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Internet Pro- Guide For Beginners Networks Innovation 2011©

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Internet Pro-Guide For Beginner 2013

©Seunsmith Networks Innovation 2011

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This Internet Pro-Guide was written and complied, designed, and published by SEUN-SMITH RICHARD ELIJAH.

And this copyright remains the material guide, resources and property of Seunsmith Networks Innovation.

Any alteration, editing, amending and correction, is prohibited without the knowledge, authorization and permission of the Author.


Charisma ICT College33, Olanrewaju Ariyibi Crescent, Opposite Odo-Eran (Governor Road)

Near Hotel Bus-Stop, KM 2 Lasu-Isheri Road, Igando Lagos+234(0)8031941024, +2348056769445, +2348095828440

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My name is Seunsmith Richard Elijah, the President/Coordinator of Seunsmith Networks Innovation. I train and coach individuals, schools, organizations on computer related to desktop publishing. Also repair format and multi networks for cyber cafes, schools, companies and others.

I also specialize in website training, designs and develop for companies, schools and many more.

Blogging is also one of my internet hobbies. I have helped countless of people to create blogs: and today they’re enjoying the creativity and initiative of this platform.

It is my pleasures to congratulate you for being part of our potential friends, clients, who have purchased our training guide.

Welcome to our Networks Innovation Center, in partnership with Charisma ICT College. Our aims and missions are to create and build successful individuals, who will be financially independent and completely free from poor salary.

The step you take after reading this profile will really determine how far your conviction will take you in life. Remember, any decision you take now, will affect the reality of where you are going in life. Don’t be deceived by unseen mirage, take a bold step today and secure your future.

Your beautiful future begins now, don’t delay another second. This information is designed just for you at this time to recreate and build magnificent life you desire.

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Glory be to Almighty God for His power of impaction and out pouring unction for making this Internet Pro-Guide possible and reality.

Appreciation also goes to the Seunsmith Networks Innovation and Charisma ICT College, for their supports.

To my partners, friends, course mates, colleagues, Ajah Wisdom, Ayo Ebenezer, Simon Odu, Jerry Asuzu (Manager), thank you so much, for your contributions.

To my beloved friends from Tanzania Mrs. Ngasa Glory Albert, thank you so much, for your financial support, loves and cares. I love you so much.

To my siblings Temitope Timothy Adeyelu and Bunmi Teniola Adeyelu, they are my beautiful family; they really contribute immeasurable effort to my dream. I am grateful to God for having them in my world.

Many thanks to my beloved Parent, Chief Olanrewaju & Yeye Titilayo Roseline Ariyibi who have play important roles in my journey.

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DEDICATIONI dedicate this to Almighty God: whose Power and Mighty Spirit has worked its accomplishment on this book.

I also dedicate this to My Beloved Friend, Glory Ngasa Albert from Tanzania, whose support has no equal.

Also to my Late Father, Evan. Samuel Adeyelu, A.k.a. S G

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Profile: ………………………………………………..………….III

Acknowledgement……………………………. ……………IV

Dedication: ………………………………………..…………..V

Table: ……………………………………………….…………. VI

Journey So Far:…………………………………………………IX

Guide Objective: ………………………………………..….X

Topic One:Introduction to Internet….: ……………………………………..1

What is Internet: …………….….................................2

Internet Terminology: ……………………………………………2

Purpose of Internet: ………………………………………………3

Types of Internet Browser: .... ...............................3

How to use Internet Browser: …........................... . 4

Topic Two:What is a Email:……. …........................................7

How to create Email for Personal Use: ….............. .8

How to log-in Email Account: ….... ...................... 8

How to Check Email and Compose: ….................. 9

Topic Three:What is a Chatting:…......................................... 9

Type of Chatting: ………….................................. .10

How to Chat with anyone anywhere: …..... ......... 10

Topic Four:Uploading and Download: …..............................17

Uploading Files & Images: …........... ...................17

Downloading Files & Images: .............................18

Types of Downloading Format: …………………………..19

How to Use Paint & Microsoft Office Picture Manager

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To Edit Download Files & Images: ….....................19

Types of Picture Format: …………………………..………..20

Topic Five:What is a Searching Engine: ……………………………….21

Looking Topic Using searching Engine: …..............22

Types of Search Engine: …................................ .22

Topic Six:What is a Blog: ….............................................26

Types of Blogs: …....................................... …… 26

How To Create a Blog: ….................................. 26

Topic Seven:Internet PC Basic Shortcut Keys: …………………….… 27Special Class on Internet Social Activities....... …...27

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JOURNEY SO FARThe world is growing with ultimate weapon called the internet!Internet has remained the number one and foremost instrument, when it comes to world wide communication: internet has made every sphere of contact easy and assessable both online and offline.

Internet has really connected thousands of individuals, family, business with others activities around the world. Internet will continue to remain one of the foremost tools.

With the birth of the internet our lives have been changed so much. To instantly know just anything you can log on to the internet and the answer is right in front of you. The writing of letters changed to writing of e-mails, talking over the phone gave you an option of chat on the net etc. All in all internets has totally revolutionized everyone’s life. Before when one uses to write letters now people have started using net which not only saves time but they can get instant replies too. In the same manner there is chat option available making easier for you to actually talk to people via internet and get on the spot reply.

Sending an e-mail may still be time taking because the reply might not come at the same time. But while on a chat you get immediate reply.Chatting can happen between two people and also there is an option of a group chat where at a time two or more people can chat and for this you don’t have to pay extra a simple internet connection can help you in doing so.

Today, Seunsmith Networks Innovation in its quest, want to build new platform for more opportunities and initiatives to help its society and human development capacity to achieve more in its environment.

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GUIDE OBJECTIVES:On completing this section, you will be able to: Understand the meaning of a Internet How to Create Email, checking & Sending Email Internet Terminologies Uploading and Downloading Chatting Blogs

Topics: Introduction to Internet Generation of Computers Meaning of Computer (Definition) Type of Computer Computer terminology Getting Started All Programmes Application, Folders and Files Shutdown


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1.0 INTRODUCTION TO INTERNETBy the turn of the century, information, including access to the Internet, will be the basis for personal, economic, and political advancement.

The popular name for the Internet is the information superhighway.  No one owns Internet, although several organizations the world over collaborate in its functioning and development. The high-speed, fiber-optic cables (called backbones) through which the bulk of the Internet data travels are owned by telephone companies in their respective countries.

The Internet supplements the traditional tools you use to gather information, Data Graphics, News and correspond with other people. Used skillfully, the Internet shrinks the world and brings information, expertise, and knowledge on nearly every subject imaginable straight to your computer. 

The Internet grew out of the Advanced Research Projects Agency's Wide Area Network (then called ARPANET) established by the US Department Of Defense in 1960s for collaboration in military research among business and government laboratories. Later universities and other US institutions connected to it. This resulted in ARPANET growing beyond everyone's expectations and acquiring the name 'Internet.' The development of hypertext based technology (called world wide web, WWW, or just the Web) provided means of displaying text, graphics, and animations, and easy search and navigation tools that triggered Internet's explosive worldwide growth.

1.1 WHAT IS INTERNET?The Internet is a world wide network of computers that are connected (networked) and are using the communication method called TCP/IP. The Internet was named ARPANET in 1969 by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense with just four computers connected together.

Internet can also be described as a means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers. When two computers are connected over the Internet,


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they can send and receive all kinds of information such as text, graphics, voice, video, and computer programs.


1.2.1 The Web vs. the InternetThe Internet is a vast 'interconnection of computer networks' that spans the globe.  It is comprised of millions of computing devices that trade volumes of information.  Desktop computers, mainframes, GPS units, cell phones, car alarms, video game consoles, and even soda pop machines are connected to the Net.  The Internet started in the late 1960's as an American military project, and has since evolved into a massive public spiderweb. No single organization owns or controls the Internet.  The Net has grown into a spectacular mishmash of non-profit, private sector, government, and entrepreneurial broadcasters.The Internet houses many layers of information, with each layer dedicated to a different kind of documentation. These different layers are called 'protocols'. The most popular protocols are the World Wide Web, FTP, Telnet, Gopherspace, instant messaging, and email.The World Wide Web, or 'Web' for short, is the most popular portion of the Internet.  The Web is viewed through web browser software.

1.2.2 Http and HttpsHttp is a technical acronym that means 'hypertext transfer protocol', the language of web pages. When a web page has this prefix, then your links, text, and pictures should work in your web browser.

Https is 'hypertext transfer protocol SECURED'.  This means that the web page has a special layer of encryption added to hide your personal information and passwords.  Whenever you log into your online bank or your web email account, you should see https at the front of the page address.:// is the strange expression for 'this is a computer protocol'.  We add these 3 characters in a Web address to denote which set of computer language rules affect the document you are viewing.

1.2.3 BrowserA browser is a free software package that lets you view web pages, graphics, and most online content.  Browser software is specifically designed to convert HTML and XML into readable documents.The most popular web browsers in 2013 are: Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari.


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1.2.4 HTML and XMLHypertext Markup Language is a coding language used to tell a browser how to place pictures, text, multimedia and links to create a web page. When a user clicks on a link within a web page, that link, which is coded with HTML, links the user to a specific linked web page. HTML uses commands called 'HTML tags' that look like the following: <head>; <title>; <body></body>

1.2.5 URLUniform Resource Locator is a web address used to connect to a remote resource on the World Wide Web.For example: telnet://

In the above example, http:// is a type of Protocol (communication rules and methods) followed by, which a host address. A port number could also be added after the host address (example:

1.2.6 IP AddressYour computer's 'internet protocol' address is a four-part or eight-part electronic serial number. An IP address can look something like '' or like '21DA:D3:0:2F3B:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A', complete with dot or colon separators. Every computer, cell phone, and device that accesses the Internet is assigned at least one IP address for tracking purposes. Wherever you browse, whenever you send an email or instant message, and whenever you download a file, your IP address acts like a type of automobile license plate to enforce accountability and traceability.

1.2.7 EmailEmail (formerly spelled e-mail with a hyphen) is electronic mail.  It is the sending and receiving of typewritten messages from one screen to another.  Email is usually handled by a webmail service (e.g. Gmail or Yahoomail), or an installed software package (e.g. Microsoft Outlook).Email has many cousins: text messaging, instant messaging, live chat, videomail (v-mail), Google Waving.


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1.2.8 Blogs and BloggingA blog ('web log') is a modern online writer's column.  Amateur and professional writers publish their blogs on most every kind of topic: their hobby interest in paintball and tennis, their opinions on health care, their commentaries on celebrity gossip, photo blogs of favorite pictures, tech tips on using Microsoft Office. Absolutely anyone can start a blog, and some people actually make reasonable incomes by selling advertising on their blog pages.Web logs are usually arranged chronologically, and with less formality than a full website.  Blogs vary in quality from very amateurish to very professional. It costs nothing to start your own personal blog.

1.2.9 Social Media and Social BookmarkingSocial media is the broad term for any online tool that enables users to interact with thousands of other users. Instant messaging and chatting are common forms of social media, as are blogs with comments, discussion forums, video-sharing and photo-sharing websites. and are very large social media sites, as are and bookmarking is the specific form of social media. Social bookmarking is where users interact by recommending websites to each other ('tagging sites').

1.2.10. ISPISP is Internet Service Provider.  That is the private company or government organization that plugs you into the vast Internet around the world.  Your ISP will offer varying services for varying prices:  web page access, email, hosting your own web page, hosting your own blog, and so on.  ISP's will also offer various Internet connection speeds for a monthly fee. (e.g. ultra high speed Internet vs economy Internet).Today, you will also hear about WISP's, which are Wireless Internet Service Providers.  They cater to laptop users who travel regularly.

1.2.11. DownloadDownloading is a broad term that describes when you make a personal copy of something you find on the Internet or World Wide Web.  Commonly, downloading is associated with songs, music, and software files  (e.g. "I want to download a new musical ringtone for my cell phone", "I want to download a trial copy of Microsoft Office 2010").  The larger the file you are copying, the longer the download will take to transfer to your computer.  Some downloads will take 12 to 15 hours, depending on your Internet speed.Be warned: downloading itself is fully legal, as long as you are careful not to download pirated movies and music.


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1.2.12. MalwareMalware is the broad term to describe any malicious software designed by hackers. Malware includes: viruses, trojans, ratware, keyloggers, zombie programs, and any other software that seeks to do one of four things:1. vandalize your computer in some way2. steal your private information3. take remote control of your computer ('zombie' your computer)

for other ends4. manipulate you into purchasing something

1.2.13 Router (aka 'Network Router')A router, or in many cases, a router-modem combination, is the hardware device that acts as the traffic cop for network signals into your home. A router can be wired or wireless or both. Your router provides both a defense against hackers, and the redirection service of deciding which specific computer or printer should get which signals in your home. If your router or router-modem is configured correctly, your Internet speed will be fast, and hackers will be locked out.  If your router is poorly configured, you will experience network sluggishness and possible hacker intrusions.

1.2.14 Keywords and Tags/LabelsKeywords are search terms used to locate documents. Keywords are anywhere from one to five words long, separated by spaces or commas:  e.g. "horseback riding calgary" e.g. "ipad purchasing advice"  e.g. "ebay tips selling". Keywords are the foundation for cataloging the Web, and the primary means by which you and I will find anything on the Web.Tags (sometimes called 'labels') are recommendation keywords. Tags and labels focus on crosslinking you to related content... they are the modern evolution of 'suggestions for further reading'.

1.2.15 Texting/ChattingTexting is the short way to say 'text messaging', the sending of short electronic notes usually from a cell phone or handheld electronic device.  Texting is popular with people who are mobile and away from their desk computers.  Texting is something like the pagers of old, but has the file attachment ability of email. 

To send a text message, you will usually need a keyboard-enabled cellphone and a text message service through your cellphone


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provider.  You address your text messages using the recipient's phone number.

In 2010, texting has spawned a controversial habit called 'sexting', which is when young people send sexual photos of themselves to other cell phone users.

1.2.16 I.M;I.M. (usually spelled 'IM' without the periods) is instant messaging, a form of modern online chatting.  IM is somewhat like texting, somewhat like email, and very much like sending notes in a classroom. IM uses specialized no-cost software that you install on your computer.  That IM software in turn connects you to potentially thousands of other IM users through the Internet.  You locate existing friends and make new friends by searching for their IM nicknames.

Once the software and your friends list is in place, you can send instantaneous short messages to each other, with the option of including file attachments and links.  While the recipient sees your message instantly, they can choose to reply at their leisure.

1.2.17 P2PP2P file sharing ('peer-to-peer') is the most voluminous Internet activity today.  P2P is the cooperative trading of files amongst thousands of individual users. P2P participants install special software on their computers, and then voluntarily share their music, movies, eBooks, and software files with each other.

Through 'uploading' and 'downloading', users trade files that are anywhere from 1 megabyte to 5 gigabytes large. This activity, while in itself a fully legal pastime, is very controversial because thousands of copyrighted songs and movies trade hands through P2P.

1.2.18 E-commerceE-commerce is 'electronic commerce': the transacting of business selling and buying online.  Every day, billions of dollars exchange hands through the Internet and World Wide Web.  Sometimes, the e-commerce is your company buying office products from another company (business-to-business 'B2B' e-commerce).  Sometimes, the e-ecommerce is when you make a private purchase as a retail customer from an online vendor (business-to-consumer 'B2C' e-commerce).


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E-commerce works because reasonable privacy can be assured through technical means (e.g. https secure web pages), and because modern business values the Internet as a transaction medium.

1.2.19 BookmarkA bookmark (aka "favorite") is a marker that you can place on web pages and files.  You would bookmark something because:1. You want to return to the page or file later2. You want to recommend the page or file to someone elseBookmarks/Favorites can be made using your right mouse click menu, or the menus/toolbars at the top of your web browser.  Bookmarks/Favorites can also be made on your Mac or Windows computer files.

1.2.20 Social EngineeringSocial engineering is the conman art of talking directly to people to trick them into divulging passwords and their private information.  All social engineering attacks are some form of a masquerade or phishing attack, designed to convince you that the attacker is trustworthy as a friend or as a legitimate authority figure. The attacker might use an email, phone call, or even face-time interview to deceive you. Common social engineering attacks include greeting cards, bogus lottery winnings, stock investment scams, warnings from an alleged banker that you've been hacked, credit card companies pretending to protect you.

1.2.21 Phishing and Whaling'Phishing' is what modern-day con men do to defraud you of your personal accounts. Phishing is the use of convincing-looking emails and web pages to lure you into typing your account numbers and passwords/PINs. Often in the form of fake eBay web pages, fake PayPal warning messages, and fake bank login screens, phishing attacks can be very convincing to anyone who is not trained to watch for the subtle clues. As a rule, smart users distrust any email link that says "you should login and confirm this".

1.2.22 Add-ons and Plug-inAdd-ons are custom software modifications. Users optionally install add-ons to improve the power of their Web browsers or office software. Examples include: a custom eBay toolbar for your Firefox browser, a new search feature for your Outlook email. Most add-ons are free, and can be found and downloaded from the Web.Plug-in are a special kind of web browser add-on. Plug-in are essentially required add-ons, if you wish to view very specialized web


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pages.  Examples include: Adobe Flash or Shockwave player, Microsoft Silverlight player, Adobe Acrobat pdf reader.

1.2.23 TrojanA Trojan is a special kind of hacker program that relies on the user to welcome it and activate it.  Named after the famous Trojan horse tale, a trojan program masquerades as a legitimate file or software program.  Sometimes it will be an innocent-looking movie file, or an installer that pretends to be actual anti-hacker software. The power of the Trojan attack comes from users naively downloading and running the Trojan file.

1.2.24 Spamming and Filtering'Spam' has two meanings. 1) Spam can mean 'the rapid repetition of a keyboard command'. But more commonly, 2) spam is the jargon name of 'unwanted/unsolicited email'.  Spam email is usually comprised of two sub-categories: high-volume advertising, and hackers attempting to lure you into divulging your passwords.

Filtering is the popular-but-imperfect defense against spam.  Filtering uses software that reads your incoming email for keyword combinations, and then either deletes or quarantines messages that appear to be spam.  Look for a 'spam' or 'junk' folder in your mailbox to see your quarantine of filtered email.

1.2.25 Cloud Computing and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)Cloud computing is a fancy term to describe that your software is online and 'borrowed', instead of purchased and actually installed on your computer. Web-based email is the most prevalent example of cloud computing: the users' email is all stored and accessed 'in the cloud' of the Internet, and not actually on their own computers. This is the modern version of the 1970's mainframe computing model. As part of the cloud computing model, 'Software as a Service' is the business model that claims people would rather rent software than actually own it. With their web browsers, users access the cloud of the Internet, and log into their online rented copies of their SaaS software.

1.2.26 Apps and AppletsApps and applets are small software applications. They are designed to be much smaller than regular computer software, but still provide very useful functions. Lately, apps are very popular with cellphone and mobile platforms; specifically: with the Apple iPhone and the Google Android phone. 


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Examples of apps:  rangefinder GPS for golfing, song identification software, restaurant reviews, pocket video games, language translators for traveling.

1.2.27 Encryption and AuthenticationEncryption is the mathematical scrambling of data so that it is hidden from eavesdroppers.  Encryption uses complex math formulas ('ciphers') to turn private data into meaningless gobbledygook that only trusted readers can unscramble.  Encryption is the basis for how we use the public Internet as a pipeline to conduct trusted business, like online banking and online credit card purchasing.  On the provision that reliable encryption is in place, your banking information and credit card numbers are kept private.Authentication is directly related to encryption.  Authentication is the complex way that computer systems verify that you are who you say you are.

1.2.28 Ports and Port ForwardingNetwork ports' are thousands of tiny electronic 'lanes' that comprise your network connection. Every computer has 65,536 tiny ports, through which Internetworking data travels in and out.  By using port management tools like a hardware router, users can control port access to better safeguard themselves against hackers.

'Port forwarding' is the semi-complex technique of opening specific network ports.  You would port-forward to speed up your downloading and speed up your online connections for gaming and teleconferencing.

1.2.29 FirewallFirewall is a generic term to describe 'a barrier against destruction'.  It comes from the building term of a protective wall to prevent the spreading of housefires or engine compartment fires.  In the case of computing, 'firewall' means to have software and/or hardware protecting you from hackers and viruses.

Computing firewalls range from small antivirus software packages, to very complex and expensive software + hardware solutions. All the many kinds of computer firewalls offer some kind of safeguard against hackers vandalizing or taking over your computer system.

1.2.30 Archives and ArchivingA computer 'archive' is one of two things: a compressed container of multiple smaller data files, or a purposeful long-term storage of files that are not going to be used often.  In some cases, an archive can be both.


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The act of 'archiving', similarly, is one of two things: to combine and squeeze multiple files into a larger single file (for easier emailing); or, archiving is when you will retire data and documents to be put into long-term storage  (e.g. your thousands of old emails in your inbox).

1.3 PURPOSE OF INTERNETInner Reasons for the InternetWe can account for the outer reasons, purpose, and utility of the Internet, but what of the "inner" ones? Here are several: It allows people to focus on what is truly meaningful in life, as the

more mundane details can quickly be found there. It makes way for the spiritual life, as the mental knowledge is

always at hand. It enables every individual to fulfill his or her own individual

potential. It enables humanity to fulfill its potential. It transcends income and social status. It enables the individual to think for himself -- beyond the view of

the herd -- and thus become a True Individual. It allows self-education; reflecting our deepest, soul interests. It allows for Human Unity through its collaborative capacity. It reflects the fact that man is becoming more mental and

rational. That he is more open and amenable to the many side of an issue, which can be found there.

It enables instantaneousness, overcoming space and time. It opens up infinite possibilities for success, for new services,

possibilities in every field. It gives all access to the infinite in all planes -- beginning with

knowledge. It combines many past technical functions (phone, TV, library,

etc.) into one. It gives the profoundest of knowledge that will enable our more

rapid evolution. It is the great unifier, equalizer, and vehicle for transcendence.

1.4 TYPES OF INTERNET BROWSERHere are several internet browser used around the world today. The first internet browser used many years back was internet explorer, but due to its inability to access some website, also very slow internet users neglect the usage.

Few year later, Mozilla Firefox took the Internet Explorer place, remain one and widely used by the internet users. Likewise Google Chrome and Opera Mini are also topping the internet user interest.


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Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Safari

Opera Mini Netscape Camino SeaMonkey K-Meleon

Galeon Konqueror Maxthon Flock Lunascape

Amaya iCab Midori Uzbi KidZui RockMelt

Voyager Dillo Slim KidRocket Epic

GNU IceCat Comodo Arora Crazy Iron

ShenzBrowser Swiftweasel Enigma Kazehakase Shiira


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Avant Orca xB Browser Sleipnir Space Time

Browser 3D Bitty Browser Rekonq Lobo Java

Elinks Test WWW Epiphany Grail Browser Fluid Browser

Ibrowser The World Browser Classilla TT Browser Pink Browser

NetSurf Nuke Acoo Timeberwolf Pale Moon

WebPositive SlimBoat Dooble MenuBox Chromium Google


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Ultrabrowser ZAC Browser Kylo Swiftfox GreenBrowser


Wyzo Media Xombrero Comfort QupZilla CometBird

QtWeb Deepnet Explorer Stainless Xtravo



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2.1. WHAT IS AN INTERNET EMAILInternet Email can be described as an electronic mail, or e-mail, that stores messages in an inbox. Technicians sometimes describe it as an electronic equivalent to a regular mailbox.

How Email Mailboxes WorkEmail addresses contain the secrets on how email mailboxes work. They usually look something like this: [email protected]. Everything before the @ is the name of the mailbox. You name the mailbox when you set up your email address. Everything after the @ refers to your email service provider. Your email service provider has a server on which they store data. This server is like a post office. Messages travel to this server over the Internet in the form of electronic data. The messages use the name of your service provider in the email address to locate the specific post office, or server, you use. The company server stores all the email messages you get from other people. Inside this "post office" are lots of separate post boxes, or inboxes. All of your messages are stored in the specific box that has only your name on it. When you go to your inbox on your computer, you ask the server to show you everything that they've stored for you.

Mailboxes and AliasesAn alias is another email address. It forwards everything in your original email inbox to another inbox. This is useful if you've created multiple email addresses but only want to log into one account to see all of your messages.

BenefitsAlthough some providers charge for their email services because of all the bells and whistles they include, many providers don't charge you anything. It is environmentally friendly, since you don't need to use paper. It is much faster than traditional mail and accessible from more locations than regular mail. Lastly, email makes it very easy to conduct business online, since companies can use your email address to confirm orders and transactions.

ConcernsCrooks and businesspeople sometimes send out spam, or junk email messages, which clutter your electronic mailbox. Some of these spam messages trick you into giving out personal data, such as bank account information, which puts you at risk for fraud and identity theft. Additionally, people who are particularly tech savvy may be


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able to take advantage of technological loopholes in order to access your messages if the server and your Internet connection aren't protected properly.

2.2. HOW TO CREATE EMAIL FOR PERSONAL USEThere’re several site you can open email with, but the most popular and recognize that can keep your email account activate are listed here as follow, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc. Website Logo 2.2.1

Although, there’re other sites who also deals with mailing, like social network sites, such Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ImagineNations Network etc.

Website Logo 2.2.2

But, the above websites mailing facilities varies with Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail mailing account.

The differences between yahoo and facebook:Yahoo can receive message from different network, such Gmail or hotmail, Facebook and many others. Besides, most messages that can be received from facebook are mostly notification of what is happening on the social networking sites.

While, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and ImagineNations Network receive messages within the network only, such friends, colleagues and family. The messages are received with the people you connected with on the same network. No outside message can


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be receive to the inbox to the listed website above, except website link of another website.

Yahoo Signup Page Diagram 2.2


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TOPIC THREE3.1 WHAT IS INTERNET CHAT?This can be described as the internet electronic chatting where one can communicate by exchanging text and picture with another person who is also on the chat room on another computer; usually on the same internet network, for example Yahoo messenger; MSN, Facebook and many more. Below are the lists of popular internet chatting sites:

However, a chat room gives an option to the users to post as many messages as they want they cannot have an interaction. You can apply on a chat room of your choice once the selection is the user selects the id or a user name and a password for security reasons.

3.2 HOW TO LOG-IN TO CHATSince you an existing yahoo email account, just type your ID and Password name i.e. Yahoo ID: seunsmithinnovation and Password: networks


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TOPIC FOUR4.1 UPLOADING AND DOWNLOADING"Uploading" and "downloading" are terms used to refer to types of electronic data transfers. The difference between them is the direction in which the files are being transferred. Files are considered to be uploaded when they are transferred from a computer or other electronic device to a central server, and downloading is when the files are transferred from a server to a smaller peripheral unit, such as a computer, Smartphone or other device. These two different types of transfers are often done via the Internet, such as when a file is downloaded from a website. The transfer of data from one system or device to a similar system or device, such as from a desktop computer to a laptop, usually is not considered uploading or downloading.

4.2 WHAT IS UPLOADING?Uploading is the transmission of a file from one computer system to another, usually larger computer system. From a network user's point-of-view, to upload a file is to send it to another computer that is set up to receive it. The most common type of uploading is when a user uploads a digital file to an Internet site. For example, a user might upload vacation photos to a social networking website or a home video to a video sharing site. The uploaded files are then stored on the website's servers and can be seen by anyone who has Internet access and, if necessary, the right software for viewing it.

4.2.1 UPLOADING ON A WEBSITEOther websites allow users to upload digital files for storage. This can allow users to store more files or larger files than would be possible to store on their own computer or device because of its limited storage capacity. Uploading files to storage websites also allows other users or other devices to have access to them. Permission to access the files can be granted to only certain people, or the files could be made public for anyone to access.

4.2.2 UPLOADING ON LOCAL NETWORK SERVERAnother type of uploading also takes place within a closed computer system, such as one within a single office building or one that connects a group of businesses. These types of systems typically have servers to store information that needs to be shared among multiple computers or devices. Digital files can be uploaded from any computer or device that is connected to the system, and then it can be downloaded or accessed by any other user in the system.


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4.3 WHAT IS DOWNLOADING?This is described as the electronic files or information which are transferred from a central system (server or internet) to a computer or device that is connected to that system, it is considered downloading. Files can be downloaded temporarily and then deleted after they have been used once, or they can be downloaded on a more permanent basis and used for a long period of time. For example, a funny video file might be downloaded from the Internet and soon deleted after it has been watched, but a helpful application might be downloaded and used for months or years.

Downloaded files are sometimes automatically stored in a particular location on the computer or device, and they are automatically accessed from that location when needed. An example of this is an application that is downloaded to a Smartphone — the user typically cannot control where the app is stored on the phone, it is simply stored where the phone stores all of its apps. In other cases, the user can choose where the downloaded files will be stored. For example, a laptop user might download a music file to a specific folder for music or another type of file to the computer's desktop, where it can be found quickly.


4.4 TYPES OF DOWNLOADING FORMAT Portable Document Format files (.pdf) Microsoft Word files (.doc) WordPerfect files (.wpf) Executable files (.exe) Zip files (.zip) Microsoft Access files (.mdb)


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Microsoft Excel files (.xls)

4.4.1 Portable Document Format files (.pdf)Portable document format was designed to preserve a document's page layout, regardless of the computer platform being used. To view or download these files you need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe site. Note that unless you acquire special software, pdf documents cannot be modified even if you download them.

4.4.2 Microsoft Word files (.doc)We recommend downloading MS Word files and opening them using MS Word. Word files can also be viewed using special viewers such as Quick View Plus, but page layout and paragraph numbering may differ from the original document.

4.4.3 WordPerfect files (.wpf)Some older files on the WTO website are available in WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 format. Note that most of these are also available in pdf format. We recommend downloading  WordPerfect files and opening them using MS Word. WordPerfect files can also be viewed using special viewers such as Quick View Plus, but page layout and paragraph numbering may differ from the original document.

4.4.4 Executable files (.exe)Executable or .exe files perform an action when run locally on your computer once they have been downloaded and saved on your hard disk. For example, an .exe file might decompress itself to produce a number of documents, or it might install software when you run it by double-clicking. We recommend that you move each downloaded .exe file into its own folder before running it. Note that .exe files from the WTO site will run only on MS Windows-based machines.

4.4.5 Zip files (.zip)Zip is a compression format used to reduce downloading times. “Zipped” files can be decompressed using software freely available from

4.4.6 Microsoft Access files (.mdb)Microsoft Access is a database format which will allow you to sort and modify data. You need a full version of MS Access software to open files in this format. In some cases (e.g. schedules of concessions and commitments on goods) data is provided in this format on the WTO website. 


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4.4.7 Microsoft Excel files (.xls)Microsoft Excel is spreadsheet software, designed to manipulate and view numerical data such as statistics. We recommend downloading MS Excel files and opening them using MS Excel or other spreadsheet software. Excel files can also be viewed in your browser window using a special viewer such as QuickView, but page layout may differ from the original document.





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6.2 WHAT IS A BLOG?"Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other Web sites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.

Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like personal journals, presenting the author's daily life and thoughts. Generally speaking (although there are exceptions), blogs tend to have a few things in common:

6.3 TYPES OF BLOG1. WordPress: ( this one is number one for

one main reason, it does not have ads on your blog. You can set up your layout, color scheme, theme and everything just the way you want it. Not only can you install WordPress on your own sites, you can use the same software on their site and save yourself all of the technical work. You do not have

to install anything, but you can if you choose to.

2. Blogger/BlogSpot ( This one is one of most commonly used blogs, linking to others is quite easy and updating it is very user-friendly. You also have the


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option of deleting comments, which is nice for those who don’t want people advertising on their blogs.

3. LiveJournal ( Not only is this a great blog, but it a great tool for writers. There are hundreds of groups set up designed to let you join a writing challenge. For anyone who is looking to have their skills as a

writer tested, this is the place for you. Customizable theme, avatars, layouts and a few more things you can get if you want to pay for them, but I did that a few years back, not really worth the money.

4. Vox ( A personal blogging service where people share thoughts, photos, videos with friends and family.

5. BlogSome ( ): BlogSome is the fastest growing blog host in the world (in percentage terms) Was voted Forbes Best of The Web pick. Based out of Ireland, this site uses the WordPress MU platform, large choice of themes.

6. Xanga (   This is more community-centric blogging, including Friends lists.

7.  MySpace ( This is more community-centric blogging, but you get all sorts of layout and backgrounds to play with. There are so many websites dedicated to making backgrounds and goodies for MySpace it is not funny.

8. Facebook : ( On Facebook, you can have “Notes” which are viewed by your friends. If you want only friends and family to see this, you have the option on Facebook.

9. Insane Journal ( – Another site based on the same software that runs LiveJournal, offers free and paid accounts, paid benefits are only enhancements.


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10. Journal Fen ( – Runs on the same platform as LiveJournal platform, very much directed towards various topics and is meant for users 18 and older.

11. BlogABond ( – A site dedicated to travel blogs with map integration and more.

12. Blog Cheese ( – A video blogging website. Nothing to do with cheese.

13. Busy Thumbs ( A blog site specifically for your text messages and camera phone images.

14. FreeVlog (Freevlog) – Designed for video blogging and completely free.

15. Trippert ( – Create and share blogs of your travels.

16. Word Count Journal ( – A new blogging format that is also part challenge. Write one word on the first day, two words on the second day and so on, at the end of the year you’ll have written 66,795 words. I have five novels going on here and one more book on religion. This makes writing fun, it also counts your words for you so you don’t write too many.

17. Blogetery ( – Offers multiple templates, anti-spam, free sub-domain and more. You can also get paid to write there, your profit there is 90%, which is higher than most paid to write blogs. I am a member here and highly recommend it.

18. EduBlogs ( – WordPress powered blogging for educators and students alike.

19. Blog ( – Offers free blog hosting with unlimited bandwidth for their free package, more benefits for paid members.

20. Blogr ( – Allows you to blog, host photos & videos, and podcasts.

21. Blogster ( – Offers free image hosting in addition to free blogs.

22. Bravenet ( – Free blog hosting with RSS feeds and more.

23. ClearBlogs ( – Free blog hosting and offers templates, friends only posts, IP-Banning and more.

24. Multiply ( – Mixes blogging and social networking, with photo galleries and more. There are rumors that this one is about to close, but I have no way of knowing if it is true or not. There is nothing on the website about it closing though.

25. Netcipia ( – Free blog and wiki for private or public display with 2GB of storage. This one offers revenue as well, check it out for more information.

26. Open Diary (Open – Offers unlimited storage and posts, low cost subscription rates for advanced features.


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27. ShoutPost ( – A platform for creating blogs with a focus on generating traffic. Ad-free!

28. Soul Cast ( – Have something you want to talk about, but want to say it anonymously? This may be the blogging site for you. You can also get paid to right here and there are no restrictions on what you say and how you say it.

29. Tumblr ( – A blog platform with a focus on allowing media-rich posts.

30. Weebly ( – Allows you to create a site and blog, free hosting and change designs on the fly.

31. ZoomShare ( – Free blog hosting with 250MB of free storage.

6.4 THINGS BLOGGERS NEED TO KNOW In addition to understanding how your specific blogging software works, such as WordPress, there are some terms and concepts you need to know.

6.4.1 ArchivesA blog is also a good way to keep track of articles on a site. A lot of blogs feature an archive based on dates (like a monthly or yearly archive). The front page of a blog may feature a calendar of dates linked to daily archives. Archives can also be based on categories featuring all the articles related to a specific category. It does not stop there; you can also archive your posts by author or alphabetically. The possibilities are endless. This ability to organize and present articles in a composed fashion is much of what makes blogging a popular personal publishing tool.

6.4.2 Feeds A Feed is a function of special software that allows "Feedreaders" to access a site automatically looking for new content and then post updates about that new content to another site. This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites. Some Feeds include RSS (alternately defined as "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication"), Atom or RDF files. Dave Shea, author of the web design weblog Mezzoblue has written a comprehensive summary of feeds.

6.4.3 BlogrollsA blogroll is a list, sometimes categorized, of links to webpages the author of a blog finds worthwhile or interesting. The links in a blogroll are usually to other blogs with similar interests. The blogroll is often


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in a "sidebar" on the page or featured as a dedicated separate web page. WordPress has a built-in Link Manager so users do not have to depend on a third party for creating and managing their blogroll.

6.4.4 SyndicationA feed is a machine readable (usually XML) content publication that is updated regularly. Many weblogs publish a feed (usually RSS, but also possibly Atom and RDF and so on, as described above). There are tools out there that call themselves "feedreaders". What they do is they keep checking specified blogs to see if they have been updated, and when the blogs are updated, they display the new post, and a link to it, with an excerpt (or the whole contents) of the post. Each feed contains items that are published over time. When checking a feed, the feedreader is actually looking for new items.

New items are automatically discovered and downloaded for you to read, so you don't have to visit all the blogs you are interested in. All you have to do with these feedreaders is to add the link to the RSS feed of all the blogs you are interested in. The feedreader will then inform you when any of the blogs have new posts in them. Most blogs have these "Syndication" feeds available for the readers to use.

6.4.5 Managing CommentsOne of the most exciting features of blogging tools are the comments. This highly interactive feature allows users to comment upon article posts, link to your posts, and comment on and recommend them. These are known as trackbacks and pingbacks. We'll also discuss how to moderate and manage comments and how to deal with the annoying trend in "comment spam", when unwanted comments are posted to your blog.



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TOPIC SEVENInternet Basic PC Keyboard Shortcut Keys


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