interventional radiological treatment of hepatocellular ... · tional radiology, room j-342, 1 tgh...

April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 2 Cancer Control 87 Cirrhosis due to chronic hepatitis C or B is blamed for the marked increase in the number of cases. Most patients were unknowingly infected with the viruses in the 1970s or 1980s and are developing symptoms now. An understanding of the nature of HCC and its imaging characteristics is important in the assessment of treatment options. Tumors frequently occur in patients with underlying cirrhosis, commonly with chronic hepatitis C or B. It is now widely accepted that a dysplastic nodule commonly found in cirrhotic livers slowly degenerates to low-grade HCC. 3,4 Low-grade (well-differentiated) HCC tends to develop round, well- defined, encapsulated masses. Over time, focal areas within a low-grade HCC tend to degenerate to poorly differentiated grades. Poorly differentiated disease tends to infiltrate the liver and invade the venous or Interventional Radiological Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cliff R. Davis, MD Background: Locoregional treatments of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have evolved over the past 20 years. Interventional radiologists have developed an important role in the palliative and curative treatment of the disease. This review summarizes commonly used interventional radiological treatment protocols to assist practitioners in understanding the techniques used to treat HCC. Methods: Various searches were performed to evaluate recent publications regarding systemic treatments of HCC as well as transplant/surgery, chemoembolization, yttrium-90 radioembolization, percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA), cryoablation, and percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI). Results: No standard for chemoembolization was found. Two studies evaluating survival with chemoembolization vs medical therapy found benefits with the former. PEI offers favorable outcomes in small HCC but has increased recurrence and decreased long-term survival compared with RFA. Local recurrence, response rates, and mortality from RFA rival surgical resection in HCC < 3 cm. Cryoablation appears to be effective, and yttrium-90 radioembolization is an additional tool. Conclusions: Chemoembolization improves survival and offers improved tumor response compared to systemic treatment. More studies are needed to standardize chemoembolization preparations and techniques. RFA provides better results than PEI but has not been compared with cryoablation. Radioembolization appears to be as effective as chemoembolization, but the preprocedure evaluation and costs may limit its use. From Tampa General Hospital, Radiology Association of Tampa/ Department of Interventional Radiology, Tampa, Florida. Submitted June 15, 2009; accepted February 23, 2010. Address correspondence to Cliff R. Davis, MD, Tampa General Hos- pital, Radiology Association of Tampa/Department of Interven- tional Radiology, Room J-342, 1 TGH Circle, Tampa, FL 33606. E- mail: [email protected] No significant relationship exists between the author and the com- panies/organizations whose products or services may be refer- enced in this article. Introduction The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is sharply on the rise in the United States and worldwide. It is currently the third most common fatal malignancy in the world, and in the United States, the incidence of HCC is increasing faster than any other malignancy. 1,2 Interventional radiology techniques play an important role in the management of many patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Foxtail_14769. Photograph courtesy of Henry Domke, MD.

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April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 2 Cancer Control 87

Cirrhosis due to chronic hepatitis C or B is blamed forthe marked increase in the number of cases. Mostpatients were unknowingly infected with the viruses inthe 1970s or 1980s and are developing symptoms now.

An understanding of the nature of HCC and itsimaging characteristics is important in the assessmentof treatment options. Tumors frequently occur inpatients with underlying cirrhosis, commonly withchronic hepatitis C or B. It is now widely accepted thata dysplastic nodule commonly found in cirrhotic liversslowly degenerates to low-grade HCC.3,4 Low-grade(well-differentiated) HCC tends to develop round, well-defined, encapsulated masses. Over time, focal areaswithin a low-grade HCC tend to degenerate to poorlydifferentiated grades. Poorly differentiated diseasetends to infiltrate the liver and invade the venous or

Interventional Radiological Treatment of Hepatocellular CarcinomaCliff R. Davis, MD

Background: Locoregional treatments of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have evolved over the past 20 years.Interventional radiologists have developed an important role in the palliative and curative treatment of the disease. This review summarizes commonly used interventional radiological treatment protocols to assistpractitioners in understanding the techniques used to treat HCC.Methods: Various searches were performed to evaluate recent publications regarding systemic treatments of HCCas well as transplant/surgery, chemoembolization, yttrium-90 radioembolization, percutaneous radiofrequencyablation (RFA), cryoablation, and percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI).Results: No standard for chemoembolization was found. Two studies evaluating survival with chemoembolizationvs medical therapy found benefits with the former. PEI offers favorable outcomes in small HCC but has increasedrecurrence and decreased long-term survival compared with RFA. Local recurrence, response rates, and mortalityfrom RFA rival surgical resection in HCC < 3 cm. Cryoablation appears to be effective, and yttrium-90 radioembolization is an additional tool.Conclusions: Chemoembolization improves survival and offers improved tumor response compared to systemictreatment. More studies are needed to standardize chemoembolization preparations and techniques. RFA providesbetter results than PEI but has not been compared with cryoablation. Radioembolization appears to be as effectiveas chemoembolization, but the preprocedure evaluation and costs may limit its use.

From Tampa General Hospital, Radiology Association of Tampa/Department of Interventional Radiology, Tampa, Florida.

Submitted June 15, 2009; accepted February 23, 2010.

Address correspondence to Cliff R. Davis, MD, Tampa General Hos-pital, Radiology Association of Tampa/Department of Interven-tional Radiology, Room J-342, 1 TGH Circle, Tampa, FL 33606. E-mail: [email protected]

No significant relationship exists between the author and the com-panies/organizations whose products or services may be refer-enced in this article.

IntroductionThe incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) issharply on the rise in the United States and worldwide.It is currently the third most common fatal malignancyin the world, and in the United States, the incidence ofHCC is increasing faster than any other malignancy.1,2

Interventional radiology techniques play an

important role in the management of many

patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.

Foxtail_14769. Photograph courtesy of Henry Domke,

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April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 288 Cancer Control

arterial network, which causes the tumor to spreadmore aggressively. Three-phase computed tomography(CT) or dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)findings have been shown to correlate well to histo -logic tumor grade. As dysplastic nodules degenerate tomalignancy, they decrease portal venous enhancement5-7;as HCC progresses in histological stage, tumors tend tohave increased arterial enhancement. A low-grade HCCtends to have mild arterial enhancement and is isoin-tense or slightly hypointense on portal venous phasesof contrasted imaging. High-grade HCC tends to havebright, brisk arterial enhancement (Fig 1A) withmarkedly decreased portal phase enhancement. Tumorgrade and size greatly affect prognosis, with or withoutsurgical treatment. Vascular invasion and multifocal dis-ease within the liver also predict significantly poorerlong-term survival regardless of treatment type.8,9

The use of interventional radiology techniques totreat HCC has developed primarily due to the limitationsof other treatment methods. Until the recent approval ofsorafenib (Nexavar, Bayer HealthCare PharmaceuticalsInc, Wayne, NJ) by the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA), no systemic chemotherapeutics showed signifi-cant increases in survival in patients with HCC.10,11 With-out dose modulation or stereotactic techniques, externalbeam radiation has had a limited role in the treatment ofHCC due to radiation toxicity to adjacent normal liver.12

Surgical resection can significantly improve outcomes,offering 5-year survival rates of 25% to 75% dependingon tumor grade and size. However, such surgery requireswide resection margins, and underlying cirrhosis limitsthe volume of liver that can be resected without causingliver failure.8,13,14 Liver transplantation and resection por-tend the best long-term overall survival rates in earlyHCC, approximately 75% at 5 years. However, survivalrates drop significantly, to 40% to 50%, if there is malignantvascular invasion in the explant.9,15,16 Comparatively,symptomatic treatment of HCC has an estimated 1-yearsurvival rate of approximately 22% and a 5-year survivalrate of only 5%.1

Several scoring methods have been developed toassess the prognosis of patients with cirrhosis and/orHCC. In patients with end-stage liver disease withoutHCC, mortality is often estimated with the Child-Pughscore and the modified Model for End-stage Liver Dis-ease (MELD) score. Initially designed to predict mor-tality for placement of transhepatic portosystemicshunts and for liver transplantation, the MELD andChild-Pugh scores are often used to weigh treatmentoptions and predict mortality in patients with end-stageliver disease.17-20 The modified MELD score is a numer-ical grade obtained by placing a patient’s INR (the pro-thrombin time measured as international normalizedratio), creatinine, and total bilirubin into an equation.While there is no maximum MELD number, a scoregreater than 45 is rarely compatible with survival longer

than 1 month. In Florida, liver transplant allocation isdetermined by the patient’s modified MELD score, sothose with a higher MELD score are listed higher on thelist.21 When assessing patients for loco regional treatment,the MELD score can assist in determining the possibilitythat a patient will need and/or receive a transplant in thenear future.

Although several staging and scoring systems havebeen developed to determine the prognosis of patientswith HCC, none has emerged as the most accurate in allpopulations.22,23 The most widely used staging systemsinclude the Okuda, the Cancer Liver Italian Program(CLIP), and the Barcelona Clinic Liver Program (BCLC).A comparison of these systems is beyond the depth ofthis paper, but most staging systems use TNM stagingcombined with findings of portal vein invasion onimaging with α-fetoprotein (AFP) levels and Child-Pughstatus.23,24 Prognosis in patients with HCC varies greatlydue to these factors. For instance, patients with a CLIPstage of 0 have a median survival of 53 months, andthose classified as CLIP stage IV have a median survivalof 3.4 months.24

As discussed in the transplant section of this issue,most transplant programs adhere to the Milan criteriafor classifying patients as transplant and nontransplantcandidates.21 Milan criteria for transplant considerationinclude a single tumor ≤ 5 cm, or up to 3 tumors ≤ 3 cmeach. The presence of distant metastatic disease alsoeliminates a patient from being a transplant candi-date.21 Extending criteria are present at some singleinstitutions (eg, the University of California at San Fran-cisco, the University of Pittsburgh, Mayo Clinic).25

Most patients seen in the Interventional Radiologydepartment at our hospital are referred from the Hepa-tology or Transplant Surgery department. If a diagnosisof HCC is suspected based on imaging findings, thecase is reviewed at a biweekly multidisciplinary confer-ence to determine the best treatment plan for eachpatient. The conference is attended by staff from theTransplant Surgery, Hepatology, Radiation Oncology,and Interventional Radiology departments. The patientis first categorized as a transplant or nontransplant can-didate. If a transplant candidate is expected to have alengthy wait on the transplant waiting list, we may offermore aggressive treatments in hopes of preventing pro-gression and/or metastatic disease. If the transplantcandidate has a high MELD score and is expected toreceive a transplant in the near future, we may be lessaggressive to avoid the possibility of a treatment com-plication altering the patient’s transplant status. Tumorstage, number, location, size, and histological grade (if abiopsy was performed), as well as underlying liver dis-ease, portal vein invasion, and renal function, are mea-sured to tailor treatments to each patient.

The rapid evolution of interventional radiologytechniques and protocols, as described below, often

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April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 2 Cancer Control 89

Fig 1A-G. — CT performed in a 57-year-old liver transplant candidatewith rapidly rising alpha-fetoprotein level (> 1,500). (A) CT demonstrateda hypoattenuated mass on portal phase. Biopsy confirmed well-differ-entiated HCC. (B-C) Right hepatic artery angiogram demonstrating awell-defined 2.5-cm hypervascular mass correlating to the CT lesion.Embolization was performed with lipiodol mixed with DEB/doxorubicin.(D) Noncontrast CT performed 7 days postembolization demonstratingpreferential lipiodol uptake in the tumor (arrows). Note the lack of lipiodolin adjacent liver due to clearing from hepatic Kupffer cells. Computedtomography was performed prior to RFA. (E) Intraprocedure CT duringplacement of multiarray RFA probe into the biopsy-proven right hepaticHCC. The lesion was pretreated with lipiodol and DEB/doxorubicin combination 7 days prior to RFA. (F-G) Contrasted CT 1 month followingcombination chemoembolization/RFA. The lipiodol absorbed in the tumor isretained due to lack of blood flow to the area following RFA. Note theabsence of hepatic enhancement around the tumor indicated the kill zone(arrows). The arrowhead indicates patent right portal vein. Following RFA,AFP decreased to normal levels. This patient received a liver transplant 3months after the CT; liver explant pathology confirmed no active tumor.

Portal phase contrast









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April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 290 Cancer Control

causes confusion and complicates the development ofstandard protocols for studies needed to evaluate theoutcomes of the various techniques. This review isintended to provide practitioners with a better under-standing of treatment types, protocols, and terminologyassociated with the treatment of HCC by intervention-al radiology.

Treatment TypesPrimary interventional radiology treatments for HCC ofthe liver fall into three general categories: (1)(chemo)embolization, (2) radioembolization, and (3)percutaneous treatment. Each has distinct benefits anddiffering roles in the treatment of HCC, in both surgicaland nonsurgical patients.

(Chemo)embolizationEmbolization is a term used to describe vascular occlu-sion from an endovascular technique, such as placing acoil or other substrate in the vessel that is injectedthrough a catheter under fluoroscopy. The effectivenessof embolization in the treatment of HCC is primarilydue to the differences in the blood flow requirements ofthe liver and tumor. HCC is a hypervascular tumor, rely-ing heavily on the arterial blood supply for nutrients andoxygen. It utilizes 5 to 7 times the amount of arterialflow per volume of tissue compared with the surround-ing liver tissue (Fig 1B-C). The surrounding hepatocytesrely on the portal vein for 75% of their blood flow. Fol-lowing embolization of the artery, the reduction in thearterial blood supply to the tumor causes hypoxia andcell death to the tumor but typically spares adjacentliver cells, as the portal vein remains patent.24

Chemoembolization combines embolization withthe intra-arterial administration of drugs directly to thetumor. Several techniques have evolved that use a com-bination of cytotoxic drugs and physical embolic materi-al. Lipiodol, which is iodinated poppy seed oil, was likelythe first “chemoembolic” agent used to treat tumors. Forreasons that remain unknown, lipiodol adheres to thetumor cell wall and is actively transported into thesecells, causing lysis.26 The Kupffer cells in the adjacentliver parenchyma are able to phagocytize the oil andremove it over a period of days. HCC does not containKupffer cells and therefore cannot remove the lipiodol.27

It will remain in the extracellular tumor for months toyears and can be visualized on CT and MRI to identifythe tumor and monitor response (Fig 1D).

Lipiodol is an excellent agent for intra-arterialhepatic embolization for several reasons. First, as anembolic agent, it is viscous and water insoluble, causingtemporary occlusion of the capillaries downstreamwhen injected into the artery.28 Because HCC is hyper-vascular, it tends to selectively uptake lipiodol wheninfused into a feeding artery.29 Compared to hepato-cytes, lipiodol is more lethal to tumor cells due to its

transport through the cell wall, as described above. Aslipiodol is radiopaque, it makes fluoroscopic visualiza-tion obvious during catheter injections, which can limitnontarget embolization of adjacent arteries.

When a suspension of chemotherapeutics and lipi-odol is injected intra-arterially, the lipiodol acts as a carrier and an embolic agent. The lipiodol and thechemo therapeutic agent are insoluble and separateminutes after embolization.28 During arterial injection,the lipiodol/chemotherapeutic solution is deliveredpreferentially to the tumor due to blood flow charac-teristics described earlier.28,29 This results in higherconcentrations of the agents in the tumor. The localconcentration of the chemotherapeutics after chemo -embolization is many times higher compared with sys-temic intravenous therapy.29

In the 1970s and 1980s, numerous studies investi-gated the benefits of systemic chemotherapy on HCC.Most protocols contained doxorubicin as a result ofearly reports of survival benefits with single-agent dox-orubicin therapy.30-32 Two reports suggested that a com-bination of systemic cisplatin and doxorubicin offeredsignificant tumor responses; however, survival benefitswere limited due to side effects and liver toxicity.33,34

Interventional radiologists began mixing lipiodol withthe same chemotherapeutic agents used in the systemictrials to improve local concentrations and decrease sideeffects. The first interventional radiology study of chemo -embolization with lipiodol mixed with mitomycin C, cis-platin, and doxorubicin demonstrated a tumor responserate of 85% with no progression of disease in 38 of 38patients over 1 year.35 With these promising results, thecombination or addition of these chemotherapeutics tolipiodol became more popular.

An initial misconception regarding the techniqueof mixing chemotherapy with lipiodol was later clari-fied. It was initially believed that the chemotherapyagents are released slowly from the lipiodol. In actuali-ty, these agents are quickly washed through the liverinto the systemic circulation. Peak levels are reachedwithin 5 minutes of embolization and are then quicklyeliminated.36 This process can cause systemic effectsfrom all these agents, including hair loss, possible car-diac toxicity, nausea, and diarrhea. As none of theseagents has been shown to significantly improve sur-vival when given intravenously, we must conclude thatthe increased response with chemoembolizationoccurs during the short time that the tumor cells arehypoxic and the chemotherapeutics are at high con-centrations in the tumor.9,29

In an attempt to improve the delivery of chemother-apeutic agents to tumors, a new embolic material hasbeen developed: drug-eluting beads (DEBs). LC Beadmicrospheres (Biocompatibles International, UK) andHepaSpheres (BioSphere Medical Inc, Rockland, MD) arethe only two such products currently available in the

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April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 2 Cancer Control 91

United States. Both products ionically bind to negative-ly charged chemotherapeutics, and are most commonlyattached to doxorubicin (Fig 2). These beads rangefrom 100 to 1,200 μm and have been proven in vitroand in vivo to slowly elute the doxorubicin up to 7 daysafter embolization.36 Total dose of doxorubicin (75 mgto 150 mg) bound in DEB treatment is similar to dosesused in the lipiodol/doxorubicin protocols. However,peak systemic levels of doxorubicin after DEB emboliza-tion are approximately 5% of those after doxorubicin/lipiodol embolization, and levels remain stable over 7 to10 days.36

Relative contraindications to chemoembolizationinclude portal vein tumor invasion, chronic renal insuf-ficiency (estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] <40 mL/min/1.73 m2), elevated bilirubin (> 3 mg/dL),and total liver involvement of tumor greater than 50%.37

These contraindications can occasionally be circum-vented with the use of CO2 in lieu of iodinated contrast.Subsubselective embolization, intended to embolize aslittle surrounding liver as possible, can often be utilizedfor patients with higher degrees of liver disease.Embolization with portal vein invasion can be safe inlipiodol chemoembolization but has not been deter-mined with DEB chemoembolization.38

Following chemoembolization, a postembolizationsyndrome (PES) can occur that includes pain over thetreatment area, nausea, fatigue, and possible vomiting.PES is not considered a complication as it is caused bythe reduced blood flow to the treatment area. There isoften transient elevation in the white blood cell countand liver enzymes for 48 to 72 hours associated withthe PES. Complications include liver abscesses (< 1%),

gallbladder necrosis (< 1%), liver failure (1%), nontargetembolization (< 1%), and transient bilirubin toxicity.37,39-41

Postembolization abscess is more common in patientswith previous biliary-enteric anastomoses and occursin at least 5% of cases. This is thought to be due toincreased bacterial flora in the intrahepatic biliary sys-tem that thrives in the necrotic tumor bed followingembolization.42

Two major randomized controlled trials (RCTs)have demonstrated improved survival with chemo -embolization vs conservative/medical treatment. Thefirst, performed by Llovet et al43 in 2002, comparedchemoembolization (gelatin sponge and doxorubicin),bland embolization, and conservative treatment. Thestudy was stopped early when survival benefits weredemonstrated after several inspections. Two-year sur-vival probabilities were 63% for the chemoembolizationgroup and 27% for the control group. The second RCT,performed by Lo et al44 in 2002, evaluated chemo -embolization and response to cisplatin/lipiodol emboliza-tion vs symptomatic treatment. The 3-year survival ratewas 26% in the chemoembolization group vs 3% in thesymptomatic treatment group. Several meta-analyseshave been performed to include smaller RCTs andcohort studies, which also concluded that chemoem-bolization improves survival.45,46 A recently publishedRCT comparing systemic doxorubicin vs chemoem-bolization in unresectable HCC demonstrated that onlypatients with well-compensated liver function had sur-vival benefits with chemoembolization.47 Median sur-vival following chemoembolization was improved onlyin the chemoembolization group in Child-Pugh Apatients with albumin > 3.3 g/dL (36 vs 60 weeks).

A recent RCT comparison of DEB/doxorubicin anddoxorubicin/lipiodol embolization demonstrated de -creased systemic side effects and decreased rates ofliver failure with the DEB treatment.48 These findingssuggest that the lower systemic doxorubicin levelsafter DEB treatment correlates with systemic effects.This report also noted an improved objective tumorresponse with DEB/doxorubicin compared with dox-orubicin/lipiodol embolization. A second recent RCTdemonstrated improved tumor response, longer time to progression, and fewer recurrences with DEB/ doxorubicin compared with embolization alone withsimilar-sized particles (bland embolization).49 Long-termsurvival results with the DEB/doxorubicin combinationwere not compared to other methods as longer follow-up was necessary.

Yttrium-90 RadioembolizationRadioembolization refers to the target infusion ofradioactive substances via the artery feeding thetumors. Although numerous small studies have evalu-ated radioembolization with different radioactiveagents, in recent years yttrium-90 (90Y) has emerged as

Fig 2. — Photomicrograph of drug-eluting beads (DEBs) 300 to 500 μm.The beads turn a brilliant red after binding to doxorubicin as this photomi-crograph demonstrates.

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April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 292 Cancer Control

the primary choice. In the United States, two 90Y prepa-rations are available: TheraSphere® (Yttrium-90 GlassMicrospheres, Theregenics Corp, Buford, GA) and SIR-Spheres® (Yttrium-90 Microspheres, Sirtex Medical Ltd,Lane Cove NSW, Australia). The FDA has approvedTheraSphere for HCC and SIR-Spheres for metastaticdisease to the liver. The treatments are performed inthe same manner and the preparations are similar, dif-fering in the size and number of particles to which the90Y is attached. The particles infused in radioemboliza-tion are not intended to cause total arterial occlusion,thus sparing arterial flow to the adjacent liver anddecreasing postembolization symptoms.50 The 90Y is apure beta radiation emitter, making it optimal for intra-arterial injection. Beta radiation particles are high-ener-gy but cannot penetrate greater than 11 mm in humantissue. The half-life of 90Y is 64 hours; therefore, 94% ofthe radiation emitted occurs within the first 11 daysafter treatment.51 As described above, HCC typicallyreceives 5 to 7 times the arterial flow compared withadjacent liver. Injecting the radiation particles in thehepatic artery results in a disproportionate distributionto the tumor, and high doses of radiation are delivereddirectly to the tumor over the following 10 days.50

Although the technique for injection of 90Y micro -spheres is similar to chemoembolization with regard tomaterials and location of injection, the evaluation andpreprocedure workup is more involved.50 Nontargetembolization with 90Y has increased morbidity whencompared to chemoembolization. If 90Y is infused intosmall, unnamed duodenal/pancreatic branches not pre-viously embolized, nonhealing radiation ulcers maydevelop in the affected bowel; this occurs in approxi-mately 4% to 5% of treatments.52 To avoid this compli-cation, lengthy mapping angiograms of the celiac andsuperior mesenteric arteries are required, and coil

embolization is performed on all branch vessels adja-cent to the hepatic arteries.

An additional step necessary in pretreatment eval-uation for 90Y is the estimation of tumor shunting. HCCcommonly has small arteriovenous shunts that wouldallow radioactive particles from 90Y infusion to flowfrom the hepatic artery into the hepatic venous systemand then to the lungs (Fig 3).50 Immediately followingthe celiac/superior mesenteric artery branch vessel coilembolization procedure, approximately 170 MBq oftechnetium-99m macroaggregated albumin (99Tc-MAA)is injected in the planned treatment artery (right or lefthepatic artery). The MAA has similar particle size to the90Y beads and will predict distribution, but the 99Tc hasno adverse effect at that dose due to the different par-ticle energy (gamma) it emits. Patients are then imme-diately transferred to the nuclear medicine departmentfor planar body nuclear medicine scan. The amount ofradiation being emitted outside the liver is then deter-mined, which correlates to the tumor shunt fraction. Ifthe dose outside the liver is 20% or greater, it suggests

Fig 3. — Tumor shunting in HCC. During an arterial injection of contrast inthe distal right hepatic artery, the feeding arteries to the tumor are visualized(arrow). There was shunting to the hepatic venous system (arrowheadshows larger vessel). Embolization with small particles would flowthrough the tumor into the systemic circulation through the shunt.

Fig 4. — Preradioembolization 99Tc-MAA scan. After coil embolization ofall nonhepatic branches of the common hepatic artery, 99Tc-MAA wasinjected intra-arterially into the proper hepatic artery to evaluate for tumorshunting to the lungs. The heterogenous uptake in the liver (arrowhead) isdue to extensive hypervascular hepatic tumors. There was > 20% activity inthe lungs (arrow) in this examination due to arteriovenous tumor shunting.Due to the degree of shunting, the patient was no longer considered a candidate for 90Y treatment.

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April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 2 Cancer Control 93

significant tumor shunting and 90Y treatment is con-traindicated.50 The shunt most commonly allows thedose to be carried to the lungs as it is the next capillarynetwork after the hepatic veins (Fig 4). A shunt ofgreater than 20% with typical injected 90Y doses couldcause radiation lung exposure greater than 30 Gy,which can cause radiation pneumonitis.52 In addition,any suggestion of radiation activity in the bowel afterthe hepatic artery 99Tc-MAA injection is a contraindica-tion to treatment since a 90Y injection at the same loca-tion would put the patient at risk for radiation ulcers.

Compared to chemoembolization, 90Y radioemboliza-tion does offer benefits in some patients. Patients withbilobar disease or extensive multifocal HCC can often be treated with one treatment (Fig 5A-D). Main portalvein thrombosis is considered a relative contraindicationfor chemoembolization but can be safely treated with90Y radioembolization, given partial retention of arterialflow in the treatment area.53

No RCTs have yet evaluated survival with 90Y treat-ment compared to medical treatment of HCC. Onerecent prospective study, which included 291 patients,showed response rates of 42% to 52%, with survivalaverages in Child-Pugh A patients of 17 months.54

An ongoing issue involves whether 90Y embolizationis better than chemoembolization at treating oligocen-tric HCC. No RCTs have compared the two treatments,although a recent retrospective analysis demonstratedno difference in tumor response or survival betweenchemoembolization and 90Y radioembolization in HCCtreatment.55 Side effects from 90Y radio embolizationinclude fatigue (57%), pain (23%), and nausea/vomiting(20%). Approximately 20% of patients have grade 3–4bilirubin toxicity, and > 75% have significant drops insystemic lymphocytes counts.52,54,55 Major complicationrisks for 90Y radioembolization include bowel/gastriculcers (4%), biliary/gallbladder injury requiring surgery(< 1.5%), and radiation pneumonitis (< 1%).52,54

Fig 5A-B. — Arterial phase CT in a nontransplant candidate with nonoperablemultifocal HCC. Arrows show arterial enhancing lesions.

Fig 5C-D. — Lesions in Fig 5 at 6 weeks following 90Y radioembolization.Arrows show two areas of necrosis in the location of the previous tumors.Note the heterogeneous enhancement of the surrounding liver, often seenfollowing 90Y treatment.





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April 2010, Vol. 17, No. 294 Cancer Control

Percutaneous Thermal AblationPercutaneous thermal ablation is accomplished primari-ly by freezing (cryoablation) or heating (radiofrequencyablation, RFA) of the tumors. The use of percutaneousethanol injection (PEI), which was once considered theprimary treatment for HCC, has decreased due to recentreports demonstrating better outcomes with thermalablation. All of these procedures are performed withimage guidance, commonly CT in the United States.

Percutaneous Ethanol InjectionIn the early 1990s, PEI was considered the primary per-cutaneous treatment for HCC. The materials used forPEI are inexpensive, and the procedures are straightfor-ward. PEI is simply a fine-needle injection of the tumorunder image guidance with 95% ethyl alcohol. The the-ory as to its efficacy lies in the fact that the tumors tendto be soft and the surrounding liver is cirrhotic andhard, which restricts the alcohol from diffusing out intothe liver. In addition, there is often a capsule aroundsmall, well-differentiated HCC tumors.3 The volume ofethanol to be injected is determined by calculating thevolume of the tumor. PEI is limited in that it oftenrequires more than four treatments to treat each mass,even with tumors < 3 cm.56

Three large, well-designed RCTs have compared RFAwith PEI in the treatment of HCC.56-60 All demonstratedincreased local recurrence, decreased survival, andincreased number of treatments with PEI comparedwith RFA. The largest RCT, performed in 2005 by Shiinaet al,58 included 232 patients, each with fewer than threetumors < 3 cm, who were randomized to RFA or PEI. The 4-year survival rate was 75% in the RFA group and57% in the PEI group. No difference in complicationswas seen; however, procedure time and cumulative hos-pital stay were both increased in the PEI group.Although few complications are associated with eachethanol injection session (< 1%), patients often requirefour to eight injections, and the risks are then additive —causing the total number of complications to rival or sur-pass RFA despite the smaller needles involved.60 Risksinclude liver necrosis, hemorrhage, portal vein thrombo-sis, gallbladder injury, and bowel necrosis. If RFA is notavailable, PEI is an acceptable treatment choice andoffers a 2-year recurrence-free survival rate of approxi-mately 62%. Although the materials used in PEI are inex-pensive, additional considerations include increasedphysician time and resources required when ultrasoundor CT is utilized for image guidance. Also, each lesionwill likely require multiple treatments.60

CryoablationCryoablation technology relies on physical propertiesof argon gas that, when decompressed, reaches tem-peratures far below freezing. In vitro and in vivo stud-ies over the past 50 years have determined that cell

death is certain at temperatures of –20°C and that rapidfreezing with slow thaw cycles cause immediate celldeath at higher temperatures.61 The actual temperatureat which a tumor cell will lyse, either acutely or within24 hours of cryoablation, is a matter of debate. Therequired temperature may also be specific to tumor andorgan cell types.62,63 Recent studies of temperaturezones around a cryoablation probe in the liver demon-strated small zones that reached –20°C.64 Thaw-freezecycles increase the kill zone with higher temperatures,but to what extent in each organ is unknown. Sincecryoablation probes are needle-shaped (14G), large killzones are not possible with a single probe. Therefore,large masses may require 3 or 4 probes. Each addition-al probe increases procedure time and the risk of organinjury and bleeding.65

The benefits of cryoablation, when compared withRFA, include markedly reduced procedure pain and theability to visualize an “ice ball” formation on CT or ultra-sound during treatment (Fig 6A-D). The freezing tech-nique of cryoablation causes less pain and often allowscryoablation to be performed under conscious sedation,making it a viable option for patients who are poor anes-thesia candidates.66 The ability to visualize the ice ballallows more precise evaluation of the treatment zone inreal time. This allows the operator to reposition or add anadditional probe if a portion of the tumor is not includedin the treatment zone. A further benefit of cryo ablationincludes a reduced “heat sink” effect, a term used todescribe the local variation in ablation temperature due tovessels flowing through the ablation zone.64,65 Heat sinkcan allow tumors that are adjacent to large vessels toremain outside the kill temperature. Cryoablation is oftenable to overcome this obstacle more effectively than RFAcan. Lastly, cryoablation maintains cellular integrity ofconnective tissue in vessel walls, or adjacent viscera lin-ings, such as gallbladder, bowel, and kidney.67

There is a paucity of research on long-term survivalof cryoablation and HCC. Several studies have evaluat-ed cryosurgery for the treatment of liver malignancies,but data are limited regarding percutaneous cryoabla-tion.68 Cryosurgery is simply cryoablation performedwith a surgical laparotomy or laparoscopic field, oftenperformed with intraoperative ultrasound guidance. Itis difficult to discern if cryosurgery and cryoablationeffects are comparable, considering the increased risksof open surgery and the lack of image guidance by aninterventional radiologist. No RCTs have been con-ducted on the survival benefits of cryoablation vs RFA,although many investigators believe cryoablation is aseffective as RFA in treating HCC.68 Several studies havedescribed increased complications associated withopen cryosurgery, often related to postprocedure hem-orrhage.69,70 The risks of hemorrhage appear to berelated to a lack of cauterization at the boundaries ofthe ablation and the ability of the ice ball to crack into

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the organ being treated.70 Death has occurred in sev-eral reports in the first 24 hours after cryosurgery, andthe mortality rate approached 1.5% in a meta-analysis,mostly attributable to hepatic hemorrhage or a phe-nomenon termed “cryoshock.” Cryoshock, a rare syn-drome of multiorgan failure, coagulopathy, and dissem-inated intravascular coagulation (DIC), is specific tocryotherapy in the liver.71 Cryoshock appears to berelated to large-volume ablations as most cases havebeen reported in patients with large treatment zonesand extensive disease.72

Radiofrequency AblationRadiofrequency ablation technology began over 80years ago with the introduction of the Bovie electro-surgical device (Bovie Medical Corp, Clearwater, FL),named for the inventor, William T. Bovie. In RFA, current

is applied from grounding pads placed on the patient’sextremities to a needle probe placed by the operator.As the current approaches the probe, it causes ionicexcitation in the cells, developing heat. The kill zone isdependent on the maximum temperature obtained andthe length of time the cells are exposed to that tem-perature. A temperature of 50°C causes immediate celldeath and is the target temperature, but lesser temper-atures will also cause lysis if applied for longer periodsof time.73,74 The diameter of the kill zone around theprobe is related to the electrical resistance of the tissuebeing ablated, which varies little in humans.75 The killzone in liver tissue is approximately 1.7 cm from a sin-gle probe. To address this limited coverage, complexstellate-like probes have been developed that, whendeployed, are shaped like the tines of an umbrella, thusallowing a markedly increased kill zone. Several manu-facturers have developed probes that provide 5-cm killzones when properly used (Fig 1E-G and Fig 7).

The kill zone diameter and the effects of RFA havebeen extensively studied in the liver as opposed to

Fig 6A. — Noncontrast CT following lipiodol chemoembolization of a 4-cmleft hepatic HCC. Embolization was performed to mark the lesion forplanned cryoablation. Cryoablation was utilized instead of RFA, given thesubcapsular tumor location and proximity to the abdominal wall. Thepatient was also a poor candidate for general anesthesia. Lipiodol (arrows)stains the tumor and delineates tumor margins.

Fig 6B. — CT during cryoablation of a left hepatic tumor performed underconscious sedation. Note the lipiodol marking the mass. Several cryoprobeswere necessary given the large tumor size (arrows). The ice ball is well delineated on noncontrast CT (arrowheads).

Fig 6C-D. — Arterial and portal venous phase CT at 1 year following cryo -ablation of a large left hepatic HCC. Significant involution of mass hasoccurred (arrows). The left portal vein adjacent to the mass is patent.




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cryoablation. There are, however, some drawbacks andlimitations of RFA. As the treatment zone is not reliablyvisualized during the procedure as it is in cryoablation,initial proper placement of the probe is imperative.Treatment of subcapsular liver tumors with RFA cancause severe pain to the patient, often necessitating gen-eral anesthesia. Nontarget ablation of the bowel or gall-bladder can cause necrosis and perforation if inadver-tently treated. Heat sink is a major limitation of RFA aslarge vessels (> 3 mm) that pass through the ablationzone can prevent adjacent tissue from reaching cytotox-ic levels, thereby leaving positive margins in place.76-78

Recent studies of complete response rates fromRFA in masses < 3.5 cm have approached 70%, con-firmed by subsequent surgical resection or explanta-tion of the treated liver.79-82 An RCT of RFA comparedto partial hepatectomy in HCC < 5 cm demonstratedequal survival rates and recurrence-free periods from 1to 4 years.82 These findings currently make RFA theprocedure of choice for local ablation in small HCCswhen surgery or transplantation is not an option.

Complications from RFA are reported to beapproximately 7%.83 The most common complicationis hemorrhage, but major hemorrhage requiring trans-fusion occurs in < 1% of cases. Additional risks fromRFA include injury to the liver, abscess (1%), pneu-mothorax (< 1%), and biliary injury (< 1%). These riskscompare favorably to surgical resection, which hasreported complication risks of 9% to 22%.84 Postpro-cedure pain from ablation is comparable to emboliza-tion. Lesions > 5 cm have poor long-term completeresponse rates with RFA, but these patients have alsoshown poor results with any type of local or systemictreatment, given the higher risks of vascular invasion.11

Initial reports of high tumor-seeding rates from RFA inthe 1990s raised fears of spreading disease outside theliver in transplant candidates.85 However, severalrecent studies comprising thousands of patients havedemonstrated seeding rates of approximately 1%.60,79-82

This may be due to an improved technique of “burningthe tract,” which involves applying a low level currentto the RFA probes as they are removed to kill any “hitch-hiking” tumor cells along the probe tract.86

Combination TherapiesCombination regional treatment has become a recentarea of research and treatment advances, especiallyregarding combination embolization and RFA. The effi-cacy of this combination is thought to be due to theincreased tumor sensitization to heat kill followingchemoembolization. Doxorubicin, even at low levels,has been shown to sensitize cells to heat kill by asmuch as 5°C.87 Combining these procedures canincrease the ablative zone in RFA up to 6 to 7 cm,which should decrease recurrence rates.88,89 In recentstudies, local control and long-term survival wereincreased with combination RFA and chemoemboliza-tion compared with either single procedure in tumors< 3 cm.88-93 Combination ablation therapies, which canbe performed in a single session, may also improve sur-vival. A recent prospective randomized trial evaluatedthe combination of PEI/RFA and demonstratedimproved tumor responses and survival rates in largeHCCs compared with RFA alone.94

ConclusionsThe use of chemoembolization has become common-place in the treatment of HCC. However, studies of sur-vival benefits are limited due to the poor prognosis ofthose with concomitant cirrhosis and the lack of largemulticenter trials. The extensive array of embolizationagents makes the compilation and analysis of data moredifficult as different institutions use various agents andprotocols to treat HCC. Without RCTs that compare treat-ment protocols, it is impossible to determine the mosteffective embolic material and chemotherapeutic agentfor treating HCC. Early reports suggest the DEB/doxoru -bicin embolization offers improved tumor response anddecreased side effects. However, the studies need to beextended to evaluate survival outcomes. As continuedcomparative studies are published, interventional radiol-ogists will need to tailor treatment protocols to a moreuniversal approach for different patient groups.

Percutaneous thermal ablation has proven to be aseffective as resection in tumors < 5 cm and offers favor-able results for tumors < 7 cm for patients withoutother treatment options. Cryoablation appears to offersimilar tumor responses to RFA, but the issue ofincreased complications needs attention with a com-parative study. The use of cryosurgery has decreaseddue to reports of surgical complications, but whetherthis correlates to percutaneous cryoablation complica-tions is less clear. At institutions without thermal abla-tion technology, PEI remains an inexpensive way totreat tumors < 3 cm but offers less benefit than RFA.

Fig 7. — Example of a multiarray RFA probe (RITA Talon, RITA MedicalSystems, Inc, Mountain View, CA). With the tines retracted, the probe is14 gauge; when fully deployed, this device is capable of 4-cm diameterburns. Photograph compliments of Angiodynamics/RITA.

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Yttrium-90 offers excellent tumor response in hos-pitals with the resources for treatment, although RCTson long-term survival compared to conservative thera-py are needed to confirm that the tumor response cor-relates to survival benefits. Two small recent studieshave suggested 90Y and chemoembolization are equallyeffective in treating oligocentric HCC. Yttrium-90 alsooffers treatment options to patients with more exten-sive tumor burden and portal vein thrombosis.

Combination therapies with thermal ablation, PEI,and chemoembolization will hopefully further increasesurvival rates in patients with HCC. Recent reports haveshown improvements in survival from combinations ofmany of these techniques. Improved tumor responseappears to be helpful in prolonging the lives of patientswho are not considered transplant candidates.

The incidence of HCC has rapidly increased bothworldwide and in the United States. Currently, tradition-al surgery can treat only a small percentage of patients.Liver transplantation remains the most successfulapproach to treating HCC with underlying cirrhosis, butonly approximately 25% of patients with HCC are candi-dates; additionally, many patients reside in states withlimited transplant programs. Survival rates will likelycontinue to improve with increased screening, refinedlocoregional treatments, and newly developed systemicchemotherapeutics. It is hoped that the treatment ofhepatitis C and B will also continue to improve and thatmeasures to decrease infection rates will prove effectivein reversing the current trends.

A multidisciplinary approach to HCC is imperative,especially at institutions that offer transplantation. Tai-lored treatment for each patient is required to preventprogression of disease in liver transplant candidatesand to prolong survival in nontransplant candidates.The role of an “interventional oncologist” is developingin large tertiary centers, and continued specialization islikely as knowledge increases and specialized HCC cen-ters develop across the country.

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