internal domain-specific languages in c#

Internal Domain- specific Languages in C# By Chad Myers

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Internal Domain-specific Languages in C#. By Chad Myers Introduction. Housekeeping Stuff Meet the Presenter ALT.NET Quick Primer on Advanced C# 3.0. Lambda Functions Inline and Multiline Block Closures Type, List, and Dictionary Initializers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Internal Domain-specific Languages in

C#By Chad

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Housekeeping Stuff Meet the Presenter ALT.NET


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Lambda Functions◦ Inline and Multiline ◦ Block

Closures Type, List, and Dictionary Initializers Type Inferrence Basics of Expression Trees Static Reflection

Quick Primer on Advanced C# 3.0

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What? – “Language within a Language” for targeted, specific purpose

Why? – To enhance the usability of an API designed and highly targeted for a specific purpose

Who? – Martin Fowler, Jeremy Miller, Ayende Rahien, Jay Fields

When? – In .NET, primarily since C# 3.0 (mini-DSLs in .NET have existed since 1.1)

How? – Attend this Workshop! Read Fowler, Miller, Rahien, Fields

Internal DSL Introduction

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Bending an existing language and compiler Unconventional – but still disciplined – use of

language techniques (Language Oriented Programming)

Focus on Flow, Comprehension and Accelerated Use of Finished Product

Should Be (Outwardly…):◦ Expressive◦ Efficient/Productive◦ Conventional (in the context of the domain)◦ Discoverable, Flowing

Internal DSL Concepts

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Small DSLs◦ Problem/Purpose Identification◦ Pattern Application◦ Refactoring

Large DSLs◦ Problem/Purpose Identification◦ Major component Identification and Minimal

Design◦ Pattern Application◦ Refactoring

Internal DSL Strategies

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End Result◦ Generative◦ Non-Generative

Internal Structure◦ Semantic Model (Internal & External)◦ No Model

Internal DSL Form and Type

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Before we get into the meat, any questions?

Questions Here

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Building Block Concepts◦ Context Variables and State Management◦ Generic Type Specifiers

Building Block Patterns◦ Method Chaining◦ Nested Function◦ Nested Closure◦ Literal Type/Collection Expression (Initializers)◦ Dynamic Reception (Extension Methods)◦ Parse Tree Manipulation (Expression Trees)

Internal DSL Patterns

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Structural Patterns◦ Expression Builder◦ Object Scoping◦ Delegation (Nested Closures Revisited)◦ Convention

Internal DSL Patterns

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Start with Host Object Return Host Object from Each Call Modifies State or Performs an Action Purpose:

◦ Assembly/Population of an Object or Objects◦ Allows for in-line or multi-line statements◦ Provides clear path for consumers

Examples:◦ System.DateTime◦ System.String

Method Chaining Pattern

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Small, Focused, Deterministic Encapsulates Frequent Tasks Helps Keep Flow Helps Enhance Language Examples:

◦ DateTime.Parse(), *.Parse()◦ TimeSpan.FromMinutes

Nested Function Pattern

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Delegation Scoping Physical Separation of Tasks Deterministic Resolution of Task Solves “Rathole” Problem Examples:

◦ Registry.Scan (StructureMap)◦ PersistenceModel.ForEach (Fluent Nhibernate)

Nested Closure Pattern

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Type/Collection/Dictionary Initializers Can Replace Method Chaining in Many

Circumstances Can be More Expressive, in Less Spaces Examples:

◦ MsSqlConifgurationTester (Fluent Nhibernate)

Literal Type Expression Pattern

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In C# 3.0, this means Extension Methods In C# 4.0, much, much more Attaching Different Behavior to Existing API Extensibility Point for Existing DSLs Allows for Different Grammars for Same API Examples:

◦ XmlExtensions (Fluent Nhibernate)◦ Specification Extensions (Fluent Nhibernate)

Dynamic Reception Pattern

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In C#, this means Expression Trees Useful for Static Reflection Can Compose Expressions Examples:

◦ ClassMap<T> (Fluent Nhibernate)◦ EntityQuery stuff (Fluent Nhibernate)

Parse Tree Manipulation Pattern

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Any questions on building block patterns?


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State Management Progressive Interfaces The “Rathole” Problem Examples:

◦ CascadeExpression (Fluent Nhibernate)◦ ManyToManyPart (Fluent Nhibernate)◦ ActionLinkExpression (Dovetail)◦ ExpressionBase (Dovetail)

Expression Builder Pattern

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Can be used directly, or serves as base class

Contains starter methods Launching point for other patterns Examples:

◦ Registry (StructureMap)◦ PersistenceModel (Fluent Nhibernate)

Object Scoping Pattern

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Can also be structural Examples:

◦ ObjectFactory.Initialize (StructureMap)

Delegation (Nested Closures)

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Discovery of types Identification of interesting types Application Examples:

◦ ITypeScanner (StructureMap)◦ AutoPersistenceModel (Fluent Nhibernate)


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Any questions on structural patterns?


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Build a model-based generative Internal DSL for writing a fairy tale story

End result: Print the story to the debug window

Demonstrate as many patterns as possible in one DSL

In Practice: Fairy Tale Builder

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FairyTale object Story Parts (Intro, focus, plot, ending) Rendering

Fairy Tale Model

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Delegation -- Nested Closure Expression Builder in closure Method Chaining with Generic Type

Specifiers Literal Type Expressions Parse Tree Manipulation Dynamic Reception

Fairy Tale Builder

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Any questions on Fairy Tale Builder?


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Chad [email protected]

Martin Fowler’s DSL WIP
