intermediate solutions

Intermediate solutions

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Post on 06-Feb-2016




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Intermediate solutions. Connector. Think of a question you are going to ask someone about large scale water projects. By the end of the lesson: All pupils will be able to describe the work o f wateraid All pupils will be understand the different Projects that exist - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 2: Intermediate solutions


Think of a question you are going to ask someone about large scale water projects.

Page 3: Intermediate solutions

By the end of the lesson:All pupils will be able to describe the workof wateraidAll pupils will be understand the different Projects that existAll pupils will be able to explain a how an Intermediate project is sustainable.

Page 4: Intermediate solutions


Complete exam questionUsing examples , explain how water use could

be made more sustainable (4)

Page 5: Intermediate solutions

The vision

VisionWaterAid's vision is of a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation.

MissionWaterAid transforms lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities. We work with partners and influence decision-makers to maximise our impact.

Page 7: Intermediate solutions

Video 2

Watch the videoTake notes on the problems faced by people

in LEDC countries, what are they doing to help improve water access and why is it sustainable?

Page 8: Intermediate solutions


884 million people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is roughly one in eight of the world's population. (WHO/UNICEF)

2.6 billion people in the world do not have access to adequate sanitation, this is almost two fifths of the world's population. (WHO/UNICEF)

1.4 million children die every year from diarrhoea caused by unclean water and poor sanitation - 4,000 child deaths a day or one child every 20 seconds. This equates to 160 infant school classrooms lost every single day to an entirely preventable public health crisis. (WHO/WaterAid)

Page 9: Intermediate solutions

What has water-aid done?

Since 1981, we have reached 15.89 million people with safe water 

Since 2004, we have reached 11.02 million people with sanitation

In 2010/11 we reached 1.45 million people with safe water and 1.62 million people with sanitation.

Just £15 can enable one person to access a lasting supply of safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation. (WaterAid)

Page 10: Intermediate solutions

Before projects are completed

WaterAid makes use of a wide range of water supply technologies. Choices are made based on:

The needs of the communityAvailable water sourcesLocal financial conditionsLocal geographical conditionsLocal availability of materials for constructionLocal availability of labour for constructionLocal availability of spare parts

Page 11: Intermediate solutions

These are just a few sustainable ways of providing clean water:

Tube-wells and boreholesHand-dug wellsHand-pumpsSpring protectionGravity schemes

Page 12: Intermediate solutions

What is intermediate technology?

Using the ‘water aid’ sheet provided and you’re the text book; annotate how this intermediate technology works.

Underneath explain why is sustainable?

Page 13: Intermediate solutions

Rainwater harvesting

Page 14: Intermediate solutions


Which is the most sustainable method; Large scale (Dams) or small scale (Rainwater harvesting)?

Stand at the front of the room if you think Large scale

Stand at back of room if you think small scale