internship workshop dis 001


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Introduction slides to support DIS students in finding an internship in Denmark. Cultural differences,


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• Create a Pool of the Best Potential Trainees for our Business Partners

• Support you to be ready for an International Work Experience

• Introduction about Cultural Different Management Styles DK-US

• Practical Information & Tips

• Share some Existing Internship Opportunities

Goal of this Workshop?

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• French nationality. Studied, lived or worked in 7 countries

• Graduated from Copenhagen Business School with a MSc. in International Business Adm. & Languages

• In France, HRM for a Danish subsidiary from the Pharmaceutical Group Novo Nordisk Engineering

• Expatriated in Denmark since 2006

• In my last position with Novo Nordisk Engineering, as Global Marketing Manager, worked on a daily basis with colleagues from all over the world (based in 25 different countries)

• With DIS for a year as Project Manager

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Introduction of the Participants

• Reasons for being here today

• Professional Goals

• Expectations/Needs

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Cultural Shock

“The anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate

within an entirely different culture or social environment, such as a different country”

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Stages of Adjustment

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Source: Gregory Trivonovitch

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The Importance of Culture is Important in International Position• Impacts the way Strategic Moves are


• Influences Management, Decision-Making and Negotiations

• Culture makes International Business Difficult or Easy

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Different Levels of Culture

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Challenges when working abroad

• Differing attitudes towards hierarchy and authority

• Conflicting norms for decision making

• Differences in what motivates people

• Different degrees of rule obedience

• Conflicting approaches towards time

• Direct versus indirect communication

• Trouble with accents and fluency

• Different ways of organizing project work

• Different presentational styles

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Important Important Skills for Cross-cultural Adaptability

• Emotional resilience– Coping with stress and ambiguity, rebounding from

imperfections and mistakes

• Flexibility/openness– Enjoys different ways of thinking and behaving

• Perceptual acuity– Attention to communication cues and the accurate

perception of cues across cultures, including non-verbal and social cues.

• Personal autonomy– Sense of identity and adherence to a strong set of cultural

values, as well as respecting the values and traditions of the other culture.

– A sense of empowerment in the context of an unfamiliar environment with different values.

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Different Cultural Types - Lewis Model

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Different Cultural Types -

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Different Cultural Types -

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Some Characteristics of Danes & Americans


• Big emphasis on equality

• Consensus decision-making flat management style

• Process-oriented

• Undersell, modesty

• Gender roles are “fluid”

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Some Characteristics of Danes & Americans


• Individualism competition

• The Boss is the one responsible

• Result-oriented, risk-takers

• Like bragging

• High masculinity level

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Characteristics of the Danish culture

• Democratic and consensus-seeking decision-making• The Jantelov supporting ideologies of equality over individual

freedom• Little emphasis on position• Informal way of adressing others• Employees modestly motivated by financial incentives, rather

unambitious, more family-oriented, work shorter hours, come and leave at a set time

• Separation of working life and social life• Women and men are very equal• A relaxed business atmosphere where emotions ar not shown• A low need for predictability and a high rule obedience• Tasks tend to prevail over relationships

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Americans and Danes compared

Americans• More emphasis on position• Boss makes decisions• Materialism, bottom-line focus• Action oriented• Oversell, aggressive• Differentiation of gender roles

Danes• More emphasis on equality• Consensus decision-making• People orientation, sharing• Process oriented• Undersell, modesty• Gender roles are “fluid”

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Human Mental Programming - Denmark

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Human Mental Programming - USA

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Leadership styles


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National Communication Patterns - USA

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National Communication Patterns - Denmark

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Listening Habits: USA

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Listening Habits: DENMARK

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. Appointments are necessary, and plan well ahead

. Confirm appointments in writing

. Do not try to schedule meetings from June through mid August

. You should arrive at meetings on time!The Danes are very punctual. Shake hands with everyone upon arriving and leavin (firm & rather short). Danes move to first names very quickly. Send an agenda before a meeting and work from it without deviation. Decisions are made after consulting with everyone involved (consensus). Presentations should be well-organized and factual. Use facts, figures and charts to back up statements and conclusions.. There will be a minimal amount of small talk. Danes prefer to get down to business quickly. Communication is rather direct

Business Etiquette and Protocol in Denmark

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Do´s & Don´ts in Denmark

Do’s• Interested in profit but pretend it is

secondary • Insist on tolerance of views and

flexibility • Wait for decisions by consensus• Modesty• Low-key• Stick to facts and analyse • Seem reasonable • Be on time!• Humor (irony)


• Avoid showing too much interest in materialism/bottom-line

• Avoid interrupting people; always be consultative and understanding

• Avoid being overly assertive or appearing overly confident

• Avoid boasting

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A resume? No, a CV!

• A resume is called a Curriculum Vitae, a CV

• Name, Adress and Contact Details in....Denmark!

• Dates must be stated in the left hand column

• Clear separation between job titles, work places and the the job content

• Use the first person “I was responsible” instead of just “Responsible”

• Write an introduction paragraph/personal profile

• Importance of personal life, leisure

• Picture

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Tips & Resources

• CV in data bases (job data base, embassies, linkedin...)

• Specialised websites:- Graduateland- JobsinCopenhagen- Jobindex- CBS job bank

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Tips & Resources

• The power of networking, here & there!- Alumni (home Uni, DIS...)

- International Organizations (Rotary Club...)

- Previous Company Experience

- Importance of “club-belonging” in DK

- Social & Professional Expat Groups (Soso, Meetup, Expats in Denmark..)

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Tips & Resources

• Contact with Key Institutions eg. American Embassy, The American-Scandinavian Foundation, The Danish-American Business Forum, the American Chamber of Commerce...

• Use of Social Media (expats groups, express your research, define your profile...)

• Check for general information about internship process in Denmark (visa, etc.)

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Use DIS network!

• Your Teachers!

• Guest lecturers

• Field visits

• Study Tours

• Company Case Assignments

• Business Case Competition (Danfoss)

• International Career Night - 19th of October 2011

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Examples of Companies which collaborate with DIS

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Tips & Resources

• Learning Danish language,

a crazy idea?!

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Current Offers through DIS

• Peripatetic

• C02 e-race project with The

Danish Institute for Culture

• Danish-American Business Forum

• Uponor

• Mærsk Trade Oil

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• Questions?

• Your future needs?


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Good luck!!!