internship final report (anik)

Page 1 of 41 Part I Title of the report

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Part ITitle of the report

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Operation and Activities of Green Delta Insurance CO.


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Part IIIntroduction

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Operation and Activities of Green Delta Insurance CO. Ltd.

2.1 Executive Summary

Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. is one of the non life private insurance companies in

Bangladesh. The principal business of Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. is premium

collection, financing and investing. Green Delta Insurance Company offers a full range services

to its customers.

This report contains seven parts. First part deals with title of the report. Second part is the

introduction part of the report which contains rationale, background of the Green Delta Insurance

Company Ltd where I tried to show an overview of Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd and

Objectives. Third part contains operational activities of GDIC and activities undertaken, fourth

part contains constrains, fifth part contains lessons learned from the internship program, sixth

part contains conclusion statement and the last part contains suggestions for improvement or

course of actions.

While working with finance and accounts department in Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd., I

have tried to find out some problems such as online system in all branches are not applied, all

the branches are not well decorated, low current and quick ratio etc.

At last, I have also tried to give recommendation against the problems of GDIC mentioned in the

report such as all branches with online system and well decoration, increasing current and quick

ratio etc.

2.2 Rationale for Selecting the Report

As a requirement of completing of BBA degree, I need to work as an intern with any reputed

organization. Now I am working with Green Delta Insurance Co. Ltd. I have chosen an insurance

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company for my internship affiliation report. I have proposing to study because I want to have

over all idea about the insurance company. I want to be a Financial Analyst. I have been working

here in the accounts & finance section .So for this reason, I have chosen this topic for my

internship affiliation report. And the study will have both practical & academic values. It will

help to get a clear idea about the Operations and Activities of Green Delta Insurance Company

Limited. On the other hand, the findings of the study will help to take appropriate actions & steps

for the betterment of the existing practice which basically help the operational activities of

Finance and Accounts division.

2.3 Introduction of the Concerned Organization

As a requirement to complete my BBA program I worked as an internee in Green Delta

Insurance Company Limited (GDIC). Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (GDIC) is one of

the leading private non life insurance companies in Bangladesh. With a presence in the

strategically important parts of the country, which includes 38 branches, Green Delta Insurance

Company Ltd. has established its prominent presence with equity participation in Delta Brac

Housing Ltd., Progressive Life Insurance Co Ltd, United Hospital Ltd. Fin Excel Ltd. and BD

Venture Ltd. Green Delta Capital Ltd. and Green Delta Securities Ltd. are two of the subsidiaries

of GDIC. After 28 years of glorious journey in the Insurance sector, Green Delta Insurance

Company Limited has now become a big family of 13 respected board members, 600+

committed staff, numerous valued clients and thousands of esteemed shareholders.

2.4 History of the Company

Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (GDIC) is one of the leading private non life insurance

companies in Bangladesh. GDIC was incorporated in December 14, 1985 as a public limited

company, under the Companies Act 1913. Actual operations started on 1st January 1986, with a

paid up capital of BDT 30.00 million. Now, Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. is amassed

about BDT 637.875 million with a credit rating of AA1 and ST1. GDIC holds the proud

distinction of being the first ever company to raise its paid up capital to such a level. This is also

the 1st Insurance Company in Bangladesh to have equity partnership with IFC. With a presence

in the strategically important parts of the country, which includes 38 branches, Green Delta

Insurance Company Ltd. has established its prominent presence with equity participation in

Delta Brac Housing Ltd., Progressive Life Insurance Co Ltd, United Hospital Ltd. FinExcel Ltd.

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and BD Venture Ltd. Green Delta Capital Ltd. and Green Delta Securities Ltd. are two of the

direct subsidiaries. GDIC provides stock brokerage services through Green Delta Securities Ltd.

(GDSL) and investment supports through Green Delta Capital Ltd. (GDCL).

Under the charismatic leadership of Mr. Nasir A Choudhury, Founder Managing Director and

Advisor, Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. has been leading the winds of change in the

insurance industry of the country in terms of service standard, innovative products and legislative

restructuring. After 28 years of glorious journey in the Insurance sector, Green Delta Insurance

Company Limited has now become a big family of 14 respected board members, 600+

committed staff, numerous valued clients and thousands of esteemed shareholders. By now,

Green Delta has been able to uphold the brand image as a prompt claim settler, superior service

provider, and diversified product supplier – almost like a one stop solution provider in the non

life insurance sector in the country.

As a part of the recognition for the contribution in the development of the insurance industry and

for maintaining the standard of service, the company has been considered as one of the top 500

companies according to the renowned Rating Agency, Dun Bradstreet Rate Agency of

Bangladesh. The company has also been awarded with many national and international awards

like –‘’ICAB National Awards’’ for Best Published Accounts, ICMAB Best Corporate Award in

Insurance category, ‘‘Certificate of Merit’’ for the Best Presented Accounts Award in the

category ‘Insurance Sector’ by the South Asian Federation of Accounts (SAFA), ‘‘International

Quality Crown Award’’ by BID International in London, The BIZZ Award by World Business

confederation of Business, USA for leadership, Excellence in a management, Quality and

Marketing, ‘‘The Diamond Eye Award For Quality & Excellence’’ by BID OTHERWAYS, The

Platinum Technology Award for Quality & Best trade name by Association Other ways in

Berlin, International Star Award for Leadership in quality in the Gold, Platinum and Diamond

categories and many more. With the slogan “Marches with time” - during the last 28 years -

GDIC has been helping people in their time of need; pulling out all the steps when needed, and

has been proud to be a partner in progress.

2.5 Objective of the organization:

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As a leading insurance company, we are committed to provide the best possible services

for our clients. Since the establishment of the company, we have set a number of long

term strategic goals.

We are keen to achieve. On top of our goals is to build a strong loyal customer base that

we always try to enrich by providing the best services at competitive costs. We have

broadened our range of services over the years, in order to reach out for more customers

and meet their precise needs.

One of the main objectives of the company is to maintain a stable financial position in the

market along with a stable growth in capital over the years.

Finally, our achievements and clients speak for us, which proves that we are on the right

track for more than 28 years now.

2.6 Vision of GDIC

Our vision is to mature into a sustainable, organization, raise competitiveness to the highest level

in the insurance level in the insurance industry, maintain high profitability & balanced

quantitative growth and exceed customer’s profitability & balanced quantitative growth and

exceed customer’s expectations by offering legendary services, embrace a new corporate identity

and creative corporate culture.

2.7 Mission of GDIC

Mission of GDIC is to create Shareholders value through customer’s satisfaction and employee’s

commitment to excellence.

2.8 Brief Description of the Corporation

GDIC was incorporated in December 14, 1985 as public limited company under the companies’

Act. 1913. But the actual operation of the company started on 1 stJanuary 1986, with a paid up

capital of BDT 30.00 million only.

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Corporate Chronicle

December 14, 1985 = Incorporate of the Company

January 01, 1986 = Commencement of business

January 02, 1986 = Signing of the First Insurance Business

August 19, 1989 = Received consent from SEC for issuance of Public

Share of BDT 30 million

December 31, 1989 = Increase paid up capital to BDT 60 million

January 12, 1990 = Listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited

January 14, 1990 = First trading at Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited

October 21, 1995 = Listing with Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited

October 22, 1995 = First trading at Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited

October, 1997 = Investment in Delta Brac Housing as equity share


May 05, 2004 = Issuance of Right Share

May 10, 2004 = Agreement sign with CDBL

July 18, 2004 = Startup of Demit Settlement

October 30, 2004 = Awarded “A” category insurance Co. by CRISL

June 07, 2004 = Investment in Jalalabad Telecom Limited

May 11, 2005 = Launching of Islamic Takaful Insurance

May 12, 2005 = DSE Membership purchased

June 12, 2005 = Formation of Green Delta Aims Limited, a joint

Venture construction firm

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June 30, 2005 = Issuance of First Bonus Share

October 13, 2005 = Incorporation of Green Delta Financial Services Limited

December 31, 2005 = Capital Increased to BDT 108 million

January 31, 2006 = Investment in Brac Bank Proffered Share

November 28, 2006 = Investment in United Hospital

June 30, 2006 = Issuance of Bonus Share

July 01, 2006 = Start up of the operations of Green Delta Financial

Services Limited

December 31, 2006 = Capital increased to BDT 151.20 million

February 15, 2007 = Start up of the Construction of Green Delta Aims Tower

July 24, 2007 = Awarded “AA2” rating in the long term and

ST 1 rating in the short term by CRAB

December 31, 2008 = Raising paid up capital to BDT 408.24 million

June 20, 2009 = Donation of 550 wheel chairs among the war wounded

freedom fighters

August 20, 2009 = MOU signing with LR Global Bangladesh AMC Ltd.

September 06, 2009 = Awarded “AA1” rating in the long term and

“ST 1” rating in the short term by CRAB

2010 = Platinum Technology Award for Quality and

Best Trade Name, TheBizz Award, 2010

2010 = Being the honored member of the Who's Who historical

Who's Who membership Award, 2010

2011 = Golden Award for Quality and Business

Prestige 2011, Berlin, Germany

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2.9 Organization Structure

Registered Office

Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd.

Green Delta AIMS Tower (6th floor)

51-52 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka

Nature of Business All kinds of non life insurance business.

Principal Bankers

a) Pubali Bank Limited.

b) BRAC Bank Limited.

c) Commercial Bank of Ceylon.

d)Standard Chartered Bank.

e)The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Corporation Ltd.

f) Exim Bank Limited

g) The City Bank Limited

h) City bank N.A

i)Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited

Auditors M/s Habib Sarwar& Company

Chartered Accountants

Estern Commercial Complex

73 kakrail, Chamber 704, Dhaka -1000

Legal Advisor Abdur Razzaque & Associates

City Heart, Suit No # 5/1, 67 Nayapalton,

Dhaka -1000

Subsidiary Company 1. Green Delta Securities Ltd.

Corporate office Address:

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Green Delta AIMS Tower (2nd floor)

51-52 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka

2. Green Delta Capital Ltd.

Head Office Address:

Green Delta AIMS Tower (3rd floor)

51-52 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka

Corporate Website

Membership Bangladesh Insurance Association

Bangladesh Association of Publicly Listed


International Chamber of Commerce


Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce&


Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce &


Bangladesh Malaysian Chamber of Commerce

& Industry

Table 1.1: Organization Structure

2.10 Objectives of the Internship work and the Report

To fulfill academic requirement, To present an overview of Green Delta Insurance Co. Ltd. To gather knowledge about insurance companies operations in practical field, To gather practical knowledge and real life experience in official environment, To apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field, To understand the operations and activities of insurance companies of

Bangladesh, To observe the working environment in a big organization, To get an overview of the private insurance companies in our country, To present an overview of Green Delta Insurance Company Limited.

To know the different types of products of GDIC.

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To identify the problems regarding Performance of GDIC.

To provide some recommendations to improve service quality of the GDIC.

3.1 Work related

The Accounting & Finance department is the backbone of a company's operations and processes.

It records operating transactions, analyzes them and prepares financial statements that inform top

management, regulators and investors about a company's economic health. The accounting &

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Part IIIActivities undertaken

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finance department is also responsible for ensuring that costs are controlled, there is adequate

cash flow, establish and control profitability levels. They also prepare financial documents and

final accounts for reports. The finance department has a role of ensuring that there are adequate

funds available to acquire the resources needed to help the organization achieve its objectives. It

is also charged with preparing and creating financial accounts and also keeping, as well as

maintaining financial records.

I worked in Green Delta Ins. Co. Ltd as an internee in “Accounts & Finance” section. I worked

there for two months. I worked in the principle branch. There I used to do fund transfer, premium

collection, maintenance bank register & some insurance software under Mr. Robin’s supervision.

3.1.1 Fund Transfer

Funds Transfer is a system of transferring money from one branch account to directly to

principle branch account. When people take any policy they have to pay premium for the policy.

The branch, from where the policy holder takes policy, the policy money which is known as

premium, deposits the money to their concern bank. Then the principle branch accounts and

finance department write letter to the branch for transferring all the money from the branch local

account to principle branch central account. The principle branch maintains bank account with

HSBC Bank Ltd., Standard Chartered Bank, Standard Bank, Mercantile Bank. It is one of the

most important works for my department. For maintaining one bank account it is very

important. It helps to gather all the money from all the branches bank account to central bank

account. All branches maintain some bank account to deposit the money. And my work was

there to transfer all the money from all branches to the central bank account.

3.1.2 Premium collection

Premium collection is gathering all premiums from all the branch. When a party wants to take a

policy then he/she has to pay money according to his/her policy. The money is known as

premium. The premium varies from policy to policy. Then the concern person of the branch

keeps record of the premium. For premium the company maintains money receipt. One copy is

given to the policy holder, one copy to principle branch and another copy is kept in that branch.

The branch gather all the receipt till the end of month, and all the receipt is being sent to the

principle branch. Every branch does the same. The company has 38 branches in Bangladesh.

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People pays premium against their policy. And we collect all the premium in principle branch

from all other branches.

3.1.3 Maintenance bank register & some insurance software

I used to maintain bank register there to keep resemblance with the UMD (Underwriting

Maintenance Department). It is also known bank reconciliation. The UMD maintain the bank

account so for keeping similarity with bank and UMD we maintain the bank register. It shows

the total bank balance. If there is any mistake in bank account the bank register helps to sort out

the mistake. We used the software named “Reinsurance Software”. The company has three types

of branches. Those are online branches, offline branches and CD branches. CD branches send

CD of their record every week and principle branch upload the CD into their server, offline

branches communicate manually and for communicating with the online branches they use the

“Reinsurance Software”.

3.2 Organization-wide

3.2.1 Petty cash

The Company normally uses checks to pay their obligations because checks provide a record of

each payment. Petty cash transaction is a transaction made for small, miscellaneous expenditures

in a company. This is normally paid in cash using the petty cash in the office. Company

maintains the petty cash fund to pay for small, miscellaneous expenditures such as stamps, small

delivery charges, or emergency supplies. Every time a payment is made through petty cash, it is

recorded in the petty cash register usually by the cashier. When the cashier requests for

reimbursement of petty cash, he creates a petty cash voucher detailing the payments made

through petty cash during the period since the last reimbursement along with any supporting

invoices acting as documentary evidence for the claim. If everything appears in order, the

authorized signatory draws checks equal to the amount of expenses detailed in the petty cash


3.2.2 Balance sheet

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Accounts & finance department prepare balance sheet .The balance sheet presents the company's

financial position at the end of a specified date. Some describe the balance sheet as a "snapshot"

of the company's financial position at a point (a moment or an instant) in time. For example, the

amounts reported on a balance sheet dated December 31, 2013 reflect that instant when all the

transactions through December 31 have been recorded.

Because the balance sheet informs the reader of a company's financial position as of one moment

in time, it allows someone like a creditor to see what a company owns as well as what it owes to

other parties as of the date indicated in the heading. This is valuable information to the banker

who wants to determine whether or not a company qualifies for additional credit or loans. Others

who would be interested in the balance sheet include current investors, potential investors,

company management, suppliers, some customers, competitors, government agencies, and labor


3.2.3 Financial Analysis

The financial analyst compares historical and current data to detect changes within periods and

recommends appropriate actions to management. For instance, the financial analyst compares

revenues every year with the previous year. It helps the management to take decision about the

future. For future planning it helps a lot.

3.2.4 Maintaining Journal Entry

An employee of accounting department always maintains the journal entry for every transaction.

The financial activity of the company is recorded into the accounting software by "posting"

journal entries. Accounting journals are posted based on paperwork that supports a financial

transaction of the company, such as a bank deposit, an invoice for expenses paid or payroll

reports. And all the journal entry is needed to prepare ledger.

3.2.5 Financial Accounting

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The financial accounting and reporting specialist ensures the company's data is "fair" and

complete, and that financial statements comply with generally accepted accounting principles

("fair" means "accurate" or "objective" in accounting parlance). Complete financial statements

include a balance sheet, a statement of profit and loss, a statement of cash flows and a statement

of shareholders' equity.

3.2.6 Cash payments

The accounting department prepares checks for the signatures of the business officers who are

authorized to sign checks. The accounting department keeps all the supporting business

documents and files to know when the checks should be paid, makes sure that the amount to be

paid is correct, and forwards the checks for signature.

3.2.7 Tax Planning

The company has a tax specialist who evaluates a firm's data and advises top management on tax

saving strategies and compliance with fiscal regulations. The tax accountant also helps a

company file corporate income returns or calculate sales taxes collected in business transactions.

3.2.8 Investment Analysis

The company has a finance analyst. The finance specialist (working in the treasury, corporate

finance or investments department) helps the firm to evaluate operating information, detect

business trends and industry indicators. The analyst also analyzes "working capital" ratios to

assess funding needs in operations ("working capital" indicates short-term cash availability and

equals current assets minus current liabilities).

3.2.9 Financial Risk Management

Financial risk management is the function within the accounting & finance department that helps

the firm identify, price and monitor risks inherent in corporate activities. It measures the risk of

the business.

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3.2.10 Payroll

The total wages and salaries earned by every employee every pay period, which are called gross

wages or gross earnings, have to be calculated. Based on detailed private information in

personnel files and earnings-to-date information, the accounting and finance department

calculate the employee salary and bonus.

3.3 Other relevant activities

3.3.1Cash collections

We used to collect money from the bank. When the accounting department needs to pay the

money to the employee or for any other expense and if there is any shortage of money then the

department head issued check and send us to collect money from bank.

3.3.2 Depositing checks

I used to deposit checks to the company’s concern bank account. Company maintains bank

account with the Mercantile Bank, HSBC Bank, Standard Bank, Standard chartered Bank. When

policy holder or any branch send check I deposit the check to the concern bank.

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4.1 Problems identified/Observed in the Organization

Although Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. is a better known insurance company in

Bangladesh it has got some lacking. By overcoming those lacking it is expected that the

company will be in better position.

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Part IVConstraints/challenges and proposed course of action

for improvement

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Online system is not applied in all the branches of GDIC

It fails to effectively maintain and modernize its information system.

It’s IT department is not very active.

The relationship among the employees is not excellent.

Rules & Regulation is change constantly which will hamper the regular activities. For

this employee will confused which format or rules they may follow.

There is not enough space for the employee.

Lack of training program and facilities for the employee.

4.2 Academic preparation

Internship Program brings a student closer to the real life situation & thereby helps to launch a

career with some prior experience. There are a few similarities between our academic

preparation and assigned tasks. I have learned so many things of accounting and finance but in

the organization I worked in accounting and finance section. Most of the time there is some

mismatch between my academic knowledge and real life practice in the organization.

The varsity can teach that how I will be careful about future planning and how I will be

serious about gaining the preparation to be a good employee.

The varsity can teach understanding business culture and how to work reliably within an


There is interviewing experience in intern so the university can arrange some interview

program every semester.

University can offer some practical workshop for the students about corporate sectors


University should offer visiting to different financial institutions and banks regularly

specially for Accounting & Finance department.

4.3 Missing knowledge and skills

I do not have much computer skills for what I was assigned to do during internship. There is

huge gap of computer knowledge between what I learnt in varsity and what I was assigned in


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There are some mismatching between the academic knowledge and the real life experience in

the company. There are many academic knowledge which are taught in varsity but the varsity

did not show the practical use of that knowledge.

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5.1 Implications to Organization/Company

I am employed by Green Delta Ins. Co. Ltd. at the principle branch. The experience will provide

me the opportunity to gain real-world experience in the field of accounting & finance. From my

first day on the job I have been afforded the opportunity to participate as an equal member of

their employee. During my intern I have learnt many things from the company. The learning

from the company which I can apply in my real life as well.

How to transfer fund from one branch to another.

How to collect premium and how to enlist it.

How to maintain the bank register.

How to behave with corporate personalities.

I came to know about the corporate world.

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Part V Lessons learned from the

internship program

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How to talk during office time with officemate.

How to behave with officemate.

I came to know about the rules and regulation of a company.

How to be dressed in corporate world.

How to work in office professionally.

5.2 Implications to University’s Internship Program

This internship is a part of our BBA program to accomplish a final completion of BBA

program. AIUB has given me this opportunity to have a practical job experience before

getting into a permanent job as a full time employee. Definitely this internship program will

help me a lot in the job sector. Every student has to complete internship before the

completion of BBA program. So like other university my university also gives me such

opportunity to do internship. And for this reason I did my internship within GDIC. Internship

helps me to learn lots of things which will be very effective for the near future. From the

internship program I have learned:-

I learned to be punctual.

I learned the new technology or apply existing knowledge in new ways.

I learned professional skills by participating in a professional work environment.

I observed and gained understanding of office hierarchies and able to define effective

and efficient practices.

I observed professional etiquette including dress code and proper methods of


I gained experience and confidence in expressing ideas, practice listening and

internalizing/accepting criticism and utilization of positive feedback.

Make affiliation with supervisor.

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Part VIConcluding statements

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6.1 Summary

Green Delta Insurance Company Limited is one of the leading insurance companies in our

country. It has well reputation in market. I am proud to work with the company. I worked in the

accounting and finance department; it is one of the most important departments of the company.

I worked here with some very experience people. I have learned many things like fund transfer,

premium collection, maintaining bank register and many things. I have learned how to behave in

office. I came to know about the corporate world which will help me in my future life. As a

requirement of completing my BBA I worked here as internee and I applied my academic skills,

core subject knowledge. I related my academic skills with the work.

Being one of the leading insurance companies, Green Delta Insurance Company Limited is

serving the customers for 28 years. With the slogan "Marches with time" - during the last 28

years, GDIC has been helping people in the time of need; pulling all the steps when needed and

has been proud to be a partner in progress. Hence GDIC has achieved an excellent market

reputation with the leading position in the non life insurance business industry of the country.

Finally I pray to Almighty Allah for continuous improvement and prosperity of Green Delta

Insurance Company Ltd.

6.2 Recommendations for Future Strategic Actions

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For the organization

The organization should have some survey .Survey provides information from clients and

peer institutions. The prioritized needs and expectations resulting from the survey are

crucial as a basis for setting objectives. The strategic planning committee should have

representatives from all areas of the organization and adhere to the steps of the process.

While the actual logistics of research and implementing the plan can be tailored to the

available resources, all the actions should be carefully developed and evaluated.

The organization should be careful about the environmental issues and trends.

Environmental issues and trends are the factors that may impact the organization and the

way it conducts business. Internal issues include staff, services, skills, resources, and

needs. External factors include such things as threats of outsourcing. The strategic

planning committee compiles an environmental scan, a body of information about the

environment and trend.

For the varsity

The varsity should have an academic program that is rigorous, challenging, and relevant

to a new generation of students

The varsity should have some student services that encourage and support personal

development and responsibility.

An inclusive community whose demographics reflect those of the coming generation of

faculty and college-bound students

The varsity can provide a program named education for self-direction. It will help the

students for their future life. They can be determined about their future goal.

The varsity can offer the students a self-governing community

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Part VII

Suggestions for improvement or course of


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7.1 Suggestions for improvement or course of action

As I worked here, I observed many things about the company. From my view I have some

suggestion for the company. That’s given below

To make a better contact with each other all the branches should implement online


To attract more clients GDIC should modernize and maintain the information system.

IT department should be more active and it should be more efficient.

The relationship among the employee should be improved.

The company should not change their rules and regulation. They should have fixed rules

and regulation for their employee.

The company should give enough space for their employee.

The company should have some training program for the employee every six month or

every year.


http://www.greenR-delta .com

http://www.greenR-delta .com/branches.html

http://www.greenR-delta .com/companyprofile.html

http://www.greenR-delta .com/management.html


1. CV

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ASHEK AHMEDAddress: 271/B Shipahibag Chartolagoli,

Khilgaon, Dhaka-1219Mobile: 01611356448

E-mail: [email protected]

Career ObjectiveLooking forward to starting a career in Accounting & Finance department where academic, core subject knowledge, interpersonal skills and hard work will be appreciated and enhanced.

Working Experience-Internship – Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. (December 2013- present)Educational Details Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)Major in Accounting & FinanceCGPA : 3.75 on a scale of 4.00No. of Credit completed: 123 out of 126American International University-Bangladesh

Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C)Major Area: Business studiesGPA: A+ (5.00)Notre Dame College

Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C)Major Area: Business studiesGPA: A+ (5.00)Khilgaon Govt. High School

Strengths-Dedicated, Ambitious, hard working, energetic and well disciplined.-Positive Attitude, Logical and Quick thinker-Passionate about Work , Leadership Qualities-Positive thinking, self-motivated and flexible-Good communication skills, Soft spoken

Language Skills-Language: Mother tongue - Bengali. Fluent in English and full working knowledge in Bengali -Bengali- Excellent in reading, writing, speaking and listening

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-Skilled in multi-media presentation

Computer Skills-Sound Knowledge of Ms-Word, Ms- Excel, Ms-Power Point Good Typewriting speed (25- 30w/pm)-Well experienced with use of internet

Extra Curricular Activities- Participation in the “Poster Competition” in Accounting and Finance week 2012 at University- Participated in inter- college competitions- Member of Business club at College

Interests and Hobbies- Travelling - Playing Cricket and Football - Listening to Music and Enjoying Movies


Father’s Name : Jalal AhmedMother’s Name : Jannatul FerdousPermanent Address : Care Of: - Fazal Hazir Bari Village: - Doulatpur .Word No: - 8 Post Office: Mamtaz Miar Hat Thana: - Feni. District: - Feni. Mailing Address     : 271/b Shipahibag Chartolagoli, Khilgaon, Dhaka-1219 Nationality : Bangladeshi by birth.Marital status : UnmarriedSex : MaleReligion : IslamDate of birth : 12-May-1993Blood Group : B +ve


Jalal AhmedFirst Senior Vice PresidentHRD & AdminGreen Delta Insurance Co. Ltd.(Green Delta Aims Tower (9th floor)51-52, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka-1212, BangladeshMobile no: 01711819473E-mail : [email protected]

Khondoker Pear MohammadLecturer Faculty of Business AdministrationDepartment of FinanceAmerican International University BangladeshHouse # 58/B, Road # 21, Kalmal Ataturk AvenueBanani, Dhaka-1213, BangladeshMobile no : 01718386531E-mail : [email protected]

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