion of VFAfinally absorbed may greatly affect energymetabolism and, thereby, the quality of meator of milk.

Fats can be added to the diets of growingweaned cattle [20] or lactating cows [81]for nutritional or economical reasons to: i)increase the energy content of the diet,thereby satisfying the energy requirementsof high-yielding animals; ii) use high-qual-ity cheap fats from industry to replace car-bohydrates; iii) manipulate the nutritionalvalue or quality of milk and meat; and iv)improve the metabolic efficiency of keyorgans (e.g. the liver) and thus, the generalhealth status of the animal.

Consequently, the main aim of currentresearch on lipid metabolism in ruminants isto improve knowledge of the partitioning

of the various classes of fatty acids (FA)[VFA, MCFA, LCFA and ketone bodies(KB)] between the major body tissues. Asecond aim is to investigate the metabolicuses of various FA as energy sources formeat production or as lipogenic precursorsfor milk fat. This review describes the pro-cess of intestinal absorption, transport andfate of FA in the liver and peripheral tissues(mainly muscles). The transport of FA byphospholipids and cholesterol esters willnot be considered in this review.


2.1. Digestion of lipidsin preruminants and ruminants

Weaned ruminants differ from single-stomached animals in that food is fermented

by the micro-organisms present in therumen. Dietary carbohydrates (e.g. cellu-lose, hemicellulose, starch, soluble sugars)are indeed degraded to hexoses and pen-toses which are then fermented to produceVFA, principally acetate, propionate andbutyrate (for reviews see [35, 114]). Thisprocess results in low levels of intestinal

absorption of carbohydrates in ruminants.Therefore, there is much less diet-inducedsecretion of insulin with a conventionalruminant diet than with a diet rich in lac-tose which is not fermented in the rumen

[44]. Consequently, the liver and peripheraltissues are regularly exposed to largeincreases in plasma insulin concentration inresponse to food intake in milk-fed calvesand lambs but not in weaned ruminants. Thisis of great importance because insulin reg-ulates lipid metabolism. One of its majoreffects is to reduce the delivery of FA to theliver or muscles via its anti-lipolytic effecton adipose tissue.

In ruminants, TG are first extensivelyhydrolysed in the rumen by lipases, leadingto the formation of free FA (FFA) which

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are subjected to partial (C18:2n-6, C18:3n-3)hydrogenation by rumen hydrogenases.Incomplete hydrogenation produces vari-ous cis and trans isomers of monoenoic FFA

(e.g. C 18:1 n-9 and C 18:1 n-7) and isomers ofPUFA, such as conjugated linoleic acid.This microbial activity in the rumen resultsin absorbed FFA being far more saturatedthan dietary FFA. Absorbed FFA also con-tain specific bacterial FA, such as odd-chainor branched-chain FA. High-fat diets inruminants often decrease the extent of car-

bohydrate digestion, and increase propionicacid levels in the rumen (for reviews, see[20, 23]). Various techniques of lipid pro-tection (lipid encapsulation, saponificationof LCFA) have been used to limit the extentof ruminal lipid hydrogenation and distur-bances in fermentation (for reviews, see [5,23, 54]).

The digestion of fats in preruminants dif-fers from that of adult ruminants becausethe rumen is not functional. The coagula-tion of milk caseins also results in the reten-tion of dietary TG as an insoluble clot inthe abomasum for several hours. Conse-

quently, peak lipid absorption occurs 5-7 hlater in calves than in conventional mono-

gastrics (for review, see [8]). However, if

calves are fed with milk replacers rich infish protein, which do not curdle in the abo-masum, then nutrient absorption is morerapid [ 112] and the postprandial levels ofinsulin secretion are often lower [40].

2.2. Intestinal absorptionof lipids in ruminants

VFA (C2 to C6) are absorbed by therumen [80] and, to a lesser extent, by theabomasum [32]. VFA are absorbed via therumen wall by simple diffusion. Most of theacetate, and especially of the butyrate pre-sent may be converted into KB [acetoac-etate and (3-hydroxybutyrate ((3-OHC4)] dur-ing absorption. Thus, the gut is the principalsource of VFA and KB in fed ruminants

(figure 1), whereas in monogastrics and pre-ruminants these metabolites are mainly pro-duced by the liver.

For all mammals, medium-chain FA(MCFA, < C12) are absorbed by the smallintestine and are mainly secreted as NEFA,specifically in the portal blood (for reviewsee [2]). LCFA are absorbed by the epithe-lial cells of the small intestine and are re-esterified (for review see [5]). The result-

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ing TG are incorported into chylomicronsand very-low density lipoproteins (VLDL),which are mostly transported in lymph [61],but also via the portal vein at peak lipidabsorption [27] (figure 1). In sheep, unsat-urated LCFA absorbed by the intestine stim-ulate the intestinal secretion of chylomi-crons, whereas saturated LCFA, which aregenerated by the hydrogenation of unsatu-rated FA by ruminal bacteria, specificallycause the intestinal production of VLDL[47].

Total intestinal chylomicron and VLDLproduction reaches a maximum 8 h afterintake in preruminant calves fed a conven-tional milk-replacer in a single daily meal[27]. In contrast, with a milk diet that doesnot curdle in the abomasum, postprandiallevels of circulating TG and FFA are higherthan in conventionally fed calves [6, 40].Chylomicron synthesis and secretion by thegut are stimulated by various dietary fac-tors, including high levels of fat in milkdiets, large amounts of amino acids limit-ing protein synthesis (L-methionine), or theaddition of cholesterol to the milk-replacer(for review see [9]).

2.3. Lipid transport systems

2.3.1. VFA and KB

VFA and KB are water-soluble moleculesthat diffuse more readily than FFA and TG.The plasma concentrations of VFA and KBare much higher in ruminants than in mono-gastrics such as humans (for review see [82])or rats (for review see [3]) because largeamounts of VFA and KB are produced bythe rumen microflora. The principal circu-lating KB in ruminants is !-OHC4 but inrats, it is acetoacetate (for review see [3]).Plasma levels of KB may increase in all

species during fasting or if there is a highproductive demand such as lactation. Non-productive dairy cows are more resistantthan rats to food deprivation because theirplasma concentrations of KB increase to a

lesser extent than those in fasted rats. Incontrast, plasma concentrations of KBincrease more during lactation in cows thanin rats (for review see [3]). In normally fedsheep, about 70 % of the KB originate fromthe gut and 30 % from the liver. KB aretaken up mainly by muscles (60 %) and, toa lesser extent, by the liver (20 %) and thekidney (20 %). However, the relative sizeof these fluxes change greatly during fasting,pregnancy or lactation (for review [48]).

2.3.2. LCFA and TG

In the fed animal, NEFA account for lessthan 5 % of the total mass of plasma lipids.TG (< 10 % of total plasma lipids) is presentmainly in the lightest lipoproteins (chy-lomicrons, VLDL). Pethick and Dunshea[84] quantified NEFA and TG fluxes over a24-h period in sheep fed maintenanceroughage diets. They found that 40 % ofNEFA originate from fat mobilisation inadipose tissues and 60 % originate from thehydrolysis of circulating TG by lipoproteinlipase (LPL). This suggests a key role forLPL in the regulation of overall lipidmetabolism. TG are produced in the gut(65 % of total circulating TG) or the liver(35 % of TG according to Pethick and Dun-shea [84]). These fluxes, however, dependon the species, the type of diet and the kinet-ics of nutrient absorption after a meal. Nev-ertheless, most of the TG of dairy cows alsohave an intestinal rather than hepatic origin(for review, see [43]).

The composition and characteristics ofthe bovine lipoproteins have been investi-gated by several analytical methods in var-ious physiological and nutritional condi-tions (for review see [5]). Most of thelipoproteins in bovine plasma are high den-sity lipoproteins (HDL) (> 80 % of total

lipoproteins) whereas, in human plasma,low density lipoproteins (LDL) are the mostabundant (> 55 % of total lipoproteins).However, as in humans, the principal bovinelipoproteins of intestinal origin in the lymphare chylomicrons and VLDL, which con-

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tain a unique isoform of apolipoprotein B(apo B) which is similar to human apo B48[62]. In contrast, plasma VLDL contain twoapo B isoforms: apo B 48 and apo B 100,both derived from the same gene. The trun-cated isoform, apo B 48, is generated byediting, a post-transcriptional RNA modi-fication. Apo B mRNA is almost completelyedited in the bovine intestine (95 %) withless editing in sheep (40 %) and horses(73 %) [39]. This is why the VLDL presentin the intestinal lymph of cattle contain onlyapo B48. Apo B mRNA is detectable atearly stage of gestation (90 days) in bovinefoetal liver [42].

2.4. Fate of lipids

Absorbed acetate and butyrate are usedprimarily as energy sources. They are oxi-dised via the citric acid cycle which takesplace in the mitochondria. Acetate is alsothe principal substrate for lipogenesis in allfat deposits except those of intramuscularfatty tissue [ 104]. Propionate is used mostlyfor gluconeogenesis within the liver and isthus, the principal source of glucose inweaned ruminants (figure 2).NEFA are stored as TG within the liver

or adipose tissues, oxidised in tissues such asthe liver, heart or muscles or are recycledby the liver (figure 1). The liver secreteslipids in various forms including acetate,KB and lipoproteins containing TG. Pethickand Dunshea [84] estimated that, in sheepfed maintenance roughage diets, 34 % ofcirculating NEFA are stored, 40 % oxidisedand 26 % recycled by the liver over a 24-hperiod.

The rate of VLDL synthesis and secre-tion by the liver is much smaller in cattlethan in primates or in rodents [93]. This maybe the reason why bovine livers, especiallythose of calves fed high-fat diets or of preg-nant or lactating cows, do not efficientlyrecycle FFA if large amounts of FA aretaken up. The animals in such cases developsteatosis. Therefore, a better understanding

of hepatic lipid metabolism is required ifwe are to understand how to manipulate bio-logical mechanisms to restore the health orhigh yields of milk or meat of these animals(for reviews, see [8, 41]).


3.1. Origin and metabolismof short-chain fatty acids in the liver

Short-chain FA (VFA and KB) originateeither in the gut, from which they are trans-ported by the portal vein, or in hepatocytesfrom LCFA catabolism. Short-chain FA arethen catabolysed, recycled to produce othermetabolites or re-secreted into the generalcirculation ( figure 2).

As 85-90 % of the propionate in the por-tal vein is removed in a single pass throughthe liver, only small amounts of propionatereach other tissues. Most propionate is con-verted to glucose within the liver so, the rateof gluconeogenesis increases with foodintake in ruminants, in contrast to the situa-tion observed in monogastric animals. Pro-pionate inhibits the use of other gluco-neogenic substrates, such as lactate (forreview, see [15]). It inhibits short-chain FAoxidation [101] and ketogenesis. Severalmechanisms for such inhibition have ben

suggested (for review, see [43]). Propionatealso inhibits de novo lipogenesis (incorpo-ration of acetate into FA) in rat liver [79].

More than 80 % of the absorbed butyrateis removed in a single pass through the liver.The end-products of butyrate metabolismby the liver are acetyl-CoA, LCFA and KB.However, more KB are produced by theliver if LCFA is available as a substrate thanif butyrate is used (for reviews, see [15,114]).

Acetate is not metabolised by the liverto any great extent because only a small pro-portion of the available acetate is taken upby the liver, ensuring a large supply of

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acetate for other tissues. However, theuptake of acetate is masked by coincidentacetate production by the liver. Within theliver, acetate is mainly used for anabolism,such as de novo LCFA lipogenesis ratherthan for oxidation and ATP production (forreview see [114]).

The different fates of VFA are probablydue to the difference in the ability of thebovine liver to activate VFA: the bovineliver contains acyl-CoA synthetases neces-sary for the uptake of propionate andbutyrate but has little acetyl-CoA synthetaseactivity [95].

3.2. Origin and metabolismof LCFA in the liver

The pool of LCFA in the liver is derivedmainly from plasma NEFA (figure 2). The

liver removes 7-25 % of the NEFA pre-sented to it. The supply of NEFA to the liverdepends on blood flow and NEFA concen-tration, which increases with fat mobilisationfrom adipose tissue [16, 28]. Finally, thehydrolysis of circulating TG by a lipase mayalso be a minor source of hepatic LCFA (forreviews see [8, 10, 31]). There is almost nohepatic lipase activity in cattle, in contrast tothe situation in rodents, so, the lipaseinvolved is probably the LPL bound to theendothelium of capillaries in the hepaticsinusoids (for reviews, see [8, 16]).

The LCFA in the liver is esterified oroxidised (figure 2). The partitioning betweenthese two pathways is regulated, at least inpart, by two binding proteins: the FA bind-ing protein (FABP) and the acyl-CoA bind-ing protein (ACBP). The function of theseproteins may be to create two cytoplasmic

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pools of unactivated and activated FA whichare then directed to the sites of esterifica-tion or oxidation within hepatocytes. Thebovine ACBP has been purified from cowliver and sequenced [74]. In rodents, theexpression of the liver-type FABP is tran-scriptionally increased by LCFA but not bySCFA [73]. This mechanism may be of greatimportance in preruminant calves fed fat-rich diets.

The various metabolic pathways involvedin LCFA metabolism will be discussed in

greater details later. Briefly, esterificationproduces TG, which are either stored in thecytosol or transported into the microsomesand secreted in VLDL particles (for reviewsee [41]). Alternatively, FA may be oxi-dised in peroxisomes and mitochondria, toproduce free energy !gure 2). Acyl-CoAis transported into or out of the various liverorganelles (microsomes, peroxisomes, mito-chondria) via a carnitine-dependent systeminvolving carnitine palmitoyl- and carnitineoctanoyltransferases (CPTs and COTs,respectively). These enzymes are products ofseparate genes and the regulation of theiractivity, especially by malonyl-CoA, is ofkey importance for overall hepatic lipidmetabolism (for review, see [13]).

The nature of the diet (fat to carbohy-drate ratio, fat content, FA composition) andhormones regulate the partitioning of fatsbetween the various hepatic metabolic path-ways. For example, insulin stimulates denovo lipogenesis and FA esterification [17]but inhibits FA oxidation (for review, see[122]). In cows, 76 % of palmitate is ester-ified and 24 % oxidised by liver slices inthe fed state, whereas 33 % is esterified and66 % oxidised in the fasted state [25].

Dysregulation of the partitioning of FAbetween these hepatic metabolic routes maylead to accumulation of TG in the liver (fattyliver) or ketosis. Fatty liver occurs in20-60 % of dairy cows at calving. It resultsin poor liver function, low voluntary feedintake, low disease resistance and slowrecovery from disease. Its incidence may

be reduced by nutritional treatments suchas the intravenous infusion of L-methion-ine and L-lysine or choline, which stimu-late hepatic VLDL secretion, therebydecreasing hepatic TG storage. Fatty liverresolves if the FA supply to the liver isreduced, for example after 12 weeks of lac-tation, when FA mobilisation from the adi-pose tissue is not so high (for reviews, see[16, 28, 41, 43]). Ketosis and FA oxidationin general are the major means of remov-ing excess fat from the liver. KB may inhibitadipose tissue lipolysis, thereby reducingthe FA supply to the liver and preventinghepatic FA accumulation (for review, see[31]). Fatty liver may also occur in vealcalves, it may affect the growth and health ofthese animals (for review, see [9]) and theirliver metabolism and function [16, 17, 110].Lipid infiltration in the veal calf can beresolved with low-fat diets or prevented bythe addition of sorbitol to the milk-replacers[7].

3.3. Regulation of LCFA transportinto mitochondria

LCFA-CoA esters are transported intomitochondria via a complex camitine-depen-dent process which involves the co-ordi-nated action of two carnitine palmitoyl-transferases (CPT I and CPT II) and of atranslocase (for reviews, see [13, 70]). Car-nitine levels in the ruminant liver increase invarious conditions of metabolic stress (fast-ing, diabetes, toxaemia during pregnancy,hepatic TG accumulation) [106]. Carnitinestimulates palmitate oxidation in bovineliver slices [24, 25, 55] suggesting that itregulates FA flux via the oxidative path-way. However, it is generally accepted thatCPT I activity is the rate-limiting step ofLCFA translocation into mitochondria,which regulates LCFA oxidation, andthereby, ketogenesis. CPT I activity is inhib-ited by malonyl-CoA, the synthesis fromacetate of which is stimulated by insulin.Malonyl-CoA [24, 55], acetate and insulin[56] have been shown to inhibit palmitate

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oxidation in bovine liver slices. The bovine

hepatic CPT I is 8 to 10 times more sensitiveto malonyl-CoA inhibition [55] than is thatof the rat [71]. If insulin levels are high, theeffects of the changes in absolute malonyl-CoA concentration may be amplified byconcomitant changes in CPT I kinetic prop-erties or by a decrease in CPT I gene expres-sion (for review, see [ 122]). In contrast, lowinsulin levels in early lactation are likely toresult in low malonyl-CoA concentration,thereby increasing ketosis. CPT I may alsobe inhibited by methylmalonyl-CoA pro-duced from propionate. If the amounts ofpropionate reaching the liver are low, due,for example, to low food intake, then thelevel of ketosis in the ruminant liver maybe high (for review, see [121]). Other stud-ies have shown that incubation of culturedrabbit foetal hepatocytes with LCFA inducesexpression of the gene encoding CPT I [92].

If such a mechanism operates in vivo in cat-tle, there should be very large changes inCPT I gene expression on weaning of thecalf. However, VFA, KB and MCFA, read-ily penetrate into liver mitochondria inde-pendently of carnitine and of CPT I.

3.4. Regulationof LCFA catabolism and ketogenesis

FA are broken down by the (3-oxidationpathway in mitochondria to give acetyl-CoA(figure 3) which is completely broken downvia the Krebs cycle, or converted into acetateor KB (for review, see [45]). Depending onnutritional status, 4-30 % of circulatingacetate and 10-55 % of !-OHC4 may bederived from hepatic oxidation of LCFA incattle (for review, see [31]). Ketogenesis isstimulated by fasting due to increased fatmobilisation, and to a low insulin/glucagon

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ratio stimulating FA transfer into mito-chondria. Pregnancy and, particularly, lac-tation, result in even greater levels of fatmobilisation leading to hyperketonaemia.There are several enzymes for each step inthe (3-oxidation pathway, differing in theirchain-length specificity [30]. The ruminantliver contains two mitochondrial 3-hydroxy-acyl-CoA dehydrogenases whereas the liverof monogastric animals contains only one[58]. Propionyl-CoA inhibits the short-chainacyl-CoA dehydrogenase in bovine liver[ 10 1 ], demonstrating that FA (3-oxidationmay be decreased by propionate originat-ing from the rumen. A high NADH/NADratio also inhibits the (3-oxidation of FA.This ratio is regulated within the cytosol ormitochondria by specific dehydrogenasesparticularly the (3-hydroxybutyrate dehy-drogenase (BDH). However, in ruminants,the BDH activity within hepatic mitochon-dria is 50-100 times lower than that in ratsand humans [69]. This may be a specificmechanism by which the ruminant liverincreases the NADH/NAD ratio, therebylimiting FA oxidation and ketogenesis (forreview see [31]). In addition, the conver-sion of propionate to propionyl-CoA or suc-cinyl-CoA inhibits 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glu-taryl-CoA synthase, thereby decreasingketogenesis [68] (for review, see [43]).

It is well known from studies in other

species that, unlike mitochondria, peroxi-somes only shorten FA (figure 2), and thatthey are especially active against very long-chain FA, and unsaturated FA (for reviews,see [45, 113]). The rate of laurate (3-oxida-tion in peroxisomes is, however, higher thanthat of palmitate not only in rats (for review,see [113]) but also in preruminant calves[90]. FA is also transported across peroxi-somal membranes via a carnitine-dependentsystem which is sensitive to malonyl-CoA[13]. A soluble CPT which is probably per-oxisomal in origin has been identified inbovine liver homogenates. This enzyme ismore active against LCFA than is the hepaticperoxisomal CPT from rat or mouse [94].

3.5. Free energy production

The last step is the conversion into ATPof the free energy obtained from FAcatabolism (figures 2 and 3). FA catabolismleads to protons accumulating between thetwo mitochondrial membranes via the res-

piratory chain. The process is similar inheart, liver and muscles (research with thebovine heart is described here). However,cytochrome c oxidase, which catalyses theprincipal regulatory step of the respiratorychain, differs in kinetic and structural prop-erties between the liver and the heart in cat-tle [72]. Various observations suggest thatthere is species-specific and tissue-specificregulation of the energy supply because thetissue-specific expression of the genesencoding subunits VIa and VIII of cyto-chrome c oxidase in the heart differs betweenbovines, rats and humans [1]. The next stepis the generation of ATP from the protongradient by ATP synthase. However, someprotons are lost because the inner mito-chondrial membrane is leaky; ATP produc-tion is therefore relatively inefficient withATP production uncoupled from nutrientcatabolism (figure 3). The level of protonleakage in the liver is similar for all speciesstudied [96] and this process is thought toplay a key role in the regulation of hepaticenergy metabolism [107].

3.6. TG synthesisand deposition within the liver

The rates of de novo lipogenesis and TGsecretion by ruminant hepatocytes are lowerthan those in rats, rabbits and chickens [93].Therefore, much attention is focused on TGmetabolism and VLDL secretion in rumi-nants to determine the biological mecha-nisms that could prevent the developmentof fatty liver (figure 2) [16, 41].

It is clear that the partitioning of FAbetween oxidation and esterification is crit-ical for LCFA metabolism in the bovineliver. Glucose and propionate are thoughtto increase LCFA esterification because they

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are converted into glycerol. This may beone of the reasons why they both inhibitpalmitate oxidation in bovine liver slices[55, 56].

The various steps involved in the forma-tion of TG from LCFA and TG secretionhave been reviewed by Gruffat et al. [41].Three esterification reactions and one

hydrolysis reaction are required to bind threemolecules of LCFA to one molecule of glyc-erol-3 phosphate. Studies in sheep, rats (forreviews, see [8, 10, 41]), and more recently,in calves (Gruffat et al., unpublished data)have shown that there are two hepatic TGpools: a large cytoplasmic storage pool, and asmall microsomal secretory pool (figure 2). ).The transport of TG from microsomal mem-branes to the site of VLDL assembly is cata-lysed by the microsomal transfer protein(MTP). TG synthesised from circulatingLCFA taken up by the liver are thought to beinitially transferred into the cytosolic storagepool. If these TG are recruited for VLDLpackaging, they are probably hydrolysed togive LCFA before being re-esterified in themicrosomes. Secretory TG in VLDL arethought, however, to be mainly derived fromFFA synthesised de novo in the liver. Thelevel of de novo lipogenesis in the liver islow in cattle, so the microsomal secretorypool may be of minor importance. This maylimit the secretion of VLDL predisposingthe animal to fatty liver. Alternatively, thelow levels of VLDL secretion in cattle maybe due to: i) a slow rate of apo B 100 syn-thesis and incorporation into VLDL parti-cles; ii) catabolism of newly synthesisedhepatic apo B 100; or iii) a low MTP activ-ity (for reviews, see [8, 10, 41]).

An important factor regulating hepaticTG metabolism is the nature of the dietaryFA, such as PUFA. This may, however, bemore important in calves than in weanedanimals because: i) the dietary FA supplyis much greater before than after weaning;and ii) extensive hydrogenation of dietaryLCFA occurs in the rumen. PLTFA-rich diets

(soybean oil rich in C 18:2n-6) lead to hepatic

TG infiltration and the apparent net secretionof VLDL by the liver in calves. The accu-mulation of TG may result from: i) a higherrate of TG synthesis than of VLDL secre-tion; ii) a low rate of FA oxidation; or, morelikely, iii) high levels of cholesterol estersecretion at the expense of TG secretion.

Indeed, PUFA-rich diets stimulate the secre-tion of HDL by the liver leading to hyperc-holesterolaemia [64, 65].

The overall effect of insulin on hepaticTG secretion is unclear because insulin stim-ulates esterification and lipogenesis butdecreases the availability of apo B for secre-tion by increasing its rate of degradation.The balance between these effects dependson the experimental conditions (in vivo ver-sus in vitro) and interactions with other reg-ulatory mechanisms such as the variationof cell volume and oxygen supply (forreview, see [122]).

Thus, the molecular mechanisms involv-ed in FA esterification and catabolism andalso in TG secretion by the bovine liver havebeen studied especially in the dairy cow andin the calf. However, further work isrequired to control the partitioning of FAbetween oxidation, deposition and secretionas TG in VLDL in order to prevent fatty liver.


4.1. Metabolic characteristicsof bovine skeletal muscles

Muscle tissue is composed of fibres andto a lesser extent, of adipocytes and con-nective tissue. FA are stored as TG in intra-muscular adipocytes or muscle fibres, or arebroken down within fibre peroxisomes andmitochondria (figure 4). The various mus-cles of the body consist of several kinds offibre with different metabolic properties(oxidative, glycolytic, oxido-glycolytic).These fibres are present in various propor-tions in muscles depending on: i) the loca-

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tion of the muscle in the body; ii) the animalspecies; and iii) other nutritional and phys-iological characteristics such as exercisetraining. Therefore, understanding the rela-tive importance of fat in the energy meta-bolism of muscles requires knowledge ofthe metabolic type of the muscle studied.The biochemical pathways involved inLCFA, KB and VFA catabolism are quali-tatively similar in the heart and skeletal mus-cles, but FA oxidation rates differ: heart >

oxidative skeletal muscle > oxido-glycolyticmuscles > glycolytic muscles.

Enzymes involved in carbohydrate or fatcatabolism are straightforward to assay andare often used to characterise the metabolic

properties of muscles. From these enzymeactivities, species can be tentatively rankedaccording to the mean oxidative capacity oftheir muscles: horse = sheep > cattle = rab-bit > pig (for review, see [52]). However,the metabolic properties of individual mus-cles are not uniform. For example, there are

differences between the left and right ven-tricles in bovine heart muscle [22] andbetween proximal and distal portions of thebovine semitendinosus muscle [14].

Active ruminants foraging widely forfood have higher oxidative muscle energymetabolism than sedentary ruminants thatalways remain within a defined home range[109]. Furthermore, comparisons of cattle,pigs, rabbit and rodents have shown that cit-rate synthase (CS) activity in the diaphragmis correlated with resting breathing fre-quency [12]. This shows that the metaboliccharacter of a muscle is consistent with itsfunction.

The oxidative capacity of muscles isdirectly proportional to their total volumeof mitochondria, which is higher in small(e.g. rodents) than in large (e.g. ruminants)animals, higher in active than in sedentaryspecies and higher in red than in white mus-cles (for review, see [52]). There are two

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populations of mitochondria (intermyofib-rillar and subsarcolemmal) in skeletal mus-cle, which differ in their biochemical prop-erties in many species including cattle [88].Their functions may be related to specificregional (contractile elements versus cyto-plasm) substrate availability or ATP needs(for review, see [52]).

4.2. Biochemical pathways involvedin the metabolism of VFA,KB and LCFA

The biochemical pathways involved inFA oxidation and subsequent ATP produc-tion by the heart and skeletal muscles aresimilar for all species [21, 66]. As in theliver, FA partitioning between storage andcatabolism is regulated by hormones. Forexample, insulin decreases LCFA oxida-tion, resulting in the incorporation of LCFAinto TG. LCFA and activated LCFA (acyl-CoA) also regulate energy metabolism byacting on rate-limiting enzymes (for review,see [33]).

Net acetate or KB use by muscle is lin-early related to arterial acetate concentra-tion, but !-OHC4 uptake by muscle is satu-rated above 3-4 mM [83, 85]. Extractionrates by the hind-limb average 35-45 % foracetate and 10!5 % for P-OHC in rumi-nants [86]. Most of the acetate and KB usedare directly oxidised, resulting in 15-29 %(for acetate) and 18 % (for KB) muscle oxi-dation in fed sheep at rest [82]. BDH con-verts !-OHC4 into acetoacetate which is thenbroken down by mitochondria (figure 3).BDH content and activity are much higher inthe hearts of sheep and cattle than in thehearts of rats and humans in relationshipswith a higher rate of (3-OHC4 use by musclesof ruminants [69].

LPL hydrolyses TG from circulatinglipoproteins and thus controls the delivereyof energy from lipoproteins to muscles, evenin ruminants [84] (figure 4). Muscle LPLactivity and gene expression are, however,

lower in ruminants than in rodents [51].Muscle LPL may play a key role in replen-ishing intramuscular TG stores depleted dur-ing contractile activity. The TG stored inthe cytosol of muscle fibres are hydrolysedby a hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) !g-ure 4) (for review, see [21]) which has beenpurified from the bovine heart [103]. Thisenzyme is identical to the HSL present in

adipose tissue. HSL and LPL may functionas a co-ordinated unit in meeting the energydemands of the muscle (for review, see[21]). ).

The uptake of NEFA by muscle isdirectly dependent on arterial NEFA con-centrations up to 1 mM. Gross extraction ofNEFA by resting muscle averages 20 % insheep. The level of direct oxidation ofNEFA by the resting muscle is low (from3 to 40 % in sheep or steers). NEFA maybe oxidised after passing through intramus-cular pools of TG (in adipocytes betweenmuscle fibres or as lipid droplets withinmuscle fibres) or may be stored as acetyl-carnitine in the cytosol of fibres, particu-larly in ruminant muscles which containhigh concentrations of carnitine. NEFAaccount for 5 % of the energy metabolism in

sheep, whereas they account for 70-100 %in humans, due to large differences in thedietary intake of LCFA between these twospecies (for reviews see [52, 84]). As in theliver, the mechanism of NEFA uptake bythe muscle cells is probably controlled bythe partitioning of NEFA between bindingsites in the blood (albumin), plasma mem-branes and intracellular FABP [115] orACBP (figure 4). Overexpression of thebovine ACBP suggests that ACBP creates a

pool of acyl-CoA, similarly to the way thatFABP creates a pool of LCFA (for review,see [33]). FABP may transfer FA to oxida-tion (peroxisomes and mitochondria) oresterification sites for free energy productionor storage, respectively. A positive correla-tion has indeed been demonstrated betweenFABP activity and the rate of palmitateesterification in fibre strips of the longis-simus thoracis muscle of cattle [105]. How-

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ever, the marbling score of this muscle isnot related to muscle FABP activity becausemost of the intramuscular TG are stored inintramuscular adipocytes (figure 4) whichexpress another type of FABP [75].

4.3. Catabolism of FAand the generation of free energy

FA may be partially degraded in peroxi-somes to yield acyl-CoA molecules withshorter chains or they may be directly andcompletely broken down into C02 withinmitochondria. FA is transported into mito-chondria via the CPT system (see descrip-tion above and figure 3). The carnitine con-tent of muscles is much higher in ruminantsthan in rats [49, 106] or pigs [77]. Carnitinein muscles may act as an acetyl buffer sys-tem, acetyl groups coming from circulatingacetate or being produced by LCFAcatabolism. Nevertheless, the transport ofFA into mitochondria is considered to belimited by CPT I activity, which is stronglyinhibited by malonyl-CoA, as in the liver.Studies in other species have demonstratedthe existence of two CPT I isoenzymes: theliver-type (L-CPT I) and the muscle-type(M-CPT I), both of which are expressed inthe heart of newborn rats. These two iso-forms differ in their biochemical properties(sensitivity to malonyl-CoA for example)(for review, see [70]).

LCFA, VFA and KB are converted intoacetyl-CoA in mitochondria. The acetyl-CoA is then broken down by enzymes ofthe Krebs cycle. The enzymes influencingflux through the Krebs cycle are CS, isoci-trate dehydrogenase (ICDH) and 2-oxoglu-tarate dehydrogenase [46]. The liberationof calcium during muscle contraction acti-vates mitochondrial dehydrogenases, therebystimulating FA oxidation [66]. Only a frac-tion of the free energy derived from FAcatabolism (approximately 40 %) is con-verted into ATP due to proton leakage !g-ure 3). ATP synthesis has been studied inbovine heart [108]. The physiological sig-

nificance of proton leakage may be: i) a heatproduction to maintain body temperature;ii) greater potential for the regulation ofATP production in response to higher energyrequirements; iii) a reduction in harmful freeradical production; and iv) the regulation ofcarbon flux by keeping the cell NAD/NADHratio high (for review, see [96]). The trans-port of ADP into mitochondria and theexport of newly synthesised ATP are catal-ysed by the mitochondrial adenine nucleo-tide translocase (ANT), this step being gen-erally considered to be the overall rate-limiting step in energy metabolism (forreview, see [33]).

The various products of FA catabolismregulate mitochondrial activity (figure 3):i) high levels of NADH, ATP and acetyl-CoA inhibit pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)activity (for review, see [46]) resulting inlow levels of oxidative catabolism of the

pyruvate derived from glucose. Bovine heartPDH activity is also inhibited by 100 11Mpahnitoyl-CoA [60]. This interaction betweencarbohydrates and FA is known as the Ran-dle Cycle; ii) malonyl-CoA inhibits FAtransport into the mitochondria; iii) theincomplete coupling of nutrient oxidationwith oxidative phosphorylation in mito-chondria may be rendered even less com-

plete by LCFA [98]. Indeed, acyl-CoAesters, such as lauryl-CoA, palmitoyl-CoAand oleoyl-CoA, are potent inhibitors ofANT [99, 117]. Two separate acyl-CoAbinding sites on ANT from bovine hearthave been suggested [99, 117, 118]. A clearcorrelation has also been demonstratedbetween the increase in intracellular acyl-CoA levels and the decrease in ANT activ-

ity in dog heart. ACBP greatly reduces theinhibition of mitochondrial ANT by LCFAin vitro (for review, see [33]).

Thus, the molecular mechanisms involv-ed in LCFA catabolism and ATP produc-tion in cattle have been described in detail.

However, further work is required to controlthe efficiency of ATP production from FA,so as to increase the energy available formuscle growth.

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4.4. The importanceof FA metabolism for muscle function

The physiological functions of muscleare to: i) maintain the skeleton and allowmovement; ii) facilitate thermogenesis atcritical physiological stages such as birth;and iii) facilitate growth and therefore, meatproduction. These functions have differentand competiting requirements for ATP. Thelink between the characteristics of muscle

lipid metabolism and muscle functions hasbeen reviewed in meat-producing animals[52].

It is well known that acute exercise leadsto greater fat metabolism in all species dueto the mobilisation of endogenous TG (forreview, see [52]). Trained muscles also relymore heavily on fat as an energy source dur-ing exercise than do untrained muscles. Forexample, the development of solid foodchewing in weaned calves leads concomi-tantly to: i) a very high level of almost con-stant physical activity of the masseter mus-cle in the cheek; and ii) an increase inoxidative enzyme activity (ICDH, LPL) inthis muscle only [50, 87].

The stimulation of fat metabolism andheat production in muscles help animals tocope with adverse climatic conditions. Thus,extensive production systems (pasture graz-ing, with animals subjected to higher phys-ical activity and variable climatic condi-tions) may lead to changes in musclecharacteristics by increasing oxidativemetabolism.

The accumulation of fat within themuscle tissues (mainly in intramuscularadipocytes) determines many qualities ofthe meat [36]. First, intramuscular fat con-tent affects meat tenderness, although itaccounts for less than 10 % of the variationbetween samples [26]. Second, the ’juici-ness’ of the meat may be partly related tofat content [116]. Third, the flavour of meatis based largely on the quantity and chemi-cal composition of muscle fat. Fat content ismuch higher in oxidative than in glycolytic

muscles, and is higher in cattle than in pigs(1-6.3 % versus 0.7-3.7 % of tissue wetweight). Fat content is also affected by age,breed, nutrition and animal management(for review, see [52]). The adipocytesresponsible for the marbled appearance ofmeat use glucose or lactate as a substratefor lipogenesis much more than they useacetate [104]. This suggests that lipogenesisin intramuscular adipocytes could be manip-ulated with no increase in the fattiness ofthe carcass. This required more detailedknowledge of FA metabolism in intramus-cular adipocytes. The ratio of PUFA to sat-urated FA in beef is approximately 0.11,much lower than the recommended value

(0.45) [120]. Another challenge in rumi-nants is, therefore, to increase the ratio ofpolyunsaturated to saturated FA within themeat whilst retaining the desirablen-6:n-3 PUFA ratio found in the meat of

grazing ruminants [120]. A suitable sourceof dietary vitamin E is also required to pre-vent oxidation of meat from ruminants. Theoxidation of myoglobin to brown metmyo-globin is associated with the developmentof rancid odours and flavours caused by thedegradation of PUFA in tissue membranes[120].


5.1. Comparisonof FA metabolism in rats and cattle

It is well known that the rate of de novoFA synthesis in the bovine liver is onlyabout 2 % of that in rats [4]. More recent invitro studies with liver slices have alsoshown that the rates of oleate incorporation,esterification and oxidation are 1.5-3.0

higher in rats than in calves. In both species,the oleate oxidation rate is on average 20 %of the oleate incorporation rate. However,the rate of secretion of oleate in the TG ofVLDL is about eight times lower in calves

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than in rats [38, 93]. This is consistent withthe low level of secretion of TG as VLDL inbovine liver. Similarly, hepatic TG produc-tion rates in sheep, pigs and dogs are muchlower than those in rats or humans (forreview, see [43]).

Other in vitro studies in our laboratorywith fresh hepatic and cardiac homogenateshave shown that the oxidation rates of palmi-tate in cattle is half that in rats, probablydue to fewer mitochondria in bovine tissues.The relative contributions of pero-xisomes to palmitate oxidation in the liverand the heart are, however, similar in ratsand cattle under the same experimental con-ditions. In contrast, the relative contribu-tion of peroxisomes to total palmitate oxi-dation is higher in bovine than in rat muscles(33 % versus 14 %, respectively [89]). CPTI activity is the rate-limiting step in FA oxi-dation. CPT proteins have been purifiedfrom calf liver [59] and bovine heart [34]in attempts to study the regulation of thisstep. But the CPT much studied in the olderliterature is the CPT II protein which is notrate-limiting. However, recent studies haveshown that CPT I activity is higher inintermyofibrillar than in subsarcolemmalbovine muscle mitochondria, as in other

species [88].

Thus, the major difference in FA metabo-lism between rats and ruminants is the verylow ability of the ruminant liver to synthe-sise and secrete TG since other metabolic

pathways in the liver or in muscles are sim-ilar between these species. This may explainthe high occurrence of fatty liver in cattle.

5.2. Fate of MCFA in the liverof preruminant calves

Replacing one third of the tallow of themilk replacer by coocunut oil (rich in C 12:0and C 14:0) increases protein retention inthe preruminant calf (for review see [8]).More recent studies have shown that the TGcontent of the liver is 12 times higher with a

milk-replacer with no tallow but rich incoconut oil than with a standard milk

replacer rich in tallow [11]. C12:0 andC 14:0, however, do not accumulate withinthe liver [11] although the fatty acid com-position of circulating chylomicrons andVLDL is similar to that of the diet [29]. Thismay be explained by a modification of theoxidation process: C12:0 is more efficientlybroken down, especially by the peroxisomes,than are LCFA in both rats [63] and calves[90]. They are broken down into short-chainFA, which can then be converted to LCFAand finally stored as TG [19]. In addition,the oxidation rate of specific FA, such asoleate, is lower with the coconut oil dietthan with a typical milk-replacer [37]. Thismay result in oleate esterification and TGaccumulation. Thus, coconut oil as onlysource of fat must not be recommended in

milk-replacers for calves since it leads toan accumulation of fat in the liver.

5.3. Regulation of FA metabolismby leptin

Leptin is a recently discovered hormonesecreted by mature adipocytes into theblood. Factors stimulating the secretion ofleptin include food intake, body fat andinsulin (for review, see [97]). Recent resultsin ewes show that leptin gene expression isalso affected by photoperiod (for review,see [18]). Leptin inhibits food intake,reduces body weight, increases energyexpenditure and seems to have a functionin many tissues. For example, leptin directsLCFA towards oxidation rather than TG

storage in rat muscles [76]. The TG con-tents of muscles, liver and adipose tissueare much lower in rats with high leptin lev-els than in control rats [102]. A restrictionfragment length polymorphism has beenidentified in the PCR amplification prod-ucts of the bovine leptin gene. The leptingene maps to bovine chromosome 4 [91].A clear aim of leptin research in livestockproduction would be to control food intake

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to increase the efficiency of production andto optimise body composition (for review,see [97]).

5.4. Regulation of gene expressionby LCFA via nuclear receptors

Recent research, particularly in rodents,has shown that the expression of specificgenes involved in the regulation of lipidmetabolism are affected by nutrients, such asLCFA [78]. According to the ’overloadhypothesis’, a higher flux of LCFA to theliver stimulates a series of metabolic changes,ultimately resulting in activation of the per-oxisome proliferator-activated receptors(PPARs). LCFA, which are poor substratesfor (3-oxidation, are much more potent PPARactivators than VFA, MCFA (C6-C10) andrapidly catabolised FA. PPARs form dimericcomplexes with the 9-cis retinoic acid recep-tor (RXR). Activated receptors (PPARs/RXR) increase or inhibit the expression ofspecific genes involved in the regulation oflipid metabolism. Generally, the expressionof genes encoding enzymes involved in FAoxidation or KB production is increased,whereas the genes encoding enzymesinvolved in FA synthesis is decreased (forreview, see [100]). The down-regulation ofgene expression appears to be restricted tothe liver and is exerted only by PUFA (forreview, see [78]). Such molecular mecha-nisms have not yet been specifically demon-strated in bovines, but the possible involve-ment of PPAR activators should beconsidered because these molecules have a

key role in the regulation of lipid metabo-lism. For example, phytol metabolites (espe-cially phytanic acid) derived from chloro-phyll are abundant in the plasma and tissuelipids of ruminants fed grass [67] and havebeen shown to activate RXR activators [57].The expression of the liver-type FABP is,thus, transcriptionally enhanced by phytanicacid as shown in rodents [119]. Phytolmetabolites are micro-nutrients that co-ordi-nate cellular mechanisms through RXR-

dependent signalling pathways. The recentcloning of bovine PPARs [111] should pro-vide further insight into the regulation oflipid metabolism by LCFA in bovine tis-sues.


It is clear that lipid metabolism in bovinesis greatly influenced by characteristics ofthe digestive process. The regulation of theenzyme activities involved in the control ofFA metabolism in the liver of growing andadult ruminants is less dependent on hor-mones and more dependent on VFA andtheir metabolites than that in the rat. How-

ever, dietary changes in the preruminant calf(curdled versus uncurdled proteins) or inruminant cattle (forage versus concentrate-based diets) may also significantly affectlipid metabolism by causing differences inthe digestive processes. These effects maybe linked to changes in hormone status orin nutrient supply.

Lipid metabolism may be regulated bynutrients via allosteric effects or enzymeregulation (inhibition of hepatic ketogenesisby propionate, of carbohydrate catabolismby fat catabolism, of fat catabolism by mal-onyl-CoA derived from lipogenesis and ofoxidative phosphorylation by acyl-CoAesters). Nutrients may also have an effectby entering a specific metabolic pathwayrather than any other. For example, lauricacid is much more efficiently broken downby hepatic peroxisomes than are LCFA.Nutrients may also act directly on geneexpression, as demonstrated for glucose andLCFA in rodents. This area has not been

investigated in cattle. Nevertheless, theeffects of specific molecules derived fromgrass (e.g. phytol converted into phytanicacid by rumen bacteria) require further stud-ies. The study of nuclear receptors in cattleis thus a key future objective of livestockscience.

Some hepatic and muscular metaboliccharacteristics differ between single-stom-

Page 19: Intestinal absorption, blood transport and hepatic and muscle

ached animals and ruminants. Thus, the highcarnitine content of ovine and bovine mus-cles may help to buffer the high levels ofacetate delivered to muscles in ruminants. In

contrast, the low TG secretion capacity ofthe ruminant liver renders cattle suscepti-ble to fatty liver in specific physiologicalstages (early lactation). It is also clear thatglucose is the major carbon source for lipo-genesis in intramuscular adipocytes ratherthan acetate as in other bovine fat deposits.The reason for this tissue specificity isunclear. The investigation of the molecularmechanisms regulating lipogenesis in intra-muscular fat is probably one of the greatestchallenges of the near future. It is becom-ing increasingly necessary to manipulatethe fat content and fatty acid compositionof muscle tissue to improve the quality andflavour of meat. The dietary qualities ofmuscle FA should also be improved.

Thus, newly acquired information (e.g.about nuclear receptors and leptin) should becombined with our knowledge about well-known regulatory processes to provide newinsight into lipid metabolism.


The authors would like to thank DrsD. Durand, B. Graulet, D. Gruffat, I. Ortigues-Marty, C. Piot (Inra, laboratoire croissance etm6tabolismes des herbivores), Y. Chilliard (Inra,laboratoire sous-nutrition), P. Herpin (Inra, sta-tion de recherches porcines), Prof. D.W. Pethick(Murdoch University, Western Australia) andProf. J.H. Veerkamp (University of Nijmegen,the Netherlands) for helpful advice and discus-sions.


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