internet history ©richard l. goldman july 2, 2002

Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

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Page 1: Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

Internet History

©Richard L. Goldman

July 2, 2002

Page 2: Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

ARPA• Advanced Research Project Agency

• Also know as DARPA

(Defense Advanced Research Project Agency)

• 1958 U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) formed ARPA in response to Soviet launch of Sputnik and the fear of Soviet domination of space.

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ARPANET• Advanced Research Project Agency Network

• Developed to:• Exchange data between research and government agencies

• Withstand catastrophic damage (hurricanes, nuclear strike, etc.)

• Interconnect different types of networks

• First nodes:1. Aug 1969 – University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

2. Oct 1969 – Stanford Research Institute (SRI)

3. Nov 1969 – University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB)

4. Dec 1969 – University of Utah


#2 SRI


#4 Utah

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• Network Control Protocol

• 1970 – Completed the first Host-to-Host protocol used by ARPANET (called NCP)

• NCP was based on the new and powerful concept of packet switching.

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• 1971 – First e-mail application was written by Ray Tomlinson at BBN Technologies

• 1972 – Tomlinson upgraded and released user-friendly e-mail application

• 1973 – E-mail accounts for 75% of ARPANET traffic

• BBN – Bolt, Beranek and Newman; the last names of the three founders of BBN Technologies

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• Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

• 1973 Developed to replace NCP

• 1978 Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) released

• 1983 TCP/IP Implemented as ARPANET standard

• TCP/IP architecture was first proposed by Bob Kahn at BBN and further developed by Kahn and Vinton Cerf and others at Stanford– Vinton Cerf was involved in much of the development of the

Internet and has been called “The father of the Internet”

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UNIX version 4.2BSD

• UNIX is a derivation of UNICS – UNIplexed Information and Computing System – (UNICS is a pun on its predecessor MULTICS - Multiplexed

Information and Computing System – Unix was not originally envisioned to be a multi-tasking operating system)

• 1983 – The Berkley Software Distribution version of UNIX was released (UNIX 4.2BSD)

• 4.2BSD incorporated support for TCP/IP

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• Domain Name System

• A global directory structure to resolve IP addresses to domain names

• 1985 – DNS started

• Six large domains were named:

– edu (education)

– gov (government)

– mil (military)

– com (commercial)

– org (organization)

– net (network resources).

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• National Science Foundation Network

• 1986 – National Science Foundation created high speed Internet backbone (56Kbps)

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• 1990 – ARPANET name is dropped and replaced with Internet.

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• World Wide Web

• 1991 – WWW Released by CERN

CERN (Conseil Europeen pour le Recherche Nucleaire) is an international research institute in Geneva, Switzerland

• Tim Berners-Lee developer

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• Internet Network Information Center

• 1993 – InterNIC was created to provide Internet domain name registration services

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• 1993 – First web browser• Allowed GUI browsing of the Internet• Freeware

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• Internet Society

• 1992 – Founded as the umbrella Internet organization.

• 1995 – Took over control from U.S. Government

• Non-governmental organization, made up of more than 100 organizations and thousands of individuals

• Its international mission to foster global cooperation and coordination on Internet technologies

• It serves as a global clearinghouse for Internet related information

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• Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

• 1998 – Assumed management of domain names and addresses, DNS, and protocols

• Includes three supporting organizations:

ASO – Address Support Organization

DNSO – Domain Name Support Organization

PSO – Protocol Support Organization

• The actual registration is of domain names is performed separate organizations (Registrars)

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IP (IPv6)

• 2000 – Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) deployed on Internet backbone

• Improvement include:– Increases the number if IP addresses

– Improved routing capabilities

– Network autoconfiguration

• Designed to coexist with IPv4

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Internet History ReviewDate Event Significance

1958 ARPA formed Response to Soviet launch of Sputnik

1969 ARPANET created First internetwork

1970 NCP completed First host-to-host protocol

1972 E-mail app released Allowed e-mail on ARPANET

1978 IPv4 released Allowed all host to use common protocol

1983 TCP/IP as standard Required all host to use common protocol

1983 UNIX 4.2BSD released Added TCP/IP to UNIX

1984 DNS introduced Allowed name to address resolution

1986 NSFNET backbone Established high speed backbone

1990 ARPANET to Internet Name change

1991 WWW Released Allowed the use of hyperlinks

1993 InterNIC created Manages domain names

1993 Mosaic released First GUI based browser

1995 ISOC took control Privatization of Internet

1998 ICANN created Manages domains names, addresses, & DNS

2000 IPv6 on backbone Autoconfiguration & more addresses

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Common Internet History TermsARPAARPANETDoDSRIUCSBNCPTCPIPHTTPDNSISOCICANNInterNICMosaicRay TomlinsonBob KahnVinton CerfTim Berners-Lee

Advanced Research Project AgencyAdvanced Research Project Agency NetworkDepartment of DefenseStanford Research InstituteUniversity of California Santa BarbaraNetwork Control ProtocolTransmission Control ProtocolInternet ProtocolHypertext Transport ProtocolDomain Name SystemInternet SocietyInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and NumbersInternet Network Information CenterFirst browserE-mailTCP/IP“Father of the Internet”World Wide Web

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Internet History Quiz - DatesDate Event Significance

ARPA formed Response to Soviet launch of Sputnik

ARPANET created First internetwork

NCP completed First host-to-host protocol

E-mail app released Allowed e-mail on ARPANET

IPv4 released Allowed all host to use common protocol

TCP/IP as standard Required all host to use common protocol

UNIX 4.2BSD released Added TCP/IP to UNIX

DNS introduced Allowed name to address resolution

NSFNET backbone Established high speed backbone

ARPANET to Internet Name change

WWW Released Allowed the use of hyperlinks

InterNIC created Manages domain names

Mosaic released First GUI based browser

ISOC took control Privatization of Internet

ICANN created Manages domains names, addresses, & DNS

IPv6 on backbone Autoconfiguration & more addresses

Page 20: Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

Internet History Quiz – Dates AnswersDate Event Significance

1958 ARPA formed Response to Soviet launch of Sputnik

1969 ARPANET created First internetwork

1970 NCP completed First host-to-host protocol

1972 E-mail app released Allowed e-mail on ARPANET

1978 IPv4 released Allowed all host to use common protocol

1983 TCP/IP as standard Required all host to use common protocol

1983 UNIX 4.2BSD released Added TCP/IP to UNIX

1984 DNS introduced Allowed name to address resolution

1986 NSFNET backbone Established high speed backbone

1990 ARPANET to Internet Name change

1991 WWW Released Allowed the use of hyperlinks

1993 InterNIC created Manages domain names

1993 Mosaic released First GUI based browser

1995 ISOC took control Privatization of Internet

1998 ICANN created Manages domains names, addresses, & DNS

2000 IPv6 on backbone Autoconfiguration & more addresses

Page 21: Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

Internet History Quiz - EventsDate Event Significance

1958 Response to Soviet launch of Sputnik

1969 First internetwork

1970 First host-to-host protocol

1972 Allowed e-mail on ARPANET

1978 Allowed all host to use common protocol

1983 Required all host to use common protocol

1983 Added TCP/IP to UNIX

1984 Allowed name to address resolution

1986 Established high speed backbone

1990 Name change

1991 Allowed the use of hyperlinks

1993 Manages domain names

1993 First GUI based browser

1995 Privatization of Internet

1998 Manages domains names, addresses, & DNS

2000 Autoconfiguration & more addresses

Page 22: Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

Internet History Quiz – Events AnswersDate Event Significance

1958 ARPA formed Response to Soviet launch of Sputnik

1969 ARPANET created First internetwork

1970 NCP completed First host-to-host protocol

1972 E-mail app released Allowed e-mail on ARPANET

1978 IPv4 released Allowed all host to use common protocol

1983 TCP/IP as standard Required all host to use common protocol

1983 UNIX 4.2BSD released Added TCP/IP to UNIX

1984 DNS introduced Allowed name to address resolution

1986 NSFNET backbone Established high speed backbone

1990 ARPANET to Internet Name change

1991 WWW Released Allowed the use of hyperlinks

1993 InterNIC created Manages domain names

1993 Mosaic released First GUI based browser

1995 ISOC took control Privatization of Internet

1998 ICANN created Manages domains names, addresses, & DNS

2000 IPv6 on backbone Autoconfiguration & more addresses

Page 23: Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

Internet History Quiz - SignificanceDate Event Significance

1958 ARPA formed

1969 ARPANET created

1970 NCP completed

1972 E-mail app released

1978 IPv4 released

1983 TCP/IP as standard

1983 UNIX 4.2BSD released

1984 DNS introduced

1986 NSFNET backbone

1990 ARPANET to Internet

1991 WWW Released

1993 InterNIC created

1993 Mosaic released

1995 ISOC took control

1998 ICANN created

2000 IPv6 on backbone

Page 24: Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

Internet History Quiz – Significance AnswersDate Event Significance

1958 ARPA formed Response to Soviet launch of Sputnik

1969 ARPANET created First internetwork

1970 NCP completed First host-to-host protocol

1972 E-mail app released Allowed e-mail on ARPANET

1978 IPv4 released Allowed all host to use common protocol

1983 TCP/IP as standard Required all host to use common protocol

1983 UNIX 4.2BSD released Added TCP/IP to UNIX

1984 DNS introduced Allowed name to address resolution

1986 NSFNET backbone Established high speed backbone

1990 ARPANET to Internet Name change

1991 WWW Released Allowed the use of hyperlinks

1993 InterNIC created Manages domain names

1993 Mosaic released First GUI based browser

1995 ISOC took control Privatization of Internet

1998 ICANN created Manages domains names, addresses, & DNS

2000 IPv6 on backbone Autoconfiguration & more addresses

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Internet History Quiz – Events & SignificanceDate Event Significance

















Page 26: Internet History ©Richard L. Goldman July 2, 2002

Internet History Quiz – Events & Significance AnswersDate Event Significance

1958 ARPA formed Response to Soviet launch of Sputnik

1969 ARPANET created First internetwork

1970 NCP completed First host-to-host protocol

1972 E-mail app released Allowed e-mail on ARPANET

1978 IPv4 released Allowed all host to use common protocol

1983 TCP/IP as standard Required all host to use common protocol

1983 UNIX 4.2BSD released Added TCP/IP to UNIX

1984 DNS introduced Allowed name to address resolution

1986 NSFNET backbone Established high speed backbone

1990 ARPANET to Internet Name change

1991 WWW Released Allowed the use of hyperlinks

1993 InterNIC created Manages domain names

1993 Mosaic released First GUI based browser

1995 ISOC took control Privatization of Internet

1998 ICANN created Manages domains names, addresses, & DNS

2000 IPv6 on backbone Autoconfiguration & more addresses